t. Mr and Mis. Frî:kS M'ith mrs. M'ni. '.Ii Strcet. 1> Miss A.\ud rc KNu spendinrg ,Iii v. u 1: v. cousin. Mis B2t.. Aun KR: 801n. Petcrboroulit. castie attended E-ý' r Si d1- Pvening scrtce ts". Paui Umnited Churcb. Boy nia:wîx' VIrs. W ii n i fred R ui der Ttjronto \vEiý an Epaýr r' end gucst w NbI:" ai: .d M P. E. Grýeeif:e-Id. L'e Place. MIr. and Mrý, \V Bewmec, Iluke St, setFae " end with MIr. aid Mi s.(;' don Post and faniv\, Belle ville. Mrs. Don G1ass. Mait o- eSt. spent Eaýtrr v rke:ý- With her mother. Mrý. F French, and aunt Mirs. R Nivins, Church St. Mrs. Geo. W. Jamus spct, Easter weekend %\itb bler da:i ghter and sa:alyMr. anc Mrs. Ward Hoffrnan arfd farr. ily of Ellwood Cit-,, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Fa.i-e-, 1%ing Street Eas*t. spenjt laz' weekend at Twelve IM:e Lak'- g etting their cottage iii ead.- ness for the comngt: spa .i Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Ed'-ci .Debbie and Randv. cf Peter- borotLgh. were Good Fridaý 'visitors with bis mother. Mrs, W. A. Edger. Wellin.gton St. Misi Larrane Janîresoiu a n ber cousin. M'ýiss dcai-,Wil liamns nf Oshiaa. flexw to Npex 'York City for Easter ' cekein ad had a wonderful hoîida.ý .M.and Mrs. Joba Welsl' Jm and Jili. Tweed, sacai, Welsh's parents. Meand mr"F Perey Luxton S. iitS, Mr. and Mrs. Roýs Clark arnd Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Ciarkeý 'own, were Su nda\ s;t.i guests with MIr. anici Mis. AI. Elliott and son Steven of Whi tby. Mr. and -Mis. Jamies Pater- ion and son lai) cf PbiI;psz ville, Ont., Were Easter we #pnd xisitors witb bis niolber, Mis. W. Ik.Paterson.cn1ce3' lion Street. Mri. and Vi .PalOt Brici: <'f Toronto and dlaugiev Dcii tire soeuit Easicir wcckeuri tvith Mi's. O'Bricris parents, Mr. and Mis. R. Hutebîniison, Elgcin Street. C pI. and M . i.',. Mat he.,Ricky and Ja.eo: I ~ St. Bruno. Quc.. setlt bc %veekend \witb ber aec Mvr. and Mis. 1. Miinda.v. Scu- Rog Street. Mr. and uIrMs. V fdNi- qFon, Aîîdr'c'.and o-laax Corporal Les Riebhavdýroo ýpc:t Eastr, wccke!nd viîsitiiig\~ Rnd Nrs. Ron ison a.ncl son Ralph, Sudbur-*v. NI rs. ar'ie Lalonde îc- turned fast 1c)ida\ in fio" !one in T'rofflo paUr:' a HEAR Dr. G. Cormack Director. Day ('aie Centre, Subjeet "Child I)ev lopinent from theNoirmal Xspcd' WED., MAY 1 at 7:30 pai. in St. Andrew's S. S. Room Thi.-%i% an opportunity (0 enjote this interesting and hîî1morous speaker. r Sponsord fi.\ lite I - REHOBQTH REFORMED j~j Re. .J1t1:0u C . Y nîu -g' 1 7:0pan. - E - 'roçlaiinunig the fo "Back To God Hci kCKLB.