portant agriculturs! econoniy', -it has people of various back- Consevat'lve N minaton Metinggrounds and occupations. 1 Conservative Nmination Meetiwon chthp;l H leve bypeole ikeyouwh? OnSunaythere was rno ,hv iecnddt nuhrc evc nthe nore- conmplete confidence in (u nde to the Decoration e Held in O ono ommu îty allleader, Hon. John Roberts, vice at the Cemeètery in the At the Nomination meeting thusiastic audience on their the legisiature due te the atPieMnsrofOaioh dalndhelwr nte held by Durham County Pro- choice of Alex Carruthers ta that Mr. Carruthers represent-I Stewart asserted. fiRv atrCafr greauive Conservative Asso- be the P.C. candidate for the ed you in such strength, and flRv atrCafr ciatiOn iýn the Comniunity provincial election. The cab- made his voice heard," r1 The test of leadership Is ad- of Enniskillen was the guest Hall, ôrno, June 4th, Alex. inet minister termed Mr. Car- Stewart declared. imînîstrative abillty, a capabil- speaker and gave a very com- Carruthers was elected by ac- ruthers as a man of the high- He said that Mr. Carruthers ity te sense thc wants and forting message ta the large Claatin t betheP.C Ca- st alire ho s ddictedtawasparîcuarl mnluetia ~needs of the people, and the crowd of people who each and clamaion t be te P.C Can- est alibr who s dedcatedte wknowledgeary tofenactl nsouwlnd lee -acailunhadg-memoriesemo connectedte -didate for Durham in thelthe welfare of the people Of matters pertaining to educa-iitoM.Seatasred ihti euiu etn comng prvinia eecton Drha Cuny.tien and welfare, and that he "John Robarts symbolizes al lace. The Salvation Army He was nominated by Geof-1 "Many things were accom- had served on many commît- the best attribute" of a lead- Band provlded lovely sacrêd frey Bonnycastle, Bowman- i plished in the last session Of tees o! the legislature. er," he said. music. Collection amnounted te ville ,and Mrs. Earl Argue,' Mr. Stewart reminded the The Mini ro giutr 117,wihwl eue CavnMicone dyhe noma- audience that Mr. Carruthers drew attention ta Uic fact for the upkeep of the Cerne- tiope. Micdha Wadmanats in his first year as an M.P.P. that 158 government buis tcry. Hoe, oed ta oiain a encara !teE were passed during the last Last Set. afternoon the Mis- be cose. uatin Cmmitee."Itis ostsession of the Ontario Logis- sien Band members and nioth- Robert Sisson, Bethany, pro- unusual for a member inflis lature, and added that Mr. crs, had a delightful party in aident of the Durham Pro-' first session ta be te chair- Robarts' program is, tce great- the C.E. Room. This cotres- chrsv Asoito, wa3 man of attandngeemtine. est in the histary of Ontario. pondent regrets that I was charmn ! he metig.Mr. Carruthers' work wa Mr. Stewart discusaed the re- unable ta get a full report, Others on the platforrn werc, outstanding and he was again cn rm rbwbo a rtenmso hs h Mr.an Mr. le Caruh-chairman of the Education been called for by Opposition graduated fromn Mission Band ers, their daughter, Miss Mar-, Committee during the last LeadeJonW trnyradteEprrs Ion Carruthers, Hon. William i .sasrJohn,"nerm.eStaewtartxporers Stewart, Ontario Minister ofssin"M. twr ad set up by Prime Minister Ror-. .Mu pn "The Progressive Conserva- barts. "Queen's Park was vin- Mr.T.S Mutoy pn Agriculture, Garnet B. Rick- i tive Party entbraces ail seg- ae !alcagsaas e aysls ekvstn ard wo asth unucesfu iments of the population," the it by the findings of Mr. Jus- Mrs. Fred Honey in Port Cre- P.C. Candidate in the last . speaker stated and pointed tieRah"te pae addit* federal election, Mrs. Rickard,' out that the safeguarding of.Rond M," theispeaker said W. Kay Lycett, the secretary I individual rights is an integ- frl.Oshawa, were visitors with of te asocitio, ad Gef- al art of P.C. philosophy. Loans for Young People -Mrs. Luther Allun and family, frey Bonnycastie. The treas-"Dra County is no long- Conservative