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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Jul 1963, p. 13

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'Ad~ptec (Sr Ed. Y a We hear a lo once of nature" ,afflw' uinusually linge nt round hogs, rabi rnîce in the Durh area is a direct re otOdecimabion of the fox ue to rabies. Rabbits a r e notorioL "scary", but necently, a si snowshoe came right up toi of our helpers, and wi picked up showed no sigr lear. The man took it about yard3s way and placed il long 'g$ss. then neturned Nsjob of cutting "scrt trees, only to have the li jiggen follow hirn. Afle-r so MToments of Ibis strange tachment, the man put il à nearby vehicle, out of bary 'Way; took it home that eveni to show the folks, then reli ed it in a patch of woods.T Iitle fellow appeared qi healthy, with no evidence injury or rabies - just tool fancy 10 Ray. In this instance bhc aniîr adopbed the mani; howev tbis is flot usuallv the ci espccially at this lime of ye Many people fînd fawi coons, rabbits and even sn; bears in the woods anîd ado "For QUALITY Cars and Service" - SEE McQUEEN MOTOR SALES . LIMITED - EarI McQueen, Pres. 219 KING ST. E. BOWMA NVI LLE Autborized Dealer for ambler Cars ~~one 623-3356 1962 Chev. 2-Dr. Hardotop 6 ryl., automnatle, custom radio. Real sharp car! 1961 Stratochief Pontiac 4-Dr. Standard transmission, eus- toin radio. White îwith matchîng trim. Local, one owner car. 1960 -Corvair 4-Dr. Automatlc, Real economy car for summner holidays or gond second car. ,1959 Chev., Pontiacs 1 Chcv., 2 Pontiars. Ali thrce are A-1 au tomobiles SPECIAL 1 1958 Pontiac SConvertible A6tomatic, custom radio. Lo0callY owned car, reai iharp. See this one and compare! ..1957 to 1952 aisany çýnod makes and model% fi choose (rom in- rluding l9.Z Farizo Pickup. F.njoy on-the-siot. reliable Traders' low cosi linancing. "The oliest allCanadian finance cor,î-ny". SERVICE ST.VHON Corne ln and let tis check your tires for t:ouble-fre summer drivlng! * .Open frnn7 a.m.ý Nowa "ýSu nset ~YSub -I 4BERTY ST BR ZE MEDý cons tru NDEVE MENTS OW AS LPHOE 177 ,2LRH0. d /But Not Adi: ihem in the mistaken belief that they have been abandon-t S ed by their mothens. WESL' 7pted' LEYVILLE Magis.traite's Held in Bowmanvil .um - ln99oofUlcaes tLu i 15 oU Another scbool year bas )bits,i truc, and if unmolested they ended and public and highi July 2. 1963 September 10th. Magistrate ,hamn would soon be neunibed with sciiooî students are heaning the John Rowe, King Street Baxter wiil ask for a pre-sen- suIt one or the other parent. eut of their efforts during West, Bowmanville, appeared bence report and it will de- red .ti laspesn ob the past vear. Wanda and before Magistrale Baxter on pend on the report what the able to sec wild animais in Gwen Ford will be stanting a charge of suppîying liquor sentence will be at that lime. thein natural environment, a nd high school, Paul Austin and to minors in the Township of 'There is ta be no drinking in ýusly this is where thcy shouldst mnail When - Gleil Clarke will be stantîng Darlington. The case was ad- the meantirne. one n you nemove tbemn grade 12 in Septemnber; Shar- journed bo July 9tb. Charges involving ilquor. oen from it, 10 an enclosure at on Thorodyke, grade il; Don- Mickey