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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Apr 1963, p. 8

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"mheCamdian Sateum,Beowmanvll, Apr. U4,190 1 SPORTopics~ By Frank Mohua 423-7234~ NO SOFTBALL FOR US * Appearing i this weekts Statesmar intheUi Men'a Town Boftbufl league uchedule and teain rostera for the. forth- comlng season. It dldn't talc. this reporter long to decide *tht we'd flot bother to duat off the glove anid spikea for this Jear. The league has grown to such an citent that we just *carit make the team, anid we neyer were much for bench- WaLrning. * Even on ariother club we mlght have had a chance, but Stephen Fuels look pretty strong to us. They've loat Ray Crombie, but added Ted Hoar, "'Tim" Cox, Jim Allin *and Jfini Coyle. George's Sales, on paper, don't look too trong, but have about eight guys we've neyer seen, so youi *neyer can tell. Champion Ken's Men's Wear have their *prize Infield back, loat John Fowler and Don Biship but possibly have strengthened with the addition of Jack Parker, Rusa Lane and Joe Kennett. * Kramp'a Furniture, having taken over Snuffy's "un- touchables" appear to have a strong starting nine, but don't aeem to have toc, much bench trength. Nichol's Mo tor Sales have replaced Bowmanvllle Hotel, the team that wound up firat last year. They dont look nearly as strong, losing Aluin, Cox and Ron Pollard. This looks as If It could well b. another great year for the local softballers w1th Ken'a and Stephens the top contenders. The league la stronger as a whole, havlng reduc- ed from six to five teams. Gone after several years' sponhor- cip are Snuffy'a Auto Body and Bownille Hotel, and thec new entry is Nichol's Motor Sales. The schedule tarta on Tuesday, May 7th, 6:45 p.nî., et the MIgh Sciiool diamond with Motor Sales va. Fuels. Each club playu 12 gaines during the regular scason, ail contesta going Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thuradays. Now ail we need to really go big league are lights. If Brougham can have them, why not us? This reporter cari picture attendancea cf 500 fana for flood-light attractions. So It's on wlth the softball, but for us - a tennis cene-back (we hope) and golf. i. ti't t 1 13ANQUETS This Saturday night at 6:30 the Mlxed Leaguers are holding their annual banquet anid the foilowlng Saturday, MaY 4th, It will be the Men', Major bowlers at 6:15 p.m. Both affaira are at the Memorial Park Club House. 1~t t t 1t N..L PLAYOFFS Toc bad we dldn't put our money where our pen was and make the wlnning cf the Stanley Cup by tlic Leafs Worth while. Thought the two gaines last wcck were the best of the series, but actually ail three series dldn't seem to produce the usual excitlng playoff hockey. It's the first tinie we can remember that ne overtinie was requlred for even a single game. Keon's a wonder, but If h. quits Leafs wl! sure misa Kelly. Heard if he did they were trading Harra, Litzenberger, McMillan and Hiliman for Murray Oliver. Remember, you read It first here. t t t t t NO BETTING ALLOWED Don't know how deep Hornun.g and Karpas were ln- olebut if the. reporta on the other players are truc that thyjust happened t e amongst hmevswi at- lIng the game on TV - that's pretty rough to pay 2,000 bucka for that. Oh weil - c'est le vie, as they say li Uic N.Fl. t t t t t BANTAM AND JUNIOR BOWLERS NOTE Bantain girls will bowl this Saturday at 10 a.m. wlth the Junior bowlers taking over at 12:45. There will be no tcenage bowling. t t t t t BASKETBALL OFFICIALLY ENDS Hats off to Dan Seto of Coronation Cafe, who was tlic well deservlng winner of the Most Valuable Player Award at the Men'a Basketball Banquet, Saturday niglit. We have