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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Jun 1963, p. 14

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14 - Yh. Cma2im 8teumaii, Bow..anvfle, u". 5, 1983 DEADLINE FOR (LASSIFIED Tuesday, 4:30 p.mlq Births In Memoriaim PETTIT-Garry and Lorraine DAVEY, Donald Keith - In (nee Snowden) are happy to loving memory of a dear son announce the birth of their and brother who passed away dlaughter, Jennifer Dawn, 6 June 4th, 1961. lbs. 13/4 ozs., on Monday, Just when your days wer1 May 27, 1963, at Memorial bightest, ]Hospital, Bowmanvile. 23-1 Just when your years were ________best, ]POLLARD-Ron and Marlene ou were called fromn tht# (neeOpycany arehapp to world of sorrow (nne Opyhe any) ar iaipy o Tc a home of Eternal rest. anouchte ae rrvi fAlways remembered by ter son, Daniel Ronald, Mother, Dad, Brothers and 'weighing 7 lbs. 12 ozs., on Sisters. 23-1* Wednesday, May 29, 1963, at____ Oshawa Cpneral Hospital. irstq ~T T~1i, ,mr gr andchild for Mrs ipychany and Mr. Pei chany of Oshawa,i~ Beilman of Bowmanvi great grandchild for Mérs. Win. Hercia of Mirs. Harry Dennis a Fred Rowe of Newcast] thanks to Dr. C. A. and 4th Floor Staff. STACEY - Bornita and Rhodessa, May 2 9 lbs. 131, ozs., John A brother for Lynn, R Leona. SWEEP-Jan and ihappy. ta announce th, of their daughtcr1 biana Mary an ME .1963 at Memorial 'flawmanville. Deaths ]DUDLEY, Cecil H.-I. at Oshawa General Ho Tuesday aiternoan, J 1963, Cecil Dudley ai in bis 6lst year. Belo band ai Reta Cale, deý bi Ray ai Blaomîngt( tna, and Noel ai brotÈher ai Mrs. W. <Violet) ai Oshawa; Regina, Wiibert of borough and Floyd bora. Resting dit th( cutt and Smith Funer. F'uneral service 2:30 Friday aiternoon. Ii Bowmanville Cemetei FOULKES, Mary Jane Toronto East Gcner pitalaon Friday, May Miary Jane Colbourne 84th year, late ai 210 ]Dr., Leaside. Belovec the late John FoulIkes ing mother ai Edwa: inald, Nellie (Mrs. BE ton), Frank and Dorai James Gregory; dear Mrs. Elizabeth Corner Iee was held Monda tiaon at 2 o'clock. l: Pine Hilîs Cemetery. VEALE, Cecil Laverr the Ross Memorial ]Lindsay, on Thursday, 1963, Cccil Veale, belo band of the late Mabi dean father ai Lois Grieve) of Lindsay, a Veale af Sault Ste. dear brother of Rul Chas. Fallis) ai Nest bis 75th year. Serv held at the chapel ai imott-Panabaker. Par dRumage Sale, Salvation Army, Friday, June 7, 2 until p . m ..2 3 1 SKeep in zmmnd Tri nit y U nit- ed Wonien's Fail Fair, Friday, November 22nd. 23-1 The annual Elford Picnic will be held at Orono Park on Saturday, June 15. Supper at 5:30 p.m. 23-2 Don't miss Yelverton Garden Party followed by one act play on Friday, June 14. Ad- mission $1.00 and 35C. 23-2 iWATER for sale anGd elivered. 1Cail Clif Pethick 263-2131. 32-tf WATER Haulage, reasonable rates. Wm. Hasiuk, 623-5381. 13-tf HARLEY-DAVIDSON scooter, 1460, low mileage, like new- Cail 728-0656. 23-1 CEDAR trees for hedges, etc., choice quality, guaranteed. Phone 612 Clarke. 21-4* 120 BASS accordion, 3/4 lady'sI leton, iný vice was fMcDer- t Pemr,I Mr. Roswel age. 23-1* 1 wish ta extend my sincerel Ithanks 'ta relatives, friends,' Hall at 10:30 and chur yh - t 11:15 a.m. Rev. Chnis. Dugan wiil be the guest speaker. Everyone welcome. 23-1 en Mond.ay, Jim.e 3;àd, 1963 -forcards, lowers Blackstock United Church p:00 p.m. Interment Nestle- g1t n o adfoe tnCemetery. 23-1 gipandmvisisw ie1was J Sunday School Anniversary EnggemntsSpeciai thanks ta Dr. Syves 11a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Speaker, Eng gem nts ter, nurses and staff ai theI Rev. Gea. Connolly, B.A., Mecical Ward for their wond.