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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 May 1963, p. 6

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BThe Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, May 22, 19E U.C.W. Presbytery Execufive Meet ln Oshawa Church Mirs. L. F. Richardson, pre- opened the meeting with aident of the Oshawa Presby- poemn entitled, "Be the Be terial United Church Women, of Whatever You Are»- conducted an executive meet- Ms .M yeadM ing recently at Simcoe Street Ms .M yeadM United Chtirch, Oshawa. She~ N. Malcolm, of Blackstoc] ______________________led in an inspiring worshi service. Mrs. Myles Chapmna * . of Pickering read the secrE tarys report. and Mrs. Ro WE~Ifîrvnîpaau Cornish of Port Ferry gav W4VRCLF fl.,PIIV the financial report whic 0F6D À4 N showed that for the first quar 0 &ffl E er of 1963, an amnounto r IvO OZR $7,283 had been sent to th IT presbyterial, of which $6,09 WORK ISAI1 OVERee sent to conferenc toward the allocation of $28, WWN i000 for the year. Various secretaries report ed, and it was announced tha C ~ a supplies tea would be hel S in Ebenezer United Church i dune, when articles whie have been donated for th, missionary bale would be oi display. Mrs. Williami Medlando - - - - -- -Brooklin AraS elected to tb iinance con-mittee to replac Mrs. Ratclife, who had re ______________M ijçned. LELETRIONC, L C !OTR -A(LS SRVC 'FN RDI -A PPLIANCES R F I ER :ON E CT I Mrs. Kenneth W. Farrowc Oshawa and Mrs. Carl Down of Hampton gave reportsc the Bay of Quinte Conferenc wh ich they had attende March 18 and 19 at Brightc United Church. Both stresse the fact that only $900 ha been given to the 'over an above projects' while $11,00 Freshi us u doisvy!e ,V-M ILK Serve on-the-grow youngsers plenty of aur vitamin-enrichediilk dai[y. It belps keep th.m ciaisy-fresh end full of energy. CoUr, and we'il arrange delivery to your door. Glen Rae Dairy 623-5444 IDB financin g for Canadian business The Iridustrial Development Bank helps finance most types of small and medium- size Canadian businesses for a variety of purposes. If you are engaged ini a business, or plan to start one, and requ ired inancing is flot available elsewhere on reasonable tcrms and conditions, you are invited to visit an I.D.B. office or write to one for a bookiet. z d7 INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT BANK 23 Branch Offices Across Canada TORONTO 250 UNIVERSITY AVENUE Telephone 368-1145 M3 had been tiven. ln the confer-? -ence, to projects outsidc the iieW DOOKS In 1110 LiDrary church ta which a public ap- peal had been macle and Non.'Flction which were publicly support- Master Dcsigned Recreation Roorns. ed. Furniture You Can Build. Mrs. Claude Ives of Baw. Basic Gardening Illustrated. manville, Christian educatian, Landscape Planning. and missionary education sec-ý Motor Services Auto Encyclopedia. retary, reported that therei Outboard Motor and Boating Guide. will bc a school for Cbristianl My Life in Court --.--- Louis Nizer aieducation leaders at Quin-Ma-ý Traveis with Charley -----.----- ---..............Steinbeck est Lac.July 2-5 and urged Unit- ed Church Women's groups ta Fiction s. send representatives.1 The Shame and the Glory -----.. -------- Terence Robertson k, Mrs. Richardson gave a The Sand Pebbles..---------- ...