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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Jul 1963, p. 12

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12 The Canadian Statesmnan, Bownianville, July 3, 1963 DEADLINE CAD <ri Accirich rVR iMJFU Tuesday, 4:30 P drths 1 jýnqagernents i ",artîs ollans rticles for Sale 1 Articles for Sale Work Wanteci Help Wanted Real EstatefoSaeRaEsteorSû ABBOT -BobandElv Mr andMrs Jon AldradWe wish ta express aur STRAWBERRIES. Telephofle ALSCO aiuminumn siding, ex-IGENERAL carpentry work, MAN for dairy farm. Call HOUSE in BowmavlerorFR,2 ce,3mlsws (nee Smaie) are very happy are happy to announice thescr hnst ilor6323.2- clusive Acrylic finish. Doors, roofing, painting inside and 263-2587. 27-1* bedrooms on twolosalfBwanieon41Hg. ta announce the arrivai of engagement of their eldestj±riends and neighibours for acts conveniences, good repair, nearway. Also a '52 ChevroDe their baby boy "Mark Chris- daughter Giadys 'Marie, toi9f kindness shown to us dur- GREEN peas. Mrs. Kenneth 26indows, awnings. Lorne outra concrete wok. Phone estimates.144.26-tf ping, al hardwoodfornc aleenns hn 2-34 2:12 p.m. in Memorial Hos- of Mr. and Mrs. Alin Rowve of The Sikma Family. U ATER fr sale ana cielivered. FRESH cauifower, cabbage Cal6314 adnepaiukan ih2- piaBwavle pca Nwate.Mrig otk,27-1 Cali Cliff Pethîck 263-2131. and strawberries, daily. J. MOUNTJOY Backhoe Service,______________________ tal, towDr. anviiese aiNdaecsotie ianrAg t aeF_____32-tf Rekker & Son, on Highway 2 trenches, drains, foundations MEPerasant pr ouorvrktesanshu.Tepon Dte d g n re. S lv st r-v e agi$ p er h o r. N o e x - 6 2 3 -3 5 5 1.26 1 N EN H . . o m i p a k takta27-1 27-1 Iwish ta thank al my QUANTITY of good dlean at Maple Grove Road. Phone and septic tanks, dug andprec eesay rt attening nrses.friends, relatives and neigh- Rodney aats. Phone 623-7150. 623-2768. 27-11 backfilled. Ivan Mountjoy ralience necessa. WitG-tr ayCrsen, odmstli Feddema ailconve3iencs, low dow LeBLANC-Guy and Dorothyl Mr. and Mrs. Frederlck'bours, who so ki4¶dly sent 27-2 THREE-piece bedroom suite pon 96-73, aktck00Riheieuh, Dept G-42-1V 4005 loes etesadcad - Richeliu,-Monteal.a271 paymntreeaseronthl terms (nee Cowle> are happy ta an-lPemberton, Port Hope, an- 121", TVwerslettes andcards21-tfREALTO nounc the rriva of Drlenenounc the ngageent ~aiso those who visited mme1"ST, god wokin conMMm.aor rs. reser; itch40 min-erso nonete ria o alne'one h nagmn f dition, reasonable. Newcastle set, table and 4 chairs; two- GARDENING-Weekly SLSA AELD 0Ars omdbikCecnBwavle Ciaudette, June 22nd, 1963, attheir daughter Jean Isobeltlitial Inds in ecme ori e.os $299. Hostess chairs $14.95.,shrubs pruned, rooilig manville. Course available. in eclen toanaibulngPoe62-6320t veilHsit, forncael Jame ake place von of eci thanks to Dr. mc- WATER Haulage, reasonable Trade-ins: springs $9.95, mat-!patios, sod, seed, fertilizers, Wrt1detsr36 / h~teod rcdt NIE an icy Hy Knal he a'Kenzie, Ann McConkey, nurs- rates. Wm. Hasiuk, 623-5381trse $9.95. Murh Furn-levergreens, flowering shrubs. Caînadian StatesB arnP.andBp an ik.27-11 ding wil es nd taf oftaceurica ____13-tf 1 . p aema, o 'clckSatrd1,,Agus s ardsfor thfr cae and kind- STRAWBERRYKing W. TelephonelFrelandscape design and 190, Bowmanville. 