Oliver. Cresswvell, wene dismissed agaînst David i f oue home, vou are placing na Ashby, Linda Thorndyke,, who had been remanded in Bryrýe Adains and Carl Hoff- n fthem in a setting in whicb bhey grade 10. and Gloria Nichols custodly since June 18th, ap- mri, both of Bowmanville. On are aliens, under conditions ,vill be taking the four yeai . peared on three charges of the same charge Harold Corn- t20 which render survival diffi- course: Ron Ashby will 1ls possession of stlngos sOhw. n rnkJns *~~~~~~~~~~ iOcI o mltrhw mc e vn nante rd.The charges were illegal pos- 17. Bowmnanville. plead e d i10 tender. loving cane you lavish Congratulations to aIl of tbem.i session of a roto-tiller, a power guilty. The four %vere stopped ^ub",upon them. On Friday afternoon the1 lawn mower and breakîng and by Constable Plîillîps on om, Eenif he rachmaurty ubicscho' cildenwihietein S.S. number thnee Wharf Road. Bowrnanville, on Imtheir instinctive desire 10 agaîn thein teacher, Joan Walkey had Cartwright school. Jn is.Crihsae i a-delin a wild state rendersa school closing party aI Bar- Oliver bad been found bnoughit the beet' from a party. tini themn most intractable, in fact rowcdougb's beach. The pup- guilty on aIl changes and was jones was fined $25.00) and 's n many instances tbey inflictils presented Miss Walkey remaîîded out of custody uintill S7.0(l costs for the consuming iing injurv on those who bave with a fa rewell gift and she ini -- ----c _jharge and ini defatilt f;ve eas- been-caring for them. turn gave bhc two graduatinl' have sold their borne aI Orono days. The We strongly urge you bo: students. Wanda and Gwen and are going to sîay witb At this linie Chief Kitney uIte cnjoy Ontarios wildlife butElord. Maple Leaf pins, bear- bei' father, Jim Hoy, while rpot on Harold Cor- 0 bv ail means leave it in its! îng flice date, Miss Wendy Rus- thcy are building thieir ncw.: nisha who lbad threatened a k %ild state. fsel] of Londonî bas been en- bouse on the fanni that thhyiresident on Hunt Street, Bow. naî ~gaged to teach hene uîext See- 'purchased from Mr. Manning. rnanville. Chief Kitney askel mltember. Li spite of the heat on Suni- that Cornisli be ordered tu as C. . G ou i Thui'sday vein vraiyday a good cnowd îurned outI stay awav fron the bouî.O ear .Y .G oL froi here enjoycd the Prince for the baIl game between.îthe chargfe of bavîng beer in ,,ns tonchoir in Port Hope. Eigbt Whitby and Kendal on the, the car. il vas adjourîied uîîtil flamilies here, ail ith I-fi-C ýPark hene. The Kendal Juvý,- Juîy l6th aîîd Coi'nish is to be nal fiIolds Dance niembers entertained the foi- eniles won by a 5-4 score. îcc p if lie retuî'is to OPoin chirmmbr frthl'i R E. Cotton, B.A., Bowmnaîvillc before thaI date. At St. Joseph nght: David Hugli Joncs, was the guest speaker at out w e Ioii rno I~~I ~)I. ~ ~ choir leader with Mr. and M\rs. 