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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Apr 1963, p. 15

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BETHANY Tom Worm many gusain Harry Ryley assistant leader, the viflage for the holiday demnonstrated different types t'weekend includ i n g: Mrs. o! seamn finishes and how ta x Ralph Finley, Toronto, with insert sîceves. Heather Sis- Q* r. and Mrs. S. L. SpeUler. son demon st r ated blind :M. i-d Mrs. Ted Laidely stitching for henis. aieR fa lly, Belleville; Mrs. The congregations o! the #aqyle Mof!att, Peterborough, twa churches in the village qklth Mn. Hililard Bristow. joined for worship on Good SMr. and Mrs. Preston Neals Friday, witb the service i 'nd their childrcri Douglas St. Paul's Anglican Churcb and Lynda cf Peterborough and Mn. Alex Taylor o! the with Mrs. J. C. Cumnmiskey. United Church giving the ser- Mr'. and Mrs. Lewis Sarn- mon. denson, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Ada Clark Is In Nia- Mmr. Harold Sanderson. gara Falls visîting witb her Mr'. and Mms. Robert Gil- son Dr. John Clark and famn- zniur and their son Terry, lly. Maiton; Alan Wattling, Wes- Bethany Athletlc Meeting ton; Mr. and Mrs. Norman The Bethany Athietic As- ]Neals, Elrnvale, with Mr. and sociation held their annual Mrs. Ross Cari', meeting on Wcdnesday night Mx'.and Mrs. Lionel Monk, with a good attendance. Peterborough, witb Mr'. and Creighton Carr was unani- Mns. Thomas Jenninge. rnously re-clected as Presi- Mr'. and Mrs. James Parr, dent. Other officers for the Miss Judy Parr, Deep 'River; coming year are Allan Beer, Mrs. Eric McKinstry, Peter- vice-president; Mrs. Vincent borough; Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Jackson, secretary; Gordon McKnigt, Orillia; Mns. Eliza- Chase, treasuren; Bruce Ry- beth Patton and Bob. Patton, ley, Auditai'. St. Thomas, witb Mrs. Reg. Trustees o! the Atbletic Edmnunds. Park ýare Murray Logan for Pte. Jaohn Jackson, Camp three years, Morley McGill, Borden, with bis parents, Mi'. twa years; Gardon Smith, one and Mrs. Vincent Jackson. ycar. Park Committee arc John leaves ricxt week for Levi McGill, Harry Jakeman Gagetown, N.B., for a year. and Malcolm Smelt. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Dey.1 Wally Reid and Levi Mc- eli, North Bay; Miss Shirley Gili were authorized to pur- Deyeli, Toronto, with Mr. and chase new sweaters for the Mrs. Walter Neals. hockey club. Mi'. and Mrs. Ed. McGlynn [t was dccided ta purchase and family o! Peterborough, some new seats and make mc- with Mrs. Ina Palmier. pairs ta those already in the Mi'. and Mrs. Cecl McGili, 'Park, with Creighton Carr Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. and Levi McGill appoîntcd as James McKinnon. a committce ta look aftcr this. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hall, Miss It was also decided that Lynda Hall, Mrs. Olive Rich- ncw gates and gate posts be ardson, ail o! Whitby with Mr. installed at the entrance ta and Mrs. Cari Smith. the Athletic Park. Walter Mn. and Mrs. Sidney Way Neals, Levi McGill, Harry and their daugbters Canal Jakeman and Malcolm Smelt andi Jacqueline moved ta their - are uccommittec appointed ricw home in Baden on Mon- ta look aften purchasing and day. Bob. Yeoman, teler with installation. the Tarante - Dominion Bank Further plans were made here bas been transferred ta for thic annual Victoria Day Cobourg. celebration whicb this year The Ladies Orange Lodge will be belti on May 20th. The helti a succcssful sale o! Home wcekend will begin with a Baking at Harold White's on dance on the Fniday night, Saturday afternoon, witb Mrs. May 17, with Robert Sisson's Ina Palmer, Mms. Wm. Phil- orchestra. Monday plans are liand Mrs. Hilliard Bris- for a parade andi aftcrnoon o! twas salesiadies. sports followed by a concert tThe Girls 4-H Club met at at night. te home o! Mrs. Raiph Pres- Morley McGiil, Gar d o n tan on Saturday continuing Smith, Mrs. Frank Martichen- witb