26-3Iil 3raspberryStu62a,-A78lt 1 a7d1'o estl mateand DarlingtanWËËRGardenn 20 Acres neary Bowmanv 27-* llemaOur Dexpertoenceden-staff Acrsvera 1,EMON-Melvilie and Phillis:!1963, at St. John's Angicanlness55 Thanks, everyone. crates, 60c each. Telephone- Service, 623-3905, Bowman-!MAN 40 ta 60. Handie sales modemn bungalowm ihdul~h htyOhw-amn are happy ta announce the:Church, Port Hope.Ja li. 27-1 26-24-2-____" AN vle 5-" t surudn arrivai of a baby girl, 7 lbs.,' ___ enAlni7- 6-20.262 1 ,00 boilrs Eriay Jne28at emril r ndMrs JckHugiWe is t eprss a good fodito. leph one J BR UGHmanville. Worth up ta 412 000 r norie e sfrbr ftePooMlil ANNEX forackHcgainorJ.ood, Hin a year, plus bonus. WriteurhriomaonLstgSevcafhesaw Hospital, Bowmanville. AlNwovle ihLatexc icretak n prci-PUBN EAIG L .Gre, iePeTxs baby sister for Dean. 27-11henreewt nt ofe, Wirdtaaflnce sneeore.than and ra-623-2145 . 27- -1 -Outside White "Duro Pumps and Softeners"' Refinery Corp., Box 711, FortItWO ponds. A go u tSwe o itwt s ter Evelyn Marie, ta Mr. Den- John Diamand. the nurses and STRAWBERRIES for sale, Worth 1, Trexas. 27-1l'4,00. Low downpyetyuatmtclymahpo PLAYER - Len and Grace nsFaow, m;n of Mir. and tfofPrPeyhsit, market prices. Phone Klaas $89 gai. Phone 623-5615U - ____ 4 Acres goodgadnadseciebymnoanyn (neKre)aehpyt;ils atnFro fOà- etmOrono 1177. 25-3 ' Division St. BowmanvilleiSALESLADY, for pernianentfacing future highacekBw nvlebttruot announce the safe arrivai Of'wa. Wedding ta take place,4in-g for aur mother wliîn et7F' BIN DER,-h ay 1loaderd uMp McMtJLLEN 1 - 'pply, ti naing Sperience ifiowdlow a nt. Darryl William, 101/àIbs., on Saturday, Juiy 20, 1963, athiom re, ta Rev. P. Romeril foriraîoe, team harness; alli Ap, tti n marrie rnle f o Hd ayMPNOT o rmtefcetsrie Saturday', June 29 at Menmr-i2.30 p.m. at Newtanvilie Unit- e1nsAingmessgesand algooaconitio. 26-2038 flor singl-eany il Hospital. A brother for!ed Church. 27-i:' friends and neighbors for- 271*36 King St.E.,BowanillePlmbîg& Write Advertîser 389, c/o The ITommy._27-1_ ---- ---anveaiuD1ngT &nadia"'Statesmian, P.O. Box Bowinanvilli ..i Pon e ars t6350 Tommy. 27-I. 1beautiful floral tributes andi 27-1 ILeLn ____- rsIsbe Gul wshs aith mnykidnsss hanUSED Washer Parts, almakes; -_190,_____________2-1______263 Mr.Iae ol ihsI!1/ h. p. m____ Pdd'Salesman: eTACEY-Bill and Marleneýannotince the engagement fduring her illness and at the mtrs adys HN 6371710,BwanlE. 