'Kendal service on Sunday Tone oii Teîo Carroîl Nichols; Victor Makari!morning. Next Sunday morno-were joiîîtly chitvged on luine A rmost enjoyable dance of Egypt, witb Mr. and Mré. ing the service will be as 301h bY Constable Suddard,i was field by the CY.O. in SIL. Murray Payne; Robert Sbodd-. usual aI 11:15 with Rev, R. C.;with baviiig liquori lutiiei' Joseph's Hall on Satundaylard of New Jersey with Me.,.White prcaching. sesiî <tle taîthn evening. Miss Liîîda Master- and Mrs. A. Ford; Theodore' Last Sunday Mr. anîd l.ns. xesidience. Allaîî Patrick McI-, son, the Ist \vice-president, Xills of California xith Mr.;Russeil Wright (nee I{ildaiDoiiald anîd Elwood Josephi was the general convenor for 'and Mrs. A. Thorndyke; Ar-'Bell) aîîd family of Cameron'Mlebol f19Mra the succesful event. thon Sjogren of 1-1gb Park, attended church aîîd visited Street appeaned before Mag- The spacious hall wvas ai- Nev.' York xitli Mr. and Mes. 'around tlie îeighbourbood. itaeBxe.MDiadwu trac*,ivciv dcconated w it1 h r A. Clarke; Theodore Scott of Weekend guests with Mns. cbarged wi,,tlî haviîig tire cane green, white and pink as the, Pentisylvania witlî Mr. an.d Swarbrick wvere Miss Roseand control of a veliiele on colon theme. The walls were iMes.W. Aslby; Paul Evans of Laing anîd Mrs. Edith Fergusoini Higbway 401. Ile pleaded nul adored itl gncîîpanîels: Straîlord, Conti., with Mr. and ýof Toronto and Mes. WilfredguIy suri-ounted with large white MVrs. A. Austin; James Fier- rRoughley of Oshawa. The conîstable slated Mulleîî butterfles. îvhieh were alter-: rington. Abilene. Texas, with IMn. anîd Mrs. Charlie Roacli bîadl aloliol on i is breath. Sel- nated around thie roorn by Mr. and Mes. [Harold Austin, and famnily of Lakcview spent geant Hope, Peterboroughi, as- white panels wilh green but- Glen Clarke assîsted aI, the re- Ilie xeekcnd wîbh Mes. W.! sisted wiîh the arresî. Gail terflies superimposed on tbem. cîtal by' belping 10 receive buhe Mereer. Lawrenice, a passeîiger stateon 'r7wo huge intensccting sui- offeriîîg, Pearl and Mar'ie' As our sehool teachers aî'e.ho flic constable a botile of: ver circies were suspended Austin and Donnîa Asliby antL- both leaviîîg the pupils held sherry ]rad beeîu shared 011 Irom the centre of the ceiling. cd as ushers. a preseiitatioui for thcm thethe drive. On a soi state- and tbey wcre adonned with Sunday Sehool attendauce last day of school. They gave me t1 Ilnsable GaJi piîîk, w hitc and green bal- is mucb smallcr flic past few iMi,-ss ent a lovely wall Lawrence said Elwood J. ilIl- boons Green and white stream- Sundays, txvo of thc regulars, ýplaque anîd Mr. MeMahon a' len liad been driviîig thirecar.. ers extcnded froni the glitte'-, Leslie Ford and Jlames Nich.- deskI set comprising a dlock: They appeared before Jus- ing cdecles 10 the wali panels. 'ols weîît to Quin-Mo-Lac aîîd peni and holder. ice 0f flie Peace Gordon Mar- Miss Tina Hughes was the Canmp on Saturday, and otheri Mondax', July i bbc Pee tiii, and wvene 'ernded iii decoratioîî convenor, and sha families were awav for, the Wees jouî'neyed bo Blaclcstock custody ai Cobouîrg until their, i was assîsted by Miss Maur-,day. Rev. M. Freeman's ser- - fo . bI.gm adsuceddcourt'tappearaîe thisrniorni-, cen Regan, Miss Louise Penny, mon aI, monning service con- inxinn ya1- cr.ing. Muileîî pleaded 9uît Miss Pat Fenguson, Miss Mary cenneil the danger of alîow- Last Monday Kendai Scbool and wasfined ,50.0 itbi Aiie Donnelly and Miss Lin- ling love of money Io gel the phayed Lockhart's. Kendal Sr.f room won by a score af 11-8, da Masberson, the geiîcral controlliîîg interest tri ut huirromwr e con venor. lives. Se"rn usic was pro-1 It Vice-Presidenî Linda vided hy the junior choir with '8Jeat Newonville sGrade 8i E lovel bouqet oflong tem- n. ~p<î8 eatd by onkhart'sGrade S H A Masîeson on behaîf of ail Mes. Carroll Nichais accom- 3-4 edlasowno n- U thbe young people preseîîted a panying them. 