16 r3 heCmia u*teumam, EomoemiiApr. 24,1ton DEADLUNE 1: FOR CLASSUFIEDI Tuesday, 4:30 p.ome Births I Memorlim '..ards of Thanks Articles for Sale Articles for Sale Business Real Estate for Sale Real Estatefo SleRa Este orSl8 and Sally (nee Brown) thank of a dear husband, father and atives, friends and neighbours 623-3575. 17.1* 263-2430. 17- Walter Frank Peler KowaJ. FU romhsewhbt. Gdfrtesafe arrivai of grandfather, George Watson, for gifla, carda and good wish- "ATTY- a hn CHINCHILLA breeding is in-ALdTO REALTRFVace fannarHm. Lori pril er wddin ann-iZENTH harin aid.Phon QUATITY f ha. P toerestingg aandroprofitable ForEALT born Thursday, April 18, 1963 'God knows how much wevray 6331.17-1 623-2828. 1.*ifrainwieSoeos 52 King St. W. 62-432-69.71 weighing 8 lbs. 3 ozs. Special 1miss8him, ir1a and Farewell Blackburn. ALL steel 2-whel trailer, $75. RODNEY oas DeL~aval milk- Chinchilla Ranch, R.R. 1, Ux1 239 ebrc saa&DsritPR er-ag soe tak teD.AfsiDr ee hl i eoyfd,17-1* Phone 263-2275. 17-1 er. Phone 623-2169. 17-1 bridge, Ont. 9.tf 250Ace-f3,39d3 bil- el E staeBadfaefmlvos tCea Austin and nurses for their Lovlng thoughta shall ever,-20Ar amgo bidRelEte kinidness and consideration. wander I would like te thank theÎTWO 54" beds and springs, RECONDITIONED 26" C.C.M.j ing, near Millbrook, veryl Ravin lot, 60' x29.Oî ecoet ae,îwtxs 17-1 To the spot where he is laid. nurses and staff of Memorial one mattress. 623-3894. 1714 bicycle, $20. Phone 263-246. Help VW Tated 1senic property with streani - vn -ýAlwy emnbered by bis Hospital for their kind care WTRfr adGîvrd17-1Ï______$18______ ,000-00, $5,000 down. 12,7 0.0 ulpie$,00.Tems fe . WATER or &aie anc aelvred 160 Acre farm near Newton- Biggest bargain nBw .J ange elEtt 1 '7â M d;: nm and granmcnvillend 3eropreshouseaw ithiaBrokerliPort Perry263P2one KUTBEF.Michael and Wmnne- wfe clre ad ratcie nfortaxress yarcaand Cliffetsicnt232-.ALSCO doors, windows, awn- MATURE woman te have vleGodbiinsstam asemlent and oilt igt95-81 17-if tien fo cards and gits sent 32-tfings, sidings, railings. Lorne complete charge of home foriville.G00* bilerm s,. 17-3 fred neetey isth a san-,reri __I_____in__________________ *623-3871. 7-2 two weeks. Phone 623-5121. 100 Acres near Lindsay, good here in town. Oi 250 Douglas John, an Tueday, GIW'.IN-Iri 1ovin~g memory Mary' A~nDoyle. 17-1 rate m.Hau, 63-38. WOrom otag, 0, 817,1 brick house, good barn, excel- T edrooachtpiuns.î Bvee April 23rd, 1963, at Oshawa cf a dear husband, father and rts suisik 2358.table e em.ottae el1-0ATE'Efi adpr x 18,stt ae 2,00 ao it akou aeen ELO General Hospital. A brother grandfather, Rich rd Bennet I wish te thank the doctors 13-tf sfronlt. Hea v d t wied im e ; AI R oyal L u l an rtnch, Hig way 1 0 A e s aner- Lin say0an.at4edara in a nc a l r v fo ihael Jr. 17-1 Griffili who passed away tean~d staff cf Memorial Hospital CEDAR posts, any quantity. throughaut. Cal Orono 8 r 4. 