A Big SmiIe for the Camera Mr. and Mrs. Andy GreY, ' New Zealand and the very de- Kingston, and Mrs. Ross Hal- liciaus lunch. lowell, Bowmanville, we r e Saturday evening, friends weekerid guests at Mr. Sid. and neighbors met at Stark- Ballowell's. ville school to give Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Orme Falls Mrs. Bill Fox, Betty Ann and were recent visitors at Mr. Sharon good wishes as they -~;~~ ~~ Carlos Tamblyn's, Orono. go ta their new home at Osh- Mr. and Mrs. Ed Rowe and awa. Mr. and Mrs. Fox were . 1! Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Trim gîven Iawn furniture and a , .~' allt Mr. Bert Trim's. kitchen dlock, and the girls,: . .~ . Mr and Mrs. E Shier. Tor- electric dlocks. They all ap- Onta, spent the weekend at preciate these gifts of remem- Mdr. Lloyd Hallowell's. hrance from- their friends: zs here. Susan Stark and Patsy Mur- ThSilhUCW metn Phy were participants in a re- washe l a Mr. Carl metidnsg. citaI in Bowmanville Wednes- Wedsdyenigaswek day venig lst wck. The devotianal portion was Mr. and Mrs. Llew Hallo- taken by Mrs. Jim Stark and well and Jim were recent din- Mrs. Brian Caswell. The pre- 1 ner guests with Mr. and Mrs. sident, Mrs. Todd. directed the Austin Turner, Newcastle. business discussion. L un ch Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sow->was served and ail enjoyed &en, Osaca, visited her fath- Mrs. Todd's kindness and hos- er, Mr. A. J. Souch, recently.ipitality. Mrs. Lamne Todd spen tbhl-, Mrs. Jim Stark, Mr. Charlie days with her sister, Mrs. Mc- Trim, Mrs. John Stark and: Knight, Millbrook. Mrs. Carl Todd are the vis;-, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Sylves- tors for the fifth line area ter and family, Sarnia, Mr.'with information for the TB and Mrs. Maurice Hallowell: Survey July lth. and expect and Michelle, Newtonvillej ta start their calîs ta all the ~.,*** were Sunday dinner guests at homes next week. Mr. Jim Stark's. Mrs. Sylves- Snayat ter and children returned ta -an h n Sarni affe a hoiday inversary service at Shilohý her paents.was well attended. The field' hprenars. d o! lssecretary for Christian Educa-, Tr Shrlo U.Cf l.dwesetion a! the Bay of Quinte !Fuests o! the Elîzabethville Confrie, .A. BD.,u n c a n jadies at a tea Thursday even-WhtMABDetroI Ing last week. They apprecia-ouh wa gus spke, ted the 1 dlalong with our pastar, Rev.R casnt veînganC. White. Kirby choir udeR enjoed te sîdesshow o!the leadership of Mrs. E. Bry- son provided special music. à Everyone appreciated the fine! music and the message by ý INDIIDU LLV Rev.White. Next Sunday theý /IEA TDR O SAR 9 a.m. with Rev. R. C. White.' N GRAT FAT M~r. anId MsCliff!r Reid1 ie c-' 'WM N YOIJ and Mrs. T. Sowden, Newcas- livs mAi L tle, and Mr. and Mrs. Lionel "'e""-'Hughes, Port Hope, were Sun- .-'ELECTR/C day guests with Mr. and Mrs. i Mrs. H. L. Trim, Newton-j Smiling littie ane-year-old Sidney William is the son of Mr. and Mrs. ville, at Mr. Gardon Tim's. 