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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Jun 1963, p. 5

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The Orono News Winsome Miss j Mrs. James E. Richards, Editor 1iJf.and Mns. Robert Dick-ILuncbeon hast week at Wbit-itonville spent Sunday wlth is aor o! Sillsvile visited his!ney Hall, Toronto. Miss Wgd- Mr. and Mrs. Robert Morton brother Mr. Ray M. Dickson dell, the class representative, and children af Sixth Line. and Mrs. Dickson. thanked tbe Alumnae for the Mr. and Mrs. Charles Johns Mrs. Johna Turner of Bow-iluncheon. lof Bowmanviiie visited Mrs. !nanvile spent the weekend~ Mrs. Herb Murry is assist- Charies Wood on Monday. with ber daughter Mms. Ro- ing i n the Orono Post Office Mrs. Jim Bail spent the bert Morten, Mr. Morton and for three weeks. weekend with Mr. and Mrs children. Mrs. John Stane returned iHamold McDonald and famlly,« Congratulations ta Mr. and home hast week after three Bowmanville, and together at- ........ Mrs. Jack Bidwell Wilson, the months in Memorial Hospital, tended the Osbawa Hospital formner Miss Mary Sheila Go- Bowmanville. Scbool af Nursing Graduation gerty, Reg.N., on their mar- Miss Ruth McCeiland of Exercises on Friday evening. niage, Saturday, June 8, 1963, Toronto was a weekend guest Miss Helen Ann Mcflonald o! in St. George's Anglican aIofMm. and Mrs. Don Staples Bowmanviile was among the Church, Newcastle. The Rec-1 and family. class of 31 graduates. tor, Bey. D. R. Dewdney af-1 Miss Catherine Power of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley M..............~' .. . . iiciated. Mr. and Mms. Wilson'Toronto spent the weekend Seymour, Mr. and Mrs. Gor- wfll reside in Barrie. with Mr. and Mrs. Gardon don Suggitt, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Fred Winslow, Mm. and! Power. Stan Seymour Jr., af Toronto Mrs. Lawrence Winslow and, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Mit- visited Mrs. Wm. Seymour on aon Rabbie of Millbrook visit- cheli and famiiy spent the Satumday.. ................. ed Mr. and Mrs. Archie Lunn weekend at their cottage near Mm. Russell Major, age 70,......................... en Sunday. Pîcton. busband af the late Mrs. Eliza Mr. and Mrs. Russell Chat- Miss Shiela Barrabal af Gould Major, father af Jim terton of Lakefieid visited bis Toronta spent the weekend and Gordon, passed away at brother Mr. Marshall Chatter- with hem parents, Mm. and the Memorial Hospital, Bow- ton and Mrs. Chatterton on Mrs. Sid Barrabaîl. manville, on Thursday, June Sunday. Mm. and Mrs. Archie Wat- 6th. Funeral was on Saturday. Miss Mary Waddel af Tom- son, Betty Ann and Larry af Interment in the family plot, onto and Omono was one of Waterdown spent S un da y Orono Cemetemy. Mr. Major iseven 1903 graduates of Uni- with Mm. and Mrs. Alex. Wat- was a baker by trade and was vemsity Callegehonoured at a son. with Dean's Bakery for many Mr. Douglas Allen, Mr., yeams. Ernest Bowen, Mm. Orville Mms. Fred Tamblyn visited L. . S aif c.A.Chatterton joined Dm. Keith Mr. and Mrs. Will Wilbur and L. J Sk ifeC. A Talorand friends of Bramp- attended Hamnpton Cemetery tnadweme on a fishing trip Decoration Day on Sunday. À Charterd Accou tan ot Timagami aven hast week- Among the guests from Or- $ ChateedAcoutat end. ono attending the Wilson- '~ThtbyMn. and Mrs. Carlos Tamb- Gogerty wedding on Saturday : lIyn spent the weekend with in St. George's Anglican Terri Darlene, above, is the 1-month-old P. 0. Box 208 ber sister