9 The Canadian statesoan1 EownimnvffleApr. 17, 19bns63ifrdo I ~ ~~~~~~~~and Lloyd at home tBly u w ampie eo iz r r ~~m pppsusspp:psegg;p:;::::pspe *** duif; also sisters adbohrcsofpdutopl.Far- Mrs. J. J. Clarke (fBtay eswudn ogrb Mrs. Walter Henry o ee-md h cpga a h n borough, Mr. Geo.E.Wlotrstopedng aufc of Yelverton, and M.Aci ue od boda tpe S P R rpWilson of Lifford.set 1 C S' At time of wrtnte owsta fra at?5 By Frank Mohua 623-7234'. I 4 ~handwriting on the alasGuswee trm d x1 B Frn ou627244concer.ns election rsis~eog osfroedy GIRLS IN PROVINCIAL FINALS to il pligibl.partristnn This la another big week-end for the young bowling <Pj. one another in a gv-wy e oil H sia stars who journey to O'Connor Bowl to roll-off in the Ontario ~I program" of your tetx " Finals. For those who wish to make the trip in support of -.. ter undue thought, caiee el the girls, Bowling Director Harold Bennett announced thei the formation of anwpoti Forhe ee fAi -1 following schedule of events: cal party in juxta-pstotoicuve Bata irs-Ari 9t -1p..those currentiy In eiiec.Amsin Jno il--pi 0h- Double A few of the main etrs6 Junrio Girl-Ap 2th - aJn. Doublesr&1 A :.w.iof the piatform whihwe Brs,2 ai,5eme. 7 IntrmditeQiisAprl 0t -Non.YW inI LegZiIJlisiti E ixed Le g.uB wlng ' feel free to divuIgewtotDshre.......7 t t i ti. ting emulated onthsybyMorpraon. ...2 RUSS OKE BOWLS 401 Prout walloped Glanville Audrey Sleep ....... 45 176 the "oid liners" is a oiw:Eegnytetet ..1 Rus "ud"Ok tune Ina trog owlngeffrtat7-0 Friday night to wrap up Ruth Mitchell .... 45 175 (1) Abolition of tebb Liberty Bowl last Wednesday night, and he couldn't have the pennant as second sched- Mary Nowlan .... 45 174 bonus with compulsr it iiîghus3-4pm pike mchbttr ie ecue hecip wr o teule action came to a close. Mel Wiseman ....... 45 174 control invoked whrva- ad7t :0pm piceda uchbete tie ecus th cip wee n heNow Prout will meet first Jack Schili .......... 42 174 ents are mentally dfceto Une as the teams battled for the pay-off roll-off. scheduie winning Bennett for Bill Charles......... 43 173 incapable of proidn th "Bud'" rolled up a great 401 game as hie was on the the Mixed Bowling League Dore Mutton......... 42 173 necessities of life toay1d hea-pn ilth wy.Fie trke wrereoredbeor aChanîpionship. Etcher, in the Mary Wilcox.........45 172 dition to the famiiy. hed-inal hewa.lead up to last week, dropped Helene Burgess ... 45 172 (2) The reversion o h l corner pin refused to co-operate li the slxth frame. AfterM a 4-3 decison to Palmer, who Marion Wiseman .45 71aepnino70yrsfag getin te paeRus ws tyie b anthr orerintied Bromeil for third. Bro- Grace Wright ..... 42 171 with a means test t nor the next frame, got his spare and went on to rack up five inell, only other tesa in the Murray Winnacott.- 42 170 age people to savefothi znrestiks I cul av bena efet are bt tilrunning were upset 5-2 by MiVriam WJnnacott .. 45 168 old age rather thant.o-/ mor snies.Itcoldhav bena prfctgae, utitliBrock. Ruth Grant .......... 42 165 tinue to live the Iiieo ie was a righty fine score. Weil done, Budl Luxton, starting te roll too F.sie Cox............. 45 163 during their workigyer t t t t t late, racked up their second Barb Masters........ 42 16311 and then sponge thers BADMINTON FINALS THIS FRIDAY, SATURDAY straight shutout, bouncing 'Ralph Melanson .... 45 162: their life awav as get f Th anul owavileBamito lu Camio-Perfect 7-0. Grant whippedPet Prout........... 