115. Phone Newcastle 4561. frm ossra 1,.qitnihborod hs~ ai6350 rest, April 29, 1957. ~~~for their kind care during niY E. Thompson, Newcastle R.R. 17-2 17-1~$oodw.avr trciehm.Pie W I L L I A M S - J a c k a n d S h i r - T ir n e t a k e s a w a y t h e e d g e f r c n t y t e e h n s a s .1 . * P R o n y c t , s i a l I G E m n f r d i y f r me5 0 A c r e s o n H i - w a y2 0 10 q t s e i a 1 3 8 0 . O l y $ , 8 0M a l G o e ,2 b e r ey (nee Bathgate) are happy grief, te the many friends who sent*--PR onyctsialteela $380 te nnunc te brt cfthmr utmemaory turns back everY carda and flowers. OLD rifle, shotgun or pistai for seed or feed. Stack cf cat wthGLE mancforgage. Your attentioncreasen attached garage and fuil base teanuc Ahedrea ofane, 7 But leaf. Alan Mundy. 1- a 1tas cf5.bar maue, $40. Wely J ewltheePhne.,stre, E8rosm ou saad gaelisle Ae-ro bikmetSuabefrVLA 61/2 ozs., on Friday, April 5, -ovnlyrnirbeedb17-1________ to__hne 26-254. 1-1 23-264.a7-1barn. $20,000. Ternis.burse t Are. Ti-5a rce t$100 193,atMeora Hspta, oud ik t takYOTHS e ad atres 26 Acres with stream, near hielctoa 1963,at Mlemon ilHosital, wîfe ad amly an wud nlie tetfrhank yOUTH'SedfnshmaPhreaATTENTION Farmers! See HOUSEKEEPER ta live in Leskard. Asking $4,500.00. chte lcatio nd$7p,50To0ies.om Bwmn fow manile .1 MRHeAsisterling me freds and feuih;cusfrhnympefiih hn our selection cf both new and with one person. Plain cook. ens esf t$,0. Terms aa1.il,4 ar amwt for Merridy.o17-1fMRchardTmesvgMe cardsndle ru eit; aise d.6358971used farm machinery, 13-run Write Post Office Box 738, 10 Acres level garden land'ae.bubrn ndg- Detsant whe passed away May 15, staff and nurses for care and BEES, seven hives; extractor and 15-run seed drills, and re- Bowmanviîîe. 17-1 near' Bowmanvîlle, $3,500.00. nBranodv of ulra-oe e kn rc $650wt 1952. ditined tractos. Cowaj 5 Scenic acres with sa .n-Ilo f.lr ____________________192.kindness during my stay inequipment; priced reasonable. condîîn rcos.Cwnc otra aeraisgn requiringoly$48 20dwn BATTAMS-At Elgin, Ontario, And while he lies in peaceful hospital. IPhone 623-7059. 17-1 Equîpment Ce., 134 King St. BANK ofMnralhv pen9 miles East of Oshawa,~on h rc srgt orie i eietia onFiaArl19, 1963, sleep Mrs. Cyril Barr. 171*MAUE mxeelved E., Bowmanville. Telephone ings on staff for Junior Clerks, $4,000.00. Termis. See thisTbefor o u. zne1 ce f ad siî Mary G. Free, in lier s6th His memory we shail always tMNruckload, $2.50 red 623-5689. 17-1 maie and female. Apply in 1 Acre land with garage and ethsbfry yabeloved wife cf Samuel keep. I wis te thank my friends Phone 6233441. 1p 4FO Mother's Day: Hassocks, pesnaTak 7~ernai aptns28..0 vnig:pie 600 it 200 Batani, RR.2, owmnvlle reemeie bymoher an rlatvesfe thir ars, ucihdiFrslamps, scatter mats, CAPABLE woman for g.ern- s.P. KwL. cy - 8376 on -Ever re64lchad rs mren' 623-5868tivWe haveheseveral, prAoperties detamote.r of2Barbaranv(Mrs sster and brothers. 