12 The canadian statesman, eownmanvfle, Apr. 17, 19631 ,Two To ns of GoId Cows' I!n the herd of R. P. Sten-- 291735 - classified Vemy ter & Son, Enniskilîen, Ont., Goot- produceti in 1431 days two Jersey cows have been:2,301 lbs. of fat. She is aiso' ilueti a Ton of Golti certifi- a inner of one Silver Medal eate. Enniskillen Servant joyanti one Gold Medal. Ennis-ý _______rkillen Servant Lady - 280331: 1-classifieti Excellent- pro-j Fm.N QUALITY I duced ini 1454 days 2,065 lbs.' MOf0NUME NTS ANDJ cf fat. Both cows are daugh-1 ters cf the Superior Sire MARRERS Brampton BP Servant-I 22147. 4i..lm p w,. les y». To qualify for this awarda ?rRO(j(\ t ew pw n.j. » cow must preduce at leastj 0F STFFOR '2,000 lbs. of fat in 4 consecu- 1 OFTSTAtiveDyears. Two Jersey cows Doil's Ba- sil Foxy 7F- 242612 - and FAMILYWynwites Fawny Susan- MONUMENt 234282 - both classified Ex- f SiafordTon of Golti certificates. FoxyI StffrdBrothers produceti in 1400 days 2,100 IMITED lbs. of fat and she is a win- ner cf one Golti Medal. Susan * Monuments produceti in 1425 days 2,198. Ibs. of fat. She is a winner *Box 133 cf one Silver Metial, 3 Goiti 818 Dandai St. E. Wbltby Medals and a Ton cf Golti cer- 1 Phone Wbhltby tificate. Both cows are ownedî ffObawk 8-3552 by L. C. Bradiley Hampton,! _________________Ont. THE FIRST AND Of OIL IN CANADA Ti BOTIl JOBS IN YOI CHAINI New Esso Chainsaw Twinlubev to lubricate both the chain an chainsaw. No longer do you ni do the job. Esso Cbainsaw Tw engines in top condition and pro% mng lubricant for the chain. Fiel by Icading chainsaw manufacturi Twinlube itoday from your Imp NEW Esse PISTOL MATIC CRUJ A high quality, one-hand cperated greàse gun coniplete with 12" flexible extension hose, 'tours now for only $ 00( f6thE. __ MPGre 3 Cartridj A. H. Sturrockd LIMITED iTURROCK ROAD MUURe AGENT 1$ RIGHT WITI4 THE TIMES IMPERIAL C How fi electrig makes heati ng outc0 0 It's the world's saf est heating 0 It's cleaner than any other ho soot or dirt of any kînd. 0 You get custom*comfort in e, separate thermostat in each, 0 Easy te install-no furnaceoai 0 No annual maintenance costs electric heating is truly a car Reduced oporating costs -in mm heating bas been reduced as n, Cali your qualified elei your LIVE DETTE# Large Confirmation CI Tyrone United Church was packed on Sunday evening, April 6th, when one of the largest Confirma- tion Classes in the histomy cof the church was presented. In ail, theme were 19 boys and girls welcomed into ful fellowship, following several weeks of preparation. They included, f ront row, left ta right: David Johns- ton, Edward Skinner, Cecile Park, Kathleen Davey, Joyce Davey, Audrey Wood, Edward Wood, Gerald Is ai Tyr n Un edlees and fandly, Semia. Sun- ?r. and Mrs. Wmn. Ifooey accomaidb spret lass t Ty one U itedday ail the Larmers and Mr. spent the weekend in Otawa was to holiday in U.S.A. anti Mrs. Eber Snowden, with Miss Joyce, who return- Mr. anti Mrs. Lloyd Wright Courtice, were guests of Mr. 