g mu* a ~~~~~~~~these loves. Questions vere The Canadian StatesaEwmvfeMi.3,10 * dinstri N.ted irs. J.n W ~IU If d JU L~~U~ r r ~ o '~ s Vne, rs. .Mais anMrs.held Wednesday levinwtp !1-ý M ns ao eL alcolm asieadesio agu lITe rUn Nw s ithree groups. Discussion fol.-IMrs. Couroux pres* n.1lew S The playoff for the second Bill Westlake was the main' lowed and many fine answersiroil cail was aeredb schedule of the Men's Major reason for Osborne s InsuràIwr given. naming 'Onie thing edoo - ~ League lis over and Nels Os- ance team to win. Bdi hadI Mrs. James E Richards, Eio The business period follow- plan to do to prevntacien Lbrr -.borne's Insurance team cap- games of 309-222-273 for aný ed. The minutes were approv-orfesi u 1 tured the single team prize 804 triple. Captain Ed Les-. ed as read by the secretary, orfrsi u oe'Te Tit-l rmr S with a total of 3585. The won the high single score of: Mr. and .Mrs. John Major; Fairburn, Lakefilid, on Sun- on Saturday. Mrs. W. Vine. Leadership Day chie! ideas were ione-ppsiejuorix ar Smembers o! the wlnning team the evening with 363, Ed's and son Mr. Steve Major and day. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Smith at Blackstock was discussed. tion wlth electricity.Alto ns he r-coltt n are Captain Ed Leslie, Mel three game total was 751. Mel.Miss Jeanette Jopko of DeliU Miss Catherine Power of o! Niagara Falls spent the Clothing for the bale is ta be I h reteet n h rmr om tahr ' .. Burgess, Gar! Clarke, Dick Burgess also helped with a' were visitors of Mr. and Mrs.,iToronto, Mîr. and Mrs. James weekend with Mr. and Mrs. broughtot the April meeting. pteIan the chldrns earnent o 1V' *" PtfieldRoss Wrght. Bi tripleo! 733.Joseph Santo and daughiter; Power o! Boumanville visited Carlos Tamblyn and family Clothing is also to be provid- Pen ny cThocio aMrsNra onck vite * ~~~~Westlake and Ken Luxton. Other good gaines went to Margaret on Sunday. March Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Power. and visited Mrs. Fred Taxnb- ed for Cross Lake Indians i n up Teprrm asflMLgln PbicLray - Ted Bagneil 762(279-250), l7th.Mr. and Mrs. Frank Werry, lyn, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. E. Manitoba. Mrs. A. Hyland charge o! Mýrs. Cat rteOhwo odymrig - BASE UNE ~~~~Clarence Oke 741 (331), Jack Mrs. Bene Thornton o! De- Tyrone, Mr. and Mrs. Dean Miller and famlly. gve a splendid financial re- onvenor for Home( enmc~~prxnit1 afteppl GaA738(E0), H. un troit, M.Lchigan, arrived oniHodgson o! Ajax visited Mrs. Mr. Bruce Chapman o! Tor- port. After a hymn and prayer and Health. The mto~a1aeiebr ftelbay die 736 (261), Bud Henning1 Saturday to visit her sister,'D. G. Hooper last Thursday. onto spent the weekend with Mrs. Arnold Williams' group A knowledge o!firtAd Mr. and Mrs. Don Metcalf 724, Pat Leddy 729 (258-266), Mrs. Hector Bowen and fam- Mr. and Mr's. Gordon Walk. Mr. and l'Mrs. Orv.ilîe Chatter ,served a delicious lunch, or aenable.' Ms Ct4cr inh h ehnc !br A DUIRO PUMp land !amily were dinner guests John Carter 715, Ed Lugten- îîy for several weeks. er o! Wilowdale spent Friday ton and !am-ily. o a emonraiono 'ri-fi