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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Mar 1963, p. 10

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10 Tsei.dm ±tgaEwav1e m ~ ~ 1Garden b.v Hank Kobes Rundleu (lGarden Centre WHY DO WL PRVNE ? Column 1I veuit lb:s xx e îuall\- do sornej iruus'ng excu:: ear. By se- mnovig sonie of lise older: hranches îonsplelely. xse en-* conim-age lthe 'humiii proitit- Long Sault Kitchen Band Makes a Big Hit at Case Show Trees and shruhs. V.flt-f l 1 g lnew 'Shoot S from lhe tra.asplanted, ilsualiv need to hnîtom. Ail the dead and be pruried back a bit, especcaliy diseased branches are remnov-, wheri they grow fast in lhe ed. nursery. It xii help the plant Sottie shrubs jiroduce more in getting established again and hetter flowers on young after transplanting as well a x o.FlowerNýc-g Almond. Red, i gr#fing it a better shape. Sprea and Quinte. EetAbIishedi shade treces need fi, the second place we prunýng during the tiret years prune to limîit s ize. J nst shear- tro develop a xell-branclhed in, docs not give von a gondi trep with strong crotches, 10 o oýkîng shruLb. To 'prune an 8', inrpase the beaut 'y and use- lu shrub back to .5% for. fullness. and tu prolong life.,instance. (-ut about hiait of the . Y .. Proper early prinnîng is VM c nce bckb5'ad h ?nuch worth whx]e. B.Y Ihin-,rest tri 3 or 4 feet. Preveitý ning nt and spacirîg of the the shrub froro getting too, main branches and by cnttn thick at Ille top to create al the undesirable one's out von tiatural shape. ~. cati help in developing a better Wîealtesadsîns strctueprune \vell in the dorm1ant. Oldier trers rnav need pruîn-,stage, Somte Should he prunedî Ing to keep thern froro grow- right after thev bloorn in the' Jng ton> large and becomîing spr-ing, Eg. Forsythia, F]ower- dangerous, alsci costJY to re- ng Anond, etc. Mnore. There are txxo aini Fruit Trees: Nc'ed to I&~ Using a vwash tub for a drum, a SCI1ub board, pot lidis, ù1d absent due lr the fin epidemic include, Mrs. Pat Gibson, Mrs, Ethe rk-ason.s for pruning shrubs. Oruoed 10 î'emrnve sucker tiast(i's and comlbs for other instruments, several housewives and Goble, MVis. Ethel Johnston, Mrs. IVaîr' Penwardien, Mis. Ellen Park }'irst: An older shrulb tends tOjîiranches and crossînig and; ladies Pa get wody, bre athie httnm,îuî:bng brachi:eskep feom that gîcat metropolis 1<) the ilorth, Long Sautl, inson, 1\'rs. Peggy Milison, Mrs. Hazel Partner, .Mrs. Doreen Caîr1,, ton thick or discased. Topr70rc open and froni growingcoflbitied their vocal and (ther muLsical talents about three years Mrs. (;reta Mclaggan, Mrs. Gwen î Murphy, Mrs. Jacobine Vancyk Ioo tail. jago and came up %vitl a "kitchen band". TheY have toured mnost and Miss Grace Smnith, xith i\'rs. .;ane Woodle 'V as Directoî, and *Currants and Gooscberries 'of Durhamn and, on Friday evening, appeared as a feature of the Mrs. Kathleen Davey at the pianio. As will be noted, their per-, Eam yar em cesoie f heN¶ick Brown Case Show here xhere they xvcre recvived xith con- formances also include unusual costumning. (udt-r bianches enîtirclv Nandý * * alothe xx eak shoots front the sideIable