their sewing course. Mrs. 1 ko andi Mrs. Morgan Bigelow, 1i are. the eomttte. te arrange for bail teama and gaines. IMns. Levi McGIU Mrs. Morley McGiII, Wally Reid, Jack Palmner are in charge af >races for ail ages with Mr'. Vincent Jackson, Mrs. f. batcenke and Mn. Earl Weatherilt to arrange for prizes. Vinicent Jackson and Harry Jakeman will make arrange- ments for the Parade. The evening's pro gram will be ini .charge o! Wally Reid, whe is weil known for his versatile entertainment. Branch 178' Initiates New Members Two new members, Lloyd Alldnead and Arthur Gray, bath a! Newcastle, wers mîit- iatet inl an impressive cere- mony at thc meeting o! Branch 178 of thc Royal Cari- adian Legion helti ln the Leg- ion Hall on Thursday, Apr. 4. la Uic absence cf President Ted Shechan, who is recuper- ating !rom a seriaus opemation in Oshawa Genenal Hospital, ist Vice-President Keith Fer- guson conducted the initiation, assisteti by Treasuren George Thrasber anti Acting Scr- geant-at-Arms James Wood- ward, the immediate past pre- ident. The Colon Party was composeti o! Ernie Perfect anti Liewliyn Burton. Special Events chairman Ed Rundie reporteti that ail is in readiness fan the Vimy Night Banquet ta be belti at the Legian Hall on Saturday o! this weck fan the veterans o! Worlti War I. He also stateti that arrangements have been compieteti for the bnanch's annual Ladies Nigbt Dinner anti Dance ta be helti on Sat- urday evening, Apnil i3th. Sports Officer Jack Knight informeti the meeting that the four cribbage teams from Brancb 178 ta compete ln the District Tournament in Tren- tan on Saturtiay would be provided with cbartered bus transportation. E. N. Endel, Isiington, was the winnen of the 50-50 Draw. His prize was $208.25. Stan Duna was the seller of the iwinning ticket. 1 I Not a Chance! I by Ann B@wmau figures in his head, th!nkdng1 of mortgages on the new They'd only been married bouse, the bridge he and Meg ten years, 'were very happy, were to attend that nxght. j had three healthy chlldren, Then the nurse was taikingj and were planning ta moOve to about skin cancer. He wasn't1 a larger house so that they worried, but waa "aotopped ini could better accornmodate the his tracks," as he told bis wife1 faurth chlld expccted withifl at dinner that evening. "Any- 1three nionths. way," he'd sald, serlously,1 They were glving a farcweil "after sceing that film, I'm party in the old bouse for certainly going ta get a check- Meg'a friends in the Home up with our doctor." and Sehool Association, and Two months later, John was for John's in the Northern On- vislting another industry, do- taria industrial firmn in whlcb ing a littie selllng of bis own.3 he was the senior salesman. His face was clear and heai- The night of the party John thy looking. Passing the ship-1 went to Meg wlth a sore face. plng room, he noticed the1 It was inflamed, didn't look same nurse with her film, giv-1 good, he couldn't tbink how it ing a similar talk to, the em-1 happened. Meg consolingly ployees of this industry, somne1 put some of her dark makeup miles from his own.1 on it, and the party went off He made his way to the1 without any comment, eXcept president's office.1 by one of John's close friends, "Just wanted ta let you a young intern in their local know," he said, "about the hospital. "Better look out," he worth of this Mobile Cancer fwarned, "doesn't look too Information Centre you've got hcalt-hy. You'd better have it visiting the plant today. It checked." savcd me from skin cancer. Butbusnes wa atits I've just finished a series of height. John didn't have the radiation treatments and I'm time. He bathed the spot wlth ail cleared Up - for good. I un- baking soda, an idea of his derstand that skin cancer is motber's, covercd the blemnish curable 100% if taken In time. with more of Meg's dark I went ta my doctor after makep, nd wnt is mrryhearing that nurse talk, and way.uan ethi er now I'm ail set." Then he noticed his custom- John's industry and