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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Apr 1963, p. 11

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VTaxRate 97.82 to 86.81 Milis C ouncil Approves $ 65,000 Addition to Public School Newcastle --- Tic- Village ýing the 1963 tax rate Pt 86.81 Council ai its April meeting :milîs foc ces.idlential property on Wedncsday rvening passed 'and 97.82 milîs foc commer- a resolution sccking permis- cral propecres whicli is an sion froni tie Ontbario Muni- increase rn! 8.71 milîs ini the cipal Board ini issule elen- Iresidiential rate and 12.77 milîs tunei in thr amounît o! $65,- In lhc commercial rate and 000.00 for construction of an onlv A vAcy small peccentage addition in the Ncwcastle Pli- o!ftirs incrcase is Liderc île lic School. control o! tie village -ouncil. The Schonl Board rrqueç,st- ed this amount inTo -nstrîrct C uci ighsA t two classcooms and a ltility room on the south side of th e school. The ncw addition willI include two classroomrs on ilh a a as a mnain floor and a large hase- ar sk 1 ment roomn ht was expIaircd li ieI 11 secretary o! le Board it P*I the çchool is nveccrowdied noxv Sues uiilagi studènts in septemhler f he Iwo new rooms will lic necd Nrwcasfle -- The village ed. After some disci-î iOiiuucil, ati ts April meeting, the <-uncîl passrd ic cp e- on Wednecday evcning, ne-1 golution serkinn pcrrni-5ýion to c-evcd a notice of suit for, issue r1ebentrre.ý collection o! $211.45 and costs Ta~~ in tic Division Court, foc tIc,1 ........................1- A lv-làw w-as pa:rc d - Community Bowling Newcastle- Foliowing is qA ist of the hîgig scnrrs in iii- varlous leagues of tic rom- munity bowling la n e-,noix- êngaged in tic anoual play.\- off S. 'c -I -i r Mondlai ,adchaguer (200 and nier> M. Coudh 244 D. Neal 242, M. Grahami 233 R. Coucli 25, H. Courceari: 208, M. Win<.er 206, J. Arr 20'5, K. Smith 203. M e nsL c a.gi i e :G a imu ovenî B. Tentnanît 300, I. Pearcce284, B. Mlnoco 261, I. Taylor 260. 1. MrCullough 1.56 G. Glanx-ille 245, C. Millet 245,.Il. Highfield NI. . Hen. "' y 241, B. Pc'arcc '235. D. Wal- ton 229, G; Watson 228. -'j Wpdnesday Ladies' Lragu' -(200 and ove(r) B. Coudl 240, M. '~cî217, B. Tnodan- 216, A. Roive 21.1, ýM. Lewis 206. Teeniage i.eagîie (175 iaur over) B. Cood 277, J. B~e ville 253, B. Tendani 246,.D. Rudman 235, Jl. Martin 226, C. Stocks 21.5,.J. Cuniniighan 210, G. Allun 213,. 11. Poix-rIl "04, B. Heaf lic 201, J. Gaines J 97, B. Br-owni15 Thursday Mixcd L.e;gue - # (200 and oven CG. Rowe 240, .it. Couch 218, R..Tlowr. 205. Thursday Ladres' Lcague-- (175 and over) M. Porter 239, P. Stark 219. M. Trini 205, J. Stacey 195, D. Stark, 178. BACKACHE? .ntme! For relief from backache or (bat tired-out feeling 1depend on- Anofier hy-law w-as pasedi by rounicil appointnng -cruncil- Ion J. T. Browtn as inspector o! trp.ees tinder the Trench Excavators Acî. A r'olution xas passcd fixing tIe pcrincd of Dax'ligit Saving Timne in flic village. fcom April 28<1 b Ocotober 26th inclunsive. Eonservatio i e for Memi membe-r- of couiriil a m-ofioni by COrîncillors Bowî and Lovclkin w-as passcd unanl- motisly autiorizi i-g tie village ho figlltiche action. Drîring the discuIssion it -was revcaled 196j2 assessment ievreo oy the 'oat H-. G. 1-10k, fieldorîi-or