Durham Lodge Bref hren Éntertaîn Their Ladies Newcaste- The annual La- Ferry, Bowmanville, Orono dies' Nltht of the Durham and Port Hope in attendance. Log No. 66 A.F. & A.M. At tables tastefully decora- was held in the Community ted with daffodils and candies lia*1 on Saturday evening with and bowls of apples donated à large number of Masons and by Bro. John Rickard, a mast thçlr ladies from this area deliciaus turkey dinner was and Oshawa, Whitby, Port, served by members of the St. _____--------'George's Woman's Auxiliary. Following the first course a Com munity lively sing-sang was conduct- ed by Bro. E. R. Lovekin withi Mrs. Chas. Cowan presidîng Bowling at the piano. :After coffee. Worshipful Newcastle- Following ls a'Brother LeGresley welcomed list of the high scorers in the everyone and, in a most cap- variaus leagues on the Comn- able manner, acted as toast- munity Bowling Lanes for the master for the evening. Toasts week ending April 2th. were presented ta Grand Monday Ladies' League - Lodge, praposed by Bro. Fred (200 and over) M. Naylor 249' Henderson and responded to B. Perrin 235, M. Foster 224: by Rt. Wor. Bro. Wm. J. Car- R. Foster 217, B. Major 211 negie D.D.G.M. of Port Perry. G. amby 11L.Farow20," To the ladies, proposed by G. Nal b215, Y. FPeel 204, R r.D.O .Dcisnwî Couch 200, H. Couroux 20)0. response by Mrs. Farncoml Men's League-. (225 and LeGresley. To the visitors, over) B. Lake 280, R. Glan- proposed by Bro. James Bar- vile 27, . eare 20,R. nes and responded ta by Rt. ville 27, R. Pearce 271, L Wor. Bro. Gardon Bunker, Johnson26, A. Peae21,L.Past D.D.G.M. of Ontario. Dis- S.oEnstmn 2, J ATeDuam 55trict Bro. Edward Warburtor S. Estmn 21, . Dbea was also asked to say a fexw 248, L. Taylor 248 , G . John odinrpytthsoa. ston246 1.McCllogh 36, A lovely bouquet of carna- G. Kîmball 233, H-.. Partner tions was presented ta Mis. 231. ______________ Wednesday Ladies' League -(200 and aver) R. Coucn. 244, 1I. Cunningham 232, M.' Lewis 229, B. Tendam 228, J./l w McCracken 207, B. Shaddock 207, B. Morgan 220, E. Mea- dows 203, B. Ferguson 210, A. Howe 201, W. Simpson 200._ Tenae eaue (75an oc l an4 ovr .Cunningham27,R Good 253, D. Rudman 200, N. Gaines 200, T. Walton 196, B. Miss Judy O'Quin of Mont- Heatlie 195. 'real spent the Easter week- Thursday Mixed League - end visiting with Miss Donna (200 and over) B. Carbrey'Ferguson. 225, M. Couch 212, D. Rowe Ms .B Ble pn 202.1MisCB.Bte pna Thursday Ladies' League --few days last week visitinc (175 anid over) D. Stark, L. Tith Mrs. Howard Foster ir" Brown 220, M. Stapleton 200, Toronto. M. MacDonald 196, J. Hall 193.! Mr. and Mrs. Philip Veitch Friday Mixed League - and daughter Susan of Wind- (200 and over) A. Pearce 255, sor have been visiting withl G.Zwler 245, T. Embley 236, ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. X. Powell 230, G. Kimbaîl 230, J. Mqlin. H. Munro 227, B. Alldread Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Walkey 226, M. Paterson 223,B. Hoog- of Newtonville and Mrs. Ir- kamp 222, K. Dean à22, N. win Colwill and Mrs. Cecil Roogkamp 213, E. Embley Ferguson attended the Easterr 210, J. Baskerville 204. Star Service in the Agincourt PROCLAMATION By resolution of the Village Council DAYLIGHT SAVUNG TIME will commence in Newcastle on #SUNDAY, APRIL 28th at 12:01 ar. Please turn your clocks and watches ahead one hour. D. J. CUNNINGHAM, Reeve, Village of