27SothCor-C. Ca.Lei 2-201Shfed ikrLd <nee Carlisle) are happy to ber daughter Donna Marilyn time of her dcath. Market, Hampton, 263-2241. Cars for Sa le 3 Nelson St. Bowfor So ý utcout .Lvki-sel 24 Mr hna ure-etr anouc teamialo t irt Rgr evi ocrne~ The family of the late Mrs. 11-52_______!ce four-room pu liehol.;271oexrice bons.DonaldFrg, 8June 9 3ý of Mr. and Mrs. Ra, ocraeWesley Bradburn. 27-1»KEYS cut automatically, while IPYOUH(usnesod4tf eis acmmneJuylthton .2thd.. a ,pniairntDietseule ad-tî we betofeone ETIoA K uhulb eWi 60Kn S.W -Ohw 1063, at Memorial Hospitalt edstduhero ri wish ta extend orwr,3 igSt. E., Bowman- laigcuty,2doV8 UIereByee Eveln. Averyspecaltf e abldeG au and ofMr. Pecyerf hnsadapei-ville. ____3-tf good condition, blue and white, MPING School, Monday, July 8th at REALTRG ~~owmanville. A brotherou___and_1 --radio, whitewali tires, stand-1 WHITEIVASHING STABLES 7pml fritrve. 2- Bumanville -1 rn t ta Drly. Hubbard a th nrs- Guld af Bowmanville. The tian for the acts of kindness, USED heavy duty Westing- ard transmission. Telephone DtDT PTIf~TT ITO neeas a few men ta seil Dial 623-.5 ELO es . Hb271adth ur-marriage is ta take place Sat-Imessages of sympathy and house electrie stove, 40"', ex- Bîackstock 986-4436. 27-1* dmItBERcsitesaTNwcslePhn 341Cil62-30 es. 2_______urday. July 27th, 1963 at 4:00beautifui floral offerings re- ceilent condition. Telephone-- --125dmsi esitsa NwsleP ________ d. St Paul's United Church,1ceived from friends and rel- 623-7236. 27-2 1957 CHEV. 2-Dr., îow mile- POECAR 71 4%cmiso.Eprec :pNN-Loe adSi.om ce 71*aivs specialiy thanking the IGEla ahr 1e age, very dlean; 1960 Willys. NEWTONVILLE not neeessary - we heip you. 14 Acres with omd ..3Bomnil Iey (nee Moffatt) are happy! - --------- --Heather Rebekah Lodge, thepSIEr oad oubers 5.Xash-5eJeep, 4-wheel drive, steel ceb, -- seiatls - pfercnremius. Ty ome. iceM $a6,00v -Wllbui ,pe lod;douleset25c Wah-top condition; 1958 Internatio- latrie 'iays- rmusTy 0dWl ta announce the arrivai of! - - - IBowmanvilie Branci of theIO-Mat, Church St., under aimoel"A80 Cb Ca-plstrgRiepairs dyswithout rîsk. JITO,j 100 Acres HIGHWYF annieydcrtdtob- their daughitem Lynn Maureen,! nM mra Cnde ein r .FlWtrTwr lmdl"lo a hs o>nSunday, June30, 1963, at Me-1 ------ Candin Leg.io D. ALoi a rTWe 7-sis; 1957 Fargo 5-ton Trac-1 QUICK SERVICE et n ,3 tr.aHubert___7 1ond.nly$300 on. graeons'tcr ot skn tioial Hospital, Bowmanville.BISHOP-In loving merYalnd Rex'. D. R. Dewdney dur.ýMcCLARY-EASY Citation 400 tam, 5th wheel, air over hy-J STUCCO AND NEWV WORK Montman 2- 10Arsna rn xhpîe~îoo A sister for Mark. 27-lof a dear husband and father!ing tie lass of a dear husband!lerCtrie dryer, 1 year old. draulîc brakes, 200 gaI. saddie MDL-GDfrnmntem ag a ___oh_.___owh ase adfahr Cal at 39 Church St. Phone tanks; 19,53 Fargo "/2-ton, ex- R L T MADEAEDsrà,lagFan 8roe Trrebdoo ugl on C. Bish8,wh1961. 'ad fhrs. .R.MicelL3247 7T eletcAdtin F5onicager reqiured in Oshawa area stone bouse. Askig~950oear o.Nesah T'RIMBLE-Mî-.and Mrs. John away 1-ul 8,191.