been asked to nome the winners of the special draw i this column. They are: lat, Jack Reid; 2nd, Ed. *'Wildman; 3rd, Bull Morrison (Church St.). t t t t t PLAYED ONE HOLE Sunday we finally got Uic old clubs out and after a lengthy search (by my wife) fowid our golf shoes. Two amashes along thc ground, a Une drive slce and a few 10- foot dubs gave us an eight on Uic first hole, then the rains came and mercifully ended our initial outing of the seson. *Manager Les Sm-ale infornis us of several changes for the botter, and it looks like Southview la headed for a fine season. Judging by the lone fairway wc were on - the grass looks in excellent shape. t t t t t BADMINTON FINALS George Long la such a good badminton player that we can't help bragging that wc beat him ln the first game of the z nen'a singles semi-finals about two o'clock Saturday niorn- Ing. We even had a -lead li Uic second game, but that George just left us gasping as he scored about 25 pointa ln a rcw to demolish the old reporter complctely. Did the ramne thing te Bill Burgess ln the finals. Howevcr, we sure used our head in the doubles - got *George to play wlth us and dld "wc" ever show that Burges anid Gary Tighe. That's the first time weve got our name on the doubles trophy. Managed to win the singles about 25 years ago and now we're after the mîxed. Made the finals this year and the excellent way Anna Strike played, i another year she might be able te carry us through ta the championship. Dr. Keith Siemon and Bill White nearly pulled off an upset over Tighe and Burgess lni the semi-finals. Keith wasn't supposed te play due to a leg injury and Bill was U.elng his firat action in over a nxonth. Ironlcally, Slemon ateppcd un to replace Gus Long, who lnjured his knee lni the mlxcd sei-finals. t f t t t ANYONE FOR INTERMEDIATE BASEBALL? Atoms-This team is the Barons, winners of the Teen Town Trophy. Front row, left to right: Ronnie Simpson, Gary Chisholm, John Hubbard, Tom Simpson, Larry Brunt; 2nd row, Mike Cawker (Manager), John Lathangue, Dan Robinson, Gordon Westlake, Steven Sylvester, Mike Teresta, Murray Cawker; 3rd row, Donald Sylvester, Walter Sikora, Ross Keatley, Howard Avery, Glen Jack- man, George Cawker (Coa ch). -Photos by Rehder ght-267, Howard Broml- 265, Vern Connors-260, Jim Allin-251, Walter Goode - 251 and Jim Murphy-. 250. Team Standings PtI. Combines __e6____ Braiders. __77_____ Labortory71 Cornets 63________ Lead Press _______ 58 Beits -_________ 58 Hose *~_______54 Fan Beits ______ 53 STigers -- 48 Office. 45 %Shopchine______29 Banbury 25 SEE PAGE FOURTEEN FOR MORE SPORTS Pee Wees-lst row, left to right: Sandy Brown, Lewis, Don Hutton, David Pingle. Ted Hutton Garry Lowe, Grave Bennett; 2nd row, Mike Woods, (Coach); missing, Paul Kilpatrick, Jam es Noble. This Ron McMullen, Tim Taylor, Lee Penfound; 3rd row, team, the Wings, won the Tom Gatceil - Reg. Harding Ron Webb, Ai Webb (Coach), Ken Osborne, Tom Trophy. _______ G eorge LongBig Winner GOODYEAR It seems that every Fal people wlish-we had an fi El # 4 sEW INE lg %J5E# %00 &E NE1E##lui*>The Combines clinched first hitemmaediate bal club - but by thon tho season Is lover. It'a ergponlgaacred UiinLî Dobes~ Goodyear Bowling1 eorteaLtegy, inning wctinnt laygi15t5e tird gaine. aieJoblsacinThursday night when too bad, wlth Lakeshore basebal growing, Uiat Bowman- his cutmsey inn inn 55i the mixed Finals- Kay Hopkins and they defeated Machine Shop ville, once an Interniediate powcr, bas foldcd. If wc didn't the single, doubles and mixed finals against Anna Strike and Doreen Reddoch def. Anna '5-2 while the runner-up Braid-! bave any hall parks it would b. understandable, but it de championships in the Club Frank Mohun, The Siemon. Strike and