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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Jun 1963, p. 4

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Th!e Canma!ln tatesinan, nowmanvffe, 3=ne 12, 1§gs EDITORIAL COMMENT Us Old - Timers Those of us over 40 years of age Can be proud of aur accomplishments. CoUectively, we have suppleznented and strengîhened the heritage lef t us by aur fathers. The resul is a country that is weil develaped, yet fast grow- ing and stili measuued largely in terms of its potentiai. Individuaily, we have ail made aur own kind of sacrifice for aur children. We have ail worked ta give aur sons and daughters-the kind of if e we aur- selves were nat fortunate enough ta have - education, standing within the cammunity, for some of us even enough food. Others of us lef t aur own cauntries ta make aur homes in this land. We lef t friends and the life we knew ta make a better life for aur families. And, we brought same bad along with the good. Since we were born in an era of much more tubercuiosis and since we have lived a longer time during which ta become infected, we now are the chief source of TB infection ta others. Many tubercuiosis victims are infected by members of their own famiiy, prim- ariiy by aider persans. Nor cao we know who among us may be innocently victimizing aur own families for tuberculosis, may be symp- tomless even while contagiaus. Yet it can be discovered with x-rays. When we go for aur Tuberculin test and chest x-ray examination, we cao proceed for no better reason than to protect the health af thase for whom, most exclusively, we have work- ed a lifetime. Those who do flot submit them- selves must think litIle of their contri- bution. Ambulance Cosis The ambulance operatous of On- tario, wha have long considered them- selves badly treated by local goveun- ments and the public, recently formed an association ta make theiu troubles known. At the Association's f irsî meet- ing in Bowmnanville, this week, the 44 ambulance aperators present votcd ta ask the Provincial Government for paymnents for ail ambulance calis on provincial highways. The Assoiation's President, Murray MacBeth, alsa sug- gested that ail munîcipalities shouid pay a $10,000 a year subsidy per ambu- lance ta local operators. It is likely that his proposai will eventually win the approval of the whole association. There is no doubt the ambulance operators are justified in their com- plaints. They are expected ta ar9wer ail calîs prompîly, be on eall 24 hours a day, and ta deliver their customeus safely to hospital before bringing up the subject of payment. Some operatous say they are paid for anly one of every 10 patients they pick up on the high- ways. Others say they consistently subsidize their ambulance service with another business - such as funeral service or garage. Unfortunately, we see no hope of private ambulance operators ever con- vincing ail the Province's municipal counicils that Ihey shauld be carried. An ambulance service, however, is like a police for-ee or a fire department- a community necessity. What the On- tario Government should do is take the direction of fire departments out of the hands of local authorities and distribute them regionaily across the province. These regianal fire depaut- ments would ensure all Ontario resi- dents of adequate flue and ambulance service and relieve ambulance operatars of their nioney-iosing responsibilities.