'day from Lockharb's again.! 'SA lovey buqut o log sem- Mr.and Mrs. Best aîîd Ber- A fter tbc game hhey bad a mcd î'ed roses to Mes ..J. E. niece and Mes. L. Holdaway i ener roast aI bbc park. *Rand, president of fthe C.W.L. attended the "At Home' for W Weekend guests xith Mn., in appreciation of ahi the behp the golden wedding of Me. and Mes. George Mercer were, rand kindness to the CYO and Mes. Ernest White at iMr'. and Mes. Russe] Rusk, menîbers during the year. Elizabetbviile on Salue d a yV Toronto, and Me. and Mes. Cy A varied program of popu- afternoon. Eiscy, Carrai and Marilyn ofl lar music for dancing was pro-i Teddie Cor-by aîîd frieîîd of Oshawa. Me. and Mes. Charhie' vided by thc Satellites Onehes- !Toronto visited witii Mn. aîîd'Elsey, Kcnny and Dennis of ra, Peterborough. The win. Mes. 1-l. Austin on Saturday Toronto were also down, on tiers of the Spot Dances wec a afternooîri; Carol Geeenway Sunday. Miss Jenifer Brown, Grant of Eingston spent thie holi-1 Mr. and Mî's. George Mac- Tbompsoîî, Miss Pal Fergu- day veekcîid witb bbe Harold IDonald, Roy and Treasa spent son and Walter Verîcysen. The Baerowclough's and Mr'. and the wcekend with bier enother, Door Prize was won by Miss Mrs. E. Karvonen and Melody ýMes. Seileck at Omernie. Pat Ferguson.i of Scarborotîgh, with E. Bar- i 'rue Langstaff famuly beld A delicious lunich was sec- 'rowcelouglis; Nola Holdaway a get-togethen, Sunday, at the ved. Miss Anna Peins was tire of Toronîtn with bei' mother home of Me. and Mes. Jack lunich convenor. Mes. L. Holdaway. :Neal to sec hhei.r mother wbo! --Me. and Mes. Harold Austin, 'was down from I roquais. Roy, Pearl, Vaicrie and JoJanl Holidaying wihh Mr. and Nichols visited wvith Mes. ýMes. Eddie Cauroux on Do- BROWYS Leona Farrow, Stankville, on Iminion Day were Mr. and' Thecomuntv assbok-Sunday evening. Mrs. Ray Moore and sons, Mn. r The ommnit waqshok-ýGeorge Wheeicr of Scarbor-j and Mes.,Gordan Kennedy andl ed on Tuesday of last wcdrk ougli is working with ArnoldIfaenily and Me. and MVis. i 10 heae of bbc untimely death Thortidyke for the surnmer. Graham Canning and hhreel 11' '.. of Jack Crowells, whlo was Me. and Mes. A. "o'dk sons, Toronto. Tbey picnickede electnocuted due to an uîIfor- and daughters visited with aon the Park. ln the evening tunate accident. Our sinceie Mr. and Me-s. Girenvihle Fîcît, thcy attcnded the bail game sympathv goes out tb bis sor-'Fenelon Falls, on Sunda.y. in Whitby, and bbc Courouxs ~~' 1nowing mother, Mes. Ruth' The past week bas been a aîîd Cari Langstaffs went on: Cnoweils, and lus brolbers very busy oîîe foi' the ladies mbt Toronto wîtb tbem. and sisters. here, getting rcady for', serv- Bill Jackson took a bad spell Mes. Eva Melhî'oxr ad the ing and -stu'aigtening up in the hospital Saturday îîight' misforluîîc to chio a bone ii'afler' the steawbcrry suppci'. but we are ghad to learn that, bler ankle an Wednesday ev- Abouit 300) were served and heies ('oming along alrîght cning aîd is iicomfartablv.. here was pienfy of food, ai- 'agaiui. sporting a casl. Spcedv ne- ways an anxious question. Kendal Juvenihes phayed in, covery, Eva! Mr. Hector Danke and Len :Wbitby Monday and came ouI1 ý Congratula t110 nis 10 the Oughtred assisted as usu-al ;,i Io n top by a 5-2 score. 