45 1.5 9the government. i Theanua BwmnviieBamito Clb hapin-Bennett, aise by a 7-0 score Marie Leaman__.45 159 (3) The setting upoma- ahipe will be decided this week-end at the local courts, with to end up deadiocked with Muriel Melanson .... 45 158 mum as weil as mnmm- play commencing at 7:30, Friday nlght. "A" players wiil be Brock for fourth. Marc Welsh.......45 154 wage lirait sceles to plyt able to compete in aIl events, while the "B" group willot Members of the two clubsiJim Thornpson .... 45 149 professionai salaries, swl hv nsige aeoy h ilclash for the titie Aida Luxton......... 45 148 teechers, preachers,etgv-.- - -' hae nysies caettgon iy. whbl émeo wte.... ..F ill nihare Harold Ben- Helen Sehili .......45 144 ing somne consideraint Cloea cmptiio wliprbalyconefrm henett (capt.), Cec Mutton, Don Nettie Glanville ... 45 138 ratepayers' abiitytopy mlxed doubles and men's doubles draws. In the ladies' Bradley, Mary Harrison, Aud- Duaine Palmer ...45 135 (4) The licensing c amr RayHokin ad Dren Rddch realmstcerai winesrey Sieep and Merg Welsh. Marion Perfect.... 39 135 to prevent interlopersi te while George Long has little te worry about li the singles. The opposition will be Vince Dot Thompson 45 121 professions from intuigo 5U Ql g The"A"fialswil b hed Studayevein prb-Prout (capt.) AI Lobb, "Duke" L.H.S. - Muriel Melanson the preserves of thisgopn Thy e "A" inras iaibet he'ld Sa trdayevenin prob-Brunt, Dorc Mutton, Grace 253; L.H.T. - Muriel Melan- direct competition-onfr a Tim'> ablygeting ndewayabou 8 'clok, o b folowe byWright and Aida Luxton. son 667. his livelihood - theotefr the annualciosing paty. As usul, spectatrs w111 beKen Luxton set the pace M.H.S. - Ken Luxton 305, a hobby. Production eb nTe o hudcnie u the ana comgpat.A uul pettr .l.b with a 733 triple and tied for Elton Brock 305; MH.T. - Ken quota adjusted to thdos-LeMoggcPtcinPocy wecm.the top single mark with El- Luxton 733. tic and export needetapcenthseytemoggewUb t t t t Ontrl6h owavleBac o h oataada eincm ton Brock, both rollîng 303 sufficient to cever cos fpo NNIC WEK-NDFORTK-EEANDGOFFnORri GtAowmnvllANDnc GfOhLFoalCandinoLrinscmeeffrt. iMrll Mlasona vs uctonanda arkupequl aidof afndu aoud de ro For he ecod cnseutie wek-ndthi scibeup with a big winner during the District Bowling Tournament in Peterborough. the top lady with a 667 triple IL LIU.1scey mot ffr cogooraiyYurtc Jim Fair, right, and Harold Bennett, left, rolied 1354 to win the doubles titie, and 253 siiKgle. E V R O travelled through an area we had by-passed many times. It goods foImpforeincutisyorhmsrmfieadtet and wiil now take part in the provincial piayoffs. District Sports Officer Bill Arnold Sleep racked up a gosfo oeg Included the Bolton, Mono Milis, Schomberg, Orangeville Bates is shown here admiring the trophy they won 721 total, foliowed by Elton (Intended for lest week) be limited te the ne n hntrmetemso area, where rollîng hilîs and winding roads make driving Brock- 710, Joe Nowian - Mr. Wilbert Malcolm re- yuhwesl hscnb oc interesting. Many golf courses predominate the scene and a 1 87, Bob Gianvîle- 666, AI turned home on, Thursday~ Friday and Saturday they were ail pretty crowded. We also IH wk Lord Wi Af mlox 9, rld Toronwto therehu oas speront1 0NE NE ASN weh asothr curss i tis La Maor eag e ight H wk "Lobbd65 if -62, a eold Tornto therhie haRow en rmNt hear there was a large week-end turnout at Southview as LKfts aor B ingI*MDU t Bennett-629, "Hep" Palmer the past week with the How- V LA E wlasehrcussi hsdistrict. Just about everyone Team Standing -628. Terry Masters- 628, ard Philps. Lulu bas had a AALBEFRPoo6335 we've taiked to has been eut already, but this year the - aesn4 oi rn-1,Mr Hri ulcs ntle.Alws oijBaker won the second sched- Lyle wvas upset 2-1 by Paeson-60 Betty Lobb-608, that bier convalescence May Hdsn. -__sn60 u.TGA scribe hasn't made it yet. Can't say as we really get the uic titie Monday night by a Brooks, Bicheli edged Pres-Bugssn3 Marion Wiseman- 607 and be comfortahlc' and speedy as l T à bug until the stenni windows come off - and then we'd live.single point over Haynes. ton 2-1 and in the duel cf the:Fern Bre2ley-606 possible. out there (if the wife wasn't so hard te get elong with, Both clubs were tied heading Etchers, O. Etcher mpped E. p'ardz z x 23 Other high singles went teOnFiyofaswekSNLF . nt hefna igt bt aerEchr2-.kad19 TryMses 8,Anld O rdyo hswe JONES & G EECISRA C thti) oeo edon't think we'il get li as much lat h fnlnghbtBae thee-.I. . . . . 13V2TryMses 8,Anl three bus loads - some 103 l* golfttisa. mhww addGya30 dfe Hclen Dunn captured the Averages Sieep-284, Gord Wilcox-269, terested Durhamitcs (over 3 AP .J gol ths yar,~ ~~ ~ -~while Haynes defeeted JolI high triple, roliing a 742 to- G. Bain ___ 189 Aif Samells-260, Bob Glan- from Manvers Township) 3O ELH .ZOE St t f t2-1. Buday hldte the third tel, other top efforts going t .Aln ____ 8 ville-260, Harold Bennett - tended the bustppnsed TOA .RER0 BSEBL BAQEonthe strength of a 2-1 Joyce Tennant-691 and Bar .Hdsn. ____ 187 250, AI Lobb-250, "Hap" Pl by the newly formed Durham Don't ferget the Men's Town League Basketball Banquet' nice Budey ohwithd672. S. PCombrd177 wth aparof24'.ALAI' Be IpovmntA- 2-64 nice udaywothawtpair. of o244's177sociation to sec four beef en- 7864 this Saturday night, 6 o'clock at the Bowmanville Hotel. Muriel Holroyd's 296 gamne1IJ. Holroyd 174 Final Standings April 12, 1963 terprîses in York County. t t t t t ýTeenage fe edged Helen ______o,.Sct 6 Tedrctrt ndeeu MEN'S SOFTBALL hLeaguele Dnunn-294fo G. Wseoma __ __-169 Won Lost Pts Te ecorthad exeu dbig hileyhonors, el- . Wsmn18Prout ........29 16 68 tive are very gratified etth About the samne time as the Statesman is being dis- Hoedoby Shirley1Bickehl- 288 e tHoîroyd __________ e67 tribted onigt (Wdnesay) he sftbal mouls iil e DO Hfl~and Donna Preston-274, M. Coyle ______ 166 Etcher........ 26½18/2 3rsnstehiterfrten - II mtrinte etgtl(ehe sdaheue an piayer osters for the BwigFinal Standings M. Sedman ~164 Bromel......26 19 61 deevour and -express their i.N'iOUNCMN merthing oseaslen.heAtheduh e widlae oterswairthte ngeBy Bkrpts. M. Firth -. __162 Palmer .......26 19 61 deep thanks te Agriculture forth co ing sea on. A lt ough w w ill h ve to w it unt l T e29a eM.oysaakor 2156 CBrock56. . . ............. 2253/ 2epr2s3entatîvetaA.e O. 0aD a ry m - after the meeting for details, we have heard rumurs of Vrtue 7- Peterson 0, Cal- Haynes -_____ 28 E. Pickard ------ 156 Grant ......... 24 21 53 ple and assistant John Ingrat- ' F E cutting back te ive teamns and formng another "junior" an 7- Charles 0, Gay 5 - Col- Buday -____ 26½ M. Swann 155 Bennett ....... 20 25 49 tar for arranging the tour and Ntwekw wihaetetmsadchdcville 2. Lyle-. . 25 L. Bur-gess - ------ 154 Glanvile ...21 24 49 for the fine co-operation frein5 ci league. Nx ekw ilhv h em n ceue Team Standings Preston___ 24 M. Foster --- ----. 152 Perfect........ 18 27 40 the Agriculture Dept. of Coun- 5 adperhaps an answer te the other problems.Covhe- -67.Bcel___23 FPtron-----15 Luxten........ 12 33 28 ty of Yerk who conducted the Colvlle ..... ---------------- 7. Bckel 2 F. ateson151tour as weil as owners and Gay.....