12 The Cartadian Statesmnan, Bowmanville, Apr. 3, 1963 Hosptial Bd. Meeting Directors Pass Accounts Totalling Nearly $ 15,000 *Accounts amotanting to $14,- 070.23 were passed for pay- ment at the meeting of the Board of Directors of Mem- criai Hospital held on Thurs- day evening in the Board Room at the hospital. The! motion that the accounts pre- uented be paid was made by James A. Bell, seconded by Join the Trend to Better Living INSPECI NEWH AI 9Par4 way SUB-DIV Two Now Neari: CHOICE 0F SEI UNDER N.H.A. N.H.A. Approved Lots Sanitary and S - CONTi De.BE BUILI Telephone 22 Parkway Cres. Rex Waiters.1 Harold Gibson, Clarke Town- Those presenit at the meet- ship, Maurice Prout, Jamec ing were James Stutt, Board Bell. A. M. Thompson, R. J Chairman, Keith Jackson, theDilling. the Secretary-Trea- vice-chairman, Rex Walters, surer and Bernard Holden Harry Jose, Newcastle. Harry the Hospital Administrator. V. Cryderman, A. H. Barron,ý Keith Jackson, chairman ol Darlington Township, Dr. E.'the Finance Committee, re- D. Hubbard, Dr. L. S. Mik- ported that this committee i las, Mrs. L. W. Dippeli, Mrs.: investigating the matter of thý Powell property. He stated that the subject of recognitior of retiring empioyees is alsc being studied. Mr. Stutt on behaif of the Management Committee statec * * *that working conditions fai non-union empioyees would T THEbe similar ta those of union r HEempioyees. He added that h tme dlock principle has been considered and has been leil O M ES with Mr. Holden, the Admin- IC)M E S istrator, for further study Mr. Stutt toid the board that r 'flu vaccine is available foi al employees. Mrs. Dippeli moved that the C res entManagement Committee in- C rescentvestigate recognition of part tume empioyee retirement. Thi:ý was seconded by Dr. Hubbard 'iS ION and carried. Building Committee chair- ing Completioni man Cryderman, reported tha, the aid chimney has been com- VERAL PLANS pleteiy demolished. Rex Wal. ters, chairman of the Grounds MORTGAGES Committee, stated that when the elmn trees start ta leaf they - Paved Streets wiil be checked for Dutch Eln ;torm ewersDisease. Stor SeersDr. Ht:bbard speaking fa: the Medicai Staff î'eported 'ACT that the ncw Centrai Record« *ing Machine is working wcll The sign on visitation of pat E ients during the present 'fit @BE R S epidemnie has been approved by the doctors, hie said. Dr DER lHubbard referred ta the pre- 623-2263ventive medicine for the staff 623-2263 and 'stated that it is good il Bowmanville ýtaken in tîme. He mentioned that there have been fewei _________________compiaints regarding food. FOR TRANSPORTATION AND RELIABLE BABY SITTERS IN BOWI *tCanadian people hunger for things like international respect, a sound and expanding economy, brave decisions and strong direc- tion at the seat of government. There are impressive indications today that these are the things Canadians do feel sta.rved of. Not pie in the sky or pie on a plate but the dignity , Mr.e Stutthe chai rn, a. i(>degree. 1 was brought up in' After the meeting ended,'the Women's Assoclation, and n ouned t tt h e e be rs o! , ini thte ubic lie.the audience stili continuedscores of leading People fm th ptlBoard have been et ef' a t.f't But here I must hnestlv, and dozens of people came un al over Ontario riding. >_ ' inviotht e presentin o 8 Sthetre oth ihmuho state. Mr. James, that whie to me, lauglhing heartilv, and One thing, Mr. James, was' ing fo'h rsnaino the 18SioetrtSuhih mch f my poemF, my poems have always been thev ail tol d me thev' never a feeling which always corné$ gft et he Bowmanville Grad- Oshawa, Ontario, which they love being writtený received with apprciation, listned to anthing better ce ta mie at times like sthese.1 uate Nùrses Association. He April 1, 1963 up in, and also whatever Odes, Thursday night, 28th of March. better read.