17-1* '55 SCOTT-Atwater 30 h.p. pictures, artifîcial flower ar- eral cleangwel Cal Cottage on Lake Scugeg, P oa 71i n rudOhw o ________ofBabaa Mr.gifts and visits during iii stay etcrdmtrge cn aneetardosfor iweeMsH isn ek asî:15,fenae eclen eCali_____________ G. Turnbull), Bessie Lee, Con- inihospital. Aise special ot'ad oosale on aneens Give lorpo us.H.Gbsn Nwaal ca fotae eclln.ct ley, Bruce, Douglas, Wayne MeLELLAN-In loving Me- thanks te Dr. Sylvester, nurs -_____hne26_41.17-l___________________81,___ct ftr 5 171 tge arebot ose 9,00 or and Daniel. Service was held mery cf a dear father and es and staff of Memorial Hos- 1 USED Washer Parts, ahl makes; ers, chrome kitchen suites with Ternis._____ jin the Morris Funeral Chapel, grandfather Donald, who pass- pital. Y4 h. p. moters. Paddy's 4 chairs, four-foot base f or YOUNG lady with good ap- Frame bouse, Newcastle, onVa VBowmianville, on Monday, ed away April 24, 1962. Russell Wilson. 17-1 Market, Hampton, 263-2241. Continental bed, 4 chrome pearance and ability with main street, $3,700 full price. DULL saws makecretesJNs Aprl 2 a 2olcoc. Ite- hatwewoud iveifwe11-52 kitchen chairs. Murphy Furn- Grade 10 or better, experience Parkway Crescent - 1 year bad tenipered. Betr1tu April 22 a 2o'lock. Iter- Wat e ould giv I w iture, King W., Bowmanville, helpful. TruUl's Groceteria, old, 3 bedroom brick, $13,50o. sharpen themn. F1 kCoe EA SAEBOE nien Boma17-1 Ceetey. oulddsa in theysi- uî atcamy wîî 63-78. 7l1* Ceurtice. Phone 723-3051. Teis.10EliSt.Bwaile11Kngt..Bwavll 17-1 ellodadta th marn oldcere thanks te relatives and [KY u att MMle ad ___---___________ i PrkaCrescent -___________NewPlai 6333 way, friends fcr flowers, cards and ywa3it, at. u1E. wna- KELVINATOR Appliances - ___________brick.__ 6tf -New 3 -MNYSbul DAVE-pr 10, 1963, Peter To bearyorvese your vce eyorletters receiveci durigmwar,6King MyE. Bwna- Il cu. ft. 2-door refrigerator- CAPABLE girl te live in and tri.bokadcmn ok nw4ro n iceetcn Archibald, aged 81 years, be- sniile, stay in Memorial Hospital.vil freezer, 89 lb. freezer, re. help with housework andi donbys3be$1,rp0r0o0AeyRR.vnene0fielae0arot Ioved husband of Mrs. Edith To sit with you and chat Special thanks te Dr. Mc-! TOP quality Rodney cats fcr $389.00, now anly $289.01: cbildren. Apply Advertiser 366,Iroom bick on L bert dS.-5 o wianvil.Tlphn o 0 1.Akig$, * Dvi (Culer, c 29-9 S.1 awhile. Keze ussadsaf seed, cleaned and treated, $1.50~ Square tub washer, 12 lb. c/o The Canadian Statesman,1i7,00 flibrico ie r263-044.,1-4 wit $1,00 down N.E., Calgary, Alta. Born iSe yOI wbo have a father HzlGy 1711busbel. Neil Malcolmn, Black-~ capacity, filter, plus 12-yean P.O. Box 190, Bowmanville. 1 $500.00 down buys 2-storeyScggt.-1ronssoi Oreno. Dear father cf twe Cberish hlm with cane H_____Gay stock 9864246. 