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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Apr 1963, p. 10

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10 Th Cs.ieln Statemian, Bowr mkn-llle, Apr. 24, 1283 j:. and 1%rs. Jack Marlow andI' ' - - - -1- familv. .mperiau Oil Company's' 1 e.ad\r.MriiFer- u guson and Miss Pauline off B A C S T C KStrattord visited NIrs. Ceuili1962 Annual Report BLA C KTO C K H:ii. and farnilv and Mrs. Royx St.Johis . me ir h pr>ert rs . So~tissti 31:h at8:3 pn..1'h M and Bill Ferguson. Thursda, 'Torono April 1---- s a re- 90 per cent of this wa. speîît Parish Hall for ltheir regu:a iln Oshav.a Hospitai andi Nf.".meetiIg of this Unit FIo b b r n r.Rb.Fr utofpîoemidsr nCnd ne mei m~eeting April 18th. vth PeJ. Rahm has a bioken foot. dispensed %vith due to tue and Miss Roberta. Wilowdale, actj'iil over thle past 15 vear-s'policy te boy Canadian goods sident Mrs. John Hamilton :nSeverai members hope *o at- Dessert Tea. A letter of vîsited his mother. Mrs. Robî. Canadia 15 now saving S$ il- vwhere these are of competi- thechar. heEaser vrnj endthean ~:l metng thnksfrm Mss uce' Ford Sr.. Saturdav. lion annuafi, il foignex- t ve price and quality. lit ad- Plars xeisSteens Anola fo ban- Ms~e Getrue Hnrvandchange. sav s W. 0. Txxaits,idition. the companv directl.,' "Chis th Lrd s ~sr T-korotoths wek pr.icn of Imperial Oil in and iridirectly provided a day" was sung. and NI-, * H mtie for a 'Mother's Day stit-: ages ceceived %vas read. anti Doris Griffin. Toronto, spen: tlhe rompanyvs 196'y annual re- livelil'ood for' sorte 100,000 E.Ashmore gave thescpu:Àer Meeting ciused wi'i as theie eed i5s til ver ' grea:. the iveekend ai homte. port Iosh'aretioli-î sudmn ee n hlrn reading foiiowed b.v epein i.,-ra'c-rb". the piesident anti more are to be prepared antisudme.%vmn n cidrn prayers and Ltn- Being1 rt-i*eÀirnen*ýs %voe sers ed. set her. Unit also decided IctiMr. anti Mrs. HnvSheniei ThetOdJ.\.ia bil ip The report shows tliat dur- Easter wpek. sonne of f :he, NLnmher 4 Uni, of U 'C-c -make anl afighan foi- overseas arid Mr. anti Mis. Orr Vert- Teidsîybsbul i ng 1962 Imperia] provîied nimeswere awa'.. There met Tucd ih tih'wr Ms tur orUnngatneiaWins Con- aianaimnal production of S640 Outiet through its own refin- were il members 'anti Or&lhorre cif * he leader. M-sgave a fine devotional paper' feLnie1an i eheclfriediio(n of crude ou and S]00 iprie aidthrough expoits for visitor from Peterborough ienî, Larnier. wi 8 nieni- atoffeî-ed prav et,. H ilrhck dinner a! the Cottae à1tnof ntua gs hih26,00bariels Pei- da% of Cani- - ters pi-esen:,. Business wa 488 WaS Song. Offering re-ý Restaurant ;it lindsa.\. Wed-. eitiei drive out îimports Or adiatn crude oil. ait increaste dea't v'-tl ihs:, dur'i g vhic-nce c anti dedicateti bv Mrs. nsa- tt oepoi.M- wisof eight per cent over 1961.ý 1 A-nld Tallo,., whoaiso aai. Il addition. the petro- The companivs net production itwsstre.ssd thlat membioer:AnodT. lr.x'his ea Mr. anti 'trs. Wov:;ceîcîintiostrv no\vstip- 'Of crude ou and natural gagi A . k in.