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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Jun 1963, p. 11

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Cenotaph Ready for Dedication, Huge Tourist Pot enfil 15 Neglected in Durham ~IE3 '~II 5III J~1Memorial Cenotaph was coin- pleted yesterday when the Newcastle.-There is a huge Counicil is establishing a large, many more such spots that names of the men from this potential in the Tourist In-ifish record and urges ail op- should be marked in the dis- village who gave their lives dustry in Durham CountLyierators to report large fiih1 triet. for their country durmng the Il that is being wasted through. catches to the Council at P-O.! Appreciation to Mr. Clav. Firàt and Second World Wars neglect, Chas. Clay, Projecs Box* 456, Cobourg. When re- for his most lnteresting anàW and the Korean Conflict were Chairman of the Great Pine porting, the following shouldi instructive address was ex-ieflgraved on the stone. Ridge, told members of the be given: Weight, length,ipressed by Robert Wagar whol Ail that is left riow to have Necate habr f o- irh wen ad heepresented him with a smalIý everything completed before inerce and their guests in the: caught, and who was the gift on behalf of the chamber.! the dedication on July 20th. Queen's Hotel on Tuesday ev- lucky fisherman. i.~ ~ s Io raise the few hundred ening last.I Mr. Clay said that, ina, a!d- rn h uiesprin dollars necessary to cornplete Introduced bv Murray Wal-icdition to the Big Fish Record , o h etng cons the fund. arThe comrmittpe tion r.awftet o om lthourist at ig raat c infos rmaivein preping the420 Balrd' membersar most anxious tionaMr. Coaytwet on e~ urist at!ig m tieadformatpepr- ounting t e aldwinthat the Cenotaph may be tractions in this area such as, placemats for eating houses )f Plaque Uneiig e ey reo etbfr h e ( the Bowmanville Museumn,1 various kînds. These matsý were ordered paid, and the cation ceremony and just a Mosirt. North Amerifh s first1will feature a mai, and wi l etmeigwsstforfew small donations wuhen1 salmon hatchery at Newcas- have a great souvenir value. tle, the Birthplace of the Mas- These wiil be of inestimable Bey Ferguson Agricultural~ valu e in advertising the area. Machinery Industry, and the Mr. Clay commended the mnany fine trout streams, some~ Newcastle Chamber for the of the fiaest in the province. work they are doiag and Ispeakîng of fishing, Mr. spoke of the great tourîsi Clay said there were 20 spe- value of historic sites such as cies of fish fouad in this area the recently erected Baldwin and the Great Pine _Ridge Plaque and said there were Four Winners of Reserves Ju Barbecue Sets Uln Ganarasl Newcastle- In a recentil Newcastle:- Judgment was draw conducted by the local reserved last Tuesday by IGA Store, four customners' Judge J. C. N. Currelly ini won themselves a compiete Port Hope in the Division barbecue set. Court action in which th,ý Ganaraska Region Conserva- The draw was made onition Authority is suing the, Saturdav, June l5th, with theýivillage of Newcastle for $200; following luckv winners re- for aon-payment of its 1962' ceiving the Barbecue Sets: îevy. Mrs. Fred Tufford, R.R. 3, Port Hope; Judy Powell, Miliî The village has protested Street, Newcastle; Mrs. Edithlagainst inclusion in the con- Hurreli, R.R. 2, Newcastle;f servation area, to which it and Doreen Lake, Newcastle.1 neyer gave its consent, whichi I-OSHAWA and DISTRICTI Crippled Children's