The. Cazala Statsnn, Downmanffl1e, Apr. 24, 1963 P. S. le.'s Health Plan Opens for Enroilment IVext Mon., A prit 29 The P.S.I. sponsored North- successful campaigns. He sta- miberland and Durham Com- ted that the attitude of the aiunity Health Plan officially residents indicates a clear de- grins for enrolment next sire for comprehensive pre- Ihonday, April 29th. 'paid medical care. P.S.I. has offered Commun-! Mr. Lynch further stated Ity Enrolment to many areas that this was a wonderful Ini Ontario including the Coun- opportunity for any resident Lies cf Dufferin, Victoria and flot having P.S.I. to enrol 'n Flalton, as well as many Town- P.S.I.'s most comprehensive ships, Cities and Towns. P.S.I. 'plan without restriction as to Is a short terrni for Physician's age or condition of health. Services Incorporated, a non- He urged that any resident profit service sponsored by the wishing information te con- Ontario Medical Associationtact one of the offices or to and the Doctors of this Pro-'contact his family doctor, or vince as a method cf supply- someone already enrolled in Ing comprehensive prepaid the Plan. Offices wiIl be open- medical care te Ontario resi- ed in Cobourg, Port Hope, dents. While the Plan is flot Bowmanville and Campbell- open for enrolment until the ford. 29th, it has already attracted the support cf flot cnly the Doctors in NorthumberlandS LE and Durham, but also manySA E of the elected officiais. A letter introducing the A pleasant social evening ln Plan te Northumberland and the form of a pot luck supper Durham will be received was enjoyed by ever 75 people shortly from Mayor Morley at the church last Wednesday Tanner of Campbellford, fol- evening. The main purpose of lowed by a letter from Mayor the evening was to honour Jack Heenan cf Cobourg. three young couples on their P.S.I. spokes m a ni, Gerry marriages. Mr. Gerald Shack-1 Lynch advised this paper that leton extended belated best1 it is expected the enrolment wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Bob cf Norhumberland and Dur- Davies, Mr. and Mrs. John Thnre you qiefnig h Industrial Development Bank helps finance most types of small and miedium- size Canadian businesses for a variety of purposes. If required inancing for your business is flot available dlsewhere on reasonable terms and conditions, you are invited to visit an IDB office or write to one for a bookiet. w d INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT BANK 23 BRANCH OFFICES ACROSS CANADA TORONTO, 250 UNI VERSITY AVENUE Telephone 368-1145 III.SPECIAL LOW *ON NATIONAL BRÀ IAt Your Local Druggist's - Th 111. ANACIN 10s - BAROMO *SELTrZER - F. JI CREST Tooth Paste ----su g~ENO Fruit Sait - Large IHOLLYWOOD Wave Set-wt KLEENEX--- 20' KOTEX Regular--12's- LISTERINE ___-14 oz.- b6M PAX 40's - Reg. or S TRImVmSOL50 C.c.- WATCH FOR THIS AD EA( BOWMANVILLE 1 COWLING'S DEUG STORE JGHNSO ALEX McCREGOR, DRUGS JURY & LOVELL STUTI Zion Bantams were declared Rural Area champions recently when they defeated Orono two out of three in the semi-finals and then went on te down Bowmanvilie two eut of three. The final game was played Aprîl 8th when Zion won a real thriller 2 to 1. Team includes, standing left to right, B. Hircock (coach), B. Howes, F. Cook, B. Peters, J. Hircock, J. March,. G. Finney, J. Robinson and J. Howes(m- ager); kneeling, à. Oyler,J Barager, D. Tierney, J. Tay J. Worder ylor and T? Receaton*~~voew~ sent with Recratio Revews years. Junior Softball Listed below are the four conference us "Communication Our gues Due te the increased inter- tearns that bave been form- lin Recreation". Profes s o r tional robes est in softball over the past ed: Ralph Dent, cf the