the one ers were begi.nning to look, he was visiting are but two 9and the president of bis firm, of 293 such industries visited 1too, ane morning, glanced at by the Mobile Cancer Infor- him curiously, but didn't say mation Centre in Ontario :n anything. At home that .night, 1962. He is but one of 27,043 1he consulted Meg. "Oh, it's men and women reached with iprobably the spring," she said, the films and talks, of wbich tlightly, Ilit'll go away, don't number ne less than 229 men worry about it. Everyone gets and 167 women (total 396) fa sore spot on bis face some were referred ta their famîly ftime or other." doctors. 1John found bimsclf shirug- 0f those referred, many will iging, acceptîng Meg's lîght- most certainly have had their4 shearted diagnosis. "Yeb," he lives saved.1 agreed, 'maybe you're right.1 -There's not a chance of it b e-1 ing any more serious, I'm OBITUARY tsure." Then one morning, the On- REGINALD EDMUNDS taria Divisîon's Mobile Can- cer Information Centre arriv- Bethany and surrounding cd at the plant and John, community was deeply shock- along with the rest o! the em- ed at the sudden death o! ployées, was requestcd ta at- Robert Reginald Edmunds, tend the film and talk given aged 44 years, who died of a by a Canadian Cancer Society heart attack on Monday even- sregistered nurse. ing, April 8th. He was cm- John half-heartedly attend- ployed with Cail A Cab Taxi ci d, didn't pay m*uch attention in Peterborough and collapsed eto what was being said, or_ and died at the wheel of bis1 sbown, was busy calculating cab shortly after picking up TOWN 0F BOWMAN VILLE AND IThe Canadlan Statesman, Bowmanvll., Apr'. 17, 1983 a tare. An attempt b5' Peter- rone, upent the weekend with borough City firemen ta re. his aunt and uncle Mr.and vive bim with a resuscitator Mrs. G. Kovacs. failed and he was pronounccd Mr. and Mns. F. 0. Smith dead on arrivai at Civic Hos- and Bob, Bowmanville; Miss1 pital. Gloria Smith, Tarante, wcre He was born in Millbrook, Eastcr Sunday supper gests son cf Mrs. Bessie Edmunds o! Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Smitb and the late Ross Edmunds, celebrating Mns. Smith'% 87th and was educated in Mill- birtbday. brook Public and High School Mr. Dick Evers, Totten- and Peterborough Business ham was a Saturday supper College. guest cf Mr. and Mns. W. Van- He eniisted with the RCAF cyk. and served averseas as a pilot Mr. and Mrs. John Vaneyk, during World War II. Kristopher and Karen wcre Aftcr the war's end he came Easter Sunday dinner guests to Bethany where be owned cf Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Rose- a grocery store and meat vear, Tyrone, and super1 market, wbicb he soid two guests of Mr. and Mrs. ba.s.1 years ago. Penwarden. He was wdil known as a Mr. and Mns. Harold Argyle, « sportsman and did much ta Gail and Gordon, Toronto, promote sports in Betbany were Good Friday visitai'. c where he was a member Of Mr. Robert Slm. the Bethany Athlctic Associa-Mran s.W leHis tion, Captain o! the Bethany aMr. anMrls. WcseMr.Hans Basebal Team for several and falyeSouis; Mr nd, years, loteHce am were Easter Sunday dinner1 He was a member o! the Unit-.guests of Mn. and Mns. D. ed Cburch and tbe Millbrook ïraig and family. Legion. Mr. Edmîunds is survivcd by Mr. and Mrs. James Smith, bis wife, the former Marjorie Brian and Jacky, Ajax, were McDowell; thrce chiidren, Ro- Sunday gucsts cf the McLag- bert, Joanne and Murry; aise gan 's. bis mother, Mrs. Bessie Ed- The Long Sault Homne and munds o! Millbnook; a bro- Scbool met on Frlday even- ther, Donald Edmunds, Peter- ing, April 5tb. The meeting1 borough; a sister, Mrs. George opened witb evcryone sing-1 Sedgewick (Bryar) or Saska- ing O0 Canada', piano played toon, Sask. by Mrs. Harold Murphy. The The funeral service, largely President conducted the bus-1 attended, was held from The ms.Cneosi hrec Haw Funeral Home in Miil- May meeting are Wm. Carr, brok n husda atenonHarold Murphy and Art brook RevnS Snowsdafen