Newcastle. Wedding Invitations Therm<o-engrav'ed(f 1D LEtRTNG'ttiv lyedding and engagement annauncernents, birth annouare- ments, confirmation invitatianm, golden and -;ilver anniverlary announicements. etc. Thermo.'engraving <RAISED LETTERINO) Look# and fets like the finet band engravîig. The letters bave an elegance and individuality only the. fine4t band en- qraving cati match. Thermo-engra'ving (RAISED LETTERING) Coss about hall as much as hand enpaig because it cuimin. &tu. the copper plate that makes hand ngaing so expensivo ANJD IT'S READY WITHIN THE WEEK 0f course you can order matrhing PnIoýure <ardv, reception, response, thank you andi aihomernr ards. l'l. Select fromnt ur giant catalogue aif flawlebsly corrert papers. Idistinctive styles of letering. Weddings priced as low as .30 for 8.00 and 100 for 813.50, coin. plete with double enelopes and tissues. available at CQanadita n &atesma n LeGreý ley, on behalf of Dur- ham Lodge by Bro. Royal Hall. On behaif of the Brethren assembled, a vote of thanks to Mrs. Dewdney and the la- dies of St. George's for a most deliciaus banquet was moved by Bro. Gerald Brown and was' heartily endorsed by ail pre- sent. Following the dinner everyv- one assembled in the auditor- ium where a magic act, which included ten white doves -- very much alive- was pr- sented by Trixie and Trixon of Toronto. Also included in the entertainment was a pro- fession a 1 accordion artist, Miss Nancy McCaig who was gcnerously applauded for her, various numibers which in- cluded singing and dancing and accordion selections. After the program, Norman Williar-s and his Orchestra supplied the music for round dancing. Man ' spot dances wereý enjoyed with flowers beinga presentcd 10 the lucky couples. This mosi enjoyable evening came to a close with the play- ing of the national anthem just before midnight. 1 §P)ersý,onal ',Present Awards Guides ar Mother, E 1 -United Chut-eh on Sunday a!-da night that won't be regain- dent, Mms. J. Brown opene ternoon and afterwards visîl- ed until the end o! October. the meeting with the poem,n aed the Florence Nightingale Remember . . . Spring for-! "Thyself", and led in an Eas- t Home, nearby. wamd, fail back. Set yaur 1er Prayer and welcomed alil a Mm. and Mms. P. F. Hare dlocks ahead, flot back. 'present.n are ta St. Thomas visiting w ib The devational service wasC rtheir son Dr. .1. H. and Mrs. Bm an forward and la well'conducted by members -)f Hare ad famiy. 1ebosea words Mrs. Charles El-:ý Unit three and opened withp ri Mms. Pames Dyer a! To-' iott expmessed best wishes ta the hyma, "When I Sumvey r _,onto was a weekend visitar Bob and Nancy in their newtbe Wondrous Cross', withl wit Mm ad Ms.I. . M- ommniy of Blacks to k Mr Munro at the piano. Thes Cullough and family and at- wheme they are residing. A' Seiptume lesson taken frome tended the Masonie Ladies'Ijlovely bridge set was present-' h 6h hpe of Mark's SNight on Saturday evening ed. Mms. Allan Down present-'Gospel based on the Resurec- where she visited with a lai ed bath ladies witb corsages.!lion a! Christ was read bya a! ofber former !iends in the Mm. Ken Tink and Mm. Ran' Mrs. Holmes and the medita-v rvillage. Bickle made bath preseata-'tion dealing witb the resurrec-a IThe 14isses Kara Lee F'ergu- lions. Bath couples expmessed tion and the true meanling ofr son and Kathy Wallace spent their thanks for the îavely e-'1 Easter was given by