Ganan-aska Conservation~ Au- and W. J. stnln of Port thorit.y. Thpr, ouncil haëd re- Hope cerpresonting the Author- fusqed to pay this asscssment ity lhad attended the March lasi vear because the villageimeeting of coutncil and had hart neyer joioed the author-'beeo unahie to point, out aov il 'v. Il seeros the village wasad\,-antiagr.s 1l the village of taken ilontoheicAîthority* vwilh- irnemhr'rship in the Aîtilloritv oi the consent or represent- and members of çoulicil are ation of the village counci of the opinion that therr' s anrd lie action \vas a(ccepted!alreadyý too muicl of thr local adîondondb' h -iitr lax dollars -oing oui of flir of Lands and Forests of the village aud r-xprrsscd ir provincial go\'er-nmcni. îînwilliiugoc's tOpay \sss Afler some dlisrissiori bY ment for mçnmhr ihip in iiV. /leivcîsdle C'pI and Mrs-. 1. C. NMa t - day vcekpe-rd xxuiiilier par- lIeu%ýs and familY o! Rue Diii- cofs Mc-. and Mi-.,. Chas,. Gil- drue, Queber. wen-e w-clecî kes and family. xisifors willi Mr. and Mrz. Mc. and Mns. Oliver. I ib- nD. M. Bernard and Erc. liard o! Oshiawa \vere Suuidax- Mrs. l-lent-y Bowenî and Dar- xisitors wifliMr. arnd Mrs. :ene spent tke Eamter wecck- Charles Gihkes and faîîîilv. enH witli Mc. and Mrs. Carl Mc. ancd Mns. Cluttord CiidIfe Todd and famili at Stark- anîd darîghler Sharoni spe-it xille. Miss Doris Todd cetuico- Ihe Easter xvekeiîd aitînevir -cd xvrfh tieni in spenîd a fc-w-ý cottage ah Madsxvsska aloud days xii licr cousins. vîsifcd w illh Mn. aîîd ins. Mr. and Mcs. Ronald Purîgle Clifford Duuiîs xîliletlivre. anîd son David and Mc. and Mis. Herbert 'Fînîk. Mi sMrs. Sfanley Hodigson ail o! Pcrcv Deweil aîîd son Doi- Bowmanvillc w'cr e Easten- las o! Hamptoniîxrn- Suinday -Sinuîay visitors wil i Mr. and %ii:itor- -witli- Mis. Fredi Coiwlî Mrs. G. H. Hodgson. Si., Mcs. Normani Samis anrd Wpekend vîsitors w'ltlî Mc. Mr. Leslie Allimi. -and Mrs. John Vouît w-ecc Mc. Mr. and Mrs. George Kimi- -and Mrs. Dudley Sale and Jo- hllh and daughier Joao we anne and Mrs. Robert Sale, Saturday dinner guiests witi ahl o! Scarliorougi. Mn. and Mrs. Vance Cooper Fcieods ot Mcs. D. M. Bec- in Oshawa on Saturday. nard will lie sorcy tb learn Mr. anud Mrs. H. N. Brittoni that she lis lJI and is a pal- and family of Bellex-ille were lient in Memonial Hospital in weekcnd visiiors xii Mr.i Bowmanville. and Mrs. H. S. Brittoni. Jane4 Mr. and Mcs. Tlompson stayed on to spend the week Ellis o! Lakefield and Mns. witl Ici- grandpaî-erts. E. M. Cal-vert of Scacborougl-î Mc. and Mcs. George Kimi- visited on Monday witI Mr. hall and Joan ,ve-re Suîîdayv Cordon Agnew. dinncc guests xiii Mc. aîîd Mns. H. R. Peare, Mc. aîîd Mns. Howard Cordon in Port Mrs. Albert Pearce and daim- Hope.1 gîter Elizabefth visitpd wifh The local inluinterr fr-e de- ,Miss Peggy Peacce in Toc- paiment w-as kept on thne rn onto on Sunday. during île wcc-kend answen - Mc. and Mns. Donald Josebng false alan-ms and conicoli- and !amily o! Brampton visit- - ing glass fines. ed witl Mr-. and Mrs. J. H. Mr. J. H. Moffat o! Miltoni Jose on Frîday. speot the xveekeiid visiting A.W.l Bevenlcy' vGilkes of! with Mn. arîd Mcs. George Al-s the R.C.A.F. Station Downs--lin and Mr. anîd Mrs. W. F.1 vieux spent tic Eastcr holi- Rickard. *ON NATIONAL BRANDS *' At Your Local Druggist's- Thurs. - Fri. - Sot. Iiii. KLEENEX Tissues 2 .Os for 2.9c -ii lit. BAN Lotion Deodorant ------89e --e- 78 c TONI Home Permanent . -- 1. 