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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Jun 1963, p. 4

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SUGARs - 4 Th~Canafa~ tat~~imn.~ an If. @n 28-.losf EDITORIAL COMMENT Liberal Comments on the Budget I Onie of aur local Conservative friends put us on the spot this week. He apparently had received a notice from The Statesman business office advising that his subseription was about to expire. The notice was head- Pd "The Best of Friends Must Part?" His reply included a cheque for a re- riewa] plus a message as follows: "Let's still be friends - providing you tell us wvhat you think of the Budget in next week's editorial." This was indeed quite a challenge end hp must have known it. because as a Liberal it has been ver.y diffîcuit for us ta stomach the recent events at Otta- wa while we strongly suspect that (:rnservativ'es in the region and else- where are having quite a good trne chortling up their steeves. Former Prime Minister Diefenbaker's inde- cisîveness at, the moment would appear far less disastrous than the Liberal government's eagerness 10 rush in with îll-considrred actions that have the enti re countrvN confused and disillusion- cd. From nur point of' view, the Budget was packed with contradictions and its rponsor, Finance Minister Wvalter Gor- don, showed an inexcusable capacity tunriNallpd in historY for putting bis foot in bis mouth. The people we feel sor \ for are the Liheral supoortrr's sil(Ii as our owni M.fl. Russell Honey. They have no clirect say in the preparation (! buidget which has tn he conduci the utmost secrec y and no details of xvhai it contain '< iunti, th pespnts iltin the House of Conrnons. \h aven'i heen talking to Mu. Honey gince the budget came dowvn or since IMu. (Gordon wenî from nue mistake ta thr next, but we can xvell imagine his dismaY and disgust over the entire tra.ejic affair. AIl of the Lîberal private rnembers must have shuddered everv timp Mu. Gordon rose ta bis feet. Wr know ithe fecling aIl too 'x'll, hnving gone îbrough it o, -v- àeral occasions prior ta the Liberal diefeat in 1957. Private members are Therp is A moltta: "(;ad guant mne the s.renity to accept tbe things 1 can- v o 1 chaînge, the courage ta change the thinýs 1 van and the wisdom ta knaw thee diffetecncp." This motto is applicable ta the pu'obiemn of tubet-culosis in aur comn- Plimu'utirs. It is a pu'ablemn that can ne i 'îrea1rd and is heinil defeated, but the p1fourts of the considerate are being bY. the few m usiZtided : ('- vc(hiaIs xxho fail ta be tested. While thevlosis overtacancer and heart cureTB tan etherof these others. Thatthecourse of tuberculosis can be effected is proved: Tbe death rate in Ontario in 1900 was 160 per 100,000, inow it, is less than 3. To thase who are afraid, yau bave more ta, fear by flot brirug tested. Early discovery mneans early recovery and& alrnost cer- tain recovery wben the disease is tub- ercu lasis. That improvement is being hamp- jered is also proved. One third of those eligible do flot hother ta attend tuber- P enlasis suuveys. Manv people over 40 vears ot age have neyer been x-rayed. ý1hP rpstult in a sustained incidence ni the disease. More Ontario people are For your own safety, watch the ether fe.llow*.g driving with particular care during the ceming week. That was the suggestion of Tr'ans- port Minister James AuId this week as he urged motorisîs ta drive sensibly eni their holiday trips. "Many drivers will be on stretches of highway witb which they are un- familiar - bath Ontaruo drivers and those from out of the province," Mr. Auld said. "Since they dan't know the raad, you can't caunt on them. ta drive at al l imes in a predictable fashion. "For evervbodv's