aplIauise. MIernbers of the gioup, minus several who \were base of the plant. X'oliilg, ~i[sI.EeIe~~ stonig branches bear the best. ýent Londs of plants anid irelerrDn c Spes.akerc Sot Ii eRaspherries are prun-ed. it rnav- be advisable lu obtain: Speake n î,bý eroving old and -xeaka prunming miantial. Your Jocal, .:xr and Mrs. N. Cox. StOuiff, I(otario Nurseryncnis Associa- fII ville. xccre Sunday callers of Blaick and PompIe Raspber- lion mnenibers \Nill glady su p-liloi ls. Percy McCoy'. ries: Nec(d rallier severe short-* pIc ' on with information or!lC 1,;)cn àmla r cgncraî nmeetinîg eoing of the laterals 10 obtain xciii give sou a fiee. brookl, " la--or-w Temn ti ' a * *good sii.ed fruit and 10 developomi pruning. Trpp eîîîulsiofis. h omne of Mrs. Lorîie Annîis, siosfor the folloxcing v'ear. spraYs and pruning tools a rejl A eRDCobe.Prsdet A few points to remnemberiaailable at yoi ' avoief ~~ T Yiopelled the meeting by rieaci-, O ageneîially vare: titi rsery or garden cenre.Tin E s e n Ar t r tgteteehm)o ..À, 1. Alwavs miake a dlean cul'article lias been rougli Pý'he Devotional scas taken by: d ro tntl brise. ou b,.- Illelocal iniberli s- of. Mrs. H. Skinîner and Mrs. L. 2.)o<oteaelgsîbtienaroNri n u l ~ I> vi i1 Ann;s on "Fr-ieridslip")*. The x\heui pruning l-xees snciatioîî. Be su.re tumathcI ~ r i itl i l Treasurer's report showîîîg for 3. Covernediurni10 Jargelfci nfexi seksarticeeWomld Day ofPFrayer xva wunds with pairit r Braco J'ia iing and Frning il S03.TeRdCoscna $119.OO nitîlsioîî. hi10 e e 0 e neag l'li 520.30. Thri rO lsale Redin rorss. as ewI$pe9.itmOreos Fai stoipin ethe e n la I. i tid 'j Ilp,îa!In îro- areay n pagr-s aâ o s4. Sprayîng trees ti i th - tai l f easteîn i liLt tu e in lhe nC\l fe\ 1clm xmust be solved. Hait the'Mr R. Lanîbert reportcedj donrmnt stage xitli a dormant: an irandI a reni er t ai \I -i ltoil a IIas csî Onaiar seeactrigslixim ~prav, xmll kil otan' egs. I(ED.AL sa I lie Dieenbaker go\, etii- I lo dom unfoi' the eastecîn ilaiconed. Forty per- remît of avc active comîite.s xx hih otlerxvie xvii lîach aîd mnintlias doime ior xestvcii larnitrs xvhat ilt lias duelfor the' land tised for agirultmîre 1 e icm o ahOf tle JACK BROUGH foio ta prohlcmîi i hie sumn- obégiet ah PLI dRIG ad HATIN mu-i.Tlîs hods speîaly fo Ilr idii andxxarn eate; agriculture through tie sale those ini tlîe xest, lie derlamed, s.hotild bc slifted to other uses y'outh orgamiizatmons.M.. PLI"LcafiîîandinemsNGon Birclies 'anîd r:acic ontsnovv les ci gîodowrm OrWieat to China. ssere dms-' Farmîîimconie lias imcreased Ve xill have 10 build a pro- ilainilton reported she lîad us-cd b ofStreetuio olr cent in iveyasprhsc ieauefrH- Diion MAStreet South andfor- Red Sp:cicî and ciiitrahlv Suiidav but xse MîitrofAry 2 et ieyasbi.t ýgraln 10 valse the inicornie o ucl0itrtr1fiH- 623-5615lc ti, av,î icumrethn lv AvifamstotmnamasrginnaloisguplsImthrine a'mîesStie nîn ad lwha egstrc ts 1,1 u bac s esCi! di ffem - I ere is out aloîmg the higlc~auîai eisrdspehentigli.amîd the pace inisi îîe ister of Agriculture stated and Explorens, omn Mrs. Hlaniltomî's xxav. We areIliopiisg t1 seeii omcl Marrhis i 1. ii,l accelerated, tihe