(>la~aa 9I i I i wesvi *sifwith b er brother' Jcsr p sk'r- n-ia . Mrardi Cancer Society Prepares for Blitz Here on April 29th K da do gri ýCh !Rc an( an( NI'. M clliaitb and ii rd a ubiýe rs Janie. Norah and, farr i - Nante' of Ottava are spend-S : a fcxv da ' v 'tb er sister Re% a fi ci he-i-ax' Mi. and on Mis. A. M. Thompson and r lalx.C<n;,ceýsson Street. Sec :e Mrs Ralmh Amez. Miss .1111 the jAnles. MIrs. Noriman Sniti,l a]l of Bxxma vIie. s.Dora>Mr, SPakmfr. O0sIa. and Miss: and Jdl;:Ce BaCk cf Scdburv bavet phi b eelnienuox : ng aul Eas-ter-: xx'ck vacation 1n Nev Yori: and on Mr. and Mi's W. R. Sargent m thei ami fand:x'7. Scarborougbi. Mr.! and Gartsboî'e. rxcsi.Mur. and N. I M< B. Firtb and SalI. xv eWC FToixt1. W('1e Easter Siîidiix' At thie April rnecl.inug of Bowmanx'ille and .Mis. Ted Faite ', Sec. Bow.manvil]e Braneh, and Harî'y and R. îsîtois of Mirs. E. Crago and District. Cancer Societv, the ouest speaker wvas Freeman, President Bowmanlville Branch; back i-ow: roi. tani i x. Morrîis Grimes. Ile noi unix' rnentioncd the great Clar-ence Bell. Treas. Bowmanville Branch;, Walton : i.G. V'. Puî'dx ieluirued need fori' dditioîial funds for cancer rcsearch., but also Pascoe. Past Pres. Bowirnanville Brandi; \Valter and t ecentix a fter spending te-l r ive.s vthbis siaî (Ser-aI: showed pictures taken in Niloscow. during, the medical Famme , Camnpaign Chairman Dist. 3: les SmaleM f.dThi rtetire\asheepratsi o teddie Grnimes, (hait-man Bowrnan'il le Dsrc;:0ri Ca.Whl ;ir le-hýtr'foi' 1unds \vthich tvIll take place lien' on April 29th i -rms gucst speaker; Ken Smythe, Vc-rs Osha- and . ' htbM:s 'îian Burnner and Ilefoî'm o[- a 1hanse ta haouse bitz. Phait> shows, front wa Unit;_' nable ta be present for' photo, Dr-. E. D. net. RC ail at abrCif row. lft lI right. Miss Florence Hlawkes. Publicitv llubbard, 'Vice-Pres. Bowvmanville Branch; Dr. 1-l.; C Vr. and '11n;. Gor'don c. and Education, Ontario Couîîtv Unit; Mis. Pied Lloy' d, Fergusan. Medical Adx'iscr, Boxvmanvi]le: Rex'. A. G. .Moitýnanad Doî'is v.isited M.:. Cor. Sec. Oshawa Unit; Mirs. Bert Sver'. \ornen's Scott, Dît'eutoî'; M 's. \\Tlfî.cd \aindonald, Chaiî'man a::d Mis. Lloyd A. Mar'tinî andi Servxice Chairmaui. Ontaîit ('auUv Unit: Mis Stan Women's Services, and MVaurice Stepiens, Director: lanuiv ilu Dorval, Qtîob,-c. . Dunn. PublicitN' andi Education, Bowrnanville Braxîcl; Bowmanvi'lIe Bî'anch. --Photo b>' B ehdler j and Mi. s. Alex MeNeil artd vfamilx' of Ottawa, and Rex, nexca of the i caix' licence to C iI.I i ri e s T k LfUN ilutbi Fas. o v R eaL ' .pî'actuse. T R N i venui. uxaluoerth hIda.t' >Miss 'ViinBut arr, IlicU C W em e s T k Mi.itscaRe\. and lrs. A. W. 1llaîd:ng Nam .[)copie firont Hax dio James or Bl',-îl. Ont., lbox e frima îhr'e io m j jjo heGo 'rd* ooiln e, birtrfe ome afi' spetndiiin lu ata Baî'b aa Ca loiit a t n L a e s i àiii 'J>'ione 'United Chuich.: the(.boluda'. xeekend vith bei' where thev lbad houri ivA i Te decoirat i o fithe s l. parents. 