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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Jun 1963, p. 7

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CO ct'a/ Drsorl Phone 623-3303 aý adMrs. Nivins, Bowman- -couple of wéeekrtredhm ayAnRs ai son, all of Toronto. opl "Mrs. Vera McDonald of Mrs. Geo. W. James return- oll, reTusa getshm wihhm. and Jeanne, Toonto, wer Murphy Co. recently returned ed on Monday after spending Miss Dixie Gill, daughter of > r n r.OrVnig Mr. Bob Smith iioSna usso r.Go from a three-week vacation in an enjoyable holiday with her7.Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gill, has Mr. and Mrs. Steven Neary' spent Saturday wihM.acCrwod nd r.nd rs Florida end Nassau. son and daughter-in-law, Mr. successfully completed her 3ryan, Peter and Michael' Mrs. Chas. SmithanOlvrWsPec. Miss S5,bil Burk has return- and Mrs. Wm. G. James andfisyeraunvsto- wsiwndMsMrln Mr. and Mrs.RosCri cd from visiting her cousins, family, Pointe Claire, Que. taining honors in the Univer- Areher, Whitby, spent Sunday OrilladwereSunaygustoo Mr.Hry Hosback and dau- Mrs. Bert Syer, chairman ex ma onto Genhe FallceM.adnrMs M.adMs odnSrn ghters. Livonia. Michigan. Women's Service Committee, Dixie will be returning to Grace, Glen and Elaine, Bea-; and mily.S Mrs. D. W. Armistead re- Ontario County Unit of the York University. T or on to, i roso c . aedaMr and M hlrs. tur Drrl turned recently after a six- Cancer Society, attended a where she intends to majorMr.W W.Vnapndndciresetthwek mnonths' visit in England andt tea held at the home of Mrs. in Sociology . dissofM.aatnddth e e-edwtoh oe orls is residing at 65 Ontario St. Paul Irwin, Whitby, on June ngoMrAthny Sgro (a Ottawa. Barney Hawthorne left re- 18th for volunteer workers. Miss Jean Camneron and' ormer teacher in Blackstock Mrs. D. Parker,StCahr cetl orDydnOt. hee Md Mrs. George Brown, St. pet-;ihSho)an isBr ines, is visiting M.Dlo he will be employed with the tertained at afrs. y ater-n rown ister andvi roher-in-!dteHgn nHl os n isHzlEgih Dryden Paper Co. for th, ing last Sunday. Guests were law, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mc-'r hrh ootStr- Ms enlsadMs sumrmer months. presenit from Orillia, Barrie, Nulty. Mr. and Mrs. J. G.!May. dFrans, Petenborouh, visited ie Mo Mr. and Mrs. Milton Averv Toronto and Woodstock. Little: Pickard were guests ofM Mr.adMs onSih r.Lsi on.oSn have returned to Columbus, miss Barbv Badger remained and Mrs. McNulty over the enlnFls1iie r.W aadto e oewt Ohio, after a week's vacation' for a two-wee'k vacation with weekend which all greatly en-!N aCm atweed hmfravst visiting relatives and friends her grandparents. joyed at the Whitehead cot- Mr and eb Mrs. oy n Mug- ev. andRysltnS - MA D HEBS In the Bowmanville area. tagFenelonFalls.Luhin , ratandi, rs eian ct esnadRysetSna Cogatltin t issFirst year examinations, ag, ods.dauhlin, Gran n Neila, at-nighwtMar. and r.Ca-OH /IW R LynatRackamo wh osuccess Hon. Histor.y, at Queen's Un:- Congratulations to M r. F. C.eddHyo nnvray neMrlowMan r.ei fully passed hier second year versit, mstn were suc- Vanstone. King St. West, whoý Choir will Present Sacred Concert at Port Hope United Church, June 27 usndayMrand wr upSan Mrs. MargaretAnnCarlays GeerlArseamnainsacessfully passed by David, celebrated his 85th birthday gusso r n r . o ss nDnemresueryuss thenerArsity oTornatoa Milne. For the s u m mi e ri last Mondav, June 24th. Mr-: PORT HOPE -- The Prince- gram, which constitutes an in- 1 the Westminster Choir Col-! Ashton.:Ms DepyTrno mnhDvdwlbethe andiMrs.ityabzfC.oVanstoneton Seminary