1 Grade 8 pupils of Brown'zý adnîitting the visitors, Leslie . Garbage is being colhectedý .. Schoot who ail successfuh]v Ford and Enie Asbby were 'and taken b bbce Clarke dump Iopee his sojouen of ncw belpers. It is impossible cvcey Tuesday monning. thý!ii'learniîîg. Misses Tiuia b îîame ail biiose wbowr- Reutviioswt e Kozub, Jean Webb and Linda cd ta make bbe evening a suc- aid Mes. Pcrcy Buree were <. Couch wiih be attending cess- altagether about 50. Mr. and Mes. Roy 'Bunley, f' . . .S Clarke High Schooh ncxt Sep-- Mr. and Mes, Everett Staple-f fembcn; Miss Veida Martin. ion and Mr. and Mes. Allen 'Osbwa ohigiae: nd o\'T.(l~JlATFoster, Mrs. Vannatto MOhaater Te aandMisdLîieoecig lanndg b-M uce liMany foiks took blicir fiow\,- sdIl-out xvas repceted. Tf l~r'T"e T1~ etns up Io 1the Ormiuo Cenieterý,, Mis. Mary Simroson of Toron- ASPIIALT 1R00F MO EN S LIJJ. Soîîlda\v mornîiîî, fan Decora- ta is zpcindiiig the long wveek- lion Day' vas tieê Wbi'sas end %v11h lier sisidi' Miss Beck- U L tr ,o very hliai o go t thue sci'v- cit. Sunday, Ju.ie 301h they Sh1IIN LES 'M ce ini tbc afîcrnono. %% ce guests of Mu'. and Mes. Nll iss Margaret Patterson M. Allison aI Newcastle. Biu'ch WVhite and Mes. Stati Gray Xcre' 10 Progress is oui the march V$, 3 see Mes. Luxon, Sunday even- Pgi tMriâ h once ' DOIVN Mr. anîd s Keiîh Wood as Berry's side road is being __________the_______o_ either, Fed. Tax Included than1,10 Sq.FI.RESULTS COUNT! side bas vanisheý completeîyl Approved se oo ve ia ith a ____________ MANVJLLE AGENT bn efi ashe and a greati For Prompt ô tis eoad. ~Inherai. ano Courteous RE AL ESTATE cplasure w-alking oer it the LIIIIEDMULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE othcî' evening wheîi visiting, Delivery Service YKConsult a Member of Che ýMes. Elcanor Bebee,. but when' hn there, 'we eîîjoyed bur \'isit.Phn 623-3.193 Oshawa & District. Mr. Neil Andergbn is visit- 728-161 1 - 1617 BOWNIANVILLE 1' in g at the hom-e farn with bis ]Rieail state Docarâ.mother, Mes. Frankc Anderson and famnily. i YELVERTON In@e Canadian Statesynan, - owmanv1fle, July 3, 1983 1 OU ltSAULT Aifri YVelverton Public School LONG frd Richards, Salem, wer Cu tpupils enjoyed their annualý: L N A L Sna evenmng guests of Mr. picnic this year at the 'Wel- MsR. Sim.bonean . mar" Campsite (Mr. and Mrs. r.NeleOhon n Mrs. Roy McLaughlin, DeW.~ -Mr. Bruce Osborne, Canning- ni n eb, lcsol, I le Wilson Heaslip, proprietorsXîon werendSunday guests of we on Tuesday cf this week. Mr. nd M. re udyed atner ,re Suuiday evening caHers e costs $3.00 and in default Mr. and Mrs. Geraid McGili, Ms Hltilodle f the Smiths, and Mr. and *seven davs. On publicilîltoxi- and family attended the 2511 r. al Wlodae pent'Mrs. F. O. Smith, Bowman:. *cation Magistrate Bax t e r. Wedding Anniversary of Mr.