6 6 ~OLD SPICE After Shave Lotion <~.1. 3 7 >"' RONSON Lighter Fluid ------3c M ------2.9c 111-ii'p -T-S--- ------------ Pe size----------------- ----89C 1îGERITOL Liquid 21 oz. or TahIet-, 90'. 4.79 i ~~BROMO SELTZER Re.1I9- 93c Il ILIMMITS -Rg $A993c " Il" LISTERINE Reg. 98e 87cI WATCH FOR THIS AD EACH WEEK li. BOWMANVI LLE NEWVCASTLE I COWLING'S DRUG STORE JGHNSON'S DRUG STOREI A LEX McGREGOR, DRUGS ORONO JURY& LOVELL STUTT'S PHARNACY I ¶e Avew4/9%4 Gordon Agnew, Edilor 11,.-1- -- '- iHiskPci wread 0cr questron, l'lait, laid oui Muînro Stneeî Bible v-erse or ver-ses. give broni MillI St. to Northn SI. lier comnt eitpor ili, tien Mcs. John Noi-îhiup w'a % every~one joinîed irn a discrs- appointcr! 10 fil] a vat-aiitY sion. This plan was tlior-ougli- on ilie Ret-reation Committce. ly cn.joyved. shown by lie numn- Wîri-den l. E. Walkev, Reeve ber o! opinions grveîî aîd lie orf Clarke 'l'ow,-nsilp and bifter-est takeni n indirîg ans- c<tinillor Fosi1e r spoke Io wers. Tiariks again lu Mi'. r-oot-il rnformmrîg ilienitiat Page w-ho cao so clearlv de- tie, Necastle-Clan-ke joint finie <o us, sonie of the puzzl- Planrning Board iad becnn dis- ing situations annd expr-essionis. solverd and liatit ni ad heen Business reports followcd. ccplaced lix'tic Clarke Town- The miinutes wen-e read and sip Pin un i ng Boarcd and a pprnved. coIllecftion rec-eiv- soninglit te îo-opecation orf the cd. cocrespondence was ce- villaeini heur planning in ccivcd and read. We were ac- lic vit-inlî' o!iflie village. Mi-, quainîied uvill fie Colurmburs Wle-sai-I Clarke lîsd ap- bazaac date, May Ist, w'lici pointed( ontl'v five me-,mber-sItrins oti n xl nmeeting date. So lie Board lea'-ing tw-o seats xve de-cided to hold our meet- if thie Newcastle Couin-il irng tlie next day, Ma 'v 2nd, at sliou1d ever change bts mind tlie iSUal lime and place. and desire bo enter tic ar- Buis amouiîted 10 $18.35. rangement. Moved by Mrs. Nelson Fice, Mr Alliert Nax-lor n-epr-e- ser-oîded b 'v M rs. Russel seintiiig lie Fine Depai-iment, Staintori Ilat bills be paid. asked rouncil w-lai cornld lie Oui- U.C.W. ivas pcesenled CiOiîHc abiout IlejolI pr-opectv with a firiarcral donation, foc oni Marri-rs Si. wix-ir-h is le- w-hic-iw-e are ver 'v tiankful.*' c-cime a fire iazard witi xveeds Soe-ial corix-cier announced a anid long grass in anionigst. a quantity o! new tea-tow-elling growtîî <if voung irees. Mc. lîad been prrrciased for or -Naxloi said the dcparm-nt s kitcien. Il. was decided to c-alled outnto10figit fitres 01,pUrclise a iewV seccetacy' fbis properfv everv yea- arndb book tori ecord Jioint meetings iliat, if fie firie-got* a *sfart he- onl.v. Fixe ladies attended tie for-e ilxvas siglted, and it got -Leadership Day' at Ebene- starfed n thie hi-es thece zec on April 4th and founid il woirnild le no holding it anîd a vecy gratifying mèeting. ocarbyx homes are thus enîdan- We w'ere acquainted w'ith gered. Thie clcrk was irîstr-Uct- the idea o! helping to build ed t; w\nite to Mc. JolI asît- up our library, w'iich has just ng litm to have the property t,,ared1 and books would lie cleaned up. goeatl\ appr-eciated. by the U.C.W. Clothing foc bales for over-seas, missions and aur allocation must lie given la BASE UNE Mn-s. Hanrs Geissbecger, Sir., bcfkure Ma ' 31s1. Bandages 'lie Bas~e r ie (ùnd Neigh- foc a Lcprosarium an-e tcrilie bour- Clib met at the home brouglit To ou- Ma ' meeting. if Mrs. Sami Baflaris on Wed- Conivener, Mrs. Tom Sobil. iecdav afierrînon ai 2 p.m. Plans foc a dessert card Fiere -wcce fourien memn- part.