- iPeterborough Examiner. A Day ta Remember A Day ta Remember is approach- lng and concerning il, we would like to pass on the words of Premier Robauts of Ontario "~The signing of. Magna Carta on June 15, 1215, is rcgarded by free men as one of the most mnemouable events in human hîsîory. "When, on that day, the despotic King John surrendered ta the demands of the barons at Runnymede, the lamp of liberty was lit, not just for the in- habitants of a single island. but for al the people, everywhere in the world. And if down through the succecding centuries that iarnp has sometimes burncd iow, its iight has neyer been ex- tinguished. Thcere came int being in 1215 a fundamental principle which even a king was nat permitted ta violate, and whcnever the state, in the words of Sir Winston Churchill, 'swollen with its own authority has attempted la ride Youghshod aveu the rights and libeuties of the people il is ta the doctrine of the Magna Carta that appeal has again and iigain been made, and neveu, as yet, wvithout success'. "The lofty concepts which have de- ,veloped fromn the Charter have given birth ta those great institutions of gav- ernment and justice which are the 'Warld's best hope and which find their fuilesî expression in the Universal Declaration o! Human Rights. "The public policy of Ontario, which proclaims that human rights are indivisible; that every person is free and equal in dignity and rights, regard- less of raee, creed, colour, natianality, ancestuy ou place of origin, likewise finds its sour'ce and inspiration on the parchment serol signcd in an open field in Engiand aveu seven centuries ago. "1h was at once a wise decision and characteristie of the man, that aur former Lieutenant Goveunor, himself a staunch champion of liberty, chose June 15, 1962, as the apprapriate day on which ta prociaim the Ontario Hiuman iRights Code. "It is my sincere hope that on this double anniveusauy the people of Ontario, through their municipal gov- crnment, churches, schoois, commun- ity ouganizations and ail communica- tions media wili, on June 151h, in whaî- ever manner they deem appropriate, give fitting observance ta the anni- veusauy of a great turning-point in the quest fou liberty, which co-incides with a most significant milestone in the life of our own community. "And as we cherish and safeguard those liberties, won for us throughout the struggles and greal sacrifices of rnany generalions, let us neyer fail ta acknowledge the duty thal aecom- panies every right. 'The reward of anc duty donc is the power ta fuli ii an- other'." ' Stop Smoking A poster campaign ta warn people of the dangers o! cigarette smoking has been puoposed by an officiai of the British Minîsîuy of Health, according ta the Health League o! Canada. The suggestion came from Lord Newton, Joint Parliamentary Secretauy, ah the opcning of an exhibition of anti-smok- ing posters organized by the British Medical Association and the Central Council for Health Education. Lord Newton told those in attend- jance that 26,000 people had died of lung cancrr in 1962 - 1,000 more than in 1961. "We know why the figure is high and how il can be brought down," he stat- ed. "It could be broughî down by ,persuading people not ta smake cig- arettes, but what are the best methods of persuasion?" Some people, partic- tilarly doctors, may be impressed by the evidence, he added, but the average citizen had ho be better informed and constantly reminded of the perils of cigarette smoking. As an exampie of the kind of in- formation which should be made avail- able ta the public through posters, he mentioned deparîment fîndings in Jersey. Moue to bacco peu head o! population is used in this Channel Island than anywere else in the world and il also has the highest lung-cancer death rate f ou maies in the world, and an exceptionallv high rate for women. The air o! Jersey is free furom pollution; and no case o! iung cancer wvas found by the health officials among non- smokers during the one-year period o! investigation. "Every human