î B.D., Field Secretany fan M 1r. and Mrs. Lloyd Clysdaie enfui cane and kindness. Youth Work. Music: Marning Wlsh ta announce the engage- Mrs. Phoebe Larmer. unaSeolCireving, :ment of their daughter Doris 23.1*lFaithBaptist Tria. 22-2ý Trpison Satunday, July Iws aepesnysn Ebenezer Sunday Sebool 1tmpki230s AnniveNwtosanyreSunday, June 9, vllethnted2:30 p.m.i 2eto-1cr thanks ta relatives, 1963. Services at 2 p.m. andi vile Uite Chrch 23'[îiends and ncighbaurs for the 7:30 in the evening. Guest I lovely flowers, cards and cig- speaker is Rev. George Mon- Mn. and Mrs. James W.! anettes receivcd duning mY rison, B. Comm., B.D., Super- Murray, Newcastle, Ont., wish'stay in Memoial Hospital, also intendent ai North Winnipegý ta announce the ersgagementltbe Generai Hospital, Oshawa; Mission at Robent Memoriai ofc their daughter Juanîta,;special thanks ta Dr. Rundie, United Church, 1957-1959, now Margaret, ta Muray James Bowmanville-, alsa Dr. Rich- Associate Secretary, Board ai Martin, son ai Mr. and Mrs. mond, Dr. Sproule, Oshawa; Home Missions. Special music E. Martin. The marriage tojalso tbanlring the Brookdaleby the Sunday School. 23-1 take place on Saturday, Junc;employees and office staff. 29th at 2 o'ciock at the Unit- Percy Luxton Sr. 23-1 Vanted to Buy ed Cburcb, Newcastle. 23-i _______________ We wish ta express aur USED clean trunk in good Mn. and Mrs. Clifford Curtis,' heartfelt thanks and apprecia- condition. Phone 623-5914. Pontypool, announce the en-, tion for the acts ai kindness, ____2- gagement ai their youngc~c5ges ai ympt .y nd ,000 CUBIC yards cinders.1 daughtem, Dianne Gwendlyn,!beautifui floral tributes receiv-iPhone Kitchener 744-5291 cal-' toM.Kennetb Allan preston,ed from relqtives, fiends andllect. 22-2* yaungest son ai Mn. and Mrs. Incsghbours duning the illness'iHGET rcspadfrliv e }Iarry Preston, Bethany. Mar.îand dcath ai aur dean FatherHIHS p'evpi o riage ta take place June 29tbiand Grandiather. Speciai pouitmy, goose feathers, featb- 1963, in Pontypool Unitedthanks ta Dr. Ferguson and cm tîcks, scrap iran, metals and Church. 23.1*inunses and staff ai Memoiai al us hn 2-03 Hospital, Bowmanville; Rev. Oshawa cllet. 12-tf1 Mr. and Mns. Lynwood Eld- C. Dugan for bis consoling ALL kinds afi lve poultry, ridge, Bowmanville, anoneýesg and ta the ladies ai icathers, new goose and duck the engagement ai tîeirTyrone Uied Chrch whO aso oldl feather ticks wanted. clauhte, LuraEliabeh, oýsrvedlunh. lsoMoris figestpnices paid. M. Flatt, ]Dauenis aur agElze, n Funeral Home for their kind- Bethany R.R. 1. Phone 7 r 13 Mre nFrnk AeGe on es ad courtcsy. callIct. 21-tl Mm. and Rock Falls, Ont.Th The iamily oi the late ývdmooth ltaeplcea Luther Stainton. 231* Wanted to Rent il arn., June 29th, in St. ear ATR o be rfu Joseph's Church, Bowman1R D isiAi ville. 23-i1GAATEDt1viinadyaung beifers. Phone 623-2783. radio service, toalal makes.i 2- Professor and Mrs. Perey Television Service Ca. Phone THREE-bedroom bouse, be- Yront, 4ish Avanue the 52.titween Bowmanville - Oshawa ~-ean, 94Avnu Rnd 623-3883. 5-farea, for July 1. Cali 728-7902. merntws oanuc the IîRADIO and Television Rpairs 31 '/ aughtc, Patrici a Muriel, eierv.p service. Pick-up anc. ' tPhone 623-5713. 41 -tf ane son ai Mm. and Mns. Roy Tamblyn ai Cannington, On- REPAIRS toalal makes ai re- DEAD Stock Service-We pay tario. The mamiage will take figeatons, domestie and com. for dead, aid and crippled place on Saturday, July 6th, merciai; milking coolens. Hig- farm stock according ta size f963, at 2 o'clock in St. Paul's gon Electmic Limited, 38 Kungand condition. Smail animais United Chunch, Bowmanville, St. E. Phone 623-3305. 7.tîremoved free. Phone collect, Ontario. 