tryhtthM.ide of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. ug74(8) lxWsmf Mr. and IMrs. Macwood with Mr. and Mcs. Ken Bail. Mrs. Sam Berry has return- wiave iofN Means Better Living !iGordon Van Camp on the Oc- 706 (308), Don Bagneil 704 Heard O! Enniskfflen were Mr. and Mcs. Charles Taylor ed to lier homle on Centre KENDIJAL ficial Respiration' ihtecosteronboktote casion o! their fortieth wedd- (271). Stan MclMurter had a Sunday dinner guests of their spent the weekend of March Street a!ter spending the win other ladies also tidot akt coladhe UR DURC> Water Sv- ing anniversary, on Thursday, single game 286, Ernie Perfect son, Mr. Elgin Heard, Mrs. l7th with Mr. and Mcs. Ross ter with hec sister, M~rs. James Spring has arrived, and by We were pleasedteheou seca inrstlth 'Jtem gives us fresh, pu~re March 21st. 284, Bob Williams 280, a.ndiHard, Debie and Wendy. Taylor and children, Ottawa. Nixon, Bowmanville. more than the calendar! At District President, Ms iliîbainssmaino h water 'when and vwherc we The Base Line community George Bebee 275. Mr. and Mrs Neil Wood, Mrs. M. McCarthey o! Sas- Ho>ckey News - In Bantam îeast such wvarmi sunny days gan and Bernicle visi s r.aop Oeo h otii need it...adds to our con- enjayed an cvening o! square Folîowing i thnalstand- and daughter%1,.akefield, Mr. katoon,, Sask., spent the wvcek- Hockey Saturday night at the as we have had this weekcnd Milligan read us anicon frrse, nhsategop Yenience and comfort of daily i dancing on Saturday evening. îng in the playof!: and Mrs.Dai Phasey and end with Mrs. F. E. Rhodes Bowmanville Arena, Zion de- mýake us thmnk so. Our snow the givi.ng o! Lot 7.Cnesoeert stth lbar" life.1 Music was supplied by friends family, Tyrone, visited Mrs.ý and Miss Dorothy Rhodes. feated Orono 7-2 to even the Is disappearing fast. the water 7, Clarke, to JacobGranb DUOPup aea li- and lunch was secved by th' Teamn Pins Charles Wood on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ivison Tamb- play-off series at onc game is running and the birds are a crown grant backi 82 ale in ail s e metilades Nels Osborne Ins.........32585 Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Powv- lyn spent several days this apiece. Orono goals were scor- singing. Maybe I should not Lot 7 now consistso!tear abidallneei. e c y o t n- 'kadis.Juy& Lv ......... 3450 ell and family îiave moved week in Middletown, Penn- ed y B Foser romMoffttjspo l byhoping we do not occupied by Pere BuîsL JSkaieC.A dMispCnent t ns es epsi Cola ..........39 into the north apartmnent sylvania, U.S.A. Neil Allin from Joncs. Zion get to much more snow. and the anc ownem yNr Plumnber or DURO d ale r der nparhe weekend with Frank's Varîety .......... 3356Iwhich was the former office Mrs. Charles Cooper is a scorers were Fau.ntain, Wor- for full information or write nsM. n rKamp's Furniture ..... 33!o! Dr. A. F. McKenzie on Mai patient in MNernocial Hospital, den, Woolner 2, Peters 2, and Guests with Mr'. and Airs.i man Patton. Mrs.M.anes for FREZ folder, 41Running Sain Battams. Mr. and Mrs* Lander Hardware........ 