agricultural after attending Decoration tirer, Howard Gibson. present-, er a completely rural riding. policy has established loans Services at the cemetery. cd the fînancial statement. It is acquiring some urban for young people to enable MsRyodFroMr Hon. William Stewart, the. complexity. It is much like them ta continue their work ilyn and Gloria, visited Mrs. Minister o! Agriculture, con-i my own riding, North Middle- on famlly farrns, Mr. Stewart Blake De Hart, Brooklin, and gratulated the large and en- Alex. Carruthers, -M.P.P. sex, and in addition ta its im- stated. He spoke of the de- attended Decoration Services Svelopment of univ e r s i t i e s et Brooklin Cemetery. acosteprovince, and men- M n r.RyodFî. tioned that Trent University r and Mrf amiymovntd Fon woul son b statin inSaturday with Mr. and Mrs. Peterborough. Theimprtace ! te tadeClarence Allun, Woodville. crusade inaugurated by Hon.Mi.nd rsJco Ks- Robert Macaulay was emplis- 1er, Toronto, spent the wcek- sized by Mr. Stewart. He aiso end at the Prescott home and [z m ute h epgvnb nSna feno hyto th overnment ta the pro. the Prescotts for a drive and LU ALU Ivînce's valualble tourist indus- called on relatives, Mr. and mUE. Mrs. Jim Harris at South Teestablishment of the Monaglian. I l EU M E U Ontario Food Council is a step Mr. and Mrs. Roland Thomp- Nforward, its personnel ta be son, Dawn and Heather, MS: -- O 0 anounced later this week. David Mai-s, M.adMs Thtis counicil will have repre- Walter Bridgett, E. Beach, A .1 I l o podcespro- attendeci Graduation Exercises cessrsanddisribuors attheOnt. Hospital at Whit- 1\ 1Incnlso Mr atbon Friday a!ternoon, when I~IIsaid that Premier Roberts bas Miss Karen Thompson was caught the imagination o! the one o! the happy graduates. IR Nworld, and has demonstrated Mr. and Mrs. Th ompson en. bis judgment and abilities. He tertained the family party e stature such as Alex Car-uth- graduati o n. Congratulations ers, Mr. Stewart pointed out," Karen fi-r your Hampton and he asked ail in the audi- fniends on your successful ence ta work hard ta ensure completion of bard years o! *Mr. Carruthers' re-election ta work. the legislature. Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Cry- Clare Winslow, C a van derman and Glen, Oshawa; Township, on behal! of te Mn. and Mrs. T. Gibbs and audience t*anked Mr. Stewart Mrs. R. Gibbs, Tyrone; Mr. JL E X T OT II for his excellent address. Mr. Gardon Shackleton and Billy, Carruthers also expressed bis Salem; Mrs. Roland Shackle- personal appreciation te Mn. ton of the village; Miss Patsy Stewart. Gibbs, Oshawa: Mr. and Mrs. Renews Pledges Ray Pettit and family, Osh- KM i 4 4 44 HARVESTS MORE HUY WITH LESS LEAF LOSS HARVESTS MORE GRAIN WITH FEWER STONES Flexi Tooth is an entirely new idea in pick-up teeth for halers and cern- blues. Its greater flexiblity allows the tooth to be Iowered dloser ta the ground and Fai Tooth wiI pick up more crop per acre than conventional steel teeth. Theew plastic teeth wmll hauidle hay more gently ani reduce leaf shattening. Fluai Tueo o mine and haler pick-ups will ride over or bypass ms btds If # J>> j0 Mocuted i.n rbbe, stlps, Fiai Twoth is much quieter. Tihe superior self -daminigffuot further iffimizes dust. fai Tu*t is tougiur and wil outlast ordinary teeth, whil epIoment teeth met frnu 30% to 40% Iess than conventionai steel teetk. FOR FULL DETAILS CALL AMY 0F THESE IMPERIAL ( AGENTS *Patent sending A.H. S1URROCK & SONS LTD. - BOWMANVILLE - MA.3-5516 Ale Carutersrenwedawa; Mi-s. C. Bruce and oaoy,1 Vie led.ges uhershad made Orono, were Sunday tes t hen itde !irs aetd mthe guests with Mi-. and Mrs Lew1 wnmination t a b e C di-heCryderman, a!ten attending t dateintintis niing.fur yadi-Decoration Day Services at1 dat i ths idig ouryersthe Hampton Cemetery. aga. "My desire is ta serve M"adM.BhHrio ail thte people o! Durham r e-anki Cobnesptth gardlcss of their political af- adKm obre pn h filiations," Mr. Carruthers de- weekend with Mn. and Mrs. clared. G. Adcock and Han-y. "My sincere titanks ta tite Sunday suppen guests with Durhamn Progressive Conser- Mi-s. A. E. Billett, following vative Association niembers Decoration Services at the for their loyalty to me and Cemetery were Miss Doreen their support of me as a can- Perrett and Mn. Harold Per- didate and as a mem:ben dur- rett, Mn. and Mrs. F. J. Bil- îng the last four years. 