ostrich," said Lard Newton, "should put that in his pipe and smoke it before buuying his head in the sand." Durham Countys Great Family Journal Established 109 years ego in 1854 le Also Incorporating TeNewcastleIndependent The Orono News IeL&Ç "Auihorised oz Second clans Mail by the Post Office Oepi.. Otawa. and for povment of postage lni cash" Produced every Wednesday by THE JAMES PIJBLISHING COMPANY LIMITED P.O. Box 190 62-66 King St. W., Bowmanvilie, Ontario JOHN M. JAMES GEO. W. GRAHRAM GEO. P. MORRIS EDZTOR-PUBLISR ADvTG;. MANAGM BUSIESS MGR. SUBSCRIPTION RATES $4.00 a Year, strictly in advance $5.50 ai Yecur in the, United States Although *vsry precaution wil b. taken ta avoid error, The. Canadion Stattaman accepta advertam. Inq in is columus on the understandinq that it willot b. fiable for ony error i n n adverinemeni pubUbsed hereutuder unse a prool of such advertinent is requested in writiuuq by the. adverîîser 0 moirelurn.d ta TThe Canadjan Statesunan butinoss office duty signed by the. advertiser and withh uch errer or correction platnaly noted in writing thereon. and inu uat case if any errer no noted in flot corr.cted by The. Couadian Statemn. its liability thah nmot exceed such a portion eft thé entire rost ci such edvertlaéenen as th. space occupi.d by the noted error beutat the whoie @puce occupied by suci advertiseent. On Thursday, May 30, newly eiected officers of Bowmanville Business & Professional Women's Club were installed by Provincial Vice-Puesident Mus. M. E. Pewtress of Cobourg in an interesting ceremony. Officers included, fuom lefIta right: Outgoing Treasurer 'Miss Isabel Davis, Chairman International Committee Mus. Nora 1 Hornick, Reeardixîg Secuetary Mrs. Lillian Dilling, Immediate Past President Victoria Frank who is also convenor of Membership, Treasuuer Mus. Shirley Calliss, Mus. Pcwtress, President Miss Veima New Officers Installed at Business & Professional Women 's Club Grow beards, gel uid off the blubbeu; lake away the wife's set off car keys, cut the kids down to size, do some bellow- M au & ing araund the bouse? What's that Mac? Youure Gay, lst \'îce-Pres. and one of the bulletin editors Miss MargaretIsorry, but you have ta go out Purdon, 2nd Vice-Pres. Mus. Marion Jeffery, Phone Committeeland briuîg in the clothes? Chairman Miss Helen Devitt, Program Cammittee Chairman Mus., Weîî, I'm a littie busy m"- Anna Watson; absent, Sunshine Chairman Mus. Ruth Barclay Bul-j self.* I bave to take the kids letin Editor Miss Edythe Brooks, Historian Miss Dorothy Výirtue, for a swim, the dog for a waîk Business Women's Week Chairman Mus. Aileen Turner, Cl'iî Cm- mittce Chairman Mus. Ruth Carrigan. - ~ ~ ~ E lJI I C]II lb ~ 9,j' SGARKeep Busy u-~a '~'o nnm n '~tUfl'flBowmanvjlle Rotarians have '-""' Ibeen particularly active lately Talk about a rawdeai! That gentlenianly about the whole ýmediate attention and bas an -io eaffcrpldhld affair; feels a bit sore about nounced that, Gordon Knott's rond in thet. en mem- y ou nysailore loudo Kootnthe scurvy treatment, but personial file lias been i'emov- 'rond7iterst.u«I:H.em go ady h h vsncan't qîîite make up his mind ed from the R.C.M.P. re-! jIC bers of the club, R, P. Rickaby. ;orfine Navy, minding his 'about re-enlisting. If 1 were couds, and destuoyed. Weil,I Don Morris, George Stephen, own business whco v wtboi t the victim, 1 would have been bully for him. That 'guilt býy ',.John Bain; Bill Thiesburger, warning, the Roy'al Canadian rude enough to tll the Navy r-elation)' buîgs nie. Were the D C s Gato nd Jae 'Mounted Police tagged hin xcl weem oan h horse-suldiers afuaid that, the m~D ~ iirm prsweatBu Mon with the nasîy insinuation of exa Biylwhereeto go and what - BBlueIl ile on of tain Camp recently, painting -securitv