ffcia-Youngman families. wth e.ng.owe ffca Miss Grace Smithb, program Palibearers were Ivan St. convenon preseiited the fol- John, Newmarket, Ted Lai'- lowirig program: Trevor Mur- mer, Murray Nice and jim phy sang 'Baa, Baa, Black Donneliy, Peterborough, Ross Sheep' accompanied by bis Carr an-d Bruce Ryley, Betb- mother on the piano. "The any. Welcomc Man" was an inter- The many beautiful floral estirig reading by Mrs. Carr. triute frm idivduas, heEvcryone cnjoyed the toc tap-t tbany Athomiti sidatonping violin tunes played by Orohn BaecA ssoClub, ony-Mr. Drain accompanied by poo BSebl ubcd ChurcMrs. W. Murphy on tic piano. chl oir lH-C Ubtd CUicd Gymnastic dlsplay was veny chuirhWomeClwereUairead weil donc by ten boys and thributeo ten ese ainwbicbgirls under Miss Kocins in- hrbe waofl bohu the semiwhc struction. Practice, patience commun ld hry.o h and effort were shown by Bomuniwa i t .1amiybath teacher and pupils, asr pla at Port Ho e nionCern-they did the rocker, wrcst-s plte t NprUnonCe»lcr's bridge, head stands andi etery. push-ups ta mention a few.1 Mrs. Rosevear gave a vcryt nLr'interesting talk on Leadership( LONGSAUTT in Education and helpfult hints for pre-schoolci's. PianoE Mr. and Mrs. Ailan Baker, solo by Mrs. John Vaneyk. Stephenville, wcne Saturday Meeting closed with 'TheE visitors o! Mr. and Mrs. G. Qucen'. Everyone enjoyed at Baker. heanty lunch and a social1 Master Bruce Gobie, Ty-itime. ,' 15-- Local Fîrm Develops New Detergent A nan-polluting detergent inventcd by an Oshawa man may be Uic answcr ta a seni- ous national probleni. Synthetic detergents anre poiluting lakes, streams, ponds andi tap water. Foam residues are aira appearing i water supplies o! sewagc tneatmcnt plants and septic tanks. "But I bave a detergent as nemi' ta nature as nature is ta itself," announced N. E. Swcet, owner o! the N. E. Sweet Corn- pany Limltcd, to, the Oshawa Times Thursday. "This pro- duct will disintegrate 100 per cent in scptic tanks andi city disposai units - witbout any added ingredients,"' he saiti. Mr. Sweet attacked the ne- cent "solution" ta Uie deter- gent-residue problem as of- fcred by researchers In the field. l"These people want to chemicallv treat the deter- gents that are only pamtiallY destrayeti by normai scwage trcatment, reducing it te anc part per million. Wby not do away witb it entireiy, instead o! just cutting down the amount o! residue," said Mn. Sweet. "My ncw product, calleti 'Bia-Degrade', is matie from a vegetabie fat anti breaks clown completely by the bac- tenia o! the rail, septic tanks or scwage trcatmcnt," be saiti. Samples o! Uic detergent have been sent for analysis and water research ta Uic Laboratory Watcr Research Commission beatiqua r t e r s, Toronto. The product will ap- pean on the market in about six weeks and will bear a price-tag the rame as coin- ptitor's praducts, "c v c n tbough it is madie from more costiy ingredients than syn- thetic detergents o! a petrol- eum origin." Mr. Sweet saiti an all-eut effort wiil bc matie ta flood the miarket in nortbern On-i tarie in an effort ta stop, stneam pollution.- Tmes. i FINANCIAL STATEMENTS for the year ending December 31, 1962 To the. Mayor, Counefl and Ratepayers of thc Town of Bawmanville, Ontario. We have auditedtheUi books and records of the Cor- poration o! Uic Town of Bowmanvllle andi its individual band anti commissions fur the ycan ending December 31, 1962. Wc report on the vaiaus funds as follows: CAPITAL FUND BALANCE SHEET Work ln progness on capital projeets at December 31, 1962, tatalled $378,537.88 anti is matie up o! the fallawing: (1) Scwage Treataient Plant Total costs ta December 31, 1962 amountedti t $366,666.88. The total cost was approveti by Ontario Water Resources Commission in 1961 at a total estimateti cost of $450,000.00. Total ativances neceiveti froni Central Martgage and Housing Corporation ta December 31, 1962, amountedti t $207,01 1.62 witb the balance of cost temporariiy fînanced through bank