speaker asser-ieLrdiutieA rîclual i: senai Il hefos ___________________________ toe- enibt Atopad hi 961.loi P uthi griop s. ei ere; Larg or mauu theiles! soo:sdisapprar. There laieoiHalb ~added that farn i Rhbltnim mdD;?: ein:t en il, noe aîîdChva rooed Cmeki e-t.119 i l te 0 oi r ex ùuumîicý i îsh m n a grm sicultur e nsitanAct xvuld also6b. efoabeli t amgr bPs Mis. Ar vv L A * ~ u T ei cd ilîc s fx neeisf~ nsden t lo et i Stnariek-3s 'li iri as a hep u ai cser tiies a iletoî continuei" ee. Lag rS a i lepplslsle'rlie las.sasrîirias iicsncl me eD ehi.nb akderIl vould aing *yPrp0'b Ail 1 onerxvîti atiekiac anPArogCrssiver M..Por ilia heare eii le nîîst t .aiplyfo pies 'hna ad a spaera ývle n rokd Cre i'lcatl's rp s erm i Ms.Ammîs pei Votlcsw'Associatieono labelss. deadingfee -' ~î aeminai tiiOii. Max' ho iluriaru, lso addesaed ise . aî iioc. iherioaricdutrey AstacesAnd 4. Stalityof n le soseuamoet Th'. flamîilin Robertf dis-tiin iiike IOTighitouiIi eeral PC. l nit xiii mcc a.; -~~ ' . Ilns. em Fiamsng Smii g fiali cndtims u Ihhset o. l.mltne flimedthwai anidapte alce CfarmheisIi~. \i. R rgi The 1f Cooi. ai Mrtse . ixidv B1s. o.be Ford '~~N;MilS. .Chou ruix amd Mis j arfev e is ago be.Case -:oof e miarkoe. In ireolmoi las Mp .Pid : .. îoe f abi t Ricku-, Foxcs pae i - .. c c r te î e ieAil a s r l s n s a e e n ca s d b' h e at bit ai : 1 e r s r i e 1 a - iahurc ailonilund a s c ia m G . M . c~Tun erSt ivnîeci îasg iii Boîvnan- thate toris p r en i i tas so l i diia b en c a i y as gios vnî I '21g.o i Tou ns mpati n dof p hîc s oi îg ne om of M s R. . Ilwre'M a lot o! canclle power Cnairtie reuvleWemth xeiî îi yIe ifoer gove. uin 50 much areci te is eas that yn3ar aslamdrea of tise Viii- hodgs o M. sonpe Vsen<s sae f het 0eed Ioa:'ratm-ie u aie10gos tououitese'VI. iear Ns. Anmie aiieleric In ho e igh~. Miter b t e frc P ck- p nd îoo p rt inI eir pen y sae C ian. Ti, also ad a fax'- i tie orT e ton eacc i d r y iaoUi eî a ed < g i n lis 'er eked ailiern s hm AusinCooiaiic 1 .icetcdpitioin at.he a-IN. butarelthne resito ird poi ed rxvr eident Mi. R.Wii Wriht SERVICE F rd s is.iF. soo b xfean g bJetJa Now' tars agi c u e s ofn- *\e m ie n î il tob las o ho P.u keo f mia a rd sols if c li sc-mg us osa leî agaimi. :the ssll aga su iseain leds en camausd tIs e eketated hu ii vratheroranlaoeemiiîg M ais 21tIl.e daC-se miinmg dsesthe dais-tntimnex o ycm s koalmpfiigm citsh de wnvd17ai xlseprvidc0 e teDPr- is mcomiSous vwe in G.M. ùCamitadimnetobainro growers. inHtonssve onseriv Cand o i- byo le nthe D srvcs iiefenakeîîd a iîegu-- erstatv, a ai10ig le 'YOiM-R 'lhr' o trnl n er ndAlMOliM ae% vile Wdi:a vnngal n* ae sef. tndt t tK Rd i1sosda tisarerauiscab tv mi mîm.oeO ie F R A N I(Siek-upemît ciart made of Caîpadiaisalhi envî'd tii lht.aîMi lienbusundandCina.ris s a aîviïlobaco mdreoled o Momge.It- poessv en Cmsed nar'atis' one an old vaill to ur 'OLl'icýs f Ou conmu ity o soes d amîsyeamsogpd Vitor1ral. a'dIbis s a cdiilat ni u s tis fi ns oiiîm n SJakînda mii îiigNe Opn am.t 9p.i aMs ste las so satiiiigTV.,. ani hoe iother Jolîiiiiv couid be old iii Fiacenîm'eliait s " Mr. Ria oid caidihloei f heKdi oui î ____________________________________________________ Se as bomlane d ved foria l uxon. Seuin te wastlie l butisape thecigai 'ofs 40l iard! s]y. da liscmoul se î p seit PROMPT. ChURTarlosx'ARFNTEseraospCtlapeltuedas.selice oiîmîed. our..in. d Richard td as i- vt l r.S.els ms. ceWh i ate l shtoi Miewl co e eln lt oîna a rcutrei empousom I2p Amesc msrp ieeloac..1il x iisttdtia aî-te irpatîdne during1a0n6c . S' .' is ielas- Buc e-uîî es'lxiieus ae e .alon eof ri tlaand lils 9 of-a Clide vîo ah vd î- tel- en om aBiasan eiiiignivioc ls tax' 'soni 5261OjOOi)asme qi e in tiidsrd f 45Smdaî .., . .~~~~~~~ :n wosîci a in nIll P rai iescho Min lCanada"otm e seakl e Saiel -1'tinte iii s. Caîada lso ad a fr Ii lse mcesd Rb lr fiiibad!'" ilath servlhtie Orov.mîo Bau snd at iecithiatuusie<f: aoaleteaac i- Rak e s ll, aciiiaes rsh Mm1,isad a boss'xx eekeîîd. prmcs a1ECIIANnnCSasicd thldiual limecai Tise second sr-ionse'Robe.t auDnmmsaid Rîmîb 'da Feni1ý Xvlelfte oat s LIII legBîitamuraIrCaîîin cedit sxas lu1961, Mn Ric be h roaid J osep W isi, DnnaGl nîsiîîgtor ie s c fI-e: greptui 'imiC edi asds oss atimumniar-'sr libîîGer Jlî .- ' ' ~~~o heanie-sr sric, j it ýieagd ainbts reg (îmCnaiîua to , idrose D e, uu nresc yegs a ge rieMioad a -'.. 5 ~t ie Caîinbmitars St i<ie ut Ai cilue sel.'dae n Du rhg is a.oyeaoflIse Bovî Aî lxr oe ' u nîds tlîc xs'em agamu îo Cau- Ilsoveithe ad1iencea ie mgîs m iexeînîsol.Inas rc mdDl ios Joarouatte ean s.oTfîsKen-a : ncchc ii ne earDoiîaiitis aaiamu gein aaa ni ! 0Ieicetfclsst Fred f 1-.A al rl Cma hd OmiOtso atumdav ex.Cou im:ity madnulof Cig tîi ei-' asiuseit 7J,0.,10foipecse oDuls'ù- grelsdtrisxanmn lir sdci - ugae. 'Io islieadr o ros t t e rogreissioive15:1101.9 KaenuPacoeamd Jmsc el teS ded ySto l îs CurIsii iu's candre aI in onncit ar î- S363,IlOlfin 'e sa lt xexasigThrda e en ii scsuaiSuce .te o<otmgd.li pecdi dth>eiy~ i i a sas5'i e 72vStlb Rex. Rue6233C. nXVictor mi îîs l'is ois poiîsli d us' Csanatdt Fmg192"11v. t-m 01stcd hy Haruli Muul, iigaýsie lpwacin . . 1Iol li eîr msoe ag 1i1111,:çoulmîe xxiii F ance hîelph >r icad dclrd C.u Brmt. at.Rsî tis sudeof\hvpaasesbfpeniîitotCasads aiem, " eCoiseoarxes av :Gl.-i Mumthl Rlps ar I - .~ Je. su .Si-ie t us e loxci f ' ni r. he a esimi ciga ccl. 'lIs 0;- ' . soe n ass tu ies rcita * dv G o l \iuîm Woo nl edm ~ Sncaltas H sale tiai ssu aimîis,. aicsspo i ma r a aout. ic.k R ichûeard ilar- d. h isel Moumdîl lif i mîe o s'l unpalos' a n segibîl iruaess hi leule ,Niich scmtât tâ a icl- thJ ahu Oge.d ned rn 9', a ldîerie lad.- Breed er t- girmll taie msle -hiilxiiaeie lll* .'PItIa nlh imm 62 - yl ria W os i cms d ier c - T~ ' omsnî my ruaFsîi andRici - UJeeloed i I - ~ tise firslivese of 'StamRdbert r un Fsti aîglie ccoudI xa Ilai li ion eîsrdle ao G ie C uîls anaatu avls aiafo s oserai( ill Paihechu ouu\ Gaseu. eopîsdabm leC IavamdRlpu îîî m o Ie as veseIli us whhthe splge o citMa d Mîaex'aanus.