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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Jun 1963, p. 12

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12 Ihe Canadian Statesmnan, nowmnanville, June 28, 1963 Darlington's Reeve Elected to LOD.A. Bd. Lucky $100 Winner Iof Sl.0fl from the Institut@.i ail moth Announcement was made nf missi the Durham Safety Caîmneil guests Poster Comeptition fan High- Truil. w way Safety and members were sehool. a riaskcd to contnibute ideas as Base Lir, soon as possible. It was de-: la Osha ci"ded ta apply for a Short! change Course on Copper Tooling, or îast x-ea ý Food Shopping as an alternate, lunes'aný sibl. A us tp wa aioin hert The Board of Directors of Campbellford were also re- man of the Ontario Travel Is iscued Andusthep wseary tinhtti the Lake Ontario Develop- 'elected for a further term of'Council, thanking the Asso- ws sed adtohaesenqres Mrs. F ti ment Association held their'office. ciation for themr help in the! wregadgth iseqire r. Annual Directors' Meeting Taking their places on the, selection of staff for the new regMrs. Hetor orongav MsFota recently in the Driftwood Board for the first time were 'information outiets at the eto oro av r- o Rom f osers etaratConcllrJ. R. Cooper of Service Centres on Hihway ýan interesting report of the W. i George Street. Peterborough. Cobourg, Reeve A. L. Blan-lNo. 401. ircng heDitribrook lisetn-etn Mn. George Coling of chard of Darlington Town-ý The Program of Wonk for aipficrendcnenrtfingsn Brghon ws e-lctd sship, and Mn. Wayne Wood of'the curnent year was ap- jsadngcmites e un Bridnt of L.O.D.A. for the Haliburton. Re-elected to the ýproved under five headings: .- vdIu Peieto ....frteAssrciation's governing body "Industrial", "Tourist", "Ag Following the singing of was enjc coming year. Vice-Presidents eeAdra .G o-r iutr" Pann r-ý the Institute grace, lunch was Mn I..DeratofLidsyell of Peterborough, LODA's 'gram" and "General". The, served by the hostess assisted SL an M.D.R.Mybe fCharter President; Mr. Read "Planning Program" il by Mrs. T. Jennings, Mrs. Budge of Port Hqpe; and Mr. new section this year where- Thma Mrc Rl ancdmon Mrs. ne theI.wa a . ~H. L. Garner of Peterbor-:by a regional technical ad- iBueRlyadMr.VnetWI a ough, who was also re-ap-. visory planning committeeJaso.MsRssCrexin.A A pointed as Secretary-Treas- 'is to he formed to co-opera- pressed the thanks of the! 13, about NO £.________ eamneth*vIusý members to Mrs. Weatherilt' hall and urerof he ssoiatin. ivey eamin th vauesfor the use of her home and to to tourt IYCWHOMc~OY Among the Resolutions and practice of planning jand ai hs h a sited! seum. TI ,>/AAF l fFTpassed was that recommend- cet en o einwt the programn and lunch. i interestir ng heGenraMMaagrY. ai exchange of information AUUIO -W .ngdGn rite MantherD-o. omniypann There wili bee no meetings After -i( ZIi w patmnt ofTwransptotherDa- O omn lnig held during July and August. i Hall, thE "i iA1 tive to the establishment of- Dai. b EIFCTR/C '~~~ $50.00 fine for littering of W SL YV LEMPEGOE Dv. th. Waterways. This recom- theminin mendation originated at ar The regular monthiy meet- ina 'recent Zone One Meeting of (Intended for last week) i-~ ng of the Women's Institute r report. L....in Lindsay. 103 y-dans ago this sumnmer wshlintecuhba- 'the esleyille hurchwas!ment on June 1lOth at, 8:15 p.m. 1be in Oci nte eeri th1 lit and last Sunday the!