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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Jun 1963, p. 10

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BTJRKETON Mr. end Mrs. A. J. Trick,' Lindsay, spent. a few days with relatives and fiends in the village. Sorry to report that Mrs. Harold Larmer is in Memor- ial Hospital. Bowmanville, when she tell causing injury to her back. Syrnpathy ik extended to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Smith in the sudden passing off her cousin in Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver 1-ub- bard, Oshawa, were Wednes- day gupsts off Mr. and Mrs. B. Hubbard. On Wednesday evening, May 29th, marked another his- torie event, our chur-ch was beautifully decorated ith Iavely fresh flowers and into our hall tvere lined three large tableF, when four differ- ent settings took place, and iri the evening at 8:15 p.m.. the Sweet Adelines of Oshawa presented a loveir concert which wvas greatly enjaypd by al. We wvould lîke ta ex- press our sincere thanks and appreciation toalal who helped in make aur supper and con- cert a real success. Sorry tb report that 7Mr. Walter Ferguson is in Xlern- nal H-opital, Bowmanville, we hope his condition will @oon be improved. A mixed group tram ourî c'hurch enjoved touring the! Alger Press Ltd.. in Oshawa. Mvr. R. W. Brooks, Lithograph 'Supi . w~as in charge off h tour. Mr. A. R. Hubbard on hehaîf orf the church group expressed thanks ta the con- dutctar in charge. The Explorers are planri- ltig a banquet in the latteri part of June. Sorry ta report that Mr8J Cyrus Ashton is in Mprmorial Hospital, Bowmanville. We wish ber a speedy recox'ery. The Vacational School wili begin the third xvepk off July.1 A number firn here at-I tended Brooklin Fair on Sat-1 urdar. Miqs Aud r ev Carnochan spent the weýekend with friend.s in Taronto. Mi i ..Jack Peeling and giris, 0shawa. were Sunda guiestql cf Mrit. Greta Bailey. A number firn here at- tendpd Anniversarv Senre-g et Enneld on Sunda ' Mr. and Mi's. Don Parkeri end Iamily, Whitby . ere 'Sunday guests off Mr. and Mrs. George Allison and fain. jly. Syrnpathy is extendecd b the ffamnily and relatives in the passing off Mr. Cecil Veale of Nestleton. Choir Practice wiil be held I the chuirch at 8:00 p.m. on Thursday evening. Sunday School wvîll be at 10:1.5 arn. Church Service at 11: 15 a.m'. The U.C.W. xill a'eet at the home off Mis. J. Abr-arn5in Tyrone on June 121h at 8 pr.n% Ail ladies are most cordiaily invited ta attend. KENDAL 1%r. and Mr%. Norman 'lTher- tell and Mrs. Lena Kerby, Toronto; Dr. John Kerby andi friend off Georgetown %vere downIo t their cottage here this weekend. The Therteli's intend staying for the surni- iner. Mrs. 1renie Dunbar, Peter- bnough, visited Sunday, with Mr. and Mrs. Reg Ellilott. She is one orf three teachprs li Peterbarough who go ta the 6chools and assisit he eidreri in Grades 3 and 4 wh.ae hackward ithe-ir rang Ton bad our local schoole doi flot have sanie such hielp. Correct ion It, -,as ta _Mns,ý jame.s Eglish, daughter of Mrs. A. Low. that we wished1 ta convey outr thanks ta fori making