Centre BLOOR ST. EAST OSHAWA For Children of Pre-School and School Age ENROLMENT NOW OPEN f or the Fali Term CERTIFIED TEACHERS AND Pl AND OCCUPAIIONAL THERA For Registration and Information ? Oshawa - 728-1 j387 Simcoe St. South, 0 Durham Courn MEDICAL Offers A Complete Doctor's Services - by the]I SURGICAL BENEFITS INCLUDE... " Any doctors' services needed in hospital. * Out-patient diagnostic X-Rays. * Cystoscopie and Bronchoscopie examinations. Be a Part Owner of You Members of Durham Counity Co-opei 10%,' Refund on Premiums paid int THE RATES ARE VI The Surgical and Major Medical Pael for a Single Member. The Extended Medical Plan and Mi and $57.50 for R Single Member Over 65 years of age: $135.00 for a FamiIy and $W.50 1 MAJOR MEDICAL BENEFITS INCLUDE... *Ambulance Charges. *Special Drugs. *Laboratory Serviceg. *Appliances and Therapy. This is tlie only county-based organi of Durham and N GERALD SHACKLETON - Hamipton 263. MRS. DALTON DORRELL, Blackstock 786. MRS ROBERT CHATER. Orono 3-r.i Sheep Ranchers Visit Guelph Sheep Day at the Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph, last week, brought more than 75 sheep breeders together from many parts of the province to discuss the latest methods of sheep husbandry. The program which was sponsored by the Ontario Sheep Breed ers' Association and the Animal Hus- bandry Department at the College, in ciuded a taik by W. H. J. Tisdale, Sec- retary of the Canadian Sheep Breeders' Association, on the sheep industries of Australia and New Zealand, and a tour of the coilege fiock. A group of the sheep men are seen discussing Canada's sheep industry, from lef t to right: Stan Norrish, Moffat; Wolford Grant, Paisley; Lloyd Skinner, Tyrone, and John Rettie, Fergus. 'lTuesday, July 9th, at 8 p.m. a'dded t"ogther ýmake size-ýt' in the Queen's Hotel. able decrease in the amouat L Your Te visiting lady wiil i The President, E. R. Love- needed to put the fund in the L rae Crow d A ttends Geb e riaonythsi eeknd ekmn welcomed the guests from black. If you had been plan- Grvee her awith peatsrn ad Bewdley, Cobourg and Bow- ning a donation, but thought is possible. Help wipe out tjournment of the meeting, a along as ail donations, large~D a TB for good. Clinic day in s discussion ensued on the. or small, are most gratefully Trn sFiaJl t, i athe ic speaker.forth by! Donations A t Spri ng G range Fa rm Tro 7 i 0Fridand Xy5th day isJ l th, 7 to 10 p.m. crod o Vitora Cubholing theilsOn Thursday, June 20, pup- Previously Newcastle:- A rw ofVcoi Clb hldn teils teacher, mothers and high acknowledged ... $1935.36 more than 250 people attend- winning ticket, colr met at Long Sault i dgerm ent R. Brunt, Newcastle . .0 ed the Shorthorn Field Day About 2.30 p.m. ail gathered School. By 8:45 the happy Tracy Embley, held on Saturday afternoon atl in the paddock to. judge twO~ group left on a well filled a C a eNewcastle..............10o.001 farin of Mr. and Mrs. John! classes of Poiled Shorthorns bus for Trno ,ka ase ickrd. he ieldDaywasl and guess the weight of the First stop was at the Im-. was enargd n Fbrar Total to date $1950.361 sponsored by the Durham and 1herd bull, Spring Grange Or- perial Bank of Commerce, 3,wa enlrged in Fbruayl 1Victoria Shorthorn Clubs with bit 2ad. The officiai judges where elevators took every- e1962 to embrace the village. the Ontario Polled Club and for the day were Mr. Russ oet h 2dfor 1No represeatative of New- r the Ontario Shorthorn Lassies Parker of Watford