~.......McKenna ip brief report of the Protestant The Glass-Blowers - --- --- -- DuMarier an nterdenominational s c h ao o1GadohradtePret ---I ---- --- alrClwl e- for stewardship wbere it wasGrnmheadtePist -TalrCdwl ,y stressed that time and tal- The Moonflower Vine - . -- ---- - Carleton ve ents, as well as money, should---- eh be considercd in stewardship. r- Mrs. K. W. Farrow and Mrs. EN NISKILLEN 'of Thomas Moorcroft, wbo will he assist with Bible discussionJ Sunday, May 19th, saw the services. Miss Shirley A'l'ery 9grou ps at the scbool for Unit- culmination of six weeks of was pianist for the afternoon ce ed Church Wamen the week practice and several bours of service and was very enter- B' of August 20, were appointed1 effort by a well-arganized- tainin with a delightful piano as delegates of the presby- systemi of cammittees. The prelu . A large congrega- rt teriaî. weatherman was flot comple- tion almost filled the seating ýat tely ca-aperative, but kept capacity of the Quonset build- id The next annual meeting ramn away for one of the high- ing at the rear of the church. inll 964. l February 13, lights of the Sunday Schoal The stage was the sctting for eh 1964.year. The S.S. Anniversary the S.S. choir of almost 100 he Mrs. Richardson stated thatI services began at 2 p.m. with members ranging in age from rn $1,214 fram the bursary fundi guest speaker Rev. J. P. Rom- the 2 and 3 year olds of the had been used ta help fîve eril of. Courtice circuit. It was Beginners' Class ta veteran of students wbo bave entered conveniently arranged so aur members of many anniversar- he courses for full-time work in minister Mr. Crawford was ies. ce the Church. She stressed that present ta participate in bath Besicles two special choir ,e. each organizatian should start numbers by the wbale S.S. tf ove reare' or ts yar Business Direclory "March Along" and "The Lrd an ave gfts._____________________My__Lîgbt" tecbildren's As section sang a pleasing antbemn of C C 0 UcIlu f a n CY "In EverytinglIDo". Amix- ceHAYDON RAY J. IDILLING ed quartette from Salem which ýd ~~~~~~was plesn oseadhr )nChartered Accountant consisted of Miss Margaret ný d ntended for last wcck) 93 Churcb Street Shackleton, Miss Marion But- Id Suda Sholatl0-3ý - 623-3861l tery, Mr. Eric Shackleton and .cl unclay onScbooat la3Ong.ILONARD JAMES BROOKS Mr. Jim Coombes with Mrs. 3d o'clk nsernay i momnîng. ý- Chartered Accountant K. Shackleton as accmpanist draw Cnhu.rch srievl e i nAccountants - Auditars gave a lovely renditian of daw oun Sna eigo Trustee in Bankruptcy "Praising Our Saviaur"l. Rev. acon of Tyrone SundayJSuite 205W 725-9953 J. P. Rameril's message was Scboal Anniversary Services, Oshawa Shopping Centre mnade especially interesting ta atl 2ad73p..WMýï. .e.H.C-OGGINSw the junior members of the con- Enniskillen Sunday Schoal Chartered Accountant gregatian as hie used illustra- Anniversary Services wîll bel Second Floor itive matenial comparing aur1 held also an Sunday. Servicesý New Libramy Building lives ta a camman pin wbich will be held at 2 and 7:301Car. King & Temperance Sts. ta be useful must be straigbt,1 o'clock.1 Phone 623-3612 shiny, use its bead and bave1 U.C.W. May meeting was VALE, FREDLA---R a gaad Point and purpose as 1 ý FREDLANdesus' life did. We must serve1 held at the Manse, Tyrone, oný & COMPANY i uni amntnto Thrsayevnig.Presidentl Chartered Accountants etc., if aur dreams are ta came Mrs.J. ott opned theLicensed Trustee in Bankruptcy truc. Bath Mr. Crawford and meeting with bymn 445, andI1 Supt. A. J. Wemry extended all repeated the Lord's Pray- 64 King St. E. 728-7371 a warm welcome toalah and pe. te Mrs. leJean Mo ore nyae,- Oshawa, Ontario expressed appreciatian ta as- prcsnte t e evoionl.'sisting guests and local graups Mrs. J. Joncs was in charge of MIONTEITH - MONTEITH wo d h evcsps the program; readings by Mr. RIEHL & CO. siboe.maletreeranicepos- Pollard; music by several of,! 