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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Jun 1963, p. 12

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12 The. Candian Stateman, Bow Durham Club to Attend Historical Plaq Mlustrious Duri bo Be Unveilei by Aleen Aked 1of Histor Annual Excursion plans foran 2*o-3 the Durham County Club of 2:30-3: Toronto are: Saturday, June home of 15th, 1963 - Leave Toronto 9 asy a.m. by bus Terminal yards, 4-5 p.ey. Bathurst at Davenport Rd. Cobourg, 11:30 - Arrive Pearce's pro- Earl Wa. perty on lakefront, first road 6 p.m. west of Newcastle, for the un- Port Hop veiling of plaque to Baldwin On Sai Family by ex-Premier Leslie tween il Frost, assisted by Mr. Robert Premier Baldwin, Ottawa, Mr. Alex by Rober Carruthers and Mr. Russell will unv Honey. (Everyone invited - Baldwin bring picnic lunch). Guests ham's fan include Warden Earl Walkey on the sil and Dr. Careless, head Dept. west of CHAINSI WEWIILk¶4 LL The first and only dual purpose daaimswoil ii thec1aaim aket. Dm oesbal obs ia your chain a.FieId-testeci and approved by chaia- saw manufactuTrers 80 mz blue poly contaitier. 'Me new homne beating plan that provides year- round service on your heating equiprnent, top- quality Esso Fumaoe O11 deliveedastheweatherde- nads-AL FOR T.HE PRICE 0F THE QIL! HOME HE ýSERVI< maToURESAGENT 1 RIPMTWITI< NEI IMPERIAL. 01..LL A. H. Sturrockc LIMITED PHONE 623-551 STURROCK ROAD NeOWTESTDRI' 1T!'E RE-lb. worid fameus Renmji àWno ta Canada a new standard of Ira, tfld performance. Kandy for utility jobs- imina for the "ýbig" lobs-plus low operaiti *iaintenanc. cos-Iow ini price. You'llSc -Yeu neyer have before. Standard equipn '-twelve sp.ed transmission...diflerentiq P.T.O.--odvned Ibm» point hydmulicv ÂMnh faite1-hons--hour moi'...4e àRWOOM gcvor-deIum sent md many $MATO lIaIR For u lbut est da hfwcond Dom. es o.sup edetyou ieu he lb. *@welur tooledd 'Yet the air coo.d diesel moi cauz.det Io do w.effe«. ài*gbdir au &?I&COtEOUWMEW4'r LmJD COOKSYIIE, ONTARIO 8avle Tn , i9tb B. T. S. Cadet Band ue Hono ring kam Pioneers d Sat., June l5th y, University of Tor- mouth of Baldwin's Creek, ai- se called Wilmot or Fishery 30- Grounds of "Bat- Creek, now owned by Howard House, Dale, Ont. and Ernie Pearce. Everyane f the Hon. Vncent i5 învited to join the Durham Club at the unvexil. ( n. -Golden Plough,,,picnic lunch should be brought «ýu 6 guests of Warden along) lkey. Who were the Badis -Dinner at "Idalia, Their Genealogical T a b 1 e pe Golf Club. heads the list of "Upper Can- . iturday, June 15, be- ada's United Empire Loyalist :45 and 12:30, former and Other Pioneer Families." Leslie Frost, assisted Robert, the father, was born rt Baldwin of Ottawa, Aug. 21, (ald style) 1741, and 'ei a plaque ta the died Nov. 24, 1816. On Sept. Family, one of Dur- 2, 1769, he married Barbara nous pioneer families, Spread of County Cork w'ho ite of their bomestead died after the birth of their Newcastle at the sixteenth child. A daughter Barbara became Mrs. Sulli- van, also had sixteen children. Many descendants still sur- Robert Baldwin, lured by the free grant af township land, left bis home "Summer- The popular cadet band f rom the Ontario Train- bill" or "Knockmore" near ing School for Boys has been quite busy recently. Carrigoline in County Cork, They were on parade for the Rotary fireworks display Ireland, and brought six of bis some weeks ago, took part, and received high praise RATED Esso ohildren with him. They land-foth refosduigheTaigSholsnul ed in New York in June 1798, for_______efforts________theTraining________________ took a fortnigbt ta journey up tbe Hudson River, suffering MAATI1c frorn heat and mosquitoes an- The LAC KSTOCK UN other two weeks to travel the Mohak Rver Fro Osego TheU.C.W. met in the ed the business period dur- 1 $ 0 they crossed the lake ta the Christian Education Centre, ing xvhich brief reports were peninsula of Toronto Island, Tuesday evening. The presi. heard from aIl departments.