23-1I1 m 1622 or Peterborough Photography Watci .LepaîingRemovai. Lic. No. 177-RP-63.1 TPHOTOGRAPHY Canadian Jeweller's Asan as nth pt Chante of Address - M~i T lfr Dcad or Cippled Farm,ý 161 K[ng St. E., M~jars Jewellery Stock. Picked up promptly.: Bowmanvllle 39 King St. W. Telephone colecet 263-2721 )Portraits - Passports ag ilF rF i WedEIIUZB Annivermarin icu LICENSE T rE i a ORSTc DIOt Nursingi Home Licence No. 245-C-6319t ASToRe STU IO0 "THE Lodge" Nursing Home 9t 2O.2'oin Highway 2. Licensed. Ac-Cash for Deadstock _____________________commodation available. KlfdDeîwt h rie ewl Receptioncane. Nurse 24 hns. Visitons Dpatp pthe doner the poise Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bagneil Westover, Newcastle 2701. critt ieadcniin wiil be pieased ta receive thein ___________21-tf Burrett Fur Farin frends and re:tives at the SOUTH Haven Nurslng Homýe R.R. 7 PETERBOROUGH home ai their son, Mn. Ted -Accommodation for private Phone officeLogDsac Dagnil,3 EsallAveueannd semi-pivate patients. Zenith. 66550 (ne charge) .Wednesday, June l2th, fromi lounge TV. Fullyticensed, or à to, 4 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. on new building, modern. Visitons'Peterborough colleet, 742-43301 tbe occasion of their 5thi we'comc. Reasonable rates.1 Collectrs Licence No. 226-C-631 W.dding AnnlveaiarY. 23.14*LPhozz.Newcastle 4441. 13-Ut 18-ti mates. - 1arry L. Wade. phone Clarke 2420. ALUMINUM do o r s windows. Cail us today free estimate. Terms ari ed. Cowan Equipment, « St. E., Bowmanville. P 623-5689. TYPEWRITERS, adders,i iers, duplicators, cheque ers, comptometers, three h red new and used. We seli, rent, service. Ham Office Equipment. 137E South, Whitby. MO 8-5 HOME FREEZE Top Qualty - Made ln Ca 17 eu. ft. $269 - 22 eu. ft, New Magnetic Sealed Lic BOWMANVILLE FRIGID LOCKER SYSI Phone 623-5578 BEAUTIFUL Singer Zig in desk like console, sli used. This one makes hunÉ of fancy stitches, buttanh sews on buttons. Wîll sel $48.88 or payments of1 Dealer. Write Advertiser c/o Canadian Statesmnan, Box 190, Bowmanville. D. P. BOOSTE] Prevention and Cure1 Cait and Pig Seauri Any KVET Needs -Co Your Local Representali JOE SNOWDEI R.R. 1 Ennlskllleu - 263. TOMATO PLAN Early Firechief, Bush1 steak, non-acid; Bonny WILLIAMS Corner Base Line and1 opposite Brookdale NurE Open Evenings and Sund We carry a FulliUne POWER LAWN MOWE] $39.95 up Trade-Ins Aecepted 185 King St. W. Bowmain Phone 623-3134 SAMSON TV TOWERS ECONOMY and DELUI Flnanelng Arranged OSHAWA TV SUPPLY L7 361 GIBBON ST. Phone 728-818( Day or Night BILL LEASK, Prop. RODNEY oats. Cail 623-2212. 23-1( BOY'S 24" bicycle. Telephone 623-3786. 23-1* -BOY'S bicycle, $15. Cail f623-2923. 23-1 CHOICE Sparkle strawber plants. Caîl 263-203. 3- 1RACER bicycle. Apply 401 Duke St., Bowmanville. 23-1* STEEL guitar with amplifier, like new. Phone 263-2611. 23-1 IROTO Tiller. 3 horse, 22Ï" ONE young sow, good mother, 6 littie pigs, five weeks old. Please cail 263-2371. 23-1 PONY, Bay Gelding, 4 years, il hands; does flot bite for kick. Broken and quiet in saddle. Phone 263-2135. 23-1* POLLED Hereford buls ofi breeding age. Imported Welsh mare with part Arab filly foal at foot. One regaistered Arab filly. One 3/ Arab stud colt. Rafe Curreily, W elc o me 753-2336. 23-1 CUSTOM corn planting. Tele- phone E. Penwarden, 263-2379. MOUNTJOY Backhae Service, trenches, drains, faundations and septie tanks, dug and backfilled. Ivan Mountjoy, phone 986-4737, Blackstock. -21-tf- JBROUGH PLUMBING & HEATING "Duro Pumps and Softeners" Phone 623-5615 2-*wide, hardly used, reasonable. reip vvantea. i"-'f Call 623-5736. 2311KITCHEN help. Apply Fire- nakes; TWO-plough tractor, good for side Bar-B-Q, Newcastle. A. BA AR S addy's large garden or small farm. 22-3 241. Phone 263-.2508. 24-1" .L rFml. Rya*1mil etn 11-52-MAE o enl. RylPu bn & e t g __ BOY'S 3-speed CCM bicycle, Lunch. Phone Newcastle 4561. ittle, condition as new; price $35. 23-1 PHONE 623-7127 PhRone Ooo 51.2- WOMAN for general house- 35 Nelson St. Bowmanville 23-1* RCA VICTOR tape recorder, work, five days a week, sleep 46-tf two tracks, three speakers. cut.__Phone_623-3144, 2-tff while Phone Newcastle 4331. 23-1 HOUSEKEEPER, 30 ta 55, in E TC AN Hard- 14' NIPISSING -cedar strip central Oshawa, in doctor'sP M IN vman;1 boat, fibreglassed, excellentlhome. Telephane 723-1677 afte4r U PN 3-fi[condition. Phone 623-5531. 