1 arn lett, Scarborough; Dr. and also grateful toalal the party Mrs. K. A. Billctt and fam- workens for their tireless cf- îly, Bawmanville; Mrs. H. S. forts on my behaîf," Mn. Car- Price and son Bi.ll, Toronto, nutitcis said. He sîso exýpres- were Saturday visitai-s wîth sed appreciation toalal the Mrs. A. E. Billett. people o! Durham for te con- Miss Joan Peel and Miss fidence in bim they bave Faye Smith spent the week- shown, end at Mrs. Dave Hal's cot- Kept Ridint Informed tage at Willisrn's Pt., Caes- During bis time in te leg.. ares. isiature be had kept the nid- Mrs. A. E. Billett accom- mng in!ormed o! the progres panicd Dr'. and Mrs. K. A. Bil- o! legislative affairs titiou ett, Bowmanville, ta Bury's the press, cori-espondence, 8gh Gi-cen ta attend the funeral o! personal meetings, ite state n. WeRed.Ms Ws "I bave gained in the Recds was s sister o! the late ledge o! lîfe in te kowMr. A. E. Billett. cunty, n r.AtBlra and assisted in te solution af Mr. an s.AtBlm , municipal, agricultural, indus- Bowmanville, wcre recent trial, and personal probbems,", visitai-s with Mrs. Bei-ths Col- Mr. Carruthers said. lacott and Miss Marie Colla- "Ontario bas developed and cott. progressed under tite Conser- Mi-. antd Mrs. Morley Gîl- vative administration which roy, Enniskiflcn, visited Mrs. bas given it the greatest logis- Bei-ths Coliacott and Miss lative Program in the history Marie Collacott on Sunday, o! te Province. In thte days a!ter attending the Decora- ta corne witb good P.C. lead- tion Service. ership, integrity, and legisia- Mrs Lloyd Ayre, Cindy, tion it will continue ta bene- Wendy and John, Bowman- fit. ville; Mr-. Bruce Mils, Ennis- Robarts' administration lias killen; Mr'. and Mrs. Lave-ne been tnuly designated a busi- Clemens and Banry, Mi-. and ness man's government. Mn. Mrs. Ron Clemens and Brent, Robants is a man o! sction," were Sunday visitai-s with Mr'. Cairuthers assei-ted. He Mi-. and Mrs. A. L. Blanchard stated bliat Medical Health In- aV their cottage st William's surance is on its way, the Oit- Point. tario Development Agency bas Miss Heather Ballard enter- been started, tce trade cru- tained seven liVtle girls lasV sade bas lessened unentploy- Monday on te occasion o! ber ment, and man power- training birthday. Tbey were taken for courses bave proved benefi- a visit ta Crearn o! Barley cial. Camp. "Unemployrnnt last sumn- Mr'. and Mrs. Ralpit Bail. mer stood at only 2,7 per cent ard and daugliters were Sun- o! te labor force, s low r e- day evenlng supper guests cord," Mr. Cannuthers ssid. wlth Mn. and Mi-s. Frank Bai- He spoke of the value o!fte lard, Columbus. Farmci-'s Loan Act, road as- Mi-. and Mrs. Cheam sistance policies, the shoreline Ohwa r.epee andMs acquisition pi-agi-arn, and te Ohw,1sepeadMs revision o!ftce Worknîan's Henderson fi-arn Lai-gs, Seat- Compensation Act. Portable pensions bave been Inti-odue- been abead of any other' cd, he added. counti-y's. "Prime Minister Robants Ru.mons wcre spread duning will deal decisivcly with the the federal caînpaign which Jprablerns o!fte day. His cab- did not bother bim, Mr. Rick- inet is coorposed o! youngcr ard stated. Howcver, one men, and Mr-. Robants birnsel! whicb was spi-ead thi-aughout is onlv 46 years o! age," Mr'. Newcastle should be re!uted, Carruthens told te audience. bie addcd. "I do not know He predictcd a promising fu- wbere it originated, but it turc for