-Vî --. .-H Mtchll 62-247.-1 c et5cndiionn191SPntic E. 623-5030 raising thoroughbred horsesiTerms. Zrimnble wish ta announce thel'Til memnory fails and 1ife, and family, Orono. 27 -IIJOI-NSON Sea Horse outboard,Ambulance. Cowan Equip- 16-tfland cattie. Good living quart-ý 100 Acres withstebanmnGveuanofr 'birth of their daughter Elaine. departs, ___-- matar, 10 h.p., excellent can-Iment Ca., 134 King St. E.,- ; ers for couple. Top wagesi and 9 raomed hom.AknB(avll etal a 'Marlon, on June 25, 11963. AIYau live forever in out hearts-ýCOBLEDICK-We wish to:ditian. Mrs. E. L. Oliver, tele- Bowmanville. Phone 623-5689.1 ACKEBNIAN ýpaid. Apply, stating experience $12,50)0. Termas.- ctd4bromamlhme baby sister for Elroy, Marcy, -Evrrm brdb ieexpress aur sincere thanks and phone 6213-5853. 27-1 - _ 27-ilXAAIG- ODN oAvrisr37 / aa-20Arsw 43aly lnJulie, KellyFreda adsans and dagtrýnrcain ta neighbars, BYGori ian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, buildings, gaad sea.Pvdpreitd Akigpce 'ad Curtis. 271 and famnilies. 27-i..n* rltie frthi BYN.o sellîng funturei SAND, GRAVEL and FILL ,Irncs ad elaivs or applances, caîl Elmer,l ietc For SaeIFour-wheel drive Tow Truck Bowmanville. 26-2 road. Asking $3C,0.TrsI',0.Tms ikind expressions of sympathy,jHampton: business 263-2294- with Heavy Winch. EARN BIG MONEY 100 Acres, god ulig.ITobdombnaofi ýWHITE-Ron and Glady areICOLE-In iaving memairy of1 the iovely floral tributes and residcie 263-2695. 6-tf YORKSHIRE boar, 7 montis REASONABLE RATES LEARN ELECTRONICS Price $950 h$,500 don bsmnt hcavneneo 3rery happy ta announce the'a dear wife and mtier, Nora, deeds of kindness extended by!lUMINU Door and in-ad Phone 623-7150. 27-1 t0hArebga grrival of wee Lori Ellen on'who passed away JuIy 3, tlhem an the passing of ouriALMNMDosadWn Phone 623-5756 Expert instruction in aIl phas- 2 streams; 8 roomenoe I ii$5 on 27 163. abysistr 198 blove siser nd ant, issdoxvs, contact MeMluilen Hard- ONE Belgium mare, ising 3 es. Day, Night and Home StudymdrcovneesAxiu Cletarno-Oece qlune Cbbl19i3k. Specialware, 36 King St. E., Bow- years aId. Sid Powers, Ponty-1 BOW31ANVILLE 26Sî asyTemsmod~ ern.buldnglos, 60 ech 2-1 %or Douglas and Byan. 27- n aur hearts your tnemoryPeari B. Cobeik pc ore. Es eis ret el - - -lingers, ithanks ta Rev. L. W. Herbert manville. Phono 623-54087lpool. 27-1*1 UPHOLSTERING Bookiat Carears in Electronicsj 5 Roomed bungaoBw rid afoting Sesa, eptember. orment. Anxiousrstacoseenc Deaths swetîy endrfn cadofotin.g StesetCr.h for hisB ashers, new, as RepDairs Save Dollars! Have your chest- DayCoures mence men.Anviie, w t aeetaP±rKwl r IÇ,LL-AtMeoril os.Threis nat a day, dear is and Dr. Lawes, tic staff an' iow as $99.003. Fulli une of! ai IldofCndae rnserd pital, Boxvmanviiie, on Sun-' mother, floor 2C of the Oýhawa Gen- Beatty appliances. P a d dy's GUARANTEED televisian and ered. Free estimates, samples 461 King Street West Large 6 roomednwracadGERA INUAC day, June 30, 1963, Robertý That we do riat tiink ofieral Hospital and ta the Mce-,Market, Hampton 263-2241. radia service, toalal makes.1takefl ta the home. Toronto 2B - Ontario style on 2 acresg euiu 2Ks t . 