'cd home with them Montiay anti family andi Roy ant illS anti Mms., Ernest Larmer. for the rest o! the week. Miss Ferguson were Suntiay sup- Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Graham, Margaret Hcoey, Toronto. per guets o! Mr. anti Mrs. Catimus, were Thumsday vis- spent the weekend at homne. Noel Morton and boys, Osh- Sitems and Mm. anti Mrs. Don Sorry te report Mrs. En awa. Pargater anti family, Port neth Gilbanks is in BowmanMr. and Mrs. Arthur Mc- Permy, weme Fiday guests of ville Hospital. I Mahon anti Wes., Lotus, were 'Mm. and Mrs. M. Graham. Mr. andi Mms. J. A. John- 'Suntiay guests o! Mr. andi iMr. anti Mms. Allan Dayes ston are spending a few days Mrs. Ted McMahon anti !am- anti babe, Mr. anti Mms. Clif- with Mm. anti Mms. Keith ily, Sunday. ford Dayes, Oshawa; Mm. anti Johnston anti girls, Belle- ... Mrs. Howard Carn a h a n, ville. Brooklin anti Mr. Charlie An- 'Mrs. W. W. Van Camp anti drews, Prince Albert, weme Miss Mable spent the week- Sunday guests cf Mrs. Fred endi with Mr. andi Mrs. Ron IDayes, Lorraine anti Jim. Drinkwater anti family, Ot-. O* - IMm. anti Mrs. Vincent Ar- tawa. cher, Bowmanviile; Mm. anti Mr. anti Mrs. Neil Malcolm 0 Mrs. Elmer Archer anti fam- anti family anti Mms. Idia Tay- ilý?, Whitby, weme Sunday 1cm visiteti Mms. A. J. Cook, guests o! Mr. anti Mms, Wil- Bmooklin, Sunday afternoon. bert Archer. Marilyn remain- Gordie remaineti for a few r ed for the week. tiays anti Mary Lou who hati IMr. anti Mrs. Barry Duns- been with hem grantimother moor anti chiltiren, Oshawa, 1 for a few tinys came home. 6'r visiteti Mr. anti Mrs. Kennethý Mr. anti Mms. Bruce Mount- Dunsmoor anti family Suntiay. 1 jcy anti aiyspnSuta Mr. anti Mrs. Ewart Leask 1 with ber brothers at Woodi- anti family, Solina; Dm. antid ford. Mms. Jack Malow anti family,' As an award for having Lively; Mm. anti Mrs. Ivan 'earneti the highest number o! Thompson andi family, Mm. points, two sixes of Cubs were anti Mrs. Jim Malow anti treatedti t a time cf bowling Anne weme Sunday dinner in Port Permy Saturday. They guests cf Mm. anti Mms. Wal- weme taken by leaders- Bob ............... ý**lace Malow. Wheeler, George Wolfe anti E TE» OW TR Mm. anti Mrs. Ray Lammer, Mrs. Carl Atiams. Cubs were- TD !n biui Pickering, Mm. anti Mss. Geo. GodeMlom ob Wa- Rutherford anti Allan, Osh- in, Rickie Campbell, Wayne. as Iow as $ 119.00 ... ...awa, were Sunday supper'Scott, Rodemick Gotifrey, Don- guests cf Mrs. Aima Fowler. f aid Wright, Blair Martyn, Da- JACK BROUGi Hardy; second row, James Youngman, Grace Moore, Dr nir.Mra er id Aas on H i% K B O G Dr. ntiMrs Muray err i itiAtias, ohn Hotge, Norma Davey and Irwin Hamilton; third row, Rev. anti daughter, Kingston, vis-ILanry Huntington. Absent PLUMBING and HEATING C. Dugan, Joan Davey, Charlotte Annis, Shirley iteti Mm. anti Mms. Rupt. Wem-1 weme Grant McLaughlin anti Johnston; back rew, Lynda Davey, Esther Rosevear, ry anti Roy, Suntiay. HarryjDaviti Lammer.1 Division Street South Elaine Annis and Katherine Hoar. Following the S antierson joineti them for 1Mr. Gordon Paisley left,1623-5615 BOIVMANVILLE spe.Thurstiay for Dunnile,_thenj service a special reception was held in honour of the1 ppr confirmation class. bIll aw BLACKSTOCKi Mrs. Phyllis Sinclair, Bow-' BL C KTO C Kmanville, is spending the week with Beverley and the Gor- Shorthorn Banquet Dr. J. McLean, mana g e r Fralic of Scugog, visited Mr don Strongs. N LY A very pleasant evening Of Breeders Incorpora t ed,1 and Mrs. Dale Gunter and Corporal and Mrs. Ken, was spent in the Recreation Kemrptville, who gave a most children, Friday. Linda re- 1 Strang and family, Ottawa; HAT WILL Do 1 Centre, Wednesday, when the interesting address on "Suc- mained for the week. \îMr, and Mrs. Ernest Larmner, UR CH INSAW Durham Shorthorn Associa- cess in Working with People". Mr. and Mrs. B. Staniland, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Larmer JRCHINAW tion heId their annual ban- .Mr. Dave Beath, Oshawa, Toronto, visited bis parents, and family, Mr. and Mrs. S A wquet. 