and Mr. break-tki n iew ooronto r assisting. castle was present at the I was ne Pimmett of Indian Riv could be seen from the look- meeingwhch ls inludd ale UC.W wee nvîed The registration ws ner. Mr. A'b. Stoltz of the Oaa- out on ail sides of the build- -ýeein wic l the nlarged toShldem u n e meeing tdcharge of "The Shorthorn1adian S horthora Association'ing. Next stop, the first 'the village inte nare t ol herJuemetng, Lassie Queen," Anne Trimble! took a few minutes to com- basement where the guide area, which includes Port; the manse," Tyrone. of Orangeville, and ber alter-î ment on the herd sire and the gv h ru motn n HoYpe, the Townships of Hope MsLele eshadhrntBraa SehnsOf' poîled cattle. formation about safety de- andClakean pats f Mn-group were in charge. Mrs. Chatham, assisted by the Dis-'Avr trciean r-pstbxs vers, Cavan and Hamilta opened the meeting trict Lassies. The wreal Avry trciean po-ostbx. withral worhîpaneveal atiredin t eir v er tta: efitable booth, selliag a varie- A very informative visit townships. ýhymas were suag. Scripture Lassie costumes and made atyo had md arilsan gied ou ofCa Clalms No Proof r lesson by Mrs. M. Marchant, very colorful group. home baking and African viO- Loma followed. Items of in- Devtioalreaiagan Th eentbegn itha ! lets, was in charge of Mrs. S. terest were noted in each and E. R. Lovekin, representing, e by Malrseîsh an pray Thic lun a on when pc- G. Bennett of Georgetown every room Even the stables, the village of Newcastle, con-:.nclnha onwe than r.Nra og0fhuhmishre ody tended the Authority had For aur program Mrs. Sam Presîdent of the Durham anbdgMr. Nomareggo.t oti.nsthorestodayon fie ofl ro htteButtery gave a reading "Bus-. Shorthorn Club, Mr. George r xtc ntetu n villag had ben notfied o: bel or Buhel." rs. Ke Carso, Shorthornd aeataiusiastshowerethtravelserea mile aadile and quarterr t e hdeetn ettngno te o Shackleton and Miss Marg- man, and Mr. Ed. Starr, As- present fromn Arundel, Que- plus climbing niany flights of extended area. He also ques-! aret Shackleton favored witîî sistant Livestock Commission-r bec, on the east to Chatham stairs up ta the towers and tioedtheauhortys mthd apinoduet. Rev. C. Dugan er, xvas the guest speaker. in the west and north to Owen through the tunnel to the of levying which is based on tVld us some of bis interesting Before leaving the tables, the Sound. The afternoon came sals ti adt eiv th opltinaa sssmetexperiences as a student min. draw for "The Shorthorn ta a close with the awarding that Sir Henry and Lady Pel- of the member municipaîîty. ister in severai different reg- Quilt" was made with Mrs., of prizes ta, men, ladies and lt elylvdi h ate rHe s i the Conservation ions of Canada. Four bales of i Gratton Moore of Cameron, juniors for their judging and The Marine Museum in the Authority Act apportioned good used clothing had. been j wife of the President of thel wei.ght guessing. Exhibition Grounds praved costs according to benefit,!seat ta the United Church ef____________________________h___ most educational, boat mod- derived or ta be derived and, depot ini Toronto. We wilî i1 els of ail sorts were display- that mechanical assessmen t also send $10.00 ta help with r ed from Indian made birch vilaedth at.the expenses. There wi 1 be i .!..i. bark- caaoes ta the ultra- vioe theregiar meting n--u- Harold Hooke, district con-'or August but we will hold iii lvc s~ servation field afficer, said a picaic at Mrs. Ken Fletcher's" 'HYSIO