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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Apr 1963, p. 14

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14 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvffe, Apr. 17, 198 The Orono News Mrs. James E. Richards, Editor M&s. P'red Winslow o! Mill-. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Porter leaves Malton 1,y Jet on brook spent the Easter week- and family o! Oshawa were Thursday for six weeks' visit end with her brother, Mr. Ar- 1 Sunday dinner guests cf his with ber parents, Mr. and chie Lunn and Mrs. Lunn. iparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Nor- Mrs. Thomas Clark, and ber Congratulations ta Mr. andI man Porter, on the occasion brother Jack, o! Godalming, Mirs. Grant Ivison Tamblyn o f Mr. and Mrs. M. Porter's Surrey, England. the former Miss Gail Marshali 1l9th wýeding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Long of Oshawa - on their mar-1 Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Reid of Ennismore, Mr. Clifford riage in Courtice United o! Ottawa spent the Easter Long of Toranto, Mrs. Donald, Church on Saturday, April l3.- weckend with Mr. and Mrs. Long, Preston, and Wayde of 1983. Rev. John P. Romeril'A. Van den Heuvel and fam- Oshawa visited Rev. and Mrs. officiated. uvy and Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Basil E. Long. ____________________(Tigar) Norton. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Logan Mr. W. John Patton and Mr.1 spent Good Friday in Tweed. Roy Patton spent the Easterl Mrs. Freeman Eddy has weekend in Winghamn and at-I been a patient in Memorial tenided lhe funeral o! theiriHospital, Bowmanville. Wnais nUI cousin, the late Mrs. Macl Mrs. Thornton Wilson and in Y U h M ? King, on Monday. Waher sister Mrs. Earl Grady S Mr. and Mrs. Archie Wt are visîtingth omrsdu *son, Betty Ann and Larry of' ghter, Mrs. Jim Lamb, Mr. Waterdown s p e n t Easter Lamb and daughter Karen, weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Ottawa. *Alex Watson. Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Sutton Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mur- visited Mr. and Mrs. Fred phy, Tvrone, visited Ms.1 Dayes and attended the Good Charles Wood on Thursday. Friday service at the United Mr. Milton Tamblyn has Church, Blackstock. been a patient un Memorial; Mr. and Mrs. Don Stephens Hospital, Bowmanville.I and children spent Easter Rev. and Mrs. T. W. F. G. Sunday with ber parents, Mr. Andrews and their daughterl and Mrs. Cecil Jones and fam- of Taranto visited their aunt, ily. Mrs. D. G. Hooper, on Easterl Mr. and Mrs. Jim Middle- A home contents inventOry Monday. ton visited Mrs. Steve Nichol- may show that you've acquired Mr. and Mrs. Dick Harte- son, Cobourg. a surprising number cf new mink o! King's Milîs, Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Bulpitt o! Wil- possesions. Make a room-by- Mrs. Russell Best cf Hampton, lowdale spent Easter weekend room list of everything you Mr. and Mrs. E. Witlierspoon with her sister, Mrs. Wmn. ewn. Then total up its present and the twins cf Bowman- Mitchell and Mr. Mitchell. value. You may find that your ville visited Mr. and Mrs. Ivi- Dr. and Mrs. Keith Taylor, present insurance on home son Tamblyn and family. Nancy and Bannie of Bramp- contents fafls far short cf the Miss Joyce Harris, Oshawa,: ton spent Good Friday witb amont ourealy ee. i s,ý spent the long weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Chat-. oeilus or mre p-tadat I er parents, Mr. and Mrs. terton. yioteustfortmoreugh a oe-Lawrence Harris. Miss Marie Kent, Newcastle, proecio thouh H Mrs. Amy Van den Heuvel1 Mr. Bll Tamblyn, Guelph, Mr. ewnmpoliy. and Mrs. Gardon Power were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs.j Carlas Tamblyn and Sharon L. J. Skaife C. A. 'on Easter Sunday. Mots SURE.Chartercd Accountant J hed, Cathy, Charles, Gl n S Whitby Jrs. Jim Lamb and Karen of Ottwaspent Ese ekn IAM P. O. Box 208 wîth Mrs. T. Wilson and Mrs.1 D~SRANE RAL STAE'E. Grady.1 KINSURANE REALESmAnlE' Phone Mr. and Mrs. Wm Moffat1 are bath patients in Memoriai Kfigs.E. Resnldee Orono 138 iHospital, Bowmanvilie. Offic ResienceMr. and Mrs. Lawrence Har- 123568 62549 Vhity 68-897 ris and family, Mr. and Mrs.1 623-681 hitb 6688197 Bob Morton and family were1 Easter Sunday guests of Mr.1 SIand Mrs. George Martan. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Roy McGilli and son Arnold o! Bowman-3 ville, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Tay- B L L lor attended the funeral a! broo on aturay.Interment t was in Yelverton Cemetery.1 Miss Brenda Mitchell o! Keene and Gail Mitchell o! f Oshawa are visitin.g their( by John W. Lowry grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. t Wm. Mitchell, this week. P your teephoneMr. and Mrs. Frank Magee,a Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Kelley, t Toronto, spent Easter Sunday s managerwith Mrs. Ivan Farrow. d Mr. and Mrs. Charles Arm-s strong and three sons, David,r Alan and John Edwin, moved f last week into the bouse they recently purchased from the M. Hall Estate. Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Suttons received word that bis uncle (the late) Mr. R. H. Stock]y o! Ramsgate, England, badt passed away on Marcb 27th. E ~ Mrs. Jennie Richardson bas Sreturned ta ber home on Church Street North for the sumnier. Mrs. Robert Stewart (nee Colville) is a patient ln Mema- criai Hospital, Bowmanvile. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. Bey. Madill Jr., the for- mer Miss Linda Jean AllenI on their marriage at Orono' United Church on Saturdayj. ......... . April l3th. Rev. Basil E. Long1 officiated. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Tayilor and be ound.it i as alitlewhile before *ii.aa r.~ re they spotted a tiny tail wagging 1 Kramp, Kitchener, spent Eas- frantically in the coin return slot o! ter weekend witb ber sister, the pay telephone. Poor Clcms curiosity had gotten'Mrs. Carios Tamblyn, and Mr. the hast o! him and lie as hopelessly stuck. When'Tamblyn and family. a telephone repairman arrivcd on the scene and Mr. Samuel David Sean o! completely dismantled the telephone, only then was: Kendal, husband o! the late Clem, the hapless hamster, !inally set free. Mrs. Ethel Lowery Searl, pas- . * *sed away in his 8lst year at the omeof his only daugh- THE SOUND 0F YOUR VOICE ter Mrs. Edwin (Ethelda) Yon kuow, there are few things that bring eutý Wiliiamson, in London on Sat- your personality as much as the sound of Your voice.1 urday, April 6th. Funerai was Especlally over thse telephone when people iudge youi from Barlow Funeral Home by thse way your voice seunds.- There are a few on Saturday. Interment in thlngs you can do during a telephone conversation,, Orono Cemetery. regardless of the physical qnallty of your voice,' which wIll help give a good impression,- One of the! motimportant thîugs to learu Is te speak dlrectiy PPPT inte thse meutispiece kceping your lips about a N IL quarter of an inchs away. The reason for ihis lu that thse transmitter cf the telephone set ls designed toi Easter Day saw an averagel eliminate ail room noises and te pick up sounds'attendance at Church and dlrectly iu front cf it.- When thse lips are about aj Sunday Sehool. There was a quarter cf an inch fromn the meutispiece you'll get' special opening for Sunday thse best resuits. You can aIso make your contacts1 School with a vocal trio by over thse telepisone more persenal by apeaklng TO'Misses Laura Bawman, Ter- tie pendun, net AT the telephene. Use thse name of essa and Beverley Smith, ac- the person te whomi you're talking. He'll appreclatelcompanied by Laura. Reading it and you'll be able to picture hlm clearly i your' parts o! the Easter storv from mind as if you were talklng face-te-face. the scriptures were: Judy Lee, 'Marion Prescott, Bob Grills, Albert Samis and Gordon Griffin. The churcb was I/i beautifully decorated. Rev. W. V Crawford, in his usual excel lent manner, deiivered a fine' Tro phy Winning Skips in the Men's Curling Division Four beautiful trophies were won on Wednes- Bowmanville Frigid Lockers. Winning skips seated in day evening by maie curlers at Bowmanville Curling the front row, lef t to right, Charles Bickle, Harry Club's final meeting of the season. Included were "Dutch" Osborne, Ivan Woolsey and Harold "Fibber" trophies donated by A. W. Rundle's Garden Centre, McGee; runners-up in the back row, Ken Fletcher, Lander Hardware, the Toronto-Dominion Bank and Laurence Goddard, Dudley Deeley and AI Rundie. the Fresident's trophy donated by Wilf Kitson of 1_________________________ may find employment in that field. On completion of theý BURKETON E n o m nt H g grarited a Home Economies~ The C.G.I.T. met Tuesday ciporse thenigstudehethwil hal Kemptville School Intewrclua oreith a good attendance. The a two year c ourse etrd girls are planning a Rummage Kemptville A gr iculturalltural School there is a two- The Young men receive t aletieery-nMy Sehol gadutesin urhm'xer Hme conmic Corseing inl farmn mantagement, live- The U.C.W. met at the home County will be interested toýand a one-year Homemakersi