'Mi. and M W. B. at Miss Boîîuîer's x unhioin.T , tix k i:the Easter offeiiug t evcis.Ceu'Ite Str-eet.NI' Thex' t.ere aceîtrpanîed biMr v rt~ I fSd service orthte Tvionc C.G. FDaxvid Rex-noîds (tf Tojo Ofuieîîd . Mis, jeiie Balloni- T 'Filie Eastcî ltl\'ou Iltle a!.; -; petitftic weckenld xxith lx ne of Toroi'oî Oittheïi'rI 1 lcbiilrtP lak k II.C\.Rx.Chi-i.a ii. parents. tin l trip file\- x isited fi \1t.Lue ilarsn P e - laklc, anduIl\loti fable wx s tbe g: fI k Tbose atteuidiug anîd seix'- Hoover cdaîîî Ne ada.ftle hi tut ialI. ' CW tn sdeîtunc'cirat IJ. P.Ronic. kai mi"Th"Ie LaSt Wori iiîg at the Canîcer SocieIN, Dat- Grand Canuvoît. Pebni fict For-sicird m I.Iw lo t. cixpirofi-e/c iCom-iSe s \it. ta Jý 'rm liiiCross.-. Anibeiîbi rl loi il Tea lbeîd in MLug] est, andL PaititectDesert. Art- able l Iualeu ,hitrî ainring xxiiik- ec I LIýIi horwa," îc 1Hall. Osbaxxa. on Wediiesda' ,,zonia. Tir(,\,report a ntîst ci- sbops Lcth eceli for Osil- Mniee-pai'c'sttlet ocI a.d .-1jeacodxa 'O Sa'e pfApuil 10t,. iîtcluded Mirs. B. to 'abie sta\- in lalîu a \*deigu it-Pr'sbt. vi e ri a I i.ititu'd xic'-p esident I ts., .L. Pegg . AI Scti:i:î' m ioi:t ing c tL' Svî'. taivenor .of the cen, cîil pari 0f the %ix rd. ( h oii,'lcIotIrISci, c \,sfl i teMtr ct'.'l W niui,'[ie tctthrit a E evr'i.Mai.Sc tt, '1x: ut kî:'-b x'a(,fiiit. - Mus. W. Nltsoliî-Ms . er. Tiiis xveck t (, x a!i e d ti utl ti tt aiBa ie u-i cîu ciuc c sce-iiit < 0tcruc -Mi's. J1. Beriry, Mis. E. Tbornp- oldest runibhired recceipt a ltt Ai-. 1) "' te1otlînîse-i at dici a ll\ilîxlîg btiîsclan sou' and Is. S. Duîn. pîice lisit.t.c haie (1ucn 4 tiir ucîbît i:l a>'s i n i l tti. i lot. .Chrsi-gos d- Doniald Marirs vas eiec'- Il ~.h.hautcrî:enp:':îîted ni nil, :aîsbtiganî,1andt îanihit-t-. L'\' .- movn-ciictntp onv s diicto o Bt. C~nt. i'ueSttesOOi Of. 'xore tî'Gr'x . i~ Need Ufoi'('Iujtkiiig Poxi 'r offilue Rsînthcî Qit.Fc:iet-a] Directorî T s As-s 'Fý Ocaiii al ILei' anncual N:tg St.. Boxx'tcax'îile. fa'r tIltîtc i lit Illc' Biblc e fe:- D:IIntî ficr- ohenîmmîî..\: tbîc, t t in. ivs " -meeting ha Pet erboough lasýi Johin Brown vit xîopelca ci a "'lue hi uni econdlîui îilotb> D\cti0L,1as Oktý', prosb> t ali ccuî d of : x at helu:. i Wedncsulox- NMr..Morris xxa, Putieu x )USiIIeSýýS ttUatCuI - So>t1sat xooiset tit;tt sipp\i' t. ottoctal psiti"lo, ' hr ttlitle CGiave Hel"ie L also ricctiti lx'eected I o flbc Sectgorg St ucet. -iii s chut inca - (od as une :ppu'vc, a xx'o'k -. sc1IT tt. spu:kc abîmaiatucii an- ci a ioti choir lealen. -M:'s. Board of Diiectors of the On- mnt 5 exti'cincmx ' C:l l"'-iat -'b has n nedlui he tsîcciic. ien csoii s c , (iand iet ta:'io Societv for Ctrippîci seivecd and thîe c:st lîrtces a2 sliaunt-ut. iigIii l luigtc i ua' ci n tn.oiitN -. t.Au-c it atuî J ii- Cich î-u'î. ii po'tid:. shilings' and p: «ic5. xuj'l tfo t c1\11. M S. fia:' gu11od icci e - lohliig. tIi' 1.1 t, im - Toiii . ir' spctiiig ixî' Prmoc:d posses-rcf tI Setb-.o atiibi'n ut t Li- pcs-Pgg taitîgit albIl". 