___ 52; Gay 23 I.Wih---- - 1,91 Averages managers of places visited. PRTYFARGM STRAYNGTVirtue -- 46 Jo11i------------22 B. Wilbur------ 146 Harold Bennett... 43 226 These places included that of PRThTYFAIR a MpEaSAnturs oD NiGc hat ahckyPeterson _33__Brooks ___-20 ½ 'K. Camnpbell 14651Elton Brock......... 45 221 Elsort Miles, Messey-Harris CA -E Thtwa lesntsrrietedsovrthtahokyClla _____- 3 O. Etcher 20 B. Rogers - -------- 146!Vic Prout......... 45 220 Farms, Dadson Farms, and' C gae aste be TV'ed Saturday night - and just when we Charles -------- 21 Dtinii - 16 J. Parker ~ 11 143 AVîncaell . .....4 1 e Toaz igodFrs O EERIN E V C were wondering what te do before the Badminton Club îihSnl-B.CobsE Etcher ____13 IJ. Scott .- - -42, AifaeLîsb.......45 219 G eo.Rodan' reingod ans.FR VRYinE-1.0ORM R dance. It's easy to get used te the routine you know. But 305, 210, 204, B. Colville 265, Averages Jo1er -- -3 Nowlan .........45 218 oratve y ners n n.i that wes a geod gaine between Neil MeNeil and Niagera lB. Sinale 245, T'. Calian 249,iDoris Joli ------------- _236 M. Burgess 133 MtHaamrso.......45 217 pl eatucempnywih any;i Falls. If Neil MeNeil can pley that wey jt shouîd be quite L.Dn220 .Clan27 enc ua 33 E. Coombes ____-- 128,HpPîe....4 1 e etrsc e!fr N 2 4 a serles fromn hene on R. Virtue 219. 204, W. Bur- Onie Etcher 222, M. M\cLautLiihhin 127 Dick Perfect ......... 42 214 management observed, some PH OOU gess 218, 202, R. Beaupnie 210, 'Dot Brooks - - 208:O. Moffatt ---------- ---- 113 Onie Etcber .......... 45 213 cf which may be applicable! t t t t t 203, G. Clark 207, 200, P- June Baker 208 H Iighi Single - E. Piekard Howard Bromeli .... 45 212 te our own particular farms. Let us prepareyurseilucesomas MORE PLAYOFF NOTES Buekler 202. Shirley Biedl ____204 ý 286. Bob Glenville . ... ... 45 211 eDeepest sympethy is extend- For three or four years now we've been seeing Tommy HhTeenae B Goirs 79,oy cerle202 '590. IL-S CoiesAtod le ...... 5 1 dte relatives and friends of in our modemoe ice n eierte Ivan being interviewed during the play-offs. If 1 was the Hg rpl .Come 1.Eng a tce2042 Hgl GTamlL-s ooîew elugs.......... 42 2059Wh Mrs. eelalli suof Balydufflto your hm tyu cneine Brown 7 - Paeden 0, Van- Pgg eyFr-ank20 l0 lae LwWish........45 2054who ased angw uddnyfon- interviewer, I'd spit In his eye. Neyer have we seen such stone 4 - Gay 3, Oke 5 Jef - Helen Duan. -- -___201, E. Pickard 286, D. Holroyd Frank Wrigh.......452 4Frdyenigwhnef-V question and we're net referring te his refusai te name the Team Standings ýOllie Patficid _____ 195 29' G. Bain 218. V. Sargin- Gond Wilcox ........ 45 196 mourn iher sudden passing topBufao iaen cthr.Sa, oe ayboy no wo heBrwn------------!Berrîice Partner -____-193 ,son'216, V. Piekard 213,j. Bob Leaman.......45 196 three daughtens, Jean (Mrs. E th topBfars wye hee un ayht os aie tidy one howe JBfry ----57 iMang Pernîs ___ _-192 1Holroyd L209, F. Allen 21 uk-Bun........45 194 Jack Elliott) of Dnsfod; theestr wreSudy igt asth tid neHoeJefey 7Joyce Tennant __ 191 - Murray Grant ....... 42 194 Ada (Mrs. Jack Armstrong) or was It Honton? Vaisi5i ------- 1 Kay Beaupnie 1901 -iMKnLrtn....3 ¶2o7Btay ;Vra(rs 14 DIVISION:S.S O M NIL An hw bot reer -la or pnin e as~t ---------3----L BarbButtonshw - 189Terry Masters ....39 191 Williams) _of Rexdale; twel An o bu rwr nîroiinh a us G ay 33 Jackie Tnimble - onBut4 188nBut «.4 90 ____________________________________________ about the best man on the ice. He might have tied it up if Pde--------29'Emma Bromeil .117 Ti OU' /N S Ferne Bradley .... 