3300 Street. Bowmanville. Taylor. Third and final game Pec ruley, Sundaywr Ms E. Coucoux adMslCatrdAcutn Water, the Farni Necessity"l. Conley Battams were Sunday Cow'an Equipment.... 3273: Mcs. C. C. Caverly and son Mrs. Cecil Jones and MissE in this series will be plaved Bob *Vannatto o! Torointo and! Tucansky wece na d s, dinnr gest o! r. nd rs.Beaver Lumber Ca ...3217IBill of Whitby spent Sunday Carolyn Jones spent Sunday in Bowmanville Arena Satur-M.anMsHry uceofIointg onte.Ad- Danny Battams and Miss Con- iet ol..........3188 wtihrfteM.W .i ootdyngt ac 0h 9Po'-t Hope, t icious lunch wasseedb nie cetucned home with them.SLbe rt owl............31i82 le aterM.W.iyTrno a ig ,Mri3 Th e t Whitby Ms.El MsL.HkiM S elvGatHetn .. l' eMcs. Fred Tamblyn, Mrs. o'clock. Sce you there? Th1oeo h le ulsa-Ms oMs lit n u .O o 0 Mrs L Hoki, Ms.E. Stephen Fuels............ 3172 Mrs. Tlbrt Fin dlay, Milton Tamblyn, Mrs. Fred winncr of the Orn0atmteddapry audyaEhourstedrng ic asoia Folyafndn te a uests o!McsKensns Wear .....30 Thornhlll, spent Friday with Bowen, Mrs. Chas. E. Miller Hockey Club's 50-50 drav. was the home o! Darcy S werdfiger pasmd o u en K '. C. Hopkins on Thursday Alley Chatter Mrs. Jim Bail and Mrs. Len and Mcs. Carlas Tamblyn wece won by J.E. Mowat, R.R. 1. ta celebrate with him his 14th Sale. The April metnri o rnon. rs.Ed icoîl tuc Kamp ~ Pears. L .Akno n o among the guests !romn Orono Orono, ticket No. 474, the itdy be at Mrs. Couroux',Ms rn aftcron This wcek Krm's ur- Mr.L.M tknoadsn who attended te4th Wed- amount $100.00. The $5.00 sel- Mr. and Mcrs. Allen Foster C. W. Stewart andMs.Cu- Mr.ander Sunday ios 1tut fordfLicerty am chapion Glenn o! Whitby called on Mr.i ding Anniversary o! Mr. and lcr's prize went ta Richard returned Wednesday fr0o m aux iaking lunch.Afle Whty 6889 I < Toronto, eeSna lunch: sit ounforthe John Mcamsn and Mcs. James C. Johnson. Mcs. Harry Jase o! Newcastle Black, R.R. 1, Orono. their trip ta Virginia where accotint will be fouin:h I cn gest o li sîter M.:1 ropy.Mcs. Cecil Robinson, Mr. and thcy visited lis uncle, Mr. W. 1. columyl.____________ and Mrs. K. C. Hopkins. oh. Mrs. W. Robinson were în k E T U T k Richard Fa-ster, and others. --__ Mr. and Mrs. Mlilton Lowes Next wcek thc Mcn's Major port Hope last Thursday ta oE I EI I Mr. and Mrs. Hatcher Fos- and Ronnie, Peterborougli, League turnament gets under-1 attend the funecal o! their1 tr wre înerEuTsO N Mrnday s. dit a nd w th am is inglesadoubles n1 cousin, telt c ush1Mrs. %Vesiey Campbell is nman and Karen, Little Britain,1 day evening with Mc. and Mrs. 4L 4 Mr.an Mr. redWrght tems eig te vens.Norman Robinson. spending some time in Gait and Mr. and Mrs. Narman Ly-1 Jack Fonk to eelebrate iiis ..oma'the.0 family. minMc. and Mrs. Alden Haw, with hec daugliter Evelyn, thc ans, Uxbridge, visited Mr.1 Foster' birthday. The regular monthly meet- Heenan avid of Toronto Doctor Robert Bonney fainily. and Mrs. Cecii Wilson. IsNy Lite holaB terLv g ... 1~ iirrurc Niglbor Cub as ancl-KED viitc MrsHoadWlhn'M. and Mrs. Tel Rahi of! Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Wilsonispent the winter in ChicagOý lU OF E E S ed thisonf liuc ts acwea-i Sunday. Oshawa were recent visitors 'werce t thc Lindsay Funeraliwithlier brother, Dr. Rossi i ed'hi rothdu o hew-a: l Mr. and Mrs. R. E. 1-ogan with Arthur Hulbect. 'Home ta the funeral o! Mrs.lLang, -vas at lier home lie ISP CT TH LIMITED ercniinan a av Beginning on Sunday. Apil ie r and__Mrs. Wm.I r and Mrs. Hernianflod-AledOiro!Bbyen.as ek ,ONDON C A NA DA af aur members unable ta be jl4th, for a three month trial visie M. __ _ M.___ UADe lie fBbeyenias ýek mocoompresent. The president is con- period, tlie Sundav School . 1 Mrs. Bob Midgley spent last. We are quite pleased te rc-i Itcigyuwith inf ormati on 'classes at Kedron for dhild- iwsSO IAweek caring focrlier parents port that Bert }Iolland, whaii V 1 Mr. and Mrs. William Gardon in Sunnybrook Hospital ce-. JACK BROU Hi ïd fom.10:0 unil 1:00of Bewdley, who have beeni l .RipiDvi n le overing fromn a stroke, is do-IA PLUMBING and HEATING Local canvassers for the --at thec sanie tirne as Leagu daugIrs. at weDaes co-hes quite M. ng very well. He can naw Division Street South e rs wr aîg aî hrc evc..O.I~ es for a kitchen sliowcr hon-l Sympathy i: extcnded fa I walk around and is rcgaining in this district ducing last Plans arc going forvard for oiganwyarc osn cadMs rdCafr I s flslf adad J 6 2 3 -5 6 1 5 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ E r e n t a t h mt h î e . F s i o h w w h d î l e G B a n . . . . . . . . . . ' a i V ly m r i d uit r . a n as t r d we t e. u e f is e f , a n f e w a«n Jr e c e 02-61 OWA VLEweek. Unfortunately many fthc U.C.W. Dessert Tea and Averages 188 Mhs. Alan Gfaspeil <farmeni Toront wee ota hmea te hiel eayio n h Apnih il. i F.alen..... .... ..... 187Ms lnGapll(omryi oot ls ek nte 9 a Mc. ar n M r. s Le Fle . Allen................187; Tîursday night. Along with! Mr. and MIrs. Ray Gilbank play-off s with Zion. the best , Mr. ad Mr. Ros Le fIe M. odgso ................ 8 the many practical gifts from18 and famnily mavcd on Thurs- f wo out o! thcee. They wanî s home froin Florida on Thurs- V. Pickard ... ............176 l the relatives present wcre a day ta tîcir ncw farm home at their first game but hast the day. Mrs. Lee made the con- G. Scot ...................17 lovely bride's pillow and booki Lif ford. eodt in nwhv. Two Now m ea BRING TuSinectn rp ro maPS Cobs......14îde b y a cousin Susie Gra-:1 The Thompson brothers had one more game ta play. _____________________ Bei aTma n rm J ory.......7ham o! Bowmanville A 1ove1 a brie! reunion in Oshawa Ronnie Gay is attending his[ THIS Malton fa Oshawa by amibul- M. Wisem.an .............17lunch was served by flic ias-wlen Rev. Merle Thompson second year atPeroughUDRNHA OTAE SPECIAL '/2 PRICE PASS aneFcuacy herat- .Hloy........esses. Relatives were presentlo!Mcdfort, Sask., flew east Teachers' College and lasf CHOIE0 EEA LN M N. C oyl e .................. 163 fcomnPtrbruh Bowma-o United Chucdl business week was pracficc-feadhi.ng at~ Io the FRIDAY, APRIL 5th thc end o! their stay in Flani- i!M. Sedmian .............. 