* how my brilliant father aid1 adde tht te metin ofRe-DearSir 1 llo theri o hve. was anc of the Most outstani- 1 know mnan\ people in niother, long since dead, wouil. addd tat hemeeingofRe-Dea Si: alow he tohav. ng receptions my talent evier Whitbv\ through Senior Ciii- have loved seeing this apprt., gional Councîl District No. 8 1 thought you might be in- ý Now Mr. James, I believe. received. In fact, the laugh- z'ens affiliation. Lots of Whit- ciation given to a loved ( of the Ontario Hospital Assoc- terested in the approachinglyou will also be interested a_ý ter was s0 great. and hane- by people congratulated me whom thev predicted wOI: iation will be held in Cobourg event here, concerning the re-1 ewppr a n hs c lcapping sa vigoroùs. I was on my contribution as a guest be widel.% knowvn, just on ias, on March 28th at 7:30 p.m. moval of the tracks of th& bration taking place in Osb-ý forced to stop 'until it would speaker, and these includod own merits and talents. Mr. Stutt also stated that a Oshawa Railway along King awa, and although the enginequiet down before being ableiMavor of Whitb.v, some of the Sincerely yours, plaque has been installed in Street. This matter has been. cannot corne up town, owingi ta proceed. __________Candidates.__the President of, Ralph R. Tooley.' the foyer of the hospital, and going on for many years. Nowt t rmnoswih n___ it lists the namcs of the don- it is coming ta pass, sometime the Oshawa Railwas' Line b5ý- A ors gifts of More than $100. I believe in May this year. ing too much, there will be a Hositl dmnitrto Ul-Mr. James. igreat crowd awaiting the ar-, iden, reportcd that in Febru- It may interest you, Sir, rival of the famous Engin- ary there ucre 103 adult pat- know the following happen- )f ients, 61 pediatric, .24 new- ing. Two vears ago the Cana- Later, 1 understand, there , ST -born. and one chronie patient dian National Railway ran an will be a tremendous gather- is adnitted ta the hospital. Ma- Excursion Train from Torontoinuptnweehosns ejor operations pcrformed dur- ta Picton and return, with thelwill be on hand ta watch the' d ing the month totailed 40, and now famous steam locomotive variaus ceremonies connected there wcre 107 mio pr- number 6167 pulling this pas:! with the Celebration of thc 0 tions. There were 69 Emer-;senger train. The engineer1 Track Removal.. gency Departmcnt vîsits. was Mr. H. Welsh of theý Being a lifelong citizen of.î Belleville Division a t thel Oshawa and vicinitY, 1 ami.j . BU K T Ntrtl.glad ta have any part in thisiBU KE O Iwa t saw Jntineventas hr are so many, \. 1 rTw asseciatia oo.Vj>.lywih d Ithat Sunda.v morning, waitingnproalWL n or arprtta r.ta watch the engine and train~ me in connection with rail-,f ~ .j . ' J. . Trobliis ot a wilwhich stopped for about 15 ways. . latlv W hoe erconitonminutes at Oshawa Junction In the past I was manN' t wil * soan be improved. of the Canadianî National. years in railroad work untill ~ We elcme r. nd r1 There was a huge crowd~ First Worid War. lnjury to f C. Van Dam an fMr. and awitng and I took an Ode My hearing, w h i c lh was- r,. C.hiVanIDhadandmposed, Upd, brought about by impairment rMr. and Mrs. K. H. Vickery the cab of engine 6M67. Here ta ear through resuit of being! ~ ~ . and family jnoa ur village. I1 delivered my Ode to the en- buried, through bombing from' 4 Mr. an~~~~~Y~ Gemnpae nFac n Mr .dMrs. Kcnneth Lar-: gîneer's fireman, whoý handed Gra lni rnei / nimer, Peterborough, Mr. Ailan it ta his driver ta read. August 1918, near Cherisy . .t Larmer. Toronto. were week- M es rt eawn and Monchy Le Prieux. Froin .' en gess f r.anMMs derf lshtt em e wn-this concussion my hearin, s HerndgLarsofMcr. adMs.druilter, Mr. James, from wouid not aiiow me to take Gýlad t sece Mr, Orvilieteciyo Bleile ewas operating work an railroad.1 *Grcer up and around agiin. dlgtdxihm d.~ However, raîlroading s in t Mr. and Mrs. Ros-, Huhbard mc o h nomd e htmy blood." I became expexi-, San Jaice Treton wec h forxvarded copies immedi-~ enced enough. before 1 went -Sundav dinner guests of Mr.atltaDndGronth overseas in First World War, and Mr. B. Hbbard.president of Canadian Nation-toereasemlcmti. n Mrs. H. Woodward has he a alwySstm e i o f my life has been y on the sick list iatcly. Giari piaced copies with the ri - spent in engineering - steain / - nta know that sheill be feeling wav magazine. "Looking A- engineering of varicd sort3,i better soon. ivrth y Ode w'ed" hsmen, inciuding s t e a mi traction.! 