Jeanne Siemon c rs trounced Tigers 7-0, but bsc apit tat e o ongr an icd atem.Finals, held at the Bowman- Long duo took the opener 15- 15-3, 15-1. tral by nine points with anc serna it tatwenolngr anfilda ea.ville Badminton Club, Friday 6, but in the most thrilling Mena Doubles wreek lef t. Sunday, May 5th is Uic deadline for an entry Inb Uic and Saturday nights. The game of the "A" events Mrs. Semi-Finals - Long and ý Laboratory stili have a Lakeshore League. If those who were lnterested I the Fa]! starry shot-maker, who docs Strîke and Mohun edged outlMohun def. Mel Burgess andichance ta overtake Braiders, ame stWl feeling tue saine - the meeting la 1:30 pin. at port everything well partnered a 17-14 second gaine decision.1 Joe Markle 15-8, 15-10. Bur- but only iead the fourth place NEope. Elght entries have already been recelved, including Frank Mohun in the doubles In the "B" events, it was gess and Tighc def. Kcîth Sle- Cornets by three- Lab dowvn- and Jeanne Slemon in the,'aIl juniors in the mcn's finals mon and Bill White, 10-15, e d llose 5-2 and Conets de- Port Hope, Peterborough, Orono, Ajax and Oshawa. mixed.l as Bill Crombie and Andy 15.11, 15-10. featerl Fan Belts 5-2, t t t- t t Long embarked on bis triple Michailovits downed Brad Finals- Long and Mohun. Office were hanided a 7-0 ]LADIES' MAJOR BOWLING BANQUET crown victories, Saturday Lucas and Wayne Burgcss def. Burgess and Tighe 15-11. trouncing by Fan Belts, while evening whcn he bouncd 15-0, 15-10. 15-10.1 last place Banbury were sîib- It was anriounced followlng Monday night's final gaine back from a 15-9 first gane I The mixed doubles waa de- Mixed Doubles jected ta a 7-0 beating at the tht the Ladies' Major Bowling Banquet will b. held en defeat ta down Bill Burgess: cided by a single point, with Semi-Finals- Jeanne SIc. hands of the Beits, Monday, May th, 6:30 p.m., at tue Legion Hall. 15-8, 15-4 for the singles; Jean Evans and Ken Hockir, mon and Geo. Long def. Dor- Statistician Arnold Lobb Laies' Major Bowling1 champîonship. 'wînning over Helen and'cen Reddoch and Bili Bur fouiud the groove for his best Firt aheulewinin Eche scptai theeIn the ladies doubles Kay George White 15 - 8, 17 -,gess 15-8, 15-9. Anna Strikt- effort -a terrifie 875 triple. Ilrt shedlewiningEtcerswet a theegames1 Hopkin and Doreen Rcddoch 16. In thc third gaine the and Frank Mohun dc!. Kay 'on gairnes of 356, 308 and "I1 Monday night from Baker, second ha]! pennant-winners, te were just too powerful for White's overcame a 12-4 de. Hopkins and Bill White 15-4, Just in time ta get warmoed capture thec Ladies' Major Chanionship. However, alter Anna Strike and Jeanne SIe, ficit ta forge into a 14-12 lead, 15-6. 'up for the playoffs too! "Bud" thes ich difference between Uic two clubs was onîy mon. winning 15-3, 15-.1. but Evans and Hockin recov-: Finals- Slemon and Long Henning was next at 808, fol- the3aim.e Burgess and Gary Tighc ered ta tic it up and finally dc!. Strike and Mohun 15-6, lowed by John Luxton-723, 18 il.dropped the men's doubles pull out a 3-2 win in over- 114-17 15-5. Hovard Bromel- 718, Alf Tue champs edged out a seven-pin victory In the 15-il, 15-10 ta Long and Mo- time. l"B" Eventa - Mena Doubles Randie-685, "Jake" Brown- ,opner and won thc next two by 64 and 62 respectlvely, seo iun in a pair o! crowd-pleas- ""Eet Finals- Bibi Crombie and 674, Vern Connors-668, John, beaingmb ic ina thir eadwasonî 'npin. ng contests, although the ne Andy Michailovits def. Brad Carter-659, Jack Bond--658 ,badn itote inlthirladwa nl 7 in.champions led aIl thc way. MenCIs Sinigles Lucas and Wayne Burgess and George Dadson-651. * Members o! Uic winning teani are: One Etcher, Marg. With the score 10-5 in the first Semi-Finals- George Long 115-0,' 15-10.1 Other high singles were re- Penlia, Helen Nicholson, Nyhl Shochan, Doris Polley, Helene 1 game, 13 serves werc made dc!. Frank Mohun, 8-15, 15-10,1 Mixed Doubles ,corded by Jack Bond- .323, Burgess and Ruby Woodward. The losers were: June Baker,, before a point was scored. 