'V:n-x esx ingaîtntî f Nus. lo\\xaind LaPp of Br'cck- tmt cep aiq~ .u uiu-bite: tal tcoder.5hip dccclati- mai of G(dl. t) h.). t' N (1L U ie.MCo-i- 'i vilile vas a ixeekeni gcies. er-scales, of Cotuiticc. gi-c a: - îîîc:t b uctatuitte,. cisc-cias Ilite uai-t". Lbandi e fi blue Easter xxeek- iitii 'Mir. antiiMus. E. V. Boa "., get-uaîiaîgîiî(t.o:basis ut ier iltitiing xvarsilip i .î -'lis.p:tx-edîiiîtem King St. East. Ni. aîîd Mrm, . pajeni- i ser'ie 'ietiu'frst phr-ase tof Itle tnc uiti iutiti hi- N "tet- ua .ao J. R. N.Ieil f anct Ros.'.Mapie Bî'oxpsae. a d Ar. S.lv1 tl, ii e ise r.W BroWx ut îîuuxed Io X'trk'îx- To aux- p rac aî i. manI li hîr o ihetitocttto ,x iileltrMts ' a- Gicîx e. i-rie Sudca t.diurnielc sbip and i k iici ut s a p'-G :>xc-i.outifer'cne Iead - u g 'ail tu, tI uat r- ioîtalul tf -spei t: ciSt NI i. Fxitt 1Wu t if<cr 0f ilat boVIttISb1:p Ii ils ci-5Li ip'deit-ccoprnc mît cboiiuiaîi, gratte- xxitb t1e1( itc Ofst ifce aster wxeekend wilb NMr. Bt-t iicvda iva a dite ciofhito> A 100> t.cars aftibu iluhlieri afi cm uuuii: torsliip uînIibîs in ini tl: (2» uta kean s..BuhrToot. Mcuiuesla ex-ciiinag. ieýt.JoLîîî Bîîîxxîilleft PBo\ituivi t tle Sent. lue' tipori the phrase. and- fMs.NA.eBxrber. Jouisoto- bi gea-gea-mgauddugitîrighilit 'boidlitg the %woîd of - cuidspeakers. filins -r.JleO Denîise Wesse!ls anîd, 'sted Il titi-l". EKauwoiship peniod ai iiniîî.oe aalb e, -- f. N -and Mu-s. C. W. Misses . ÂI ere. met beu'-bcis- . lteî'a Icie: t Si pru"lai'e Pro- Ralî:îîaunic ch ildreui, Lindsax: Atulci *v liai* es anmd MesSuýs.ý bauid-to-be. :aiîa' i-id oui lt.- xs it: spi'ing. aîîd did mcigans ak po avr JohntluBiu-k anduiPaou! Welsi' ulieue fo e ino 1iitutpi'cpare minids andl leau-ts grails xc-c %Ir.l apndiadx'e ;aie attîndinug flic Anglic'an Cour-tic-e. Mis. Stieic fuir t!l ie'ogî':în iliai. fciltoxx - ,Is xits cit e't 'Iiti-aîd s. . Ro in. VoWi n!fi-.iceheng istidt.1111 ,I),ci . vei'y effectiedti l aiix ais, r-votuae _ýî k Mi aol11Mi. W.ndox' vsited N'tuiiCuu"inc eiîgLîI1 u n'medtu tI Joîî m xI.)ith additgws ion 'alît.ea suavepeutLiii p l e andit, N. a i.C TuiescLox , Wdiîesia\- a In. i absý;o opeî'aîc a biiekYat Iu hd îi'iigxoiti ..~ful :iformiuatiomnas sue aîusxx r- hre.Saia Thxursut t. of tirus week in ere, a o scumi*'()PC"i Muiie Eycs' cul(tu nitiv ciucstionis tiit i Mu' aind Mrs. A. Ecan us. Acuor. a uepîeettatives of stmtg bt r.' lrHold ? huLa-laci hueti ti(-ïioci ithe qcîes- C'. Shuxaw itidRaipb, Osihaîa. ,Ie Yotiog, People ofni' . gbtuîi ai Blac'kstoc'k andri1) tîcut box. 'Ir. aui M ns. S. Par'ker- antd ,Jolîî's Anigl icanî Ciiur'cl. OBITUABJES Mi,. Llo-cldDîîxvî at Eheilezer'. Nnr Neix tast C, Mir. amui Laiiottucna>V. Apil 1.5. a Mis. NelNacHiadIIs ls aril Masters anud Tiet. Suilesnianreade br0L?