'r Mr. Thomas Trrick is oetioa entire Canadian Naý- hoisting engineering, station-ý ' 111ioalSystem. not onlY in d Memarial Hospital, Bowman-i Canada, but the United States ary of ail types. 1- ville. We hope his condition sse swî.Sa, Mr. James, if you would 1.wiil soon bc, improved. likytahavmaaypar inthi 'e ~ nda mrn~Juctin f CnaianNa ion e som havg abou nth Od, Te aching the teacher - We were v\'rY plcased to Al] the staff at Oshawa celebration, and wish ta know u hve ithLi, o Sudaymon- uncionofCandia Naio-J omehin aouer sa Onde- rton who delivcrcd a fine ser-1 very well, an.d -are fml fully, let me know. l'm sure EXPERTS TELL us that almost 90%o driving)Btrangreuesec- ý- mon on -Giving Hced ta Theý that many of your reade-s g)Bttann eurstah Comunon" ndaio ed- ws ad h Rv.Pae. wouid iikely appreciate it, as of ail automobile accidents are directly crs, and tecachers themsclves must first if cation of thc Baptismal Yontý Sunday School wiil be at most men always loved the d'was delivered. The Font was. 10:15 arn., and Church Wor- aild steam engines when they attributable to human failures of one bc taught. ýr prcsentcd b 'v A. iR. Hubbard.iship at 11:15 a.m. were boys. htswyheaomblinunc Acceptance and dedicationý The UC.W wiîî meet in Incidentally, 1 received u-kinorath. the hurh hll n Wdnedaystanding recognition last week thening, arl l othn a 8p.efr eHnoraie MihalModern technology bas succecded bus incss, as a part of its national NIANVILLE . -Ail ladies most weîceme. Starr, aur Oshawa M.P. and in making todays cars and roads about program of promoting safcty cducation FVILE Th Exlores ae hodinMinister of Labour. He sent an L TeEastererrtine holga car to the house, and the as safe as can be. It is time for drivcr.s for the yoting drivers, pays the costs at 7 p.m. Thursday eve.ning, his wife, said, "Mike wanted to catch up-through driver safcty of thc annual Driver Training Educa- TE F RApril 1 lth. You are mo-týme ta came over ta Henryc 'O E O Rcrdaly nitd oattend. IStreet High Sehool in Whitb*\' training. (OnIy this type of training lion Program conductcd by the Cani- Don't forget the Easter Con-~ and address the meeting 1> SELL cert in the church Monday there." Mike considered one iI tcach young drivers thc kind of adian Highway Safcty Council for Y vening, Apriil 1th, at 8 p.m. of my Odes wonderful and 6 Musical selections by the wanted me to read ilta the safct),-thinking" so essential to safe icachers in many parts of Canada. IO Ni EY 'Christian Reformed Church, audience, Mr. James. AL1AND under the direction of Mr. E. I've been appearing before I NSURANCU M. Mecoy. audiences since teen age, not' A LC N D N U A C FEDERATION DRTO Miss Hilda Stephenson, Mr, oniy in Canada, but for years! L A A A N*A C F D R TO Larry Riddeil accompaniecU on Atlantic liners entertain- op helif of axer 200 conxipcting ;e B w anile Mr. A. R. Hubbard ta visit ing on ships' concerts. Ac-ý fiee, aiqoiohile and casually insurance coin pailieS wood on Sunday'v. not bother me in the siightest _______________________________________ Sunday School Anniversary wiil be held in the church on Sunday, May 26th, at 2:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. Sorry ta report that Miss June Turabull will undergo plastic surgery in MemorialiK Hospital, Bowmanviiie. Goodý ... heaith and good iuck, June. ,.....». of a national character that refiects courage and resolve. This is what Liberal leader Lester B. Pearson is offering the voters he talks to in the opening stages of the federal election campaign. In doing so he is shoWing courage and, yes, just plain guts." -Toronto Telegrain the most complote team VThere will be a government, and it must be made up of men of government stature; a teama of political leaders and administrators capable of assuming ministerial responsibilities. On this basis, the most complete team seems to be the Liberals. Mr. Pearson has already held an important ministry with success. He is surrounded by a number of men with a feeling for public affairs, realist.ic ideas and administrative experience."