Ontario when takir few years a four teama Junior Team No. 1- Alan Cole, Agriculture College, will be The robes League has been formed for Doug. Lane, Bradley Yourth, the themne speaker for the con- tive grown boys 15 years cf age and over. Pete Bothwell, Jerry Falls, ference. Some cf the other native dye There is aise the possibility. Randy Ccx, Harold Kennett, outstanding speakers who'-will blue, mad( cf a teami frcm the oys Bob Hellam, Brian Smith. be present are: Mr. L. Hamil- of Nigeria, Training School entering the Ross Myers, Howie Pellard, ton, Vice-President, Tecnifax ous, there1 league. Wray Rendeil. Bo eMc Corp., Holyoke, Mass; Mr. T. criai in tbq If ou reinterested in Team No. Kennb Me Leishman, Director, Commun- Mrs. Wrigli ,fyu r Manus, George ne d y, ity Programmes Branch, On- sheet. playing in this league please, Larry Perris, Jim McKnight, tario Department cf Educa- The Rev petcteopfe Aln eCc, ob Mc-n Guy Parks, John Kilpatrick, tion; Mr. Gordon Wright, Dir- translated ii Maopls, Dave Sod, BruMe Wayne Devitt, Alian Brown, ector, National Fitness Coun- rnany partf AausorDaeSog. r u e' Pete Tomlinson, Ricky Ellis, ! cil and Jack Dancm, Dîrector Adas r Dug Rig.WeBob Smith, Brian Forsey. of Recreation, Forest Hill. are in need cf at least 12 more, Tcam No. 3- Dave Snow- One cf the higblights cf the playrs.den, Ken Baker, Larry Samis, cenference will be Physical Car tale etsAI Woodlock, Don McMurter,; Fit n e s s Press Conference, Ken Miller. adtbess Grant Tbompson, Keith Bail, where prominent officiais cf wcre presented te Bob and Brian Adams, Pat Murphy, the National Physical Fitness Bea and Ken and Gerda,, and Dave Gibson, Walter Ellis, Council will be intervicwcd a plate glass mirror to John'Gary Grîffin.1 by delegates, sports writers and Grace. Rev. C. Duganý Teamn No. 4- Bruce Adamis, and sports broadeasters. aise extended best wisbes. 1 Ted Brown, Don Kerr, Mur- A neetn etr o The venig wa spet ýray Brown, AI Osborne, Ted watcbing movies cf lcal Bate, Scott Rudeil, Jim An- Bowmanvilie people is that a places and people, which wcrederson, John Connors, Bruce local quartet known as "The greatly enjoyed by ail present. Smith, Mike Murphy. Bow Men" consisting cf Dr. There were seven tables ofi A meeting cf the managersKcith Siemon, Keith Jackson, cuchre at the card party spon- wil be held on Thursday, Ap-1 Doug. Rackham and Ken sored by Salem Soccer Club, ri 25th, te draw up a sched-!Heeckin wiil suppiy the enter- at the sebeol last Friday ev-luic and playing rules for this'tainmcnt for the Civie Ban- ening. A number cf children1 coming scason. It is beped te utwhc cl ebedo were present and enjoyediget the league underway ýthe Saturday, May 4tb. playing games. Winners cf l2th cf May.1 It is hoped that Bowman- the cuchre were, bigh man, Soccer Practices iville will be well represented Ron Welsb;, consolation, Doug. The Junior Soccer team wiîîatthscnfrne Reynolds; high lady, Mrs. Bob hold a practice this coming1 Drama Workshop Davies; consolation, Mrs. A.; Thursday, April 25tb at Mcm- The Bcwnianvdlie Drama Harvey. Mr. Donald Richards;. criai Park starting at 6:30 Workshop will present three was the lucky winner cf the 1p.m. If y ou are interested *in1 onc-act piays- "Storm In A electrie dlock radio. Lunch playing Junior Soccer pleaseULving Cup", "The Sandbox", was served by the young men, feel free to attend this prac- and "The Other Haif", at the bringing an enjoyable evening tice session. Bowmanville Town Hall thi3 te a close. The Senior Soccer team will coming Thursday, April 25th Salem U.C.W. held their. bold its first practice on Mon- and Friday, April 26th. Cur- regular meeting at the cburch. day, April 29th, at