Mrs. A.h -Graham. The Easter Thank- ,t Part af their Easter holidays membrances !om their fri-ý1feig tknb r . in Blackstack visiting wiîb ends. Refreshinents were seî-- O!rgk taeand by M J NrthB ýMr. and Mr. RusgkampMuatd vMrs. J.e ladte- M. adMr.Rssl Mut1vdbyteais rup xvas dedicated by Mms. A.a jo.The C.G.I.T. girls of Ebenre-,Graham and the devotional Mr. and Mrs. Russell Mount- zer held a Spring Tea andi period ctosed with the hymn, ijoy visited with Mrs. Cecil Bake Sale on Wednesday. The "Jesus Christ is Risen Today". Ferguson and Mm. MiltonI girls were very busy duringi ' A lavely vocal sala, "Open: Payne on Fiday. the afternoon serving the, the Gates o! the Temple" was i Mr. and Mrs. Ray McNevirr lunch and tea. . sung by Mrs. K. Wery with! and daughter Sandra o! Osh- :Several from heme alsa at- Mms. Robb accampanying at' awa spent Sunday visitingtended the Tea and Art dis- the piano. with hiem mother, Mrs. Carl p ya r. amsns Cour.- The guest speaker, Mms. 1-. Selby. i ice. Many pupils had their A. Mellow o! Nomîhiinster Mrs. Ceeul Ferguson enter- art on display and the Guides United Church in Oshawa, 'lained a numnber of hem neigh- and Brownies a s s i s t le d~ was introduced by Mrs. Chas., boums on Tuesday afternuon îhroughout the aftemnoon. Cowaa. Mrs. Mellow spake on inrs haur a hebrdy i Mms. Robent Fairey and Mrs. the su bject, "Easter and.i MWs. aurown wweme c- -' sss!Spingtime" dividing lber mes- Mms. Fred Bowen o! Orona sagerown co-hostesses"Th sperit the weekead visiting at a kitchen showem in honorsaeit theprsTh with Mrs. Carl Selby. o! Miss Connie Osmond, Baw- Resurrection ai- lue after 1Mr. and Mms. F. S. Agnew manville, on Tuesday evening et.Terimholf vr l and !amily a! Thomasburg at Mms. Brown's. Several fi- deatb and the triumph o! good visited with Mm. Gordon Ag- ends from Oshawa, Bowman- ovaser evil. "The Challno ncw on Tuesday. ville and Courtîce pesented Eatere n yseed !aîwthean » Mrs. Wallace Gibson and the bride-eleet with soretei ysee1pr ecnpl aw ylingh CamaI Maie spent Easter îoveîy guifs. Cantests Fwerea belping band ta Ibose in _ýweken viitig ler othr enoýe an Mr. T Fareyneed, the lonely persan or any 'Mrs. W. Henning, Oshawa and Mrs. B. Bryans were win- 1person who needs understand- ý.also visiting froin Sask., het ners. A deliciaus lunch was iing. She closed hiem message nephew Larmy Garraway. ýserved with Mrs. Harry GayIwiîh a lovely thought for all - _____________ and Miss Mary Wilkins assist-,ta take home, that with Eas- ing. 1 er cornes reaewed faith and COURTICE andr~ Mr. J. Gay, Mr.Ithe chance to practice Christ- COUR ICE ;'ad Ms. . Chrtrn, r. nd ianBroheroodinaur ives, 'Mms. C. Robinson, Ajax, at-infot only at Eastem, but al Chief Counsellor Miss Mar-, tended the wedding af their'through the year. ion Muir and Assistant Miss cousin, Miss Linda Grills, at Mrs. J. Narthrup exprescd Betty Goyne anci Miss Char- Deer Park United Church, lotte Courtice treated the aine Toronto, on Friday eveniag. STlTY TT' Explamers ta a day in Toronta. Mms C. Marsb spent hast, S AflfVILLE~ They le!t by bus tram Oshawa weekend with hem son, Mr. B. at 9:30. They visited the Royal Marsh, and Mrs. Marsb and! Mm. and Mrs. Harald Be3t Ontario Museum. Everyane eblidren. and !amily, Wesleyville, were had a vemv iaterestiag day: Mm. and Mms. F. Rameril guests at Mm. Brian Caswell's, 'and arived home about 5 pin., and Deanis weme with M r. Sunday