17-2, warnanty, cnly $149.00 and . 162income home on Waverîy A. B AARS brcpentydvede3 of sosaguandrththho r yo'l neytcer no t e wouîd like te thak our ONE Oliver 88 tractr oeyour trade. Deluxe 30" Elec- MEN Earn extra nioney i'Rad. prnetec efcnan * soelAget, ornt. er- TUyo se isvaancair many friends for cards and Massey-Harris No. b0 baler,' tric Range, fully autoniatic, spare tume. Should makel Centre Street, excellent brick. Plumbn ice w as con d u cted on M o n d ay , - ILov n g lY e x e T b r d a c i t received; a spéci l th a n k first class con d ition . O rv a l w in d ow v en . O n ly $1 9 0 . $ . 0 p n h u , d p n i g o î e s . O l 1 , 0 . T enn s.H O ~N E 6 Apil15wih ntrment isadly nussed by daughter t egbours for vase cf 25 Zaad edl 71 n 7c.f.Fe~e,$199-00-.00birity t elea nFrdetails os.in vani1us5locaTons. HN 2-17MtcelsCres oe 171 oviyre rse,5is t te HRE-oonbus, uiabe Vehave several used TV sets, write Rawleigh's, Dept. D-140-jBownianville. 3 esnS. Bwavle5roibnaoudrVL Calgary. 17-* Molly and family. 17o1 mttel edwroad ee aurr cog. Apply esibe both 17" - 21" priced te clear. 17, 4005 Richelieu, Mentreal. Cal6339 6t . ag o.Atnin p ilver wedding anniversary a Johnston, Burketon, Ontario. 62e3yu-es3393 71Afcrher:prvdveeas SAtNDERCOCK-At Memorlal SHRED-In loving memar3r Of happy occasion. Blackstock 986-4867. 171* Cowan Equipment Ce., 134 6335 e.V n Hospital, Bowmanville, cn a dear moffier and grandmoth- Eva and Walter Longyear. King St. E., Bowmanville. EXPERIENCED body man fer Jack Ricard - -62-14G o Vac men 10ArefNsttn,8 1 1 93 dwner, Mrs. Robert Shred, w.ho 171j* BUYING or seîîing fumntune 17-_________________________ dyMcGil -PAINTING' arsudrcliain Sunday, April 2, 16, Edwin71G daeshp el qipe nyMeii-Orano 1407 27 Elgin St. Bamnvle0 steboean40 A. Sandercock, R.R. No. 2, passed away April 27, 1961. ____ or appliances, caîl Elmer, shep, fiat rate with a god JeBrok îre20 AE AGN sigs2oowt ens Orono, i bis 43rd year, belcv- In tears we saw you sinking, wish t express sincereHmto:buies.6-29 P LEASE .__._______pls_______Con_____ osi-Clrk 202PA STICH *ed busband cf Elsie Bottreli, We watched you fade away-t resîdence 263-2695. 6-tf m. r¶ tact Service Manager, Robson 17-1____________ dear father cf Lary, Joyce Our hearta were nearly breken tankeavs tfrds, eighbeurs white Lloyd baby car- Hang Tifs Lis5t Up Matons, 166 King St. E., Bow- CERAMIC TI]EWR aemn an uh evc a ed TWo ears ago ta-day. adrltvsfrcrs lw N te 1-eenavle 71 Cars for SalePhn 62-05 EieraeyPRe2350 BnutRuth. Service wassbelpwny ers, fruit, gifts and visita dur- rnage, good conio, $8 oeCernent lUne seal baud weep- mav17-1 7- ithMorsFuneral Chapel, Btwe e5W Phoneg' ' 'a bJlyJUTprvr oo o- 6,rstisad ~ ~ Atedns 4 HE.12.e od ubr1.*COIEBIDN O Bowmanville cn Tuesday, April Se peacefully, free from ing 1fl3 stay in hospi. h Jlyme r, vr oo o-ing tie; Tgl ae tisan 4 E.12tue. % OULe geodmoter 23 at 2 o'clock. Interment pain; kind assistance and thought- dition. Phone 623-5178. 