safetY we sbouîd give other drivers every cour tesy, and mnake allowances for their unfamniliarity by keeping a safe distance between cars." Mr. Auld pointed out that tî'affic Iri the coming week will probably be going ta sanatoria naw than 10 .Vpariç a go. The answer is net contained in facililies. The number ef diagnostic centres in the province bas expanded yearl.y. Physicians have chest x-ray facilities. The government bas instaîl- ed machines in 137 of our major hos- pitais. Referred clinics operate free of charge ta tbe patients in 250 centres in Ontario. Industriel and community surveys provide free chest x-uays aud tuberculin tests ta plant and commun- ity populations. Special consideration is provîded for industries with an occu- pational hazard, sucb as mines and foundries, and this service includes chest x-rays. Yet tuberculosis remains the chief killer among communicable diseases incîuding influenza and 10%r of those wbo die are diagnosed shortly before, or after deatb. In addition, of the vicîims of the disease who enter sana- toria every year, 70% b ave moderately or far advýar.ced disease. The answer is contained in the atti- tude of the public. There is ta be another free clinic opportunity for ail citizens cf Ibis vicinity. AIl of us should affirm, "God grant me the courage te change the tbings I can and the sanity to act now." the heaviesqt of the year because of school being eut, the Dominion Day holiday and the JuIy 4th holiday in the United States. I-e urged eaehh idi- vidual rnotorîst to drive with the cere and courtesy that make traffic smooth- er and safer. OFF WITH HIS HEAD If you think Ontari' demerit system harsh, consider tbis report on lraffic enforcement measures in Saudi Ara bia. An offending dr'iver- xho survives a mishap fatal to anyone else is be- headed without hesitation. If a motorist is at feuit In a non- fatal accident, he receives a one-year prison sentence and loses bis drivring privilege for Ilife. I 9%uo Colourful Fort Henry Guards Visit London Dominion Day iq on the way; Let's have a celphratinn. It may be our last chance, they say, To mark it. as a nation. Yep. according to the galoom- pots, this may be aur last op- portunity tb celebuate with aur customar v fervour that glor- iaus national holiday revered by ail Canadians: The First of J u 13'. Such erniîîent l vstvrians as Pierre Berton are sounding the tocsin, raîsing the stormn signais, and making like Cas- sandra. QLJC'hCC', îheVV SOII s gonna puIl lInta the confedera- tion. All will he aost. Canada wîll hevanie a hanana republie. in fact at the mercy of those in the cabinet who under our system must make the big decisions. Returning ta the detailà of the budget. surely Mr. Gordon and bis advisers in and out of the Department of Finance must have known bis 30f;% takeover item was administratively un- workable. Their knowledge of such things cannot be so minute that they didn't realize this fadt. Then to retract while the stock markets were stili open. C. D. Howe must have turned over in bis grave and former Finance Minister Mr. Justice Doug Abbott must have nearly fallen off his Suprerne Court benc b. We also do flot understand the logic behind legisiation wvhich, as an incent- ive to promote building, would provide a $500 bonus for building a bouse dur- ing the winter, ther. more than offset ibis mnove by an r> sales tax on build- ing maierials. The same theme was carried tbrough on production machin- er 'v. There was an item providing a two-vear wvrite off on machinery which one would norma]ly suggest was a good idea ta encourage manufactur- ers ta instali job-producing machines. But. this move was again contradicted by im posing an 1' sales tax, boosting the cast of the machines. It was