risk" because lie\vas to do with their letter of in-1 young Ordinary Seaman might Surely Fatber's Day is the!er, o.laigu omk i supposed lu uhave an uncle vlalion when they got there. lpass on 10 "Uncle Ernie" the most insignificant occasion on' If Father said women.and reainss fo the youn secrets of how to swab the the calendar. Everybody knows'soln' ea:oe e inrped caesfrst o eno wmho was an avowed Commun- A letter to the Editor of the decks. polish brass, box the camersto njo ist. As a resull, the lad wvas Globe & Mail soft-pedais the c amok which Sunday in May is Motb- the whecl of a car. they during the season. bootedi out on' the îîav%, willi R.C.M.P. mnistake, and naivelyimds Msn er's Day, but there's a good shouidn't, and that's ail thcrel the consoling- statement from suggests that, the experience, Justice. so called, is sorte- deal of confusion in ',le minds1was 10 il. If he declaued there Rotarian Bill Thiesburger, 'hie brass' Ihat, nu taint ()r might %work lu Gordon Knott's limnes administered in a be- lof most people about the oth-'were no fishi in that "crick"'chairmafl of the Crippled repuoach %vas inx'olved, nut' advaotage ini the future. 1-c wildering fashioî. IlIere's a er one. aodwere itnfot for ourithere weren't. If hie believed! Chi lduen's Committee attend- any reflection ou bis charac-,like to suggest that, if hie, in oulng felloxv, branded for good friends the meuchants that the Grits (or Tories) ]ed the meeting of the District ter, intelligence or moral future, happens to bec Lit- lite because hie happened to who urge us not to forget'ýwere -a packed oif darmnedý 10 Council of the Ontario So- standards. That happened spoken on a contuoversial sub- haetesm sraea Dear Old Dad," it wouldýthieves." they were. If' he ciety for Crîppled Chiidren, seventeen months ago. Now, ject, people will be apt toidefeatÉd Comimunist candi- ýprobably slip by as quietly as'told you 10 gel 10 bed, x'ou gol. wbicih was beld in Havelock it is admilled Ihat,thie mari 'point the finger of suspicion !date for federal honours, xvhiie Wh il Sunday. Bv- what subtle and fiendisli recently. Mr. Tbiesburger re- whom the RC.M.P. "lhoughl" a hm remembering htj .ae i Belgium, a doctor, a ilt*s not difficuit lu under- alcheoîy laiahc enpouted on the crippled child- was Gordons uncle, isn't; And, .1962, hie was ousted from themtir ahea uî n stand this vagueness. Not 100 transformed from a giant mb toren'.3 cases being assisted b.>ý just to add insult 10 iojury,'Canadian Navy because o! a gYrandmotheu admitted t0'ayyasaoovr a fgr ffn ainljk the Bowmanville Rotary Club some jerk in the Navy bas,"guiili by association" which ,iln a rissbb ilwas* fatber's day. But in the'a stooge on third-rate familv'nIiyra H lorpre sent hini an invitation 10 re- cao be a puelty teouious teumi. bn dfîmdthoghu symphony off today's family,-television series? By whal foui htIeewsa lgtices enlsl.puvidng"hecanpas Suey, he upose ra- ffthe drug Thalidomide, yetifalhei- is the lost chord. Theitrick ot the fates has that this year in the donations re- aelit plîsica ein lio-n. b Su etheen ypo ung el-they were ail acquitted. 'rben,j;amily circle no longer- centres magnificent mari been turned ceiven .during the Easter Seals The invitation to re-enîist inslîpte 1 pteo h aqitI, uon father. Il bas become aniloto the cringing creature ýwho apg. OR titflo Ib unduleuaedsailor and Ernest Knott the suoei old "Doc's" licence was:arc, the pendulum swingingcan be seen wiping the disiies' oainfo Mriadr gaî aou th pyscal. f ie ee pove bfoe te adsupne for two yeaus. between Mom and the kids. iwhile bis wife is out at the~ ecto- off the Ontaria Socieîy is xilling tb he re-instated. itIrdisi'hauge, with it's subsequent Fromi the time we can lisp