-:te friends ant ilieighbo:-c wkn and !Pd the discussion Seagrave. have mnoveci to tIi2pli,-s S280 n1hîliol nuiye.lqtisaone 001 * totheGeiîrnlMeetng prXon The Word andi The M'av, fatin forînerlv owned bx Mr. etrochenicals o w-hichthe barels perday aIor-10ae0o - Aplay for the General ee-Ge.Downev. The Dov-neyv ,sarne commniîappiy. L- 1<) ls pet cnt oeîan6 n aof ing was reheai-seti. Lunch xvas, have moved 'to Oshawa. The petroleumn indîistry '!sne\% production record for the U Niserved and a social time en- rqetv inifd U Njo% et. Mr. andi Mis. Donald Lariefreunl ietfe with 'compan\y m u ~~~~and Teî-rv and Mrs lexx-îj' sone $40î) million of import.,; eiiseprs fCo HOME -cgootinimber off 1adJesPeaice. Oshawa. visiteti r.but lot with the nearly equaCl d ia croe cil inrati-b HOME I~ sprni a pleasant evening ifl anti M1rs. Wes Pearce andiMi aniount of exports it has gen- 15 per cent to, an average ;,x- HEAT the Recreation Centre, WFd- G. Cra\%for'd. SoIav. eraied uior the e on re îm (1000 bari-els a day. Mr. Twý,aitS, HEAT ss nestcia'. when a cooking sçehooi portant long terni favorable, E R I E sponsoreti bv the M otlheVs M -its. W'I' 10 Fit;'e. Oslîé a -a effe,-t, IN . T vaits savs. says that the shap rate orf SERVICECE Aiixil;ary was heldi. Mr. 1Mave visîtet i-,.anti Mrs. Lewis 'r1lc repoî.t s \s'tfigîn- owthi exports iuriig 1962! SERVICE ~of Uxbiige sho\ved an i, E-itze, anti Mis. OscarSa. peiais oct earnings increased catinot continue as, Caniadian ; TL ~taîlo Ilvdi-o film. ous Oshawa, calleti there and aiso dur ng 19629t i6.4s. , ruetha imnof tconieteti ~ieo. .uiOllSOl Comanti' xxich ws inea--on Mis. Ceci] Hill,. Sonda'. $2.l6 per sl'are. tonipared xith tpetainoftoeVS BURNER SERVIC es:ing and istructive. Mî~ afternoon.$67,83i2.000 or- $2.14 pet- share 'aetwertisonjt- ESSO ~~~PHONE 72:3-7719 Rirsi of Ontario Homne Mak-,\i anti ij %o'd Wrîiî< î' Ib1961. Mr. Tv -aits sayvs that'tv. Yh:utr anda cis . u-ode it sales xviii be iargeiy _____________________ers__Service nmade several at- anti farniiv xxere Sunda\- clin- the increase vas olYiai-gin- deteî-mined b.v the noîrmal eN. OSAIA. ONT. tN cislies ant ilV a pleasîng' nec gciests ofMr. an ai dlp1teSrecoîti crodeiou pie __________________________ alnier foior' iînanv absoutGa-îc Wigt PrtP u'. ctioîî anti ales leveis and pansioin teanib ot ie -n s':o:'nif ooi- 'onLeslie Ann'a eigliîtilbi rîictiecta bu iiripact ff ioxn- . . . . ....~- -ttî' ,io~ of t i- e tetai luck-v ca\ . w'ad prce e5sc uiîtic-c Thie report sa-,s Iiattha t i v. ce mai.'lef-thini onpetitive imarket con- rOMPany S gross prodtin o<f ile.a electric fi v pan don-- Mir. anti Mis. Stani Raliî, ditios.ntuaIgsiceedb' o abctibv Hvtii-o. %ven'.t IoMr.,Palanti Car'ol xisiited Mr 'lcrpr l'w teto pucn 010mlineu ,eiWei-'. . Ten other pri-lesat Ms-rvlGeer anll h at cperial plays ,-,feet peu-da- weî'e donateti by Port Peri-%, girls. Taunton, on Sunda', Uanaia's econurny as a geniez- Fhp compalivy pai'tîcipat"od wici ocaa mercharts. anti the M.at Ms ar' a'alirOff taX î1vnn.a boy er 'v iith e pe-a, s -ol disuesMiss oîst pepa1ei.mpantiAiHr aîiudeda fCaiuadiinpiocînicîs and anti dscovei-ies in Albeu-t,a- v-ce ato tirxv fo. ii-hCam p a t'.1I' i Gei a li- p r. Ta-es off ail kintis tcbew'an anti Ontario anti i A ai~U1E ili f i at c.