Ontario unden P.C. falsely clalnted titat ane of the govei-rnent. members o! my own family Expresses Gratitude was not goixLg to support me Gai-net Rickand in his ad. on election day. I amn proud dress expressed gratitude ta ta say that I bad the whole- the msny people wbo itad bcarted support o! every supported birn during te fed- mentber o! my family, and o! eral camnpaign in which ite many o! my close relatives," had been te ConservaVive iMi-. Rickard said with emplia. Party's Candidate for Dur-I sis. He also mentioned that i harn whcn Russell C. Honey relations who live outside the jwas elected. He xemarked1 riding hsd written ta tel himi that be bad rcceivcd 8,0001that tbey wished tliey had votes, and said that hs was been able to vote for him indicative that many bad noV bei-e. believed ail that had been A most enjayable interludel thrown at thern by te Lib- o! entertainntent was present-, ci-ais. ed by a men's quantet fi-om He spoke o!ftce work o!fte Bowmanville cornposed ofDr Diefenbaker government, and Keitit Seon, Keitb ak3n todtemeeting that Canada'sle Hockin and Daug Rack' AAUDTflN Candie Statenaewnmnvffe, T3=e 12, leu a Mr-. and Mrs. Billy Yeo. Mi-. and Mrm. Murray Yeo and family attended te church parade and service at Tyrone, Sunday morning and were Sunday dinner guests with Mi-. and Mrs. J. A. Rose. vear, Tyrone. k w w M ~ M ~were tea guests o! Mr. and 'Mrs. Donald Annan, Picker- land, were last Wednesday land Robbîe visited Mn. and ing. tea guesta with Mr. and Mrs.1 Mrs. Don Jonah at their cot-' Mr. and Mrs. Gai-net John- Alex Carrick. tage at Caesarea., stan, Sharon and Warren, Kir- Mr. and Mrs. Jack Carter Mr. and Mrs. Mountenay, by, were Saturday visitai-s and Candace, Toronto, spent Linda and Carol, Columbus; with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Sie- the weekend with Mr-. andiMi-. and Mrs. Ted and Cindy,l mon. Mrs. Ted Chant. 'Oshawa, visited Mr. and Mrs.1 Mr. and Mrs. Glen Smith Mr. and Mrs. Han-y' Ash-,Overton Mountenay. and family attended thîe Or- ton, Pickering Beach, were Mrs. J. Macnab, Janet and ange Lodge Parade and cburch Sunday visitors with Mr'. and Gordon, spent a couple days service at Tyrone on Sunday Mrs. Hugh Coutts. 'at the home of Mr. and Mrs. morning. Miss Ruby Dewell, Oshawa;! Ray Sellers, Bowrnanville, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Cunn- Mrs. H. Tink, Salins, were1 looking after their two citild- ingham, Fenelon Falls, visit- Sunday visitai-s wîth Mr. and i-en, while they took a trip ta ed Hampton Cemetery with Mns. Percy Dewell and fam-j Syracuse, New York. flowers, visited ber sister, ily. Mr. and Mrs. Merwin Mount- Mrs. Harland Truil, Bowman- Mr-. and Mrs. Jesse Jones, joy attended Blackstock An- ville, who l"'s re!urned home Peterborough, werc -Saturday nivcrsary on Sunday and were fnom bospital and were tes visiai- wih M-. nd rs.guests of Mr. and Mrs. Rus- guests of Mr. and Mî's. Hoskin vsmor eweih . adM sel ontoSmith. Sam ewel. sll ountoy.Mr. and Mrs. Reg Weaving, Mrs. Allin Pai-ker, Ton- On Saturday evenirxg Mn. Willowdaie, weî'e Sunday tea Onto, spent a few days with land Mrs. Merwin Mountjoy guests with Mr. and Mns. ber sister Miss Louise Good- lwerc guests of Mrs. Calmer, Clarence Tink. mani, when she opened Up ber Bowrnanville, when she en. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Tînk home in the village. tertained those wito went onl visited their cousins, the Wat- Miss Louis3e Goodman re- the Florida bus trip, sbowing sons in Toronto on Saturday. cently spent a day at a friend's movies and slides taken en- We are pleased ta know that cottage at Lake!ield route and senving a deliciaus Mi-. Gardon Wilbur is able ta Mrs. Ivy Holroyd and sons, lunch. be at home again. Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Petens Mrs. Sid Hockaday, Solmna; Fred Holroyd Sr. and Mr. RalpIt Peters, Tor- Mr. Wilbur Burnett, Bowman- Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Hîckey onto; Mrs. Chanlie Wood and ville; Mrs. Aida Tamblyn, Or~- and family, Bowrnanville, also Mr. Roy Barrabaîl, Orono, and ono; Mr~. and Mrs. Ernie Bush, visited Mr-. and Mrs. Fred Hol- Miss Mary Peters, Bowman- Trenton; Mr. and Mrs. Payett, royd Sr. ville, were Sunday tea guests Trenton; Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Wrn. Loweny, with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sal- Burnett, Port Perry; Mrs. Bob Bowmanville, visited Mr. and ter following the Decoration Preston, Maple Grave, were Mrs. Bill Holroyd. Services. Sunday callens with Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Holnoyd Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Smales Mrs. Wm. Wilbur. Jr. and family, visiteci ber attended te Decoration Ser- Mr. and Mrs Dan Kearney parents Mr'. and Mrs. Brook- vices at tbe Erskîne Cemetery and Ryan, Bowmanville, wenel ham, Oshawa. in Pickering Township, and Sunday suppen guests witit Mr. and Mrs. Tom Wray ac- companied Mr-. and Mrs. Jack- son Wray ta Cobourg ta visit Dr. and Mrs. Wallace Homn on TRI WHAfVE Saturdsy afternoon. Mr-. and Mrs. Sam Keane and boys, Oshawa, were Sun- Tom Wnngceliray. r. CONSIGNA% ad eveniTom cay. it r Mi-. and Mrs. Jack Lyon and family, visitcd on Sunday onh Mrcarboro.JSA LEy oin, r.an Mrsbrg. JohnLLE Mrs. Jack Lyon, Jimmie and j Robbie,, visited on Monday1 with Mrs. Len Player, Bow-1 mrsvll. LnP~e n o- Thursday, June m,. viied n PThyrsadywTm9- d0 .î my i-. te andMrs i rsy.wt 93 - :0p Mn MRs.sidFarroStakey. e R W ville aRoss arol Soprko, eîda V N F R vilweanv iss CMroad MS.poihl tT E B V N F Keitnit le Mor.ad anid ow hchi n h cgo od 5mle otho o manville, were recent guests south of Blackstock or 7 miles east of Port Fer with Mr. and Mrs. David Lap- ham. 5 WE OFFER PURE BRED Mr'. Ben Killens enjoyed ai5 railway trip, sponsared by the Upper Canada Railroad So- HE D OL T I A ciety, via a train drawn by a H stearn engîne ta Palmerston, I W/e are offerlng a useful group of Fresh and Springlng1 Guelpli and other western olds, as welI as a number of Yearlings and Calves for points. Li-ebath senior and Junior classes. Mrs. on Bradley is home DntMs hsOpruiyt ucaeYu fi-rn the bospital, much im- 1o' isTi potulyt ucaeYu proved in health. ACCREDITED - VACCINATED - Mr. and Mns. Gea. Rahamn and Miss Helen Raham, Green- ATTENTION: Holstein Twilight Meeting will be held 1 bank, and Mi-. Leonard Brad- and Speciai Annlveruary Sale wlll be held ley, Bowntanville, attended tce Decoration Services atI NEXT SALE WILL BE HELD AUI H~ampton Cemnetery and were Sale Managed by: tes guests with Mn. and MiS* TREWHAVEN FARM LTD,, Auctionet Earl Luke. R.R. 1, Burketon, Ont. Mi-. Elmer Hawes, Whitby, Phone Blackstock 986-4957 HOWARI vislted Mn. and Mrs. Rlon Lukp. Mr-. and Mrs. Ran Luke %2 7th [ LTD. ýwmanville and % mile rry via Highway 7A. .50 ITLE HEAD Young Cows and 2-year- rCal! Club prospects in Cal! Club Cal!. BLOOD TESTED ici-e Wednesday, July 10 Id July llth. JGUST lst Mr:TREWIN, Blackutock, tlroW fm ue stoneslu thé. wndrow. At OC, park as long as you like. Free! Parking is aiways f ree at Oshawa Sho.ppjhg Centr . There's space for aver3,oO cars - ail the room you could ask for. After you park, 54 interesting. shops (including a major department store) await you. You'Il find everythig your family needs among these weii-iaid-out shops: high-grade mierchandise and speciaIIy-priced bargains. Enjoy OC's complete one-stop shopping, servicStrkIes, covered mai and fash ion selection. Make it a habit lt's a good one "the interesting place to shop" MMW TO CET NUL FROM HIGFfWAY 401 EASTDOUND- xUtThickaceRoeteNvqm oSo4m~h *ast ta Stevensonm Rosit, then nortIt on Stevenison Road. ÉËLMéË A E Iýs J ELECT LECTRIC LirDé.,- CONTRACTING REPAIRS ý 1 AL Rv REFRIGERATION-ELÈCTRIC MOTOR - SALES - SERVICE TV- RADIO - APPLIANCES À ENT