Memorial: tain time is 8:15 p.m. Tickets Mrs. Ken Shackleton, whos*2 Park at 7:00 p.m. are avaulable from any mem- group was in charge, opened' Ontario Reereaticn Conference ber of the Drama Worksbop the meeting with an Easte r or can be cbtained at the devotionai. Mrs. Bob Coilacott Thdlt AnalOtai readthescritur andMrsRecreaticn Association Con-dor Shacletn gve Te dvoton-ference will be heid in Peter-, okySetr ai reading. Several hyrnns: borough on May 2nd, 3rd and! There arc stiil a number cf were sung. Susan Marchant'4th at the Empress Hotel. hockey sweaters that bave net favored with a piano solo.~ This conference should be one been returned to the Recrea- Mrs A.Stehes gve socf the largest held in the past tien Office. If you have a "The Youngest Thief." Mrs 'few years, by ail indications sweater please return it as E. Twist favored with a vocal cf the advanced registrations soon as possible, se that tbey solo. Ithat have been received. can be cleaned and stored tili It was decided to obtain thel The theme for this__year'snext season. study book "The Rim cf Asia" !for our greup. A committee was appointed te look after M ORRISH the Explorers' Mother and Daughter banquet on May 7. We extcnd the sincere sym- address, it was returned te Lunch was served and a, pathy cf this community te the England to the point cf mail- d social time enjoyed. famnily of the late Mrs. May ing later, enclosed with ex- Annie Brown cf Canton, who planations and mailed once - - - -passed away on Friday, April again, finally arriving te our l8th, aftcr several months cf mail box intact with longTe 'sickness. Mrîs. Harold Obre wie es h '(Vannetta> is a daughter, Sunday School was edacm P R ICS jwheic at this home- for sev- Il arn. There was a very good P R C E qleral wveeks Mrs. Brown lay iii attendance. Miss Joan Marvin everi jawaiting transfcr te Toronto was actiing superintendent, ,IGeneral where sh e pa.:sed 'Mrs. Helen McHolm accorn- va lu away. The funeral was hieldlpanied the hymns. Mr. and A ijJlC ,~from the Ross Funeral Chapel Mrs. Don Lord are caretakers oper ANDS~ on Saturday, April 2th. with cf church and Sunday Sho ,~interment at Welcome Cerne- for this month. Th mur. - at 'Itery. Having lived at Canton Missionary Service This lu .- ru. -So . for 3 long tirne and a memn- Guest Speakers the Rev. U br at that cburch. The Rev. William and Mrs. Wright. worli ! jP. F. Gardener and R-2v. Wri- 1In Morrish Church on i -----1.17 -,li ght took part in the service,1 Thursday, April l8th, at 8:151 theri assisted by the Rev. M. Free- 1p.m. a special Eastcr Mission- 1 ~ î~iman cf Morrish. Interment'ary« Service was held under! Arm( amlysI -8 C was at Welcome Cernetery. the auspices cf the U.C.W. for a lii The late is. 13-.wvn i as There was a large attendance. 'well known in Morrish, where This service was arranged and f ~ qishe wias a frequent visitor some time age in ce-operation 09sie ----79 with ber daugiter ani son-!v:ith the Rev. William and two in-law. Slue was a great fav- Airs, Wright, home on fur- flourite with ber grandchildIrci. lough fromn the Mission Field Arn * --- yC The large number pres-3,-t at, cf Nigeria. luthe funerai service and thui Mr. and Mrs. Wrigbt are jmany beautiful flhwcrs re- well known in this district i-Free Comb -2 6c -11 ceived testif ied to th 3 love ai'dl and early this year expressed esteem in which Mrs. Brown, a wish te present this service *iwas hield.1 in April. Their busy sehedule 2. fr 3 c I Mrs. Caven cf Port Credit! prevented their coming to this ---- for31c was a visiter with ber friendý part from St. Marys before 'IMrs. Dorotheia Haîines for a!this date. Members cf the jfew days this past xveek. JU.C.W. were