attended the euchre party and meeting of the Tops Club Recratio Revews eld at the home of Mrs. M. Recr atio RevewsHamilton last week, Mrs. W. r' Pee Wee Baseball Phillip Harness, Rolly Simp-'vs Robson, 6:30 p.m.; Trlurs-,Park was high lady. Dainty A five teamn Pee Wee Base- son; Coach -1 day, June 13 - Kiwanis vs Ro- rereOntstu ry Mr vd bail league has been formed LIONS - Wayne Norrish,1 tary, 630 p.m.; Saturday, June OnStra M.Dvi bY Wlog :0amthe Recreation Depart- Keith Kelly, Robert '!l gh1lth'- 900a.. ibbs vs Rob- Drain entertained the Jr. Mis- gnent. Âge limit 12 years of by,Wila Waller, Wayne~ sons; 10:30 a.m. Rotary vs hoersT Lef iel, ted thtfrn '49ge as of May ist, 1963. AllHarness, Doug. Stutt, Frankieý Coronation. boys t Lait re and te n'les will be played at eithcr Cook, Randy Parkin, Harry , bmBy' otbf oyed refroatsh en en VincntMassey School or Willot4ghby, Bruce Simpson Pasaewlludra o On Junests1.xpoe Memoral. Prk. Gme tîe Waye Petrso,nadBc the formation of a four team girls, Mrs. J. Woodley and O:aOp.m.Ailganis wil b kei, Ti Bry'brokJohn Bantam Boys' Softbaîl league.MsW Vianttdead five innings or an hour andj Hamilton, David Ormistoii, Listed below are the fouýjrsnjW.d the allyattedCamp a hait whichever cornes first. 1 Douglas Crough, Mike Both- -em:PeoiT ended the lyaCac- We are stili in need ot' well, Bob Jones; Coach - Norni Team N. -GaryM rtisoa. hv ery sthuccsu Coaches for this league. If Bothwell. phy aviN.d1-Passant, r.Ca vi sesof ThtExryscegirls you are interested icoaching TIGERS - Wesley Parry,' uîc, Da rrePasHnt,CFrednae ask eEto loeet rgirhesun a team please get in toucli'Paul Parry, Gary PrestonBraybrook, Carlie Ctran, d aeaSkehool roo in thnîform With the Recreation office! Michael Gilhooly, David Stutt ayrk w, ChRe Alu n, D.noater ha l .m.inundaym 623-3379, Ext. No. 6. . Warren Aider, Leonard SutMaAbrnathy, Ri liDu.ntltrta 1am ud '2IRATES-See osy'beDvdWluhy Ar nahB o b Jackmnan, June 16th, for the Youth Par- Kim Rogers, Aluin Fice, John Wi Wight, Paul Lyle, Rich..I Wayne Hunt, Larry Bowen, ade. Parker, Bobby Preston, Paul ard Little, Gaye Poîîey, Doug.ý Coah Pry Dan Lemon; Sunday morning the L.O).L. F'orsey, Dennis Smale, Richard Parker, Wayne Kean, Doug. i oc and L.O.B.A. parade was well Cowles, Robert Wilson, Chris Henning, Wayne M ur p hy Team No. 2 - Alen Aber- attended, members froni sev- MceTavigh. Doual' pWck_ýU, Mike Green, Rick Spencer; nethy, Doug. Kramp, Danny erel other lodges were pre- Yt1ckey Forsey, Billy Ru iter, Coach - Howard Parry. ' Welsh, Don Ellis, Claire Syer, sent Tht Minister Rev. C. Du- Xen sbore, arryForsy,ýPrectice Times - Seturday, Chris Steel, Deug. Hayes, An- gan delivered a much apprec- Kerin Evaon, arry Forsey, June 15th, 9:30 e.m., Yankees' drew Steel, Randy Donoghue, iated sermon, leaving much ~RanyReas Roandy-Foyed andi Pirates; 10.30 e.m., Lions Don Sheehan, Ricky Woolner, food for thougbt. Flowers Forsey. land Braves; Vincent Massev Peter Curtis, Ronald Etcher, placed in the sanctuary were BRAVES - Peter Nowlan,iScbool. Tuesday, June l8tih,1Ron Simpson; Coach - in loving memory of Keith Gerry MacDonald, Larry Lit-, Mýemorial Park, 6:30 p.m., Ti- Teem No. 3 - Ronnie Dono- Davey. t, Brian Holroyd, Bryan gers.l ghue, Bobbie Moffat, Ricky Quite a number from Ty- Cooke, Freddy Fegan, Barryý