6 p.m._________23-1 WHITEWASHING STABLES letelyl_______ __234 1AN of Mantreal hawveopen- BERT TOMPKINS icture:,22" ALL Steel Case threshing ings for Junior Male Staff - PHONE CLARKE 4721 year.!machine, warking order, $100 Junior Matriculation desirable. NEWTONVILLE 22-2* or best offer. Phone 263-2508.EAply in persan at Bank. 23-1 38-tf g, ex-___ ___ 23_-1*1WAITRESSES, preferably -e-x- A K R A )oars,!TWO forage boxes, 14' x 7' and:perienced. Pleasant workingl C EiA Lorne :6' high. Rear unloading by conditions, substantial tips. On-! EXCAVATING - LOADINGI 22-2*1chains from endgate by motor tario Trading Post, HihalFu-he drive Tow Truck' r oor blower power shaft. Mount- 115, Orono, telephone Orono with Heavy Winch. Evir ed on rubber-tired wagons. 10 r 19. 2- SAND, GRAVEL and FILL Tele- I~Joh B. Carnaghan, Blac Ç RTPst required for REASONABLE RATES 23-1* 986497. 2j ntario Training School for i FOR -the cottage: Lawn chairs, 1Boys, Bowmanville. Duties ta Phone 62j~~3-75 niture 1 sandwich cots, ndd lieds. chairs, comnmence Ju .Tîl Experienced BOWAIANVILLE 22-tf. Real Estate For Sale Real Estate f or Sa1l, MODERN brickbuglwi Newcastle, large lbungall o n NH.A. HÔMES Iveniences: do w n payment byL UPAN $9,000. Phone Newcastle 4331. b L _________23-ilDEVELOPMENTS SMALL house, 2 roams and LTD. bathroom, hydra heated, car- I port, large lot. $600 dcwn. 1I an architect-planned sub- easy terms on balance. G division close to school situat- Forbes, 10 Bradshaw. 23.2*1ed on Liberty St. N. - Drap _______ in and inspeet the plans at our MODERN nine-roam home ail 1office - you wiliIIbe amazed canx'eniences, nine miles from at the low prices. Oshawa; oul furnace, twao1vALTER FRANK REALTOR bathrooms; suitable as incomeiAgn home; reasanable. Telephone'177 Church St. 623-3393 263-2393 or 725-6304. 23-11 22-4 NEWN.HA.Home in Park- George Blyleven way Crescent, modern styling, ELO aIl conveniences, law downRATR payment, easy monthly ternis. Caîl 623-5300 Contact D. Beers, 22 Parkway R.R. 3 Bowmanvllle Crescent. Bowmanville, or No. 2 Highiway Phan 62-226. 2-tf Bowmanville - Centrally la. cated twvo-storey four-bedroora WalterFrn home wîth garage and extra Frank shower and stool in basement. REALTOR Excellent family home. Ask- 177 Cliurch St., Boivmanville ing price $11,900 with $1,500 623-3393 1down. Two bedroam home with 136 Acre farm with 9 room garage and full basement. brick home, ail conveniences.l Asîcing price $8,300 wvith $750 painted barn 100' x 30', secon.d dawn. barn 35' x 60';' pond. This is Newcastle - 100 acre farma one af the finest farms îi'with older home and new barn. Clarke Township. $40 ,000.!i'riceci at $14,000 with $6,000 Terms. idown. 111 Acre farm. Orono area. , w ero oea Good buildings. Wilmot Creeklacre lot. Property mnust be trout stream. Asking $20,000. sold. Give us an offer. $6,000 down. 2- 50 Acre farm with 6 room----- house and barn, adjoining Golf FULLY-SERVICED Cuone mile north aow- BUILDING LOT S. Mary of adear husband and father, Monster Bingo, Thursday size, complete witn cai ter OPY- Richard Trimble, who passed night at 8 o'clock, sponsored case- Phone 623-383. rs. Cecil away June 7th, 1960. by the Junior Chamber Of USED Washer Parts, al m ille. First'Time takes away the edge ai Commerce. Red Barn, North %4 h. p. motors. Pa, Mr. and grief, Oshawa, 45-tf Market, Hampton, 263-22 Oshawa, But memory turns back every Dance, Tyrone Community___________ and Ms leaf. Hall, Saturday, June 8. Clara HAY loader, used very1 tic. Many -Sadiy missed by wife GaysNsbt' Music Makers. Ad- practically new. E. F 23ga.1d1 aiy.231 mission $1.50 per couple. Priz- Osborne, Newcastle.P 231I RIMAR es. Everyane welcomc. 23-1 3021. William r~rDlT Father's Day is June 16th KEYS cut automatically,i 0, a boy, ME O IL you know! . . . select now the 'o at tMMle iWalker.1 Monuments on dlsplay at chair af your choice and color,yo wa3i t.EuBlle reclineware69395Ring St. AE.,iloe icky and 152 Simcoe st. S. Oshawarcins$695u atFA.vle 231 Pone 23-102 jiramp Ltd., 37 King St. E., 231 C oe7Mnumnt002 Iowmanville. 