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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Apr 1963, p. 3

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skilled athIetes, selections by the colorful band, ing nunibers. Most of those taking part are shown Lspecial group of numbers by the dance orchesra a here following the grand finale. well-produced and enacted play, f olk dancing by a group of girls, and several other interesting and amus- On Wednesday evening of last week, the udi- borium of Bowmanville High School was packedaWith students, parents and interested spectators for the Rnnual Variety Night. It featured gymn displays by No Need to Fear Polishing of Silver Gals, they tell us the silver pending upon your silver's en- Itarnish war is finally really vironment in your home. Thisý won. No longer, we're told, sacmlhecorigo nust we bag it, sack it, rub it, aomihecorngt ocrub it, hide it ta be able to a report, without the use of uise our silver every day with- artificial spray coatings, with out fear of the inexorable no harmful effects upon your mnarch of tarnish formation prized silver or silverpiate ur xxd the inevitable fortnightly on the food you rnight serve chore of polishing. with it, and - from the work- saving standpoint - it happens Ail of this good news cornes when you dlean your silver. 1ný the form of a new silver No special operation is need- polish just reaching the mar- ed. ket which dlaims to preveiit1 TenwpoutiHaet tarnish from forming for per- The nis prodent is a, dcclo lods ranging from six montfls TrihPetnic eeo up te as long as a year, de-' ed by the makers of Hagerty Silver Foam, which first in- troduced the simplified, wash- p..a and-rinse rnethod of polishing silver to our kitchens. The M EAL new Hagerty product is a B10I L S which is applied with wateri qrP IMPLESÇ Best of ail, the manufactur- Uecc oinment neleves pain, dears up er says that a protective bond hst eatng SoId t a1l is formed with the silver .nt. which locks out tar.nish for oothg ~ t~ ~ ronths. Under ideal condi- .4ntseptc ~R '~ main tarnish free for up to a wc' 'a" year. In average use, you can 10 un orexpeet to have ta dust your displayed silver occasionally "'~'~~'"~ta renew the lustre while tar- nish stays absent f or frorn Sr. Citizens Entertain Orono Guests The Bowmanville Senior! Citizens were hasts to 23 Or- ana Senior Citizens at their regular April meeting at the1 Lions Centre. They were wel-' comed by Mr. M. W. Crook,1 chairman af the Bowmanvillc! club. An excellent film entitled "World in a Marsh" was pre- sented by Mr. Bunting of the Dept. af Lands and Forests. The eider citizens then en-, joyed a mammoth Bingo game' with the prizes donated by the club. These were won by the! following - Mrs. Woodley,' Mrs. Thompson, Mrs. Colla- cutt, Mrs. Garton, Mrs. N.. Clarke, Mrs. M. Bell, Mr. E. Quantrili, Mrs. S. McFayden,ý Mr. H. Hardy, Mrs. A. Brooks,; Miss H. Waddell, Mrs. J. El iiott, Mrs. Hircack, Mrs. W. J. Cann, Mrs. Russell Frank- lin, Mrs. L. Goadwin, Mrs. E., Quar.trill, Mr. N. Mutton,' Mrs. Clarke and Mrs. C. Mac- Donald. Two speciai door prizes dwere won by Mrx. C. AlUn i Reports from - Women's Institutes BETHANY W.L. Ross Carr; Resolutions, Mrs. >1Mms. Harry Ryley was re- AStheritc. a asee elected President ai Bethany wThea"rrl ent Evaneen"ad Women's Institute at their wt CretEet n annual meeting held on Mon- payment ai fees for the com- day night at the home ai Mrs.inyer Earl McQuaid. Mrs. Ross Carr gave cam- Mrs. Addison Scott canduct- ments on the eveniing's motta ed the election ai afficers with "Lue begins at 40, if we the following appointments: don't go like 60 when we are President Mmrs. Harmy Ryley 2. (beginning hem second term;, Mrs. T. Jennings reported Vice-President, Mms. Ralph