Bantam Girls' Softbaill 1Sbackelton, Scott B u r g e s s, rone ettended Decoration Ser- Whiehed, ick Conely n te frstBanamGirls' 1 lod Horsien, Tim Bray- vice et Hampton Cemetery. Muray 'BrenRicy Kîl-ýgae paye lat Sturaybrook, Ken Martin, Mike Et- Miss Pat Gibbs spent the Murkary Bi, Rick hny K i-.g paye tles Sturdaycher, Mike Oke, Gary Baker, weekend et lher home return- WpY, Les Van Driel, Bradley grounds Kiwanis d e f e a te eGay Tom Cartervieyreening.c oHmitnSna Adams, Mike Donoghue, Cl ay- Coronation 12-7. N o ree tn eCo C artMiss oslynTaylor is spend ton Campbell, Danny Nowlan; Greenly and Sharon Shred Cah-Ms olnTyo ssed Coach - shared tht pitching duties for Team No. 4 - Ronnie Aber- ing a few days with Mr. and YANKEES - Doug. Marien, Kiwanis allowing five ts nethy, Ricky Jones, Darrel 'Mrs. Don Real, Greenbank. Stehe Prkr, oniePa- and striking out seven. Karen'BreMk CwePu Mr. and Mrs. Earl Davis, kin, Glen Edmondson, Keith MeMullen and Francine Burns Slemon, Barry Cowen, Gary Toronto, were Fridey even- Swan, Hlans Ruietmiller, Mike shared the pitching duties for Wilson, Stephen Living, Les igvstr fMs .Br Cake, urayCakrAI Croato gvig p igtVan Driel, David Edniondson, xgss. r f i.R.Br aw ker, M arryVawker, AI Croatin gvngu gtDon Taylor, Hon Bentley, M Ian Juki, ary Vrtebis ndstriking out four. Dennis Tierney, Doug. Firth, M. and Mrs. R. Burgess John Spry, Donald Ruiter, Gail Sellers wvas the big hitter Dennis Lemon; Coach - and children visited Mr. and Doug. Sleep, Fred Bre ybrook, for Kiwanis, picking up three'W arinndofcchs rsH.BgowBtayad ~il riht Dnad tan o, its in three times at bat,.o hs or em.I o Mrs. Laure Kîncaid, Cavan, on ____________________ udyGibon as ht i ggunare interested. in coacbîng Sunday. for Coronation, collecting w pese cal 623-3379, Ext. No.1 Mrs. Resi Schade, Pennsyl- ________ à__________ Itn thrtisongae the ae6. We hope to gel the sehe- vania, is spending several mIng Ghesc ame fmhe- dule underway within tht days with Mr. and Mrs. G. hind a 19 to 8 deficit toti next week or îwo. Wite and Mrs. S. T. Hoar. ýf W Y D O" he soreat 9-19in he ial There will be a prectice ibis Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bail, "/1E DA th scre I 1919 n tt fnalcoming Thursday, June 131h Peterborough, called on Mr. C- O ram. NncyWelh ad J-' incent Massey School at and Mrs. A. Hoar. cO-OPErATER nice Lyle shared tht pitching ~jpmm Aliesaet îr:%~.A~Ha ~ MDING O HE S dutits. for Gibbs, allowing 6b30______AU________ re__ Mr. Llod Hr .Tor vis- K C/F- - eleven bits, while striking out b __________ ive nd ivin Up51X ase Rev. and Mrs. A. E. Cresswell, on balls. Susan Mitchell and; ~ 'D N Claremont. Susan Calver shered the pitch- i TLILLU Mr. and Mrs. L. Grosskurth lng honours for Rotary, giv- I and son, Harold, Guelph, Calil- ing up twelve bits striking out; Last Tbursday evenîng Mrs. ed On Mr and Mrs. A. Hoar >five and allowing six fre2 Edna Philp and Miss Jean and Mrs. S. T. Hoar. passes. Sharon Gibson was Pbilp opened their home for Mr. and Mrs. Harry White, the big bitter for Coronation the mothers of the Junior Larry and Lori, Hamilton, vis- picking up three bits in four Room and severel friends of ied Mr. and Mrs. W. Park. limes aI bat. Jenice Lyle,' our teacher, Miss Margaret Mr. and Mrs. T. Phillips, -a Maureen Wood picked up