î 0 then the carrying place of tbe dent opened the meeting with Mrs. Roy McLaughlin gave ___ Indians, crossed the Bay by a poemn- "Be the Best You findings on Christian Stewart- .nigbt. York, now Toronto, ap- Can". Mrs. Murray Byers was ship from the executive meet- peared ta tbemr a dreary dis- in charge of the worship per- ing. The Supply Tea at Eben- mal place - a dozen bouses, iod for which she chose as bier ezer, June 5, was announced, no church, no sehool, a mere thetrne "Hands". After the also the T.B. Survey, July 2E settlement singing of "Saviour Thy Dy- and 5, and the Regional Rally1 From York ta Baldwin's ing Love", she read a portion at Prince Albert, Oct. 31. All( Creek (Toronto ta Newcastle) of scripture from Matt., com- were asked ta think up sug-1 was a two days' journey by mented on it, read a poem on gestions for Leadership Day.1 boat, longer in bad weather; "ands" and offered prayer. Atrtecoigeecss at night on the trip a tent was Follawing the dedication af the Unit 4 served lunch and a pitcbed on the shores of Lake offering Gail and Bannie Mal- social time was enjoyed. Ontario. A small log hut with colm of Nestleton accompan- Afl ti ald"al bark roof was the first build- ied by their mother, Mrs. Law- A fil mysterp ctalle Mp ing, with chimney made of rence Malcolm, sang very Swet y stg erd" wit hoaccm sticks and clay stuffed witlî sweetly "I Forgive" and "Bless payhe reor aTsown andCutyCu moss. Mary-Warren, the sev- This House". The film- Loy- hl t he adCiuintry Cub enth daugbter, was married est Thou Me was then viewed.thend atnthe, lCnstn Educa kWft John Breakenrîdge and Bannie Malcolm rendered a tin edne , BMack9tackTon wrote, assisted by ber daugh- piano solo. Mrs. Jim Marlow, fiedn nday ay 29th. The ter in 1859, the "Recollections who had been asked for some- filmesconsaine a aa many of Mry Wrren Brecer-thing from the Observer, read sgetoso sflatvte of May Waren reckr- "The Ascension" by J. A. Da- for this type of club. After- iidge." "Recollections" tells of vidson. The roll cail was ans- wards the group was divided the journey across Lake On- wered by A Woman in the in four parts te answer some taria in Oct. 1799 to meet ber News. The president conduct- questions following on from future býusband i New York; _____________ deas in the film. Answers of trave1 in a sleigh where were gatbered and summar- Ai goid and silver coin bad ta be naine and a long roll in Can- ized by Jim Marlow. Alter taken alan-g; of the grandeur ada's public lufe. Born May the worsbip period which was affl and the forests ai Niagara 12, 1804, Rebert Baldwin led by Stuart Dorrell, lunch Falls; of spending a nigbt in wisbed ta make the Govern- of fruit salad, cakes and col- a wigwam (there were na ment af Upper Canada a real fee wvas served. other habitations); married in "image and transcript" af the There was an excellent at- Feb. 1800, returned ta Canada governîment of Great Britain. tendance at the Women's In- in 1807, and ta rcughing it in Graspin-g the possibilities of stîtute Varîety Nigbt in the the bush af Durham Counity; "Responsible Government" he Recreation Centre, Fri The af the mice in myniads there; became a stauneh exponent >prsdnMs.CSmtwa af the struggle with a graup it. His ideas were passed on M.C. O Canada opened the ai Indians who were drunk, ta Lord Durbam wha was sent evening's program. Candy and of calling their neighbors Out as High Commissioner Malcolm and Adele Page en- the Lovekins across the creek and thru' hlm became the cor- tertained with a lovely dance for help, and the move ta ner-stane ai self government. number. Mrs. Ivan Thompson XS Toranto in Dec. 1810. Mlthough supporters ai the explained the qualification In the War of 1812 the Bald- Reform Party, the Baldwins needed by Guides earning win ladies jained in making a were fao conservative and toa their Gold Cords. One of the flag for the 3rd Regiment aristocratie ta have any sym- requirements is an Essay on York Militia; one daugbfer pafhy for the peppery Wrn. some country, other than their drew the design; the motta Lyon Mackenzie. The "R- own. At this point Lynda "Deed's Speak" was supplîed bellion oi 1837" was a military Kyte gave ber essay on Guern- by the future Bishap John failure but a political success. sey. Lynda has a pen pal in Strachan. As the ladies stitch- Lord Durham, who gave bis Guernsey. With Mrs. Dalton ............ ... ... ..ed they were entertained by name ta Durham County, was Dorrell as manager, and Mrs. the future Chief Justice Bey- also "a man ai first elass abil- Gilbert Marlow commentator, erley Robinson whîle General ity, large sympathies and Grade 9 presented the fash- Brock inspected the work. wieeprnc.H waoe ion show of different dresses AIWilliam-Warren, ane ai the of England's coal barons and they had made at the Home famous sons, was 23 when he able ta spend 30,000 pounds Econamies class. arnived in Canada. Altbougb on an election." "Lard Dur- Mitzi Malcolm and Pamela D E trained as a doctor, there ham's Repart af 1839" con- Stinson entertained wîtb a seemed more need for a iaw- fained many words attributed lovely dance. Janice Byers, yer than a doctor and more ta Robert Baldwin, who be- who is another Guide frying profitable. In 1804 Wm. War. came Solicitor General in for her Gold Cord, now gave ren was admitted ta the Bar, 1840, Attorney-General 1842, her essay on Australia. Mrs. also o---ed1a-private boys'-Andresueraithe LawS- McArthur was judgîng these Litte Mis JaiceDorreli m ade the draw and Mrs. Rich- a rd Wall won the quilf; Mrs. - ~ Erncst Swain, the place mats rqA UTa nd Mr. Harvey Hall, Part Perry, the Ainican violet. AIL considered this a very pleas- If Tacfos tht ~.ant and worthwhile evening. At the United Church Sun- cicr economy daymanrning the Sacrament of Baptism ws admini tat -rugged sta. Lloyd and Donald Jameson. 8.Y ~The Jamnesons are new resi- Ing cos,.-l@W dents ai the community, liv- R. Mony S ing on the farm known as Wil- EV lloelé ber Vance farm. Rev. Rameril ment includelisM chose as the subjecf for bis aiIok- v. ~ , ~ j fine sermon "The Secret: - jlc-lv Friend". The chair sang an Anthem "O Worsbip The t on fnd«_»King." io~do-.Canon Ashmore and Mr. Jack Green are attending Sy- ~t1io f.atyss.nod in Toronto this week. Rev. P. Romenil andMr Und u todry,,Earl Dorreil attended confer- ii@ 1iOdO4'*LOCAL AUTHOR1ZfD RENAULT DEALER ence in Kingston iast week. remn.c Mr. Weir Swain, Toronto, digaj or boe spent Tbursday with bis bro- 'dOL Toum be N ers and sister in Cartwright. MM Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Mar- -- EU w f]ew to Saskatoon hast FARM nigfornd attne W e Hie ROW N thefuneral ai bis aunt, Mq Minerva Cowan. They. also culofdays. 91 King S.W o m M il r.Atu Rahm was able to corne fromnhsia follow- Has Busy Schedule cadet inspection last Wednesday. On Sunday, they were up bright and early ta participate in and lead1 the church parade of Scouts, Guides and Brownies at' Newcastle. ing ey ai Mr. on Sal with1 Rahm, art H. Mr. attend( Anne.1 eron i Called son ai that e, day w~ Harry Hugh Mr. Bawm Mrs. 1 nesday e surgery to the home Rev. and Mrs. Clarence Fer- and Mrs. Stan Rahm guson, Don Milis, and Miss, iturday. Sunday visitors Eleanor Ferguson, Edmonton,; themn were Mr. Arthur were Sunday guests of Mrs.i Mrs. Stan Hall and Stu- Cecil Hill and Mr. Roy Fergu-i ahl, Tyrone. son and ca]led on other rela- and Mrs. Bill Ferguson tives. led the wedding of Miss Misses Gertrude Henry and Dietz and Mr. Roy Cam- Doris Griffin, Toronto, spent n Kitchener, Saturday, the weekend at home. 1on Rev. Merrili Fergu- Mr. and Mrs. Kennetb Duns- ind family, Stratford, moor and Brian and Mrs. Wil- vening and spent Sun- bert Archer, visited friends vith her mother Mrs. in Durham over the weekend.