127 persons sat down to thanked the speaker. Dwight, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Staniad Glenn Larmer and boys were the deliejous hot roast beef Bradley, Hampton, played nandcle nth rn tn Saturday evenig get f dinner served by the u.c.w. 'piano solo. Mr. Gratton Moore, lns rdy r n r.Hre elw SWMr. George Carson. Orono, Carneron, President of Vie-iadsFray M.anMs aryYeo- President of the Association' toria County Shorthorrn Assoc- Mr. and Mrs. Norman Dy- called on Rev. P. Rorneril t to n pk relalso sart, Alliston, and Miss Bettyl Z fjj g sYJrac, hoinseait o nfoe rel, m or, McArthur, Toronto, spent the race , h ised ar- r. ufrd-ap lholidays with Dr. and Mrs. 5 duced a uest of his, Rev.:President of Durham Short-.A. crtu.Un was specially developed W esley Taylor, who had just norn Lassies. Dwight an d' m. a..r. lre c M r id the engine in you r arrived from Jamaica and'Mary Bradley favored witha1whveetnehoero ted dffrntýfs o Mr. Taylor said Grace. This Piano duet. aiow erid.dhmefomý WO vinlube keeps chasw was followed by the singing Mm Lne eahcodut d . alMs mhrRhRalz h îhs eun viestogh lng last- a o h astona nhr n wa hc the folloing Tyrone, were Friday supperi for your wool by patronizing Id-tested and approved atatT h ue.tr esn eelc3 win-iget fteSa ams your own Organization. ers. Get Esso Chainsaw Betwen courses. Mr. Rus- ners-- Mrs. Herb Swain, Don-j Glen Bonnetta had the mis- SHIP COLLECT TO Perial Esso Agent. -e Osborne, Bowmanville, 1aid Trewin, Mrs. Robt. ai fortune to break bis heel last Our Registered Warehouse No, 1, with Mrs. Geo. Carson at the, ki, Mrs. Fred Trewîvn. Mm. 1'week. He is now home from Weston, Ontario. piano led a hearty sing-song.: Bey. Gray, Mr. Fred Trewin, hosptal with a cast on. Oti ak n wî Foloin temei m.Ca-Mrs. Percy Van Camp, Mirs. r eln al ot without charge fim UE GN so expressed bis pleasure at Alvin Boyd, Mr. Rod Porterr real, spent Friday - Sunday AEU having such a large attend- and Mr. Frank Riekard. rwt i ohr r.V O N T O P O ance and extended a special! Very fine Easter services r, Baiiey and Mr. and Mrs. Neil rwelcome. to the 4-H- Club were held in both churches. Bailey. members and the Shorthorn over the weekend. Thursday r akSan odn KENDAL. Lassis. Mm and rs. Bunt- evening Hoiy Maundy Com- spent the holidays with his Esoing, Orono, entertained with munion was administered ini parents Mr. and Mrs. Harold o ywiigt ges) Mvr. in musical numbers, ' St. John's and Good Friday Swain and Jîm and Helen. -~ANADIAN CO-OPERATIVE Mr.Bunting playing the ViO-l morning the Litany service, Mrs. Margaret Carley and WOOL GROWERS LIMITED lin and hem husband, who is1 was held. Sunday morningl Miss- Anne, Toronto, visited 40 St. Clair Avenue East, Superintendient of Orono For-!prayers and Holy Communionr Mr. and 'Mrs. Clarence Mar-.oot ,Otro & SorlS lestry, playingCthe Piano. with an Baster