135 Simncoe St. N., Oshawa wene the calaurs used ta de- tbe ladies. Mrs. Leask of Chartcred Accountants camate with streamners, lever- Bowmanville spoke on Citi- 728-7527gresadlwrsgint; zenship. Meeting closed withlPartncrs: gen n lwr gis thee hmn and pae. Hon J. W. Montcith, F.C.A. white background an the them hyn pryerJ AB' MntethB. Cm.,C.Astage. The evening service at teserandMrby toes' o s- . .R eh ,C. . .I. 730 had a som w at smaller Lunc wa G W RihiC.A. R..A.attendance but Rev. Romemil's tcss nd Mr. Joes' goup. (Licensed Trustee) sro ruh i ogea Just a reminder, anyone, G. E. Trethewey, C.A. tiron a at teias cea- having clothhng for the mis- R. F. Lightfoot, C.A._____ cd tattennivonsniexarem- sion bale, picase leave themn WILSON & BURROWS maries and as be reminiscen-i at Mrs. D. Cameron's. Men'sI' Chartered Accountants ced he brought us ta realize cotbig an cilne's 1 114 King St. East, Oshawa, Ont. that the church seems ta, be year5lZ1 Partners: an institution af the past and A good attendance at the Ronald F. D. Wilson, C.A. the standard appears ta have special Christian Family (Mo-1 G. Edmond Burnaws, C.A. changed. In his theme wbich tbc's Day) service and bap- ____Phone 728-7554 was "The Church of Today'l, tismal service on Sunday ev- - he said that the membership ening. Special programn sheets p1. is large but the cangregatians were used. Debbie Potts nead' i C i I±UJ aJI tiLLc are smaler slike atree tbat: the opening number. During- - isdngteddwod1 - teservice two little ancsiG DVNMNDC creasing, whîîe the living came were baptized, Neil Gardon, fie Chiropractor grows smaller. In a modern son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Black- 1fEfinct or o oreyt parable be quated bow w burn, and Susan Marie, dau-ý Phone 623-5509 readily "tip" for services as ghter of Mm. and Mrs. Lloyd 'Ofc Hos:B part I society but "tithe" ne- Slemon.. Rena Graham gav&------Hurs B Appointment luctantly for the church wbich the scripture reading. A quar- , ~ ' is like a sbip breaking up witb tette, Mrs. W. Loveidge, Mrs, Due n f a the Captain aware of the dis- A. Garrard, Mrs. A. Trewin, - --- - tress but we the crew are Mrs. J. Patts, sang Rev. Du- DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. sleeping The future of thea gan gave a fine messag-". 75 King St. E. Bowmanvillc church has a purpose and aimJ Flowers were phaced in thc' Office Haurs: and must be nevolutionizcd churcb by the Trewin familyf 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily or there wîll be no chumcb of 1 in remembrance of their late Closed Saturday and Sunday tomamnaw. To prevent this parents, Mr. and Mns. Wmn. Office Phane - 623-5790 we must give aur time, tal-N Trewîn. House Phone - Newcastle 3551 ents and matenial resaurces Mrs K.Cowin reurndl DR. E. W. SISSON or face the fate of the O. T. onMrs. K. owlang etumed L.D.S., D.D.S. peophe of Israel. The Evening an rîaytrm afie ees' Office in bis home anthems whicb were directeda visit with ber daughter and 100 Liberty St. N., Bawmanville by Mrs. E. Wright as well as sonin-awMm.andMrs K. Phone 623-5604 the afternoon musical numbers Hague and family, Califomnia. Office Houns: wcre 'A Hero for Jeusu", "The Wbîlc there tbey enjoyed a' 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily Belîs af Peace" and "Win a pleasant visit with Mr. and Closed Wednesday - Suday One". Miss Lais Ashton pre-t Mrs. W. Clarke (nec Marie'-- - idd t hepan. heFor Ferguson) and baby of Wes+-' DR. C. F. CATTRAN,DD.JsieattepnoThFur WodalolMr ndMr. la:Office In-Accord Quartette campas- Wiolas ofMo.lywndr. Aln5 King St. E. Bawmanrtllc cd af Mn. Ken Buttery (tenon) Wilam f olyod.Se1Office Hours: Salem, Mn. Elmer Downa alsospet aweekwit MrJ 9a.m.ta p.. daly Bas) Curtie, m. enM Mrs. A. Thompson and Mi'. Notaries Public Sparts wcre enjoyed by the c Harvey Jahnke