-,liav-e beemi shclved, bers and several xisitoî-s pr-c- Movecl lV Mn-s. Russel Stain- ent. During the business per- bori, seconîded blixv Mcs. Percy jod, ideas foi, a ba-zaar to le Dax-ndson, that we help witli reld 10nItie fall vere discis- the Cancer Drive. Once again. ced. Mns. Danni Battanis won -Mns. MeMaster lias accepted he itickv numliec prize aird tîne conx-erership o! tuis ,lcs. M. Foxvlcn-xxasn pos- w-ori-Thlle cause. session of hl irk *v 'clip. The, Decided to write and get îosfess assisted lv Mrs . C.ifttîner' information on mis- WVilson., serx-ed luînch for a sion work over-seas, tirougli ot-.id-u haf lot-. Mis. (RexÀ) Tonge. Miss Lisa VanutiCamnp is at Bazaac plans wcre dis<-s home once more, affin, speiîd- Serd once more and tin be pre- itr ai few diaYs iii a Toronto senfed aithtic Joint meeting .ospial last week. on Trîesdla*v evening, May Mis. M. Stainfon ,od c-luilH- l4tl, 8 p.m., in the Sunday crn and Mrs. H. Wilson. Oslî- School roonis. Evenyone come w-a, were Safîirdax- t-allers anîd icar nîews reports from .-itlî Mc. arîd Mrs. C. Wilson. boîli a!terrîoon and Anne Miss Don-otini Folex', Pcter- Recdul inits' ororigi Teacliis' Colîr-ge. iý 'Une social cunmittee pie- ýpnding lier Ecster xvacation senied seierai mnîUriS, pIus :itlî (nir pauntns 1Mcf. 1110 prir-es. wiu-lct-ni lie îsed for Mrs. Edîxard Finir-i. fture catering jobs. 'I li' v Oni Sit irch(a Nc-vin iiig t lie iur-i wtIi xvle-ic-cricd aui- [3-s Lil- -uiiniiîiiiitv liu-Id ail rumvLul froni tihe utîrc.i ic-n- xcil- of id crds ailàd tancing belU-nS. Amilier larcge- table- il thec Base Lime Sr-loul. Foir- clutîr lias arrivcd, Uv tihe use rer grauiates of thne 5(-luiof Canada Paukers labels. 'c-ce gatliered togetlier foi- Oui- allocation, inlîelping àr-e-un iii anrd cri uvc-d ne- to furnisfi the apartments iewing acqciaiufanres. l'Teue red b ' visiting iiîissronares. uc-Iies sercxed Iluncr-itri uc-h lxhotue uni fuioug i in Toronito, ,iglîf>' ioii ng a i-c-c'-pIes- Nwss a pair of pillow-r-ascs. mîrt e f'\eniiîg To a close. Mrs. li-ans Geîsslierger kindly Mr. anud Mrs. A. Brîsiielî oftrecd to pîîrc-hasc the above. uid BRuhNiagai-m al ;Mc. ThîS lir-orglir île miefnnl- id M.M Macko and Paý!- Io a close. Affer snnging one yGPorgetovn: Mrs. C. Pelcn verse o!t Christ the LocHi is id Victor and Vixian. Toc- flisen'* and pi'vec, evecyone mio, wxerp wcekcnd visilors Pnio 'cer a wonderiftil lunch, vui T icir parntrs Mr. and plus a deligitfu.il isit vvitî Ihe VI1S. ArtilInir Gîbson. Pageos. So. pîcase don't for- Mr. anrd Mc.s. O. \W. Lx-i et tinese '2 important dates id Rick Lo unidon,. Ont., ini May'Orîr0w-n a ftcroon peini the Ecustor xvekend uitbmeeting on lursda, it1 Mc. and Mrs. C. Wilson. Max 2nd, 2 pin., intlie S.S Mn. arnd Mcs. Kenunîti Hart- rooms; Joint meeting on May y. v Ric-ky*varîd Hetailer w-en-e 4tli. at 8 p.m.in tie S.S. 