6325 %rKelae on a, o.iIntash -Anderson Funeral Hm 11-52 TElevision Service Ca. Phone Budget Terms Arranged 27-1 stream. Large saetes >e/Irk ellyfagedn f an e1-dymsed day,: youfr.hei kdan Homicet,52-tf RON'S UPHOLSTERING --______ Anxiaus ta seil.MeeraOsaa&Dtic and arer iate san of aesyJohnad mnsd y husbadfrvteirkn adefiinFRESH cut flowers, container ---383 102 King W. Phone 623-5252Tnes W ne 7 Roomed homeinBtayRalEaeBor andMaruerte(Can) ell, ohnandfamly 271 srviearrangements, tawn end bas- W A S H E R broken? Don't 20-Tf endersw WumnceaOly$100 ~1 Prince St, Bowmanviie. ______Air. arîd Mrs. MeKeever, pital deiivery. Caîl Passant's, worry - use ours. Only 15c.$l00Dwfocoy3bd 1 jested at the Marris îuea!EWRE-i oving me ie ob2eic-1mi 122 Duke St., Bawmanvile.aer load at the Wash-O-Mat ANGER TENDERS will be received by down. *ýidelservieanile Grave-1mary ai William J. Penwaran, - -_--- Phone 623-3527. - 25-tf on Church St. 27-4* the undersigned until July 20, 6 Roomed home i ehn om huewt oe 6cesrieadinterment onwopasd wy uy7W 'rý.-CULI-LOWE-e- d CON TRUCTION 1963, for caretaking, beginning Ail modemn convenine.Aklicel ag o.Na 'Tuesday, Juiy 2nd at Bow- î Evepassed away Juiy venislettuce, RADIO and Television Repairs. teCalOemNasafoTaitRUgC9TIONem. On.$,80 ~nanvilc Ccmeery.Tis m. ih'oi-nes ith dee cabbagEdwan bts; pick eaurPrompt service. Pick-up and CHIMNEYS - BRICKWORK ing tic autside ai tie sehool. 6 Roomed home a nikl 50Dw ilgv o :Ths onh orns ît depBarn Dance, Allan Fostersian di tuacml delivcry. G eorge's, 14 Centre ADCNRT (Lowest or any tender not len, bathroom,et. Vythkytayrow hme regretIb'nKnStry, JuIyieast of Alill St. on BaeTinelADCNRT 161L NGog-A27aa tbig bc a brKedl audy t. Phone 623-5713. 41 -tf necessarily accepted). (Mrs.) anxîous ta seil. Tobdomlvn-om General Hospital on Tuesday, Wewllievrfo'et- 27-1!Newcastle. Base f 'W ilnvrfre.CARPETS and D RA PE S Watch Repairing Phone 623-2273 E. June Wilson, Se'y-Treas., 3 Bedroom, racitlkthn n ah 1 un ~ui 2,196. Gorg L _in You feul asieep without RBeellive Rebekah Lodge wilîI (Sampies taken ta the home). ROY Ot 7- aag n2'2are.Ony5Rom1/2soeyhm ofll50inJackman yeRd, Boma-, gomeodby il erde . bero0ldtich enLinsalenteta-Frece estimates. F. A. Kramp Certified Watehmaker oRfANE .S a 5 $3kNwcsl,5rckbuaown wttahd c.Atnw vileinil 59h ea, ab-Bu mmaie wil eyr ia be 2 a tc Lon Cnte. Ltd., y37King St. ., Bowman- Canadian Jewehîer's Assn. TEDES I lbe $3,00 owneLibrtANorhGEVry ice bd husband ai Rose, dear fath- __Eve eeibrd by bis 27-1 ville. 623-7071. 