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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Jun 1963, p. 14

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14 Ti. Caadia Staesma2n, Bowmanvlle, June 28, 1983 lirthà _ n Me oii ComingEvents Articles for Sale 1 Articles for Sale i CRYDERMAN - Keith anld'DELANEY-In ioving miemory' Monster Bingo, ThursdaylBUYING or sellîng furniture BOY'S Go-Kart. Phone New- '57 CF, Linda (nee Stainton) are veryiof James E. Deianey who pass- night at 8 o'ciock, sponsaredlor appliances, cail Elmer, castie 3851. 26-l* el in happy ta announce the safe edaway June 24, 1957. by the Junior Chamber fI Hampton: business 263-2294 -BCWETfrsl.Po 2196. arrivai of Lori Ann on June The golden gates stood open, Commerce Red Barn, Northfesidence 263-2695. 16-tf 2323Cianke.26-1sal60PhCn 11 183 a shwaGeerlGod said he needed rest, saw.5CAULIFLOWER, - et sedan, Hospital. A littie playmateHis garden must be beautiful Hampton Women's Institutelpc oh w.EdinettceMIXED square baîed hay.1dition, for Joann. 26-l'ý He oniy takes the best. ganden tea, home of Mrs. Aiexlink your sofEdil St.ubn Phone 263-2675. 26-1 Newcz i-Always remembered by Carrick, Wednesday, juiy 2rd, one mile, east lSt j- Ë_e ý uyr-ng--tt.ý_-- HALLMAN-Ted and Madeiine &Gertrude and famiiy. 26-1 2 - 5 p.m. Admission 35c and Bs LnNecst- -a 63-04.2--dto arehapy t anouce he20c. Everyone weicome. 'BEATTY Washers, new, as__ arrivai of their son, Tracy Ed- LITTL-In loving memnory of' 26 - 1*Iow as $99.00. Fulll une o AE for sale and cielivered. white ward, on June 17, 1963, at Me- a erfte ihrlite odBwCmnnt ete Batty appliances. P a d d y Cail Cliff Pethick 263-2131. transn marial Hospital, Bowmanville. who passed away on June 27, Mon B* eTy Market, Hampton 263-2241. 32-tf at -o nses ter i .wenty 11-5as; W ATER H aulage, reasonable 986.4_ _______________________home,1962. ame-wet olas1fv rts Wm. Hasiuk, 623-5381. 71/ Goetokhihhme i ws ames-thirty dollars; $150 STOVE-iength slabs, $6 a card:rts 13-tf rude Deaths But His will, i oehmjckpot, and two jackpots ai at miii; buy by trunk or truck' - -- aa IBRADBURN, Margaret Edith-1 nm en $250. Doon prizes. Next ioad. Woodiey's Saw Mil,ii, SRAWEÈRRY and raýaspbe-rry par Athe rsieneBlcktok stili; Monday, 8 p.m., Red Barn, .R R 1, Tyrane. Telephone crates, 60e each. Telephone coni; Ot.,iean sundaynce 23 1963 kHis memory is as dear today Oshawa. __ 46-tf 263-2121. 25-2 263-2204. 26-2* ateîy. Margaret Wotten, b e 1 v ed As in the houn he passed -_________y_ wife 'of the late James Wes -. away. Hampton Sunday School ïEHctfwrscoaie STRAWBERRIES for sale, 623-72 Ioften sit and think of him, Anniversary, Sunday, June 30, RS cu lwronaermktpies PheKas ley Bradburn, dean mothen afl When I am all alone, 1963, 2:30 p.m. Speaker, Rev. arrangements, town and hos- Rmaet pnices. 7Pho5e3K1aas Avla(Mrs. L. Henry) anda pital deiivery. Call Passant'sRitmaplrnaat7e2 Joseph, bath af Blackstock;!For memory is the only friena S C. H. Atkinsan, Unce it- 122 Duke St., Bowmanvilie. USED WaÀr-sher Parts, ail makes; licencg VilIMs F atr That grief can caîl its own. ed Church, Toronto. Soioist, Phone 623-3527. 25-tf 1/4 h. p. motars. Paddy's Albert Mioale rave,. aLae fl-Lvingly remnembered and Mr. Steve Lawson, Lng- - - ____ sisterv, ndrn e sal iseoyfi auhe Branch. Music under leader- CARPETS and îDÂR A P ES Market, Hampton, 263-2241. Cance Tornt; ovxg anelHazel. 