ai Vancoîiver, 14 Frank St. Bowmanvilleýveny yaung at scbaol grounds- i: B.C.. were Monday evening E RCAD OEI lunder the direction af Messrs. ti j vsitrsai m.andMr. Wl-B.A., LL.B. J. Shemnon, 0. C. and H. Ash- E I~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~0 te1,det omnil. arse.Shctr tn A gootball game betweene Mn. and Mrs. C. Garrard King St. E. Newcastle Sahuna and Enniskillcn con- E and Mmr.and Mrs. L. Griffin Phone 2246 cluded the days events. a weme Sunday Mother's Day;Haurs: 9-5:30 - Wed., Sat., 91 Mn. and Mrs. R. W. Doane, supper guests of Mm. and Mr. . 'Westmount, Quebec; Mr. and b Alfred Garrard and Barn,'. M ortgages Mrs. D. B. Kay, Toranto; Dr. SI Mr. and Mrs. Leshie Graham and Mrs. H. Sandersan and a weme Sunday Mother's Day SADIE HAMILTON - ORONO Timothy, Oshawa; Mn. and guests of Mr. and Mrs. dim Phone 1 r 16 Mrs. Cecil Rahm, Union, were 't Graham and familv, o* Fi rst Mortgage Funds Sunday gucsts of Mr. and Mrs. f manville. o- Residences - Farms A. Sharp.M Business Properties Mstii agnMs Mrs. Arthur Read and Ms efMraMs Lyne wre undy gcst ~ Mortgagc Loans Dave Cornndl, Debbie and Lyne wre undy gest of Prompt, caurteous service Paul, Brantfor'd, were Friday d Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Read HAROLD C. PEDWELL caîhens with Mrs. John Gnif- v and boys, Peterb>orough, theý Real Estate and fin. ti occasion, Robert Read's fourmh Mortgage Broken birthday. Newcastle Phone 3856 Mrs. A. Sharp was bas- Mns. Harvey Jahnke (Lorna) tcss ta a showcr for Miss Lais of Vancouver, B.C., attended y Black of Oshawa, a bride-to- E hem iec's eddng n Stur p f o M e t r pf e in June, an Satunday even- day and is visiting ber moth-1 KEITH A. ILT, D il 25 relatives Snarpcada er, Mrs. A. Thompson. Mr. and O BILLETriT, OD scial time, Mrs. R. Sharp and Mms. G. B. Tbompson, ~CarIe-1 141 King St. E. - Bowmanville Ms .Sapassc nsn-T tan Place, and Reta O'BianiOfficc Hours: By appointment inC anylnh were wcekend visitors. His;, Telephane 623-3252 Mrs. J. D. Cale, Alhlin andm little daughter Sandra w,,asl Mon. - Tues. - Thurs. - Fnl. Jean, Mr. and Mns. Alvin flawer girl at the Wiseman- 9 a.m. ta 5 p.m. Bayd, Gardon and Matha,; ! Osmond wedding on Sat Thursday cvenings Bowmnanville, Mn. and Mns.lb day. . Wed. and Sat. - 9 - 12 Grant Herron, Courtice; Miss C 'Marie Ford, Oshawa; Dr. arnd Coverley, Courtice, Miss Betty1 Mrs. Clark Werry and daimn, Knox. Toronto, with Mr. and Willo'wdale; Mr. James A. Mrs. J. Slemon. Werry, were Sunday dinner Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hope and guests of Mr. and Mrs. e. A. famijyý' Prince Albert, with Werry. M11. and Mrs. Leonard Stain- Mrs. Ted Morris, Mr. Don ton, Misses Lois and Jean Hope Morris, Bowmanville, Miss remained for Monday's enter- Winnifred M. Cale, R.N., Miss tainment and tea. Edna Gilbert, Mr. Ward Gil- ' Misses Winnifred Cale, Edna bert, Willowdale, were e% en- ('ilbert Mr. Ward Gilbert, ing callers at the E. A. Xer- Wiilowdàale; Mr. and Mn6. Her- rys'. bert Leighton, Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. .I-enry Beck- with Mr. and Mrs. Grant ett, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Mer- Werry. shall and baby Catherine, îs ae oaMs Strattord; Mr. Elmer Thomp- Annie e Rowan, letn Miss son, Meaford; Mr. 0. Beckett Carole Yellowlees, Oshawa, and Arvilla, Bowmanville; spent the weekend with Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Garry Beclkctt, anld Mrs. R, Rowan. Hampton, were Sunday guests Mrs. Mildred Pitt, Toronto; of Mr. and Mrs, Floyd Beck- Mrs. Bruce Ashton, Miss Doris ett. Ashton and Master Denni. and San Prt CroedMitMr.A and SMrs. Grtb edt;Mri]l b Schomberg; Mr. and Mrs. m John Barrowdale and Brian. M Oshawa, were Sunday guestsl of Mr. and Mrs. H. J1. Mce. Gill. Mr. and Mrs. E. Pettifer,; Downsview; Mr. and Mrs'.' Donald Wearn and family,! Scarborough, were tea guestsl on Sunday at A. L. Wearn's.i Mrs. M. A. Olsen, Hayden : 4 Mrs. G. McLean, Bowman -ý vrille; Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Sle- mon and Susan, Haydan; Mr., and Mrs. Allan Taylor, En- field, were Sunday tea gue.