total receipts for the year Preston; Secmetary-Treasurcr, were $361.08 with a balance Mrs. Thomas Jennings, xith on hand ai $50.54. Donations Mms. Eaml McQuaid as assist- were given ta the FWIC ant; Banch Directors, Mrs. Foundation Fund for the sup- T. J. Jackson and Mrs. Ina port of the national office in Palmer; District Directar, iIrs. Ottawa; to the Adelaide Hoad- Hector Morton, with Mrs. a-. less Home which is an FWIC Ryley as altemnate; Sunshine projeci; Pennies for Fiend- committee, Mrs. Vincent Jack- ship, an international pmoject; son and Mms. Eaml Weatherilt; the International Scholarship Auditors, Mrs. Bruce Ryley, Fund and $25.001 ta a local Mrs. Emery Smith; Public Re- 1 amily who lost their home lations Officer, Mrs. Earl jrrnugh fire; expenses weme McQuaid; Conveners ai Stand-* »aid ai members attending ing Committees: Agriculture the Toronto Amea Convention and Canadian Industries, Mrs. and the local district annual Thomas Jennings; Homne Ec- meeting; members leaving the onomics and Health, Mrs. Hec- district were rembered with tor Morton; Historical Re- gifts; donations ta the 4-H seamch and Current Ev.ents, Girls Club; sick and shut-in Mrs. T. J. Jackson; Citizen- mnembers were sent gifts. ship and Education, Mrs. Ad- Reports were heard from dison Scott; Cur a t r ofaia standing cammittees not- Tweedsmuim Histomy, Mrs. ing wothwhile and cduca- tional pragramas throughout and Mrs. Ninia Clarke of Or- the year. ono. Failowing this, lunch Mms. Hector Morton gave was servedt by Club 15. It a report on a recent district .was announced by Mrs. D. meeting held at the home of [Marsden that Club 15 was Mrs. H. Quantrili, Campbell- pmesenting a 'Hydro Show- cmoft, where plans were made time' cooking school at thefo the East Durham District Town Hall in May. annual meeting ta be held in .SvnSenior Citizens cele- Millbroak on May 14, Mms. 1Sraeve rbrhast! Harry Ryley, Mrs. Thomas brate thei itdasti Jennings, Mrs. Hector Morton month.and Mrs. T. Jackson weme ap- Royal Theatre compliment- painted as voting delegates amy tickets ta the matinee ai ta the district meeting. the movie, King ai Rings, an The Durham County Agri- May 1 were given toalal those cultural County Calendar was ;present. Also the Drama Club received, also the March bul- ;gave camplimentary tickets 1 letin ai the Womnan's A'uxil- for their three one-net plays iary ai the Golden Plough which take place at the Town 'Lodge. Announcement was Hall this month. The dona- made ai Achievemnent Day for tions ai these tickets are much 4-H Club Girls ta be held ait appreciated by the Senior i Sauna where Miss Marion Citizens.I Waddell, Home Economist, Mr. Crook thanked the Or- will give coînments on their ana folk for coming, and the recent course "What Shah I1 meeting closed with the hymn ! Wear". The local girls club "Blest be the Tic that Binds". will be attcnding. The next meeting will be Plans were made for the Tuesday, May 12, at the Lions coming event "Hydro Show- ,Centre. AUil eder citîzens are timne" an April 17 whichla i welcome. sponsored by the Wamen's four ta fine months. It's a littie different story, hawever, with flatware and serving dishes used and wash- ed rather frequentiy. The tar- Haer olsh catnexect- h ni.ry olsh vetn eff xect h ed ta last through six or sev- en washings in strong deter- gent, the repart says, after which a re-application should be mnade. Still sounds better than anything so) far, what? The manufacturer guaran- tees new Hagerty Tarnish Pre- ventive ta be safe for the fin- est silver and says further that it is gentle as a facial soap ta hands. It would hardly be fair to tell you ahl this without con- cluding by telling you where the produet is available case you want ta rush riglit out ta buy some. Hagerty Tarnish Preventive, the