Sermon. Dur- low. Trno7 nai. '- Sons Mr. John Carnaghan ten-;ing this service a White Da- M.Er ori pn derd te tank tothelad- mask siik Burse and veil for few days with Mr. and Mrs. r es. In the absence of the Pre- the alter and book racks for Roger Dorreli and family, Ot- sident, Mrs. Harold Kyte,!the pews were dedicated. tawa. BOWMAN VILLE! Vice-Pres. replied. . These were a gift fromn Canon Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Mar- Mr. John Rickamd. New- ý and Mrs. Ashmore in mnemory low spent last weekend (their castle, introduced the head of his parents John Edward wedding anniversary and Mrs. table guests. Miss Mary Brad-1and Elizabeth Alice Ashmore. Marlow's bithday) in Tor- ley, Hampton, played a piano fThe church wvas attractively onto. 9L 1. M 8 T E r) solo. Mr. Russel Osborne in- decorated with Easter lilies Miss Catherine Bai.ley went troduced the guest speaker- and geraniums and on the te Bermuda for the holidays alter were memoriai flowers and Miss Sylvia Kozub went ____________________________________in memory of the late Mr. to Nassau. Tom Smith, donated by bis Sorry to report Mr. Wm. sister, Mrs. W. W. Van Camp. Kozub is in Oshawa Hospital At the Good Friday service and Mr. Chas. Turner is in 1i the United Church, Rev. Bowmanville Hospital. We P. Roineril took as the theme hope both will soon be able for his sermon "It Had to Be' artr home. and the choir sang "The Won- .: tand Mrs. Reg. Sutton, la m e l s s 1drous Cross". On Sunday Orono, visited Mrs. Fred Day- monng he har hdto es r iday f. . yswas a be placed in ail corners to 'driver of the chartered bus accommodate the attendance, trip fromn Bowmanville to h e jj fl rthe choir sang the anthem- New York City for the week- "B'e Lives Again". Rev. Rom- .end. c h e a in g ýeril's sermon was on "The!f Mr. and Mrs. John Kewen Empty Tomb." Easter hules ý and family, Beaconsville, Que- and daffodils were the flow- !bec, are visiting hiem father, ers in church. Mr. Everett Trewin also the On Tuesday, April 9th, 17 Howard Trewins. Messengers met in the C.E. Mr. and Mrs. Austin Bea- The appning ofthe days f Mrs. John Mew and family, prevous o Eaterwere re- i. Toronto. caled.Lyna Kteread the; Master Hai McMahion spent SY ~story of the Last Supper cali-! Friday and Satumday with bis eci "Jesits Se r vi ng His grandparents Mr. and Mrs. s t esmFiends". l\'Im Taylor led the Hamold Lammer, Burketon.E n l Wsaine themie. Sonie children's burn, Toronto, visited bis M c P E stories were read and the;mother Mrs. Wesley Bmad- meeting closed witm a jelly rbu.rn in Port Perry Hospitalj bean race and an Easter egg Saturday and weme supper LO )f date hunt homeguests 0f teJeBabrs1L N A colorful array of Easter Miss Beryl Hibbs i oi of Eain BaieywhowasiMiss Commn Clairke in Trumo, hostess for the ONO. Club N.S. r ytm-opèeyfIamees Thursday, April luth. 16 Mem- Mr. and Mrs. Jim Mott, syte -am ,eybers ind 2 visitors attended. Sudbury, visited Mm. adMs atingsyste - ceate ust soke, The roll caîl was make and 'John 'Venning. .. 