ýhtl'- VRNK H. K YI>I> Ahlait Doitti, u'uspettixe prv' i cîrh t' e'liuciccl Ihle puum'ou. av1v er ,isso Staesîîoî m-ade- h'ocgbt \Vo' n i as hI ecui: ccîxr-c if detis uir Btai'kýttck andulEh- Nus. F lu.~lda s uts ax xai' i' xe' ce i Ioi tll hiecfic-e ait Apit t 15. 1937 tie dah o rn i v -i i (t , x rse un olIl a' i e Mi. aiid Mi E. A. Vii'tce. ;,-,(le of ýe anadian Sttes-aged 86, at Cohallos. CLiIha, ttion ri xcelconie Io thtose as- curinut nisionîtstcui>îboouk, M '. atutnîs.S. Gobievi mil- mua.Ii, Lîliai bc'cn focînulAîî tL.i93 aluxigat exhel Apil9t. 963.folo in, ilseliie" Oit Asia's [jx. 'li a,- rd ien sister.'.UN-r. and Mu-. luîi-uîg 'euîox'atiouîsor a ion-te. illiipss of thîuec iiîontbs. I'iui sessions ssu tg x ie NJs.hi L. ie- Cecil iileal. Latidoît, \rn' piut ape storv coaceriid Mr vi wsbr nIoý ýosoe(i."Fl fl, c n eso of te B il i aivi:le tin De'. 1Ilb877, aurd sitncufiî atîcruscîs uîuf e r e il c es Cîcî-t tCcîîî ii i i.,uîa'. Mi-s 'JziL-k (;ibis ou illil.u 21 Trl!etuhotie sx'steni to diais - in f u h91.71 trio ti l it)f;t 'V ie iheli, iîli eau-h ieauteî 'Mus. . I. Pegg oui "Rlie(f xxeutifi ug aiii csisech- filie Towxît tf Bowxmanvxille.. iniCu>ba.li-e tas ivxci thet .c bî'îîîoîîg a ot lîttepoit Ioutl(e andutRu-lîli>itattuttiliit i(, Fat' tei>-Ai lL7. NîrouiMisRonHarrntndaliîîost couîtinUîcocîSl v e .' e î-asseuuiblci auîdietnce ai tx otAa" uulM'.H lI- .(daselau dxn aind, ga'ls. Kippen, Omit.. Mrî. siîî'e. RocNcLi'ci 'Wiî s1wiî>t . siteii'andiotet'iM-. auxlnd s Friank Procuse o f TIhîe late 'i.Kvrlul xx as lau ice uneitdeutts ail n ii t CIIcuu'u-hIl il inug tT i P S 0C w ILELex-i5. W'eiconîe. on .I-e 1.iceLoiîv'uu esici h;figo u A.-:O eac i enu-ixt'llb Picsb>t-ta l Areas."S cîra to s x- tb 'Ii. n Ms. Ifa'--Cuba. ouiApril 9h - - he5ýiuîe Lu tcc-lreunlt - . Ms. IH. . . . Icii ilsîmi t us i x tI. a t Is. R.- G se oi Haiiinom d aîîful' a reuthe laie r'M.ui:t. aidiKtîdaiM] s. I. liclay, ]ut-n ihotu k's tuouilix-bu liaci anî dxîweltrili î e -iîppen Libei-tx-SS. Nortb. Miss Shai- .lohn1I1. Ns dcl. ad:iuus brohîter "esPcc 1tixc, Soinc suggcstionts lucîpeti in ii lin :ugaîi .-gîteta f :sA lex Mr-Masi.et, ont Hiauimoni meturned with Freul. ail fornîeî'i> or Boit. Xý7i i Fi l(- ii' x e.-pie.idcuit tm, tîo ti 1hIl(, tigriii. a tteî' Ziclit.Sitiida%. lie cî:îcie andi aunt. VMr. aid 1inauxil le s îîtranu foi, pirsideîics xchitui i Itule 'leei-zh a- 'i.antM-.DntDi-s Mis;. Pî'ouse. foi' Easter weeic. He <'ai cs tr Io uîî , hk c i- tc tîîîu l< Le claii ixci e t usu ui xxthx a rit iî.iu ]îtttg iekic 'tîr. Don i W' rrt i- s : attemdi::gý asit' Ne.Clacuclu- Rlihie- nMa:il ot if at u otue iiiitihtct- : Fr io ;ci2'le w c ei fluc i1963 Puist Giaiciate Couise liait of .\itatiîtes. Wasuî. -: ît It'ci-ni optcglit Iou rîl ou x ,t:'imîth. and tMis. Il. Wti- Stu t dot. .