stock management and' gen- ofMrs. H. ATbottadithsaagoo know that enrolîment at the 1 Course for young ladies. The1 eral souls and farm crop man-Iatnnc.Teldsar Kemtvîle g i ui tu rl1 chol yarstats he attr;agement. In addition, there isi busy sending away bales andj School is already very highlpart of September and g0 a hidycr hchma e maing pan ortaya.i for the faîl termi. Young meni through until the middle of'taken by students who miake vrar eai1My and women interested in at-I Ap ril. The Homeniakcrsý a satisfactory mark in theirl Mr. and Mrs. K. G. Roblin tending Kemptville Agricul-lCourse is open to students first two years which is ýare spending a few days with tural School should make aP- who at least sîxteen years â !known as the advanced course;ifriends in St. Catharines. plication immediately if they age and who have completed inl agricultural mech an i cs.1 The Explorers held their wish ta be considered for en-i successfully grade 10. On suc-I This course does provideS aster program in the school, rolîment for the 1963tringfryu -64 schooll cessful completion of the1 rinDrfryon men whoI Thursday night with a goodi year. Icourse the student will beiwish to go into sales with l atedne.Mc ras n TheHm cnme courseigatdaHmeaesCri-1ciev frs construction thanks go ta the leaders on for young women at the: ficate. The Home Economi.zs and other types of work. I their fine programn. Lunch Kemptville School has attrac-1 course of two years is open ta Residence accommodation isî was served, which brought a ted such numbers of students students interested in more available for a limited numberi fine evening ta a close. The that dormitory space has beenlintensive courses in home1 and the rates are very reason-' Explorers have been doing filled ta capacity this year.1 economies who have success- able for those who have thel real worthwhile work in aur Unusually early applications1 fully completed grade il, Suc-ý qualifications ta enter in theI community. We are very fromn more distant areas of1 cessful graduiates of the Home variaus courses. Anyone wish- thankful to ail who have Ontario indicate that it maDY Economics Course may accept ing further information shouid helped so much ta make this be necessary ta turn down positions as assistants in food contact the Principal of thelproject a real success. persons who delay too long in service, or as housekeepers in K em pt v ille Agriculturall The Badminton Club will applying for enrollment for smaller institutions, or ]ab School or the Ontario Depart- resume their practise again in the 1963-64 school year. It is technicians in test kitchens. ment of Agriculture in Bow- the Fail. suggested that any young la- Those interested in sewrng manville. Mr. and Mrs.OvilGre dies interested in the course_ ,hould contact the Ontario De- partmnent of Agriculture for further information. At the Kemptville Agricul- Easter message, and the choir1 crirespondent found the ser-i, mon so i.nteresting she forgoti to notice any new "bonnets,"1 Sa let's say there were a few,i as usual. The U.C.W. held their April; meeting in the school. It isil always encouraging ta seelisu meetings. The devotional con-! sisted of the Easter story in slides by Mrs. Allan Taylor. and the seripture portion readý by Mrs. Russell Cochrane.! The program was a tape of a! recent address bv the Rev.' Walter Tong o! Hong Kongý gram period. Mrs. Allan Tay-! lor conducted a contest, fol-' lowed by lunch. 1 Th yun popes las n-'MIDDLE ROAD- BOWMANVILL on a tour of the Oshawa: Dairy, Monday. The outing P O E 6 3 2 7 Several fromn here attended, the Good Friday evening ser-;1 Enjoy over six months of Relaxingi, Healthful Fun on th! vice at Enniskillen. when aur, choir provided a number for, course, just north of Bowmarille. Facilities are good a the occasion.1 Visitors: ed this year. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Oke and children are spending the holidays with the Howes fam- A course for experts or duffers where friend- R A TE S ilies, Goderich. F_________ Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Smith,1 Iiness and fellowship are snost important. You'll NO INITIATION FE] Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Ormiston find the atnxosphere and the companionship a FML and family, Oshawa, were' A IY-- ----- with Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Or- real tonie, of your fansily t mis ton. Miss Evelyn Cunningham, SR. MEN'S Brantford, weekend guest at PRO SHOP IN OPERATION S.LDE __ the Pascoe home, accompaniedS.LDE Mfr. and Mrs. W. Pascoe, Mrs. i. Limited equipment available until after