~ The meeting opened with' read a iE 1 eport il was reveale d t bu muicpa sudesof a1present congregation held its !.~President Mrs. H. Cryderman stitute ifl anniversary. The weather was weicoming three visitors and! cided t ~ ~ij'y ~~municipalities were cBni urrudns-fetdteOe sn h thtteew a-ail that a June. day cani beý a member who had been ab- ý foreignc ng and thtt ere r eap and the old chunch and its sent f or several months. Thol amount1 proximately eight on file to'ws ad Lr' d nes Asoiae emer ia- beauty of the day. The iawns '--Prayer repeated in unison. 'oto cepted by the Board were!Iwere trim'med by the ceme-. Roll eaul, "My Favour.itehed a LTD.....te Hlibrto Hihladstery caretaker, Mrs. A. Ford The new 3-in-a-Row Contest at the Dominion ,itr"wa ie. h i-Hedallo ELCTRIC j TChmbe o-Comeceandlwith Leslie's heLp, and theý Stores is certainly paying off for this area. Last week, utes and treasurer's report na u COTACTING REPAIRS the Toronto-Dominion Bank. graves of those who helped '0o there was a $500 winner at the Bowmanville store, were read. Mrs. F. Stevens 1l]th. IJ&CtiI was pointed out that sev- build, were neatly kept; John"'eotdfrheGo Nig- era oterf imsin he e-1 Goeeved timed hebor ýand this week, Mî-s. Agnes McCulloch, Church Street'reorted or ithe."Goowde- The roi REFRIGERATION -ELECTRIC ea terfrsinteR-Greeed rme h o- ' bors Committee." $00.ISorelanwas de-. wered b) MOTOR -SALES -SLRVICE gion were presentîy contem- dering hedge and Len Cg- a otnt own 10 tr aae .A cided to leave any decision o11 niaI inter. T.V-RADO- APIJNCES plaing embrshi. itred anranged the three large'ý McDonald says the new contest has aroused great the "Safetv on the Highwavs sn , TY ADO- ALINES i latn etter shnata th floral offenings inside the interest and 1enthusiasm among Dominion Store poster conts t' heAg s aed * Ii'7 members of the Board fram'rehrc. ev. Basil Longtoe customcr's. meeting, piano msi iui.1..Oon nte hne a teD. Lawson Make Chair- waso U Mrs. W. Brown was ap- The mc vistin mîîstr a d h Hpoin ted press secretary for is a wonn intnoduced to the congreg a-ý another ya.I a eie fyuk ±'i~~LLCES A ~~tin by Eider CarrolNichols. QI>.' am e ociet aya.i a eie fyuk vvJ JDE F'U J.. tio - ciiden ý i cItlesupply the pop and orange3U Final Hipln o h o h uno otalta.fi h H ERE 'S A W ON DERFUL His sto~ernin otheightradcan-d o h uirfotalta. o h rerin thwih od n It was announced that Bow-: the Solina £ his message to al], based on __vlehddcde otk h o iD qthe sory of the Transfigura- M ak e P an-f r mave ha ecideasta t et Coo tion, were heard with appre a e ia S iO creaieokery' as asrt ev bnqet vwi VACATION IDEA iation by afull church aStJ epstheccar:to~hw r i . .ý^ir ý vted. he rportfrom the, bl'v the 4- Take a five-day Great Lakes Cruise from $90 Return. Enjoy surrmemer Bsrvc.Teci Sroe h' i n c ititAnula own. attmend.e sports and relaxation by day . .. dancing or promnenading by night Reeve sandorantMs and ans foi- the Parish Piieii shers, or hanidod in at the Miss Susie Laird, convencr on board the S.S. "Keewatin" or S.S. "Assiniboia." Mrs. Carnoll Nichais sn ecdsusda h etn olcin o dctopeie o ",The Lord Is My Shepherd." of the Holy Na me Society helci Norman Hannan, chairman the following program. ifY reeently ini St. Joseph's Hall. of the Rctreat Commiîtee, read Mrs. E. Foley commented ilM TEW~A t the evening service weiThe president