~ <-get against iiîcorneien ges tdiscoveties iin British Col- ua.u~u~u~~.Approximate1Y. 135 paî-tooiA 1962 an-touibedl b $82.604.000, îinbia andi Alberta . Stîccesa,- UWE~~U~E'U~~~ off the bou.nteous -oaist beetVnam nibosS-da.t 268 pet- shau-e. fnIl iexeiopment tiîiliing fou' eqi i ailnt -~ nîcalseivetibx' the otliers Mis. 'ret Reati. Heat lier andtiri addiitionu.Ille rompan'. col- ni] wascartiotnB.. Alixilai'.- foi- the F'ather antiý Pain, Stîeetaivîlle. ripent a da-.' leuteIc $142,190.000 ili' îoad Alberta. Saskatchewvan anti Son banquet off the Scouts and l las!vw-ek, and Nr niM i liutxslveidrc-Otro CH ECK -U P Cubý on Satuuidav mnght. Rev. Ffug'h Muupîiv and ramîilv atilIv agains't cnunr ygv h eotsosta ei -~ îîbGlen Malcolm atith, andi Mis. EdithMrpi '",- peiîcl penti $49 rmillion on cent to a vrecord 305.000i bai- piano. The Quleeu was sunig, rone. were Suîndav gocats oSff'capital piojeotsanadîcS'27 mil- î-els, a da%. Total sales off pet anti Ml. Ross Du'f! piOPOs'cl Mi. anti Mis. Ro\ MCILnh11 lion 01 Cplou'ation. Besides roleurniaii clierical product-' tie toast to The QîleenI.: inanti farnuiv. t'i"ls r:-i ucl R ato- amointeti to 317,00(0 haireîs F RE E-e.therotk&il r of .1;91trillioni was speiit a tiay, an increa.re off seve ii a- M .an r. isMt ý offnribei-t wasM C.an( . Sialaida nd.b br- Oer et aes\aleo (- in Balra.peiin f li \îesn, Ppe b iI'OLI 0J-1 Mr and S- M A lonohr Gea ROVhcsaoE ni .< OO. Cub Ms. Ja lAd MrJay .'iniswitet i tu andaospeetiine guethseakr ohDffaM.tead Saii ntis.irsMoHre ttnb 0pt et WTH ýgrahIas Rx'.P. ows rs.erpndMr aaîet Cai'.'ate.e hCS'oa ' e nofli 'i~~'t*i' .~ ~ IHdsoin, pBle Gitote anti. ffine fMu. anoble . Waii:EatSholo euîsa'lnd utata og ~ :~'~ Rîtlia ti. oen ent rY ia.A>rlbtbl Ms h ieHg. ut ipu. uiriiass propoeif by Geien Maofinti e essp eb uold e day s:tebn .I .F tGii oe om h a'et an......p0. cdateAb- Mu' H acokti, wih fi-icots lui Ha ilton e' -Mr.citandu b ridovnla . ic xveideiipeeltat th W'n anist. A tolastof the Sos wr as, Se era fialr s.eaa!' ttndne bausre vxx oî iclîoolned .av 8ih. Con-' ant BobvM Lack i gaeniesar o! M. a nt i u-s C lesLom C. uaie oadi ntGirHone annniliAs lc ghs espons. Mi.Dciff ahndMunMi"ti anîpto -i pnieBeet'ii. accompaietibn hbi pehls Satucd catledon Ra Moîîtjoy ho Ap il 1hCi o5 l if, snge at i . o ;G'-aCaprrn he vea.Roir 1962. VO eav off Caesv atan biaîiiehoI sscia!Ptibon met si loviaic.iet etr ipte.\,-al-ý Detnnîs BleLg-in T afinêaor Mrsa fw i ' îxiBoneNob-ln oh ers-ntdao--law1Mi ant àard.tof b vao v r Mi.RVaetia. 1e.peeches li rSici xv on themi'.'