May lst JUNIORS, under 21- K. Davey, Elaîne and Garth,! when they visited the C. Sar-! when it will be fully stocked incîuding rentais. for week day gents, Ida. If playing with an ai More Easter visitors next1 green fees for Juniors week. i THE STATESMAN SOLD BY THESE DEALERS: W. Reid, Bethany Johnson Drug Store, Newcastle T. Enwright, Newcastle Newcastle Taxi S. Brown, Newtonville Porter's Store, Newtonville C. Pethick, Enniskillen J. H. Slemnon, Enniskillen F. L. Byam, Tyrone H. A. Barron, Hampton Trull's Store, Courtice A. E. Ribey, Burketon HI. L. Martyn Store, Blackstock Keith Bradley, Pontypool Stutt's Pharmacy, Orono Wm. Turansky, Kendal HIenderson Book Store, Oshawa Mike's Place, Oshawa House That Jack Built R.R. 4, Oshawa - Bowmanville - Rickaby's Ltd. - "Big 201" Frank's Variety Store Jack's Smc,1e Shop Pearson's Smoke Shop Goheen's Handy Store Jury & Lovel Liberty Bowl Oke's Smoke Shop The Fiying Dutchman Hearl's Store Crystal Dairy T'he Statesman Offce and gir1m Oiawa, wei 7"- flowerIul day guests cf Mrs. E. Bryan. Mr. Russe! Spinks, OIhawm. Glad to see Orville domng so was Sunday guest of Mr. and wefl. Mrs. Thomar. Hodge and fani. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Lowrey 'îy. left Priday night for Wheel- Mr. and Mrs. Jack Peeiinb. ing, Virginia, U.S.A., for a and girls, Oshawa, were Sun-" three-day holiday. day guests of Mrs. Greta Mr. and Mrs. Earl Stuart, Bailey. Niagara Falls, are spending a Mrs. A. Carter was Easter few days with Mr. and Mrs. guest of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jack Sinclair and family, Mr. C ar t er, Bowmanville. She Chester Hoskins, and Mrs. visited also with Mr. and Mrs. Florence Caughill. Robert Carter and family, - Mr. B. Sanderson of Peter- Windsor, and Mr. and Mrs. ~ borough bas been a busy man George Cartcr and family. in the village the last two Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Smith weeks. Many people are hav- and family spent Easter with ing their wells drilled. relatives in Smiths Falls. A number from here at- Mrs. B. Hubbard, Mr. A. R. tended the Good Friday ser- Hubbard were Sunday even- vice at Enniskiflen. ing guests of Mrs. R. Keenan Mr. and Mrs. B. Siingerland, and family, Oshawa Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Mr. and Mrs. John Stephen- Hubbard and Janice, Trenton, son, *Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. were Easter guests of Mr. and James Stephenson and baby, Mrs. B. Hubbard. Blackstock, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Fisher Wayne Weston and family, and son, Sharbot Lake, werej Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Vickery Easter guests of Mr. and Mrs. and family, Mr. and Mrs. K. H. Vickery and family. Dave Gatchel, Oshawa, were Sympathy is extended ta! Su-nday guests of Mr. and Mr. Douglas Taylor and fam-I Mrs. A. C. Stephenson and ily and relatives in the sud- family. den passing of Mrs. Taylor.! Congratulations ta Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Trick,î Mrs. Merwin Mountjoy o! Lindsay, called on relatives Hampton who celebrated their and friends ini the village on Golden Wedding Anniversary the weekend. on Monday. Our church was well at- Our Easter concert was a tended on Sunday morning real treat enjoyed by ail. We when we had the Sportsman had a church full of people. Quartette from Oshawa, who' We extend much praise and rendered a lovely selection thanks ta Miss L. Bragg, Mr. for us. We are very thankfull E. M. McCoy and the choir o! for ail our guests who helpedj the Christian Reformed Chur- us in this beautiful Easteri ch of Bowmanville, and al service. The church was dec-, who made our evening a real orated with Easter hules andi success. ONTARIO On behaîf of the Ontario Department cf Health I cordially invite you ta visit ONTARIO HOSPITAL, COBOURG It ls thse bellef of your Department of Health tisat illnes efauy kind ls a community affair - that every citizen ha% a basic lnterest, a basie desire. te under- stand and iselp. Te help yen become fully aware cf the professional help available ta the peeple of this province we welcome thse opportunity to show you our facilîties and how tisey are belng used. My staff and I wlll be pleased te receive you at thse fellowing times and dates: TUESDAY, APRIL 30th - 7:30 - 9:30 p.ni. WEDNESDAY, MAY lst THURSDAY, MAY 2nd -2:00 - 4:00 P.. 7:30 - 9:30 p.m. - 7:30 - 9:30 p.m. MENTAL HEALTH WEEK APRIL 28th - MAY 4th DR. M. O. L. BARRIE, Superintendent Ontarlo Deparimnent of Health Hon. Matthew B. Dymnond, M.D., Minister Ci

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