boans under borrowing by-law Na. 1815. (2) Bradshaw Street Watermain Work war completeti on this project at December 31, 1962 witb a total cost o! $6,684.30. Commutations weme neceiveti during 1962 ia the amount o! $642.28 leaving a balance o! $6,042.02 ta be recovereti froni the raie o! de- bentures. The local improvement assessment rail was pre- pareti andthUi charges therefrom placed on the tax rail for 1962 totalling $387.59. To date tiebentures have not been issueti on this projcct. The ncsuiting prelevy for debentume debt charges bas been set up as deferreti revenue at the eati o! 1962. (3) Industrial Site Servicing Total costs ta December 31, 1962 amountedt t $4,301.90. Depalrtmctnt o! Municipal Affairs approval was receiveti dur- ig 1962 ta praceeti with this project. (4) Frctienick Avenue This project was completed in 1959 witbout the apprav- al of the Ontario Municipal Board for the issue o! debeatumes. Total cost amountedtot $1,527.03. ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE - CAPITAL FUND This amount o! $40,840.00 represents the value a! issucti but unsold dtebeatures unden by-law No. 1843 for local im- provements on Liberty Street North andi Third Street. The total cost o! thîs projcct amountedt t $48.670,80 which was financeti through Central Mortgagc anti Housing Corpora- tion which matie cash ativances o! $5,872.88 anti forgave $1,9J57.62 of the ticbt anti undertook ta purchase Town o! Bowmanville debentures for the balance of $40,840.00. At December 31, 1962, final arrangements hati not been com- pleteti with Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation leav- ing the amount o! $40,840.0 ecivable on the raie o! the debentures. The total capital intiebtetiness amountedt t $2,375,578.00 for an average o! $3 10.00 per thousanti of taxable assessment. This compares with a total intiebtetiness of $2,297,854.00 for an average o! $307.00 per thousand a! taxable asscssmcnt at the endi o! 1961. REVENUE FUND BALANCE SHEET The total accumulateti deficit ta December 31, 1962 amountedt t $7,338.96. It is recommentieti that this deficit be incutied inl the budget estlmates for 1963 alang with a reasonable provision for the establishment a! a neserve for' working funtis. ASSETS Cash on hanti anti on deposit ,Accounts neceivable - Suntiry ______ - Garbage accounta _____ Less allowance for doubtful accounts Due froin Province o! Ontario Due fromn other municipalities- Due !rom other local boards anti commissions - Memoial Arena$ *Cemetcry Board_____ - Museunm Board____ - Publie Utilties Commission Due !rom capital fund ____ Taxes recelvable Propenty acqulred for taxes - Deferred charges Deficit $ 7,479.91 12,516.83 $19,996.74 967.00 This lack cf resenves andi surplus at thc end o! 1962 bas resuiteti in an approximate $60,000.00 excess in bank bornawings aven the amount pcrxittcd unden Section 329 (3) o! The Municipal Act. Ta prevent continucd repetitian o! this situation it appean, that total neserves and surplus are requireti in the neighborhood of $75,000.00 andi future budgets shoulti be pepared with this goal in mmd. Total taxes reccivable at December 31, 1962 amounted to $131,293.65 compareti with $124,910.23 at the end o! 1961. Duning 1962 ten properties were registercd under The De- partment o! Municipal Affaira Act fon total tax amears andi ntcest amounting te $7,950.97. The amount a! $4,7 10.33 neported as tieferred credits represents that portion o! Uic winter wonks subsidy rcccîved ta, apply agalnst tbe cest a! the Scugag watenmain in 1961. This aniaunt was not cncdited te the cast o! the job for pur- poses o! pmcparing the local improvement assessment roll. A futher amount o! $413.32 remains payable ta those pnoperty ownens who cammuted thein share o! the cast o! this project. Th.