present from ----2 or 8 3c If TTLe alternate Sunday Wor* iNewtonvil]e, Canton and Wel- L for ~3 ~ j hip Service ,vas helcl at 10:cerne charge. o ~ .111 Ia.rn. this Sunday at Zion Uni-!I The President, Mrs. Harry ~I~ted Çhurch, the Rcv. M. Froe- Beckett, cpened the service 87c -il rnn in charge. Next Suinday3, by prayer, bymn 105 "Jesus Ap)ýIl 28th, serv'ce will bcet 'Christ is Risen Today" fol- M-)riish United Churcii, at Ine lcwcd. A short devotional iper *clnicŽ cf which thera will be al period was presented by Mes- 411 short induction cf a new nurn- dames Henderson, Anderson 'L er t,, the sCsJofl, inade nec- and Harncss. A vocal sole issary by the retiihenient -Af "Open The Gates at The Tem- 3.29il 1I Mr-,. Morley Harr.ess recently. pie" wvas sweetly sung by Mrs. Hockey Champions of the Rural Area League n, R. Woolner, _ D. YELVERTUN r. Cook. (Intended for last week) isure in being pre- The Easter holiday, coupled iMorrish friends witb bright sunny weather, an absence of nine brought a rash cf welcomne visitors to cur ccmmunity. sts wore the tradi- Mr. and Mrs. Brown (nee ýs of ceremony worn Mrs. McFarland) spent the rig church service. wcekend at their cottage here. are made from na- The Ralpb Malcolms cf icotton, dyed from Scarboreugh called on rela- in many shades cf tives in this ccmmunity. le by the women Misses Linda and Judy Culits are very volumin- spent the Easter holiday with being enough mat- their cousins, the Fred Stacey e turban worn by faniily, while their mother ht to make a large Mrs. Charlie Cutts enjoyed a sortie te Nassau in the Baba- v. W. Wright has mas. into native languag Miss Cheryl Rowan and Jim ts cf God's Word. Rowan spent Easter Sunday also relilous pamphlets and magazines ail eargerly bought and read by the natives, Mrs. Wright doing the typîng. To illustrate how a hymn sung in native dialect sounds, Mr. Wright sang "Corne, Let Us Go te Our Father's House" Mrs. Wright interpreting in Engiish. In closing. Mr. Wright gave a sampie cf bow he preached te cengregation. Mrs. Wright again interpreting. This was very interesting, finally to show how illiterate the people were, a small bock wîth col- oured blank pages was shown, the black page stood for Sin, the white page for Christians, red for "The Saving Blood cf Christ and the gold was the Golden Streets cf Heaven. A second hymn was sung, part English, part native. The second part cf this program, a number cf colour- ed slides were shown, ail very beautiful, depicting life at home.. customs, farming, fruits and vegetabies grown lccally. The service closed with thel blessing by the Rev. William Wright. A social time was enjoyed in the Sunday Schocl where lunch was served by the U.C. W. It was a very happy gath- ering. Goodbye and God Speed You's were exchanged with our friends who are return- ing te Nigeria in July this year. Our good wishes go with them, the children, Ruth, John. Stephen, Jimmy and Esther remaining in Canada te attend school. There was a bot time in the old town (of Yelverton) the other night. Mr. Maurice Man- tel, owner of the local "Lemon Orchard", had disposed of a number cf bis relies cf by- gone years which were cern- pressed and loaded in a truck. Shortly b e f o r e midnight, flames were noticed coming front the truck. It was towed away from buildings and gas pumps, tili Caesarea Fire Bri- gade, which prevides fire pro- tection for this area, appeared t0 douse the flames. And we- STUART R. JAMES INSURANCE King St, E. 1Office 623-5681 REAL ESTATUC Bowmanville Residence 623-5493 the Iowest priced Canadianmbulit car Il rive miles and years at the lowest cost SRambler American Six is the lowest priced iadian-built car, with