îno for Cuippled Children, at- sboî.ld be witlî bis former'ý bevildeument and heartaches 'a, mommna", we aire fed a lot of' How bhath the mlghty failen,ltended the meeting of the or- raiiký, Plus anvY advancement 'aid how-cum the mounlies1J me Eiflors M Ipap about motherhood. Moth- is all 1 can say, and 1 say itlflot ganization's Board of Direc- in rank ou pay whiclî lie mighl took almost a year and a haîf ler can do no wrong; Mother in scorn but in sorrow. Builied tors beid in Toronto recently. bave been qualified lu ne-laftert-hie eveot before ad- May 31, 1963.1's a brave little soul; Mummy by bis spouse, relentiessly At Ibis meeting Dr. I. W. Da- ceive during the lay-of f period; îîitling tlîeir blunder" If it' ,knows best; Mom works ton heekied by bis cilidren, bis vidson reported an bis tripte the "phyNsical" sbould be dis- fiadî't been for the N.D.P. Deai- Sir: bhard; Mother is always there only places off refuge are the Geunîany ta study the Thai- pensed xvilh, ou, if cumpul- member of Pauliament, Colini Ail off us respunsible for, when sbe's needed; nobody cgn garden, the golf course or the idomide problem. There are sorv under existiog negula- Cameron duawing the affair 'Caiîadian Librarv Week Ibis cook like Mom; Mother's trout stream. ýmore than 5,000 Thalidomide tiolîs, should be made on the ta the attention off justice year wislî lu expresou-si-nerves are bad; what couid we Not for bîm the migbty roast'babies in Germany, some o! understaodiog tuaI bie wouid Minister Lionel Chevrier, Mi-. cere thanks for you c u-opera- 'do without Mammia; and so onl. to carve. He is allowed ta whom are fîve years of age. be 'passed' ini the saniîe cale- Kiiott might bave bad to live t'on in making Ibis yeau's There's a certain amount Of spoon out the meatballs cov- The Ontario Society for Crip- gou aswbeî b ws kcke wih he pprbrim fr he eleuatonshi mot seces-truth in it ail, but what 1 ob- ered with musbuoom sauce, or Pied Children is rnaking won- out. seveîîteeîî moîîtbs ago. balance of bis life. Mu. Chev-1 fui silice the Week was begun. .iect to is turning Mother into the macaroni and cheese. Not derful pragress with the 24 Mu. Knott Is acting quite rier- gave the malter his lm-, We feel doubly grateful in a bushel basket under which for hîrn the bushed silence as Thalidomide babies In thi.s this year off ail years, for there fatber's once-bright iight is lhe voices an opinion with province. have been 50o many events orf well hidden. ringing authority. The oniy - IYnational importance that could Oh, for the good aId days,1'opinion hie voices is, "Well, I'm '. li ii>easily have crowded out Our wben Father was head off the inclined to, agree wîth you, FINE QUALITY In th D i promotional material, and yet bouse, and everybody knew dear." MONUMENTS AND your paper saw to it that we it. Wben he sat down at thel * * * were not slighted and that at- head off the table, there was a i Where Father used to have A~E and !~tention was given ta the var- respecîful, if not fearful, sil- a fine paunch, an aeknow- 4 t&ee «fe ». or$e jous aspects of Canadian Lib- ence. Tbe kids sat in rows at ledged symbol off bis success (K L~ Oa.nt»of e *IlmI T~ ayWe.ieach side, sileîît uuîîil spoken in life, Dad bas a mean litIle OF SAFR uawc-r-dary -'r'1-. 1hoe The women seurried pot belly that merely suggests U)BO.L» D istant Past Il Agîn-oui- îlîanks frayur'around witb proper humility, lhe doesn't gel enougb exercîse.