evening. Couples Club ai Courtîce and Mrs. J. Romeril and fain- Mrs. H. Bowen and Darlene Circuit held a money-makinaIily for dinner Friday eveniag were recent visitars at Mm. project in the !arm a! a nigbt wben Denais celebrated bis Carl Todd's. o! cards at the Christian Edu-, 121h birthday. : Miss Nancy Hallowell spent cation Centre, Fidav evening.1 Miss Jayne Gay spent sev-. te Easter holiday with Miss The executive were in charge. eral days witb Miss Lynda' Linda Hallowell, Toronto. Mrs. Jov Brinning welcomed Pzr oot.M.BbFishsmtre the ood numer resnt. Mr. Rohf Wehaert. Ottawa, ta Torontoafaler the holidav About 3,5 tables ai guesîs play-, spent the weekead at home.1 with his parents, Mr. and Mr,ý. ed crokinole, bridge, euchre RoI! bas just eturaed fom a Leonard Falls. air Lost Ileir. A deliciuus lunch holidav of five weeks in Mm. Murray Curtis. Fenelori xvaF served pramptlv ta the Mexico) Falls, spent. a fewv davs with individual tables, S pec ClI Misses Catherine, Susan, Mm. and Mrs. Orme Falls. prizes weme danated by Beau- Elizabeth and Philip Romemil, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Fonik Ity Counseilor, Avon, Smith spent several days in Toronto were supper guests, Sunday,ý S hoa P, Harrison, Kinsmanaad Mrs. M. Tolmie. Douglas Bamnes, Hampton. Hardware. Rev. P. Romeril,' Miss Wendy Brown visitedispent a few days with Mrs. e'Blackstock, made the draws. Miss Debbie Normis, Oshawa,, Victor Farrow. Table favars wcre donated by the first a! the bolidays. Deb-, Little Beverley Caswrll hart Gillardîs. Oshawa Fur Stamage hie speat the remainder wilh'a 11111e holiday with Mm. and and Bell Telephone . Thank Wendy. !, Mms. Keith Caswell, Part vou toalal who made this a Miss Barbara Brown visited'Hope. verv success!ul project. ia the holidays witb Mm. andi Mm. Arthum McKay visited Friends ai two Young coup- Mms. B. Bryans, Blackstock. !Mm. and Mms. Harold Barrow- les oi Ebenezer Cbumch gath- Mrs. Harmy Gay, Mrs. W., claugb, Wesleyville. Pred on Satumdav evening 10 Browa and Weady attended Mr. Wilson Carson la Tar- C. E. Building fam presenta-, the UNICEF open bouse atlonta, recently. tions. Mm. Kenneth Cou rtîce: Nothm inster United Church, Mr. D. Shutka and soni catled the large number pre- Osbawa. Mms. Kate Aitken, visited Mm. and Mrs. M. Shui- sent ta order for the short Chaimman of the Nationall ka during the holiday. prograin planned by the pre-ý UNICEF Hallowe'en Commit-, Mm. and Mrs. Ed Rowe, sentation committee. A Bar-, tee, xvas preseat. Miss Micbele! Peterborough, Mm. and Mrs. ber Shap Quartet composed af FinneY- af Razzie Dazzle Fame. Raymond Trim, Newtonville, Mm. Ken Butter « , Mm. Elmer on C.B.C. was also pesent.! at Mr, Bert Trim's. Down, Mm. Ken Brooks and An international progrmi was Mm. and Mms. Delbert Hal- Mmr. Murav Osborne, sang presented with maay yauag lawell and !amilyT oanto, at several numbers that welre people performing d a n c e s; their summer home recentlv, thoroughlv enja.ved bv ail. from their countries, also a Mrs. John Stark was bas- Mms. Ross Pearce gave three French play by saine grade i tess for a jewellerv deinon- readings in hier usual pleasingand 2 students all spoken listration at ber home MaadaY mariner. Misses Janet Down French, was verv goad. Manv evening. and Shirley Pickell sang twa displays o! flags', dohis, books, Mr. Charhie Trim and Miss lovely duets accompanied by mraps, drawings were