12ville, Oshawa, Colum b u , last week. Starkville Sehoal superviscd N.H.A. ApprovdLtc ae tet Ada, so that fhey have pîcasant; M. San ....................... Coctc. Zo16d0a1a. ' Mrs. Helen Veal a! St. Mac- by Miss C. W. Stewart. reoisoterhoia M. Firth ..................159 Co rtieZond ae olndut tins, New Brunswick, is visit- Church and Sunday Sehool SanitayadSomSwr KINSM N SU ER CA memries f thir hoiday i! M. Crago ... ............... 1561 Revere saervincte ficing lier brother and family, were as usual Sunday. Rcv.ý KINSM EN SUPER CARr.spiteo Thomas o!footoL uges.......16tcomuinMr, and Mrs. Ernest Freer. R. C. White continucd lis sec-- CO A EA T R PGO EA T R snc weekndwi1.Dug Wight.................... 149, morning. for fwo grandchildren in Toc- felling o! -the Prodigal Son, Z AT THE Mr~~~~~~~.. .n ............ icar ....... ........ 149! Thece was an attendance o! onfa while flicir parents hol- flic Lost Slieep and thec LestD Wm.Ban* were dinner guests this week F. Patersonf..................i146~ 112 at Sunday Sdhool. dayed in flic soutli. Coin, and sîowing flic love PETERBOROGHO ~MMOI5IL CENTRE of Mc. and Mcs. W. L. Pierson 31. Scott ...................143 Next Sunday, March 31, Several Nestîcton neigli- fIat God lias for thaf whicî is cn o Oshawa. . Parker .................... 143 Mr. W. H. Crawford o! Ennms- bours enjoyed an evenÎng wifh lost. The Choir sang "Shal BILE Z Z ~~~~~Mr. Orvile Greer retucncd B. Wilbur ...............- 142 killen will preadli lere while 'Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Harris, wc gather at thc river," with M Over $7 U,000 in Prizes including home fcom fIe Oshiawa Gen-iB. Rogers ..«. ............... 141 Reverend Page conducts com- Lindsay on Mardi 18t1, flic Mrs. Allen Foster playing flctheen 6326 e ral Hospital this week. He K. Campbel.............141 munion service at Enniskillcn. occasion o! their 49th wcdd- org an. 1963 PONTIAC STRATO CHIEF or $2,000 cash 'is now walking with thfl pe V agtsn.....11 h twrswh eto n nivccsary. Mrs. W. Turansky was the 2 aka Ce.Bwmnil $1,000 Hi-Lo Gaine. $1,100 Big Snowball 52 Nos. of a cane. and is enjaying hi C. Co11is .................. 134, April 1 at 8 p.m. at fhe lame Most o! the sick in fhe coin- hostess for fhe W. 1. meeting new freedom of movement. M. Burgess ............ .. _132'of the cnaicman Murray Vice. munity are mudh impcavcd. $60 uio nobhl(0 o.)A arcetmetnganù-E. Coombes................. 128ý The Sauina Sewerettes 4-H Mrs. Jas. Rcdmond is lame Pls$600 Jula S a ll(5 s.)ciAt gainesntfmeetin....ll4I128 l THA Plu $00regur ganes. $450 spca ans ber o! badges earned durin,<,'IM, MeLaughlin............12 Club girls met ini the Sauina omPr Perry Hospital and___________ thc winter wece presented t Oft .......14hl witli Phyllis Anne Wcsf-Mc and Mrs. Clarke Williams 50 Taty, elicous aste Hams membrs o the20t1lake, president, in charge for areale to be out again aftec RiuuTiMEr 'YS CO ORtE" 5 0 T s y DP a c k . G o l d e n H a n d b a d g e s i P a t e r s o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 2f l o p n g e x r i s . T e h c o g s a y n O s w a a - as Free D oor Prizes wece eacned by Nancy Brooks.........2 girls wecc faugît îow te do pital for surgecy. Miss Ethel lou-frgttobu$h6eo0m0ckfr vau hle ihr ao Gifodugss.............. 