ex- plained to us that the sales tax was one wav of garnering needed revenue in a huruv without paying interest, but it would appear that it bas completel ' stalled man *y building projects, thrown men out of work and certainlv must have persuaded manufacturers to take Pnother long look before buying new machines. Inexperience, haste, stupîdity or political naivety, the urgency of rneet- ing- a self imposed 60 day deadline -or Wbhatever it was. the Liberal govern- ment in Ottawa bas certainly not cov- e red itself with glory during the past week or so. As Colin Cameron of the NDP sa aptly remarked "For Heaven 's sake pull yourselves lozether for the good of the countr 'v." There mnay y'et be time, but it will he a long road hack to popularity. Eddie Willis. of Vancouiver- visited this area lash week. Man.x' of vou inav' xei ait: "wAho is Eddie Wlis'His father was a member ni are ai the last Br'itish Regimonfs ta be statiorieciah Halifax be- fore Canîada quit beiîîg a col- on., andi becamne a self-gox'- erning nation. Whii Mr. Wiliis Si'. quit the ArmY' he settled in Can- ada, and sonielime around the First Worîd Wau peî'iod, faurm- ed nocllîeast off Ponlypool, in the Ballydufi area. Eddie was bis youngest chiîd The Youiînîmai and WiIlis families were alwaYs on good terms. wlîich max' be why' young Eddie discussed his *marriage pi'&biem wiîth thii scribbler *awav% back when'. Ed andi Mr'yieGreer had beeuî making goo-goa eyes at cach other for a speil. andi decideci that marriage woudn'b be a bad idea, onl *%,trouble wqs financial stringen.tc v. Having gane thî'ough this distressiiîg phase.,x'our scribe feit well qualified lo tender exper't ad- vice, andi sug.gested that abouti 1) Fro tute last week and the highlight of their stav in don was Canada Nigbt, June 25th, at Eai l's when they again peuformed before Heu Majesl top Armed Service Personnel from the United1 dom in addition to mnan.\, dignitaries fuom Or Ontario Weekly Newspapei's Association Dîrector, Woukman, is among the Ontario Government guc,, London for the Roy' al Tournament. Accouding t( Workman. the show is "the most colourful of its 1 have ever scen and the Fout Henury Guard Is si fabulous." The GuIard, by the wa v, ueturns t Or ta start its colourful summer duties at Kingston's Henry on July lst. -- e I i ~-oIunin I ail the readv 'maz'uma' need-iend. who readil ' worked on ed wag the price ni the lin- aur farm for a couple of davs ence, a couple ai bucks to lin ta pa 'v for the ring. Us Young- the preacher, and a wedding mans didn't hav'e an * monie., ring. The wouîd-'be groom so for a wedding present we cauild manage the first two gave them a '.ag' off old fence items, so I helped with the rails cul into stove lenglh, for latter, through an odd cir- fuel. loaded i on ilin r,~ cumstance. and deîix'ered it to their fu- A couple of months before luire home, in Puntypun.. i... - our marriage, 1 senlta Toi'- ing the evening. theiî boddied onto for a wedding ring, 18 rudt h ntdCUC catt gld prce$85. fex'pausoîîage to see Ed and Mvut days later a letter infouimed apnd 1 Te inissleswfu me tat he omýanvweddoig the buief ceremonv, the min- oi stock off 18 carat edigisler's wife graciousîy provici- rings. so raîher than cause ed a CLIP af lea and lunch. I dela 'v, thev were sending a .22 aîways thoughl it jollv decent carat ring, which du]l*v arrîv- aiflcr. ed. Then, a few days later, another ring aurived, an 18 Ed, laler, got a job peddlinz carat one. Not knowing which books, and .needed a bouse ta my bride-to-be preferred , go from, farm bto farm, so 1 kept themn both. intending ta soîd him a cheap nag, for' returo the reject. which he gave me a 'Ro:pp's Well Mv ridechos theLîghtning Calculalor," priced We]1 Mv bide hoseIheat $2.60 as a down payment. 