Choir will pre- tegral part of the service, re- lege, he has been Director of Mr. Wallace Rutledge, Ban- visited Dr. J. A. andMs c Mr. and Mrs. George White Recreation Director at PortiNancy, John, Alice, Virgini' sent a service of sacred music presenits the finest in choral Music at Princeton eiayrfsetls weed n rhr udy attended a convention for Sidney, Muskoka. ad BeverleyToonoM in Port Hope United Church, repertoire, ranging fromt an- since 1934. Since 1951 he has'VMr. and Mrs. Joe Rutledge, Sunday visitors ih r leaders of Prudential Insur- Mr and rs-. ruea ndMs.B ron Vtone'i Thursday, June 27, under theicient plainsong through Pales- devoted his entire time to1 and Lynda, Oakville, visited and Mrs. Bill FErgsnadBRE EVC ance Cl kia slkatd, Gra nded theOtroCuiv Rick and Pete, Mrs. Morley auspices of Welcome pastorall|trina, Lotti, Bach, Handel, Princeton Seminary as pro- WIr. and Mrs. Carl Wright on Mr. Roy Fergusonwee r Hoelg Mcknc slnd iberal Associntio Stran -Vanstone and Barbara, and charge, whose minister, Rev. Haydn and Mendelssohn to fessor of music. He has pub-:Wednesday. and Mrs. Adam DiezMran aga, brryFesiva hed a th Mr. Hrtly Lwis al ofR. M. Freeman, was a member contemporary composers. Also lished a number of original, Mrs. Cecil Ferguson, Mr. Mrs. Walter Wenlf n Mrs. B. Armstrong, daugh-.home of Mrs. Trudeau's sisterITown, attended a family din- of the choir in 1955-56 whilelincluded 'in the repertoire choral compositions n a te Hyd Eizbehan sn nr aryathi hmeincee a student. are a number of spiritual editor of The Hymnbook, Coraed Dwnizaewh avsen rs.dbrotherm -aw, aMr.oa bnr atoft he ocasin. ee The Princeton Semninary folk songs from different na- published by five Presbyterian Competitive PrcsPu1eroa evc been visiting her parents, Mr. Choir of 18 male voices is now tions. The choir's two long-'and Reformed denommnations aen Mrs. H. Smyarthe, Scugo Hills last weekend. Miss Carolyn Stacey, daugh- on its 18th annual eight- playing records, produced bylin 1955, and musical editor of Street. Published examination re-! ter of Mr. and Mrs. Mansel weeks' summer tour. Sing- RCA, Victor, contain 39 selec- the Armed Forces Hymnal, Mr.andMr. D Lle oee sltsfrm Uivrsiy f Tr-Stacey, left Sunday to attend ing on the average of twice ations from this repertoire. published in 1959. end children of Kent, England, onto first year honors courses a five-day United Nations day, the choir will appear! Charter Member For the past 29 academnic visited with Dr. and Mrs. C'1 included the names of Miss' Semninar at the University of mn New York, Michigan, all of iDai Hughi Jones u.saons, under thelaesi J. Austin and girls at theiriSharon A. Leach, Bowman aelothswe s e h NwEgad tts n Doc., FAGO, ASCAP, a chart-iof David Hugh Jones, the cottage on Crowe Lake last!ville, who received honors in, presentative for P o r t u g a 1. tario, Quebec, New Brunswick, rmme fte aut fPicto eiayCorhas wveekend. Science, and Miss Linda E.,Carolyn is in residence at St. Prince Edward Island, Nova, sung in over 2,000 churchesl Roberts of Newcastle who was ýPaIul's College. Miss Susanne Scotia and Newfoundland. throughout the eastern sea-1 Mrs. Roy Webber accom- aaddhnr nteFn ali tedn iia All members of this -malel board, singing three or four! panied Mr. and Mrs. Bill Art United Nations Seminar at chorus are college graduatesl times nearly every Sunday 1 Beacham and son Warren of, ' Queen's University, Kingston, who are now enrolled iatý during the academic year. BRA Dundas to Kmngston on Satur-' Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Crook as a representative for British !Princeton Theological Semin-Duigteps17 um day where they visited Mr. have returned from a very Guiana. Carolyn is sponsored ary for at least three years of meringt hstedxten7sivel Mq rs. Don Powell. pleasant holiday with thelir b h BwmnvleBuiesgraduate study mn preparationinal5steCndCu, 200Ft.daughter and family, Mr. andý and Professional W o mi e n ' s for the Christian ministry. ? Mexico, Guatemala, El Salva-ý Mrs. Gus Kurus, P o in te Club, and Susanne by the They form a fair cross section!dr Hnuas Ncrga SPECIAL Claire, Que. While there they Bowmanville Lions Club. of the Seminary's 500 students Panma, ait, Purto ico attended the christening ofMran s.R alSct who come from all parts of teDomincanRepblic $5 5 heir grandson, Robert Gor- M.advr.Roadsottthe United States and many pnthe d omia.n epu62chJa 00~~~don, in St. John's United and family had as recentvi- foreign countries and represent pnadKra n16 h ron Church. tos twi foe Phllsbrother Bob 0 urch denominations.Ont United States and 1 uthwestern C A IN in I.D.A. Brn1 z -Rg 0 :The following children were, children, Bruce, Fraser, Lau- land, one from Korea and all together the choir a sn EXTR SPEIAL 'presented for the Sacramentirel Anne (Missy)adBrath etare cties from the nearly 4,000 times outside of, EXRASPCIL lof Baptism at Trinity United! of Seattle, Washington. A United States. Pvrm26eton an hs aperce in _I.D.A Bran - 8-z. 35 SKIN DIV Church last Sunday morning:ý party was given to introduce Over the years more than sor2, ifferentbshurcheas, Paul Steven, son of Mr. and! their friends to Bob and Phyl- 700 students have toured with scuhols civi cusanhospitals, Good for Mrs. Harry Cooke; Cherylj lis and among those invited the choir. These are now bohassemlendmltr M ILK of M AGNESIA -...DA.Brnd--6-z.50 Ann, daughter of Mr. and!Mr. and Mrs. J. Presson, Mr. scattered all over the world,as. Special Dial for Time SMrs. Irvin Miller; and Terriý and Mrs. J. Thornpson, Mr serving as pastors, teachers, During the day of June 27 With Calendar Face, lAnn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.ý and Mrs. L. Lucas, Mr. -and editors, and administrators. the choir will visit the Tramn- IDA rn 0' 0 Fully Automatic ýWarren Townsley. Mrs. John James, Mr. and Four are professors in Prince- ing School for Boys and the M L ofAG E I- - Mr.ad Mrs.LeoDums Mrs. R. Kent, Dr. and Mrs. A. ton Seminary, and one is a, Ontario Hospital in Cobourg, ight guests of Mrs.JeuTav-SylJesterd'T ,Mr anMrsMrS. po riental StudiesDat Prine-u sen sricsofscrd W A X PA PER - --.- ...-rnd--e.-2 ]or, Onai0t hl ntw Lawrence, Oshawa, and Mr. ton University. On the day following they M rs. umSatt einte ra and Mrs. Gordon Duncan of; Besides singing, the choir DvdHghJns w.ill sing in the Ontario Hos- 12 duate nurses 14th Annual Re-:King.- Mr. and Mrs. Scott al- members participate mn the Choir Director 'pital at Kmngston before pro- - . -.-... ýuinad a1 alled , so entertained their visitors various speakmng parts of the ceeding to Ogdensburg, N.Y.,ý uanion n so e . abo n Mr at a family party which in-ilservice, and usually one or two the Westminster Choir College, for an evening service. JEWELLERY agrrinsiBbobfn cluded the famnilies of Mrs. R. give personal testimonies rel- was head of the organ and The men will be overnight A L A S T E s.C rr ta 9 ýlevig orhoBmcoteD.an.rs rakative to their decision to enter'composition departments of guests mn the homes of Hi-C LK- EZ R -- 9evig orom Scott, Mr. and Mrs. L. Scott,Lithe Christian ministry. The that school for a numnber of members of the Welcome' Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Gor.. musical portion of the pro- years. Besides his work at charge. *n_ opr t12 don Duncan, King, Mrs. Kate B N L to DE OR' TRIN TY NITE CH RCH Aitken and Mr. and Mrs. R1 Allin, Bowmanville. The pic-y Hortop, Streetsville, and Mr. LAKroKtures were taken by the AI- J " A D A D as ti --s1 3 Minister -- Rev. Wm. K. Houslander, B.A, B.D. and Mrs. W. Norton, Galt. 