15-2; Bill Burgess def.Bill Fnl-Ja vn n Bd enn-1,6;Jh *Marion Slaght, Joyce Major, Bernice Terry, Moly Hortanian, Jeanne Slernon and George White 15-10, 15-10. Ken Hockin def. Helen White Luixton--- 280, Stu Carson- D.nrem Park and Fomma BrmI Long ran up strings o! four. Finals- Long def. Burgessa and Geo. White 5-15, 15-8, 280, Perry Morrisor- 268,, five and five points Io dom-. 9-15, 15-8. 15-4. 17-16. "Jake" Brown and Frank Wri- "Nught mItawk" Ladies bague Team Standings Paterson________ Hodgson Burgess Crago Piekard ______ Coyle G. Bain ________189 F. Allen _______187 M. Hodgson _____184 V. Pickard _______182 S. Coombes _______178 J. Holroyd _______174 M. Wiseman _______171 G. Scott ________170 M. Coyle 168 D. Holroyd 165 M. Sedman ________165 M. Firth _______ 164 M. Crago _______156 E. Pickard _______156 M. Swann ______155 L. Burgess _______154 F. Paterson _______154 M. Foster ________152 I. Wright _________151 B. Wilbur ________149 B. Rogers -_______146 K. Carnpbeli - 145 J. Scott -_______ 144 J. Parker -_______143 V. Sarginson _ 138 M. *Burgess _______135 C. Cohrs ________134 E. Coombes ______131 M. McLaughlin _____127 0. Moffatt---- ---- 113 High Single- V. Pickard 288. High Triple - V. Pickard 704. 200 Gantes V. Pickard 233, 288, F. Pat- erson 206, 223, E. Coombes Air, Rail or Steamshlp TIC K ET S TO EVERYWHERE Consult JURY & LOVELL 2 King St. E. 623-3361 1 Bowmanvllle 47 40 34 23%1> 22 ~1 LNiIZ U'~OQFF À TWO TO FOUR UNITS Eau 1. 200/o OFF FOUR TO SIX UNITS 30% OFF SIX TO EIGHT UNITS 40% OFF 10 OR MORE UNITS 50% OFF Any sizes may ho used to get most discount.. % pints, % pints, pints, quarts or gallons. 211, G. Bain 212, 215, M. Coy'lf 220, B. WilbUr 208, M. Cr&go 217, M. Sedman 247, G. Sco4t 202, M. Wiseman 206, 204,22 S. Coombes 219, F.Ale a M. Firth 257, Farmer? If 30, you wM Iwant to Invewfl gate the Sun Life policy that wilj take care of any mortgage lcft on the bouse and any debts on the equipment and livestock ut your death. Retirernent hScm can aiso be provided. Why not cal! me today? BANNER PASSANr Phone 623-3258 L4 Rehder Ave., BowmanvUll. SUNj LIF-9 &SSURANCd COMPANyj OFAD~ C.IL OUTSIDE WHITE ~u9 PAINT $4u9 F-ug laze CLEARANCE 98 King St. E. BowmnanvjlIe Phone 623-3388 1962 IMPALA 4-DIR. HARDTOP Automatic, custom, radio, white wall tires, rooni condition. Be sure te sec this one! 1962 CORVAIR "700" COUPE Big motor, 4-speed transmission, custonm 1962 PONTIAC STRATOCHIEF 4-DR. SEDAN Two to choose fromn, one 6i cyl. and one V-8 with automatlc andi radios. Very clean, one owner cars. 1961 PONTIAC LAURENTIAN 4-DR. SEDAN 8 cyl., power brakes and steering, radio, Royal Master white Wal tires. A very dlean car inside and out. 1960 PONTIAC LAURENTIAN 2-DR. HARDTOP Autoniatic, custom radio, white walI tires. One owner car lxi spotiess condition. 1960 RAMBLER AMBASSADOR V-8, autcmatic, power brakes anti steering, eustoin radio. Excellent condition, attractively priced. 1959 PONTIACS Three to choose froni, ail above average condition. Localiy oççned cars. 1958 CHEV's AND PONTIACS Three te choose from. Ail low mileage, local cars. 1957 VOLKSWAGEN CUSTOM COACH Excellent condition, ideal second car. 1956 PONTIAC LAURENTIAN 4-DR. SEDAN Customn radio, only 58,000 miles. On. owner car traded on 1963 Pontiat. Absolutely In show. radio. Low lnileage, PL Minor Hiockey Night Pee Wee and Atom Champions __ BEAVER LUMBERq .).USED CARS,

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