oui' oekpi-agians. i Sorry Jo'.ce. Mr. and Ji ohnn.',Sa'; chuk and dlaughleis.' Toronto, s;penr the weekend with her father. James Hoy, who ne- cent1'. moved ino the homne which he pur-cha-sed fi-arnthe! estate orf Mis. Hattie IaLtill.: Visiting Suriday -,.,;h Mrs.i W. Mprcen %vere MIrs. Ted Coathaim and ffanil ' and Mi. and Mi's. Vance Allen. GueFIs Sundica Vwitn ir. and Mis. E. Counoux JN wfe 1\11. and Mrs. Ray Moore and %0o1F of f Tononto. Recent citinner giiests withi Mr-. and Mrs. Oîi ille Zealancil wei'e his brothier. MIr. andl Mrs. .eri %,Zealalid and tani. ilY. Camlpbellci'oft. On May *24. It' y-SIXix xpîis j off Kendal School, their teach- Pi- Mr. Mc-:Vahoin andi. s Kent . Ro ' Foster andý * . vls. Geuîi.e Ircer vwenr by: iralî tot Upper Catnada Village. It \\vaF the fînst lime that motsi. --off the childien hadi even been on a train and \vas aboLît as; mucj(.h a nlovelty as the si ghts -.that ilîeý saw ai the village, A fer mn v çloýe ises Mnr. and MiS. Georgýe Clanke haci thei r house uip on the cor- ner side--wiped and the c~î ". bpr~PeC. imashed as a rou- 1 pie 'f vin~.g motori-sîs faileci -i cegot ia te the coi-c-i rpiro- -penl' . Danmage %vas aiso clonel In the ffendPr and biimoper o!ý th rar 'lhepaving stnp. -juFt short off the corner and the corner is tisually rokgh wvhich sorie folks think may have bpen intentionally left thai %Nay îo make ffolks slow dawn. lUr. and Ms George NMac.i flonaîl and fam!1y spent thue weekend %vith hei mother. Mrs. Selleck ai Orneinee. - Mr. and Mrs. Cy Elsev.(Car-- n~ i and Marilyn off Oshawa, -spent Sunday %with Mir. and Mrs. George Mercei. bae Kerîdal Public Schoolbae hall tearn beat the NeLtoni- vile tearn at the game Xednes- - day atternoon. -- .1SundaY afteiisoon o -hall games were played. The i SJuveniles won 6-1 fram theirl Oshawa opporients ai Oshawa., -The Bantams wvere deffeated 3-1 on Kendal Park by the - Port Hope teani. The T.B. Ciiio:c is heing' ' hfld Wecl.. JulY 5,. iniKendal Stmnday Sehnool rom 2-5 for' this distric.i SHOP and SAVE CýASH wt& - -m m ýU * ..4Ç v A&P Hcrndles OnIy Meats Purchosed From Federally Inspected Packing Houses A&P QUALITY BAKERY PRODUCTS JANE PARKER LARGE ANGEL CAKE *ach39c Reg. Prie .ach 59c - SAVE M5e Jan* Parker Reg. Price eaebi 49c - SAVE 10# RAISIN Large PIE 2-4-ox size 3 9 t Jan* Parker Reg. Prie* lomf 25c - SAVE 4o VIENNA 24oz, BREAD 'LU" 2 Jam Parker Re. Prie.ce ci' 3% .-SAVE 4a C OFFEE APPLE RAISIN CAKE ch 35C Frozen Food Features Ventura Fi-cii oo LIMA BEANS Penrywise, Bref ov Veai STEAKETTES Reg. Prict pkg 33e--SAVE 7* 2 12-oz pkgs 5 9c Reg. Pricepl'g Bbc-SAVE 15a 21-16 pkgs 95c A&P Prices ARE Lower! Jiibilee,.M id CHEESE SLICES CLARK'S BEANS Delsey. Whiite & Co:ouî e.d TOILET TISSUE Macai r. KRAFT DINNER Tooti, Paste C REST î8c OFF DEAL, Facelle. Wht. 5&Pink FACIAL TISSUE Mixedi, Oatîmeai.PRico 16 c', pkg 49c 4 s fl'ozt tni 49c pkg ai2 roils 29c 4 7'/-opkg47c giant size tube5 9c 4 pkgs of 333 99 c PABLUM l6oz pkg43c 3,Way Piun Pe. ever ANACIN b0ffle fai 100 9 9c Cherry Hill Whitce ý Cti' rd Old CHEESE STICKS sztck43C monarc; VEGETABLE OI 32;4z boffi6 5c Lerno, C iec;. Gis0e NESTLE'S