man- ufacturer says, is available at Hooper's Jcwellery and Gift Shop. WEDDING DEALY - DUNSMOOR A very pretty wedding was solemnized in Morningside Prcsbyterian Church, Toronto, at 7 p.m., April llth, 1963, when Brenda Gayle, eider daughter af Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Dunsmoor of Black- stock, was united in marriage with Beverley Williard Dealy, son ai Mr. and Mrs. Russel Dealy, Toronto. Rev. Latti- more was the afficiating min- ister. The church was taste- fuily deeorated with bouquets of pink and white gladioli and 'murna. Given i marriage by ber father, the bride wore a full length sheath gown ai white satin with appliques ai pearîs and sequins on the neckline and skirt which had a semi- train. Her headdress was a crown ai matching pearls and sequins and she wome a shoul- der length veil and carried a bouquet af pale pink roses and white carnations. The maid ai honour was Miss Jean McCallum, Toronto; Miss Elin Towers, Toronto, was bridesmaid, and Miss Beth Dunsmoor, Blackstock, sîster af the bride, was junior bridesmaid. Ail attendants were dressed in pale pink peau de soie, with beil-shaped skirts and round necklines, and wore matching headdres- ses and carried pink carna- tions. The best man was Mr. Ross Dealy, Toronto, brother ai the groom, and the ushers were! Mm. Brian Dunsmoor, Black-i stock, brother ai the bride,! and Mm. Gary Dealy, Toronto,I brother ai the groom. 1 The receptian was held ati Wedgewood Restaurant, withi the bide's mother receiving,i dressed in printed blue silkl with matching accessories and corsage. The groom's mather, assisted, wearing a beige suit with matching accessories and' corsage.1 For a honeymoon in thet Laurentians the bride chose aý pale blue suit with sapphire gray mink trim and black ac- cessories. The newlyweds will reside at 3 Eccleston Dr., Toronto. Out ai town guests wereý from Chesley, Annan, Oshawa,' New Toronto and Blackstock.: RTOG'S HING BOWMANVILLE IZING IN BOYS' WEAR üAI NS z4s Men's PYJAMAS-- Men's JEANS -------------- Boys' PANTS ----------------- Men's DRESS PANTS- Bulky Knit Ladies' CARDIGANS -- -- - Boys' SHIRTS ------------ Boys' SOCKS -------------- Ladies' DRESSES Haif Sizes ----------- NYLONS ------- Girls' PANTIES Boys' Lemonade WINDBREAXERS ----------- MATERNITY $2.69 $2.98 $2.49 $3.98 $6.50 89C 49c $6.95 50C 49c $6.95 SUITS - TOPS - SKIRTS - SLACKS PILLOW CASES 2 pair $ 1.29 iMen's T-SHIRTS 89c RUGS 9 x 12, Mothproof Only $42.50 Many more bargains not listed ... Corne in and browse around. Institute when a Home Ecan- omist from. Toronto and Hy- dro official will demonstrate "Modern Electrical Living", giving valuable prizes ta luckSb ticket holders. Mrs. Harmy Ryley thanked the members for her re-elc- tion and gave a brief report of last year's activities, thank- ing evemyone for their gaod ca- operation and weil pianned pmagrams. 1 Lunch was served by Mrs. T. Jackson, Mrs. E. McQuaid, Mrs. Vincent Jackson and Mrs. Addison Scott. Mrs. Mansel Finney expres- sed the thanks af the mcm. >bers ta Mrs. McQuaid for the use of ber home. MAPLE GROVE W. 1. The annuai meeting of the Maple Grove Women's Insti- tute was held in the church ibasement on Monday, April 8th, at 8 p.m. The meeting opened with Mrs. H. Bradley, president, in the chair. After the singing of the "Ode" and the repeatin-g of the Lard's Prayer in unison, the rail call was answered by the payment a f aur yearly ice. Minutes were rend and ap- proved and the communica- tions weme deait with as foi- >lows: The 4-H Girls Achieve- ment Day is te be held at Sa- lina an May 4th; it was agreed ta decide about doing same- thing for "The Golden Plow iLodge" later on; Hydro Show- time sponsored by Club 15 ini Bowmanvllelc n May was mentioned. It was decided nat to ex- hibit at Blackstock