two Storrie, bride-to-be for a mis- Midge and Randy, Mr. T. bits eech for Coronation. Su-!cellaneous shower. She re- Barr and son Douglas, Mr. and San Mitchell, Susan Calver,iceived a lot of usuel gifts.lMrs. G. Byemn attended tht Jennie Stout, Sharlene Cain Miss Storrie who hes te ught 'Graduation Exercises et Osh- and Ediîh Bentley collected here foraeyeerw~ill be mîssed awa General Hospital on Fri- BU7oâjR-NER SRVICE two bits eech for tht Rotary by ber friends. Dinty refresh- day night when Miss Betty Mso tem. Ail games Centreliments were served. ,Phillips was e member of the M ÀÉ School grounds.1 Four guests Mrs. R. Cam- gradueting school of nursing This week's games are:; eron, Mrs. W. Park Jr., Mrs. cless of '63. Congratulations Tuesdey, June Il- Cornntion'P. McCoy and Mrs S. Gobe Betty. Mrs. Donald Lindsey, Sel- kirk, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. T. Phillips and attended Betty's Graduation. Misses Betty and Billie Phil- lips returned home with their cousin Mrs. D. Lindsay et Sel- kirk, for a few deys. d- Mr. and Mrs. H. Van Dorp, Susen and Debbie visited hier parents Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Fornaiero of Paisley. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Fran- cis and Dennis, Bowmeanville, E L were Sunday callers of Mr. and Mrs. A. Knowlton. M.r. and Mrs. J. C. Cook visited Mr. and Mrs. Ted Me- Bride, Brampton, atîended jDecoration Day at Boston Milîs Cemetery, also visited bis mnother, Mrs. J. C. Cook, who B LA C Kis a patient in Georgetown Mx and Mr . H. rtW on: Mr. andRossN.CoMsouff- ille, M Mrs.L. MC oroto and s.Chwdre crboroh, s- awwere wsitoress of ermte TryBlacr.Label.. .and y.u'll Mrs P. knwwyitsCndasbs-eIln ber avn res. Homepnact Sunr- ýday. Ms aeo n Mr. and Mrs. A. Woo . - . ville, M. and Mrs. L. ame an Try lackLab l .. andyofamd i l tended Decoralion Day e itBosft i Cmthery ai Enindele on una know whyit" Can da' bet-selingr eerMr. and rs.Rber trSec- innRntome spent Stht BASE LINE Mn. and Mrs. Grant Bennett visited Mr. and Mns. Alfred Lavender and family, Madoc, and Mn. and Mrs. Charles Carman, Belleville, for a couple of days recently. Mrs. Roy VanCamp spent a ftw deys lest week visiting Mns. Sam Snowden, Oshawa. Mrs. C. Luke wes a Thurs- day evening callen with Mn. and Mrs. R. VanCamp and Mr. and Mrs. Sam VanCamp. dred Vondracek, Belleville, spent the weektnd ai their berne with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Vondracek. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wright and family, and Mr. and Mns. Alvin Metcaif and farnily spent Sunday, picnicking et Ceesarea. Miss Dorothy Foley la spend-, ing Ibis week aI Port Credit,j getting acqueinted in the' school where she wiil be! teachîng next fa!i. Mn. Ross Melcaîf entertain- ed tht members of Harmonyi United Church Choir et the h orne of his parents, Mn. and! M"~n J. R. Metcalt, on Monday evening. Top Meets B ottom Team In Men's Sofîbail Loop by Ted Fairey. Lefty Bill Osborne won bis fourth game without deteat lest Tuesday nigbt ai tht Hi h Scbool grounds. Nichols Mo- tors downed cellar-dwelling Knamp's Furniture 8-2 with Osborne fanning 16 batters. This ran Osborne's sinike-out total to an amazing number ot 67 fer just 6 games. Nichols' took an early lead in tht tirai inning when Hon Stewart was