KEEN 13,£carton 55 c PIibiso-~Y. Chocolate Fudge. White, Plneappl., Devl', Foocd CAKE MIXES 219.oz pks 69 c CI'un King Chicken Choý% Meirn, Beef Chop Suey, Mushroom Chow. Mein C HINESE FOOD large dîvîder pack 5 9C Liq u ic JAVEX BLEACH 64-fl-oz jug 45c DESSERT TOPPING LUCKEY WHIP 2V/4-oz pkg 29c TOMATOES Seâciiff colce italien 2 28-fl-oz tins 49c BEANS Snow Crop, Regular Green, Frozen 10-or pkg 15c ý READY TO SERVE SMOKED SHANK PORTION lb 43 c -s COOKED BUTT PORTIONi lb 49C FUL.L CUT, HALF H-AM&. NO CENTRE $LICES REMOVED CENTRE CUTS OR SHANK HALFib47c BUTT HALF'l33* STEAKS t,69C PRIME RIB ROASI LEAN, MEATY, FOR BRAISING SHORT RIBS ib9c SUPER-RIGHT, ALL MEAT. VAC PAC BEEF BOLOGNA ~Pg1 BURNS, THINLV SLICED COOKED HAM 1libpkg 99c SEA SEALD, CANADA INSPECTED COD FILLETS 1629C SHORT CUT CANADA'S FINEST QUALITY RED BRAND STEER BEEF lb67 SHOPSYS SLICED .SMOKED BEEF oka9 CHOICE QUALITY. SLICED, SKINLESS BEEF LIVER 1639c SCHNEIOERB' BOLOGNA SQUARES 1143c COOKED AND BREADED HALIBUT STEAKS 1663e fts Your Dollar -Muke The Most 0f kh Shop And Save Cash At ÀA&P 8PECIAL BLEND A&P TEA BAGS ROSE BRAND. COLOURED MARGARINE Re9g Prite pkg 5%e-SAVE 10. r4m il604 5 C 4 îib1pkos 8 9 c GERBER-S STRAINED Reg, Prire 3 tint 39c--BAVE %# BABY FOODS 4 1àf-o v 9 TOOTH PASTE PEPSODENT Stock Up During A &P 's Cuned Foods Suie! A&P Choice Creamn Style Reg. 2 tins 25c--SAVE 13c CORN 91 10-Rl- oz tins CASE 0F 24 TINS $2.67 - SAVE 33c -w DEEP BROWNED IN TOMATO SAUCE Reg. Price 2 tins 37c-SAVE 110 LIBBY'S BEANS 6'5- nio CASE 0F 24 TINS $4.00 - SAVE 44c CHEF BOY.AR-DEE (WITH MEAT) Reg. Prie. fin 29e..SAVE 1% SPAGHETTI SAUCE 4 1.tis 00 CASE 0F 24 TINS $6.00 - SAVE 96c ORANGE, GRAPE, FRUIT PUNCH, ORANGE PINEAPPLE Reg. Prie@ tin' 37-BSAVE Ile HI-C BEVERAGES 3 ozo CASE 0F 12 TINS $4.00 - SAVE 44cztn r SPECIAL THIS WEEK! MRVEI. BRAND Reg. Price 93c-SAVE 24C ICE CREAM ctn69c i Rma. Prîc'e ok 40ie- SAVE 44. 1-1b, pkq 45c M 2tU. 3.-<.. PAVE 214 7 2.lin% 99C DA LTON'B Rec. Pricot jar 21e-SAVE 2U GOOD MUSTARD 2Acja19 FRESR FRUITS & VEGETA 81 ES - ÀARRI VING DAIA Y NEW POTATOES Florîida, White, Fluffy Cooker, No. 1 Grade 10-LB BAG 5 9c No. i C'rnde qu l b ,2 9 lmpmeted,; Cui> yLf-mf, Nnsii,,ed I0ci o and Trimmed, No. 1 Grade 2 reliri begcL2 9 C lrnported, Fresh, Green Firmi Heods, No. 1 Grade Ontiîto Grown, Hotiioiusa, Firmn, Ripe, No. 1 Grade Ont. Grown, Hothcsuse, Long Green Siicers, No. 1 Grade w7c ibI9c 2for25c Racishes, Rhubarb AIL PRICE& IN THtIS AD GUARANTEED THROUGH SATUROAY, JUNE 8, 1968 c AI THEx MPAT ATLANTIC&a PACI ne lIA COmPANY tO. I ' HAMS WHOLE HAMS 14 TO 16-LB lb 49C SUPER-RIGNI - SMOKED THICK SLICED, FOR BROILING SIDE BACON 1-lb pko 5 9C PUREX, WHITE OR COLOURED Reg. price pIg2le -SAVE 14 TOILET TISSUE pkqi 4121 DARE CHOCOLAT CHIP COOKIES HEALTHO REGULAR. CHICKEN. LIVER DOG FOOD Regq. Prics tiîte 9e.-SAVE %0 gi4miet ie h.59C PEACHES SPINACH CABBAGE TOMATO ES CUCUMBERS Native grown outdoor Head Lettuce, Green Onions, anid Asparagus arriving fresh daily at our stores. 0 10 - The Conadlim statemain, Bewmanrille, :Une -.j FOOD STORES A&PMEANS DEPENDABILITY 1-ý.

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