18 carat one because it con- Later on he offered mie a sel tained more brass, and wotild of books atis$16.00, but need-r wear beller (that gai expeet- ing money badly, I suggesled ed ho stav ma irieci). Being he sell the books and bring dishonesh. I neyer retuirneci the cash. the 22 carat circlet, Ihuis was 1 doîî't know what becamet able ta oblige mv young fui- of the cavuse, but Ed forgot ta pax' the balance before heè leit these here parts for thie di DiPacifie ýCoast, where he bas LM lîved since. From lime Ia In th Dtime, word would filter down this wa -v that he was making and a fair living, which was ah- andways good news. Andci w )is ant ast sence, he has been revisiting )îstan Past the scenes ai his youth, and arn he tat'qmn Fles no doubt finding tremendou.g ,om he Satesan Fles changes in the appearance of ______________________the old neigh'bouhood. and ils nersonno l. as tan ted rlthat 25 VEARS A(;o 49 YEARS AGO (june 30, 1938) (July 2, 1914) Miss Helen Cox is holiday- Mus. L. A. Tale and Mrs. G. ing with her atint, Mrs. Fred J.11Raworbh recenlly visited Mus. Wight, Cobourg. (Rex'.) S. C. Moore, Oshawa. Mu. and Mus. Chaules Boun- Mu. Richard Wortb, Van- sali, Tommy and Teddy, Mil- couver, is visiling bis daugh- ton, aie spending their vaca-'ter-, Mus. Harry Cann, and tion aI Iheir sumrmer cotlage otbeur friends bere. at Boawman ville, Beach. Missi Jennie Hooper, Ro- Miss Margaret Wightman, chester, N.Y,, is visiting heu Tao'onto, xxas a weekend guest sister, Mus. J. B. Marlyn and of Miss Mary Jewell. 'ather relatives here. iMr. W. C. Cole bas returru- Mi". and Mis. Geo. Bai-ton ed from Victoria, B.C., alleriwere in Rochester, Wednesdlay, spending a pleasant the-atedn the wedding of heu months' visit wilh bis brother, san, Mu. W. J. Calver. 'Mu. James Cale. Mis. (Dr.) Bonnycastie. and Mu. and Mus. 1-Iaru'y Oq daughler Dorothy, aie visiling born, Mu Bih Wagnr, ~ her parents, Mr. and Mus. J. trait, visiled Mu. and Mus . R. N et apelod E. Osboune, Church Street.* Mu. Frank Osborne, 3rd Line, ial one ai bis berd ai Dur- Mus. M. A. Neal, Fred anîd hams injuued recently by be- Junior and Mr. F. Lane Kauff- ing struck by a, C.P.R. freigbt man leave tadav fou a visit ta train. Lake Okoboji, Iowa. Mis. Thas. Jackson is visit- Mu. Gea. E. Chase, Manuager ing ber sisters ai Lindsay' and of the Public Utilities, has Omemee. purchased the Mus. F. J. Haine Mi'. Russe] Br'own, Winîdsor, residence, corner ai Ontario is holidaying an his ialher's, and Church Sîreels. Mu,. lhos. Brown. MuIr. W. J. inzs uan *v Miss MVarion Vanî Nest left * riecids xxere glad lu see im iMondca * vfoi' Foxboro tu spend iii toviu Saluiu'da *v and look in.gthue sruiunuuuerut. Dr. J. Albert su w'ell aftcr his illiless. lie l"ailzileu's. iii staviîug %wtIi lis iiece in Mrlî. uuîd Mus. R. T1. lusk iii Oshawa. imudc dauglîlcu, Rapid City,1 Mri. anîd Mi's. E. P. Bî'udt, iIii., are xisiliuîg heu' îîuolheu,' and MuI. and Mus. W. R. Strike Mus. J. Wicket and otheir rel- anîd Alan alteîîded the animual atives. gatheuing of the Aluini of Mus. J. W. Noble anîd daugh- O.A.C. and Macdonald Hall at ter Helen, Indianapolis, Ind., Guelph, Saturdav. aue halidax'ing at their sum- SMus. J. Clark Bell wasîmer cottage at Part Bowman- hostesq fou the Bawmanville ville. ,Womt-n's Liberal Association Mu. Wm. Brunt, near Orona, first garden party held at berhas baugbt fuom Mr. Hutch- han m le *'Glnecomron" lasCisan the Peter Staîker iarm Thursday. ai 10)0 acres midwa 'vbelween Prize winners in the niodel Qu'ana and Newcastle. * airpiane conlest canducted by Congratulations ta M is s a Johnston's Book Store w'ere: Myrtle T1rull, Hampton, forc Ist, Donald Ventan; 2nd Ern- very successfuily passing bhe1 est Morris: 3rd, Donald Allin; Junior piano