29 stay stitching and some cut Tîompsan is aise recovering andt oretsavu te eonemy.pc o au Regina Schleiss and Befli Kell. Cao........1 out tîcir blouses while oth- fromn a bad faîl. GleBaswrprsnC icacd...................214 c rs worked on flicirs. The next Jerry Bowers left on Sun- ta Susan Annand, Susan Ar- Cl..........0 meeting wiil be on April 4. day f0 jinflthe Kenora Detacli- ...S.E....s.na......t.. Bail,..ut10oyeMr. and Mrs. E. Larnier, ment o! thc Ontario Provin- - ___ -- - -______ ----- - --- shopu, Paey l hn, R- High Single - L. Burgess 304- Blackstock, were Sunday fea cial Police. gaeB i zprc, m L y olnd, arl- High Triple - L. Burgcss 610. guests o! Mr. and Mrs. Harvey congratulations fa Nestie- berer, tPati Ha, Cndy es 200 Games - L. Burge-ss 304, Yellowlees and family. fon's Senior Citizen Mrs. Jas- Par!itt, Cathy Souci and K. Campbell 251, J. Holcoyd Bradlcy's Community Club1 epli Farder (nec Elizabeth For he B ST i Wendy Yourtî. Toymaker's 248, F. Allen 243, J. Scott 239, met on Friday niglit with Stan Jane Pollan) who on Saturday F or he BE I ~" badgs wer earnd by usanM. Firth 233, S. Coombes 225, Millson, president, in fhe, celebrated lier 90tli bicthday. .E R I iE X SA RuI ap, am ea olng M. Wiseman 212, E. Pickard provided by Bille Bobby n 1 sented er with a Life Mcem- N M O V N GLynda Geisbecgec and Wendy 207, M. Foster 203. thc accordion and Jiim Cryder- l bership and on Satucday even- 0- MV NorYourth. S u s a n Acsenault, man, teçacher, on fIe piano1 ing relatives gathered in hon-;. ummu Lynda Gcisbcrger, Elizabeth and St. Patrick's readings I ur of thc occasion. Mrs. For-' Greer and Patti Hart carned w. l lwL I were given by Bob Dyksfra der lias spent fhe wintcc in 1i 'TR AEtîcir Writer's badges. Collec- GOODYEAMR and Stan Milîson. hec Nesticton home. and 1 h an for's badges wcrc won by ~~au..Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Tink fciends wish hec continued rfiandRut Bsho. -. 5 W Lwcce Sunday guests o! Mr. Icalth and happiness. Elbet GreerceveWer lîars H E Tnkviitd M r. n std thrs moat hsonp - She- ey-,!-- dBat LINGBw Tus- andml,0.Hacon. Pefhewa.w, nd Mrs. Jaû I BOWMANVILLE ONTARIO Neil Hardware. At intermis-i akBn 5.Jh Carter' and sons visited on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Carl Pctherick 1 ITN AE IIHN HT g sin tc Mthes Cmmitec750, Phil Vowles 742, Jack ý ith Mc. and Mcs. Ross Knax, attended tIe wedding o!flier ______ solco!!ee adsandwic e Gddcs 733, Karl Piper 714,'and famîly, Brougham. niece in Havelock on Friday.1 ýAD RME 1694, Jack Honcyman 680, Ted visited Sunday evcning with TIe Nesticton United Church TEX A5-411$ 1 Bagnell 663, Elgin Grcenham M Nr. and Mcs. Harvcy Yellow- i Women assembied in tIc Sun- 'EIRITN A DURHAM LIBERAL 66,"Je Piper 634 and Vernicees. day Sdhool rooin focrflicir u v Cnos653. Mr. anid Mrs. Rac Pascoc . Mardli meeting. The president,*A A writfcn into tIe record books,igucsts o! Mr. and Mrs. W. J.lcd flic meeting witli prayer. 