'William Feddema of R.R. 2, Oshawa. His proud grandpaments are Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Wood1 Mr. and Mrs. Bill Reid, Orono'1K. Taisma of R.R. 1, Hampton, and Mr. and Mrs. S. Feddemna of R.R. 1, Nestie- Miss om adBelhtan. -Photo by Ireland Studio Hallowell were Sunday din-__ Mr. and~ Mr. Don StpltonlOntario's Minimum Wage Law an aiy, Newtonvi]le, at! Mers. Lorne Todd's. LI ELECTRIC LTD. Saturday o!fh uhmCu Joining the afternoon touir au CNCTIRITr). S-theDurh a Cub ecomes Effective u e 3 ACIGRPISo! Toronto, with dine t' 3 0 CrIdalia, Port Hope, were Missi Minister of Labour Leslie ropoli tan Toronto and the able solution was workerl ouf. REFIGEATIN-EECTIC Norma Hallowcll, Ms Llew! MOTOR - SAO ELES RICE 1 ad Miss, Mrs. A. Dobson Rowntree, announced today areas extcndîng ta and in- An cmployee can only bei Beuh Hllaesî.StatLntai- neEMiimu cluding the cifues o! Hamilton classed as a leamner for the T.V-RADIO -APPLIANCE Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Wa1-<Wage Pragram becomes e!- land Oshawa. fîrst four months of employ- sfers, Elizabethviîîe, were Sun- fective June 30. The programý Many people refuse ta be- ment. During that period a dayVistor wih M. ad wll ppl intialy a te hgh-lieve theme is any exploitation maie learner must be paid at Mr s. Ru sll Sav r. aly indutaplized aal o!etg-lo lbor n this Province a rate of nat less than 90e per Mrs.RusellSavry. y idusriaizedare ofMet ý Bt te fctsarethere justilhour- and a femnale learner the samne, Mr. Rowntree ex-j at a rate o! not less than 7.5c plained. Fortunately, the big pcr hour.1 C hests ercent;ge of employers ini, An employer may class only level that enables their em-llearners. If fewer than five he tiployees t no the fut lpeople are employed only ane their labour and ta hive withlmay be classed as a learner. dint ad fedo rm Employees who wark less P li ewant. But there are thase ho than thmee hours on any dayl Ek ~I~ hae nowngy benwiîîing shahl be paid a minimum o! ay nwgs that canno three hours wages. laner e Cheate. Naturaly, we expect there N eed hav~~~~lngr e entrnrerpd.raljdviul"si The Department of Labourwill be questions frmm m- V ~~~~months studying tepo n b o l r ~~~~cons of blanket legislation foradeismns ilaparn the entire Province. Thîs the daily and weekly press study is continuing and just imdaey nteeavr ; as soon as it is compheted or- tieet1h odr ihb ders will be issued coveringlgiver, in detail, along with the' emaiîîder of Ontario. answems ta the many ques- What the new program tions that have aiready been means in the Toonto-Hamil-ase" ton-Oshawa area is that after The Department of Labour consrucionwork mus bequestion any employer or em- Othr ai wakes this Minimum Wage Pro-i must be paid a minimum hour- gram, CHEC WIH TIS NWSP PERly rate $1.00 and female work- CHECK WIH 1H15 NWSPAPERers mnust bc paid a minimum î AELN after fine months. W HEN THE FR E E CLINIC Mr. Rowntree pointed out Mrs. Sidney Lodge and hier that certain lagical exceptions 'son Mr. S. Lodge, Maryland, 'had ta be pravided for in the 1D.C., are visiting Mr an WIL E N UU Ai program. These are in the Mms. Samn Van Camp,Mran W ILL E IN OUR A EA icategomies of apprentices, stu-! Mrs. Roy Van Camp, Mr. and dents, learners, residential JMrs. Gardon Van Camp and building superintendents an d other relatives in the area. certain classes o! sales people.!r We were very sorry ta learn LET'S MAKE IT 100% . . . Even in these categories a onf itheinjulriesssaind i A ei car for pour family? Newo .appliancesfor ajour home? Get whatever jîou need now-with a Perso" Loanv from the Canadian Imperial Bankc of Commerce. Low interest rates. Life- insured for your protection. Conven- ient r epayments. See vour helpful Commerce branch manager todwy. Overl26O branches W serve uou 12 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvllle. .une 