features you won't finid ri on higher priced cars. That's where its real e lies. Because these features keep your rating costs down to an absolute minimum. here's Deep-Dip rustproofing for example. sprocess makes the RamblerAmerican the d's most completely rustproofed car. Then e are the three guarantees. The Ceramic. ioured muffler and tail.pipe are guaranteed as long as you own the car. And the battery coolant are unconditionally guaranteed for years or 24,000 miles. nother major feature i3s smplythewaythe car is buiît. With. Ram bler pioneered Single-Unit con- struction, the caris stronger, lasts longer.There's our policy, too, of designing every component ~in a way that will give "maximum usefulness to the user." That's the main reason why the 1963 Ramblerwas chosen winnerof the coveted Motor Trend Magazine "Car of the Year" award. So when we stress our low price, we're giving you full value for your dollars. Roll on the miles and years with a Rambler American Six. When you start to run out of numbers on the odometer, you'll still have happy memories of the 10w price you paid. See your Dealer today and run up a few test miles on a RamblerAmerican Six. Whtb6ýt American Six A PRODUCT OF AMER ICAN MOTORS (CANADA) LIMITLO QUEEN MOTOR SALES Ltdoy Phone 623-3356 Bowmanville w!th Mrs. Mabel Rowan and mlssed the wl'ole spectacular! Annie. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Glas- Mrs. Verda I-scox and fam- bergen motored te Montreal ily spent the weekend with, tL welcome his sister who has the Gerald MeGills. arrived in Canada from the The Explorers enjoyed anlNetherlands for hier first visit Easter party at Church Halito our countrv. A real happy on Saturday. reunion no doubt after many Several Yelverton families long years apart! were presenit at the Eastern The services cf Miss Mui'- Aberdeen - Angus A n n ua dock of Omemiee have been. Spring Salé in Peterborough acq uired as school teacher a - on Saturday. Prices averaged! S. S. No. 1 Manvers for nexi somewhat higher this yeari school year. Mrs. Glenn Skuce than last. The Jack Wilsons had previously indicated her acquired twe young Doddies. desire te quit teaching. Mrs. Harvey Malcolm was for -______________ tunate in winning one cf te lucky draws - a leather showlj halter. After having been led& around for the past ten years,, we can only presume who will. soon be trying it on for size!1 The Howard Malcolms andi Mr. Wilbert Malcolm met the . Jim Philps cf Detroit a t Mal-' ton Airport on Sunday a.m.1 where they had commuted by plane to spend the day te- gether with Mrs. W. j. Mal- P O 'ýIl colin at the Private Patients' PR T CTO Pavilion where she is hos-1 pitalized. r FORMULA Sympathy is extended te the family cf the late Reg. Ed- f or yourbuies munds cf Bethany who diedbu nes se suddenly this week. Reg. MAr. Storeowner was widely known and re- spected net only for his ath- A modern protection package letie prowess and sportsman- for retail stores is now availe ship cf past years, but wasl able te most storeowners. This popular with old and young, because cf his genial persen.j attractive, streamlined package ality. I is called Retail-Pak. It offers A nonegenarian, Mrs. John the cenvenience, economy and Burns Sr., formerly Lizzie Me- comprehensive protection fea. Gi, the last of the prominent MeGili family cf this locality,l turcs cf one broad coverago (a sister cf the late Hugh Mc- policy. For a survey cf your Gi) was laid to rest in Yel- insurance needs and details verton Cemtery this week. onwa eilPkc d The Arthur Rowans called on haRea-Pka d on son Pat in Orillia on Satur- for you, cail on us. ýday. start with I .P ý 1 ---. - - a. ommuma L qfVýw wvý--ýmffl