ý 5 - Fro TheStateman iles covenaeor Cnda iur fetching thie steaming dishes, Where Father kept the cbîld É Frm heSttsmn ils Week. We look ford o h holding their bueatbs wbile ren in line witb one bard look, LLm mA?.' dhorizCI _________________________________111___same pleasanl relations next Faýther tested thie carvingland the occasional c'Iout on 1 'if 25 VEARS AGO year. ýkoife, sigbing witb relief when the eau, Dad whines that be'l 25YASAOSiiicerely, lie waxed benevolent under eut off their allowance if t au. June 16, 1938) (June 18, 1914) William S. Timblin. :tbe charm off food. idon't do what thelu matherý Stafford Brothers Mus. Johnson Tbickson, ilm- Mr'. H-arvey A. Hardy is i LIM*tels tem mediale Past Prcsident off visitiîîg bis parents in Lindsay. 'In.tlose golden days, Fath-i Where Fatber used to dole. IIE Bowmanvilie's Women's Insti- Mrs. Thos. Hoar is visiting Deai- Mn. J amies: rsi mfrwh-big n out the housekeeping money, Monuments tube, was electcd Puesident of Mus. R. Eastoo, Sturgeon lpcace off mind were the prime with demands for stringenti thc West Durham District Point. Oui' Northumbcnlaiod-Dur-irequisites off a. happy home.jeconomny, Dad tuuns over the Box 133 Womn' Isttue t he Mc Adrw ousalmd- am TB and Health Associa- His lightest opinion was gos-1pay envelope, intact, and 318 Dundas St. E. WhltbY aonna istit cnenîio h aphisr. de isalIsind istion bas ueceived a letter froin pel. His wratlî was awful ta without a murmur accepts the PoeWlb Nesteton Jue 7t. daglier, rs. . R Bousalbbth Port Hope Unit of the contemplate. You didn't need glad tidings that mother bas Mhw 835 Neeonue 7hh. da-Maug deuMs. E. R. Bunady CndianCancer Scety.We househoîd gods; you had Fath-just bougbt a new refrigerabor, MOhawk 8-3552 Three nurses ontentonildBowman-- uilaosia rann chool and son Everett are visiting ofIriua neett o for Nurses xill grad brsstrl CeeadOj. f auiuaoinrst1 o Prrn iit-f-nr-i _le tr inClevelandi,,..h .,. nr1vour readrl's in vîew off. J. i iUdy igt a11 i NJUUciai e - - iU tAý -0 - - - ercises iii Tuinits' United Mus. E. Ashley, Osbawa,r theMasTbcui an X- Cbuuch. The guaduates areývisited lier brother, Mu. J. H. Rax' Survcy whicb is iin pro-ý Miss Mary Evelyn Taylor, Miss iCryderman, and otbeu relatives gress in Durham Counîs' for! Elizabeth Florence Tennant' aveu Sundas'. Ibis information applies ta allý and Miss Clara Jane Belîman. Mu. Harold Cann bas returo- cancer onits. Mus. Maek says:' a new aw.ning al bis grocery in the United States. and the Branches and Su'b Units Off store. West. hie Canadiati Cancer Societ-y- Miss Annie Coulter, Tlorontîo, Mus. J. R. Black and diaugb- in Durham Counts' bu renîirrl OWîdBO M N I spent tbe wcekend witb heu ter Janet, Winnipeg, Man., arceIlîem off the Mass Surves' 10, T W F B W A parents, Mn. and Mus. Thos. visiting ber father, Mu. fD. B. be beîd by the Nothumber-' Coulter. Simpson, K.C. 'ln-uhm Tbru1os1S Mu. Johnî Kenît and Mu. Mrs. I. S. Hanes', West and-Duuam TubAsciaisn weekend in Hamilton visiting Minneapolis, are visiting tbeir'Tbd Canadian Cancer Societyý P R O C I.A MA I ~ Mu. Ed. Br'ook. sîster. Mus. W. B. Pincb. lias a very great interest in: S Miss Ella Meîntyre visiled 'Mus. R. Windatt and Misses lii uvyan ilasitt lier cousios, Mr. anîd Mus. Wil- Margaret anîd Clara Wîndatt As suviatin w iil ar ssibe' Iva M.H b sM yo ofteT w beut Fce, -Fees Landing", are visiting Messrs. W. A. Ascainweee osbe .Ia .H bs ~ao fteT w 'Omemee, on Sondas'. Windatt, Wînnepeg, and Mu. In 1963 ihere weue 341,000~ F. F. Morris Co. store is the Johnî Windatt, Stonewall, Man. persans examîned bs' Mass i scene oif plents' off ' ' ' y Mr. John A. Holgate, Fox- Surves's in Ontario. FromI ee y elr Ihese days as carpenteus are boro, propuietor off Bowman- these examinations 74 persans store. been unanimously chosen Lib- tubeuculosis and 39 persans I Reeve G. A. Edmondstane eral and Temperance candidate bad possible lung tumous ou U DY , UE 1 t and DepuIs' Reeve C. G. Mou- by East Hastings Liberals. cysts. As welI mans' abnor- ris are attending the sessions Mu. and