17-1 623-5611. 17.1* UPHOLSTERndans on quiet street3in6Bowman-* OronoCemeery. 17.1 e cold nt wis youbackfuinesa cf visiting ministers, BEATTY Washers, new, as Barbed and farm feuce; steel FOR MOSPORT P O S - ~~To suffer that again. aneterboroughsCivic Hospita- Btt Vs p d dS'ning condition. Phone 623-3277. Save Dollars! Have,% hs-pulcsho ndsprak Engag#iements -Lovingly and ever remem- PeebruhCvcHsia eay appiance.P a d y1 Electrie fencers and supplies. Apply MR. WALLY LEGER 17-1 * erfield and chairsr-pos-es ae od ee n ________________beed y arrett Dnal ad ws pprcitedoMnkaldHmponn63224. Wir ad glvnlzd lfetire eMdaFreettmteHasmmptoate. 2ic63t-22y421.0 Mr. nd ns. hanes . grndcilden. 7.1 Mrs Alan îsso. 1.1*11-52 gates, 8 to 16 ft. Phone Orono 296 '55 METEOR,ý good quality taken ta the homeitGH N CER Henry cf Columbus announce ITRAINLParma1 car, fonced te selI. Phone the engagement of thein eider SHRED-în. lovlng rnemcmy of I wish te express my ssmcere 350 tracter, ail accessonies; Pateadglaie ie 71 2-08 17-1 RON'S UPHOLSEIG SLTLVLBNAO daughter, Barbara Ann, te a dear mother, Emily ane thanks ta fiends and relatives, used 1,500 heurs. Wilfred flttings and threading. S.S. No. 16, DARLINGTON, '56 PLYMOUTH V-8, two-door 2-t2ag, pus tiltySta.drFan IRobent Gardon Vernon, eldest Sbred, who passed away April St- Saviour's Church, Heath- Hawke, Orona. Phone 1 r 12. Flexible non-cloggiag harrows., Durbani County, nequines Pro- handtop; aiso man's bicycle. sniiihdrceto s~ Vson of Mn. and Mrs. Robert F. 27, 1961.. er Rebekah Lodge, U.C.W., 16-2* Kelly Ryon, P.T.O. spreaders. testant teacher for Grades 1, Phone Blackstock 986-4786. SEPTIC T N naslc ae fBwin *Vernen cf Port Perry- The Dear mom, you are net and the I.O.O.F. for cards ville andon aed.n marnagewiltakeplae Ol fogotenflowers and Jettera sent me CORRUGATED steel shed, Three to ie o agons. 2, 3 and 4, cenimencing Sep- 17-i1U PN tetwt ilaaî od Sauray Jnels, 96, t hoghoneathyo ae î~during my illness. A special 46' x 30', bas te be meved.1 Rubber tired wheelbarrows; teniber, 16.AphUHVRLTtMPnabitl uetadsf * 3 'clck aythe Unlted19Churc hougmonre, o ae othanks to Dr. McKenzie, nurs- Appîy John Vanderkooi, R.R. uew and used. qiiai, nefernc and 1959 C48000 tonidinaiWHITEWASHING TBE o hîrnt u n îy *Columbus. 17-1 Sf111in memnory you are wlth es and staff cof Memoniai HJ-os- 4, Bowmanviile. Telephone Tracter, truck and car tirersaln;xetd oMs 6clsadr;,b ptladRv ede. 623-2196. 171* new and used 'Virtue, Secretany - Treasure'n, miles. Priced te sell. 623-2160 BERT TOMPIS Bib aeetroiwt puasad e. edny Enniskillen, Ont. 17-1 or 623-3432. 17-i1 PHONE CLAKE42 seatentnc of vA Mra. George Goddard (the AS you always were befere. Mrs. D. N. Myles. 