shown, Marilyn Falls were Satumdav Mrs. Pickeli. Mr. Courtîce making a vemv successful ai- evenîng guests with Mr. and called Mmý and Mrs. Johntemnoan. Mms. Llew Hallowetl. Muir. a recent biride and . -Mm. and Mrs Jin Stark groomi, ta the front . Mr. Bruce There are 1,397,699 members were ecent dinner guests a, Do.iu, aoi behali af the gatb-.ai the Canadian Junior Red: Mm. Orme Falls'. erîag, welcomed Mms. Muir, Cross la aur scbools. They :Mr. and Mrs. A. Gre. the fariner CamaI Alexander, are organized in 41,289 class-, Kingston, spent the week al ta aur communitv, and a love- raom Branches in every prav- Mr. Sid Hallowell's. lv easy chair %vas presented lace in Canada, and la the De- Mr. and Mms. B. MacNeill, Ia the couple. Mr. Courtice partinent of National Defence Oshawa, at m.- Warren Car- then called Mr. and Mrs. Bob Senoola in Europe. 1 soa'& necent4. Gardon Agnew, Ediior Phono 3621 SURGICAL BENEFITS INCLUDE ..- " Any doctors' services needed in hospital. " Out-patient diagnostic X.Rays. " Cystoscopic and Bronc'- examinations. EXTENDED MEDICAL BENEFITS INCLUDE ... *Home and office calîs *Injections. *Health Examinations. *Eye Examinations. *Plus Surgical Benefits. BE A PART OWNER 0F YOUR OWN INSU RANCE CARRIER Members of Durham County Co-operative Medical Services are receiv- ing 10% Refund on Premiums paid in the year 1961-1962. THE RATES ARE VERY LOW The Surgical and Major Medical Package is $60.00 for a Family an-d $30.00 for a Single Member. The Exterided Medical Plan and Major Medical is $1 15.00 for a Family and $57.50 for a Single Member up to age 65. Over 65 years of age: $135.00 for a Famnily and $67.50 for a Single Member. MAJOR MEDICAL BENEFITS INCLUDE. . . *Ambulance Charges. *Special Drugs. *Laboratory Services. *Appliances and Therapy. This is the only county-based organization serving the United Counties of Durham and Northumberland.1 Newcastle- A mast enjay- r able mother and daughter E banquet was held by the local ti Cenotph F nd 1Guides and Brownies and b Over Tedyeeig pi 6h $1,525 Church Sunday Sehool hall onC *Newcastle - Three more Guide Captain, Mrs. Haw-v donations have been received ard Quinney welcomed those duing the past week raising p resent and prapased the the total by $25.00. Toast ta The Queen. Afteî- DonationsGrae had been sung by ther onto.Guides and Brownies, theF Pre%,iously reported $1503-36 senior Guides served the de-8 Mr. Ben Hoogkamp, liciaus meal and the Browniesa Newcastle 10.00 entertained with a sing-sang. Mm. Eugene Cannors, Guide Lieuten a n t, Missp Bowmanville 2.00 Sandra Cobbledick intmoduced1 Hi-C Group af the the following Head Table1 Newcastle United gueqts, Miss Ann Whitney, firsta Church -_- - 10.00 pack packie; Miss BerthaC Total donations ta date Clarke, 2nd pack packie; Mms.1 $1525.36 Wm. Caîl, Brown Owl; Mrs. _______- W. M. Rudell, Durham Divi-r Sion Commissioner; Mrs. How-I Card Quinney, Guide Captain;1 S et Clocks Mms. Brenton Riekard, Chair-c man af the Local Association;e Mms. Ken Stephenson, Guidee :Forward Lieutenant; Miss Sandra Cob-s bledick, Guide Lieutenant;( f Mrs. D. R. Dewdney, witfŽ of Saturday Nigh hu rc; Mm. and Mrs.S. j Ithe cta r.andMS. GS.rJ.'