sate on an errer and romped home on Os- borne's double. Tom Pearson plated Osborne witb a single te give tht Motormen a 2-0 lead. Kramp's equailed tht count in tht betiom et the firsi when control trouble by N1ichols' rounded out the scor-' Osborne and an error by Stew- ing on run scoring singles by art broughi home thetiying Larry Piper and Fairey. runs which were beth unearn- Dugoul Date: "Red" Davey ed. Again in thethiird inn- made bis first atari et tht ing, errons, ibis time by year for Kramp's and took tht Kramp's gave the league-lead- loss. Besides Yeo's hit, Lloyd ers a 4-2 lead. Nichols' wtnt Hamilton, "Cbuck" Kilpairick ahead 6-2 in tht fourih when and Lorne Crago wvere tht Ted Fairey led off with a only other batters te touch double, went to third on Paul tht big lefty for safelies. Tues- Mutton's base hit and scored day nigbt saw tht game being on Bob William's sacrifice fly. pleyed in warm weather fin- Honnie Stewart who played ally as tht cold weather which a fine game ai third base bas been plaguing our aea doubled home Muiton. bas kepi our crowds doivn to Osborne was sailing along ail jusi a handful and in iurn is ibis peint et the game wiih costing money every game. a no-bitter going when »Nels If tht wanm weatber stays 'Yeo greeted bim in tht fitth let's se veryont ai tht bal with a dlean bit to right field. park soon.- 1 Junior Bowlers HoId B anquet Ont hundred and thlnty- five persons attended tht se- son-tnding junior bowling 'banquet et tht Legion Hall, Saturdey night. Seaied et tht beed table were: Dr. H. B. Rundît, Mr. and Mrs. Morley Etcher, Mn. and Mrs. Ait Samelis, Mr. and Mrs. Mel Wiseman, Mr. and Mrs. "Joe" Piper, Mn. and Mrs. Jim. Mur- phy, John Carter, Mn. and Mrs. Jack Knlght, Glen Mer- tyn and Mn. and Mns. Harold Bennett. Before tht buge number of reguler trophits were award- ed, three special presentations were made. Helen Vanstone presented Mrs. Wiseman with a plaque in recognition ot ber ivonk with the leagues. As bowling superviser Harold Bennett remarked, "Junior Bowling jusi couldn'i operete without ber valuable assist- ance." Jo-Anne Bromeil re- ceived tht Guelph Wonld Ban- tam Tournameni high single trophy froni Mn. Bennett, and Miss Bromnell pnesenied coach "'Jote' Piper with a "'surprise"y ewerd in recognition ot__bis efforts on behaîf of the Ban- tams. The George Elliott trophy was presented to the champ- ion teenage girls team by Morley Etcher. Jim Murphy rawarded the Smith Beverages ftrciphy to the teenage boys' 1titie-holders, and Dr. Rundie presented his trophy to the bantam champs. Jack Knight, 1representing the Legion, and -Glen Martyn of the Lions 1Club made presentations to the junior clubs. fHarold Bennett, donor of -the high triple trophy, pre- ssented the prize to Penny Jeffery for an 854 effort and ihe aiso awarded the Lander rHardware Trophy to Robin sVirtue, who bowled a 347 1single. rMemlÀbers of the winning ateanis and individual awards -in each division are as fol- -lows: Teenage Girls - H. Van- stone (Capt.), D. Wilcox, P. 1Jeffery, A. Kitsqn. H.S.- S. iBurgess 300; H-S.-K.0ke248; "HT.-S. Gay 668; H.T.