that a calculated rnethod of'lon JuIy 25th. Meeting closed e APIST levying is now practised by1 with benediction and aur host. 1ct i n l1 £ ) r o a ail 31 Authorities la Ontario.! ess and hasts served a delic- S o i l a d q rs i l The Ganaraska Regian which iajus lunch. previously operated under a, A aumber from here at- MradMr.LeB.Gyfaiyvstdwt 7525emn'sagreement, aot eddHyo niesay M.adMs ueB r kamnpand fml iie ih .72 e henwmethod th yadopt-!Senvies aon n nivesa and Mrs. C. Raîston of Scar-ýM n Mrs. H. Hoogkamp U new ther is ear.ervcso'udy borough visited with Mr. and l and family in Wbitby on Sun- Und her tsterny$5isnwc9st1 Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Shac- I Mrs. C. Reg. Lovekin last'day. -2180 'ilhv apa 58il 196.kietan and famUiy, Mr. and Tuesday. MranMs.Tcy mby In reserving J u d g m e n t,, Mrs. F. Blackburn attended Mr. and Mrs. TaodCucrn ailMs abe Old- 356Judge Currelly commentedlrthe Anniversary Services and spent~ Sunday in Toronto vi S'i field and Mrs. Rita Em'bley i that he didn't think that eith- were supper guests of Mr. in~g with Mr. and Mrs. Jim visited with Mr. and Mrs. M. er side is very concerniediand Mrs. Wilbur Blackburn, Shearer Prsi onti iwo about the ,$200, but that they Hadon,' Mr. andMrs. F. S. gnew sunday 'shawa are bath concerned about the "The Tyros and a few other aa aiyofToabr Mr. and Mrs. H . A. Gray ofay 1yeafcta crne ..thcaeyw andbe bo s.ccapa e ynoMdsvisited with Mr. Gardon Ag- Oshawa were guests of Mrs. I afeced a tis ase aid rs.Dou Renalsnew on Saturday. Rita Embley and Mrs. Mabel IrMessrs John Tit o e- Ms C .Lvkn r.C sh, David Twit, an Wed- r.C .Lvkn r.C Oldfield on Friday on the oc-1 Yats Pk ad Fe R. Carveth, Mrs. H. J. Falk. casion of their 58th Wedding Ytsenjoyed the weekea Mrs. W. Storks, Mrs. R. Dick. at Redstone Lake, north of inson, Mrs. F. Butler, Mrs. Anniversary. Also present, Haliburton. Herb Toms and Mrs. George were Mr. and Mrs. Gardon!ý r y G o-o p erative Pupils of the senior roo Walton attended the GardeniGray and famiiy ta celebrate! eaioyed a bus trip ta TorantoI Party at the Rockwood Gar- b it is parents. i last Thursday. dens on Wednesday, sponsor-' Mrs. George Smith accom- Mrs. Ken Miller lm visiting ed by the Womnen's Art andipanying Mr. and Mrs. Arthur ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Lyceum Club of Oshawa. B i and Fred and Mr. and Craig while Dr. Ken Miller Mr. and Mrs. John Vouttr rs. Clifford Murray of Fax-I S E R V IC E S vention in Quebec. D. M. Bernard attended the anid Mrs. RalphMuryi* is atendng medcal cacmparyoSni d y .and vMrs. borsplen ceun avy i ofM M edical Care Plan MAPLE GROVE ited with Mr. and Mrs. JamesHagersville and Mrs. G. E Mrs. Arthur Baker, San In the recent Royal Conser- thein mother, Mrs. Myrtle" )octr o You Ovn Chice Diego, California; Mrs. John vatory of Music mid-sum.mer Maffat of Carlisle, visitedi Doctorof You Own C oice 1Huband, Oshawa, were Thurs- exami. nations, John Jase re-! with Mr. and Mrs. George Al- 1 'day dianer guests of the form- ceived 100% in his grade IIl lin and Mr. and Mrs. W. F. EXTENDED MEDICAL BENEFITS er's 5ister-in-law, Mrs. L. C.Itheory. John wbo is the son Rick&rd last .Wednesday. INCLUDE ... Snowden. of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Jase Mr and Mrs. Chas. Woo and, Mrs. H. G. Freeman attend-liof Brampton and grandson of cbildren were in Toronto ani * Home and office cails.r ed Orono Suriday School An- Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Jase, New-i