Fair. Mrs. LS. Dayle and Mms. H. Cryder- tman were te attend a Leader- ship Day at Sauina on April 9th. The Senior Short Cours- es chosen Were 1, "Focus on Finishes," and 2nd, "Desserts." The Good Neighbaurs re- port, prcpared by Mrs. K. LKuhnke and rend by Mra. S. Jeffery, showed a large amount of work donc. Mrs. W. Brown reported on thec Dis- trict Executive Meeting hcid on April 5th. It was decided ta give $3.00 ta "Pennies for Friendship." Mrs. W. Brown announced that she was look- ing after the Cancer Drive. IThe annual reports were given as follows: Agriculture and Canadian Industries, Mrs. C. Mills; Home Economics and Health, Mrs. C. Swallow, read by Mrs. W. Laird; Citizcnship and Education, Mrs. R. Brooks; Historical Rescarch and Cur- rent Events, Mrs. R. Dubeau; Resolutions, Miss S. Laird; Public Relations, Mrs. S. Mor- ton. Auditor's report was given by Miss S. Laird before the reading of the annual Treas- umer's report. Mrs. H. Bradley gave the Presîdent's report. Mrs. S. Morton conducted the election of afficers and Mrs. R. Brooks read the slate of afficers as follows: Past President, Mrs. H. Bradley; President, Mrs. H. Cryderman; lst Vice President, Mrs. S. Doyle; 2nd Vice Presideat, Mrs. H. Cooney; Sec.-Treasur- er, Mrs. C. Greenham. District Director, Mrs. W. Brown; District Director AI- ternate, Mrs. L. White; Publie j Relations Officer, Mrs. 5,1 Morton; B r an ch Dirctors, Mrs. H. Bradley, Mrs. S. Jet- fery and Mrs. R. Metcalf; Pianist, Mrs. Wmn. Laird; Au- ditors, Miss S. Laird and Mrs. W. Laird; Good Ncighbours, Mrs. F. Stevens, Mrs. E. Foiey and Mrs. J. MaoNeil; Member- ship, Mrs. C. Mills, Mrs. L. Collacutt, Mrs. R. Dubeau. Standing Committee Con- venars: Agriculture and Cana- dian Industries, Mrs. C. Jef- fery; Home Economics and Health, Mrs. C. Swallaw; Citi-j zenship and Educatian, Mrs. F. Stevens and Miss S. Laird; Historical Research and Cur- rent Events, Mrs. R. Brooks; Resolutions, Mrs. S. Morton. Mrs. S. Morton canducted a short intailation service. Mrs. H. Cryderman presided Bowmanville High School Stuclents Present Interesting "Hoot Nite"l Program The most dangerous part of an automobile *..TS TUE DIERM. Today's modemn automobiles are soundly engineered, safe, and remarkably reliable. Modem roads, too, are designed to present the minimum of huzards. Driving only becomes dangerous when fallible hu-. man beings came into the picture and, through their huinan failings, cause accidents. In a determined effort to cut dowrn the nation's accident toli, the automo- bile insunance business has dedicated itself to the promotion of highway safety programs and driver training education. As a part of this extensive progrm of safety promotion, which includes scvcral nation-wide projeets, Ail Can- ada Insurance Federation sponsors the Alfred Camnpbell Memonial Awardu, presented annually to Junior Cham- bers of Commerce conclucting the best year-round safcty program ini their communities ,throughout Canada. ALL CANADA 11NSUMACE FE DE RATION on bohalj of oyer200 competing Are, automobile and casualty insurance compwa 4 .d by' her brother Jlm on the The Canadian Statesnian, Bowmanvlle, Apr, 17, 1963 3 piano. Mrs. H. Crydermani and Ester sang "Till we meet' again." Mrs. S. Doyle moved a vote of thanks to those on the program, and Mrs. W. O rIn Brown moved a vote of thanks (3l.. eaners (?/zuc.1e H. Bradley.r The new president, Mrs. H.