Ž reserves totalling $8,920.07 censist o! thc following: For uncollccted taxes $ 2,377.57 For park landt - 4,000.00 Fcn fine truck replacemnent- 2,542.50 $ 8,920.07 STATEMENT OF REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE The deficit for 1962 amountedt te$10,501.92 after bring- ing fomward surplus from previous ycars in the amount o! $26,318.60. Total revenues wene rame $3,400.00 aven budget estimates whiie expenditunes were some $13,800.00 aven budget estimates. Details o! actual revenue and expenditure ta budget estimates are neflecteti on Uic statement appcnded hereto. GENERAL During 1962 taxes reccivabie were calculateti diectly from the assessment rail without the use o! a coilectom's rol as rcquired untien The Assessment Act. This omission han been rectifieti for the 1963 year. We heneby repart that subi ect to (a) the violation o! Section 329 (3) a! The Municipal Act governing total bank bonrowings permitted unden the act (b) the amounts raised by taxation and flot baving been paiti aven ta Uic Bowmanvillc Public School Board totalling $6,519.79, ta the United Counties o! North- umberland andi Durham Counties for county levy in the amouîA o! $3,156.28 ail as requireti untien Section 53 (4) (b) o! the Assessmcnt Act (c) the iack o! a collector's roll as requireti under Section 110 of The Assessmcnt Act In aur apinion: (1) The finaricial transactions wbicb have came under oui' notice have been within the powers o! the municipality. (2) The audit bas been conducteti in accordance with the instructions o! the Department o! Municipal Affairs. (3) The financial statements pnesent fairiy the financial position o! Uic Municipality at December 31, 1962 and Uic esuits o! it.s operations for the year erideti on that date. HUMPAGE, TAYLOR, MeDONALD & CO., Peterborough, Ontario Chartereti Accountants. March 21, 1963. LIABILITIS $ 7,228.17 Bank boans ________________ Accourus payable Debenturnýs anti coupons due________ Due ta Uniteti Counties Due ta achool boards-___________ Defenneti credits Reservez _________________ 19,029.74 16,078.65 11,401.44 1,462.27 1,787.82 609.47 10,058.56 394.36 131,293.65 7,950.97 1,140.70 $ 204,576.30 7,338.90 $211,915.28 $161,154.75 18,544.56 3,297.50 3,156.28 12,131.77 4,710.33 8,920.07 $211,915.28 REVENUE PUNI> DE11CIT ACCOUNT for the year endlg December 31,.1962 Balance of surplus at beginn.ing o! yean $ 39,702.28 Less: surplus traris!erred ta current budget 26,318.60 $ 13,383.68 Leas: adjustments a!fecting opematians o! previaus years Provincial roati subsidy over*stimaed - $ 9,403.15 Adjustment required ta tex arreans 817.57 Deficit for Uic yeai' Balance or deficit at year end 10,220.72 10,501.92 $ 7,338.98 CAPITAL AND LOAN PUNI> BALANCE SHEET ai December 31, 1962 ASSETI Ocrieral flxed________ Wonk in pnogress Duc from schools for debentunes -Publice ____- $583,000.00 -Colleglate ant i Hgh - 511,736.64 Due from Public Utilities for debentunes - Watcn supply system Due !rom Memoriai Arena for debentures Due from unsolti debentumes- Memonial Hospital debt capitalized $ 296,237.16 378,537.83 1,095,336.64 LIABILITIK Debenturc debt lssued anti unnatureti - Hospital- $217,000.00 - Fine truck 11,100.00 Local Improvemnents: Municiality's shane $ 77,298.41 Owncn's share 118,525.87 - Public achools -- _____ - Water supply system - Memorial aena Debenture debt issued but unsold Due ta Uniteti Caunties o! 347,26.71 Northumberlandi anti Durham for 347,26.71 high school debentunes assumeti Othen long tenm debt: - C.M.H.C. loan - $ 5,872.88 - C.M.H-.C. ativances on wonki 43,000.00 progress 207,011.62 Teniporary bank boans 40,840.00 Accounts payable Due to, revenue funti 217,000.00 __________ Invcstment ini capital assets $2,418,178.34 $228,100.00 195,824.28 583,600.00 347,226.71 43,000.00 $1,397,750.99 40,840.00 511,736.64 212,884.50 205,293.55 6,678.30 394.36 $2,375,578.34 42,600.00 $2,418,178-34 STATEIIENT 0F RECVENUIE AND EXPENDITURE for th. year endlnt Docember 31, 1962 REVENUE Total revenue from taxation ___ Debenture debt charges recoverable Govemnent grants anti subsidies. - Canada - Ontario: Direct relie! - $ 36,097.18 Hîghway improvemnent - 30,472.03 Payments in lieu o! taxes - 1,437.63 Police anti Fine - 249.50 Unconditional per capita grants - 25,631.25 Recneation .4,700.00 Museum -600,00 From othen municipalities:- - Relie! $ 2,635.10 - Roatis- 11,135.82 Licenses anti penmits- Interest anti tax penalties Other revenues: - Parking meters- $ 6,747.70 - Rents anti concessions 2,405.51 - Fines - 2,345.79 - Service charges - 18,348.31 - Garbage changes - 26,616.67 Miscellaneous usedti t reduce levy- Deficit for the. year - Actual Budget $692,626,35 $689,947.93 51,268.25 51,059.00 EXPENDITUREz General government Executive anti administrative_~.