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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Jun 1963, p. 5

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I >1 t I '~> (Iflttnded1 Approximat Cadmnus. Nýest stock .spent 'Profitable aftl stock United June il. 1963 Çterded ~the 'ARP ý vofUnit men. The prE Sock U.C.W.. Volm. presidc with '% poen' church. it's vo ed all. Afte'r hvm'rn. Mrs. K Cadmus offer( Lawrence Mai ton sang a walked toda' walked" Mrs' Son accompar organ. In the sarea ladics. c in lheir villag Byers of Bla] sripture passa Thompson, Mr end Mrs. Harc accompaniedh Strong, sangv trio '"My Fathi turcs." Mrs. Ri hy. presidento byterjai. was u For a Quali NEW or Chev. Cadi] - SEI KEITH l ONTARIO NMO OSHA PHONES: Business Ni Residence BLACKSTOCK Honored on Retirement for last week) so Mrs. Harold Kyte, vice- Eleanor. Elaine, Leslie, Cheryl tely 70) !adies of president, brought greetings and Harold, who sang or re- :t1eton and Black- from the Presbytery. cited several littie suitable a pleasant and Following the minutes and numnbers. Carol Werry and ernoon in Black- roll call. highlights of the Judy Swain rendered a piano: Church Tuesdav, year's work were' given from duet. Glenn Lai-mer and Stu-ý ;3, when they at- each U.C.W. of the circuit - art Dorrell in costume gv second Circuit Cadmus given by Mrs. Roy humorous duet. Mrs. W. W. ted Church Wo- Phavre: Nestieton by Mrq. VanCamp gave a reading. Da-i ýesident of Black- Wilfred Vine; and Blackstock xid Wotton sang three num- *Mrs. Neil Mal- by Mrs. Neil Mallolm. bers. accompanying himse!ft ld and opened An offering for the expens- on the guitar. Mrs. Marwood ,il:t's flot your, es of the -speaker and the McKee gave two short read- Du, and welcom- Bursary Fund was received ings. Mrs. Lorne Thornpson the singing of a and dedicated. and Mrs. Harold McLaughlin, Kenneth Gray of Mrs. Romeril introduced the in costume, sang "A Song in~ ced praYer. Mrs. guest speaker, Miss Beatries MY Heart." Harvey Graham; lcolm of Nestle- Wilson, Associate Secretary cf entertained witl- a number of' lovelv solo. -I the Board of Wcmen, United jokes. Merrili VanCamp, re-~ Y, where Jesus Church of Canada, who gave presenting the counicil, of . Lorne Thomp- a very interesting address on which Bill 15 a member, of- 'ied her on the the work of U.C.W. in Ber- fered congratulations and on absence of Cae- muda a n d Newfoundland. behalf of the counicil present- due to a funeral where she had spent the past ed a lama and magazine rack. ýge, Mrs. Murra 'y month, and compared it witîh Glenn Larmer read a nicely kstock read the U.C.W. work in Canada. At worded address and made the. 7age. Mes. Lorne the close of her talk, ques. presentation of a book case,~ Irs. Harold Kyte tions were handed in and step tables, some crystal and~ -oId McLaughlin, answered by Miss Wilson in miscellaneous gifts from the' bv Mrs. Gordon a very enlightening manner. friends of the community. ,ery sweetly the Mrs. Cecil Hill expressed Both Jean and Bill expressecU er's Green Pas- the thanks. After another their appreciation.. Lunch was~ ichardson, Whit- hymn was sung and the Bene- served and the rest of the ev- of Oshawa Pres- diction said, ail repaired ,a ening spent viewing the gifts, unabie to attend the Christian Education room: visiting, and dancing to music where a dainty lunch was ser-: rupplied by Mes. Whittcr and ved and a social haîf hour en- Me. Burnham of Scugog. joycd. Symîpathy is extcnded Mr.l The ONO. Club met at the David Archer and familieq on1' home of Dora Martyn on the death of Mr. Archer, Wed- Thursday evening with 20, nesday, in Bowmanville Hos-Tw pouammbsofhetfftteOn members present. President pital. Funeral service was w pouamebroftesfftthOn Gwen Ballingal conducted the held at Northeutt & Smith were honored recently on the occasion of their re