( Newcastle - That lime o! Lancaster, guests af the Guide1 the year has rolled around Company; Guide Dorella Lan-a again when this village, in caster; Mms. Ewamt Leask.1 coajunctian with most mun- Durham Division Camp Ad-E icipalities in the province visar and Mrs. E. C. Woodland,) aperates on Daylight Saving wiie af the pastar of the Uni- Time for the summer montlis'ted Church. ta allow those of the popula- A toast ta the mothers wasc tion who work indoars an op- proposedi by Beth Powell and portunity ta have an extra hour a! daylight in the even- M ing ta do their gardening, en- MS. MeIIow joy sparts etc. Accordîng ta an advertise- ment appeanîng eisewhere oniU -W st this page the village council has set the period for Day- Newcastle -- Soft musict light Saving Time tbis year piaved by Mms, R. Munro' fromo midnight Saturday, unlil geeted the members ai the1 the end o! October and every- Uie brb Wmn a one is urged ta set their time- î hey gathered in the Sundayc pieces ahead one boum before School room for their Eastem retirrng on Saturday night, meeting on Wednesday evea- tbus losing an boum on Satur- ingAnril 17th. The Presi- SEND THIS COUPON TO: Durham County Co-operative Mediccil Services IJKONO, ONTARIO NAME -- - ----- ADDRESS ----« --.- l'au wiIi be undea- no obligation ýastle The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Apr. 24, 1963 i S OLINA wrshipsevc.JkiBrw Ou~eruaaRDmspitII the unfavourable read a prayer. Marilyn Knox nd B owni s H o d wather an Friday night the read a poem; Karen Yellow- Community Hall was filled lees took up the otferlng. e for the Variety Concert un- Games were conducted by der the auspices of the Hi-C Brenda Yellowlees. group. Their counsellor, Fran- The first inging practice )a u g te r a n q u t fcis Johnston was chairmýan for for the Sunday School Anni-. respanded ta by Mrs. Gea. Accomplishments of t he încluded accordion solos b\, held next Sunday night, imbaland greetings from Guide Company during the HAccoron 4- John on bi te, r. 8,and 7:Mrs.Bruc k he local Association were past year were given by Guide ave Rilly4- oEugen e sz Mrv.satd Mrs. W BA rciston, ~rogh b Ms.Brntn ic- Lieutenant, Mrs. Kenneth Ste- kiewicz and Glenn Salwyck. Brooklin, on Sunday. ard with thanks by Brown phenson and included the fol- Piano solos by Donald Werrv Mrs. Robt. HaLl, Hilton, Swl, Mrs. Wm. Call. Greet- lowing: Fly-up, 7 girls passed and Douglas Dewell; tap-dance N.Y., Mrs. Mabel Winter, Miss ngs from the Durham Division tenderfoot and enrolled in the numbers by Dale Rusnel; ba.1- Irene Winter, Mr. John Rovid, were brought by Division Guides. A class o! 31 girls re- let dances by Sandra Scott Oshawa: Miss Debbie Bint, Commissioner, Mrs. W. M. ceiv'td instruction in St. John and Noreen Arnold; vocal Kingston, visited Mr. and Mrs& Rudel]. Ambulance prelirninary First duet., by Sylvia and Lijida Charles Langmaid Packie, Miss Ann Whitney, Aid from Mr. Peter Beeching. Gadfrey and vocal solas byB Mrs. 0. Lunn and children, reorin frth lt rone At any time o! the test the Godfrey; piano duets by Mary Peterborough, spent several Pack said that in Septemnber girls were ail successful in and Dwight Bradley and live- days with Mr. and Mrs. Roy. 8, new tweenies were received passing with very high marks. lv numbers by the Long Sault Lanmaid during Easter and enrolled as Brownies in Guide Proficiency Badges kitchen band with Mrs. J. Mm. L. Squair. Salem, was Novrember. These girls 31 earned during the past year Woodley. canducting. During a Sunday visitor with Mr. presently working towards are -- Susan Carey, Child intermission members af the and Mrs. Roy Langmaid. the