-zs of Mrs. F. Toms. Rev. and Mrs. W. Crawford, Enniskillen; Rev. and Mrb. Romeril, Phillip, Kathryn. Su- san and Elizabeth, Courtice; Mr. Ross Lee, Kedron; Mr. Frank Lee, Oshawa, were Suni- day tea guests of Mr and Mrs.:: Allan Werry. Evening call.irs were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Grif- fin, Mr. and Mrs. dim ML- Laughlin, Ralph and Brenda, Union; Misses Winnifred Cole, Edna Gilbert, Mr. Ward Gil- bert, Wîllowdale; Mr. and Mrs. Keith McGill. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Trewin, Doreen and Donald, werc Sun- day guests at Lamne Lamb's. Mrs. Fred Holroyd, llamp-' tan, bas spent this week with ber daughter Mrs. S. Lamb,' wbo bas returned home frdrni hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Kinsman and Lisa, Courtice, with Mr. and Mrs. R. McGill. Miss Lavemne orchard, Mr. and Mrs. Elwyn Dickey and Velma, Bowmanvillc; Mrs. Phillip Stuart, Penny and Ro- bin, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Staintan and Beverley, En- niskillen, were tea guest-, of Mr. and Mrs. M. Stainton. Sympathy ta Mr. and Mirs. A. Brunt in the loss of ber uncle at Lindsay. Miss Ruby Virtue, Toronto, spent the weekend at Mr. and Mrs. R. Virtue. Mr. andr Mrs. Earl Masters and fam- ily, Bowmanville, wcre Sun- day guests with the Virtue's. Mr. and Mrs. W. Morrison,, Mr. Herb Rogers, Mr. and; Mrs. R. Gilbert, Bowmanville; Mrs. Bob Johnston and Cath-, erine, Toronta; Mr. and Mrs. Hoskin Smith, Hampton; Miss Marion Prescott, Enfield, were! Sunday tea guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Ormiston. Mr. and Mrs. d. A. Turn- bull and dune, Burketon, Mr.! John Fleet with Mr. and Mrs.! H. Ashton. Mr. Allan Stainton speni a !ew days with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Loveridge, Haydon. Mr. and Mrs. Lamne Staples and David, Betbany; Mm. and Mvrs. Gardon Leask, Sauina;: ,Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Marlow. Blackstock, were Sunday tea guests of Mm. and Mrs. F. W. Wemry. Mr. and Mrs. Vern Pemigoe' and family, Oshawa, weme Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Wermy, Mr. and VIns. Wm. Davidson, Toronto, Arere Sunday evening vîsitors. Mliss Marilyn Perigoe, Cacs-, area, spent the wcekend with the Ted Wemry's. Mrs. E. C. Ashton. Mrs. S. Rodman, Mrs. 1. Travell, Oshi- awa; Mrs. Irwin Bragg, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Bragg, Allen, Barry and Janet, Providence; MIr. and Mrs. G. E. Beech, vlaple Grave; Mr. Bob Kozak, Hampton, were Sunday tea guests of Mr. and Mrs. O. C. 1 Ashton. Mr. and Mrs. Vcrnon Rat z, Ray and Beryl, Huntsville; M1iss Lois Black, Miss Donî Wright, Mrs. dim Muller,: Oshawa; Mr. Murray Sander- i aon, Mrs. W. E. Sanderson,: Columbus; Mr. Murray Ax- ford, Hampton, werc Sunday 1 guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. Wrnight. Mr. Gardon Yeo spent the weekend at Sturgeon Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Lavemne Clemn- crs, MVr. andl lVrs. lave i11,111 and Catherne, aIIiPl mn; \ii BASE UINE Saune of aur young residents have been unfortunate enaugli ao have been hospitalized dur- ing the past month but %ve are glad they are aIl ai home once more. Mm. and Mms. H. )xxon had their young son ini he Oshawa Hospital Sammy 3attams underwent a tonsill- ectomy and little Norman 3attams was suffering