19, 19631 STARK VILLE $3.50 per day and up BOARD SUPPLIED FOR WEEKLY GLJESTS Rates on request DINING ROOM wiIl accommodate 75 People for Weddings or Meetings. PHONE 623-3347 Mvemnoricnl Hospital A. request was also made for' 'W ee ly R port the Manvers Township County .Weely R port Councii members ta appmoach the County Council on the, For thiewe !Jn 10-16 matter O! widening the Coun-' Anclusie. tvy Road in Pontypool in the! Adissis 87 area north O! the pond in or- Bîicrths mi,__fmle 12 dem ta make the moad more DiMajrgoe -on 105 suitable for driving and walk-! Major apeations --------_1,3 ing on. It was the opinion of, Minor-pe-at-ns --- 35' a delegation fram Pontypoolý Emnemgency teatments -- 26 that a sidewalk should be con- Visiting boums 3-4 p.m. and structed in order ta trv and 7 ta 8:30 p.m. keen the sunier re'ets Frod Prices Effective FROZEN - Apple, Raisin, Rhubarb FARMHOUSE PIES 2 Pies. RAYMON D We reserve the right to limit quantities. HOSPITALITY BLUEBERRY PIE each 45C DEMPSTERS EXHIBITION ROLLS pkg. 19c SWIFT'S - 10e Off 24-oz. Tin Spaghetti & Meut Balis 31c 8 7c Recelve $6 ln Bonus Tapes COFFEE Cla * & Sanb ôrn Deterge nt K~qi: T 41... Cros, - Uc Oli Too..pa ste Giant Siz. Receive $4 ln Bonus Tapes Corn Relisi, MLhn Beef Stew '2 3 -w.: Ttsiîn0f1 A Total Recelve $2 lin Bonus Tapes Pillsbury RoIlis BSwernlkor&- ?kgs. Golden Dow - Coloured Margarine 2 11hs. Dragon Brand - Chlcken et Shrimp Frozen Dinners Pk. Tobleffite Stcéd Bologna 12 o.. Pkqs. Produce of U.S.A. in Bonus Tomatoes Nc. I Grade Bowmanvu*lle IGA A Deliciaus Dessert - U.S.A. No. 1 Grade Cantaloupe 2J umbo Size 45's 35c Produce of U.S.A. - No. 1 Grade RED PLUS qt. box, 49c Produce of U.S.A. - No. 1 Grade South African - Large Size Navel ORANGES doz. 59C Foodliner BOWMAN VILLE 'p fFoley, Dorothy and Donald1Tdest leMm Bi? j werc Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Tenders1963, and Mayk to b Foley, Mrs. Bert Colwell. Mr:IM163, nd ork e m comlet irwmn Colwell, Bowmanville, iumvers Iw .. ouLIIULUU ed on or before August 3lst, and' Mrs. S. Tyler, Maple I 163. Caried MsGraans asa The regular meeting of the! fromn walking on the road-i Moved bv Malcolm, second. overnight guest of Miss Shar- Manvers Municipal Council; way. ed by McGill that the follov- an Leach, Bowrnanville, on was held on May 7th with all[i On motion of MeMaster 1 ing accounits be paid: Road Saturday evening. members present and Reeve! and Porter, the Township of.1 Voucher No. 5, Road Acc. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wood. H. M. Jakeman presiding. Manvers is ta dlean up the $l,649.06: Jack Kerr Jr,, ward and son, Warren, Tor.- Road Allowance behind the Dum.ps, $30-00; Fairweather onto, have returned home af-i The following communica-, residence of Mrs. Clara Arm-: Nursing Home, $144.75; Citieg ter visiting Mr. and Mrs. flans were received and read: strang. Carrîed. : Service Oul, Pontypool George Coombs and family County of Victoria re 1963 On motion of MoMaster Area. $36.83; Kesco El4-ri for the past week. The Base Line Good Neigh- Debenture levy for the V.C.* and McGill the Insurance Ce.! SUPlY, Pontypool St. T4~ht bou Clb mt t te hme f .A.. i th aoun of$10- carrying the Township Lia- Bulbs, $39.23- Muni ci pai borClub met atnthedhoeo .AB iaheaouto!