26-1 ship of Mrs. Bernice Bothwell. (Sampies taken ta the home). --1-52ship Wotten of Toronto and Ger-' 25-2 Free estimates. F. A. Knarnp APR MATELY 2,000 new 16 trude Adarns of Bowmanville, pLd,3 igS.EBwa-oepn er oepie da in hier 85th yean. Rested at McROBERTS-In loving me- Chartered Bus Tours - 1 S td.,e.371 t ., Baw a o250 tfrr4. oes,235p9,iced edat the Chapel of McDermott- mary af my dean husband who per Canada Village and t.vle 62-012-fat50or4, hne 26-1 * soîd t PaaaePort Perry. Service passed away June 26, 1962. Lawrence Seaway, July 20 INSULATION, blawing meth- ---- c-t Saturc was held on Tuesday at 2 p.m. His memony is as dear today and 21 inclusive. Lake Piacid, od, with rock wool. Work- KY u uoaialwieFrf Interment Union Cernetery,lAs in the haur hie passed Tupper Lake, Saranac Lake, manship guaranteed. Free esti- you wait, at MeMullen Hard- tactç Cadmus. 26-1 away. Ausabie Chasrn, Civic Holi- mates. Harry L. Wade. Tele- ware, 36 King St. E., Bowman- _____ Ever rernembered by his day Weekend, Aug. 3 - 5 in- phone Clarke 2420. .39-tf ville. 3-tf 15 CRWELS JckEdar~ ife Ethel. 26.1* clusive. For reservatians cal- ALM1957on adWi- 1g Entened mtoJarestsdwdey n-w- ,~Caol1mer T ra v e 1Service, ALUMINUM do o rs a n d awscntatM cMulle nadi- ee, Entredino rst uRenl i 623-3265. 26-1 windows. Caîl us today fandwcntc euln ad ep Newcastle on Tuesday, June jjjI______-- free estimate. Terms arrang- ware, 36 King St. E., Bow- top col 25, 1963, Jack Edwand Crow- iiITtTU(YT.LT For a holiday weekend out- ed. Cowan Equîpment, King manvilie. Phone 623-5408. alm ells, beloved son ai Mn. and Mrs. ing close ta home visit Baw- St.E., Bawmanviile. Phone --.---- - 26-1 sis;, Kenneth George Crowells and' Dignified and Distinctive manvîlie Museum, see the 623-5689. 45-tf SIX foot Massey-Harris Clip- ton, 5 brother of Ken af Oshawa; Monuments - Flat Mankens new displays, enjoy a strol l - ----- per combine with Wisconsin drauliý Sandra, Rosemarie, Bian, Don- in designs for any need. the garden. Open Monday, STRAWBERRIES - For the motor. n go odtotns aid and Alan of Newcastle, in 152 Sinieoe St. S., Oshawa July lst as weli as Saturday besi, pick your own and save. $600. , in good Blcndtonak s;ele his l7th year. Funeral fram*7310 and Sunday, 2 - 5. RegularjApply J anosis Taacco9847826iAb the Armstrong Funeral Home,72 00 2862 days, Tuesday thnough Sun- Farm, Newtonville, one noad ment -- Oshawa, with intermient in Office Evenlngs day, closed Mondays, except onf east of Newtonviile and 1 1z GENERAL Electrie stove, Boenr Mount Lawn Cemetery. For _____ ___ 26-tf1 holidays. __ 26-11miles north. 26-21good condition, $25; bed-chest- on further paticulans cal the - E_____-____-FESH strawberries daiiy, atefid$1,snebd $5 - C rsof Thanks Tenders Vanted corner Maple Grave Road and crm ice tbe$,kth 7128-5173. 26-1 _______No.__2._________ __accord-__ en sink $2. Apply 77 Elgi We oul lie t thnk ENDRS iile rceied Hihwa No 2.Pnied ccod-St. Bowmanvilie. 26-1 ML HARTORDAt Bwmavil e nt u Hyland aKthnth e u T NDES in e untîl July i ngta the market. For langer ML HARTORD At owmnvile rthr Hlan an Kithenr te uderignd utilJul 5,quantities Phone 623-2768. J. PLOUGHSHARES, haler twin, apply. on Satunday, June 22, 1963, Burton far selling tickets, Ross 1963 fan supplying the sehools Rekker & Sons, Mapie Grave. 3 - à ton wagons, hay elevatons, WôïMi Oliver Morris Hartford, New- Duff for electnîcal service and ai the T.S.A. of South Danl- 26-1)' galvanized gates and fencing house% tonville, aged 47 years, belov-,Janetville for support at aur ington with types of fuels list- CARPENTER'S- TooIs _ and supplies, new and used tractor, Cali 6 ed husband ai Jean Owles,1donkey basebali evening. ed: (1) Fuel ail, approx. gai- Cet(5 ol)cmltrtuck and car tires; 2-wheei -_ clean fathen of Tom, Janet, Nestieton Faresters. lonage 70,000; (2) Stove ail, hs 20tos opee ries ennlm n eiRL Alan an Leonad. Mr.Hart-I26-1* approx. gallonage 4.500;(3 Used value $235. Job lot t bond, weeping tule and fittings. ting f: fond nested at the Morris Fun-Soe ol prxtonghiesofr.Mbeam- Hoskins, Blackstock. 