-Le Deuoir Mr,, Pearson makes it plain "~Mr. Pearson has made it plain that he has "Mr. Pearson mentioned as first on the list no intention of getting down into the gutter with Mr. Douglas or, for that matter, with Mr. Diefenbaker, Whose attacks on the Liberal leader have been equally despicable. But the campaign of mud-slinging goes on. In the end, the result will be a serious loss of respect for the NDP among people Who have felt this party stood for honour in polities." -Ottawa Citizen of Liberal xelfare priorities the establishment; of a contributory pension plan for Canadians. Then would corne a national health plan; but flrst the economy mnust be expanded to the point Where the national cconomy could pay for such measures without going further into debt. He added that the government should spend not a nickel on anything that would not increase production and reduce uneni- ploymnent."- Winnipeg Free Press IT'S lIME FOR ACTION -VOTE LIBERAL P.,t -e N , -1 i ' Durham-RUSS HONEY HAYDON Mr. Wm. Nightingale, Fort William, was Sunday supper guest of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Read and famuly. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Thomp- son and Cindy, Bowmanville, xvere Saturday visitors o! Mrs. W. Thonipson. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Thompson, Valerie, and Debbie were Sunday eail- ers. Dr. Gardon Siernon, Mrs. Siemon and family, Don Milîs, were recent cailers at Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Slemon's. Mrs. Wiibur Toms, Mrs. Courtnev Graham, Mrs. Stuart Doreli, Mrs. Keith VanCamp and Bar- ry, Blackstock, were Sunday callers at the Siemon home. Mrs. Fred Toms, Enniskil- ]en, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Siemon last wee k. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Morrison, and family. Oshawa, were' Fridayvîsitors at Mr. and1 Mrs. 'Mel Bertrin,'s. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Ormis-, ton, Enniskillen, Mr. George' Andrews, Mr. Lloyd Ashton, Ronald and Ray, were Sundav dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Ashton and famiiy. Mr. George Andrews spent the weekend with Mr. Rav Ashton. Mrs. Harvey Nivins, Mrs. Sam French and Mrs. Percy Mutton, Bowmanviile, were, Sundav visitors at Mr. and Mrs. D). J. Cameron's. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Siemoný and Susan visited Mrs. Fred CeyI Toms. Enniskiilen, on Sundav. Cev i Mrs. Lloyd Ashton spent Sunday with Mrs. J. Aiken- head, Toronto. Sympathy is extended t Mrs. J. Aikenhead in the sud- den pasing of her husband. Mr. J. Aikenhead, while on 3 holidav in Fiorida. Mr. and Mrs. Aikenhead spent much ~~~ of their summer holidays at their cottage in the Haydon' village. Mrs. Arthur Read and Miss Ina Beryi Read left Monday on a motor trip ta Fort Wii I1 liarn and other points. Mr. Wayne Blackburn i5. spending a couple of weeks in Toronto Mrs. K. Cowiing ieft b 'y bus on Saturday morning for Cali- fa rn ia. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Tre-' win and William, Mr. and A Gênerai Motors va Mrs. Walter Loveridge and familv attended the 25th Wed- dung Anniver5ar *v o! Mr. and. Mrs Gardon Yen on Saturda %, rvening at the Lions Centre, Re e Bowman ville. NIc. and Mrs. Walter Love- See your local author ridge and farnul ' visited Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Avery and Vernon, Pleasont Point, on Su nda v. Mr. and Mrs. David Mior-1 row and Alexandra, Don Milis,» were Saturdav visitors of Mr and Mrs. Walter Loverîdge COURTICE and !arnily. Chevy Il1100 2-Ooor Sedan GOlfS GREAT !NO WONDER CHEVY if/S SUCH A SPECTACIJIAR SALES SUCCESS... THEREC AN EXC/TNO VAUE-PACK(EO MODEL 70 SUIT EVERVONES PLEASURE 1100 4-Door Sedan Sedans, convertibles, coupes and wagons - from as thrifty as you please ta as deluxe os you like! Drive one today - and see for yourself 1 Chevy Il1100 4-Door Station Wagon Chevy Il Nova 400 Sport Coupe tatue 00Oto pour chevmlet doaiery ... soe why CHE VYllîsa CHEVYtooI enre to see Bonanza on the CBC.Tý aetwork eacb -',unday. Cherk your local listing for channel and time. N.96I rized Chevrolet dealer. ROY W. NICHOLS CHEVROLET- OLDSMOBILE DEALER Phone 728-6206 BOWMANVILLE - Phorne 623335e CALL THE LIBERAL COMMITTEE ROOMS, BOWMAN v RI Phonie 3-m5191 Hi POLLS OPEN 8 A.M. TO 7 P.M. MEET RUSS HONEY - Memorial Park Clubhous THURSDAY, APRIL 4th - 7:30 to 10 p.m. courageous leadership