~ Cryderman, closed the meet- A ml itemnwl ing with the repcating of "The ntmald littan ffcewae Collect" in unison. Lunch wasjoaIcoeaxfiest, served by some of the execu- down, and beamed on every- tive. one. SOLINA W.!. "What can we do for you?" SaUina Women's Institute asked the clerk In charte. met in the Community Hall on Thursday, April 1l, at 8:15. "'Nothing at ail, thank you,"p Aftcr the regular opening exercises the President, Mrs.I replled the littie man. "I Just Ralph Davis deait with the wne ome h epeI business. Mrs. W. Ashton,wnedtmetteeolI' Secretary-Treasurer, read the workLng for!" correspondence and gave the Carl Leslie financial report. Through the courtesy of the Bowmanville Cleaners Mrs. Tom Baker gave a re- port on the Executive meet- we announce the openlng of a ing held recently at Mrs. I.DRV FO U S Munday's. The rail call wasDR EFO FUD "What farm work should a to provide Christian Education and Recreational Activitios woman do?" This was well at Maple Grove Church. Donations gratefully reccived. answered. We also paid aur W .Bon ra. o 8 lets. Several ladies volun- W .Bon ra. o 8 tecred ta colleet for the Can- cer Society. Reports were given by the -ý,0 Z Assistant Conveners. Histori- ..KN A < -'4 cal Research and Current Events were given by Mrs. Harry Knox, Agriculture and Canadian Industries by Mrs. -__________________________ B. Haoey, Citizcnship prepar- cd by Mrs. P. Nesbitt and read by Mrs. W. Ashton, Edu .. cation by Mrs. Wm. Darchu. M Home Economîcs and Health FI T ROo by Mrs. B. Tink. ULT ME S Mrs. Tom Baker presidedQALT MAT for the clection and installa- 47 KING ST. E. PHONE 623-5081 tion of officers for the com- FREE HOME DELIVERY îng year. Mrs. Wes. Yellow -___________________________ lees read the report af the; naminating committee. The PORIC SPECIALS following Offîcers were elect- cd: President, Mrs. Ralph Da- Lean, Frcsh Lean, Store Slieed vis; lst Vice President, Mrs. Porkc Breakfatc Wesley Werry; 2nd Vice Pre-c Secretary Treasurer, Mrs. Wm. ~LoAe b B C N 6 . Aho;Assistant Secretary Treasurer, Mrs. John Knox; WE SPECIALIZE IN SUPPLYING ... District Director, Mrs. Tom CHURCH GROUPS and ORGANIZATIONS Baker; Alternate, Mrs. Wes Ycllowlees; Public Relations FOR DINNERS. . . SPECIAL PRICES! Officer, Mrs. Bruce Tînk; Branch Directors, Mrs. Ceci Christic's Brooks ide$1 0 Pascae, Mrs. Chas. Langmaîd, Mrs. Robt. Eakins, Mrs. Har- Cryderman; Pianist, Mrs. Rae Pascae, Assistant, Mrs. Chas. BURNS' SPECIALS Langniaid; Auditors, M r s.ALPUPS DLA Bruce Taylor, Mrs. Harvey PAST PR LARD MAR ARIN Ydllowlees. A TYL RM RG IN Mrs. Burney Hooey took the chair for the following 5 lbs. 10 4 ILs 9 program. A very suitable wor -___________________________ ship service in keeping with Easter was given by Mrs. BEEF SPECIALS Haoey. Mrs. John Knox gave SWIFT'S TENDERED BEEF a splendid talk on the Maple Lean, Bonelesa Syrup Industry. There were SHORT RIB C CukRat- thirty-two ladies present. Ihc os Lunch was served in the or 11 b or Jj b lawer hall by the group in Blade Roast4 Ground Chuek55 charge. The tables were de- corated with daffodîls and tul- KIG F'E AL ips. The next meeting willKIGO E AL be on May 9. Standing Prime1 Rolled Prime RIB 59c 1 RIB fi ROAS JJlb ROAST U7b FOR YOUR FREEZER 623-3303 SWIFT'S TENDERED BEEF fer FRONTS SIDES HINDS U n C- also - SERVICE SIERPO RK m lb.39c 60 - 70 lb. Average - Cut and Wrapped FREEI BUDGET TERMS MAY BE ARRANGED ON ALL FREEZER ORDERS DE NHEI (LOTI 43 KING ST. W. SPECIALI2 MEN'S AND E # BARGÀ Now yoa can display your silver every day, polish it only two or ,ihree times a year! ýNo longer must you bag it, saclc it, rub it, scrub it, hide it, spray iti For the first time, yau really prevent tarnish when you palish your silver. IN, New Hagerty formula cleans, pal- 4 1 ishes and loclcs out tarnish for znonths in ane easy step-just ap- M 9 ply and rnse. Guaranteed safe. As r4 gentie as a facial soap ta bands and si1ver. Use it, and, your next tax- nished silver la months away. sy hagety-tu, - tOM $2.98 first name lnagl/ve? car@ -HOO 0PE R'S JEWELLERY & GIFT SHOP 29 KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE

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