with a respiratory infection. Miss Dorothy Foley, Peter- borough Teachers' College. spent Victoria Day weckcnd at hem home. Mm. Clifford Wilson and Mir. Harold Wilson, Oshawa, took advantage of the long weekend ta go on a fishing1 rip. Mrs. H. Wilson spent the, weckend with Mrs. C. Wilson. Miss Eilcen and Miss Mil- drcd Vandracek, Belleville, were the weekend guests ai heir parents Mr. and Mrs. E. Vandracek. Mr. Sam Battams and Mn. Danny Battams spent the weekend at Elgin. Mm. and Mrs. Edward Foley. Miss Danothy, Mr. Donald and vins. L. Hockin were Sunday linner guests of Mrs. Bert. Colwell and Mm. lrwin Cal- well, Bowmanville. Mns. Clifford Wilson and M!rs. Harold Wilson visited vIns. Duncan and hen lamnily at Cobourg on Sunday. iss Elsie Oke and Mr. AI- ert Oke. ARE THE "BEST BUY" THIS WEEK- END AT Frature! - Save 14c! - Lotion MiId VEL LIQUID Fcature! - Save 3c - Smart's Fancy SLUCED BREAD Sunspuli ICE CREAM OBITUARY vidrMalolm n, W Dcam MARGARET L. MILLIGAIN The fun eral service was held tram The Mackey Fun- Following a brief illness. eral Home, Lindsay, on Frn- the death of Margaret Lor- day, May- 10, and was conduct- raine Milligan, aged 75, oc-' ed by Rev. Locke. Intermen2 curred at 2 Cambridge Street was in Newtonville CemeterN, South, Lindsay, on Tuesdav,, Palîbearers w er e Mesar. May 7, 1963. iJohn Robertson, Robet Rb- Born at Newtonville, Miss ertson. Shersby Cumrins, Rob- Milligan was the daugbter ofle rt Revnolds, Morley Brock the late Margaret Harvey Mil- and Gordon Currins. ligan and Capt. W. P. K. mil- ligan. She received her edi-, St. John's Ladies' CollegeB C A M Toronto. g?! À A H The deceased retired froi-;Whan kldneyes ltrommv her place of employment, the ' backahe-tired tiaeing-U.M1Il Lind.say Arsenal, five ý'ears.disturbed rest oflennmy ago. She was a member of jteloo. Dodd Kidny PlIs St. Ancirew's Presby te ri a 71 duty. Ynu feel botter, sloop Church, Lindsay. botter, work botter. 80 I 1- SPECIALLY SELECTED - VALUE CHECK'D STEAKS ROUND, O SIRLOIN,c STEAK T-BONE 83 lb You Save Twice With Trim and Pnice! lincest for Flavour Specially Ground for Meat For Econoniy! Mild Seasoned Loaf - Extra LeanAiasTne Trend Sausage Ground (huck PORK LIVER 1 Lb. Tray Fresh SIiced 55C lb. 59c lb. 29c 1-Lb. Pkgs. #51F98C 15-cz. tins Style 3047 1I lbubg 69C. BONUS BUY! - You Save llc! - Eýter our "Canadian Holiday Contest" WHITE SWAN T'issue 41'47c BONUS BUY! - You Save 15c! 12-oz. Tins KAM Luncheon Meat 11'83c BONUS BUY! - You Save 4c! KELLOGG'S Corn Flakes PALM GARDEN - No.1 14 oz. CelloI Îomatoes 2Tube: New Cnop - No. 1 Garden Frcsh - No. 1 ONIONS 2lbs2Sc CABBAGE 12-oz. Pkg. 25C lbllc MUSHROOMSIb49c LEMONS 4for25c Save 30c! - Maple Leaf Midget HAMS Il.'-lb. Tin $1.49 ,Save 20c! - Mapie Leaf PICNICS 1V2-Lb. $1.29_ rooCannon & M. m SIZE 20x 40 mn;R U mDL ri A Save 15e! - Burns Canned - 3 lb. 4 oz. tin WHOLE (HI(KEN 99c Suprenie Pure 4-oz. Can BLACK PEPPER 3 7c 21c Plat Brick 25c Regular 35e 12 to a Pkg. Cinnamon BUNS 31c Save l0e! - Pure Van Kirk Lb Cello Chocolate BUDS 59c Prices effective at the Iisted Red & WhIte Food Stores enly MAPLE GROVE MARKET CORNISHà'S MARKET a a RE & HIE.0U of *.Maple Grov: 0 * rno 8cS Off Giant Size 73C 20-oz.Tins1 BONUS BUY! - You Save 12c! - New! Colourcd GEM MARGARINE BONUS BUY! - You Save 12c! - Fancy Quality Aylmer (ORN ra BO0NUS BUY! - Save 10c NABOB CÔFFEE Fealure! - Save 4e! - Bright's Fancy 48-oz. Tin TOMATO JUICE 29C Apple Sauce 2for39c F(atmure! - Save 10c! - Del Monte 15-oz. Tins Fancy PEAS 3for49c S ave 16c! - DeeP Browned 20-oz. Tins Libby's Beans 5for99c O AGSave 3c! - Birds Eye Frozen - 6-oz. tins ORANG CE 2RF69ci m Save 30c! Maple Leat ý

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