$ 32,716.07 Other 37,582.86 Protection te persans 5,6 19.00 6,500.00 anti praperty Fine $14,240.86 Police 46,994.16 Street lighting 12,324.47 Protective larpection - 4,380-96 Hytinants -8,880.00 Dog contrai 5,767.02 Public wrnks - roatis, highway, streets, etr.- Sanitation anti waste nemoved 99,187.59 103,32.00 Social welfane Education Publice -.$195,846.62 Collegiate arid High..... 164,271.49 13,770.92 3,793.03 10,254.40 56,463.98 3,426.82 $936,410.33 26,318.60 $962,728.93 10,501.92 $973,230.85 13,000.00 3,600.00 5,000.00 68,900.00 1,649.89 $933,048.82 26,318.60 $959,367.42 $959,367.42 Reeneation anti community services Debt charges Debentune tiebt charges $211,559.45 Less own school dcbt charges - 111,609.75 $ 99,949.70 Intemest changes - 4,206.34 Discount for taxes Taxes witten aoff ___ Capital expenditure - Memnorlal Arena Caunty rates -____ Deferreti revenue f#djustment Garbage bati debts Provision fon neserves Actnal Budgret $70,298.93 $ 68,080.00 92,487.47 85,532.95 95,641-87 24,879.58 47,700.34 106,500.00 24,900.00 46,000.00 360,118.11 352,668.10 31,765.53 30,011.00 104,156.04 4,607.08 3,489.90 14,890.14 94,059.86 26,517.45 681.00 1,877-57 104,889.70 4,500.00 500.00 12,000.00 92,000.00 28,208.10 1,700.00 1,877J57 $973,230.85 $959,367.42 AUDITOR'S REPORT REVENUE FUNI> BALANCE SHEET at December 31, 1962 Mill -- ----- - --- PONTYPOOL It was with no littie regret that this community heard of the sudden passing cf Mr. Reginald Edmunds of Beth. any on Monday evening. De- ccased was aperating his Taxi service ln Peterborough when b le was stricken witb a beart Icondition and died at the., -whcel. His widow bas taugbt the Junior Room bhere for sev- eral years and many from bers ~ Ivisited the Funeral Home in. aMiflbrook to pay their last -. Srespects. Deceased bcd ser- rved in the R.C.A.F. during tthe last war and was a star bail player for many years witb Bethany and Millbrook steams. We extend our sincere' )sympathy to those who mourn. Mr. Clifford Failis with his bulldozer and the Pontypool àFire Brigade rcndered great -service in keeping a stubborn f ire under control at the home 7o! Mr. Bill Strong on Sunday a fternoon. This flire started in the grass around an old barn foundation. Christmas trees owned by Verdun Letb- angue werc just a few yards away and the cambined ef- forts of ail kcpt lire frorn sprcading. Hundreds of acres of long dry grass and trees would have made an uncon- trollable lire that could have went for miles. Every care. should be takeiî by ail to re- move every possible lire haz- ard due to the very dry con- ditions. Manvers Township went along with Cavan, Milibrook and Cartwright to give strong, 1Tory majorities. Most polis., 1here gave a better Tory vote than in 1962. The local poli. went Coutts 6, Crandaîl 1,- ;Honey 81 and Rickard 92. .This is an increase in Tory' support but most o! the New Party vote swîtched their' support to the Liberals. How-, ever most other poils increas- cd their majorities givîng 220 of a Tory majority compared to 162 in 1962. We sincerely hope that ahl will enjoy good gavernment for years ta came, We are glad ta report that 2 Mrs. Mary McNeil is back in bier home here after several wecks in hospital with a heart condition. tIt is as easy te deceive anc's- self witbout perceiving it. as it is difficult ta deceive others witbout their finding it out.-, La Rochefoucauld.

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