$0, bility Insu rance is ta be noti-! World Ltd., 'stationery» up Mr.H1iono ensay163f esgaino James fied that the Township would! plies, $13-42; Caribotumn Ltd., afternoon. Mrs. Dixon had W. Boggs as Manvers Town-i like the Company ta reconsid-ý stationery supplies, $L49; City planned a Stork Shower in ýship Delegate on the Gana- 1er the dlaim of Mr. Lloyd ,of Peterboro, welfare charge. honour of Mrs. J. Trimble and raska R i v e r Conservation1 Clark in the matter o! his son back, $64.79; United Counties following a short business! Authority; Wagner Pulpwood' drivîng into a mud hole i of N. & D., welfare services, period Mrs. Trimble apened Industries Ltd. re taking of the Fleetwood area. Carried r $86.25; Registrar of Deeds, a basket of gifts presented by de]ivery of the Townshipi Moved by MeGiIl, secondedi rlso! transe, 4.60 Ket the club members and I ens.1pulpwood cut; M agi st ra t elhy Porter that the 1962 Tax Brl2.1ey n el, welfaeaccunt Soine cantests were held and 'Baxter re Manvers share of al i h m u t o 16- 2.1 enr el, W l *Mr. Rx Fwle an au pr- March fines in t.he amount of 118.68 be received fromn the Criswlare account 15.00;fod sident, Mrs. C. Wilson werei $14.12. A request fromn Mrs. C. Collector with $19,567.18 un-jCriwlaeacut 1.0 among the winners. The hos- 1 Armstrogakn ' hpi ae aMyît16 Walter Neals, repairs ta Hall, tess supplied suitable prizes!Road Allowance behind her[ Carried. $.0 .V ha nWrl fo heeevns.Te ebesproperty be ceand uP;j On motion of Malcolm and 'y Insp. Sal. $100.00; Ivar, were told that Miss Anne Hait,i Monthîy Report of the Atten- MeMaster, tenders are te~ be Kellett, sheep claim, $40.00; Courtice, had very kindly Of-1 dance Officer; Bonneville &1 calîîed for the redecarating aof Aln ruh poet fee1 a netante lba Fitzgibbon re the appeal of!, the Township Hall. Two coats 374 a dinner meeting in July. [Part Hope in cannection withlo! paint te be applied to the! Movcd by Porter, seconded *Mrs. Dixon assisted by Mrs. telvfor 1963 of the Gana- walls, aIl interior woodwork' by MeMast er that the meet- John urkoich, shaw er-raska River C. A.; N. & D. and the floor of the stage area ing adjourn te June 4th, 1963 ved a nicely arranged lunch Health Unit monthly report; and steps leading ta stage. at 1:15 p.m. D.S.T. Carried. for a social haîf hour. Miss Mari n D ckey and one gheep dlaim and several _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Miss Jean Dickey, Oshawa,acuns were Saturday evcning eall- Mr. Brown of the P.S.I. J 'ers with Mr. and Mrs. A.; medical plan interviewed thei B W M ANVILLE HOTEL iBarnes. Council and explained thel Mr. and Mrs. Charles Johns, programn that was presentiy U d N w a na em n 1Bowmnanville, were Monday being conducted in the Unit- U e ~ w iln g m n e vening supper guests of Mr. led Counties o! N. & D. iand Mrs. J. R. Metcalf. O oino acl n Finl oe topee Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wright On mosetnef Mlcokii and "Friendy oeyAtoph and family made Father's Day McMte the Cdle r ispota OFE SO calîs on Mr. and Mrs. Norman write the Board of Transport Wright, Enniskillen, and Mr.1 Conmissioners. Ottawa, ta re- Hm-oke ei adPsr and Mrs. Arthur Martin, Mar- quest that a Flasher warning Open 24 Hours - Daily Except Sundays tinRod, owanvll, ; signal be installed at the Sna.C.P.R. tracks on John St. in* * * * Sunday.the village af Pontypool. Car- e The difference between hoping ... and having is a PERSONAL LOAN .froill CANADIAN IMPERIAL 13ÀANK OF COMMERCE doz. 59C OMM= Over1260 branches Io serve you EXTRA $36oOO BOWMANVILLE