20-tf flAfRTTS' & 1UfIT TNDERSwi4l eceîvdoGAAGE, ERVICSTA96k3p. Spaiaus ot. Grage 'WMrs. D. Whiiians (Joan), Mrs.i___ Monster Bingo, Thursday INýSULA-TION, bIowîng metb- M r Ts ewellerv PLUMBING & HEATING for tic erectian ai an Addition iha location.Poreat 1H. Bergsma (Damtiy) of! nigit at 8 a'clack, spansorecd owith rock waol. Work- 9Kng .SALES & SERVICE ti Nwcagstled Plecifcatons!for24 UlNITMTL&RSTgrgi vr encn 13owmanville; Mrs. E. Kirby'!RU-ITER--If lioving mernryby tic Junior Chaînber af manship guarantecd. Free esti- dionCloeUtashopinOan ,<Marie) ai Toronto; Kennethiof my uncle, Albert Ruiter,ýCaîmecrce Red Barn, North ae.HryL ae e - 16-tf 24-HOUR may be obtainced from tiCIAURANT, almostnw.Fîy Atatey in- matrbcrt G.. WaeCaleelequipped. Veryaniu toO0 of Bowmanviile, Frank ofîwha passcd away Juiy 26th,iOsiawa. 45-tf iphone Clarke 2420. 39-tf Refrigeration QOil Burner Service office.of 73eKrnertr e$500dw Warkworth and Phillip ofi 1961. I- -- ______ -_______73__King-tStreetecLE. ,sell.scpd ot 3Enlad. Retig t heWeofenthnkofdays gancI Tic Truil Family Picnlic wil ALUMINUM do o r s a nd and SEPTIC TANKS AND OshwTeOt.,ms ta suit.4 Romd om Northcutt and Smith Funeral by, i be ield in Garden Hill Park.1windows. Cali us today for TILE ncePHON $50.00. Lowcst or any tender frontage. Ah oem cn W ee or oe o ~Home, Bowmanville. Funaral When we wcre ail togther;!Sunday, July 14 at 2 p.m.imetmt. Tcrms arrang- Servic wiil not neccssariîy ha accapt- veniences. VeryanistaTeakt 5tisbs. .pervica at 2 o'clock Friday A siadow o'ar aur lives hasîSports 3:30 p.m. and supper!cd. Cowan Equipment, King Commercial and Damestie HAMPTON 263-2288 cd. 27-1 seiByesar aiig afternoan. Intermant Bow- cast, .5:30_p.m. -Ail waîcame. 27-1 [St. E., Bowrnanvilie. Phone Refrigeration TYRONE 263-2650 ORCHARD HE:GT e-Ls owfrFs cin tnavile emter. 7-iOu loeder's on 27-vr11TiOCatrigi Dstict'63-589 ____ 45-f hon BRTSYE ______ _____- 1.-f-cs6e.Homs5u689t.orer Evniga ______-Ever rcetmbamcd by hus; STi ERIS- For the __________Very reasonahly pia. A.L1oey6376 XATE, Gladys May-At the nicce Barbara and nephewLylOag evc vi eSRWERE o i as-6357 271 hid in Nestieton Presbytarianihast, pick your awn and save. Nights- 623-3177 ZiUciof leAtrhuscî:P.Kw* 6356 St. Bernard's Convalescent 1Amny. SaleJuy7et730pm Hospial, orono, onSatu-i--Rex-'.--Br--. -F. Swann, minister. Farm, Nawtonvillc, anc roadi Lander Hardware Auction sale ai entima show ONT ,- 1 Don Mountjoy -6335 Jiay Jue 2th,196, Gadys RIAR ev.Bro F.-k ast f Nwtovile ad 11ý,stable, standard bmeds, hack- Miay ShJun el9thd1963fGlads RIM R Parde wiil lina up in bail park .at iN2tn6-2 n I' and ELECTRIC neys and ponies, show buggies, ROOFING CONTRACTORS Idso Wiersma -Ooo169W Fr kRelE ae Mayosh ilambeaedo 42 Ga MEMORIALS !at 7 p.m. Band in attendance. miles narti. 