Glenholme Hu- correspondent-e (rom the af- on the mollo, "A picture is n wee fortunale in having Rev. ge rsdd e.F K iil rteJsi Retreat worth a thousand words." She L ghesJrAT e. Re v F.K. iuils rwte ALLi GR EAT LA K E CR U SE 'M. Fneeman home ta assist Malane, the spiritual diiector, House Manressa, near Pick- said that "Ibis saying is a Now and andSaurdy romPot cNol toFot Wllam Rev. Long, and weieomediand more than 30 members ering He told the meeting Chinese Proverli. Words arc trd. Sailing Wednesdayan audyfoPotcNclt FrWiim Rev. G. and Mrs. Wrightîoai iwere present. that two dates were available symbols, but an antist is 00ý bothered by )un 8t t Seteber4t, Battran lavs Troto 2:1 PM.E.S. C annin the cangregation rr Joseph CCuddalce, 'h() with for veckend 1etreats, June ýwho knows how ta sec beautiY ing îerioual, Jun8ttoSptmbe4t. Battran eavsTrono 2:0 PM. .ST. The special music was provid-:Torn Mastet-son is a co-chair- 2ist ta 23rd, and July 12th !and has the gifî of making us conditionraï the day of sailing. ed by the Canton choir witb lman of the Spccial Events t 4h e lwt i.I hl a lde Il, the leadership of Mrs. G.1Cmite presented a i-eport The spiritual benefits and: seen the pielure "The Madon-1 take Dodd'à Full information fhum any Canadian racific Ticket Office or your travel agent. ' rsh.Besides hi prpartins om h mnceasdi n oweg a ei na" la his home and theni atimulate th Mns.S. Bennett, Mns. Gardon pienie. He tld the meeting ious subjecîs nesultant fram a !secs il again when be enters i condition wl TRi ~~Austin, Misses B. Wright and 1 sKchoJnnnsxvi poortet ee mbaic he wîll realize Ibat the! ache and tir 0 CLangdo anga a nur id ope for the tug of war, Mn. lannan. He spoke af th-- world i ulo oeadta:bters 'et.and said (liaI the pragramn will excellent accommodation, adhe sette aapr fi odsKd Visîtars wcne present fromlincitîde races and allier con- !informed those present that in lfe. The Madonna stands! blue box wil TAffl71Cls /sweiSPLAN"i /M0TELi/ T IECOUMUNfCAlomt the othen appainîments an tests for ail ages. 'donations are cnîirely valua onh ettp fmîe-cutr.o WOP'~S MOST COMPI.ETE TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM Ibhis charge, from Orona and :twsdcdd hlpns-any. Mn. Hannan asked that i hood and love that sunnaunds, i Port Hope. The Canton choir laners af St. Joscph's Roman anyone intercsted in making was entertained following the atoie Cuc, Bwman-,a ratreat contact hlm as re I ; choir in the Sunday schooiINew'castle mybrnîg bouse 'made. room, and Rev. B. Long tate ini a i hl James Falir, the immediate jing the day at the hoe rfon Juiy 7t1i. past president, wlio is dhi- ,Clarence Nichais and E. Bar-lIt vas reported Iliat refurns moan of lhe Sick and Vigil 1$. rowelough. 'frtleSeilDa ab Commitîce, rcported t h a t . > ": ,- , ~ . LasI Moaday evcning, June'hî Itepei r oigAd Lunnemana and Tam » .-.~ z '101h, Carrail and CIanene inL -ffiowîy, and il \vas agrccdConiiors are patients in tbe i. 