22-311711 TELEVISION, campl JO arej inscription Service" i Euchre Party at St. Joseph'sircfiindwt e ie arrival 9_ Auditorium, Saturday, Juneltube, guaranteed foron Elaiat9- 8th at 8 p.m. Good prizes.lhn62-83 ay 28th, Cad fT ak unch will be served. Admis- ýALSCO Aîuminum siding Hospital, _________of__________ sien 50c. Auspices of St.. clusive Acrylic finish. D 23-1 We wish ta express our Jaseph's Catholie Womnen's windows, awnings. L thanks and appreciation to League. 22-2 Allin, 1 Prince St.___ friends and neighbors for the, Chartered buses ging te BOAÀTrntor and trafie _ lovely farewell party tendered ",Upper Canada Village", Sun- sale; 14' 7" boat, 10 h.p. Suddenly us and for the beautîful gitséay, June th, also a trip ta inrude, as good as new. >pital on prescnted ta us. V/ Thousand Islands, Sunday, phane Orana 10311. une 4th, The Perraults. June 23. For reservatians Caurtice 234 *Phone Port Hope 885-2527.1BUYING or selling furn ved hus- IRow ravel Agency 23-2 or appliances, cal E ýar father 1 would like ta sincerely oe c.__ ;on, Indi-,thank my relatives and friends Mapie Grave Sunday Schoall Hampton: business 263-2' Courtice;Iwho se kindly remembercd me Anniversary Services will beiresidenc 263-2695. J. Bradd with cards, gifts, fruit and held on Sunday, June l6th atýLARGE Quaker space hE John of ilowcrs during my stay in the 2:30 and 7:30 p.m. Guestltwo hundrcd gallon ail rPeter- hospital. Also special thanks speaker, Rev. H. Francis Yard-1 stavepipes, $85. Ail in ai Fox- toi Dr. Rundle and the n ursin gllcy ai Sarnia, a former pastar.;condition. Phone 623-21, ýe North- staff ai Memorial Hospital. Full particulars ncxt week. 1____________ -a Home. Judy Lyon. 23-1 23-1 BATY Wshr, e o'clock Woodview Comrnunity CentreJlow as $99.00. Full lin [nterment I wish to thank my friends -Monster B i ngo. TwentylBeatty appliances. P a d ry. 23-1 and relatives for the lovcly games-twenty dollars; five'Market, Hampton 263-224 gifts and cards received dur- games-thirty dollars; $150 L--Atheing my stay in the hospital. jackpot, and two jackpots at sAt o Also speciai thanks ta Dr. $250. Door prizes. Next WINDOW Repairs-Have 31, 1963, Keith Siemon and staff of Monday, 8 p.m., Red Barn, screens and broken glaÉs , nhrMemorial Hospital. Oshawa. 46-tf placed at McMulien Hard% Divadale Terry Beckett. asChr GdePrt d_____of23- will be held at the farm ai FOR The Best in Alui and loy-. Jake Van Dam on Friday,D n idw trd, Reg- 1 wish ta thank Dr. Anfoss5lune l4th. Supper served atIDaarsan Widw c: ashy (Mr.[Pndthetaf for eir kindne s 5:30 p.m. Entertainment in- McMullen Hardware, 36 care durîng mylstay the re.ndes n cludes slides ai European Tour St. E., Bowmanville. P sister o a edrn ystytee Admission: adults $ 1.00, child: 623-5408. r. Serv-iAlsa many thanks ta our ren 50c.2- APT an DR j y aiter-' fricnds and neighbours for a ailm APlETandte thR a ýnterment their help and attention. Decoration Day will be ob- reetmts .A 23-1 Mrs. Hertha Schmidt. served at Hampton North Ltd., 37 ing te. .,A.oKi 23-1* Cemetery at 2:30 p.m. on ll. 3-771ngS. E, June 9. Rev. W. H. Crawford, ie 2-01 ne - At I would like to thank aill Enniskillen, will be guest ALLIS-CHALMERS bale' Hrospital, my friends and relatives forispeaker and the Bowmanville McCormick threshing ma( ,May 30, cards, ilowers and gifts dur- Salvation Army Band will an rubber, bath in pe ved hus- ing mny stay in hospital. Also assist with music. 23-1 warking order. Leroy S ýe ett hs who maei -sb - Bowmanville, Ont. Pettit. those me iit posibe for.Tyrone L.O.L. and L.O.B.A ____________ (Mr. J e a vsitme. Thanks wiil hold their annual Church INSULATION, blowing- aoh also to the nurses and staff ai Parade on Sunday, June 9th. od, with rock wool. M ,,jie1 MeorialHosptal.Merohers will meet at Tvrone manshix, guaranteed. Free - -ti' of< r> .1 ---- Is ý1 -. 