Mrs. Borden Kramp Church, Newcastle, weme Mr.m uhe fM.adMs a aih 1Kn t and Mm. Kramp, Kitchener. ýand Mrs. A. A. Drummond, duhe fM.adMs a aih 1Kn t PoeOn Sunday, June 9. Mr. andj Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. West, tawn. She is the granddaughter of Mr. and Phone 1Mns. A. Jakeman attended the Froste, Mm. K. Adams, Mr. Mrs. Ralph Shortt and Mr. and Mrs. Steve Babich, ail lOth Anniversary of East, and Mrs. Edward Grahamo wmnil adgetrnduhe fM.ad Orono 138 eeaUie hrh a-MsJaeE.Rcrd,1 8.8197 field, Ontario, also visited and Mms. Wm. Riddefl. L" Mrs. Chas. Cooper af Orono. Whitby 668 19 with Mrs. Robert Flubrer, Mrs Charles Wood spent -Photo by Robert Ahdsworth Stoney Ceek. Sunday with Mm. and Mrs. _____________Mms. Fred Nesbitt af New- Harold Saiter, Hampton. ___________-Mm. and Mrs. Archie LunnRcpi Hor visited Mm. and Mrs. Raymond K c pin H n r Father's DayFO and attended the Harvey JuelBh FINEFO Dance Academy Spring Rý ol den Wedding of lune 16th iýcitai an Friday evening. San-ëf0 ________dra taok part in the "Weea t rg t C u l Evsina Japanese CGawrgheCopl Combination Ms ayBfe fMn trelMis Mair Boe ofMr.On- ne4, 1913, Miss Annie of roses and 'mums were re- Swivel and FrdBwn Stewart, daughter of Mm. and1 ceived lmam close relatives and Mms. John Turner. Bowmnan- 1Mms. Jas. Stewart, and Mm.1 friends. Gifts of money were Rocker !sa cudsno reevdfonM.adMs ville, called on Mr. and Mrs IOcrMQudsnaIM.rcivdfa m.adMs Marshall Chatterton on Satun- and Mms. Win. McQuade, were Orvil McKee and Mrs. Lorne day evening. united in marmiage at bier McQuade and Betty, al of E .Decomation Day at Orono' home in Blackstock. Rev. Isaac Calgary, Alta. un.>r il eSudy Snell was the officiating min- Pouring tea in the after- CHI ueethSer ic e na y, pm ister. noon were Mrs. Oscar Ed- C HArnCsIR Jne Sevie t epm. aryo heThisndn foe gr t h FomCuhond ON HIS DAY'! thein famiiy of four duh Reg. $89.95 PO T P O esadtosn ragddn) ohoPoteryad AAHRSDYA h niesr evc reception was beld at the the guests weme two grand- SPECIAL held at the United Church, home of thein daughter, Beth daugh'ters, Misses Susanne A CH A IR Sunday, new altar cloth and (Mrs. Rager Oke), 881 Crandel Gay of Courtice and Francine is collection plates were present- St., Port Pemmy, when some Burns of Bowmanville. Pour- ed by Mr. and Mms. Nelson 220 or more friends calied ta ing ten in the evening were A LL H IS ilrsGorgPeerborode h.and wee narehielong esîents I C r Q a ee, sister of the 16 9 *91A LL Hwere in memory af Mn. and Bath Mm. and Mms. McQuade groom, and Mrs. Sydney Mc- ~U M M received and dedicated by aur wight, with the exception of groom. Serving were Miss Shop in Air-Conditioned * UI student minister Mm. Taylor. a few early yeams when the Muriel McKee, Mrs. Dave Wil- Conifort The service af sang was pro- Stewart family lived on Scu- sn r.RyBreMs ON vddby a local choir with gag Island. Stuart McQuade and Mrs. Jim GIFT SUGG STI NS .. .Mrs. Cliflord Fallis as argan- Guests were received by Hepton, Toronto. 