115 Ipaccd by John Carter's 321,1Dyer, Oshawa. Mrs. George Bowccs read flic e FARM POLICY M EETINGother ih going oJc Mr. n . Will Tonkin, Scrîpfurc Luke 24:1 an I. Band, only a pin back at 320 , Oshiawa, Arnot Wotten Jr. and ad Thampsan conducted UBS i 'RO T W N H AL L Jack eds31,Jn Murphy, Donna Wotten, Hampton, vis-! the devotional. SIechcose Eas'..1 31, hi owes33,26,ited Mc. and Mrs. N. Wotten 'fer as hec topic and sIc .1a iHoward Bromeil 311, Ted Bag- Mr. and Mrs. N. Wotten and fthc pocmn 'Easter' which de- A F i BInDt ntro Fiih pelI 274, Ron Hayncs 273, Don Fran.cis, Mr. and Mrs. E. Cry- picts thc stary o!flice resur-1 1 Range of inDtI. I/' 'e ifl Sc a>' A pri 3 cIOke 272, "Cuck" Wright 269, erman, Mr. and Mc. Keith rection with the leafing oflic W e n s a , A r l 3 dStan Hadgson 265, Karl Piper Crydernian and Joana attend- trees in spring ênd tîraugh i l.o-D Alityd Flot -- Low Bien -Dit Interior Uemni-SIs S*-OtInele in 263, "Bud" Henning 263, 257. cd thc 25t1 wedding annivers- 'the lowly caterpillar, sealcd, odor. Rich veIiety effect. Waahable, bard-wearlng, Wibadwr ejttt 81 ..254, Stu Carson 258, 251, Ted'ary celebration for Mc. and in lis tomb, then lie cames For wans, ening and trtm for bathrooa. kitcheli and .Fobth@ladi- 81 pm.Tic. 258, Farewell Blackburn'Mrs. L. Stainton, Enniskillen, forth ta life as the chrysalis is Wîel woodwork een 257, Vern Connors 257, Davidý on Saturday. broken. Easter is a time ta, Snowden 256, "Joe" Piper 253' Mc. and Mrs. E. Thocaton, remnember the empty famb in' ,and loydBradd253.Millbcook, visitcd on Sunday Josepî's garden- a time fa, Speaker: B R U C E B E E Rad l rdd23 with 1\1.r and Mcs. Dan Tay- proclaim tIat Christ bas r n TemStandings 'lac and famiiy. tIat we ma.y have faitî fa be- Pts, M. ad Ms.George Bitf- lieve intIe miracle oflic r Chairmian of the Eastern Agriculture Comnîittee of the Liheral Party Combines ............... 64>nec, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. E. surrection of tIc soul, and Menmber for Peel in the last Parliament. Laborator'g.............. 55 Larmer, Blackstock, visited Mrs. Grant Campblil con-: Braiders ..................54 Mr. and Mrs. E. Cryderman on ducted the Bible Study based. ""KEEPENERG TIC RE RESEN ATION N DUR AM os Comets ....................... 51 Sunday. on chapter thrce o! 'TIc Word: "K E NE G TC E R SE T TON I UR A " Lead Pressa................44 Several !rom here aftcnded and fthc Way'. The tapic 'Love' IBelts .................... .......42 the Jr. Facmcr's hanquet in was ably discussed. TIe Eng- Hase .............................40 Bowmanville on Friday nigît. lisI language lias anc word for VOTE LIBERAL e fi VOTE HONEY APRIL 8th Tizers .............-........... 39 M,%I. and Mcs. E. Cryderman love. TIc Greek language lias 160 CHRH9T Office............................................................. .. 33 attended flic 40t1 wedding tîrce. Agape' or compassion- PUBLISHED BY DURHAM LIBERAL ASSOCIATION Fan Belts .................... 34 annivcrsary celebration foc ate love, Eros or desire, Phulia 'Machine Shop ............23 Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Jase, New-, or friendship. Several scripture B O W M AV L Banbury ...............20 castle, on Saturday. passages were read depicting t