ý the weekýnd at Mr. and Mrs. ýville wvcre Monday afternoonl Ffound hlm guilty and the and Mrg. Earl Kennedy (ne2 'J. Johnston's. guests. ' fine was $10 and costs S.0Mre ell fLnsvO Mrs. Brooks, Bowrnanville AIL ladies are reminded oi i and in default an additional 'Saturda.y evening at the'r and Mr. and Mrs. Allen Brown_ Lneir trip to the BowmanvWle five days. Mu lien asked for* cottage. and boys, Hampton, were Museurn, Tuesday evening, *30 days to pay the fine. Misses Adqle Page an anl- Sunday guests of Mr. and'JulY 9. Plan to be eni hand at J McDonald was charged with dY Malcolm' appeared TV, Mrs W. Brown. 8 p.m. sharp. - illegal possession and Nvas Talenit, Time over P 01-ý Mr. and Mrs. W. Carr and Mrs. James Smith and Brian. ifined $15.00 and $3.00 eosts ough on Tuesday ifgf8mjlv spent a verv pleasant Ajax, spent the wveckend with and in default five days. He with three other you la-Iweeknd a aibro. the McLaggans. akdfrtovestoa..de.Ddafnjo herDavid J. Bruder, Flett Si.. tap dance routine. too1 Mrs. Sandra Davis and Jen- Don't. forget your Tuberculiri Bow m anville, vas charge d A ll 'are pleased that rs. ifer and M iss Sharon Per- T res t o 10 p.m. Make it a 5 Jue 9h ih ain iqorWlbr Mlol able taHill. were ]ýn a place other than bis resi- :return home on Sunda -v after indy'str f Mr. andatet ca'h lnc Ms. Rdyeison.o Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Johnson dence.' He pleaded guilty. He!being hospjtalized since away: an Lina, Lffor; Mr Joh was also charged -with doing 'last fail. Welcome home Lulu.! Long Sault Scbool Johnson. Oshawa, and Miss wilful damage in the Town . Deepest sympathy is ex-, On Thursday, June 2-Otli,iJeani Johnson, Bowmraville, 'Hall police cells. The case tended to two Nestleton fani-iLong Savit School had their werf' Sunday visitors wth wasadjurnd.ilies - the family of the latelannual bus trip. This year it their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Constable Den Hoed charg- Wilfred Jackson, and th-j was to Toronto and it was a Ber't Johnson. ed Elmo W. Gray, Janetviîîe, Oliver Rohrer farni]Y in theirýnmost enjoyable trip with so I Usual getting cout of schoai xtb leaving his pick-up truck . sad bereavements this l2astnany interesting things to sec. is a JoYous <'vent for school ,on the travel]ed portion of Week. 1 There was a tour through children, but tbis Urne it was Hlighway 35 without flares Word has been received' CaaLmte1 n oa i a bni vstm being set up. This was on the' from the Murray Malcolms onIfHigh Park for lunch and lots to say goodbye to their teach- night* of April 301h. Mr'. Gray thi an otwshving0 f sights to see. Then a very er, Miss Kocmns, who after live pleaded guilty to the charge. progressed as far as Red Oaks, interesting tour through the ivears with us will be starting Magistrale Baxter fined him Iowa, as of last Tuesday. i Marine Museum in Exhibition tihe nlew terril i Oshawa. At $5.00 with costs $27.00 and Four new members wvere Park. There was a very ex- ithe close of school Friday, Roy i- default fîve days. Payment: received into Yelverton Unit- citing tour of the lm peril Yourinman, with some very to be made by' July 16th. A!ed Cburcb at Sunday morn- B3ank of Comm erce where weI well chosen wvords asked Judy car driven by Bowden Myers,, i Ilg's Confirmation Service! ail took the elevator to the Sawdon In presenit Miss Kocins ~0Rgn tet idaconducted by Mr. Alex Tay -i observa tion tower (476 feet with a TV lamp. Mr. John bit the truck. Tl'le charge of loi'. Those welcomed mbto above street level) 33 