'iJ,, -, l. * *. ols, Mrs. A. Thoradyketa have an announîecment in'hospital. Alvin Masterson, and Mrs. A. Austin attendedIbhe pai-isli bulletin stating that who with Lea Gaulai is a co- the joi.nt meeting of session returns nmay lie made i'ta teýcliairman ai the MembershiPi *-' at the manse, Wclcome. Committee, also rsni da On that saine aflernoan the: for a ime during the afler-ý report. John Regan, tic trea-..... commitîce in change af thei nonsuner, submuttcd a satisfactonyl stnawberny festival met at te hleig the gua-Fanki ai rert eBig home of Mrs. Hector Danke tLoIUC. W. meeting was Ied i Fn n Wonr Ii ig measure salads, couni erete hrh hthe p esihairm an, reported that the and do ail the other detailedenMs Clarence Niehlitedne a h ek figurin'g that prepanes a sup-1 conducîing the necessary busi- Biormd hsie aiae. ion- i per fan a enowd that migbt lie'ness. The pragran-i was i nme i aiainta 200 or 300, and silil arrangechnea tegru led bv more assistance with the rua- mattens that Ibere wil lie suf- Mrs. Ken Ashby. Followviug 'anngoteBiossrqied fielent food, a.nd none wasted. short devotional pcniod whicliadh ~ e o autes I Quite a ebone! te Mr. Cuddaliee moved that: 'f On Wedesdy ateroonincluded the reading of thee be no general meetings Mns P.Sacl ad Ms. laofa thp xocieîy during July and, vrs d nationand s liv- Crecaîv ncd r',d no intue found ilneessaita ca'ieîl ence Nichais called f or'the duedt egust pekerwh Augus t uneess Ie resident,' iPort Hope, and Mrs. Gwcn ail eall him friend, Dr. Kelly carried. ----aiofPart Hope. His iiinstrated1 Fallier Malaîic, the spiritual! talk ai bis trip ta New Zea- dineetor said the ilasing pray- land was ncw and vvrs' dii- or iand Mr. Hannan moved ici-cn from ast or01.11 Illlat the meeting adjourn. Fol-: velogues wi- hae hbcnîlaw.inp ther business meeting! M,17 P'tmostlv oaituope ai- U.S.A.an excellent motion pleure de- 1oago # president. There were 21 was, shawn by William Bunt- 4 4 ~ ymembers and 5 visitars pre- iîîg, Orono. The film had heen ~6 uq etJ o~ to isent. praduced by ic Aluiminumi Ecoutez: lhere are irois A o i bsetcin flavor for après le diner sipping %Nhei-e Mrs. Darke uenaiiiedio in i-iles, rpe COQUETELS, ai on COQUETEL après le diiier, You wiII not be able ta resist it. uuîtii Saturdav. ýpî-uuing, etc., witi many' vcx- délicieux. Prce: nmadestiniiithe you will say: Merveilleux!Yuakaottep ecMs .Biltnai r ellent i-nies forthie home hîgesîdegee.Thecontainer: And on la table Ihis wine It i af such modcsty, you wil R. Bee oi Port Hope spent the adni- l olw. Ms I decntrIrs andom i tok sodiîigu ~be pleased. If you witl see the weekend aI Mr. and Mrs. M. Vincent Jackson tld bow 10 pou l tale deaneran il piceisso handsome decanter baîtle Ciarkes e a t t a g e, Ulterson. cessfîuily, ealling thcm "The <nl -herolet pEursaytale.cietidecndyo a nibe, an d o ils prouwil ce s Sa las ,Duiing the week-end thex- also Garden G am ur Girl", and ny C r E sll s a y e z - l o eln c Tli e , a n o a i o a l . h o y al0 e s u is c e r t a in . v i s t e d v i t li M r . B e i g l t o r i s o a v a " H n d G u d e f o h. iyver rigt. IwîCEboySEsetaller daunghters, Shiirley ý-and asogavreing" dGud frfinir~, 'w'.îh -inc weilsaey rta y1urslf: Thîasetn îyCQUTLCEIESo wil you try COQUETEL Eseaî eoî tBni Gton. Mis inia iclmo of al lie Tc aea RseiaîCOQUETELS, shartly. shortly? CACAO, bientôt, peut-être? EseadLoaa ulntd.Mr.Toa aclsncistinct jvct fim Ge ad Hiiof Rs -vllead onducted a i-autesl on wceds C'hex-y IF-load .... c.e. C s.e.tTuesdav niglît. witli E.and x'egetalesheb ston. Corx'aiî- %vîll (1111C blS Barro\wc-lougli"'s. Mr. C.Hunt- 'Mrs. Harrv R\'ley pnesided PrforiiTig <liv lngton ai Weiconie spent the for tic meetiiuîg. Mrs. T. -oetatsSi Bn~isannivcrsai- Suuîda.' at li theîelllirlgs gave tie financial fioni 1I cxcli ig same home. repor-t, minutes and carres-,Ceict!s. Ro. Austin caine hlinîie i'uin pondence w h i c h included!