1 -ir -il il ::l rmcr, drcsscrs and cetsaesav-lh.I reere.A pplcatmanvile town lnmitS. Azinu-ý------------- 294 esmt, cst, pe.re. -ppcas aseîg $22,500. Ternis. school and supermarkets. Ask- - esmasrugs, blankets, mat- wili be intcrvicwed June Il. Pasern Repairs Arswt2beooln$,90 6-tf tresses, Hollywood divans, at_____________ 23-1 3'1ce ih2bero n 290 -eae_,Iw lo prices. Mu__h___urn QUICK SERVICE bungalow, bath, ail furnace.I SEVEN-ROOM SPLIT à.EVEL cank tere, Kio nices., oMurhyFnn- RELIABLE girl ta help wýith STUCCO AND NEW WVORK Overlooking Ganaraska Lake, on No. 2 Highway near Solina tan, tue, in W, Bwmnvll, housework and baby-sittingFT Garden Hill., $12,000 - $3 ,000!Road. Basemient, gas furnace, good 623-3781. -234w* in Mvuskoka, July and August, R. L. T AFT down Isteel-frame small barn with 24. * AN $100 monthly. Write Adver-StE63501 1 Acre with 2-bedraom cOt-ýhydro and water. About 50 231--- ./.fli tiser 377, c/o Canadian States- Kig 16.-tagGo tea.Lctdyoung fruit trees. Ideai for r, as .E.P. an, P.O. Box 190, Bowman- --- ___ near Mosport. $2,500 full price. the handyman-gardener. House, r1e ai .EP OUTSIDE WRITE ville. 23_1 U H L T RN 5 Acres with streami near barn and twa rich acres for a d y' s Speclal EITHER married man, bouse Dlas aeyu hs-Pantypool. $1,200 full price. ibargain, $11,500. 41. s upplied, or single man' ta live Sav'e Dlas ae I hs-. eronbikwt t 11-52 $4.5 ga. in for farm work; interestedýerfield and chairs re-upholst- tached garage. Central loca- ES EC ---r in livestock, also capable of ered. Free estimates, samples tion, $12,000 full price. Txvostaeblunfîeromg ae. >. yeoM MU LE handlingr truck. References taken ta the home. 3 Bedroom brick on South- high blauff orlaokndlake equird. Wite dveriscrBudget Terms Arranged way Drive. $12,000.. Ternis. Svnsacasrom n w vil. HA RDWVARE 378, c/o Canadian Statesman,1 RON'S UPHOLSTERING CnreSret-3 cr o kitches.wiel ac ooat 23-1 36 King St. E., Bowmanvllle P.O. Box 190, Bowmanville. 102 King W. Phone 623-5252 brick, S14,500. $3,000 down.. tr o ufa le.gareae,Atown îinurr 23-1 __________ 3i_______ 20-tf; Liberty Street - 3 Bedroorne,' dulwaag.Ago Ca orSl W ed eiasMn asi G Rbrick, $7,500 - $1,00 down ivsmet sei1ousl ontact aur 225dtSeiou Me ina Al King St. E. - 2 Bedroom:jand ent ta others for balance King ~~~~~ ~AN E _______________ goof 4T~ rc.$000 uipie iseasan. Only $7,700. Phone ,s HE.Cac,$50cs d$50 district. Incarnes up ta l~j~j Several attractive cottages LISTINGS INVITED or-1 est5afir. Cah,623-cs$533 .00 weekly. Commission CONSTRU TON lon Lake Scugag. If you are planning ta slel!t,l P _ ES bsale.Cl6233.14G7* specials every manth - CHIMNEYS - BRICKWORK 34 Acres with 2 bedroominov; is the ideal time ta iàr' oe). 1953 premiums for you and custom- AND CONCRETE home near Pontypool. 25,000 with us. We have a waiting :rmp) mati3 BUICK Hardtop, auto- ers; sample case costs $25.00. Poe6327 Christmas trees. $7,500. Termis. list ai prospective buyers. 6xmma c goad condition, $10.o.Tmy 30 days wîthaut risk. JITO,Cai6339 PhoneKeMorsa 623-5406 20a- Bowmanville 623-3924. 23-1 Dept. C, 5130 St. Hubert, Cl 2-33PoeKnMri t6350 _2-fMontreal. ____ 23-1 ROY ANGER 20.tf Ater hours : r, 28" K OARBGMNYJack Ricard .- - -3314 chin 623-3BIG 5NESchofield -Aker Lid. ehne USED CAR S LEARNING ELECTRoNICS Electric Heating Andy MeGili Orono 14071360 King St. W. Oshawa short, ~~~Expert instruction in aIl phas- For Sunroom, Recreatian 1Room, JeBrok lre20 23-1 12192e.Day, Night and Home 'Bathroom ...___________________ 22-2 962 C ev. Bel Air Std' Courses. Easy Terms.'igha - n om ed 3i Walter Frank mork- ednFree Booklet Carcers in Elc- g - oJohn 177 Church.Sthnowmanvllls Woest- Sustam 1 tronies. Day Courses Com- Your Qualified Electnie 7 hrhSt omnia a si utmradio, 13,000 origlnalmence September. Heating Contractor REALTOR 623-3393 Tele- miles. G.M. executive car, lm-; Radio College ai Canada Hgo lcti t.Bo'u manville - 14 Frank St. 250 Acre stock farm, basI 39-tf maculate condition. 