'lins on their trip last year. J e "B N - I Y---- SThe Anna Unit of the Unit- Sunday evening and was at-, A good many others enjoy- Or-ganist -- Mr. Arthur Collison, Mus.B., L.R.S.M. We recentlyv learnied somne ed Church Women met in the tended by a large number.' ed the Donkey baseball match interesting news concerning C. E. Roomn on Tuesday, Mav Bishop Hunt, Toronto, admin- at South NsltnTusa .. FamilySz-Coprat10 Owen and Janet Scott, son 18th, with 13 ladies and three, istered the Sacrament of Con- Fiavnng UniedSeviesatand daughter of Mr. and Mrs. children in attendance. Theý firmation to Mr. George Dow-! garden party and entertain- UntdSrie tNorman Scott, Willowdale, leader, Mrs. Ross Duff, opened' ney, George Dwe rWr etwstecnr fata-----KinSie-Cmaet98 fomry of Bow m an vill e. the meeting with a poem f rom i ren Rohrer, Douglas Assel- tion and enjoyed by a large St. Paul's United Church Owen was successful in pass- Better Impulses. Mrs. Roy'stine, Mrs. Jack Green, Don ýnumber. ing his second year at the McLaughlin was in charge of na Edgerto>n, Sharon Archer. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Wanna- -- - EconomySz opaea 8 _eOnarioAgricultural College the worship period. After the Following the service a re-!maker, Sylvia and Nancy, L S E I --------- and will be returning next singing of a missionary hymn., ception was held in the Par-iSeagrave, were Sunday guests! Fall to commence his third Janice Byers read letters from ish Hall when all could meet of Mr. and Mrs. Leith Byers. ý, - CL pareCaasle1.- REHO BO T CHRIS IAN year, specializmngim horticul- a young man T. K. of India: the Bishop and Mrs. Hunt and The auction sale of house- ture. Janet will be sailing on to a family in Canada where ývisit with friends. hold effects of Mrs. John! EFO RM ED CH1 URCH "°ri° °° Ju"y'17'h'°r he had boarded while atte.nd-ý Sundav evening in the Scott on Saturday was very IsatLte ih fe hv 9 REFO RM ED CHURCH ~~~a two-month tour in Europe ings college, and Donna Mc !Christian Education Centre successful. NX EAIsatLt and will be accompanied b. Laughlin read the letters fromn parents gathered with the: Mr. and Mrs. Ray Yates, 4 2 Scugog Street, Bowmanville Nancy Nix, a high-school the Canadian family to T. K. Hi-C memrbers for their final-Toronto, were weekend guestsý O I M A U Rev Jon C Vrbrg eB A B Miistr hum. In Europe they will be which were most *interesting. meeting of the season. 'At thel of Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Gra- # ,- - . .ome byHilryCoutts Of These letters were in The Ob-lbeginning, with Cheryl Met- ham and called on severali Telephone 623-5023 Nottingham, England. Hilaryi server of Jan. 1, 15 and Feb. I., calf at the piano, Mr. Harold other relatives and friends.11 •,and Janet became acquaintediMrs. Jimn Marlow showed col-:Kyte led a sing-song. Rev. P. Mr. and Mrs. V. Cain, Tor1 as pen-pals when Janet waslored pictures of their trip to :Romeril in charge of a wor- onto, were weekend guests of'ý i n Miss Marjorie Couch's¡ the Maritimes. During the 'ship period, read and com-1,Mr. and Mrs. Alb. Wright and' WORSIP ERVCES las, hre.ConsquetlyJa-business period it was decid- mented on St. Paul's quota- the Fred Trewins 5 net visited Hilary in England'ed to visit the Museum and!tion of "Children obev vourý Mrs. David Hill, who spent 9:00a..