. .A uchassr tAe Cua, totanti Mr, lake G R-ev ondn:'s iiP.he publcte isp bvteak- N1r ani rs R.fî-en tr. Soutmabstvcr, rcpolr iid the ,peita:ewda\uýne iîtt-., s . MAltirklut anti iaiTiduhe- av île S an . ele ob r.faodwt Seotut il arnea us cnsctiodrlok.e Mn.. cn\-e Catha:tin ile.fielda tMs. e- Georgpose fe i-esent eý-tnedt50i eti Mc Mis Jiiticýii«giad Ms.erac ainet ito Mrs wJoihne ail Bob duue.Ie reîi;ig Aea, mm o r n ,1-roiDin oi nd lii- o iiii f lc the respotheeo gr. îvdtioneo! oheie ee id . Fýi-ssca Sau !Camer fr th vea 196, toai Pterbrou -u oîeîs isiste i-in-lav a 1DrnMi. DU nu-dct ie A u eingte xcu tai.e the hgheesî i-eud ture î'ouhdei--in-la' Mc. iti n1i ~THE ONL HO E H ATI G ges! peaeu.Mu.Jac Et'Taive waspeneta e devare as for yotw woolgvparrozig MR. R.vid B-ens.anaMis.tailn- J ek ftenecainean heftov.s. rcPreideîît . L<uuui, our oi-n Orgai tio-îhMe darii heMmoiavh. -PLAN UTHAT OFFERS vou ~ ~IreofftePovincial eaiti wofk f. d BcoY vic-îeieî BinSI OLETT o pli.Bwin'le.iccnl '<thcîbnd T rno . oak e B'ie Setau-y Shar oî' nor sîcin d th e roub cse k- ir. aOtis . .Ri.cai i nati n aOM E ecu'. inter e ptlg tdesa Of anbyn i-s epre cston, ntan. A lin.Joi r aîîclauhtrauoi'e.S,, ~ Fe.anua hueran fmnae onscouts eric "bf ear173 Xhas weu oo. Ocirsi k odtin Caet-afwtaxinss r.and 'Les- :Georg-ultEsouncoheierdshwete ie b'.'ie. '.'eiiilce'vl! uîia als d cltu b.1ieSJackon. Bauitituve1 1otu -demandai ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~Bb E soiiianthmore tieris. etcl eoerbianth 'i niTN 'Pi~flSo.du. itrai ibîi etc . ~ ffdaiy-ratlc.J I1 Ivr ii- a.', caniMi. ons yer-oudse.ie Pon u cîay e'l e ltitamt te theo n k V o Nu-. ithek. nipî Of Ille G.Nîr. nai Mr. k C i' '~ ~ S ER IC 1 South iDurhamtt Doaîatyu îy n £ i r bY Caal fVutc laronran M f'sl. vsuei theuir tagi ai -. " ~ - tiuîî'eu C) C d. a x-eti by .AW AUIAM 1 .'r d K nta an f rdy, Oviîa'.x evenng t a co. cI"d Ai hi nmeening theeix'ïc- sWO ROESLMIE ir Rogheu rileetoiMr.and.-fi f ~ i ~it ae bat-k V eclionlils Kedi-n Urîrtei Clî:uutlu l zO teClai AvenuIeEt, oudx p0t2d o ,"-H ONL H MESEA N iMot spav er.uiioiuinJafckî-' 1l ie ona. Tleciren hpapez-î Tor onta 7.O n aro Pe I. . taaacampn. oaiCana- Raskft e idux . li the Ph ib eti 'e e Dusd Wr ti oroýnO'nzin. . rdan uain.the ieoile '.x'I litSeoo îîe-e rcter ~t Gîen Su f u. auîi M.pai'-aGui-tmanl. -,cnl. -e A -'-T O'-ER O ... doft ahe.,sov ncecirofF-b o%eil i G-eienlu-BrH*i- iMis Nanx H'.'.eM 0- i h ac iefsToroto '1 e fo r"RotI-ii cs. sonoff-Mu.ani rRgsee AriueNo, r.O rthr n tan ve.iansîe!v: Mis J1aut- Mus Auestin H ricr V Da'.'îOntario. a c.antiP a U,;Bob oi-k n A .. tp-u to u rraeoclde& bon a te wMah !i etoenîlt Paitiii:a aS aidNs. KeiSl-i NîcC Oieu- '. 'Bowdnandc:Mc. ai NIol -dead 1uo.thes eit Higou. Luî on tDe (aWaie.' - wen, e Maicoand auîtheGaI * ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ec [JOHNI1 -sAn eu.- \rMn iugîe f u aî i-.E TH M S N.l,v M.riantidîis. N Iîeohi-i - '.