(luis- akeScrica's The 'wa pleasure h toee on 01 B tsIeosnts edailcie0SthecIaevsedsiur-ig i obrt C tamisieeuimîg î,cad bmpsizJa o of Mn.e ý andMs Ao i Tue U.C.W <sscI '1eid. v ig-an.Tise(liaî a - .c ' s-us ngai lIenisomîse o rs. 1v1 ed1 i se nîei. ianh10Ml-as. Theyd Sus h s lit, N l d je pesdig.'tseseipur, i - Alof aceuatsee tni duî (ssth nd arly ai scas mead byMisE.sCouno196,1,usl sss. TIse ycsuigem nuJosep. ['dusa PhîipDonias ira Mri itener aindMu ctuii ile i aplt'up ~ ~ Lnw tkuîg pît ii lme t-mmi U ouss Ie lol. e du1-: Miasd Ms. r. smaionp CaerM.,d 'mFiae. iu the busiiesesI-)pc me fte yxmgrtie i mu i. W.Pm n- Eiabt - jr, Jh Can Aing ton î ai bee r' h i hi setng t I-- at nc tisedtuuîcua l oftut-mu 'JBuco be(D ld P t Cb'c simc te laie sa lt-d Ai ut curehi~ W c mer-îîs-as ingtes P ear V ikle e Id at e ag, olo xa amaorkllr f ouh; il-t orten-gepoultin t southd like îon altm. Ocu peuedsvth is pedg. ssui-Queuusvli coarîaisc raiv. B teen~Iîn Ths k xatileato oil n a tu o rte mp she- erau. Rolin nC -a r-.vas aussxs nd i e e C ni hie xs eekemmdsxuiii xed o uer th f Bat s ock li atoobleui Ms. Catînrt tiieum"ase ami 'bvi3 mernbeus. Nexti mseetîmug Airs. Floience Scott, aîîdxxm polio %vas clainiing lives by the hun- surance business does through its mîeresliuîg acuonit of tise Es'- xiii be held aI Mrs. H. Staimi- tea guesîs Satumdlay eveiuig 50 drcd, taflc acidntswcr kilin spnsoshi oftheNatona 'len-aigeiist Charles Tempetomu,Iton«sAprîl lst. We tisenis u- of \rs .W MacdonsaldBoss clreý.; trfficaccdens wee killng sonsrshp oftheNatonalTecis'.-1o0 Started out as a cartooni- 'uussed planssfon Achievemei-t !mans'îe. nioe popl uncr25 honanvoter se aleDriin Chmpinshp-isi. for lise Globe and Mail. He I as. Esthier Rosesear arnd Sîme- Miarndi rs. A. Bairhe HEAD H O L 1 Iberanie u.onverted al.Ilse lagis Muiphy are goisg 1Ia Toronsto. sveee Salurday ril- W e are offei ing a useful g 3ingecaueofdathandtcv sil re. hie culmination of a coast-to-coast LhI 1r.s o the Nazareuie ansd figure otut tise posture t.Ii' ers of Mis. Fuorence Scott.d.a sela anm Do xchax a acidntvacin? sris o sledri ig cnîetiicnssuud':ed lu berome a Presbv- AchîeveiiseisîDay. Mrs. Staiii- Mr. and Mrs. Bull'Yen amîdbo Do wchave n acidentvaccie? srics f saf conpctit0listerian isnuîister. Ini1949 ilie ton ssomxed us 'box%- un ,av faisYs, H-amptonu. sxre ieceuslDl'tMsTis0 .No. Pcople cînt be xaccinatcd insolving more îlîan ',0.000 \011gpre-acled the sumunîse servuce ai. sîmîcis. We liseni cut ont thse pal- vsiîlrs to hell> Elleus Vaiîvkl>nt3isNIbs ise Rose Boss-i in Calîtornia lerntmalerial four Oumr bCIGZIL. celebiate heu 3rd binthdav rc,- ACCItEDITEI) - aganstacidents, but the toli can lie di \ens n 225 Calladian cornit1- in a congregatiomi of 40.000 . Luusci closed lie îetmsciîl people. Foiiowing Ibis MIrs. 1 misuci JantMîc Ic La g ga n Mi L. G;oodmn.u rs. N. The majority are reai rcduccd îhrouglx the teaching of cor- tics cach ýcar; Caîheant mead frons ami article îhoughtfullv hi-ouglit. WoodIcý- Boxxîsaiix;'le. xI i elliglible ho Mis the Unîited Chuncis Ob- M. ansd' N-r. A. Tbomp- and àmr.L. McCoy, Bîookiîn, NEXT SAI ALL CANADA server "llnmarm-ied -Motheis - son, Oshawa, 'Ir. Russell Ham - were ecemît visitons of Mir. INSURANCI FIGURAITION Everybody's Probiem" naîîiîsg ds; Toronto. vmsited oms Sumi - aiid Mis- H. SIliner. sale Manared bv: ALL CANADA INSURANCE FEDERATION rrnkiimg as one of tIse chief diay xx'îlh Nr. anîd Mrs G.