- McKee and brother Mr. Miss Marilyn Archer, Whit- McKee, Norwich. by, spent the weekend with and Mrs. Joe Flett, Mr. Wilbert Archer and Mr. ianville, visited Mr. and Dever and Sunday visitors M'ervyn Graham, Wed- with them were Mr. and Mrs. Y. Will Dugan, Mr. and Mrs. Ron Lite BiUly, JanIce and Jud- Congratulations ta Mr. and ith, Lochlin. Mrs. Chas. Wilson who cele- Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Lar- brated their 35th wedding an- mer attended Enfield Anni- niversary on Sunday; to )ik versary and visited Mr. and and Mrs. Earl Bradburn who Mrs. Harvey Yellowlees, Sun- celebrated their 25th Satur- day. day, and to Mr. and Mrs. Os. A number of the neighbors car MeQuade on their 5Oth ta surprised Mr. and Mrs. Bill be celebrated at the home oW Ferguson Thursday night and their daughter Mrs. Roe welcomed the bride ta the Oke, Port Perry, Tuesday, jneighborbood. June 4. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Beck- Mrs Harold Swain was hos- erley, St. Catherines, spent a tess to 17 ladies and,5 child- few days as guests of Mr. and ren for a Stanley Demonstra- Mrs. Osmond Wright and vis- tion put on by Mrs. Midgley, ited other relatives. Oshawa, on Thursday. Congratulations to Miss Miss Dianne Wheeler, Osh- Valerie Faint, Toronto, wbo awa, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. received ber B.A. at the Grad- Ernest Swain and family for uaticn exercises last week. a week. Weekend visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Wes Pearce and Mrs, G* ArRalo tmsp Crawford vere Mrs. Lewis ATr, RailEor Shp Pearce, Mr. and Mrs. Don TO EVERYWHERE Lane and Terry, Oshawa, Mrs. osl A. Newton, Mr. and Mrs. os, Corkham, Rose Marie and J U RY &LOVELLI Jeannie, Toronto, and Mrs. C. 2 King St. E. 623-3361 Cox, Cleveland, is spending Bwavn a few days. ___ ___ ___ __ ___ ___ __ WALTONA PARK1SUH0F01CVELA -NEWCASTLE - NOW OPEN! SWIMMING POO 0L PICNIC FACILITIES NEW DANCE FLOOR CAMPING GROUNDS FAMILY SEASON'S TICKETS AVAILABLE FOR USE 0F PARK AND POOL McQueen Motor Sales Ltd. 219 King St E. Phone 623-335v / 1' why don't they.. make cars that fight rust a lot longer ?RAM BLER DOES (the exclusive Deep.Dip process with 7 times ~ nmore galvanized steel on critical areas makes Rambler the world's mostcompletely rust-proofed car.) make brakes that won't fail even with a broken hydraulic lins? RAM BLER DOES (Double.Safety ~ brakes have front and rear systems that operat. Independently. If one set is damaged the other con- tinues ta operate. SeIf-adjusting, too.) make mufflers that won't corrode or rust out? ~ RAMBLER DOES (the exclusive Ceramic-Armoured muffler and tailpipe are guaranteed ta last as long as the original buyerowns his Rambler.) make the lowest priced Canadian-built car? sRAM BLEROE (it's the Rambler Amerîcan ... and it flot only is the lowest priced but also the most economical ta operate and maintain. The Americamt comneswith a high performance Sixcyinderengine,too.1 niake doors that close solid, straight and true? RAM BLER DOES (Uniside, the newest development of Single-Unit construction, replaces scores of small parts with a single piece stamped out of a sheet of steel. Givesyou greater strength, more perfect door fit.) make seats as comfortable as a reclining lounge chair? RAM BLER DOES (chair-height seats, firmly ~ c ail sprung, adjustindividually.Theyconvertinstantly into a nap couch. I-feadrests are also avalable.) niake a car that gives top performance ani OnDMY ? RAM13LER DOES (with one of the best weih-ohreoe ratios in the industry you get tebest performance Ini either a six or V8 engin. with exceptional economy.) make it really easy to get in andout ?' RAMB3LER D-OES(Uniside con struction makes possible the widest ~ a nd highestdooropenings.Trygettingin andoutof a R ambler soon atyournearest Dealer's.) Anything else you've ever wanted in a car? Look over the beau- tiful new Ramblers. Have a talk with your Rambler Dealer. He'l be happy to answer any other questions you have about cars . ",- . '. 1- ý , - '. .. . .. » 1

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