-isitois x te t u-uiudctcd hi' the Bordmi iu-e Clacia Asiîbick. a tru t. ts u--îînî-. tit-utu'> : lii cc-cammu AdiistraOtioniuappoiîîted iii - uepliexx'F'ra nk F. fii imc:îuset: sti:ud tmrIi niiitts sicI0It h 'cîts aîîbîev f'ýlrac iîl E ici ' "Te Embaîniers andîd el thu in('ucitc-estiig. LOnNG SAtULt dîxi i 1n Fumîral Diruectors Act"c-, ie'at hui'bec.alt î'csiding i 'ti WX. C. x us. uIhHaold Eiîic an Baiiîtiui-g [ast hîc.ue. Uîiîeî.s;tii VWashin mgtonu.itPtof h î i o t>îiOittee Ocmi i l-'. a ti ti id 1 . G rotwn aiit'.-poirt Peux tif Torontto. tutil W eclunedc utitm-ip'uiititlu (h:isîiîc-h: auc -i,.t>lim','m.:î.l ai\ ît- :tux Nlu'mucA.e- TLichi ui> Apri :116 amui 17. IMRS. FItJDEUI(K I)FNSEM citonantîtîi u:ssioa to eii> -J î: --i : luîîbtx --E. t - ijtr.Quetrbc. tisiuud'i.:. Til5z OLW e mls hbe att i J d Fuli>l tig oa iilllueS Otf t.t.o tuitn . iutî Misý. C. JlacIlduuî. Stutdat. gce5 o f Mtr. non andui M - .Il Skmitit-. rieCar oenuire otts, il-te rcic îli ut .lr.te i ot "e inetic-r. as lic-na d rs [onAn crý - .e - 1 )De f 1ixu ic--Lu ic gctt. i E etcin. t Ittu eu1. E t- ttiit . x- u:. , i u t- i tt utihi h. .c -r: luauîx-ul-iik i 'ci f uez oli . a',s it ib ti x ic 'hu aîIi I:- ýIII 'iiic-i Sk :îtc'i Me ui t'Ia 1 Phone 623-3303 hter of Mr. ind Mur. KpRenet' ioe.and Debbie White, aughter of NIr. and Mis. Gor- on White. Guesis %vere girca'- randpaîents Mr. an;d VIrs. harlie Whjte andMi.Go2 obinsoîî: grandpareit, M. d Mirs. C. Kilmer ad M.' id Mils. Gordon Whîte: aiso I.Aboner Lanigiex' and M:ss atb.v Preepa. Mis. Don Sotlti t:. id Donald. spent 11wwcck id with the James Shnl1psot1 mil.v. Ottawva. ~S vinpativ is extenderi ic V. and Mr~ F. .1 'Jacks nul ithe pahi f b: ube' s.T. Bai::tg,. AViusi. \'era! fîom bieeatteided te ounerai. 7.%l-. aînd -Mis. David loc. 's. Ediia Pbilp visitc .- id MrS. L. Haubei'. Philadie!- iia, over the wveekeîd. '\Il-. and i'drs. Liox d lJuta' id faînjlx. Toi'onlo, visited iGood Fridav' v witb bis ni,- er. Mis, S. T.* Hoar. aînd Mr. id Mis. A. 11mai. 'Mr. C. W. Woodlec -anîd Mr's WocdleY aitendcd the 4-bli dding uteîsî'of iM,-. id Mis. Rov Hepbuirn, Ked- il, on Sulaaxv. Mir. and Mis. J woodlci children iî.îitc Mýi*. andt s. R. D. Hodgkinsoîî. Au- o'. Mr:. antd .'.ls. J011t1 Maielc- d fanîilv inx c b Ibe r %v farin on Satundaizq\ tni q oCt ut f t b e Tvro aud J uit toi coi led 'home Beacît ification." rCnmpetitive Prices Plus Pcrsonal Servi BARGAINS this WE KLEENEX BAN Lotion Deodorant TISSUES 20 200's ;39C si 78C TONI HOME PERMANENT Rubber Gloves 'ntcms xpes'eg r87c Old Spic Af ter Shave Lotionn u 1.37 RONSONOL Lighter Fluid :s' ue29c KODAK FILM\P>7r ct6: 2 roils 99c Eveready iL> Batte ries 2/49c SCOTCH Brand Tape METRECAL SOUP Q-TIPS - WAX PAPER 1it shze De e Tee A.S.A. Tablets GERITOL ru-g. 25ri 2 f or 87c1 ORAF HoIds dentures fasti 89C1 49c 29c, 2/55c 50(j); - 88C LIqtîir 24 tut.. tr'.ales80 4.791 Th ese Special Prices end April 20 