'aster wcckeiid guesîs of lier arcuns Mr. snd Mis. K. C. Kolenkn and Karen, Oshiawa, olkuins. Ricky sta yedi for a on Sindax- w-len Mcs. C. Wrl- ingrr visit. >uri arnd Mr. H. Wilson were Mn s. Rocnv Va Camnp, Mrs c-elelir-ating birtidays. -Bucgvsnî, Toronîto: Mr-. Sam Mc. Neil Brownell spent an Camp. M\1a r v Susan anîd the past weekend with his 011 Spcrii Suîday' ai tlîeir miotier- Mis. Charles Brown- otlage ai Miink Lak-. eh. Fînci, Ont. Mc. and Mrs Roger Sallan Mn., John Alguire anîd Mc. id famil .v, Demoresix-ille, Ronniie Browneli, spent the cccr Suînday' nallers with Mn. Faster w'eekend ai their hom- id Mrs, Fred Wright. es in Fincli aid Ingleside. \lns. Roi- Meicaif and Mn r. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Met- osS NIeu-alf lefi on Monda 'v c-aI! and r-iildren, Oshawa, i prndi a few- dais w-rfiMc. w-en-c Mnndav evPning supper id Mis,- Bruce Siex-cnson annd gumests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy rleniî and Paul, Detroit. Mrch. Van Camp. Mi-. and 0.s W. L.owrv Mr. and Mrs. A. Ba rï-x, id ýon Ricks-, Mn. and Mcs. c;cace and Ted were wPe.k- Wilson. Nir. and Mrs. H. étiH visitrs wih hlien par- Mvrs. wes lierti-ini and .1ini- wedding celebration of Mr. -""co"operation l rdiony - mie, Windsor, Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Farewell Blackburn and marketing problems.f 0 Ron Morrison and childrenr, at Mr. aod Mrs. John King- Projeets are to sow at least (II -ÀàO Oshawa. spent Good Friday' horros., Zion. 00e-quarter acre of seed which i with Mr. and Mrs. M. Ber- Mr-, Peter Boshan is spend- has, been approved, to study trrm and famrlv\. iug the Easter holidayv at his and practice recommended LA N R OO Miss Stella B lackburn. Bow- home in Toronto, cultural methods for corn, and 1AIO Y Q 04 manville, was Saturda 'v rea -- b leario of proper soil and REC- ROOM' 6ARA6E gtriest of Mr. and Mrs. IN. iand use practices.8 Blackburn and familv.A 4 S ig Points are given foi field _______z______________ j Mc. and Mrs. Loir Heather- 4 -H l -ig score, for- field nlotes and fin-,PiP~ /E TN ton, Billie and Caroline rrom C Ub Ha cial statements, for exhibit P O I E TN Angrs xvere Easter weekend (Imk IIa t Achievemerit Day, for. RYOI callers at Mr. and Mrs. J. Corn IU II 3 udging comrpetitionr. for ques-' Joncs' SaturdaY night callers irons based on club work, and were Mc. and Mrs. Cecil DA- ~rf>.A~~for- attendarrce at meetings. geer, Ajax, and Miss Coca F11131 M ei ng~I There is stili time to join Degeer. Mrs. Marion Sea rs the Silage Corn Club and we. was a Monday> caller at the l'le !ir-st meetings ot the would welcome îrew members. ý ý Jones home. 4-H Silage Coco Club anri If you are interested pleaseý Mis. E d n a MeLaughli:r. Grain Corn Club were held f111 out the enrolment form ; Bur-keton, spent Sunday with jointly in the Agriculture of- and mail it Io the Agricultural' Mi-.and rs. Ross Ashton fice,, Bowmanvrlle, on Satur- Office iin Bowmavle and famulv. day mor-oing, April 6th. Mcs. A.'MeKinnion, Mr. and Officer-s o! the Silage Corn You c(an fool somte of the, Mrs. Gordon Werry, Tor-onto, Club were elected aod are as people aIl of the time, and aIL were Saturdav- evening lea follows: President, Garry .Jet- of the people some of the tîme,! SERVICE guests of Mc. *and Mrs. Lloydfec.y: Vice President. Bryan but vou canoot fool all the,~ Ashton. Lvnda Sharp, Enn'is- IBradley; Secr-etacy, Ken Knox, 1people aIl the lime.