26-1 phone eral Chapel, Bowmanville until Iws oepesm îcr 12; (4) Stove coal, approx. mcd June 28, 7:00 - 8:30 p.m.- _ Sunday afternoon, then at the thanks ta Dr. Ferguson, nurs-tang16M.J Hobbs, Sec-atLgnHlQue SretON Mssyari No 60AE Schuett Funeral Home, Miid- es and staff af Memorial Hos- ra. nikleOt 6-1 Bowmanville. 26-1 combine, pull type engine, ta sel TYPWRIERS adcrs cah-mounted pick-up and cutter, manvi. rnay, for service on Tuesday, pital for ail thein cane and at-exlen codtn:ne .F re at 2 o'clock. Interment Mc- tention, also ta fiends for i--- ens, dupîicator's, chequewrit- front mounted swather, 9,- Canad: Intosh's Cemeteny. 26-1 gifts, flowers, cards and visîts ens, camptometers, three hund- used two years, new condition;, 190, B during my stay there. red new and used. We buy, anc pull type Massey-Hannis, 3 RAM MITCHELL, William Chanles Mrs. Jan Sweep. 26.1 * 8si et erie aitn' saher, good repain; triple home. Henry-Suddenly at his home'!____ ~r~c Office Equipment, 137 Bnock 8 swtiatosonF..muttrpn In ron onSatrda, Jne We ishto xprss ur inSouth, Whitby. MO 8-5849. K cuit aorn pcer.F..M . unt tas in~~~~~~~ OoooSarayJueWwshtexrsausn-ROOFING CONTRACTORS f-t-Wnyf o, hn 232861cr 22, 1963, William Mitchell Of cere thanks and appreciation'BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO 10 j ed Swee , c hrnepicker. . y.ut the Depatrnent of Lands and ta friends, neighbars and rel-SEL. THREE-picce bedroom suite, 26-1 Pres., Foncsts, Onono, beloved bus- atives for the lovcly evening 5 cA.Ld TENDERS will be Mr. and Mrs. Dresser, kitchen MCIEY4 nenta-C. band ai Miriam. Handley, entertainment in the Recrea.. receive by th e undcrsigned, set, table and 4 chairs, two- CIEY 4 nento-C. dean fathen af George af tion Centre and the many until 3:00 p.m. (E.D.T.) ofl piece chesterficld suite, ail for aI Hay Baler, P.T.O.; 45 In. Texas. Oshawa, Albert ai Orono and beautiful. gifts gîven us Fnl-fort e ES DA, JLY of d 163the hotes harss$4.5ternational Hay Baler, P.T.O.,-_ y Connie (Mrs. Burns Kitmer) Oai1day evenîng. frthieoviaitecxitsprnigs, $ 9.95; mattresses, d$395' S$T5Hay0 ai:N ew mato ndw Lakeside, in his 65th year., Jean and Bill Fergusan in built-up roofing and in-1$19.95. Murphy Furniture, damnivn 1500as is: Ncew îhnen Rested at the Barlow Funcral. 26-l* sulation and the Suppiy andlKing W. Phone 623-3781. Fam nd Bi Bucetan' Home, Orono. Service was' Application af a buit-up roof ' 26.1_Bar00ide5Rakerain alubben tiresal held on Monday, June 24 at 1 1 wish ta express my sinceremta fasiseco th' -2 $10 5 Inrninl 4-asa 2 p.rn. Interment Orono Cerne- thanks ta relatives and friends 'Triple Dormitory at the Boys' SIDE deiivery nake, 7 ft. :sealcd bcanings, clearance pnice Rawlej tery. 261 who sa kindly nmmee Train ing School, Bowmanville, Massey-Harnis binden wîth $385.00; Massey semi-mounted 4005 reebrdOntario. grease fittings, cernent mixer, Mowcr, Allis-Chalmers Model - SIKMA - At Lecu Warden, me with gifts, cards and flow. Spe cificatians and Tender International threshing ma- "B" Tractor with scufflers; MIDDI Holland, on Saturday, June Ees. andspe cia anseDr Documents may be obtained chine, 28 in. cylinden, 56" body International W-4 Tracton. rager r 22, 1963, Gosse Sikma, R.R. and staff ai Memorial Hos- from, or viewed at Romr 6630, with grain throwen; grain aug- Cowan Equipment Ca., 134rasn North, Orno, in his 6th year, pital. Departmcnt ai Public Works, er, set ai scales, 2,000 lbs.; 3 King St. E., Bowmanviiie and ca beioved husband ai Ytje Reits-' Mrs. Russ Dean. 26-1 East Block, Panliament Build- hanse electric motar and small Phone 623-5689. 