business. Regarding Port Per- Parlours and interment wasr Mrs. Jim Lawrence, shown here being thanked foi ry Hospital Auxiliary's re-'in Union Cemetery, Cadmus,ý by Superintendent John Bain. quest for donations it was de- on Saturday. cided to have a "bakeless: Mr. and Mrs. Jack Webb bake sale" in September. Thc:and family, Oakvillc, visitcd A no n e E g g m n clu'b's metal chairs are to be!iMr. and Mrs. Lewis Henry n o ce E g em t donated to the Recreationand Mrs. W. Brad'burn, Satur- Centre. Joan Godfrey wasilday; Mrs. Goldwin Faint, Toreý presented with a sterling si i onto, on Friday; and Mr. and ver Beaver pin, as she withiMrs. Frank Carter and Don- her husband and boys are re-i'aid, Maple Grove, Sunday ev- tur.ning to England shortly.' coing; Me. and Mrs. Merrilil Next meeting will be held Henry, Bowmanville, Satur-, July l8th, one week later than dav evening. usual. Roll cail was answcr-ý Mrs. M. P. Philp, Bay Rid- ed with "one cent a pound'gesMe. John Philp, Hamil- . for weight gained since mar- ton, FI.Lt. and Mrs. Peter niage." $3.00 was eealized. Philp, Winnipeg, wcre Sun- Sandwiches and coffee and alday guests of Mr. and Mes. lity Buy in Isocial chit chat rounded out ýChas. Smith and Oliver. fl1.:ý1-.ýý. a pleasant evening. Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Brad- r USED The Recreation Centre was; birn and childeen, and Miss filled to capacity Friday ev-1 Marlene Bradburn, of Port -1 .ý CiI ening, June 14th, when fri-1 Lampton called on Mr. and ends and relatives gathered in1 Mrs. Osmond Wright and Mr. illac honor of our mosi recenrtiand Mrs. Leith Byers, Sun- newlyweds, Mr. and Mrs. BilI day. F,~ ~ Ferguson. Glenn Larmer wa-s: Mr. Jack Swain, Glen Ross,y E M.C. John Hamilton escorted spent the weekend at home. SM ITH the happy couple to the plat- Miss Beatrice Wilson andi fomand as they weee seated Mrs. Simpson, Toronto, weree Smuu in the decorated chairs, two'Tuesday din.ner gucsts of Mrs. large balloons fîlled with con-, Cecil Hill. Friday. Mrs. . fetti burst over them. After, Gaines, Whitby, Miss Oliveý TOR SALES a few well chosen words of Dodds, Winnipeg, Mrs. J. Nu- IAcongratulations and a, wel- gent, Sudbury, and Mr. Roy Mr. and Mrs. IRaymond W. Goheen, Newcastle kIVAcome to this vicinity t theýFerguson were supper guests. Ontario, wish to announce the engagement of theii bride, Glenn called on the!Friday evcning callens wrda ugt Shirley Hln to Mr. Jacob John (Jack, ýWalter and Lloyd Wright's'Mr. Grant Ferguson and wredagherHee 725-6504' children for some musical l ghten Mary, Toronto, and Mn. Zurba of Oshawa. The bride-eleet is a registere< -728-6952 . mbrs Don and Lois sangand Mrs. Geo. Dunbar, Scar- nurse having taken her training at the Toront( Bîlly Boy, then werc joined borough. Sundav callers were W'estern Hospital. She is also a graduate of Centra' lon the__platform- by Lraa Miss O. Dodds, Winnipeg, and Baptist Seminary in Toronto, and is now employe< at the T. Eaton Company, Oshawa Branch, as their ~ V V V Y'Y' ~ Occupational Health Nurse. The groom-to-be is a for-mer rcsident of Swan River. Manitoba, and a Egraduate of the Living Worc Bible Institute there. His parents are Mr. and Mrs. IM M E S PE IA LJohn Zueba also former]y of Swan River, now living couple wilI then take up residence in Oshaw'a wherp Mr. Zurba is employcd at the General Motors of ......Canada. c...Ms ea Ferguson, Oshawa. M.adMs elMlon 77-Me. and Mrs. Bill Ferguson and famil.v vîsited Mr. and jpnt the weekend with her, Mes. Ken Waters, Keriîlworth, mother and brother, Mrs. H Sunday. ... McKee and }{ugh, Norwich. Me. and Mes. Bev. Deal, Several from here attendcd Toronto. spcnt the ween Cadmus Annivcrsary Sunday with Me. and Mes. Kenncth Dunsmoor and family. F EE~~Me a ... %nd Mes. Maurice Samn.