The Orono News Mrs. James E. Richards, Editor Mr. anid Mrs. Bruce Mc-, funeral was on Tue.rsday fromn Clure, Janet and Douglas.,ot the Morris Funeral Chape'. omQuebec, have returned: Bowmanville. Interment 0.- Ç=1 after spending Easteriono Cemetery. Wekwith he- mother, Mis-. Mrs. Rose lrwý,ii ofBo -Roy Branch. manvilie isited her brother. 4AUl are welcome 1.0 corne to Mr. Marshall Chatterton and '7hear Mrs. Walton Tong of Mrs. Chatterton. Honig Kong, daughter of Rev. Dale. Doretta and Dor.!:,a John Kitchen, who wi1' give Challice speiit Easter week an address and show slides onl with their graîîdparents. Mr. Hoig Kong, at 8 p.m. Thurs-. and Mrs. larvev Aikeni. day, April 25th, at Oron0ý and Mis. MNilton Challice of Ujnited Church. Rev. and Mrs Millbrook Walton Tong are on one year Mr. and Mis. Bob Knox aI-e tu.rlough from Hong Kong. at their Bee Ranch in Nipa- Mr. and Mrs. G. L. McGee win. Sask., for the season. apenit a few days last week - '.. David Phasey. Kathy. with Mr. and Mrs. Donald Brend a and Wayne of Tx'rone MaGee and family, Richmo nd visited Mrs. Charles Wood on ili. FridaY evenLing. Other recerit Mr. and Mis. Heib. Jair'ie, ,isjtOrs reMr, and Mrs. Karen, Kaven and Lorcie, O! Neil Wood, Gail and Sandra, Toronto spent Sunday w«ith Lakefield, Mr5. Geo. Cro,,.- Mrs. Wm. Seymour. ther. Charles and Jarnîc, Newv- Mr. and M rs. Jack K'err of castle. Mr. and Mrs. Chare. Fort Stewart vjsited last Johns, Bo-wmnaniville. Thursday with her sister, Mis. Mis. Howard M.yles visited Marshall Chatterton and Mr. bel- father, Mr. Evcrett M.,*-- Chatterton. cheil of Pont *ypool, who is a Miss Veina Porter of Peter- patient in 'Ross Menoriai borough, Mr. andi Mis- . W ospital, 1,indsa.. Norman Porter were diiiier- guests Saturdav evening () Mr. and Mis. Orville Chai Club and fmily.4-H u1eep Cu Mis. M. Birch bas returcd* to her home on Centre Stire after convalcscing for the Ipa--t4 st O A o three weeks with her daughi- terdaughtens BaIl, Mr. Ba.1 Big Field Day .Mi. and Mis. .1. Wes e O n > ~ of Toronto visitcd lier cousi thn emcsifte urh i Mrs. J. E. Richards, on Sizn Coue nibe-Hshof p Cl u \veiil day. lu a slîeep field day, aloi g Mr. and Mrs. Rarnond Lîuiwith many other she.ep clu, and Sandra of Oshawa sPpen in Southieiri Ontario at the Ag- Sunday with his parents, :.ricultural College in (;ttelphi. and Mrs. Archie Lunn. At approximately 10:00 a Ii.i Mr. and Mrs. Gordon POv&er i(, programme started \%itii wére Suniday dinner guests Of denionstiations ancidis MVr. and Mrs. Orme Fallis and ,.,io on the varlousý grades of family. Starkville. market lambs by Mr.A. Cu.r- Congratulations to Mr. Wnî. rie of the Canada Departnie:lt Davey who is celebrating his of Agriculture. Next camne a g9th bjrthday this weekencl wool demonstration and ta'-i Mis. O. Cowaîî, Oshawa. by Mt-. I. Rimrngtoit. of thfi spent the weekeiîd with Mr Caiadiati Co-operative Woil and rs. has Cooer. Giowris. Aftcr lunich eveix - md Ms. has.Coocr. one paid a visit to Austraba Sea Corning Events re te and Nevw Zealand on sldes apecial choir from Toronto a. with one of the sheep l'arim Orono United Church. Sundav Ci., wh, took the CPR. farm- rnorning and aftcinoon, April ers Iü,ur îast winter. 