18tng ystm -canot reae dstsmoe, wear your own Easter B3on- Dr. and Mrs Jack Marlow nets. Pres. Gwen Ballingal and fainily, Lively, are visit- conducted the business. The ing their parents, Mm. and club voted $ 100 toward the Mrs. Wallace Marlow and Mr........... - I painting o! the Recreation and Mrs. Grant Thompson of vory raom -eiectric heating offers you a Centre. The Cancer Society I Nestleton and ail their sisters canvas will be held ini Cart- 'and brothers and familles. raom. Wright very shortly when ail Miss Ruth Marlow, Toronto, O.N.O. girl will be calling. r was weekend guest cf the ful an.Elaine asked each girl ta draw Wallace Marlows. CARGO AREA YOU NEED r ue an.a picture of the bat she liked Mm. and Mrs. Harold Tur'- You get a full 50"l cf usat best. Dora Martyn's hat -vas ner and Mrs. Wallace Ander- across every GMC Pickt the most popular. A fluffy son, Cardinal, visited the Roy widths are handled easily. - nthîo t denno it o rplae, White bunny was peched on Turners and their father Mr. > nthngtoclan n iers t elc, top of it. Alma Duff made the C. Turner in Bowmanville refree system, best drawing. These two girlsr Hospital. Wr.-.....e-r weme given lovely prizes by1 Miss Agnes Vitaker Elaine. Lunch cf make yourlBrantford, spent the weekend 1 own sandwiches, cookies and with Mr. and Mrs. D. Archer. coffee served by bostess and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dobbin hem group brought a pleasant and famiiy and Mm. and Mrs. any munipaities the rate for electric evening to a close. Chas. Dobbin and family, Pet- rRev. and Mrs. Wesley Tay- 'erborough, w e re Sunday. as 3% duîng he lst 2yeir. 1r and two children spent a, guests of Canon and Mrs. nuch a 0%drn h at2yas couple cf days last week with Ashmome. M Rev. and Mrs. P. Romeril en-r M. and Mrs. Arnold Tay- route from Jamnaica te Ireland. 1cr and girls took Mr. and Corporal and Mrs. Ken 'Mrs. J. K. Noble of Uxbridge Stmang and children, Ottawa, to Malton on Monday where ctri heaingcontacto or visted er arens, M. ad th Nobes eft y plne or SPER UTYFRAMS Y TRE WHA VIN CONSIGNMENT SALE Monda y, Aprîl 291h 1963 - 1:00 p.ni. To be held at TREWHAYEN FARX' LTD. which is on the Scugog Road 15 miles north of Bowmanville and % Mile south of Blackstock or 7 miles east of Port Ferry via Highway 7A. 50 WE OFFER PURE BRED 50 HEAD HOLSTEIN CATTLE HEAD We are offering a useful group of Fresh and Springing Young Cows and 2-year- olds, as weIl as a number of Yearlings and Calves for Caif Club prospects in both senior and Junior classes. Don't Miss This Opportunlty to Purchase Your Caîf Club Caif, ACCREDITED - VACCINATED -BLOOD TESTED Thse majority are ready for Immediate export. Ail cattie tested et eligible te enter Iisted or certifled area herds. NEXT SALE WILL BE HELD MAY 27th Sale Managed by: TREWHAVEN FARM LTD.. R.R. 1, Bnrketon, Ont. Phone Blackstock 986-4957 Auctioneer : HOWARD TREWIN, Blackstock. j, ICKUPS KEEP WORKINO 10 AFTER QUIERS HAVE QUIT! ible room up, 4 ft. )U NEED strenger an higher TRUCK POWER YOU NEED There are 2 new sixes, 230 cix. in. 140 hp and 292* cu. in. 165 hp plus GMC's proven 283' cu. in. V8, new with 175 hp. *extra Cod TRUCK-BUILT CABS YOU NEED GMC cabs are buit on a sturdy feun- dation of steel beams. You get a cab that'il last longer-look better. See your GMC dealer sean. SUSPENSIONS YOU NEED Truck-teugh and car*smoeth GMC spen sions give yeu the best in load entralwith top comfert. THERE'S EXTRA VALUE EN EVERY GMC TRUCK! *1111 FROM 1/2 TON TO 60 TONS- BUILT FOR E VERT TOUGH JOB )NMOTORS LIMITEQ> Phone 623-3396 Bowmcmvillo'- g