17-1* HOIST and box froni 1957 Used equipment: two Universai rie aeidalfr h late George) Goddard cf Bow- So you who have a mother, Chev. dump, good transmis- Mllkers, $69.00; two pioughs; FV A EM N 1955 GMC 1-ton pickup witb, NEWTON'IL 8t atn n fiei i oe manville, announce the en- Ceihhrwt ae Words cannot express Mysien, front axle and tires aise Case tractor spreader; four R1 racks, perfect condition. 1955 Abetrthnvraeom aeen f lber only daughten, For you'll neyer know the sicere thardcs and grtiue valble. Phone 725-9513 wheel rubber tired spreader; O OMNIL RAItrainl9psegnSa Ann Louise, te Mn. Dethef Ted heartaches te aIl my good frienda and after 7:00 p.n. 16-2 4x9 oue-ton steel truck box. Phone or write tien Wagon. Cowan Equip. lstrn Bericîc, oniy son cf Mm. and TMh you see ber vacant chair. neighbons wbo se kindly ne- CARPETS adD PE HOS K I N' Ron Smith ment Ce., 134 King St. E., QUICK SEVIEW haepoeciebyn Mrs. Walter Boricic, Oshawa. -A 1 w a y s remembened by membered nme witb cards, and (Saniples taken te the home). VICTORIA MOTEL Bwinil.1- STUCCO ANDNE WRKfresdniladcm ril The nianriage is te take place daughter Daisy and son-in-law weU\ wishes, during niy stay in Free estimates. F. A. Kramp Blackstock LINDSAY K 0 Rretisin.wnaviL.ac e n Satunday, May 4th, at Lerne and grandchildren. hospîtal. A special thanka te Ltd., 37 King St. E., Bowman- R17-1 T FT te yu avea hme 2:30 p.m. in Ceurtice United 17-1 those who se kindly assisted ville. 623-7071. 20-tf 17-14ftKrng SI.dîst. ______________Ot._7-_______in___wayandte17-1* U SE D C A R5 54KnStE.23 Ovaatlndcabuiest Chuch Curice Ot. 171 ____ omthy ta any way an thte ONE Massey-Harnls 20A 16- Livestock For Sale RESPONSIBLE and exper- STEVENS-In ioving memery braildhoelwhorelped ith rth _______________________ idleage wrkngnz Eecri Photograrphy ef my mother, Muriel Stevens bm n ih ok ic itonh.racer cltn givata , oFIVE open Holstein heifena. ine idl gdwrig1961 Corvair Monz lcrcH aigKNMRI -who passed away, April 28tb, and humble thanka. ettoR. 2 Tlpon Phone 623-5406 7-*maaerfr anii Ohw _____1961._Bil _________17- Blacksteck 986-4473. 17-1 PRBE ere efmanea, famiiar with herses, 6 cyl., automnatic, hucket seats. For SonrceRerlo om, Reprsug PH T G IHem mermory is as dear te-dayPRBRD Jrey-ie preferably niarnied. Modemn One owner car, white with Bathroom -. . . ainv e ed passprsA intehu h passNfotice ta Creditors INSULATiON, blowing meth- calves suitable for 4-H Club, living quarters on premises red trim. Ing heat -or coethoeShfid AkrLd Portraits 'asors A nthaunsh eN THR d, witb rock wool.* Work- Allan Macklin, 263-2684. 171 andi ideal working conditions. Tour Qualified30KnStW. Ohw Weddlngs -Auniversarles away. AND OTHERS Lella manship guananteeti. Free esti- GOOD type stnong beneti Top wages paid. Reply stat- 1960 Pontiac 4-Dr. Heatlng Conrcr a Speclalty Reg. andi family. 17.1* NOTICE TO CREDITORS mates. Hary L. WUaçe. Tele- Shorthomn bull; stocker calves. ing age and particulars te __INTH_____ F or phone Carke 2420. 