0ist. Beth assisted by bier two sis- Guests attending the recep- BOO CAES - LZY BOY CH IRS atA large cowd were present ters, Norma (Mms. John Gay) tion were fmom Gaît, Toronto, BOOKCASS LZY BY CAIR atthe Orange Hall on Satur- and Audrey (Mms. Don Plain) Ajax, Oshawa, Bowmanville, RECLINERS STEP TABLES day night for the presentation and daugbtem-în-law Vemna Courtice, Port Pemry, Black- and dance for Mr. and Mns. (iVrs. Stuart McQuade). Ano- stock, Cadmus, Yelverton, END TABLES COFFEE TABLES Barîîey White who were me- ther sisten, Leah (Mms. Cl- Janetville, Lotus, Orono and cently mrmied. fard Kerr), having undemgone Lindsay. Weddîng Belîs will be ring- bone sumgery, recently, was A lovely framed plaque of ing in aur village very soon unable ta assist. congratulations was received again. The bride wore a dmess af from the Government of On- Mrs. Clifford Oliver af Tom- teai blue and navy crepe with tario, Provincial Secmetary, 23 ia S. . owiavile day, ith bier uncle Mm. Ro, groom wome a gold carnation. weme received fmom Premier FREE DELIVERY ta this 92 year aid gentle- sented the happy couple with ter John Diefenbaker, their manhasnotbeen in too good two dozen goid roses. The fam- Exceiler.cies The Govemnar- USE OUR EASY PAYMENT PLAN pf health. We understand hie ily gave them lovely rings Generai and Madame Vanier, is now feeling much better. with settings af Alaska Black Mm. and Mrs. Del Schlichtem We wene giad ta welcome Diamonds. Relatives, fiends of Kingston. Lettens of con- Mrs. McLaren and boys-aI and neighbors joined in pre-îgatulations were eceived _________________________________________________________________ senting a walnut dining table from Minister of Healtb M. IIand chairs. A number af othen [B. Dymond, M.D., and Mrs. gifts of crystal, gold coloredi Dymond, Michael Starr, M.P. china, glasswame with gold! and Mrs. Starm, Alex Carru- tmacings, statianemy with pa- thers M.P.P. and family, and M m u n i permate pen and severai bowls1 Prime Minister Pearson. Summer Time.. Us Moving Trime! As soon as school ends netf they have to wait while you month, thousands of Canadian d 'ecide what is to be moved, families will start their an- and what is to be thrown out fluai house-switching ritual. and what's to go to the Sal- Moving men are braced for vation Army or the Crippled a mass interchange of housing Civilians. accommodation that will press Arrange to be at your new virtually every van and driv- house when the movers arrive, er into service during the Sa you can show them where peak summer period. everything goes. On long dis- "Everybody wants ta move tance moves, the drivers must in the summer months while reprtto the destination agent the children are out of schoolý," 24 hoiurs before they arrive. says Maurice F. Preston, Bow- Tî îe o oso îet 1manville, agent of Allied Van be on the scene. Lines Ltd., Canada's largest If you're making a short coast-to-coast moving organ- move, take along some fld- ization. "This is understand- ing chairs and a picnic lunch, Iable, but it puts a terrifie sa yau will be comfortable un- strain on moving firms' fac- t il ail your furniture and ilities." equipment is installed in the It's a good idea ta plan as new location. far hea aspossbleand If you are gaing ta pack farahed a pssile ndgive your own belongings, gîve the mover lots of notice so yourself lots of time ta get that he can have men and ve- the job done before the van hicles ready for you when you arrives at the door. want them, Mr. Preston sug- But it's probably a better gests. idea ta let the mavers do that JHere are some other tips job for you. They will corne from Mr. Preston that might in a day or two before time help you make your move aswt pcilydsgndeup plesan ad eficen aspas Iment and containers ta do the sible. job neatly and safely. They See that everything is ready have cartons specially made ta be put in the van when for ]ampshades, mattresses of the movers arrive. You can different sizes, books, china, wastemoneyand man hours even