26-1 ens fo ma, dean fathen ai Nellie (Mrs. in___ gs, Toronto 2, Ontario. hammer miii, set of team rn ---- paid. Peter Feddema), Peter, Pier, Iwudlk atakalm A $1,000.00 Bid Bond and a !sieighs, 3 logging chains, smaîî MOORE'S PAINT tanAS, Syke (Mrs. Klaas Reitsmna), fricnds, ncîghbauns and rela. 100% Performance Bond willimatons. Caîl 3319 Orono. Bw Tom, Edna (Mrs. Sjenp Van-itives for cards and visits dur- be required as spccified. - 26-1* Latex om dermeer), John and Betty. ing my stay in hospital. A Tenders wiil not be consid- 1 FOR TiHE GRA-DUATE Outside White DuOha Resting at the Morris Funeral sialtan o t r M.ed unlcss made on fonmsBCY LE$895ga. ait Chapel, Bowmanvîlle, fnom Kenzie and the nurses and supplied by the Depatment. $8.Treasl Wednesday evening. Service safa h eia ad The lowest or any tender not, OS'adGIL' UL E at t In Rehoboth Christian Re- Mrs. Grace Biensteker. neccssaniy accepted fridCuh onFia,26-1 Parliament Buildings, $44 ~H R " A Eet et 2 o'clock. Interment Orano Toono2,Otai,_3.4___r t Cemetery. 26-1 i~ t xrs ytak June 25th, 1963. HA DncETras. Ia r.iiost Dxr.spnouleansJ. D. Millar, -at36 Ring St. E., Bowmanville annual IoD.MkoD.Sruead 26-1 Januar Engagements Dr. Slemon and the nurses af Dcputy Minister, Wo I Depantment of Public Woks,- -- n. _____ __ - Memorial Hospital, Bowrnan- A Mn. and Mns. Ivan A. O. vle lot ncd n e Ontario. _ ____ 26-2, uction Sale WOMià- Shook ai Islington (the former atives for cards and fîowers -EKL you W( Marionie Mariow ai Black- sa kindiy sent ta me whiie I Wanted ý85 King St. W. Bowmanville WEKL 4 hour stock) annaunce the engage- was a patient thene.-. Phone 623-3134 ILIVESTOCK SALES each r ment oi their daughter Mar- Mns. Isabelle WowrDADSokSron__fa' 6-Sui janie Anne, ta Mn. Ailan Stew-fo ed l an rple',---- ---------_-1 tDrmCutySesAn aot art Evans oi Islingtan. The 26-__ farrn stock according ta sizel REXALL Orono - Every Thuns., 7:30 p.m. and a: roarniage will take place an We wish ta thank al aur and condition. Small animais Hnrses, Cattie, Swinc, Calves, arc w. Isingon nied huch t nindsan neghour fn emovcd free. Phone coiiect, S M E TM etc. For truck pickup Phone livenieý Saturday, Ju.iy 6th, 1963, in finsadnegbusfrClarke 1622 or Peterborough S M E TM Orono 8b 1 p.m. day O Cosmel 4:30 o'clock. 26-1 ;sactsoiekin d iesalo for Low- 742-8827. Trent Dcad Stock' SPECIALS sale. J. A. Reid & Son, Sales LaFleu Mn. and Mrs. Percy Ellis, A 849, Biackstock, for their Removai.LiN. 177-- SALEcontanagers. 52-ttf Route wonderful help. Our thanks - 8tfSLocniuerhouht Oshawa, wish ta annaunce the ta Dr.E D Huar, r Ç sio th June 29th Auction sale af Ford tractorho. engagement ai their daughter'Çharles Austin, Dr. Kcith Sic- Sp toc padsaeo eeanosed cquip ct, th enentin Brenda Leigh, ta Mn. Donald hnadsafo enra o edo rpldFr HiloBwavle o' ospti owavlc Tak tck ikduppo ty. ai the BIG REXALL VALUES Toms, Lot 10, Concession 3.1 QUAN Mn.Alfcd ilîanTynne,0 Rv. ano H.E. shmne Te.Sho e Pcleet26-221atCva Twnhian mlenc Mr. and Mns. Fred Smith band wili be open TuesdaySt. P0n 623-73 41 -tf the lower summer prices. estate made known day ai sale. Phone 104 Elgin Street, Bowmanville, an Thursday during juiy - __ ___- m th R "- ETola wiii~~~ bea oet hi cand August except fan the first, X OCE T Jack Reda u ct ione r ; "THE aiefriends and ncighbouns week in July and last wcek ai and $14.00 PER YEAR Jc ed ~~neeron HRu anteocsono, gr2t ugs.Fr mrecscnLawrence Harris. clerk. 