-S. sBail 664. B LAC KSTOC K The Community Hall, teste- mnes, were Sunday guesis of fully deconated wiih baskets Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bradburn. et lilees, peonies and iulips, Miss Donothy Hancock and was wtll filled on Fniday Mr. Bob Denwall, Toronto, night, June 71h, for tht music were Sunday guests et Mn. necital et pupils et Mrs. Dave and Mrs. Harold Swain, Jim Wilson. Rev. P. Romenil was and Helen. M.C for tht splendid prograni Mn. and Mrs Lawrence Mal- et piano solos, duets and trios, colin and family and Mrs. inienspensed with tap dancing Ode Taylor were Suriday by Cendy Malcolm and Ad- dinnen guests et the Neil elle Page; Pamela Stinson and Malcolms and Mr. Stanley Mitze Malcolm -two numnbers Malcolmi. by each pair. Mn. Romenil. extended thanks to Mrs. Wil- Mn. and Mrs. H. Hawkin, son and ber pupils alse tht Port Penny, visiied Mn. and dancers for a splendid per- Mns. Ivan Mountjoy and fam- formance. "Tht Quten" bro- ily Sunday. ughI a pleesant evening te a Mr. and Mrs. Bill Condlngley close. and family, Toronto, spent the The United Cburcb was wttktnd with ber parents, crammed te tht street for tht Mn. and Mrs. Lewis Swaîn. Sunday Scbool Annivtrsany Sunday callers wiih Mn. Sunday morning. Tht church and Mrs. J. A. Johnston wene wes beai..tifully deconated Mn. Wiil Gibson, Mn. Harvey with summer flowers. Sixty- Gibson, Mn. and Mrs. Lin- five pupils et tht beginner, coln Pridhem, Mn. and Mns. primany and junior depeni- Geo. Seuls, eh etf Colling- mient et Sunday School occu- Wood; Mn. and Mns. 'John pied tht choir loft and unden Rowland, Mn. and Mrs. John- tht direction et Mns. Lorne sten Rowland, Hoslyn and Thompson, Mns. Lloyd Wright Bobby, Miilbnook. and Mrs. Neil Werny, sang Mr. and Mrs. Noel Morion three fine numbens. LOuise and boys called on Roy and Moore read tht Psalm and Mr. and Mns. Bull Fenguson, Hon Martyn tht seniptunt les- tht Lloyd Wrighi's and Mrs. son. Rev. George Connolly, Cecil Hill Sunday attenon. B.A., B.D., <National Secret- Mn. and Mns. Robi. Brink- ery for Teen Age Boys) ef man and Gina, Ottawa; Missý Don Milîs, gave a very inter- Jean Wilson and Mr. Clern esting address te tht child- Wilson, Toronto, spent lest ren which conteined much weekend wiih thein parents food for thought for adulis as and brother Glen. well. Little Ellen Leask, Soline, At tht evening service whenx spent tht weekend with Mn. approximately 100 attended' and Mrs. Jim Marrow and Rev. Connolly gave e very îim- Anne, Leura and Jimmy Leesic pnessivve sermon te parents and Dennis Homenil were .. t..- and church members on their Mn. and Mns. Ivan Thomp- nesponsibilities in regard te son, Elizabeth and Bill, and teen-agers. A malt-trio from Margaret Leask and Susan Faith Baplisi Church, WhiI- Thompson with Mn. and Mrs. by, rendened ibret splendid Wallace Manlow for weekend numbers. Four young men Of hoîidays. tht junior Bible class usbered Rev. and Mns. P. Homenil in tht monning and two othens spent tht wtekend visiiing re- in the evenîng. Mn. Ralph Lan- latîves in Hamilton where lie mer, Supenintendent, opened was pneeching Sunday. both services. Mn. and Mrs. Dale Gunter 1 Mn. and Mrs. Russel Mount. and childnen, Napanet, spent' jey spent Thursday in Tenon- a day with tht Vennings, Tun- to with bis sisten Mns. Henry nens and Gunters enroule te Graham and niece Miss Ver- and fnom Sick Childnen's Hos- ena and Friday visited ber pitl, wbere Laura Jo hade sister Mrs. Cecil Ferguson and miner operation on ber foot. brother