special wardrobe cartons Toroto ho ws vsitig ~that take a whoie cioset-ful ,Torono whowas viitin i clothes on their hangers. our village this weekend. Remember, movers can't be iMr. and Mrs. Freeman Ed- responsible for the safe con- dy Of Orono were Sunday dition af things you pack i visitors here and attended the yourself. Building crates for An.ivedsarSe reMllrmirrors and valuable paint- Mr. nd Ms. Ome Mllerings is no job for a do-it-your- of Whitby, were also present selfer. at the same service. There are a lot af people, Meetings have been held in besides your friends, who wîll local school sections ta, dis- be interested to hear you are cuss the formation af a school moving- the electric, water, area. This writer bas no fig- gas, telephone and fuel com- ures for some of the vote tak- panies, the post office, and en at some of the schools, but the subscription departments we understand some are close 'of your daily newspaper and and scme nat campleted. How-'other periodicais. Make a ever our school sec., (Cars- 'check-list ta ensure you are caddens) voted 18-5 in favour. not bilied for services you no Further meetings will be heid lne need. Wo decide the i.mie. Your doctor and dentist or their localRrofess1ona1 asoe- lations canrnelp you te find suitable practitioners near your new -home. You carn arrange wlth your minister ta bave your church membersbip transferred. It might help ta, smoothi the way for the chidren in their new scbool if you gat the necessary credentiais from their scbool principal. Of course, on a short haul, you could aiways move with- out the services of a proIes- sional mover - if you have enough husky friends wbo are willing ta sacrifice a day off and run the risk of sprains and abrasions. Howevem, Mr. Preston adds this warning: "Most friend- ships- ta say nothing af fur- niture- deserve better treat- ment than that." KEDRON The Sunday School Anni- versary wiil be held at Ked- ron United Church at 11:00 on June l6th. Mr. Buggies Con- stant will be the speaker, and special music has been ar- ranged by the Sunday School. Miss Beryl Mountjoy, Miss Mary MacDermott and Mr. Bob Brady af London, and Miss Olive Luke of Toronto, were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Mountjoy on the occasion of Eleanor's gra- duation as a nurse from Osh- awa General Hospital. This week Eleanor has undergone a tonsîllectomy at Oshawa General Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Orvel Jackson entertained at their home on Sunday on the occasion of their 2-5th wedding anniver- sary. On Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. Rodger Bishop, Anne and Ruth, were guests af Mr. and Mrs. John Maffey and family of Stoney Creek, and took in the special events in connec- tion with the lSOth anniver- sary of the battie of Stoney Creek. On Thursday, June 6th, an Enroliment and Fly-up Cere- mony was heid at the meet- ing of the 20th Guides, at the home of their captain, Mrs. R. A. Patte. After their wings were pinned on by their mo- thers, Elizabeth Greer and Donna Glover flew up ta join the Guide Company. Enrolled in the Guide Co>mpan,: were Nancy Brooks, Shelley Fisher, Carol Gifford, Regina Sch- 1leiss, Beth Keil and Christine Innis. The comrnunity was proud af the 2lst Cubs when they nmade such a good showing in the recent Cubaree at Camp Samac. The 21A Pack, whose Akela is Mrs. Bob Dale, won the Cub Shieid for the day, and bath A and B Packs won the award for perfect attend- ance. Mrs. Derek Barnet recently entertained