floors Butler, Toronto, will ho oujr leaving the vehicle on the Christian Fellowship W e r' e up, the view -rrom there was new teacher in September. hiighwvay was dismissed. Misses Elizabeth and Lindali wonderful and 1 tbink we all Constable McDonald o iln Rowan, Kenny Wilson and sort of feit that we were on * Junp28t. ebrge Harld .,Dale Stinson. Congratulationsj top of the worId. Xatwno, 37, Lakefield, witli to the quartet in making this ýMany thanks to Miss V. Ko- drivîng while impaired. WaL- 'important step in theri îcis ur Long Sault teacher son p!eaded guilty. Two pints'direction., who made this trip possible WE READ TrOP . of' ale were found under the 1 A number frorn Yel\,erton ýevery June for the past five W*TRPRO A iront scat. Maistrate Baxterlattended Janetville United'Yasse scrai1 on fined hirn $100.00 )arnd costsICburth garden party on Sat- jo be missed by one and aiî.l V/EVS, TM KEEI U P- 5ý3.00, and iin default 15 days. urday evening.1l'i omntwshqie For driving with a restriced 'A large titimber of ladies Teycommupnity wnise orhe r o-DATEiW/;,H license a fine of $25.00 and -gathered at the home of Mr. (' yhapnsso erfrh S3.00J costs and in default five and Mrs. Lloyd Cain on Tues- mng arigadasobrBA1/VN 1I daysý. A further charge cf hav-, day nighit of this week toa aernsuccestonin Oerhaw ing liquor other than his resi-1 honour Miss Pearl Kerr wjiî hn osto n saa dence brought a fine of $10.001 a sho\ver prior to lier mar-' Mrs. Allan Hancock and and costs S3.00 and in default niage next week. family, Haydon; Misses Donna an acîditional five days. Ail Among the wvelcome guesls and Jov Bal, Leskard; Mr. and p mlust be paid by July 101h. at Malconia this weekend Mis. Ken Rundle and Mr. Magistrate Baxter imposed were Mr. and Mrs. Rov Werry a fine of $5.00 and costs ofand girls of Sauilt Ste. Marie. Air, Rail or Steamship $2.00. in default five days on Mr. and Mrs. AIda Nasato and T 1 C K E T S Jloseph Bertram foi' driving Louis of Port Credit, Mrs.! TO EVERYWHERE on Highway 35 witbout lights Hank Boon and girls of Cooks- and no license plate on the' ville, and Master Lee and ConsuitLW back of bis truck. Bertrami Mark Malcolm of Nestleton, J X7 R Y & L 0 V E 1,LL 'I elaiîned lie did not know heion the occasion of. Mitzi 2 King St. E. 623-3361 ________________ had Io have a license platelMaries' 10th birîhday. What BowmanvllleI I on tbe back of the truck. a crowvd! VA WOOD PRODUCIS Limioted "Serving this area with experience and quality materials f or pasi 31 years"1 "Hello Oshawa Wood Products. . . would it be possible to get four more bags of cernent which is on specialV'2 WHERE SERVICE 15 TOPS ~ 10 TRUCKS TO SERVE YOU WITH EXPERIENCEI) AND) COURTEOUS IDRIVERS We are as near as your telephone "Yes,'Ma'am. . . your order is on its way- . . . and thank you f or calling us!"? OSHAWA WOOD PROD Oshawa Office anîd Showroomn - LUMUTED - Main Off ic OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 10 ephnsCX Phone: 728-1617 TeehnsCU BOWMANVILLE - 728-1611 To Serve You AJIAX ke and Showrou TICE - 72&1611 -ZEaith 2-9600 .IVERY SPECIALS 1 V" x 3" Ciar Cedar FENCE PI(KETS 3 x 6 Gothir -~ 19c each Fed. Tax Ineluded ST. LAWRENCE (EMENT $1.38 bag Fed. Tax Included mââmom [0

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