28th. Afteri novitig to anutheri Mr. and Mis. Tomi Bebbing- building Dr. D. J. Campbell, ton of Toronto spent Saturday cf the Ontario Vecteîinary with Mr. and Mrs. Ale" Wat- College gave a talk and dem- son. onstratiori on flock lhealth Mis. Bruce MeAthLIr and Thle O.A.C. Shepherd, fl. daughter JoAnn of Preston- Palme', then gave a demon- Mis. Tom Hardy and family, sheep for show. As spoot as lie Saturday evening. was finished, a professional Mr andMr. . alkr here sowd h~o osha spent the weekend with Mr. the sheep was shoîn, Mr. Rm- and Mrs. Ken. Bail and daui- mington showed how to tie ulp ghters. a fleece pîoperly. There wcas Mrs. Oda Laing of Toronto; a question period, then evet - visited Mrs. W. A. Gerry. one visited the college flock Mr. Norman Rickaby of 0cncue Belleville School for t.he Dea f staff spent the Easter holidays LO G S U T with his parents, Mr. and Mis. L N A L Jimn Rickaby. M.. and Mrs. Orville Chai-. Club 50. held their Aoril lice. Dale, Dûretta and ]pçnisgimeeting at the homne ofMrs. were Sunday dinner guests of Edith Murphy, with 15 mem. "Mr. and Mrs. Keith Tregunna1 bers and 8 visitors present.: and Nancy, Prestonvale, Osh- Piresident Mrs. Don Davey awa. opened the meeting. Rev. Du- Mr. nd Ms, AthurBisliop gan led us in prayer. Pieside-nt.L Mn. nd Ms. Athuî then conducted the necessary of North Bay were overnight buiess and turned the meet- guests last Wednesday of Mrs. bin vrt h rgam M. J. Barrien comnittee, Miss Giace Sn-!th Mr. Jack Wilson o! arieand Mrs. Helen Kayacs. Mâis. spent the weekend with Mr.JV and Mis. C. V. 'Wilson and J Vneyk gave an interesting, reading, *'A Thought for Sun- family. day" Gary Van Dam favoured Congratulations to Mr. and us wt some toe-tapping ac- Mis.AJe Warsonwho ele cordion selections. Jean Baker1 brated their 44th Wedding gave a humorous ieadind, Anniversary on April 23rd.1 about "Dad's Old Britches."; Mi. Roy Patton, Mi. Geo.ý Our minister Rev. Chris Dugan Morton with Mr. Lyle Lowery spoke on the preparation in- littended Grand Orange Lodge volved with becoming a min-! ,)f Ontario East, last week inilister and of the various places Ottawa. throughout Canada hielhas, Stephen Mitchell and his worked and spoke iin detail iousin Rick Chant of Hamp- of his work in the Summer 'on visited their grandpaîents, Mission fields. Mr. and Mis. Wm. Emory of h rsdn tcîtaîe Ann-Coryell oft Hamilton spent Mi. and MIrs. Stanlcy Uobir, a few days last %wcek viL Tyroiîc, were Sunday dintîci their grandparents. Mi. and guests of the Kovars. Mrs. Harry Rowe, after a bus M1\1. and Mis. Bol) Milford trb t Newc York City spoi- and famil>y. Bowmanville: M, sored by their high school. and M\irs. Hancock and famîîy. Mr. Edwin A. Sandeicock. Havdon: Mi. and Mis. flan- husband of Mis. Elsie Bottrefl 'cock and Peggy. Orono. we Sandercoek. passed away sud- Sunday afternoon calleis of' denly at Memnorial Hospital,,Mri. Robeit Sîm. Bowmanville, on Sunday, Ap- In spite of fog Club 50 NKit- ril 21st, following a car acck. -cheni Band jouinesed to Sol- dent. in his 43rd year. Fat.her I ina Fridav night and assisted of Lariy, Joyce and Ruth. and witb the ariety Concert spon- only son of Mi. Oswald San- sored by the Hi-Cý dercock and the late Mr...AI- Homne and School Club xc il! ice Hughson Sandeicock. Themeet Friday evening, MNIay rmi . rd. Pîcase note change ni' date. The coninîunitý- welcoines Mr. and Mis. Sidney Cori-:ýsh and famîily. Hanmpton. to our midst. They bave hought ýhe N. Woodlcy faim. Mr. A. J. NMcLaggan. 'Mur- and adJaret niotored t o Guelphi ou Wednesday cduc! attcndcd tl1w 4-H1 Sîiccp Club ai-id then motox cd ýo Luc k - now and isited NIr. Harrv GUI and other points north returning home FridlaN even- * ing. Heatlîi, Br uce and \Nc(- toi McLazgar. .iîteîîcleclMa * efle Cragi's 3rd birthday pat Saturday afternoon. 