26- 2fbike, îarness, etc., tic prap- BOIVMANVILLE, ONTARIO Ross Davidson -1Btay303LD Ros Wllim ateai Gats-27-11 -TYPEWRjiTË-RS,-addaërs-,-cash- LraSAE Viw veScrbra ndderDlgnified and Distinctivei-- ~uin esdpiaos hqerit- ~J erty ai Lama Haskin, rcccivcEALd TENDERS will be John M. Sandy - inother af Sharon and Daug- Monuments - Fiat Nlarkers: Tie Werry Family Reunion, Noices Farms, ta ha sold at the Faimýeeic by tic undcrsigncd, Omeme 9-5917CurhS. omnil las; daugiter of Mr. and Mrs.j i designs for an3> naad. ,will taka pla~ce at Hampton er3, camptama crs, thca hnd- ______ - -Grounds, Blackstock, On. nuntil 3:00 p.m. (E.D.T.) on_______________ 20Ar amnr ¶Jvi Saw Nwcstcan 12 imoeSt S, shwaPar'k on Saturday, July 20ired new and tîsed. Wc buy, Dr. C. J. Austin's ofieSaudy July 13. Tarms!TUESDAY, JULY 23rd 19631 716339 'DaiShawewaiRMstlB.eBrnt), 151963 Hot meatpie.dinnehatwalj ent, service. Hamilton will ha cîosed iram July 12 to 1s aead,.. eja i eo'a itceit orRn rogo bidns tem Newcastle, and Muriel (1s723~-1002 72- /LOOUl/2:30 pm.Sparts at 9.30,Office Equipment, 137 BrocklAugust 12inclusive. _26-2Jcsn e pacîy u-ingvuit-u rofinghend in- Oly$or00..TRms Manson Patton), Oro Rs 0t r .W lmn'-no. Rs- Office Evenings! p.m., supper at 5:30 p.m. Lct'sSouth, Whitby. MO 850.19.I r .W.Seo's officetianeers. 27-2 suiatian and tic Supply and!PASTURE, 78 arswt 1 ceir erOoo ed at Giffen-Mack Ciapcl,i 26-tf,maka a special effort ta attend.'_______-1-i wii h closed irom Juiy 5 ta Application ai a buiit-up aof,straam and goad grs.Pne7om hoselag ban 11570 Danforth Ave., atMan- i ___ - - 27-1 HOME FREEZERS August il inclusive: 26-2 WEEKLY metal flasiings, etc., on hec 623-3393.7-fsra.Teiievw.$70. Street. Service was heid on! u me eors WodviewCmriuy Centre- Dr. W. M. Rudell's ôoffice LIVESTOCK SALES Traipnglehritr t h ovs T Wadnasday at 1 p.m. Inter- -Monster B i n g o. Twanty Top Quality - Made in Canada ha cib eosad for the twa ranig choinBwmnvli,: EE-romaprten, el- erws ment Pine His Cemetery. arnes-twentyltdoldars fivie 17 cu. ft. $239 - 22 au. ft. $29weak pcriad ai Juiy 13 tai at Durham County Sales Arana Ontario. cntindecil alom. ae-55Are9988e.Bwmn 27 i*OLD MILLe-thrty dollrs;"1Magnetic Sealad Lîd - Jl 8.nlsve __273.oo vr Tus,7:30 p.m., Spacificatians and Tnephonea 723-98iigitwihve oero- teedinakes a te siwa25: d ojackots. axt oWMA efigrnVILLF Tuiclowmavll---Midica-lîHorses. Cattie, Swine, Calves,!Documents may ha obtained iCOMMER CIAL-bidn-a]n ak naia 1.0 Tul 2n, 963 Jhn on-1~~1.~I271 mril Hsptaitiougnta-Mnaers'i-,fng, Trato , ntaia IFRMhaTehneSugg R.,Bowanîll. oodbuldigs SValkeFr, bJovned îusba-nd Hîqrnan, Ont. iofýn Cm Badae- EY sma.H wl axvrigsla inain ard A$ho,00or00iewd aBond and a ½ m;ile fro HaPtofvaubaconrlcto.Ak and was conductcd by thie Hev.iSOUTH Haven Nursing Home. 36[1 IBON ST. IG.eneral Insurance SilverSt.,iiBowmanv--- :m _Da _orppe -r posbe ean.Tlehn lctin n- &2Se00-' W K. Husiandar. 7-1 -ccommdatio for nivat! VV'nted o BuyPhone728810 I BWMANVLLE RR. No.4t.ing-rom andkitchn iiin-fTeephon coor et 26-27216. 271 3 Bdraombricko tenant.' M'K lulne. 