a group of neigh- bours in honour of Mrs. Or- ville Greer who will be mov- ing ta 300 Cadillac St. S. at the end af June. Mother and Daughter Banquet The 2Oth Guides and Brow- nies beld their Mother and Daughter Banquet in the Lower Hall of Kedron United Church. Before the girls and their mothers were seated, the toast ta, the Queen was given by Brownie Lynda Geisberger, foIlowed by the singing of God Save the Queen, accom- panied by Linda Hopkins. After a deliciaus meal, ser- ved by the Scout Mothers' Auxiliary, Mrs. George Coutu, the president of the Mothers' Aux iiiary, introduced th e guests at the head table which included Brown Owl Mrs. R. S. Bishop, Packie Anne Bis- hop, Ruth Bishop, Ta.wnieCOwl Mrs. Ron Lambert, Elizabeth Lambert, Mrs. Lauretta Cross- man, Mrs. J .L. Bird, Com- missioner of Rosslyn District, Guide Captain Mrs. Bob Patte,, Packie Susan Patte, Jane Patte, Lieutenant Mrs. J. Crawford, G ui de Cornpany Leader Barbara Rose, Mrs.ý Harry Rose, Packie Janet Waddington, Mrs. W. Wad- dington, Mrs. Fay Brooks, vice-president of the Mothers' Auxiary, Nancy and Diane' Brooks, Mrs. Stanley Ogle, secretary aI the Mothers' Auxiliary, Joan Ogie, Mrs. Bruce Annand, treasurer of the Mothers' Auxiliary, Susan Annand. Also aniong the guests werel Mrs. George Parfitt, first Brown Owl of the 20th Brow- nies, and Mrs. Ted Maid-man, former Tawnie Owi. The toast ta the Mothers, was proposed by Guide Carol Wales, and re.plied ta, by ber mother Mrs. Vernon Wales. Brownie Ruth Bishop asked Mrs. Crossman, in the absence of Rev. Ronald Love, ta bring, greetings from the church. Guide Joan Ogle proposed ai toast. ta t.he Guý1ide Movement, M presented ** Sharon MieXin- The Canadian Statesmnan, Eowmanvmle, ,Tune 12, 1983 non, Doreen Holyoak, Jean-à ette Coutu, Beth Coulter,Jey itptik StewartKoykHre WrdBo Cathy Irwin and Janet Wad- oyFtptck Stewart onoH vyWrdBb dington. Glaspeil, Bifly Arsena.ult; 25 Dale; Standing Broad Jump: Yard Dash: Joey Fitzpatrick, Harvey Ward, Russell Bent. Linda Hopkins received hier Bobby Bathe, Biiiy Arsenault;, ley, George Kolynka. Little House Embiem, and ai-ý Bail Tbrow: Joey Fitzpatrick, ______________ Iso the Cook's, Homemaker's Bobby Bathe, Teddy Henry; and Handiwoman. High Jump: Philip Hayes, Hikers Badges were pre- Bobby Bathe, Bobby Annand; . ~ sented ta Brenda Hopkins, Runnîng Broad Jump: Philip Linda Hopkins, Susan Patte' Hayes, Joey Fitzpatrick, Har- and Susan Waiker. aid Mountjay; Wheelbarrow ~ Beth Keil received a prîze iRace: Phiiip Hayes and Stew- for completing bier tenderfooti art Glaspeli, Bobby Bathe and work first in bier group. Lloyd Hoskin, Bobby Annand The Guides presented a play land Terry Montgomery. wbic porraye a mdem Junior Boys - 50 Yard Dash: Guid Copan beng isied~Alan Bathe, Billy Fitzpatrîck, by a Guide of 50 years ago,' Frank Bathe; 25 Yard Dash' played by Dale Thomas, and A ahBiyFtptxk a Guide af 50 years in the lu - an ahBlyFtprik ture, played by Anne Bishop.Frank Bathe; Bail Tbrow. Bi±- The banquet closed with they Fitzpatrick, Frank Bathe,~ Brownie and Guide ciosing Alan Bathe; High Jump: Alan prayers and sangs. Bathe, Billy Fltzpatrick, Bruce Annand: R u n n i n g Broad Maxwell Helghts School Jump: Billy Fitzpatrick, F'rank Field Day Bathe, Alan Bathe; Standing The pupils of Maxwell Broad Jurnp: Jon Patte, Alan Heights Schooi enjoyed iovely Bathe, Bruce Annand. weather for their Field Day' Intermediate Boys - 75 Yard on Friday, June 7th. ÇrestsiDash: Donald Holyoak, Pat were presented ta the