'p The Canadian Statesman, flowmanville, Apr. 24, 1963 AIlPr/ces ki This Ad Guuwnteed llough Soturdu y, April27th, 1963 TOMATO JUICE HEINZ KETCHUP Reg. Prieo ti 1 - fbVET 48-FL- 9 oz TINIS5 Reg. prie. lSti 260-.BAVE 2e Il-FL.23c HEINZ g",. Prie.. 2 tlq.%7r,-SAVE le SPAGHETTI IN TOMATO SAUCE 3 OZ TINS 49C CREAM OF TrOMATO HEINZ SOUP Reg. Prles 2 ipm. 27-.SAVIE $A 4 10-FL- or TINS 49 A &P Hwdles OuIy Meuts Purchosed Frem Federalfy lupectel Pockiag Houses PORK RIB PORTION 3 to 31/2 POUNDS LOINS TENDERLOIN PORTION - 3 to 31/a POUNDS TENDERLOIN HAIF LOIN lb 55C Short Cut (Canlada's Fînest Red Brand Beef) PRIME RIB ROASI lb 67C Freal, Grourd, All Seef Hamibuîîg MINCED BEEF b43c Stiper-Riglt Brand, Vac Pic (OOKED HAM 6zk55( Snovwbird Brand HADDOCK FILLETS 1431 Cooked and Breaded WHITING PORTIONS lb39C SA VE on CAN#NED F00S5aut ÀA&P Chosce Quality Reg. Prie* tin 37c-SAVE lle oz tins CASE 0F 24 TINS $800 -- SAVE 88c Fane,y QtisIity, WkoIe K.r,m.l AaP CORN CASE OF 24 TINS Reg, Pr roi 2 tims 33c--SAVEE IVe 714-fl ,U.4." -- SAVE 34o Reg. Price 2 tins 35e-SAVE Se oz tns IONA PEAS 6 tis100 CASE 0F 24 TINS $4.00 -- SAVE 20e I-entey, Cliaice Qualty Reg. Priot tin 3lc-SAVE 14f Fruit Cocktail 3 2o ti7n 9 CASE 0F 24 TINS $6.32 - SAVE $1.12 P ur ita n Meat Bail Stew 2: Franco Amerr îca MACARONI 24 69 SPECIAL I I ns 35c CENTRE CUTS OR. CHOPS RIB HALF LOIN Allgood - Smoked, Slicad, Rîndîs SIDE BACON Clioice Quality. SLICED PORK1 Sdi ne idesr's CHUBS BAO I SX Brarid, Jslî.d Pork HEADCHEESE Choîce Quiality PORK HOCKS lb 45C 2-4b pkg 9 9c LIVER lb 29C VER $-ohîîtb 2.3C nc.0 plastic cmt 3 5 fb25 ,AsP BA KER Y PRODUCTS Jane Par ker Reg. Price each 49e-SAVE 10c A PPLE PIE LARGE 24-OZ PIE oach 3 9 Janle Parker Orange or Reg. Prie@ each 59e--SAVE 10e LEMON CHIFFON CAKE 6849c J"q Parkfr Rapg, Prie$ icnnf 2MI-AVE P6m VIENNA BREAD 1'~LA eh9C H e j , KOSHER DILLS Nucoa, Blue Package MARGARINE Har Oressirg BRYL(REEM WITH PORI< IN TroMATO AUC HEINZ BEANS H-EINZ. COUNTRY GOOD, CHICKEN NOODLE SOUP BREAD A BUTTER HEINZ PICKLES HEINZ SWEETr MIXED PICKLES Roc Pir n$ l, 370o-4AVE 70 3 13-L OZTIS 49C Po. Price 2 pltgi 2lo-SAVE le 4àOz9c ne§. Pr j)r 87-8AVI bl 16-FL- 2 OZ JARS 49C Po.g.price.jar h1-.-AVE lu 2 OZ JARS4 9C ONTRIOGRON, ROM CONTROLLED ATMOSPHERE STORAGIE, FANCY GRADE MclnmtosI, Apples 3-lb celle bau MEX CA , AL O N LESH N O G RAD JU PFLORIDA, ROUND STRINGLESSI NO. 1 GRADE GREEN BEANS MEXICAN, IRM, RIPE, NO. 1 GRADE TOMA TOES ONTARIO GROWN, HOTHOUSE, NO. 1 GRADE, KI CUCUMBERS 2 FANCY GRADE FLORIDA BO SIZE 36-. «Ch 3 9c lb 19C 14-oz lo tube 19( 25 YELLOW CORN 5Di45c SA VI' ON CARDÊNljri INt <1maie 'c GR SS SEED xfrd Park Sl 2-lb bag 9 9c A&P LOW, LOW PRICES Reg. Prîce jar 33e--SAVE 4o 16 fi.oz lar 29C Reg. Price 2-iba 55e-4AVE 21e 4 1-lb pkgs 89 ( Reg. Prîce tuba 73c-SAVE 14c large sze tube 5 9C epiai Brancls CIGARETTfES dn of200 3.07 b THE GREAT ATANTIC & PACIC TEA COMPANY LID Pennywise Beef or Veal Frozen Reg. STEAKETTES L,flîid Cleaner (10c Off Deal) JIM DANDY BABY FOUDS Momarch, Pouch Pack (10 Variatl CAKE MIXES Domestie (3c Off Deal) SHORTENING Skri Milk Powder MIL-KO A&P Ciice Qalty eg. Pr EVAP. MILI( P. v( :, Asorted Flavîours ICE CREAM Cocure id KLEENEX i1-lb pkgs 9 5 c 32 Fl ex b7 5 c 44 î-zars 9 3 lO-oz pkgs 49c pkgs 6 9 V-b pkg 8 3 c brio 2 tins 47e,-SAVE 1%4 5 28- fl oz tins 99 c 6 16.loztin79C Reg. Pric,. etn 89c-SAVE 20e '/ ctn 69c Etao. Prie@ 2 pkgs 590-8SAVE 19e 4 pkgs of 40 99C L. J. Skaife C. A. Chartered Accountant Whitby P. 0. Box 208 Phonle Orono 138 Whitby 668-8197 1