--Abrýaham killen. %petit a day with lier and Press Reporter, Bruce AI- Lincoln. Durham County Co-operative MEDICAL SERVICES* OFFERS A COMPLUTE MEDICAL (ARE PLAN DOCTOR'S SERVICES - by the Doctor of Your Own Choice SURGICAL BENEFITS INCLUDE ... " Any doctors' services needed ini hospital. " Out-patient diagnostic X-Rays. " Cystoscopic and Bronchoscopie examinations. EXTENDED MEDICAL BENEFITS INCLUDE. . . *Home and office calis *Injections. *Health Examinations. *Eye Examinations. *Plus Surgical Benefits. BE A PART OWNER 0F YOUR OWN INSURANCE CARRIER Members of Durham County Co-operative Medical Services are receiv- ing 10% Refund on Premiums paid in the year 1961-1962. THE RATES ARE VERY LOW The Surgical and Major Medical Package is $60.00 for a Famnily and $30.00 for a Single Member. The Extended Medical Plan and Major Medical is $115.00 for a Family and $57.50 for a Single Member up ta age 65. Over 65 years of age: $ 135.00 for a Famnily and $67.50 for a Single Member. MAJOR MEDICAL BENEFITS INCLUDE. . . *Ambulance Charges. *Special Drugs. *Laboratory Services. *Appliances and Therapy. This is the only county-based organization serving the United Counties of Durham and Northumberland. P Plan Inm nuedia eTStar't à t tftsfnmn-, Uowmg"avtlê, APT-.?17, OB i Mcr. and Mrq. F. A. Osmnond.L c lB e Pr d es -D iv sio Pa k 1Virginia, Tracey, and B.Ad amns, Bowmanville, were S-Ad- On Sub-Divsion Parkurday evenrng vstr T ur-urorFrm Newcastle- The Cha mnber The Chamber aiso uhr Mrs. E.li R Thompson and 0 Comm rce a ils pril zed a grant of $25 .00 te the Cynthia, Bow m-anvlle, r O rd y pi t , 1 5 an h s f h g ot r Phone 3621 meetingon Monday evenmng Lions Club te help wrththh ie unday d nrguStso r3nF.aApî t,15adte ieo ihmitr f cleaning cost of the eoympleton olie Twms n. S nd v cfe du ted plaetn desa h eniain yte the'esunwecier c. and ofMcs . .beef producers fcom Dur-hamncoco was discussed at the Ma- village in the West v iew Lions Roomn of the Commun- Thompson, Valie and Deb- Cotrnrty visited commerc i al se * -Fecguson tacm. A ne.w Heights Sub-division for park ity Hall. cah, Bowmanville, and R. D. feeedlots and purebred bceed- featîrre here %vas Ihe addition ~ 4purposes. E. R. Lovekin was The members furthec dis- Thompson and Tery, Namp- ers ini York Countv' travelling of over 100 ton o! higl i oiý; c enI ota phIFu nd delegated te arrange for the cussed planning for the lake- tel,.. in three busses. tur-e c-orn to the silage cnt-t burning off o! the property Ishore area of the village and Mc. and Mcs. Bert Ashton; The first stop w-as at thre as il w-as being put ini the silo. Nre,\caqtlce Tvo donations and a committee was appoint-1 the president was authorized ntetaura heM;* rlurng the past week hav e ed to wock witithe in 'gtaseae nti u-and Lea, TorontQ, Mi-. and far-îi of Elson Miles at Milli- Aohx etc tteMs brouglit lie loc-al memrtrral Club commrttee t e w ons otjecgel orspeaer onxthiseneralMrs. J. Potts were Suriday tea ken. Mc. Miles feeds approxi- se 'v-Fecgîrsor facm Ywas a v-istt rentalifîrd ve th $50 PIIl fr wrkpates rkta eanmetingo the nCliamberabeguests at Mr. and Mrs. A. ,matelx 130 steers growbng all to the new piggerv. This srt-i cenotap fund vpr th $1500P]Rn.I fer Wrk paries teclean eo!inthe theCrghagete bnf thesougo!granp wiilof again, ag bencbcmco eIetc1 mark and the Lions Club will UP the property. held on Tuesday, May 21st.e Read's. tlie grain on 75 acres, il is a atratic and il is expecrtr be ýýtarting the sale o! tickets Mc. Jimi Graham and Gor-loshuin sepad iehtoemî -Ubebe nex wek o a rawto e - ~ !don, Bowmanville, called on mnain feautre of the tai-m in look after the beef cattle anci made at, the annual ficeworks If J ii parents on Saturday. 