î lt: Nîls and niistoilgoud.'ls foel eî-s anti partirsdîveie gIv- -ialMus. TedeHoarlatîtinDuana.aaa. Crirui e,!clPoi ztoavefb la Om k ýe '. . e '..ato M. Wer'. a ia' hcdc-lccIG - . -DMu-. a i-L . Coie . xa - ota o ÏD ni--no 1 eilitr. tok i o i n t a e : i, lIri iW uit . s Hn-" od' xi n t ebu i if a sho.' ne i' S 'uutat ad ei'..ortiNIi. L uu iWaw--itin t lisci- tiauhteïî au soiilat. a 'i ~p: lic e f .i- ex'e f- .il e xe-e get i Mr.ei . i at 'î. a Mic rDs. -~~~~~aaa r eib au.ci. sst bv Miss irad n famil ateu-e i\a ,aî T K m,, H A w .A R.IÀstheservicplna!Mo eviir o cos.off ap io ui 'Iiciîuc a" VI a. T, McGîurîkM. Rge !asti' 0,A lae'c osio l1-i .'eprn Ug a în eu palr:'. (jai 40 St. ClaI i Av nue Est, ... l o -nI:se a lhy' auc Bfu:-, g-c~t xccie Januce .'.siu- supply fu'e5b water where and ' eu. Belu ates i-oui the- liosoitai a îi wben o vu eed il. in the home tle Medica] ('eutre 1]acboir- - baun. .poulîr v ard ..-IHE T 'rSA ~II I~t ,uf;j ~ .lauuiuic l.x'as litîrnoiu'rl dew - ienir rj noteu ion. ui1.-ieid. En-ug t e'xatle etIl/I Sa ý i e c '-c.u r r Pînmber r DURCI JohnýLon Ding Store, Np'.. ate M ond a , AEr l 2 9EEInmm ers offtIiilio"!ri- thie '.pe f 1)",R')Sals * e.. 'sl ail 1963 - t:>0 pm rs Cha0r" ai-ici lis ipaici. ,Niu'ç D,,r' \\e i t ur' p olinee .kit13rie" Nev..tn' l 193 - 10 .1.Ei.iie Dob-on. Wr:"-cr o r!der. 'Running Watv, P ies Sor. N" tu' l Arran -C. Pet ha%. 1) eîo!; th- C.ep A'Uan hfeit hvelin'1iuFarm Necessity". J thick -.~h. e hed t TREWH AVEN FARM LTD. matie for cai.ng for J.-lîhd:e i- -isklle or one andti l'.o' F.ea.'s cd a :"nf wvlh , n the Seimgog Road 15 miles north of BRowman ii c pand ' mile L','r 'le Loi'. ci atuir'g theH . Bai, 1'Fyilon of a : cildnre n ... - A. E. Ribev, Burlieton ~N 1 01 I F PI RfBRU)ageoffeigh lîv ~1. Maîtyn Store, Bbat'ksiock 5050 te îding Ltuer' SundaSti il ieublu Bu-athex'. Poorypool 1asses dnu:nig ibÉ is d O b URO . Stutt*s Pliaiu'nacy. Orurno HEAD HOLSTEIN CATTLE HEAD Re' .R e aBni tici-n ok Store Osai olds, as weil as a number or IYear lngs and (alv es for Caif Club prospects In o-, a Cr'.arv Bap c iks lae.Osîax' both senior and Juuibor classes.Ou tcud a and'Ihe; R.R. 4, Oshax'.a Don t Miss Ti huOpportunity to Furchase 'Iour <.alf (Club CaIf ci oc aoufn ACCREDITED - N XCCIN ATLI) - BLOOD FFSI FI anti gaiie-..andi .eie -u.tRirkabî<s Ltd. -"Big -20" heajrtaired r urdmteprt iluatetteors1 ues off las' 'ears carln a Frank's Variety Store Tenaoi eluubeadto urenter sedior e ertedAe ateua ldorix tieF. Childiliit'hio atteund-,jack'ssSi-uolce Sbop NeXT SAle toentr IL!. Ed orefri) M aea 2d cd fuom Nlaxmvcil Hui:"Pearson's Smnokc Sicp NEX SAE ML B HED MY 2thS(.hooweîc Rosenia'-'.' a'îlC Gohieen's Hand' Stou'e Sale ?slanaged by: 7abc Jhi Grrc oi Ia-,i K RO ui-v & Lv SaleMantedb.v arCi ohnOgý. M1ic-ael Hrîu'.î ULuberty Bo'.l TREWBAVEN FARM LTI>.. Auctione-er: aid Rtrspl Benîle'. l' IJ'd.and HEATN'G Oke çs Smoke .Siirip RR. 1, Burketon, Ont. Ba-ba ra111:11Rosieektne nDvison trert South Ihe Fixing Dîitt'nirun Phone Blackstock 996-4957 HN ND' I1 N laktr. ho!nia' sr : ,.ncd.