26-2 comrn on te ocason i tein25t Au8~st Fo emngecie co- Certîfîed Watchmaker Of Ls hn3~~ a ae Wedding Annivensary, Satur- tact resident dactor at the hos- Canadian Jeweller's Assn. eT 1 r'3C/2'a1a cre day, Juiy 6, 1963, ironi 3 ta 5 pitai. 26-2 FOR A 6 CU. FT. LOCKER Livestock FrrSale welcorr in the attrMarr andJewo llero hi~~~ thS.enonan ~ 5 Everton Wlhite & * * *weler TWELVE baby pigs, seven Wsa in the evcning. 26.1* 39 Kn St. W. YOUNG STEER ýwceks aid. Phone 986-4316. _______________ ing26-i SOÙT] LostAllan E. Down -_- _ ~t Fronts of Beef 1TftRTEEËN ig n neweeks.cc HOLSTEIN heife (500 to600 General Insurance Ibs.), short tail. Cali 5 r 5 Orona. 26-1* BOWMANVILLE R.R. No. 4 khtEN, five months aid, INSURANCE 18 OUR black spotted, near Third St. BSNS phone 623-5683. 26-1 BSNS Your needs wlIl be taken care Strayed of as in the. paut. &NÊhefer, strayed iran Lot JUST PHONE 17 and 18, Concession 9. Phone Allan e. Wenry, Enniskillen, 2632202 - 728-2862~ 3-32521. 26-1l2-3 Ref rigeration and Appliance Service Commercial and Domestic Refriteration Phone BERT SYER Days - 623-5774 Nights - 623-3177 Lander Hardware and ELECTRIC 26-tf' 35c lb. Cut to your order Ail the Hamburger you lîke,ý fast frozen, 3c lb. 1 BOWMANVILLE FRIGID LOCKER SYSTEM Phone 623-5578 DEADLINE FOR (LASSIFIED j!~'oITuesday, 4:30 p.m.lp Cars for Sa HEV., will take oic trad. Phone Ni idank green, gc none car owner, castie 2104. ILYMOUTH, goc rblue and whitE cwail tires,s ;ission. Priced Telephane BI; 436. HORSEPOWER moton; Haniey-I] 'cycle, needs sli 1955 Dodge Seda tion. Must seli .Best offers - fi '64. METEOR, 1962 30-758; 1958 Cans e plate 27-382, st rt Knapp's Weckir ession 9, Clarke 1952 Fango stakt licence No. 21823' tThompson's Sa, rd. Each vehici( ao the highest bii rday, June 29 at funthen infarmatic Sid Banrabaîl, Or CHEV. 2-Dr., lam vcny dlean; 1960 4-whcci drive, sI ndition; 1958 Inte: dcl "A180" Cab 1957 Fargo 5-tai 5th wheeî, air ai c brakes, 200 gai ;1953 Fargo 1/-' icondition; 1951 ulance. Cowan Ca., 134 King ianvilie. Phone 6 le der rr lewca V ,ur-d Ph V dc e, ra stand to ýackst 2( :)avid ight ani, 9 ton c. lice ýtred rîg Yi Toi :e trt wJh le tc idder S 1 r [onc rono. 24 w n eel =ali ver ,ton, Pari Eqt st. 23-5( -elp Wanted E farm help, studentsn F.Phone 623-2160.2 [AN wanted for genE ýwork, three days a wE 623-3144.1 -BLE girl for bab;y 'ive days a week. T( c623-7056.2 PSMAN or SALESLA' .1 Real Estate in B( ilie. Course availal SAdvertiser 386, c/o1 dian Statesman, P.O.1 Bowmanville. 2 YS TRAVEL - 4 days .Man over 40 for s] near Bowmanville. Wo $4,000 ta $6,000 in Write S. E. Swai]( Southwestern Petrole Box 789, Fort Worth, Earn More Money giv. igh Service amongst yq Is and relatives. Bet varking for a boss. Z rt. Good district avi in Bowmanville. Vi eigh's, Dept. F-140-M Richelieu, Montreal. LE-AGED farrnm; reqiured in Oshawa a: ýgthoroughbred hor Lttle. Good living quE :o couple. Top wa, Apply, stating experlie Ivertiser 387, c/o Canr ;atesman, P.O. Box1 anville.2 Ç-KEEPER typist m Central Agricultu ty to assist Secreta urer at an hourly rE Âme, during August, Si ýr and October and fur assume position of Sec for the Society at il salary of $300 start y 18, 1964. Reply W. R. Giibart, Orono AiN wh-o can drive.. rould enjoy working3 's a day caiiing regula month on a group zGirl cosmetic clients te to be established iround Bowmanvillea illing to make lighti s, etc., write Studio C etics, Dept. CW-6,1 ir Ave., Montreal will pay up to $5.001 V'anted to Buy qTITY of berry cri )r used. Phone 623-27 26 ,D hay, good quali rz Bras., 623-2895 15. 2 - 1,200 BALES hay. a, R.R. 1, Orono. Te ý-1834, Clarke. 2< qTITY baled haya straw. Phone Blackst( [7, evenings. D [EST prices paid for1' ,, goose feathers, fea, s, scrap iron, metalsa furs. Phone 723-20 'a collect. 