- English and in August, 1959, Hilaryv Fletcher's Rose Gardens, Bow-1 parents," and led in *pra*yer.! the winter at her home in 11:00 am.-Dutch rnade a return visit with Janet, manville, on July 16th. Afterl A film "Is Your Home Fun?"' Richmond Hill, returned '9ý mýi Bowmanville. This Fallîthe closing exercises, lunchl was viewed. Mr. Romeril in- her home in Blackstock, •1.9 sz wt 08 1 . 7:30 p.m. -- English Jlanet will be enrolling at the and social time was enjoyed.Itroduced the parents for one Thursday.i Procaimig th Whle Cunse of od acDonald Institute, Guelph. Mrs. Ida Taylor was hostess'teamn of a panel discuIssion-- Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Me.. 6 Jumbo HAIR ROLLERS sHAPfrDyHi Procaimig te Whle Cunsl ofGod 1lm the four-year degree course for the Dorcas Unit atstheMrs. Ivan Mountjoy, Mrs. Roy Laughlin, Toronto, called on" mn Household Science. ýhome of Mrs. Neil Malcolm iMcLaughl in, Harvey Grahamn Mr. and Mrs. Harold Me- ---~ on Wednesday a ft er n oon. and Dalton Dorrell. Mr. Kyte Laughlin and other relatives 'sLeader Mrs. C. Hill opened introduced the Hi-C panel-- Sunda.y. BaCE70 0d HOr BradCBIS ach year, one vicious habit the meeting with a poem, Janice Byers, Lynda Kyle, Sixteen Brownies and fourw th F CK rote ou in imeougt t "MoentBofLov."aMs. arlGilbnk.ndiaulRahm Gudesundr th suervsio LB, Osh wa, at :15 p.m ev ry und y r aketh wo st an ood _ L ith Bye s 1g ve-he1ev -also t e -o eA tor,]M.h P o B ow- O l.u nes enfM TE. TUESDAY, JULY 3rd, 1963 -o n vl"Ms tn etfrGie n cusMs smr ntecar OUR NEW ADDRESS WILL BE drIda n editrs-adMs vnMuto n r.Lnfl edteLtn "Sume."2Uteyalo dtheSp-and ALindArBut. on H ep inl ari n g e nsh HallJun OUR PHO E N MBE WIL RdiscussioME hy n n thaefiftMcha ter oste S asaro armrar. wi h11membersand oftthe WrdiceandtheUWay, i ngd teKen ingete ta n ainthree si lto e rspresen . PreWithio "God a SndayEv i. Mrs. s t e orGudes and Sots H.Mrs A s r ingthe char,ý faod K V an a vsited"Cthe which was h eldi nothee ra- themeeingsh opn edwlith 7 2 3 m3 d 6 8 l h t"4s 2 3 3Unitsoadt o ld of omeohril t io ptn ce Teaigtou siac thehYmkn."Wheetn g o d l ah ugh ter for en's o n- byarecon rd a njoyed. Mr. c a e own fr m aent" dohre India, and hread i nterest-o. o yt ee evd n rs s- î e T H E A l~~~~~~~~~~~~in arts co so e ltters frhe om ubebo ig cnet m r h w d vr neet invitedith e rvi nitto the cot-om hre wnttosids Consumers Union Cem~~~~~~taeatl ae r te uly -NrhNsltno hrdYM.adMs aeGn ,o einv e rN . U it to thp b itr o A srla heweed wt r.C a Cofati servi n the KUnitedhw adepan Ms eb Talr acm hurci tJh S ny m horning Mrs.dM&.AfrdpnidMr ib tMacl Out-of-town friends who KigSTI.ast n hursda y June 20th, her 86th birthday anniversaryv, were Mr. Harold T. Humby and Mrs. Humby, Burlington, Dr. M. E. J. Stalk - er and Mrs. Stalker, and Mr. A. S. Watson and Mrs. Wat- te Toronto Friday and visited The Canadian %tteman, Bowmantv1e, 3tme 26, 1leu' convlescnt ospial.Sidney Ferguson and Kara three children, Kltchener, Mr. Mrs.Tayo, pn Sunday Lee, N;ewcastle, were Sunday and Mrs. Roy Cameron, Bow. evening with Mr. and Mrs- supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. manville, Mr. and Mrs. Noel EdamHorn at their cottage,- Russel Mountjoy. Mr. MiltoniMorton and boys, Oshawa, Willim's Pint.Payne, who has been holiday-! Mrs. Archie Newton, Mrs. Mrs. Bennett, Mrs. French ing with the Mountjoys for a Jas. Petch, Mr. and Mrs. Cork- 1 lý 1 Princeton Choir to Perform in Port Hope

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