Sunday where they attended nîversary last Suaday when a castle, has been studyin.g special services at the Chinese * Injections. capacity congregation was pre- theory since last September. ýUnited Church.r sent. Mr. R. Morton was the Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Weath-, Miss Linda Roberts - basý * Health Examinations. special speaker. Three of bier erlitt and sons of Bethany' completed ber first year atý * Eye xamintions grandchildren received a pin were Sunday visitars with the University of Toronta.ý * Ee Eamiatins.and -a certificate for perfect Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Bernard. She obtained second class, * Plus Surgical Benefits. attendance at Sunday Schol Mn. and Mrs. Ben__Hoog- honors in FineArts.____ Ibsyear. There were ae _ ____ Lr Own Insuance C0rrie c rtifceivfor apin and a! spent the weekend with bis LO ir Ow Insuance arrie ýcerificae forperfect attentd- mothen, Mrs. Louise Colliss, L N A L ratie Mdicl Srvics ae rceiing ance. Two had perfect attend- sistcr and busband and fam- ratveMedca Sevies rerecivng ance for seven years. Orona ily, Mn. and Mrs. James Mn. and Mrs. Fred Partaer the year 1961-1962. Cburch is building a new, Geddes.1 were Sunday visitons of Mn. Christian Education Centre Miss Carnole Greenham spent, and Mrs. John Mallette, Cness-1 whicb will include 16 - 18 new 1 the wýeekend with Miss Irenie 1 well, and they had Sundayi 'ERY LOW1 closed classraoms for the Sun-, Harvey at hen cottage, Little supper witb Mrs. Nellie Os- day School.CnigLklbrn. borne, Cannington. âageis 60.00 for a Family and $30.00 Mr. and Mrs. George Jar-, Miss Kathy McGuirk was Mrs. Herb Cameron, Tyrane. kaevie, Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. Sunday dianer guest witb !spent Saturday with Mr. and Robert Jarvie, Kamloops, B. Miss Carol Edwands. Oshawa.1 Mrs. Robt. Cameron and fam- C., have been visiting theli l.1 Erla Vîvian, Tyrone, speat lajor Medical is $115.00 for a Family former's mother, Mrs. Robt. 1Mr ad Mrs. T. McQuirk MolYnday with Ruth Anneý j Jarvie. On Sunday a famnilyianîd family were Suaday sup- Camreron. Up to age 65. picnic was held at the home 1 per guests ith Mr. and Mrs.,M.ad rsA.Tyoad of Mrs. Robt. Jarvie. -Geo. Hall, Rexdale. daugbter, LA.efiel or and Mrs. L. C. Snowdea, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Eric Burton, Mgrs. Bob Mil r and m for a Single Mermber. Leslie Collacutt attended the!Oshawa, spent the weekend1 îîy, Bowmanville; Mr. and ______________________601h anniversary of the Wom- with their son and his wife, 1Mns. Marshall Keasts, Orano rea's Institute at Sauina on Mr. and Mns. Cecil Burton we Sna aleso r SEND TRIS COUPON TO:r iday. Mrs. Thornton (nee and famuly. DURHAM COUNTY Lena Taylor) and Mrs. L.; Mrs. Floyd Willoughby, Mr. Robert Sîm. Callacutt celebrated their 'and Mrs. TÈed Howe and girls,! Mr. F. O. Smith, Bowman-i CO-OPERATIVE birthdays on this occasion. ýDon Milîs, were Saturday vis- ville, and Mr. and Mns. F. G.' MEDICAL SERVICES Mrs. L. C. Snawden was a itars with the formen's sister Smith vislted Mr. and Mis. J. Orono, Ontario supper guest at the home of Mrs. Cecil Jeffery, and M. ýKidd and Mr. and Mrs. Ted her sister, Mrs. Sam Dewell, Iand Mrs. Steve Doyle aCd Kidd, Gaadwood, on Sunday. Name --------___ Hampton, last Thunsday. land family. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Mrs, Charles Greenbam at. Mr. and Mrs. Jini Ewing Boonstra, Bradford, were Addresu- tended the Wamen's Institute and famiiy of Seven Islands,. Sunday guests a! Mr. and ____j Officers Conference last week Quebec, returned home last 'Mrs. W. Vaneyk and in the r at Guelph. Wednesday after visiting with aftennoon the Boonstras and Tou wiII be under no obligation 1 Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Swal- b er parents, Mr. and Mrs. Vaneyks called on Mr.B and ilow visited with relatives and'.Lloyd Snowden and other r-Ms .VnaS. aBw friends la Toronto last Sun-: latives. manville. ization serving the Uaited Counties day. Congratulations ta John Mn. and Mrs. John Vaneyk ~orhube1ad.Miss Canole Greenham at- McGuirk, Mary Ann Doyle and family wene Sunday guests teaded Bandland Batoa Twirl- Brenda Bamber an passing Io n n r.OcrLgte -2744 HARRY WADE iag Competition last Satur- their music exarns with hion- Cobourg, and also visited Mn.!I day aI Kitchener. The Star- ours, and Bonnie Beech, firstt Harold Macklin, north o! -4995 Clarke 24-r-20 lettes twirliag Ieam, of whîch 'class honours la Theony. 'Cobourg. DAVID WILSON - Blackstock 986-4398 she is leader, won third place. Excavation bas begua for Mn. and Mrs. C. Peawanden Mn. and Mrs. Ray Calliss,j the new Maple Grave Christ- and f amily were Suaday ev- I Kirn, Mike, Marie, Minden,1 ian Educatian Centre. i ening visitors of the Baker&. modern sparts craft. Before leaving Toronto the bus stopped et Kew Beach where "live wires" ran off excess steam on spiral siides and swings, then tbey ate a quick snack. NEW 1963 Vol kswagens AS LOW AS 19.5.00 Down Up Io Il Months to Pay at SABYAN MOTOR SALES LIMITED Authorlzed Volkswagen Dealer 334 Ritson Road South OSHAWA Open Evenings Dial 723-3462 re Canadien Stateginan, BowmanvMle, lune 28i, 198 w IIARVESTS MORE HUY WITII LESS LEAF LOSS NARVESIS MORE GRAIN WITII FEWER STONES SFlexi Tooth is an entirely new idea in pick. op teeth for balers and combines. Its greater flexibility allows the tooth te ho lowered dloser to the ground and Flexi Tooth wiII pick up more crop per acre than canyon- tional steel teetb,. These new plastic teetis will handie liay more gently and reduce leaf shattering. Flexi Tooth on combine and balerbick-qpswlI ride over or bypass most obstacles, throwing fewer stones la the windrow. ' ' ounisi la rubber strips Rid Tooth is much qoeeter. The superior self damplng affect further minimizes dust. Flexi Tooth is tougher and ujIl outiast ordinary teeth, whie replacement teeth cost from 30% to 40% less than conventional steel test!,. FOR FULL DETAILS CALL AMI 0F THESE IMPERIAL ( A ENTS A. H. STUMOCK & SONS LTD. - BOWMANVILLE - MAJ-5516 E UCAL tow RKÉs2' sll ON NATIONAL BRANDS*j ÀAt Your Local Druggist's - Thurs. - Fri. - Scat. Il,,- CREST Tooth Poste ---o 1098 9c -,il~ BACTINE 1.29 1.13 jii", ALKA-SELTZER- 25's - Compare at 78c 69c 'Il I>BAN Lotion DEODORANT Compare at 1.25 1.09111 lu" BROMO SELMER -Famlly Size . Compare at 1.09 99c di, Il:' .111 jBRY!LCREEM--- King Size - Compare at 98ie79c liLISTERINE --Economy Size - Compare at 98c 79c I I". ORNL ColdCapsules-- 8'.s - Compare at 1.39 1.19*' NOXMMA TAN & GUARD- 41/z oz. - 1.25 1.09111 JuKLEENEX TrissueDi'oo' M - 400 2.for 59c WATCH FOR THIS AD EACH WEEK Il: BO WMAN VILLE NEWCASTE I: CGWLINgG'S DEUG STORE JOENSON'S DEUG STORE I:" ALEX qcCGOR, DRUGS OIRONO I JURY & LOVELL STUTT'S PHARNACT WAAL -e a-A&L -1<1h//v.."c4le Y:dpffl4eu Gordon Agnew, Ediior Phone 3621 s Bowmanville Newcastle -623-j es

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