(heioct!S- Port Hope Hospital whlere hi' thanks iromn Mrs. Earl Me-' was being treaîcd for an in- Quaid for guIf and cards dur-1 E S URE TO SEE BONANZA ON THE CBC-TV ________30______ 331 jured leg, but bad ta rest 111 ing illness. Membens were bed for mosl ai the past week. pleased ta hean that ber in- Mn. and Mrs. G, Shields ai fant daughten Apnilis1 now Port Hope, and Mr. and Mrs. home inom Sick Childu-en'sR Ke S'nmasYndof:1 aiHospital. Toronto. and sic Cobourg Rd. lhartdinner 'vi!hiwililihe sent tie eustamnary Mn. and Mrs. CarroIl Nicholz gitot ne\% babies aif ahak COURTICE Phone 728-6206 on~ Suziday, book wit.h an initial account Laird lntroduced nur speaker, Miss Grace vho grcw up, attended and later taughî aItith -me. Miss Trull teaches twa and was an ex- teacier la Engiand ýan. She shawed pic- dic gave a eammentanv trip ta tic HolY Land Chrnistmas hoiidays at ne. HI. Coone 'v gave a vote ïs ta Miss Truli and lIey on behaif of our ng elosed witb the ne- ai "The Colleet" la Group la charge ser- ich and a social lime oyed by ail. INA W. INSTITUTE rune meeting ai Sauina sGrandmatbers' Mee~- Ssevea o'elock, June it 40 ladies met aI tie 1wcnt ta Bowmanville the Bowmanvillc Mii- bhis provcd ta be most' îg 1 ail]. rcturning ta Satina ie business was deait President Mns. Ralpýi 'Ms. Wm. Ashton read utes anîd cammunica- nd gave the finanelal aIe for the bazaar willr ltober. Mrs. R. Fraser cItter irom. Billon In- n England. Il xvas de- adopt a cbild in a countr '-. This would la $60.01 a year ta- lcation. om Baker gave a re- lie District Annual Sauina Community May i6tli. The an- trip will lic on Jul.il call was well ans- )'v aill-"oehn -ested une aI the Mu,- Mrs. E. Cryderman .vitli a very pieasiag tru mental. uitto was - 'Memoîr ideî-iul treasure cli-,:' îow iow ta pack it." Iaîîs have been mac 601h Aiînivemsar.' cf a W. T. an J1une 21, in imunity Hall. Tlils Il take the ftîrm of a wici will lie seî-xed I-H ginls. ManY for- hers ai-e expected to u're TIRED THE lIME seI1Pt4G " then every bo dy g t 't feeling and May be )backaches. Perhaps noth- y wrong, juat a temporary used by urinary irritation or somlort. That s the time te 1Kidney Pilla. Dodd'a help te kidneya to reieve this ich May olten cause back- KING STREET W. AT STEV ENSON RD. ed feeling. Then you feel thetter, work better. Cet Cancellations nt 5 p.m. in case of rain Iey Pilla now. Look for the bt the red band at all drug i cai depend on Dodd's. ro rClub couper, Corvette Si ing Ray Sport coupe, Che vy 11No va 4-foor ýcdan. Chtvj-utjjcL mpd la .upu ioOrt Cartii ,e togo buy,. l, E VIIOLE offets you such a wvide cliaice of Itiîality-biiit, cars e ach 'vith its ôw7j onaliît andi excil cmceni ! This yenr, ('hevrolvt '.s ffill-size lîîxîmmy hoasîts new vî;rî Sport * veso (flonu- shift, bucet scats, con veniett ecotre console, i)thnt's gîînît-aniteed ta kecp yoîîî spir-its .sai- ! Then 1îhiec's the thrifty ced xvii i purîse-pleasiiîg lent iireýs a nd pruced tIo p- cA i u aunty Ykîil rt pliIse xx ill e.\- ci eîît ! .'ldd tic put0it ll- Uviolet, (orvet t- Stlig IL\-ttdyomî'vc gut a la_________________ oîîî t.j lîioî- iin a uv eaur-gieso tki- xoiir îm-L. VAL NETWORK £ACH ýUNDAY. CHECK YOUR LOCAL LISTING FOR CHANNELANDTIMF, 80 w. NICHOLS BOWMANVILLE - Phone 623-L" x - ...-

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