exams.. ai the special consolation, George Conserxatauy oof Muisic, Toron- Kennedv. ta. Slîe is, a pupil ai Miss Mr. J. F. Gori'unî, Manîager Alma M. Cauu lice. ai the R. M. Hallingshead Ca., Mus. Geo. G'ay'. Nexwcast le,r ýMus. Gormian anîd iamil v are îrecent1v visiled heu sisler-in-t ieaving taday fou Gloucester, Iaw, Mi's. Wm. lIislop.V New' Jersey, for the sommer Miss, Lorraine 'roc. Oshawa,j vacation. Mr. Gorman NviII is xisitiuîg at bei' oncleq, Mr. returru earlx' ii Julv. Thas. Tod. Division St. 1Couincillor W. ..Ciallis \vas Mu. Ber't Foster. the wxeli host ta menihers of the Towxn knoxvu droxer ai Boxx'm-aii- Cauncil anîd Civic OfficiaIs aI ville. had the misfortune ta bis sumnier cottage at Bexvd- slep oui a nail xs'bich penetrat- ley last Wediicsda 'v. ed throuah boot andi foot. He Di-. and Mrý Fa,'niouîd Rolg- is (oufined ta his beci. Orono eurs. New York. hiave been Newys. 'guests ai lus pairents. Rev. anîd The heaultifull ground.s o! Mus. W. P. Rogers, Centre St. Mu. anîd Mus. S. W. Mason,d M,,et t hr flîsI "t î îî's look tochr huidr!u.ne misc1uipf helot'.. ul ba.; turne taripen ta 1maturity -Shakespeare. Duke Si..,xvas the scene ai a veurY happy' anid chauinlg1 getbriu2 Tiiesdiav ievrning. .bunp '21 wihete 'he iem-b2trs, off Methiiolu I Mssion Circle1 held a '8arderu £et@'.1 he keeps abreast of yaîîr scribe by reading this column. Just gaes ta show how th!s journal travels around. keep- mg- absent irieîîds acquainted with "doings" broak home in Durham Couru'.ELIZABETH VILLE On WednesdavN evening a commitlee meeting was beld an Mus. Clarence Beatty's home ta plan the menu for Miss Dorolh v Muîldrew's wed- ding uception ta, be helci at the basement JuIy 6. Mis. Huthison, Port Hope. spent a few da 's with Mus. V. Walterg last week. The Powell familie-q and connections enjoyed a dinnpu- in Millbrook Tuesda'v teveiling in honar off their uncle andi aulot. Mr. and Mus. Widdes, who were 50 x'ears marrieci. Mis. Walleî's and Mus. Smith were at Shiloh on Sun- dax' with Savou-'v s. Mrs. Lockwood and Mis. Thicksori have goîîe t Big- gai', Sask.. 10 visit Mu. anîd Mis. Smithî, Mis. Lockwood's dUIiltlr, fori' lwo weeks. A coinniiltee meeting was held over the weekend la planî for the At Home for Mi'. and Mus. E. White who were 50) years married in Feb. SHAW'S 'rue annuel pirnir ni Shaw's Home and Schonl Ass"ciationi wa.s heid ai Waltana Park on Fridax , June 21. In spibe n. cool weather about sevenly- fixe youig and aid from the commonityv attended. Ailer a bountiful supper convened bv Mus. K. Squair, Mrs. A. Pr'ou', Mrs. K. Weuu'v and Mis. L. Jones, games and races x'eî'e enjo veci bx the sehool child- ren. Erie Lavekin was mas- tel' ai ceremnonies and juîdgeq were Ross Lane and Leoiau'd Jones. Witiners were as foi- Races P:"-*'hoigiu'IF - I st. Janet Lovekin: 2nd, Brenda Brack. Gir~ls 7-9 - ist, Carol Lve kuuu: 2nd. Linda Buock. Baxs t6-7 vusF. - lSt.[av Gilbank; 2îîd. Biliv Van Dcurp. Girls 10-t]1 Ist. Pat Ru- de]: 2nd, Kathv Lovekin. Boys 9-9 vrs. - Ist. Rilîx' Gilbank: 2?nd. Eddie Woodl. Girl.ç 2 auîd over - Isî. M.ir' garet erx ndr. Mi ri-' l'a ne. BOYO 10-12 yre. -lot, John a nie. BoYs % 4-Brian Earl Cohhleduî'k. Junior girls' ~ign 1st, Lînda r rock andi Lovek in. Junior hoyvs' 3-le-gr 1st. Eddie Wood and Gi] ha nk. c' orgi ris' :î - iggcd Margaret WeruvY and La ne. Senior bh 'vs' 1-iegged Eau] Cobhiedick and J o nes. Bo\xS' whnniharr 0W Billie Gilbank and Wood. Girls' wheelbarîow Margaret WerrvN and La uc. Bo v'S shoe Scî'amhle Stan Lane: 2nd, John I. Girl's shoe kick Mi Werr v. Sack race No. h1 Rudeli: 2nd, Carol Maxwell. Sack race No. 2 - li t. Love-kin: 2nd, John Lan Rollinz pin toss - Ma Weru v. Two trams cîov'ia relai' race and aIder pla.ved sofîbaî11. Ross won tlie "how maux'c