-' Mes. John Scott, Osiawra esadrsPetcrboroug, Hospital, spent a few' houes at DRA Wwrc weknd guests of M. home Sunday, and Mr. and a ndMes. Tennyson Samells, Mes. Keith Johnston and girls, ie cane o ...and Sunday Mr.and Mr,, Belleville viîedhis parens, his beautiful .J.. a aI gae Jhoson Im iral" ... Blackstock Junior girls w$as SOLINÀ 4 played on the high school grounds. Result 18-14 in favor The sixtieth aninivrsae\' of of Greenbank. Sauina Wamcn's I n s t i 1 I1c r t 04 A L e T V S e t r , f-Ares 4L.:-a----er-,o! 1-ue-1 .a ms.'ni Thank You!.. MAY AND JOHN PEARSON formerly of Pearson's Smoke Shop wish to thank aur many customers and friends for their loyal patronage during the. past four years we have been in Bowmanville. We offer aur best wishes to the new owners Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bryson Columbus. Mr. anid %rs. Rob' The Canadian Statesmnan, Bowmanvllle, June 2,16 -Stephens Jr.. Mr n iMr E. Cook and Miss Violet Zach-' Mr. and Ms. Harvey Ylow- anowi ch. Bowmanvill. 'isi- lees an d familv atteneh cd M. an Mr. Frnk Wst-piano :recital pupils of Mes. Ilake Je. and familY and MrS. Jean Billett in Trinity Church Frank W'estlake Se. on Fridav night whcn Walter Taylor and Karen and Brenda Me. and Mes. Frank West- Yellowîccs took part on thie Ilake Jr. and tamixlv ::cenmlyThonnion, den a nd tam il v , O shaw a, an d' ro]v s a r d , v r ai Me. and Mes. Frank Cook's, nihtguest ai Me. and Mes. Bowman'ilieE. R. Tavlor*s. Corporal and Mrs. Ken Me. and Mes. R. Vice ac- Strang and sns, Otaa. visit- companied bx' M. and Mes. cd on Satunda v %wîh M. and George Gibso'n, Taunton, visit- Mes. Haevev Yellawlces and cd Me. and Mes. Harold Jeb- famîv.son at Beaverton on Sunda y. Me. and Mes. Wes Hills and Me. and Mes. E. Spires1 famil.\ attcnded the Gillis visited Me. and Mes. Rav failv picic ai Sturgeon Beris and M. and Mrs. Keni ,Lake on Sunda. S ent. Oshawa. ý L LOOK FOR OUR JA COTTON Kino StIW .57 Kn S.W DRESSES BOWMANVILLEAi1 EXTRA SPECIAL! lReu d N U RSES U N IFO RM S t ear tario Trainiing Sehool for Boys ?tirement. The\- are Mr. and )r their manv years of ser-vice Milîs, was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. R. Fraser. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hoc-ka- day, Eileen and Jean attended the 50th wedding anniversarv celebratjon honoring Mr. and Mrs. Jim Cation at Brampton. Miss Helen Baker is spend. ing a week at home. Mr. and Mrs. J. Leger and children. Mr. and Mrs. H. Freitag and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smith, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Foster Hoidge, Wil- lowdale, Mr. and Mrs. H. Pas- eoe were visitors during tle weekend with Mr. and Mrs. E. Cryderman. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Milison visited Mr. and Mrs. lan . ...... .. . ... . ... r ir n d S. 9 f TORO' WE FEATURE. NTO CITY PRI C ES CALIFORNIA -JUICY -VALENCIA 2 doz. size 7C Produce of U.S.A. - New Crop - California No. 1 CARDINAL GRAPES lb. 25c Produce of U.S.A. - No. 1 Grade California Red PLUS qt. 39c A Refreshing Treat HELLMANS 16 oz. .Jar MAYONNAISE 43c VtE PARIEI) 16 oz. fars French's Mustard 2for43c MONARCH 10 oz. Pouches Pouch Pac Cake Mix 2 for29c 15 oz. Pkg. QUAKER MUFFETS 29c FREH IKE CTSEXTRA LEGS or BREASTS ib. 55c Receive $6 inBou "The Toci That Darez" ShopsY ALU BEEF PTATO, SALAD TABG or OL SAW Omo DETERGEI WIENERS orCL LW]c off gao ib. Pkg. 12 oz. Plastie- Container Scott Tissue ramuyc 9c29c Cigarettes A î"..-yl A Total of is Tapes Pkq. of 60 ENT at ize loured y4 Park es Brand# Df 200 Bowmanvi'lleIA Foodliner Receive $2 in Bonus Tapes Good Luck - Coiored or Uncolored MARGARINE 2'b i-armhouge - flonono nr Chocolat. Frozen CAKES 1k;. New Potatoes 10 NObu Slxcad - Toieite in BOWMAN VILLE I SABRE SLIMS By Trafalgar SABRE SKIRTS First Quality ALL WEATIIER COATS CERN SPRINGCOATS 15o_OFF -9 doz, 39c $38,oOO BOWMANVILLE

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