461 K ng St. W est H g o l c r c L d Dial 623-3950 30 x 80 30 x 50 sil ý ora anfr 191C evd-r Toronto 2B Ont. 38 King St. E. Newcastle Phone à341 home. Ail city 'convenienc y'fra 161ng- 4D 23-1 623-3305 Bowmanvillt 110 Acre farrn near Omona, Stream originates on prapert? King Wvagonl DEPUTY ' stone bouse, large barns. Ask- ith good p lrondsie. Grave Pbone Standard, 6 cyl. This wagon flTT' & ing $20,000. Ternis. pit0.00Near 5,0i0.broo. O 45tf Isin new car condition C-0/.LLL'J B RNE & YAM 100Acr f'., oo home, 75 Acre farm near Bowman- ciashý- throughout. Emergency M<easures Organiz- PLUMBING & HEATING barn, etc. Pricc $9,500 with 'ville. Good brick bouse and writ- S SALES & SERVICE $2,500 down. barns, 2 silos. Valuable road riund- 1960 Olds. Su er ation, County af Ontario. 24-HOUR 100 Acre famm, 9 roorned frontage. Excellent investmen, Sbuy,, Preferably 35 - 55 years, mal ie .re Srvc home, good barn, stream. Pnîce at only $32,000.00. Termis. nilton "88" 2-Dr. Hardtopor female. General educationQi Ure Srvc $12,500. Terms. 50 Acre tree farm near En. Brock equivalent ta High Sehool SEPTIC TANKS AND 250 Acres with modcrnizedrnskillen, $3,000.00 full price. 5849. Powtom radi, o er tir gah-greauain Experienced in1 TILE BEDS brick home, good barn. Pnice 18 Acres land near Port 10-tf usorainwtrs h- 1prpin reports and pro- PHONE $20,000. Terms. Hope, $2,000.00 - full pnice. - ers, discs, etc. A real sharp grammes, capable instructor LaeSuobutfl2 MRS automobile, ta conduct public educationai HAMPTON 263-2288 100 Acre highway îarm Lk cgg batfl2 ind 16 ~~programme. Apply in wniting TYRONE 263-2650 large barn; stone bouse, j'lbedromi cottage, 4-piece bathi, $299 190Enfvoy Sedan ta Personnel Manager, Corpon- ___________ 19-tf modemn conveniences. Pe~frae o'hue aae owertîn 't a Ohaa $18,000 with $3,000 dorwn.lare re$lt,$,000.00 n i-at Black ivith red trlm, onan e atiofthe Clargeshaa, tree0000d ot,$700. car la sharp condition. City Hall, Oshawa, Ont. 2- For Rent 100 Acres with excellentbrc1NeaslBah,4edon TEX Custom radio. iGARAGE__for______ 21-1- - - he , i odmcncnecsummer home, double stone IFYU R -GRAEfo en,31CrlseGood barns, strcam. Akn frpacbtron fully furn. 23-1 ~~~I F O RELOOKING Ave. Phone_623-5940. 23-1*I$35,000. Termis. ihd rc ny$,0.O 231 1959 Chev. 4-Dr. FO STEADY WORK ROMfrmn.Apy2 SHAWA, 5 roomed, mod- $2,500dowrie n. y$,50 g-a eibeHERE IT IS OMfrrn.Apy$,0do . Lghty vaaOf ma betcen25 adPrince. Phone 623-3165. 23-1iiern, new bungalow atlaba Modemn 2-bedroom bungalow - my a onRlariedman with c5ad,FORromdbuscntador Str. Only $2,500 don.in Newcastle, -$7,000.0O ful idreds In blue and white. Standard, 55, are n ihcrORroe oscnrl holes, 8 cyl. Just rlght for thoseM-nted immediately ta selllavailable July 1. Telephanel 7 Roomed home in Bethany,i price. f11 for summer weekend trips. Rawleigh Produets in Bow-ý62-5OO________ 23-i aIl modemn canveniences. Oniy Cali 623-3393 $6.80. manville. !TWO - bedroom apartment,i $9,1000 with termis. Aiter Hours Cal]: r375, 1958 Chev. Coach in No experience for capital iccntrally locatcd. Telephonel 5 Roomed modern bungalow Jack Ricard - 623-3154 needed. We will sho Bowmanvillc. Price andijeBrok 22Cak P.O.nar, cY04l23eain-hw3a9ak7.om$6 t mintcrms amranged.arn ii-.2207Clroko Stanard 6 y. ngenighw amk rm$5t 125APAR- ME-- treIragei 22-2 black. A good reliahie car. orn -orc per week. Keith Jaanstee, lnd ckson - 8- 4358ro Thi isa pledidoportn-Orono, newly dccorated. Tele- i 6 Roomed home, Enniskîllen. or 1956 Chev. Coach iY for a bard working man to0phoneOrono_11815. 23- 1 n12,00dwn Port Hope for wlhcso ai.Anc g rftbebs OMRI L bulding il7 Roomed home at Lotus".'2- rs wt utmrdo ieestablish ago1poftbl0u- OMECAL Only $2,500.Tr2- ,act ean one with good motor. iness. Write immediately. 