Mrs. D. B. Simpson malities wcre rfound in size a <if the Coonties Cauncil at and their daughter, Mrs. J. R. and position off the beart. I .Cobourg. Black off Winnipeg, contem- Consequentîs' manv peaple Mu. James W. Davis, Gen- plate spending their vacation were made aware off abnor- eral Manager off the Davis - at Rangeles' in the State of malities wbicb the,' did flot ,Houit Ca., and Mus. Davis and Maine, and other points in know exisited. D CRT O family have returned to town New England. Since long cancer is an the! E O RT O after spending the winteu in Mu. and Mus. S. Daves', increase and since it is the i h o n fB w av 1Florida. Cardiff, Wales, and Mu. andeaigcueocaerdth1in heT w ofB m nv *Chester Jury, son off Rev. Mus. John Daves', Massillon, Jading caeoffcnereo d etîbsi Dr. anîd Mus. Gordon S. Jury Obio, werc recent guests offdoaongwe cndtiefore bliet 1 a dure osiie stosp ot h off Rangoon, Buma, and their cousin, Mu. John Sand- Ibis Mass Surves' and la assisî n r îies O u p r h e grandson off Mu. J. H. H. Jury, ers, King St. West. the Association. o Bowmanville, bas secuued bus Mus. F. A. Paruett andso Our goal sbould be a chesù cd the Bowmanville Cemetery ontn Bachelor of Arts deguce at Frank, Glendive, Montana,XRa'freeon inD- MeMaster Univeusits'~. are visiting ber mother, Mus.bmConvaeteagof ham ount ovr th ageofýcommencing at 3:00 p.nx Mu. Chas. D. Searle off the M. A. Washington. 40 yeaus" Goodyear office staff bas pur- Mus. (Rev.) G. C. WelsmanM chased the residence of the and daughteu Lois, and Mu. G. ay'we lake Ibis opportun-i late Mus. John Manning, Con- Welsman are visiting ber îty off tbanking you fou the Guest Sp a eT E .J K. FR. cession St. parents, Mr. and Mus. J. De- splendid cooperation and as-Spae -BE . . Bruce Lonsbcury, Donald long at Elmbuook, near Picton. sistance yau arc giviîfg us, rnp rain t Andersoni and Harold Scbliev-ý Hampton: Miss Mary Kater: Ibuougb yaur paper infouming FoLhs wsi' eut off Bowmanville. gold mcd- son, Toronto, is at home witb aur cilizens off tbe stili uug-' o h s ihn rnp raint alists in Durham County ber parents. ent puoblem off tubeuculos;i '., Music Festival, w-eue among Enfield: Miss Ida McCulloeb and the need for everyone ta, bus will leave the Library at 2:30 those taking part in the re- bas gone west fou a trip, visit- take advanîage off Ibis appor- cital by pupils off Edouard ing Winnipeg, Calgary and lunits' ta attend the sorves'. Bartîcît, distinguisbed vialinistiBanfff. Yussneey and teaclier in Oshawa lastIV N M Wednesday evening. M. E. Pewtress, Orona: Congratulations ta Th ink naught a trifie, tbaugb Executive Secuetary, Du. Harold Rickaby on being it small appeau; small sands Northumboerland- appointed Depoty Minisîcu off Ihe niauntain, moments make Durham TB and 'Mines, the 3year.-Edward Young. Health Ass*n. ILLE nION of Bowmanville, h, 1963 DAY ,il1e coration Service ie above date, nI. AMPTON the Cemetery, p.m. sharp. HOBBS, Mayor. a) en the !lever-never plan. fWbcre Father usci to rend the Bible te the family before bed, Dad coaxes mother to let the klds stay up and watch Quest. Where Father used to rumble curses as he patched the fourth biow-out on a 40- mile trip, Dad grumbies cern- plaints because he han to buy a new set of tires after 20,00o miles. Oh, it's bitter, but we've brought it on ourselves. Just an example off the awe in which the ex-head of the house is held these days: This week I suggested ta the Old Girl, very subtly that some new fishing tackle would be highly acceptable on Father's Day. She looked at me coldly. "You're not my father", she said. Anyone care 10 join me in a movement ta convert dither- ing Dad back mbt firm Fath- er? P nf;ý ri --à n c

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