42 185o Ilowe hadn't grabbed him lI front cf the net. Home ice sure High Single- B. BnownTLorraine Martyn . ____ 1-Don-Braley-42-18 Thursthaylaiiht undcrl Hg Snl -M atl'"Bud" Perfect came un the direction of Arnold Etcher and Reg. Willatts take the!249: G. Sellers 245, B. Bnine K IN S MEN with a big 794 effort te lead E 1961 P~ qT ~TTTcMTM A flel et6:3 p.. Hgh oube -- M Haelyal bowlers, other higb totals £ NTIA'ZIJALS TI&N t ~ t ~t 429,G. Selles 356. tel going te John Carter-762 I 6 cyl., power brakes and steering, cso aiRylMse PEE WEE ALL STAR BASEBALL 'Bantans Girls BRIGrHigBu"h in-739Bil Foranhtwl ie. deydancrisdeadot The initial tryeuts fer the Bowmaiiviile Legion Peel Bradley 3 - Geodwin 2,1 PCIA 1/2 PRICE PASS Wrt737 , Bih Hro lroyd -'e Wee Basebaîl All Star teami will be held at the VincentjLewîs 3 - Sellers 2, Bromel V'Vý onnors-690, Frank Semis-1 1959 PONTIACS Massey Schooi grounds this Sunday efternoon, Apnîl 201h t5 - Edm ondson 0. Burns 5-t h RDA D ARL lt 663, Jack Bond-655, Jim Three to choose from, ail above averg odtin we the folewing tises, weether permitting: Major0.IHck-5 n e ani as oal TeanuStadingd' I Henning's 318 game Burns ------------------- 58 KIIINS EI' SUPER sinCeAoRors1e 1958 LJ1LVs A D P N I 2:30 p.m.-AlI boys 10 yrs. cf age on Apr. 30 this yeanroell - .33 R lowed by John Ceter-313, Three to choose from. Ail low mieaelolcr. 2 - :30 p.m.-AIl beys I0 yns. of age on Apr. 30 ti erirnel303rn rgt 0,Anl 3 - 3:30 p.m.-All boys 12 yrs. of age on Apr. 30 this year'Goodwifl 2BD IN G O U Frank WnJe ight - 30, nld 1 95 ______________-~______________Lewis ______ -6 AT HEoBb-2," oerf-23 23i ll1956 PONTIAC LAUIRENTIAN 4DR SE A i ,r etos oh ec-1Bradley _____-2 5 ÇgAT HE oBd ec-283,2 3; BihCn.Custom radio, only 58,000 miles. Clre ra r ttnedls va'ssm.iaor21 x PTERDDDIIêNM MUBlAL CNTEors-278, George Dadson - One owner car traded on 1963 Poiac messouse n orHho or 277, Jack Bond- 271, Fredi M e tPrimary Methods, and pasdiHgh inge-P. Nowlan 196,Zz Smith-264, S. Carson-256, B.!E Teachers Mee n to the rest samples and D. Bradley 185 . Bu ffsl Over i75 0 iiPie nluigHnio-5 n At L ckh rt' ,viual equipment, textboocs 341, W. Lewis 330. Tooean taning At L ck at adimrvd nthd f r-Attendancte has been very, 1963 NASH RAMBLER or $2,000 Cash. $1,O00 azSadns pis.1 setin atril.poor for the past two weeks., Hi-Lo Game. $1,500 Big Snowball (53 Nos.) j Combines ______ 811 The Clarke District Teach- Mn. Munro and Mr. Bowen, Thene are enly four weeks________0 er's Association held a ment- Pnincipals, wbo studied scbeol left in the schedule and wLi $800 Small Snowball (51 Nos.> Plus $600 reg- 1 Braiders 70_______ en t Leckhart Scboel on guidance lest summer, cx-l-would like te sec an impreve- ular gamnes. $450 special gamnes. Leoetory63 Mondai? aftcrnoon, Apnil 9th. piained te the senior teachers1ment in atteridance. SHase ---- ________52[ Mucb timne was spent arrang- the purpose and necessity for1 Times forn Bowmanville' FREE DOOR PRIZES Lead Press 51~ Ing an interschool besebali guidance, meteniai that has Teemns bowling in Provincial 'Fan Beits51 tournament to be held laterlbeen tried and proved effec-IFinals et O'Connor Bowl in. Don't forget to buy the economy pack for value Belts -_166__KING__Y during the sprlng.1 tive for the course, and what1 Toronto: Bantam Girls- 1' . ies48'Ë . Miss Kent and Miss Mc-, one might expect next year p.m., Apnil 19: Junior Girls- and save money. Ofies- 4 T.E KiUlop led a discussion amongif one chose to take the 9 e.m., A p il 20O; Intermediate Mahn Shop 27 làe junior teachers concernlngl coure. Girls- 1M noon, Api 20. KINSMEN 'Banbury 25,