n the jar"', contest. A1] sters at. the picnîc recel treat and ehocolate mil Th e group disperse diaikncess.rfeil and no mu xvi] b hé,leld i 111Fa] i. Il is iîthnui-ii puradox Ihal the grnaius of anigijish emerge, Cout) ou t e t - u. from t he urt iel': neopin \ l-<io xlna vand glunat dca] or lime. and ;a vaa't K ing- nutm.ber ()f words, toxvarris v'on - ntaî'io. vincing nv'uh vdxthat Canada is aliunadiv liil- more than a rReg. banana rppuihlic. P s15 i n They arr the peopler,%Ilo) o Mr. have mnslfishly v'nintrerrd skind ta art as the conscience of thks im ~ 1 veountr ' . Thry are the people ..%ho blt ndlrssly that 've 1n ta H o are the people w ho hang, w~ith s Fout emibarrassiniz ohsequiisness. on the rvery %vord of rvery forrigner %%ho speaks of this country, its habits and ils people. Jne, lhn'a un t he ]peoiple \\li. via Daw~son Ciuv or (;lace Bax lae-or HaYxfork detsn, cçendi Carol uipon our cilins andi set îlînm- sPelvs 11f) as iuhiters <of Our iace - taste. our opinions. onu miou- 1 B j 'Yais. ournîuunnrs. Arnind xw1h in('redibln gaý1i] andi a fci raCe- with words, the ' are happiest Mt 1uiel whon111(,\, are uvn l heîu inneffabhie sci-In for Canaci in custom, cook ii îuga nd culturun r'aue - Briaii A plagîîe iponu them ail. In th( face nf their insuiits a nd insinuations~. their snes andi rae heir snipinig. 1 remain a cool, E-dd 1 happy reacti<oary. 1 stili be- I ieve thalt hhe txvcntieth ccii- race -tur beiongs to Canada, exen Muriel xith an i1 peu cent sales lax on building malerials. Andi -il,. furtheumor n. 1 fnarîessîy pue- anp. duel that Quebec witl neveu argaret leave thn uonfederauion. SI, Pa' Harte- K a1h.v ne. i rga re i 'e:î' hn vs La ne andies young-, ýiveci ai lk. rd as ~etings Thei'e are a number oif gocd reasouis for m 'v opiniions. Thev* are flot jusb a lot of nff-bhc'- cuffs cdeas hased on a pile off stat istical eyidence. Nossir. the 'N have a solîci base ni puire (,Motion anîd preindice. Fiust off aIl. ourpaliticiauîs. while compauatl'îv grceen compared Io those nr aIder nations, aure iuteruîationaliv* recognizeci as masters ai the compromise. Canada, a s a nation, lias a reputation for lîorse-hradiîîg. She is tiat one ho 'Id aux vfaolish ideals stand iin the WaY ai an horîest bîîck. Bv Bill Smilevym Andi this. 1 felar, will present thr zrealest obs;tacle to th@ seressionist fixofQueber. Second. aur French-Can&dian friends. bomb-plantlng to tii. eontrar:-, slmply areflot wld. eyed Latins, forever cher".h ing cohhlestones ta huri at authorItý'. They are a littis more volatile than our Brit- ish elemerits. perhaps, but don't forget that they're de- r.cended from the shrewd. tough. lagical, Phlegmatir folk of northern France. for the most part They are practleally. stoies eampared to moneof the exiotir strains in our ~pn- lation. The Irish, for ex. ample. Thiri lrr.the 'v alieadiY have s 11111-1 independence as lhey can possihly tse,. Pon!t tel mn, ihit a fpllow in Riviere onl L-i'p. for example, has any ]nfreedom than J have. 'sp %-l if hP*s married. And l lineveu forgel a Carn. adienne I1 took otit in Mont- uealo]f nenighl. BOY, wag she J'otîrth. htirprople, of Qtue- heu', shou Ici they pll UI Of ioif<~li-aio, ould have la '. iiir upnn of thé-ir primary pl'u.w i~n lufe: hlamiing ex(1 ti îhîg fî'om the laçsi lwo wnir. to the lo\wý pensions on tuie sacrend Anglais. .\' for ni v ofther opinion, lhat the twxentieth century be- lo ns10Canada. this tan is hi5ýed on a hrdrock off hope, îlot a lot of sillyv facts and fîîe.'rhe main reasan for mx hovlpe is that the fwentieth s hecoming mare and ,xpensive. Prelty soon, îihidx xill want il. ;il anv prie Rut Canadians wilI hcîy an"thîog. if the down pay nment is low enough. Irfavinz yaui with theqfs comforting predictions. 