1 Silver Street. Phone Walterl.Tcms. ac V r ontactThe W.T. Rawleigh Co. Ltd.iFrank, Realtor, 623-3393. 5 Roomed, new, brick.rac Peter Kw l r RichO W NC OL el-0Ie-Motrea2.2-4 style bungalow, attached gar- iREAwai, ~ive ROY . NIHOLS 4005 RDcept.uF-140-lA AATET2iro nage, an 2½ àacres. Only $3,'5001d ELO -_Lts__ -23-i:Liberty Manor, 2nd floorI n -5 iugS.W6325 -2655 -Lt NSA POTNT Bowmanville. Available July OSHAWA, incarme home ini2KnStW. 6345 23-1 Courtice Bwmnvl FRSUALESMANOR 0 IIsth.Phnle 63-60 ite excellent repair. A skinegMember ai Oshawa & District ITS 28-606 63-333 FO SALSMANOVER30 15th.Phoe 62-260 aftr 5 $i5,0ReaernEstRel tesa Boardr FTS 78-626 6233352 Opportunity for quick advance-! pm.___ 21-tf$100.Trs Beef- ~23-1 ment and higb commission'OE bdom ontis 5 Roomed home In Bowman- Just listed. Homey 2-bcd- Best. -anigswiha roin hca edrmom, apnairn,1ville with garage. Al mod-,roorn bungalow an weii land- BestLost ycardaiddcrmpanyrseilig Loswrd au Goyear maicmary slin- central; parking. Available cmn convenriences. Price $ll,000. scaped lot on Jane St. $9,800 SIX-transistor radio, prc wr aous.odyer ainc- jtily lst. Apply Apt. 1, 142 Termis. full price. Tcrmrs. Hutcase, reward. Phone t2-14.cuen ance Kcmpi ing St. E man'ille. Only $2,500 down. ýgarage, in good location. Walk- sery 62314sc.sie and noometiie.TR23-ror.lke otf 3ArslnwetBw doo uglwwt 231 repeat items. Ae nabarien. HE eroaeont 6 Roomed home, ail moderniaut basemrent anid other extras. idays SMALL brown terrier, female, Dîversified winter and sumnmer cottage, inside convenienees,80 dvni 24wearing red barness; last Sun-'ie etaecn i i i.Sandy Lake, Buckhorn district: iconvenriences, 3ocatcd neabrick bungdoow ofday at Cream ai Barley Park. ancing, sbipping and colecIJuly 6 - 13 and Aug. 7-24 o rtic. P ice $9,80. eswth al1y aextras, vrn-m of Pone 23-707. 3.1tions. New saiesman O. M.lPhone 623-3102. __21-tfý ORCHADHGTSNe'raylotd. ilfnc. Rath earncd $358 commissions; OU-ro modemn apart- castle.. Homsbsî!oore.Nie(,lot. Priced ta seil. Maya bis second order. Paul Rausch, FOUR room at16'Dviio Financing arranged. 'i11t ini. Tcrmns. Asking __________________ new salesman, earned $608 on'St. Bowmianville. Immediate Aiter hours caîl:i$300 RS HYGENIC supplies - (Rubber one sale and now is No. 51possession. Apply Sam Annis, Do Ioutc Exceptionally xvell - kept goods) mailed postpaid in plain 1company volume leader. Fringe ;14 Dvso tBwavil.fo oniy - 623-361l brîk bungalow on a mie lot sealcoi envelope with price iist 'benefits include lufe insurance,1 23-3* John M. Sandy - 725-8010 with atta,-hed garage. Piersan Six samples 25e, 24 samples sales bonuses. Write Conisoli-! __- __ Idso Wlersma- Orona 1649windows with storms and $1.00. Mail Order Det.T-0 dated Paint & Varnish (Cana- Business Ros - isn Bthany 3secens. Aboelutely a bargain Nov.-Rubben Co., ox91 a) Ltd., P.O. Box 39, -Rose- - o3-aldo -e y rat $14,500. Good termis avail- Hamilton. Ont. I-52mont, Montreai, Quebec. 23-i Orrnortunity -- able. Worth much more. IL - - 2 Bedroom borne on lange lot lm HICHILAbredig i i- ortafes in South Ward. Piced ta sel! avilie STENOGRAPHIC CLERK teresting and profitable. For MRTAG mny vaiai at $7,500. Terrns. bnao Chinchilla Ranch, R.R. 1, Ux-'Peter Feddema, Reaitor. Caîl in Maple Grave ricar sehool. 23-1 wt bridge, Ont. 9-tf' 263-2021. 18tfReaI value at $10,500. Ternis. RESDEN RE RES NTA IVAcr~îesdairy farm. Good ta sedi. Real opportunity SHORTHAND PREFERRED EXCLUSIVE TERRITORY AVAILABLE FOR here! XE ,.i We have two cottages at .owmanvle and Area West Beach - anc at $2,000 and price ane at $2,500. Act now! Apply I DR C A E PCA T Cozy 4-room bungalow on DIRE T SA ES PECILTYWellington Street. New fumn- ICANADIAN MNADE ace. Lovely home for retired I couple. 7D. PERSONNEL DIVISION6 onbuglwnScoeý GOO YEA TRE R BBE C . LD. Appiroximnate Earnis $7,200 yearly Street. Large lot. Garage. 1 âZi'à

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