NEW*u .from SECURE the )ry Deodorant that cornes in a compact goes on dry to keep you dry. Sc) erimiie yolu apply it with a powder puf f. invisible, long- lasting tion ag protec- a ins t od or and pers- pirattion. can't ilîî clothing. J uli Ii in thie' MOIi n i ! Il, um'al utc-cct'. tu U t -sci 11un 1u1 c C0111- f±aui ...x .'t-hir. itt.i Xl:>1!AS.cJrI- -13- A B D., MJ\l .ter jCiaî,-l. Bowiau:vile.ttSt Icu : -ilcî:uîîîa thuei-aelel ti-cti-ean 6 2 :l - 5 t 2 3 j i ao > - A p i u l 6 . o u id i a s c u n it w x ) 1, 1 j -.-'t I r. o u til N i: -- V îo nt. a : t a rIa n d 6,uc21:h Rx' -Frttptxt I.i-Miiu-ttLlc e is- fait-ilt. ix-re Satuiruhax' soppe-r tri ui -,ai Pe*ter'borougux 01) of S, Johnu's .Anglic aitChucicu)' îî-lnah ciaîî'uîîaî tif (comnu t iiiiCsts orf NI e amui Mrs.Nor- Sacdx. Iitinnt ;ii olloxîcul ixi Boit.-t-e cii stexîac'sisup anxd re- !']aui, at eMNru. iiid Nus Rut'.'Nia'.- iai I J itati miLe Ceinectens -dut'm rtt tpor'tiuig tutulier 'tr. a:lNci us - iuit tu si::x t id îtcax- d;itnru'gucats tuf - '~~ER~'l (Ls hi ~Pallieaîc-is xx ure t iieph it cii 'cut2r c'. sair>. 'Steixo'- A:uuirit.-.andiCaro' -' Toill>-o, I tr tis eîeHuut )utcb -'Jext.s AMessesý. ScotiDeieslmxa iitlu-u:ic'a.taIani 'tins G Beut13 >- Pian ipon. j amuîtGoîrdonî Wilcox, a o a t Ibo .t.c haie and ail IluatPeru'-.\iccre Saturia'viuo NI- Plîv-I:> Niaxairi. Mtr. Eng w I->-.\îî isiîA .Bu xt, an- iiioflic' ser-vice of tof 'tr, amuidtrs fixe(dubso.and O i 'Is. Keit Max-iai-d anîd Rpt BaxDilIig anud JohiunIM. Ciiatcm tif 1I>L: - t-hi l 01u. i Suda' esc:-: l n ot' x i c uie'iii ~îîgishJout J oi. f:. huxarnihp. as ut us NIe.\Re 1)o, (d:-cu v:i'exiot:s îisituîn of 'tr. ani Nus. Roi' de Couilsel of (God ' Ocîi-ul-tcîîîuî iclot: ic'>a tt racus-,eul tut)totute oni chouci-tof hjsi':uothll Iu'sG iBnt Nai% a n b oi saa ifri-icos fi-ont Bieuxheini. Or-- us Ilie fetle g'ound fiorn1ev of Poil Pc-i '..%vas a i'isitcur oui Saturda. ilia. Toronito, Raglaun and ix licit l atxuuu's i-e naie , Sm:: t." oici ic o : u (.ar N e.R. B ailouxhtontix'sted Oshxot.'a atteuxîci e eseîxice. 1 l(Io: î'\lu-cirammul foi accient ou Sotamvns iit M r utStcui ihMi. and .NMaux' heautîfut flouaIltit- fcu1-'ll-ne Churcb .iervt.ce" iu îs Roe aie-u tr .Hmiltou i rs. Raiph ur roaucasis J buîtes'sfrotm die rcis tl x igueleci ahle diii- Thue'a:re ltt -ttNîîurai f les Ottawa, -îîcîut the 'm Ixv: xi a tueiti _,, a -5pee(ji;- Re, C; i'ti;- )ugaru hopti,'Frd Swhich the deceaseci was licld Rex tcici Philuçu Roinci il at recox eny. btile Sally Anne Kilmer, dau- EXPORTA? CIGARETTES EXPORT PLAIN 20's 25 s Huy Dy The Carton 1 98C NOWA HOME PERMANI that's actually GOOD for your Pre4ty Per crJi cerE1ý. esý Takes the ouc of aches and and relieves chest congesi 350 1iur npw 'prmanent that htghttghts -= - liait r.oor and im'proves hair condition. Prieîtm>u rm guvt's yoîu