39tf Stanley Taylor, Burketon, Ont. Advertiser 365, c/e Canadian 6 cyl., automatie, custom radio. Higgon Electi t. Jh .DWl AST R TU IO sTvEs-n ovng mePudo, dcese. ARENtrctrcutiatr,17-1* Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bow- One awner. Dark green. 38 Kingt . ELO 23 King St. E. Bowrnanville mary of a dear wife and math- AIl pensons having dlaims weeders, funmow bar, hillers, 'YOUNG Holstein cow, close, avle 16-2 Mrewopse wyaantteestate cf Dora grader blade, front weight, ..' 1960 Envov 4-Dr. 623-3305Bwmnlt Phn 2-52 er, MnelPboprstdaa oaan, at te o h ono his e raoal.Tl $175.00; 2-yea-cid heifers, ARE leoking fan serieus persan £4t oi avle-1 ru t Phoe 23402 April 28th, 1961.PrdnlaecteTwnc ni.Vryeau1u.Te- bred andi open. Phone Hanip- te epresent us in good ter- StioDal6395 4141f The depths cf sorrow we Bewmanvihle in the County cf phone 623-2002 or 623-3594. 6.*titationcomssonteWagons B R E Y M NwatePoe34 cantthDurhami, Public Health Nurse, 17.1* ton 263-2284. 1-*rtr.4% cmiso eB R E Reeto anttl,175 HEAD choice Hereford seil cosmetics, culinary pro- Twa ta choose fram. PLUMBING & HETN 10Aceanan sh * ~~LecepLlon 0f the hem cof one we ioved easd who died on the 3lst BOX81undeas, Plants, Williams,81Hn and Durhami year-old and twa- ducts, domestic needa, bighest One white, other red. SALES & SICE brlrebr;bikbre Mn. nd Ms. ue G Brwn, sed sleps day cf Octeber, 1962, are e- St. Gooti variety in vegetable ya l tce tesat uht;eoeia pcas r. and OronLuwiG. BronAd while she sep quired te file proof themeof andi flowera, potteti plants, aiso heifers. Sale Wednesday, May înteresting incomes. $25.00 1960 Chev. Biscayne 24-HOUAsig$500Ten. * mmoy.w salalaysatdras elwiolo beor yArthoce.Phnee23716. melaeherpfiedstnd Hempeceululep wththeunersgntiat hecemtey pts- pancdte th Ge.tsGean-78-213onh fr smpe-cse n- -r.OioBurerEevic 6/4Acrs ithban; -rom relatives on the occasion cf keep. the i th day of May 1963, after 17-tf 1Haveîock. We deliven. 17-2 pro30 etstife. daytia l.,sadr rasiso. SEPTIC TANK N dhmbahom ten. thi GlenWddn nn--Ee rmmbrdby bus- wbîch date the estate will be ALUMINUM do or s a nd Sl Dept. 4, 5130 St. HubentE versany on Sunday aftei'noon, bandi anti son. 17-1 distnibuteti having regard enîy wFndowsale,- Exchange Montreal. 7-ocal, ane owner. Blue and PIIONE10Arswihgo an 1 te à e'clock, April 28th, 1963. ta dlaims cf which she then1windo. Cl stoday fnor _________________ ______1____or_____white.8roethm.Ony$50 16.2*1 T A shaîl have hati notice. fe estimate. Ternis arrang- 200 ACRE fanm, trade for WOMAN whe can drive-if HAMPTON 2328 en _____RIM R DTEDat e nanvhlethi c. Cowan «Eqipnt, King ouse w xith amahi grarden o oldeQywrkn 98 otasTYRONE 23-i 5 Cut Flawers- estaâte will be distnributeti bhav- a st-e-eF-set of pla-tfonni --scaies-,Pic t al633t PhoCeertified Wte maerUofLIKErgMEETING o PEOPLEof2000 b..rhnd gno inepumTiresTUage. MEEnNGyPEPLE i-1 Aown.r Orders fron Canadian Jewefler's um-85l which she then shal bave bati 200 gai. cil tank; Massey Han- TUWL N YWR SAF1VE-room bouse, east cf Licensed Meà ne erPnyol rc 400 *Newcastle notice. ris tandem disc, 13 plate. Ap-YOWILE.OWRKAA Newcastle. Phone NewcastleTens ad Orono ? Mars Jewellery __________________Jco anDmJrRRBSIESOFIE.RPRSNTTV "-171 I QÉ CaiClet3 igS . loth day cf April 1963. 