'addition bte le steers is tle the swine enterprise. Theus display To be leld in tlie com- Z IO N Mr. and Mcs. L. Griffin, goigo ri oowhd !sasinbt I acwn mîrit ar onVicora Dy,.T'W Nws, ooms. Blackstock, and Mc. and Mrs. is trsed for both silage and as, and feeding, finishing porms May 20t1. The full proceeds S>etet fePrnmbers of Zioný P.S.__- Manyv of nur U.C.W. Alfred Garrard and Baryconcentrate. It was pointed %vas islctlrssc;d bv those on the froni whic-h wîil be donated U.C.Wý aftecnoon united jour- ýmembers, along witli aller wece Saturday supper guestsf' out that high taxes and higli four. Thî emei1ber-s did take to thie fund. neved toe(lie Manse at, Hamp- people called upon Mrs. John of Mc. and Mcrs. Chaclie Gar- priced land made il necessaî-v lunch with theni which tfl' Pcevioîrsly ton, on April 3rd, 196,1, and Balson on Mardi 31sr, at, hec card. teo get the most possible front lad ai the Massev-pergusorr ;;cknowledgé,d $1463.36 held their montlily meeting birtldav party and reception Mc. and Mî-s. David Mon- the overaîl fai- operahions. tarin ,\,Iieire coffce* lnad heet-i Hamblv's Reverageq, witli Rex-. and Mrs . Page. at the C.E, building in Hamp- i-ow and Alexandra, Don Mr. Miles felt that high quali- arranged liv Mr. Sutherland., Oshawa 25(100 ton Clucl. This lively and Milîs, were weekend guests of ty gr-ain corn was the ansvver l'Tic first* visit of the after.; Anonvmorus 15.0o1 Expressiîîg sinceî-e bhaoks Total to date $150.136 In our liost and lostess, Mr, inbecesting lady is one Of au",r Mc and Mîs. Walter Love- toi his pcoblern. ;onws oDdoiiFarrimi Bradlley tlien called tle meet- U. C. W. life-menibers and, cidge and familv . Mcs. Clit- Second visit o! the day was Whe-e 1400i at-n-s jai-c indý_p ing to o'rder, The Easter season proud we ai-e of!lhec! ford Tcewin, *Bowmanville, al Massev-Feî-gîson F a'-m 's,'cîrîTivation. Over 5oP steci:sg w-as well expr-essed in the- was a Sunday caller at the Millikenl, where W. A. Suither- ai-e fed 0on a gi-aini-corn pra- porm our President read. Loveridge home. land, far-m manager disctrssedgi-ani.Seehuirdrrd acrrs Co! Mrs. Nelson Fiee, assisled HAYDON Mc. and Mcs. Walter Love- tie livestock and ccoppit drain c-orn x ' ioWn on the hy Mrs. Percy Davidson, pre- 'ig n afil eeSna prograin. He again point, jOin 1962 ii ciwee,(n mi). sented a splendid devotional U.C.W. Api il meeting will dinner gîresis O! Mi-. and Mis. oui the impor-tance o! gis \rV--e ~ill elic gi-n n n j% thor ty wth apapeî- on the "Cruci- be held aftie home of Mrs. S. Tcewin and Juditli, Bo\,\- corn being irsed for both 1963. Two 60 x -f silos an-c liIVI~ xili ,d ma M, i, ii 1,Ie nT,,s, nville, age arnd grain anîd aiso diq ,,ý îîsed for thie sîlage c-orn w-hile fciio'readb.v Ms. DFie and Cihrîre Carral. on Thusda Mrs. M. Olesen lias reti.rro- sed Ilie use o! labour saving tie reniaiider of ihr coin r foSeiptue