winners1 Woodcock, Deug Woadcock; For a Quality Buy in in each division, which inciud- 50 Yard Dasb: Donald Holy- ed Karen Jackson, Margaret Oak, Pat Woodcock, Doug Fitzpatrick, Diane B r o oks, Woodcock; Bail Throw: Doug NEW or USED Anne Bishop, Joey Fitzpat- Woodcock, Robert Lindsay, , rick, Alan Bathe, Doug Wood- Brian McDoujgal; High Jump: '.ie v. - OJAQs. cock and Harvey Ward. Doug Woodcock, Pat Wood- inn er s n he vris: sc-cock, Donald Holyoak; Run- Cadillac tion wee asfoiows ning Broad Juîup: D ou g Midget Girls - 50 Ya rd Woodcock, P at Waodcock, - SEE - Dash: Gail Gîfford, Karen Donald Holyoak; St an d ing Jackson, Barbara Lam'bert; 25 Broad Jump: Doug Woodcock,]e N U I T Yard Dash: Barbara Fisher, pat Woodceck, Donald Holy- KII Il JSMlIH Gail Gifford, Karen Jackson;i oak. a Bail Throw: Karen Jackson, SnirBoa-t0 Yr Ligha Jump: Barbara Fisher; Dash: Harvey Ward, Ge orge ONTARIO MOTOR SALES Kaen Jackson Barbara Lashr Kolynko, Russell Bentley; 75ý baet Runniong BaroaraLam- Yard Dash: Harvey Ward, OSHAWA Karen Jackson, Barbara Lam- George Kolynko, Russell Bent- PONS bert, Gaîl Gifford; Wheelbar- ley; Baîl Throw: Bob Dale,POES row Race: Karen Jackson ni Bih' Simpson, Russell Bentley; Business - 725-6504 Judy Geisberger, B a r b a r ,lHîgh Jump: Harvey Ward, Rsidence - 728-6952 Lambert and Linda Innes George Kolynko, Paul Patte; R Gail Gifford and Barbaral Running Broad Jump: Gerg Fisher. Junior Girls - 50 Yard' Dash: Diane Brooks, Pat Coul-ý ter, Elizabeth Lambert; 25 Yard Dash: Diane Brooks,'EAN Elizabeth Fitzpatrick, Diane Barnett; Bail Throw a n di Catch: Suzanne Arsenauit and, Lynda Geisberger, Pat Coul-______ ter and Patsy Bail, Diane ________ Brooks & Elizabeth Lambert; I ~ q Higis Jump: Diane Brooks,l Elizabeth Fitzpatrick, Suzanne! Jump: Diane Brooks, Elizabethe Lambert, Elizabeth Fitzpat- rick; Standing Broad Jump:' Elizabeth Lambert, D i a n e GIDN XEIRN NCA Brooks, Suzanne Arsenault. GIDNSETRO O C AKN Intermediate Girls - 75 Yard W Dash: Margaret Fitzpatrick, WI E8 Elizabeth Greer, W e n d y Yourtb;- 50 Yard Dash: Beth A Coulter, Margaret Fitzpatrick, PGai. M Wendy Yourth; Bail Throw J ______________________ and Catch: Karen Kolynko and Trudy Hart, Patti Hart and' lIhI* Pamela Dowling, Margaret' EN U A C O S P I T Fitzpatrick a nd Elizabeth IL RA C H US PA N Greer; High Jump: Margaret WNH ITE S Fitzpatrick, Karen Kolynko, OECA LR HT Beth Coulter and Ruth Bishop OECA ULR WHT (tied); Running Broad Jump: Margaret Fitzpatrick, Camai Reg. $10.45 Gai Reg. $3.13 Qt. Standing Broad Junîp: Susan $8 9$2 6 Annand, Beth Couiter, Mar- garet Fitzpatrick. E T R O Senior Girls - 100 Yard E T RO BASE COAT Dash: Doreen Holyoak, Cathy Reg. $8.95 Gai Reg. $2.85 Qt. Irwin, Anne Bishop; 75 Yard Dash: Harriet Kolynko, Anne $7.1.5$2 3 Bishop, Doreen Hoiyoak; Bal Throw and Catch: Rosemary Greer and Anne Bishop, Joan FREE DELIVERY - Phone 623-3818 Ogle and Harriet Kolynko, Mary Keil and Janet Wadding- ton; High Jump: Anne Bishop, Doreen Holyoak, Cathy Irwin; J IP A N Running Broad Jump: Susan Patte, Harriet Kolynko, Anne W ALLPAPER Harriet Kolynko, Anne Bis- 15 eneaceS..Bwm vie hop, Susan Patte. 1 eprneS.S omnil MidgetBoys - 50 Yard Dash:____________________________ r SMART RINGS FOR DAD $election inctudes initiail rings, his club rings, and many Qibus P ad $4 *vr ta want. $14.95 up Corne in and browse around . . . you wiiI find a suitable gift! HOOPER'S Jewellery &Gift Shop 29 King Street E. Phone 623-5747 iz Z=

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