1, Pontypool, phone Millbrook BUINSSOFICEREREENATIE 13. 7.*anomtibugalw itbrve * 623-7141 16-tf Apha I. Hotigins, 14 Frank 504r2. 15-3 gA.dnontin23-6a6.ven-l ~fonae ic i05 ens Alter Heurs - 623-2184 ___________ Street (Box 399) Bewman- HANDLING CONTACTS WITH OUR CUSTOMERS gralrdenatione623-36ge16.Ce- 85 King St. W.Bwavie Wesndfawr h'wte Tecer Watdville, Ontario. Atiministratrix SAMSON ta oain ocag. 1- Phone 62136RomthmeBtan anywhere 17- ih teWl nnxt. 1- ~ .~Good Starting Salari' - Regular Incresses ~ ?T2~1- e i unc.Akn LICENSED SS No. 10, Clarke (Stark- Notices P'-"savvanteicet- rientl______________________ $5bungalowTennis. " Home ville) requires a Eirst Clasa s ECONOMY and DELUXE Pesn fie-Flnl owresFV omt uglwa CftdSRoeibnaoNw Niursing Hm Protestant teacher far oneDSonysficwilbftbtpce grounti floor apartnient, n EDat rplt a ate imdm cn ___________________Dr.________ffic_ il be Buy now for te est rePiease apply lanwritint te chiltiren; central. Write Ativer- tpo enece. naend00. erc SOUTH Haven Nurslng Homne roSemspt.,cmmncn closed May 8 te June 5 inclus- Financing Arranged tiser 361, c/o Canadian States-stockpeclect2322dRHR EGTNw -Acconmmodation fer prîvate ept 1963. Apy, ctatng ive. 173* m'N~I TD'N ian, P.O. Box 190, Bowmani Margwiîî Fur Fn yoecat JHms ul tyu a ndt senil-private patients, qualifications, iast inspecter, OSHAWA THE COMMERIAIL DPRMN ville. 1- Licence 245C-638tfgt aun e TV. Fully licensed, an salar expected ta Orme Personal T UPYLD H ELTLPOERa saeWne EDSokSrieW a n ew u1ding, modern. Visitors FhaSe TeS., iaJ. 1, New- TV___________Ral_______ heurs eaStckUS weicome. Reasonable rate&. tonville, Ont. 16-2 HYGENIC supplies - (Rubber 361 GIBBON ST. TEBI TLPO Efer deati, oltiat dpit fe Phone Newcastle 4441. 1341 ýgaods) mailed postpaid in plain DOCTOR wishes te buy or fanm stock acordn esz o onii 2-O Lost sealL-d envelope with price list Phone 728-8180 COMPANY 0F CANADA rent large henie, centrally le- anti conditien. Salaias- * Piano Tuning -Six sarnples 25c, 24 samples Dyo ih cateti, suitable for office anti renioveti free.Phncoîc.doWirm -Oro BUDGIEC, pale blue, gray anti $1.00. Mail Order Dept. !-28, 'orNgt 15 Victoria St. Oshawa residence. Phone 623-2552 cm Peterborough 74287.TntRuDaion-etuy3. PIANO Tuning. Arthur Col- white; namod uYappee'. Phone Nov.-Rubber Ca, Box 91, BuLLr LEASK. 17-1 write P.O. Box 1660, Bew- Dead Stock Reirnoa.Lc e on .Bu' 7527 aim..Phous 034-3 »-u. 364 2410. 17-1 lHanauionOnt. 1-52 @-tri 7-.manville. 17-1 177-RP-63. 1-f1.