12 kindsoaI lve poult ýs, new goose and di )Id feather ticks want st prices paid. M. Fl iy R.R. 1. Phone 7 r 21 LICENSED iursing Homne )NJHURST Manar 1h imodation for ladiesa =nen. reasonable ra Orono- 1308. 26-1 Lodge" Nursing Hoi ghway 2. Licensed.1 >dation available. Ki Nurse 24 hrs. Visitq ne. Phone Mrs. W ier, Newcastle 2701. 21 'H¶ Haven NursIng H<i ommodation for privi aid. Oscar NMcQuade Black- a' stok 86479.261 ounge TV. Fully lcn stok 86-76. .6- new building, modem. Visil WHT okcicks,5 and 6 we!come. Reasonable ral weeks old, blood tested and Phone Newcastle 4441. Il vaccinated, $30 per hundred. Stapleton's Mili, Newtonville. Personcti Phone 3030 or 731, Newton- ville. 26-1 * HYGENIC supplies - (Rubl _____________goods) mailed postpald in l P Pets seaud envelope wxth price1 GERMAN Shepherd pups, $1.00. Mail Order Dept.T purebred, $15. Phone 263-2433. Nov.-Rubber Co., Box 26-1 ILBam o.Ont.1 no-Work Wanted jReal Estate for SaleJReal EstateFogSale Mo-CUTTING, raking and balingi FARM, 25 acres, 3 miles west'j 140 ACRE fanm, 2 bains,dr- ýastie hay. Phone Orono 30n18 cal- af Bowmanvilie on 401 High-ling shed; 8 room hause, on 6-1* lect. ___ 26-1 way. Also a '52 Chevrolet paved road. Phone 263-2649. _____ _____ pick-up truck, pnice $75.00. 26-1* dorCUSTOM hay baling. PhaneýCali evenings. Phone 623-5344. IRCIV w bdor con- 263-2460, John Van Eyk, Ty- 26_ ___-â bungAowTIV ng- bom lr hone ____243 _unalw lvig-oo_1% 6.1* nn.2- TWO-stoney brick house in 141½, large separate dining. co-HIGH School girl desines sum- Bethany, 3 bedrooms, bath- nooni, landscaped, nice loca- aimer employment or baby room, ail heat, heavy dutyltion. 623-7295. 26-1 sitting. Phone 623-2361. 26-1 wiring, 3 acres ai land, garage. ICM oeo celt dard ~~~~~~Full pnice $6,500. Phone Mns IC oeo celt seil DON'T wonk night and day.. Marjory Edmunds, Bethany three apartments, ail with itock Let us maw, condition and 23R3 after à p.m. - 26-1 pnivate bathroomns and en. )61* windrow youn hay the Versa- trance, $210 manthly incarne, Pvin- tile way. Newcastle 2571i. $80 PER OT AN low taxes; $15,000. Phone dson 24-3 $2 ,500 DOWN 728-7680. 26-1 ne- WAYNE'S MitnneSr buys a cosy 7-noam home, aven NEW N.H.A. Home li Park. Maiteane en- 50 young fruit trees, orna- way Crescent, modern styling, good ice, bnoadloom rugs machine mental shnubs and trees, an a ail conveniences, iow down îedi- shampooed in youn own home, choice 2-acre lot. Nean Solina payment, easy manthiy ternis. 25-2. 9e sq. ft. Phone Orono 255. Road on No. 2 Highway. Lange Contact D. Beens, 22 Parkway 25-2 26-1 living-room with ban, large Crescent, Bowmanvile, or GnENEA apnr ok master bcdnoomn and thnee oth- Phone 623-2263.20t ýd at noofing, painting inside and ens, plus dining-room and rrOut, conenete work. 2616efo. kitchen. -A real buy for a Gere By vn )w-Duetta, Newcastle 21 o handyman-gandener.GereBy vn ,ucjk, estimates. 26-3* LISTINGS NEEDED REALTOR ston- MOUNTJOY Backhoe Service, The demnand for smail andCai6350 Mill, trenches, drains, fottndations medium-sized homes is par- R.R. 3 Bowmanville :be and septic tanks, dug and ticulanly brisk. Take advant- No. 2 Highway ron backfilled. Ivan Mountjoy, age ai this situation by listing Mapie Grave, 3 bedroom p.m. Phone 986-4737, Blackstock. with us today. brick venenr bungalow, with con- 21-tf Phone Ken Marris at 623-5406 dining-roamn and fireplace. .-3* CAPABLE and reliable Gradel~Akn nc 1,0.Tns il-13 student, fernale, requiesSchofield - AJ.