the soft mauiageabli- wave tlwy; dreamedr abocut. And wonder of wonders. ut correct% the unpîeasant stde-effects of thue orduinar Prctty Perm brings beauty to permanent wavtng! Wirtrr your hair i-, nattîfot or thntei, onecof Pre-t,ý 6 u r :gu i - rip-it for yu-,ul Aî !nllue athe t L IrIt-i1 Rt :uI M. * tutu'RtCiNDE - It OýH i entui's-inu * LxFe AoURN (fonr reddît.h highights n Iunowni - BLACK (buack1 Prescriptions Alex. McGreg e DRUGS e 5 King St, W. - Phone 62345' EK 29C t...aII doy! 89C -,Il out pains ,tion ENT hair! actu al(t) ry wave. yoPerm',,g r' RRîiiWN Lilte Britairi. 1Bst wishes go Mister was held APril fith ini mwitb tbern tronm the cofl. beConuntv UalA boun- nii:ui:iititl turkey diruner was en- \IF. aniMIS I lal1' llatih- joycd bv ail. followed by the enlv. Shirlcý . Carol anîd Kas giing ouît of awards Io thosp en. Tloronto, Mn. and Nrs. wbo had earned thern Rev, Frank Htrb.Bnderle'.,. Du-aiî spoke a few words, Glira Richard and Randy, as., Cl as the leaders andc Mr. Port :e tv' sited i iio11- A. M.ood. MN'r. E. White show.- thecr. Mrs . Annie Iiatherlv oned pfutures of some of bis Ira- Sundav. v.hiue Mrs. i-at hcrv \.o ' e y mn' wxas borne foi- a few da"s fomn - oN cd. Aithou.gli spirits werf. Ragoan. cdarnpered owîn Illethe a MrsA. lN cv1tva ind ch i. fortatiate ca r accidents fath- d rin v isited ber raîier, 'Mr. ers and sons alike lhad an cri- K. sidic:. Osbamxva. jo:a.. î1aljceven iiîg. ThobeSmW;uav Sciiocimeeting 1The foc ni laet: î'îAo Par v. as lieid Tucscdav e caîns pi T> anc Gahb Garderiers was t be bImme of Mis. A. Knîowl- hcd on ApAî 15î b at the home ton. of S ela-h M r bylhi e Ises [Annî'a and Dehbbeunait. "'lihe Gardonî Club),' a, McLu b aBlackslock, spent *i nat-td noie rnenibcrs I0o our a opie of daxs xv: îe:r Tvîroîe club. The electîon f gradînlotber. 'Mrs. E. M\I,, . officers is as foliows: Prosi- Niranîd :\lîs. W'. Ralin dent. Jean Baker: Press Rt'- visited Mr. and Mis. C. W. porter. Elaîne Anis. The x'oM Rabmii. Lidsa,ý. ci- Su nday. c'al. 'A new flower 1I woul<i TMt'Explormrs met la ý 1lliIoik --mv owthis yeari'. mw. TI'ursday n îgbîlitmi. b9Ifi mcm- thoti nsw 'l'dibe Aci'vct bers pieseat . Mis .J. mede nt Day is on Au gust 22 a t told hiic Easter Storv. Lvna GardeanuFil. Our- leaderZ, Mtte xi mas pieentcd w:, I Mie. burpbv anîd MisVan- the is goid sta n A-s Lvuda eykivent over Ille requiiro- noas :ec\i g aury an~aîd M M1112ints cf a gardener. TbR» min ed Yx ber Explorer tri- mihsa nd the leaders joitî- et ds, Ant ilaniiinn pî'ented cd à: a dd:sn on Mb ber \vii b a bai' band, puise , rth ovbf soeds. Mati vpain- aînd 'loVe Set. C (M&kS antd Pie:s an d or scedS iVeredi~- lue ci eehn ca tcx'd rWnîtnt 'I To Unit is the firat Thbu iatbeiand Sou Ban:- o f S e thtie garden club uila, ANYTHI mmcmý m 1.661 2/49c 1 I.D.A. ý31-;lllcl 100 ft roll m I.D.A. Reme 1