<utuýJm.so F-fau-î.cSliu' _______________________________________________________ ivîl 1ith' hrtOb r M'62 'lJ5615 ROIýMAN VILLE; Crysair,-,u ______________________________________________________ Il_ Daluel Knnwles. -- _i The Statesman Olficeé S 31A i '. T[RU1%M AND> PRAU lt IA TUIt 'lIllE 12 x 20 FI'. CADET IS A WISE Bt. V goodtk ~ tunr t air'.'lot \\tk t.cIl1 \ti' 1 lbia '.l ît'îrIl 'foil'crl îuuld uil oiset ruruuîlct iiaterial,- inv-luide î'i\ nrotlot'.pl p'pe iît st k ls uI;i1l'a rfftiS a nr l l s tfe o'. cl- unt lorur, l>riv-acy [s Voi EX RI Y IBIRI) BONUS OI"FER s2I9 As Lo>%v as $11 a 31onthi TUE NEW '('AR ANI) HALV" CADET 16x2O FT. IVITH .-CCESS DOOR! M<ore storage sparts (80I sq. fi.)t anti a conveuî- it f r oîîti entranic-e door. Triuîi Cadet styl- ilig. Planîs. ahi studs anîd uafteî-s pue-ecut . . . compiete niateriais oniy $385. RESILACRETE MASONRY PAINT FOR 4AN EXCEILLENT J OB 0F 1VA.,TEýRPROOFING, WHILE DECORATING. MIasonry,% Surface Filler Cornhirnat ion fi lier anid col- Ot diii finish voii jîît hrushi oii your cernent or block alS. sclection or six pastel c1ouis. 35 b $9 .95 llcet ardeiier Foi- <lusty'potlous.concie finoîs. soaks inr, camp proofs, hardens and prr- anently nd dsting. Con. bi;îation iharcneî' and fini- ish. Colour selectioîî. Per gallon tîr Riglot . . Nota Prvule CEILING TlE bcfnihd Vlvet Whit Micro Perforationx. mielro peroratinsp e ie I'onguie adg o n o fasî t. ac aleAld a n- stallat ion. I0 O'àOFF ?4i3/c L nuiîied t i m oiiIy. 10% off ail fencing 4rdeu .% or 200 fI. or more. (>ffer ends April :'0. Get togeth- UTILITY cr N'îth y our neighhours and save now! f- ' ror- geîeî-ai construci n LOWy iIHBYRNURIL PER 9 ri. Section* 28e il. 8 Fi. Section% Sic il. 8 Et. Secions 40e I.L .<1 $72,50 I CROSS RAM. PuClîl PANEL WSAVE 7 Fi. SeCtion% 5cS I. Fi. l.Sections 64C it. j Fi. Sectionrs u5 1 i. I ~ -'~ . eavet. Fenge - ~. ~ ' Designs in ail. -4 WAî --- --RENDWAL. 8 Fi. Section.sOc Il. 7' 8"Sections 7314e fi. SCREEN FENCES F0OR PRIVACY A fcw isuil plaeed pri'.ac.v-m-reen Ifeuicing sec<tioni'.(-au ivC 3vou priv'- ---- W PNLw- Lv cte nuttior liv<inîg a-uum. 404PN IV IM M. T 111-.- 1 --- TEXAN RAIL lEstAflSDA $KIT RAVi 8 Fi. Sections 1u03If.it . r . eciiori. 2.08 Il. 1 Tt. Sections 78c fI. I R-I.ESTENIATIIS - Simply measurfe your lot. eboo..e a fence design and 'phonue Beaver for a fast ptimutte. IP LYWOOD SHEATHING 5/116" x 4' x 8' 3/8" x 4' x 8' 5/8" x 4' x 8' sPiitulciE 5/16" x 4' x 8' 3/8" x 4' x 8' 5/8" x 4' x 8' 1~ Sliîert 2.79 3.25 5.50 2.59 2.98 5.15 TEN -TES! A--piaIt Inltrecnaird SIIEATHIN(' 7/16" x 4' x R' 7/16" x 4' x 9' 1.98 2.25 -- -I LOOK WHAT'S NEW FROM BEAVER A Modern Combination that Replaces the Awkward Stoopi A patin andi porc-h lnonue. "ldern sti'iuug for ndi Ure relaxinzamiuî conve-nienc-e riight ouit vour bac-k door (replaces tlît a%%'kN<'ard stoopu. Durable c-idar. 'simlie constructioni. can hu- huulîl over one '.'eckend. $128. Nothunc D)om'n - As L[0w . S12.00 a Month INSULATION 2 ilBATTS 4 c a ft, 31, BATTS 6 c a fI. 10 i'arton% or mnrp . . . 1~ than 10 add 10P. a earton. DEPENDABLE 96 King St. E. B(>W MA NVI LL E 1>HONE 623-33l88 id t i r--- - - - 1 1

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