Golden Bar Badge. Kathy Nurse, Homemaker, Pioneer gmoup sold home-made candy. ACI Gilbert Tapp, Cen. Lovekin earned the Toymaker and First Aid; Debbie Dam- The door prize, a lovely pot- tralia, visited Mr. and Mrs. R. and Skater's badges. Joaai ling, First Aid; Mary Dean- ted plant, was won by Stan- Fraser and famnily.. Caîl earned the House Order- Homemaker, Cook, Child Nur- ley Hardy. All who had taken Mr. and Mrs. Wes Hilîs and P ackge.Ms eîaCak se, Gardener, First Aid and 'art on the program were family, visited Mr. and Mrs. Packe Mss erth ClrkLittle House Emblem. Gloriaserved refreshments in the M. McCarrell, Omemee. reporting for the )nd Brownie Flintoff- Secand Class Badge,1 lowce- hall. Mr. and Mms. R. Fraser vis- Pack said that in September, Gardener, First Aid, Home- Several Of aur 4-H Club ited Mr. arnd Mrs. R. Cawan, 12 new Tweenies were re- maker, Needlewoman a nd girls alan g with ather mem- West Hill, Sunday. ceived int the pack and were Child Nurse. Susan Flintoff- bers of Durhamo County Clubs, Mr. and Mrs. Don Taylor. enrolled as Brownîes iin Dec- Child Nurse, Homemaker, Hos- numbeming about 100, enjoyed and family and Mr. and Mrs, ember. These girls are pi-e- îess, First Aid and Gardener. a bus trip on Tuesday ta 'Tor- E. R. Taylor spent the weekv- sently working towaîds the Carol Gibsoni - First Aid. jonta, where they visited the end with Reverend and Mrs;- Golden Bar Badges. Frances Hoar- First Aid. Eli- Georgian Raom' at Eaton's R. Sherwin and sans at Dur- Golden Hand Badges were zabeth Kozub - First Aid, and toured the Parliament ham and an the return trip pres,ited ta Kathy Wallace, Homremaker and Hostess. Tina Buildings. visited former pupils af Mr%. Glenda Johnson. Elizabeth Koub- First Aid. Darella Haroio Yellowvlees, who is E. R. Taylor's in Oxford Pearce, Joan Kimbaîl, Debor- Lancaster-Hamemaker, Child attending the National 4-H County. ah Adaîr and Karen Parker. Nurse, Little House Emblem, Convention in Washington, ap- The U.C.W. will meet on These six Brownics are als' First Aid, Toymnaker, Swini- peared on TV on .Thursday, Monday night, April 29. entitlcd 10 their Brownie nier,' Blue and White all wvhen he with delegates from Mrs. O. Lunn and Nancy, Wings whcn they Fly-up ta round Cord. Lynda Lowery - 8 other Canadian provinces, Peterborough, and Faye Lang- the Guides in the fait. First Aid. Nancy Lowery- received Citizenship Papers mnaid visited Mrs. Lloyd Bra. Writer's badges were earn- First Aid. Eleanor McCmacken fram Prime Minister John omne on Thursday. ed by Karen Parker and Kathy -Cuak, Homemaker, Hostess, Diefenbaker at Ottawa. Mm. and Mrs. E. Spires and Wallace. Pioneer, Gardener and First Mrs. R. Eakins prepamed the Sharon visited Mr. and Mrs. 1Aid. Isobel Pearce -First Aid. missionary program for Sun- Ray Bernis, Oshawa. A UJBeth Powell- Second Class day School on Sunday marn- Mrs. T. Flett, Columbus, r &d resses Badge, Homemaker, Hostess, ing. Bobby Fraser read a vîsited Mr. and Mrs. D. Fet Gardener and Fîrst Aid. Judy poem. Mrs. Harry Knox read:and family. Powell- First Aid. Beverley a story and prayers were af- Mm. and Mrs. R. Vice, Mr. ýer Mveet[ing Rickard -Homemaker, Hos- iered by Caral Watson, Jackîe'Everett Vice and Mrs. Donald tess. Gardener, First Aid. Browvn and Ellen Cryderman. Yellowlees, Taunton, visited the hans o th meber toLeslie Stephenson - Cook, At the church service the 'Mrs. Harold Jebson