<r Lid . nicl adcpdlt h ý11_summer empioyment, expeni- 360 King St. W. Oshawa can be extended for V.L.A. lihlys enced in child guiding, camp-'____ ___ 26-1 Breezeway, garage combined cabý ingand____r' h_______e- - ion- inwn ohnshle.Tl--ith workshop. Priced at 'has- phone 986-4959. 26-i J. Van Nest 1$12,500 with $2,500 down. rac- GARDENING-Weekly main- REAL ESTATE BROKER Bowmanville - Centraiiy hy tnace fncs uittresand 18Rn .lacated twa-stoney 4-bedroom hy- tenance, fene u, rtrees 18KngS. .Boîvmanvilleîfamuiyhome with extna stool ex- patios, sod, seed, fertilizers, Phone 623-3230 1 and showcn in basement. ntiac evergneens, flawerîng shrubs.i Wellington St. - Six-noom House must be seen ta be juip- Free landscapc design and, semi-detached, in nîce con- appreciated. Askîng p r i c e E., estîmates. Darlington Garden: dition, ganage, lot 55x180. I$11,900. Termis. 689. Service, 623-3905, Bawman-; $lO,000 with $2,000 down. 1 Highway 2, close ta Bow- 26-1 ville. ___ 25-41 Liberty St. South - Six- manvilie, 4 acres ai land. ____ ____ oomi semi-detached brick, al 1Corner lot. Priced ta seli. Give - J. BROUGH Iconveniences, new ail furnace. 'us an offen. 26-1 - PLUMBING & HEATING :$8,000 with $1,000 down. TF Jr may "Duro Pumpa and Softeners"ý Two cottages, West Beach,' Peter rKowal,Jr 25-256 r one funnished, $3,500 each!RALO ieai Phonp 623-5615 with $1,000 down. ELO cek. Division S. Bowmanville. Lot, Prospect St., 50 x 166, and GENERAL INSURANCE 16-ti _________ 18_tfsenviced. $2,200. 52 King St. W. 623-2453 sit- A. AAR Lot, East Newcastle, 150x300, Member ai Oshawa & District 'cie-a Generai store and living Real Estate Board 26-1 Plumbing & Heatinglquartens in small tawn. Doing Very attractive brick bunga. %D very good business. $000lwîwth 3 bedrooms. Alum-. lo- PHONýE 623-7127 j plus stock. Ternis. inum starms and sereens. 011 ble. 35 Nelson St. Bowmanville! 100 Acre fanm, buildings heating. Tiied bath. Best The 46-tfisound, good roads. Phone for buy at $13,500. Tennis. Quite Box' particulars. $22,000 with ternis, central. 26-3 SEPTIC TANK We need listings. Give us a 2 Bedroomn bungalow in goad at PUMPING cail. - EneBrde condition thnoughout on one r t P M I GJSalesman airi ralyo the best landscaped lots in hoti WHITEWASHING STABLES Phone 623-3560 town. Oil furnace. Storms. a B RT OMP INS26-1 Oniy $9,800. $3,000 down. now PHONER LARR 4721"r" One ratgage. lom PHNE CTARKVILLE 1vWalter Frankc Hancock Road North - 7 26-i 38-tf ESATE LTD. oom i ½-starey home on a 1 ,3-fi REAL ETT T. lange lot. New funnace, 3. 26-1 177 Church St., Bawmanvllle picce bath an ground faonr. ving .riastering Repairs 623-3393 Ultra modern kitehen. Oniy ouer QUICK SERVICE 200 Acre fanm, good brick $8,000. Terms anranged. Easy STUCCO AND NEW WORK bouse, large barn, scenic pnap- Toaatmn.rckdel crty in Kendai anea. Asking ing on Liberty St. N. This !ail- R. L . -T A FT $20,000.00. Ternis. property has been well taken 41, 4RigSt . 2-53 125 Acre farm, 8 room brick cane ai and bas two bath. N118, 4 KingSt. E6-tf30bouse, ah canveniences. Large roonis and a recent ail furn- _______ barn, pond, dlay loani soui. ace. Live in anc and let the nan- AC E I N Part Penny area. $19,000.00 . other heip ta pay the mort. inca 3CE MA 5,500.00 down. gage. Asking%$ll,500. Ternis.. nses EXCAVATING - LOADING 110 Acre farm nean Taun- 4 Bednoom bungalow a0 ,art- SAND, GRAVEL and FILL ton Road East. Good marne quiet street. This is an idea1 ages Four-wheel drive Tow Truck house, barn, streani. Beauti- home for raisirig a grawing( ec with Heavy Winch. fui view. Farm cquipment in- famiiy. Has ail modern con. nad- REASONABLE RATES cluded at only $20,000.00. veniences including garage, 190, P o 6355 $6,000.00 down. walkout basement, stool in 26-2 Ph ne 6355 100 Acre dairy farn nean basement. We can