2-1 -~Accosmodrate frpriaties, - - - ___ muing at h p.m.: Badraom, Stock. Pickad up promptly. Walker Store, 623-41eor$2o.0 wn 2eception lounga TV Fully licensedI!GRAMýOPHONE or phoo Day or NlghtINRAC OU iture, clectric stove, washing FamLREhue italcoSt,$500 -10000dnX -Nr n r.Fred S wbilimimdtViioshrp, iaEdsncyidr BILL LEASK, Prop. machine, refrigeratar, vacuum Margwill Fur vnacFarUcnie arnByn nwhmB- 1 n Ms mtie!come Reasanable rates.1recards. Phone John, 725-3546. vnecs ilc 10-1 Elgin Street, Bawman- aacNwasl 41 1-tf 2~*6t BUSINESS cleaner, 3-piece chestcnfieid, TI'RONE house with or ithu ad oeyudo netgt us rcillies, iibendatnome iair_______ ____ -ONE- oweroftase-ofthe past.nster rug, 9 x 12; dishes, 19-tfranictorTaptn.Poerctetpan .Aa-.. bcr nth cain fter Photography to digger in xorking order.ý CAMPING i o si h at glassware, silverwame, antique for- 728-360.__27-1ory 4'm0 25th Wedding Anniversary, on, - -, Pî,on 2139. 27-3 EQ1'23222 aPEsatE Sold bickhoua oar Saturday. July 6, 1963,f, castia.Phn219 273 E UP E TRa sae oibrchueahfrTWbdor m 3 ta, 5 in the aftemnoon and ' IIIRAH ý1GHEST pricas paid for lival2320 2-82wt large gardien and garage, Deal with the driver - he wlll floor apartment, prcealo uglwwt ayet 7 ta 9 in tic evaning. 271 Change ot Address - patîltrv, goose fecathers, featu. BAR-B-Q SETS 26-3* 3 self-contained apartments, pay top price on the spot ae- duplex, in or amoundBw rpi adio h 161 King St. E., er tcssra1ramaas-ni Ah!ot watcr haating tiroughotit, cording to size and condition. ville by August 15.WieA-vrCosucoa1 David and Marjarie Gray Bowmanville raw fu srPhion, eta723-2043. W CHAIRS Proa two apartmcnts witî six ooms ~~vartiser 388, c/o TheCnda o~ ocmee <nec Adamis), Newcastle, wiîî Portraits r. passprt: s. Phone 723-24. P aland anc with five roanis, will Lurrett urF' nýSatsmnP.O. Bx2~At a 2-9 be a hoe tather reaties, eddngsAisis prts L kinds ai Ilve pouty YEI upis-(ubriue ah Trso elRR EEBRUHOmnie be a hoe t thir elaive, Wddigs nniersrie AL kid f HGoad su idpaplidin-plaibe afared foh TrsensuhetaPhone OffieLong DistanceMe trens n nigbor o tea Specialty etir new goose and iuck ~scakcd envelope with price llst. reserve bîd. Terms on furn- Zenith 66550 <Do charge) M rg ocainiofersar on Weddinp , 0lalsc)oldfeather ticks wanted Six samples 25c, 24 sampie estata made known day of sale. or Aniesr nSaturday ev O TDO !ltîgiest prices paid. M. Flatt, 85 King St. M-. Bowmanville $1.00. Mail Order Dept. T-28. Jack Raid, auctioncar; Law- Peterborough colleet, 7142-4330 MORTGAGE moneaaiblAn7MII Oooi uig uy1t m7to Phone 63-.52 bethany R.R,. 1. Phone 7 r 13 Phone 623-3134 Nov.-Rubber Co, Boz 91, Jack Riauctionear olco' iec o 2-C-63 [Peter Feddemna, Ra1 r aib anok liO2Et 9.30. 27-2*i20-21collect.i eiautîner ole "'"LceceN. 2 àiti27-1 Hamiltn Ont. 1-1U Lawrence Harris, clerk. 26-2' a8.tf263-2021. 1-f8- 1

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