Y irs. a ison h nigît (tlrui gî)at 8 od and'.ed ta lier home. havirîg spent:eqîripmeriî. T h e ptrrebr-ed put inihigh rioistuîe cnintl ber h'ip F e "esi-rcbyn"aEreaigon e rs. Ainche ofGacrar ndthe winter with lhec daughterShortlorn herd w-as viewed silos 18 x40* and iin a lr ersnunResucectin. e onte ws ror lrgeinclirg otogaed-aiEliiot Lake. xith interest by those rmcncib g - i fEare is o!ftio- eA leae oservgction attnd- Mrs. A. Read. Ina Bervi the cotroty. Big gr-owtliy cows The final \isif or i11w Ha-' orgaizétioi \hichsped ginl o Ed atvoThc as foel- d theaster service o iStn-and Lynne were Mondav visi-t-aî-ried as cleaplv as possibIL, was at thie fan-niof! GCor2e. ni a n ,a îo n hi h p c ds aI ] w e b a v o al dî et b- d y tt n- oo i. GAs t n , s ïl * o rs o f M r. a n d M rs C la 'v to n i s t e r n i i f a tu re o ! th e R o d a n ,. a n o te d lle r cfo -rl of ils !unds nhe noiermni-fr.Gen laspelwil and rs.Miss ShGrlathto rt,"sang Read and amîly, Peterbor- beef herd. The feeder setup breeder iit iebb Sliiff\-Îli , tIhe v illage foc 19631 has riseri and accompantied hy Mcs. Tom Dugan spolie on "The Trans- otig. is designied to feed tnp te 500 ar-ca. Here, th ew secretr-- f0 $,1-18.59 foc membei-ship in Sobil on the piano. Let*s hear formirîg Power of the Resur - aMd-. an MreS LondavSlemo talet on lme and hie m-fenitAciation, MrovE.o- the Autloict\ you more often ladies! Mcs. cecion.'* An Easter lilv wxasadSuaiw-eSra sr-peel -caisd Teîr m tAsoaio, c... . Building Permitsn Alec McMaster bcotrght the placed in the chUrci by Mc. perî guests Of Mrs. F. Toms, of grain conn the ration Starr-, disc-cssed .-dvanri-cd Couîicil authorn-vcd theie program 10 a close witl a bui- and Mcs. Leslie Craliarn.*TWO Enniskillen. Registi -v anîd thon iî groî p suneMOrous reading "Signs e! others weefr. heAlio1 Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Slennon lin. Tie leader is Harold Yel- did xiew the HIeeforri mcd. sîinîr- f wo îrldiîgPc,- Snin'.wcr fonith Asît-ivisited the Northeriti and low-lees. Arrarîgeîîieus fori- 11 tour S't fr t i es pcs n M ii Au- i ud- M. Pae- iod oulid be s fam ilv Ashtn.e o- o r.Sm itji Fumerai Hom e on Sun- 'îh,îeobe tto! Co rn Clurbs ie re rnî d y tpn csî0.Deîî mStre forsrns oMern liro Mn. -Paei wunld buis ni--Aio.day îo pax- their respectstto Idemonstrate thex-alure of John Rickardaî . .Dl sont and Vccîî. Kent. A nio- "Tli- Bible". Nine questions Mc. and Mn-s. Y. WT. Mayvor. the late Mr-s. Douglas Tavior. good seed, the practice or rymple, froni thle Extcrnsionr flout wis also passed airtlor- plus scriptunral references, Scacborough, s p e i t Easter Mc. and Mrs. W. Blackbunnoo cultural methods annd dis- Brarîch o! the Onîbarlo Dep1r:- izirg ai aplicaion o te "'weeend t thir ottaeod iviig rn spprcaîoî 1 teree passed to îîine members cknda hrcttg n ad Dale, anîd Miss Stella case coîîîr-oî, t dex'elop lead- Ileint rof Agric-ulture in Bow\N- Ontfario Water Resour c e s Eai-h menîber-, in tuco, was' the village. Blackburn attennded tle 251hesii ndftr-mmni naile Commiîssioin 10 have a w'aten- - 'A1, e- - ndrete cmmni. -.vile SEND THIS COUPON TO: Durham County Co-operative Medical Services ORONO, ONTARIO NAME ~.- ADDRESS ---------------- 'l'u m-111 hfundf-r no obligation 1 Ulm 7 s

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