and Dora- th. e hank r her emrst Homnemaker, Hostess, Pioneer, members af the Hi-C group thy at Mr. Lloyd Slute's, Rag- Mrs.e messaow for he loely Artist, Gardener, First Aid. and Explorers took part in Ilan, on Sunday. sitrmssag. er and h aus Candy Storks -Homemaker, the service of Dedication ta Miss Linda Webster, Osh- sooit rs K Wmr ad c- Hostess, Gardener and Fîrst Missions- Pat Knox, Evelyn awa, visited at Mr. and Mr$. companist Mrs. Robb for their Aid. Margie Zwiem - First Hockaday and Ron Baker of! John Knox's. contribution ta the progmam. Aid. the Hi-C Group and Karen Mrs. Donald Yellowlees, Mrs. J. Brown expressed Yellowlees and Peggy Darch Taunton, was a Sunday te& her Persona] thanks ta the Cord Presentation of the Explorers. The serip- iguest of Mr. and Mrs. Russell. guests for their part in the Foilowing the progress re- ture passages were read by Vice. meeting and took the chair for parts the presentation af an Janet Mîlîson and Sally Lang- ,Mm. and Mrs. Bill Carr and the business portion of the Ahl Round Blue and White maid, Explorers. The story1 children, Long Soult, visited meeting. She made special Cord was made ta Dorella Lan- "Mary Slessor" was read by Mr. and Mrs. Stan Milîson mention af the Orano Thank- caster. The addmess was mnadý! Doreen Ramer aofhe i-CandSonS. Dffering Meeting ta take Place by Mrs. Rudeil who pesented group. A vocal solo 'II Asked Mm. and Mrs. Keith Cryder.- on the evenîng of Thursday, the Cord ta Guide Captain, the Lord" was contibuted by'man and Jo Ann visited Mr. April 251h, ta which the local Mrs. Howard Quinney who'Fat Davis. Rcverend Page's!and Mrs. L. Stainton, Ennis- members had been invited placed il aver the shaulder of sermon tapie was 'Samuel'i%'killen, on Sunday. and said she would like ta Dorella and it was lied into Glory Robe". . Mrs. C. J.1 Wray, Maxine see a good turnout of New- place by hem mother, Mms. S. Sunday, April 28, will be and Debbie, Oshawa, were castle members. J. Lancaster. the first day afi Daylight Friday tea guests ai Mr. and The treasurer gave a fine Guide Caroline Majer made Saving Time and also the f irst1 Mrs. Ross Cryderman and encauraging rcport, on the the presentation af a suitable Sunday ai aur sumnmer churcb Miss Nan Allun and Miss woîk of the al-ganizatian and engraved Sterling Silver Guide hours, 12 o'clack. Revemead Marion Garvin, Taranto, and a nice bank balance. The cor- calice spoan ta Darella on be- Page will be administering Mr. C. Allia, Bowmanville. responding secretary reported bal! cf the Guides in the Com- the Sacrament o! Baptismn. were Sunday tea guests of having mailed 76 Easter cards pany. Theý Explarers met on Sat- Mr. and Mrs. Wes Yellowlees. ta shut-ins. To conclude a most enjoy- ,umday afternoon, with 17 l Mm. and Mrs. Ivan Ellicott Mrs. Brown pi-anaunced the able evening, slides of the members present. Roll Cali 'and Sandra, Peterborough*. henedîction and ail enjoyed Central Amea af Camp Artel- for next meeting- Bring a ýMrs. N. Yellowlees, Bowman- a social lime in xvhich mem- aide al Haliburton weme shown spriag f!lawer. For this meet- ville, were Suaday visitors bers af Unit 3 served deticiaus by Mms. Ewart Leask, Durham ing each braught something with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest refreshments. Division Camp Advisor. for Easter. Mrs. Cryderman *Hackaday and daughters. 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