- Mn. amsd Mrs.' H. Skinnmer TREWHAVEN FAWIliLit> ~je auoo~ean 1nnpa, éeauses. Lundi was served y lly rA i'n.i ssa. 5r\;Susdav dincr gueshs RfIR. 1, Burketon, Ont. t'et bhý7!1vO 01er :0 ( 0"petI'1z Mrs courux an Cath Nndand MrsA Ro N:rSharprs Ro-:honepB, hone toekks 988-96-495 et, alonibilead cauaityinjuancecompae, rrt, ad a ote f thaks e-AMr andMrz aI- Ereasnal sknn llelli t ended t.o aur hostesa. tended thse Oddfeilowaâ Ladies' Club 49 held à quiling bée f presented to flennis Werry, Reo~ '" Reggie Davis, Harley Daims. Rprs2Co Jun-e Davis and John Davi - byt Brendas wi J ump in IGA ,b Bedaan inaHopkinsSae and Donald Werî-y r ceived ninîls v'ar st-ais. Niaji. garel Maidmaîî îremeved lier 101h vear star and AI'!-irie Maidosan he- lth year-st-ai, Tise special speaker aI tise Sunday nsorning seiv.te at Kedron United Cisurcs Ibis week sxas Rex' Hmugui Cmozucr, D.D. of Whihbv. wlso cedc- brates bis 91st biîlhniav luis week. Rex. Ronald Lovu seas A sýales imirease of 25t7 was rcporîed today by Thle Oshaw-a Wlsolcsaic Lmmited, Toronto. Ray D. XWolfe, President ot the firusxxhuicls supplies IGA ansd Foodi City Markets in Cen- tral Ontario, said tisaI sales for lise fiscal year which end- cd Jamuary 26, 1963, toWlled S-d:iý8131î)îlO This uomparei \viîus S59,069,000t for, the fiscal yecur cîsded Jausuaî-y 27. 1962. absent because of i1n Net eaî'lngs încreased 2 9 , -$S881-01h1 as comparedi with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Lee, wmhoin - .427. wifh profits per Jiad the rnisfortune 10 bc il)- share of $1-57 compared witli volved in a car accident last-S$12 a vcar ago. week while they were vaca- tioîngin lordaa~e CX. Home Nursing classes vere pectecl to fil«y home this week. Conducted last year. by 1,119 Mrs. Lee will continue treat- Registeredi Nurses serving as men. in the Oshawa Genieral Red 'Cross Voluntcer instruct- Hospital. oIS. Conservative Association IN 1962 CANADA LED IN Percen tage In crease in Gross National Production Ulnited Kiiigdti luap Comnmoaîi'larket tUp United States up - CANADA np - ..... Percentage Increase in 1962 Exports Over 1961 Exports United Kiîigdonî up United States up Conîmioî Market cotintries u p CANADA up 4.5% ('.80/ 7.0% -4.o% 6.4% 9.0% Keeping Consumer Pri'ces DOWN F"rance up United Kiaigdoni up Italy up Germanly up .- Netherlands up - United States up CANADA tip ONLY -5.4% 3 .7% %% eepYour Faith in Canada" OUR CANDIDATE GARNET RICKARD VOTE A Vote for RUCKARD is a Vote for Experience and Progress 1'uh-Ijlîsh d 1)' Durham ProIgr'essive Cuuîserva tîxe. Asocîation EWHAVEN HIGNMENT SALE yMarch 25th - REWHAVEN FARM LTD. Road 15 miles nlon h of f BowÎuilue and 12 mile r 7 miles east of Port Perry via Iligliway MA. VE OFFER PURE BRED 50 .STEIN CATTLE HEAD roup of lFresh and Springing Yotinz ('0%i and !-.vear- rof Yearlings and (ai'e for ('aI! ('lih prospects lin ilth senior and junior clas.ses )pportunity to Purchase Your Calf (,lui> Cal!. VACCINATED - BLOOD TESTED Ldy for immediate export. Aill cattie trsted or )enter listed or certified area herds. LE MIAL BE HELI> .PRIL 29111 Ji A uctintie e' : HIVARD TEIifIN, Blaekstock. 'w) W 1

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