Mn. Milton Payne in Congratulations te Lawrence Newcastle. Mn. Payne rtturn- McLaughlin et Nesîleton, who ed home with them ton a ftw bas oblained bis third year days. Sunday guests were. exeminations et Guelph with Mn. and Mrs. Menwin Mount. second cless honouns. Aise te joy, Hampton; Mn. and Mrs. Lawrence Bull frem Courtice, Granger, Peterborough; Mns. but et Bleckstock, ,%,len Neva Lyle and son, Murray, commenced in Guelph Ht has Pont Penny, second cless bonouns on sec- Mrs. Charlotte Fonder, Port ond yean exams. Perry, speni Satunday night Mn. and Mns. Harold Whetl- and Sunday wiih Mns. Aima er were Friday evening guesis, Fowler. et Mn. and Mrs. Ernest Swain' Mn. and Mrs. Harvey yel- and atiended tht necital. i lowlees and children, Solîna, Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Sutton,l were Sundey guesis et the Orene, are spending e few1 Lermen families. days with Mn. and Mns. Fred Mn. and Mra. Jim. Mott, Dayes and femily. b Subur, senttheweeend Mn. and Mrs. Kenneib Duns-' Subr1sei h ekn moon attended tht funenal with Mn. and Mrs. John Venn- Mondey et Mns. Jack Duns- ; r.NraMe moor. They wene accompenied ' Mna nd MCons. Norme n M- by Mr. and Ms. Nelson Duins- Naly, oîbrne wee Sn-moor et Henoven, and Mit. day guests et Mn. end Mns. Milford Alzoe ot Durham. 1Carl Wright. My n Mr.LeBeck, M. and Mrs. Wilbert Ar-ý Donr and Bni. en, Pric Al cher accompenied Mn. and benn vis Pite ce AI. Mrs Elmer Archer,Wbby ' brtviite Mr. eci Hiland Mn. and U4r, Vinceni tAn-ý .Sunday. cher, Bowmanville, te Min- 1 Sde guesi noly, on den, Sunday, and attended' M%,ilîs, wvas Suny us tht Golden Wedding et thte! .Mn. and Mns. Relpb Larmer formen's sister and brother: ,and family. nlwMranMs.ERo rMrs. Dalton Dorreil attend-i-lwMnenMs.EHb .ed a members meeting of thte rs.NiinMr. rec Federation et Agriculture in and Mr.vnsd Mrs. BFlech I 'Toronto, Tuesdey evening Bowmanville, celled on Mn.ý and Wednesdey Misses Nency and Mrs. Onn Venning during' 7Dornell and Elizabeth Themp- the week.1 tson spent Wednesday in Tor- Deconation Day will be held' -entM. adMs os canIn Cartwright Union Cemetery, , Mn.d ands rs.Rlo ss M Cen S t-June 23rd. SeeComing Events. urday evening wiih the Stan I! Rahm's. In 1960 thene wert 186,800' 1Mrs. Arthur Rahm relurned fedenal government employees, te her home in Tyrone Satun- 154,943 provincial govennmeni; ,day, follewing a week with employees and 142,780 muni-! Stht Stan Rahm's. cipal geiernmtnt employets' 1ýMr. and Mrs. Melville Lan- who peid personal incomne r igShirley and Mr. and Mn.. taxes, and their combiîe in- aryBeckerley, St. Cather- corne wua $1,984,900,OU 42 KINGf ST. EAST 1 TheCanadiau tateomm, Uewmamtl, âme 12, lm --g from fixing the church er discussed. Mrs. McAlliser's group served lunch. Sunday school and ehurch services were held here with a good turnout. Tht ladies and mien have been very busy ai the church; new cernent steps, tht lawn was levelled, a cedar hedgt planted, the basement and paniry painted and papered. It looks much iniproved. Most ef thetotbacco planters have finished. Miss'Beryl Thickson, Tor- onto, spent the weekend ai home. Congratulations are exiend- td to William White and Dar- lent Thickson, Toronto, who have passed. Tht Muldrews et Oshawa were down this wtekend. Mr. and Mrs. E. Fowler were at Oshawa Sunday even- lng. Sympathies are extended to tht friends and family of Mr. Wes Fowler, Oshawa, who died on Friday evening. Fun- eral to bt Tuesday. Mn. and Mrs. R. Provost, Belleville, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. O. Mercer. Miss Gwen Mercer, Toronto, wvas aise home. Teenage Boys - B. Colville (Capi.), D. MéDonald, D. Brine, S. Oke, R. Beauprie. H.T.