honestly for BOWMANVILLE 26-tf Port Penny. Excellent brick recommend this home at Lrai UP O S ERN ouse, good barns, silo, large $ 13,800 - $3,800 down. any- U H L T RN pond. $1.600.00 monthly rnilk Exclusive location! Beautiful ate, Save Dollars! Have your chest- cheque. $30,000.00. Tcrms. view! Hec. room! Fineplace! Sep- erfield and chairs re-upholst- 10 Acre dairy fan nnear Hollywood kitchen! and many rth- ered. Free estîmates, samples Bowmanvillc. Good buildings. more cxciting featunes in this ýc'y- taken to the home. Valuable corner location. Ask_ ranch bungalow. $3,000 down. 1an Budget Terms Aranged ing $45,000.00. Ternis. 1 EvenIngs: ting RON'S UPHOLSTERING 75 Acre farmn near Bow-1 A. L. Hooey - 623-7264 tO10 Kn W Pon 23522manville. Brick bouse ith P. Kowal - 623-5868 ta10 RngW. Phne62-55~ail cîty conveniences. Painted6- O. ______________________ barns. Excellent location. . , if$32,000. Ternis. o n. D W h ANGER 2 Acres with modemn 2 bed-' EATO arly C N T U TO roorn bungalow at Garden Hill. - 14 FRan ofCO S RU TI N Trout strearn. Asking oniy Bow manville -1 rn St. son CHIMNEYS - BRICKWORK $8,500.00 - $2,000.00 down. 1 iai 623-3950 1in AND CONCRETE 18 Acres in Kendal Hilîsi NwatePoe34 and wîth pond and streani, 33,500. NwatePoe34 de-l Phone 623-2273 62 Acres with strearn neari DAIRY FARM, 905 lbs. milk 840 ROY ANGER Tynone, $6,500.00. Terns is, ý quota daily. Excellent soil. 32. _________ 20-tf Orono, 3 bedrooni home,ai Good buildings. Going con- per - furnace, $6,500.00 - $1,000.001cern. penBA NE & BYA down. DAIRY FARM. Excellent 2 Bcdnoom bungalow at buildings and land. Locatcd - PLUMBING & HEATING Newcastle. Very odem 5 miles frani Oshawa. SALES & SERVICE $7,000.00. Ternis. DAIRY FARM, 840 ibs. rniik tes, 24-HOUR 3 Bcdroomn home at Newton- quota daily. Good buildings. 76.ville, $3,500.00. Ternis. iA-isail. Located 41/ miles M *8 Oul Burner Service Store -Albert Street, Osha-fonOhaa SEPTIC ANKS1AD.wa, euippedwith lageawa. omc FURNISHED bed-sitting moani Andy MeGili Orono 1407 6 Roomed home in Enniskii- Ac- and kitchenette, f uily equippcd, 26-1 ]en, bathroom, etc. Very ,id central. Availabie immediate- 7 _____ -hamxiius ta sdi. tors iy. Cail evenings 623-3591. \Vanted to Rent 7 R oden omvenicth.any, ~~~ni. ~~~~~24-tf -- - -____aimdmcneiee.A- - APARTMENT or srnall house, îng $9,000. Ternis. î-SELF-CONTAINED furnished, rural on urban, ion young GARAGE, SERVICE STA. main faonr, bachelor ginl's couple. Phone 623-3906. 26-1 TION with ail equipment, etc. orme apartment. Avaîlabie immmcd- FOUR--rooni bouse, a-partmcnt Lacated on Hîghway. Pon rate iateiy. Cail evenings 623-5891. o otgi raon o-hat ocsslig !nts, 25-to-s ma nvilie. Phone Part Hope 30 Acres with trout stream, sed, AiATMENýT, $55, four ron 885-4716 coiiect, immediately. Partiy bush. Price $3.850. ors and bath, heated; seven miles ý26.1'* 4 Roomcd home wlth river kefrom town, childmen welcomc, FOUR or five-rooni bouse, frontage. Ail modern con- 3- near sehool and store; vacant vicînity af Bawmanvilie. Write veniences. Very anxîous to July ist. Diai direct 263-2126. Advcrtiser 382, c/a Canadian scîl. -- ~25tf Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Baw- ber EATED duplex, spaciaus nianville. 25-2* Ater hours call: lain four noalms, bath, on pavcd____- Don Mountjoy - 623-3614 ist. road twa miles frorn business Mortgages John M. Sandy - 725-8«&ý, P es section. Write Advemtiser 385, 0-- -28, c/o Canadian Statesman, P. MORTGAGE money vi1b Idso Wiersma Orono i. > 91, . Bx 19, Bwrnavilc. eterFederna Reltor Cai Bum Dvidon -Ecta l314 s.l 26-1 263-.2021. 18-til21 1? 4! à 4-U au.4

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