1 wih you a happy First of Ju1l', serene in the knnwledge that you wviIl spend it as uual: Reverently explaining ta vaur children the meanlng of con- federation; lirstening ta fiery arations about aur great Can - adian mystiq~ue, dancing ln the streets avîth your nelgh- hors ta express your Joy. and decking out your bause or store wvith flags. Andi if ' ou have ta don xxatcu-skis ta catch yaur kids for the reverent explanatian, d o nt vorry. 1If the anly fier \-nuati on you <'an find i i Earl Cameron with the CBC nnxvs. don't worry. If your nnighhorýz have ail boggedi off ho the beach, don't worry. If the onil ' flags o van a find arp a rou1pie off Union Jacks, an aId Reci Ensign. and a latter- ed Stars and Stripes, diontf 'Xvourr. . t wilI be a good. axci anv. ty'pical Canarlian cele- hu-ation of the hirlh of mir ploui-iu-natin. DURHAM (OUNTY MasslB Survey JUNE llth to JULY l9th INCLUSIVE Check Below for Your Area JANTEVILLE .0(.O all PONTYPOOL Uilted Chiarh CA VAN Conmmunit.v Hall BETHANY Tow.nship Hall KENDAL Sunday Sehoal Raom TYRONE Cnmmuinlty Hall ORONO T.O.O.F. ('ammîunity Centre NEWCASTLE Community Hall ONIAI "IF DNF.SD A yI .11',1Y 1 IE T)N ES PDA y THUIR SI)A JI'LV 4 TH 'R SI)AY J VI, Y 4 JILY 5 MO NDAY T E S DAY HOURS 2 - 5p.mn. 7 -10 p.m. 2 - 5 P.M. 7 -10 p.m. 2. 5 p.m. 7- 10 p.rn. 2 - 5 p.m. 7 -10 p.m. 2 - 5Sp.m. 7 -10 p.m. READING AND X-RAY ONLY MONDAI' 9î', MONDA V JUI'V9 T UECSDAY JLL 9 WExD NISI)A Y JUL Y l WE NSP A .iUL Y 10 Tii IlRuA Y JUL'Y il FRIPAY JiliLy 12 REMEMBER. .. The Heaf Tuberculin Test is USELESS unless you have if READ Brought to you under the auspices of the NORTHUMBERLAND. DURHAM TUBERCULOSIS & HEALTH ASSOCIATION CLIP THIS FOR REFERENCE -r Ontario's colourful Fort Henuyv Guard from Kingston is creating a sensation at the 73rd Royal Tournament in London, England, this month. Here members of the Guard are shown going through one of their seveual acts at the big show which features the best from aIl sections ofthie Armed Sei-vices in Great Britain. The Fort Henry Guard bas performed befare capacitv bouses, 16,000, ai aIl shows and in each instance bas been given a standing ovation by' the viewers wbo aguee 10 the rman Ihat the Guard bas stalen tbe show. Membeus of the Guard also were chosen ta faim a special (huiard of Honour for Heu Majesixv Qucen Elizabeth at the Commonwealth Insti- Cd- m1 Put Things in Perspective Watch thie Other FeIIow ~be ~rn4I1t4n ~t~dt~m4n Durhom Count y's Great F'amily Journal Established 109 years ego in 1954 AIso Incorporating The Bowrnanvill. News Tlhe Newcastle Independent % The Orono News l'0 L 614 "'Auitorized ci& Second lcis Mail hy thé Pott Office Depi., Ottawa. aend lfirj'aymght t .4pet«q# lua casW Produced *v.ry Wedn.aday by THE JAMES PUBLISHING COMPANY LIMITED P-0. Box 190 62-66 King St. W., Bowmnanville, Ontario JOHN M. JAMES GEQ. W. GRAHAM GEO. P. MORRIS EDres.PUsî.usHE1 ADVTG. MANAGEZ BustmEss Mmi. SUBSCRIPTION RATES $400 a Yecur, strictly un advance $5.50 a Year in the Unted States AiuhOikqh evèry Pluccaàt]On wil Ifi tkea10 avOld erfor, The Conadion , Sialesman accepte fld,.rtl- Inq in ils courns manthe undieratendinu thitu i wîfl nont b. ibi.lit any @errot i ciauy nvertui.mnî rubui,;hed hereîîin-4r lnhets ri Proct nt euch oe'veuusementis 'êqupsted un writinq by te«de,îiser a,'el if'ur',ed tri The Cantdirin Staiesmnan usirrecutficle. duly signed by the. ndvortiiner and with stick '.:,or Mr,cnrccti'n etlainitv , 1 in wnianq therfon and Hiin hrrt rosé it Vi1 rrrrosanoer] je ont rrrecueil hy Tho- Crimodinirt.eman if-.% iiabiltY %hall mat *xced i urh et pmrtion ni th.e nciaroesi «iiu -urhnthe, rori g uiBsre oelri.ri - si- r.nmp ri, rr" l tmtqwhcute pn<. miecd «,,rh nd'Iv..,-M"t

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