-T. Callan 715; H.T.-R. Etcher 769; H.S.-R Virtue 347; HS.-D. Gay 334. Junior Girls - N. Gouldý (Capi.), S. Mitchell, B. Ormis- ton, D. MéFeeters, G. Muiton. H.D.-C. Samelîs 393; H.D.- S. Dadson 434; H.S.-G Sel- lers 247; HSl.-M. Hately 250. Junior Boys - D. Edmond- son <CapI.), D. Luxion, N. Richards, G. Adams, M. Mer- shall. H.D.-G. Wilson 403; H.D.-J. Dodds 396; H.S.-D. Brock 261; H.S.-S Burgess 235 Bantam Girls - F. Burn (Capi.), B. Deboo, L. McFtei-u ers, J. Patfield, D. Bradley. H.S.-M. Kilpatrick 235; H.S.ý -J. Tice 219; H.D-N. Ed-1 mondson 373; H.D.-L. Nick- erson 492.1 ELIZABETH VILLE On Thursday evening the Women's Institute was held at Mr. and Mrs. M. McAllister's. We had a good turnout. Mrs. Mercer conducted the meet- ing. Mrs. Morris gave us a talk on Upper Canada Village which was very interesting. Mrs. R. White had curtent events. We had a sing-song. The minutes were read and approved. We decided to with- draw the July and August meetings, also decided to join with Garden Hill in a bus trip if they have one. We voted $5.00 to the 4-H Club for their expenses. Some of the billsý qZIPPERED DUTCH DOOR! *COLLAPSIBLE STEEL POLES Reg. $21.95 * MAIL ORDERS ACCEPTED * lst Quality Coleman STOVES 2-burner "Tourist" Factory Sealed NYLON SLEEPING BAGS P Rubberized Ground Sheet 10011 Zipper Reg. $16.95 Mrs. Paul Woolacott speý the last few day.i the hos. pital, but expects to be home today. A few of the men of the village are making a playc ground for the children west of Stec's liuse including a bail dlaimond. Memorial Hospital Weekly Report For the week of June 3-9 inclusive. Admissions ______78 Births, 2 male, 5 female - 7 Discharges 78 Major operations 14 Minor operations - - 35 Emergency treatments - 41 Visiting hours 3-4 p.m. and 7 to 8:30 p.m. IACKACHE Wb.n kldnhy att eo &SciSM itmiitei. j o biekacheltired feeling- dlîturbed ctOlteln mîY 0 low. ci Kldrny Pil atimulati Mne to normal duy Tou fiel bitter, Blle biettg,. work bitter. 8 - ORONO ORONO CHAMBEROF COMMERCE RACE ERMEET1 * at Central Durham FAIR GROUNDS 6 HEATS 0F RACING SPONY RACE OLD TME FIDDLERS CONTEST SAT., JUNE 15 5:30 p.m. -bHETLAND PONY DBRAW ADMISSION e. ..- Children Free - . $1.00 - SPECIAL - WOOD'S 9" x 9' TOURUST TENT Regular$ $N9.50 mre 214 -99 à Nyon crenedthrougheut * Sewn-In floor * Foies and Pega Waterproofed tent duck lu buff or blue* Canopy storu door . .- -0Indlvldually cartoned. "DON'T BE IN THE DARK" COLEMAN Reg. $16.95 Lights Instantly. Burns in any weather. MAIL ORDERS ACCEPTED! AIR MATTRESSES HEAVY DUTY 12-GAUGE VINYL Repair Kit Enclosed -.0I Fully guaranteed Reg. $12-98 $5o99 RUBBER RAFTS - COLEMAN COOLERS ALL CAMPING SUPPLIES $$..UY THE BEST FOR LESSl$ E GRE'S YOUR CAMPERS' HEAD)QUARTERS t. 'e FATHER"S DAY SPECIALSI- AL CLORS- ALL SIZES L for $ .0 xRvguxur 't e Vmotii-------- ---- MEN'S -WASH 'N WEAR DRESS 5LACKS ALL COLOURS - ALL SIZES s3o99 Regular $6.95 - SPECIAL - - - - m BOWMANVMLIC