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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Jul 1963, p. 2

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n Te Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, July 3, 11163 !.-g, I O~Mr. Ray Tompk!n,.qwas held bought the IRee hometa!o ae ndEryCi1n h tv te oN e U de e ar OS U nhday evening in the base. the lakeshore.Sic tati Utd 0 ' Mr. and Mrs. Harold Burley1 farmed it and other am ecpinwshl ntetm Com nplaoens ~and family Mr. and Mrs. T hbad purchased.mniyHl. rirt hr New President Dr. E. Mainn atplInlenson ndfamlvwere For manyyearsheopr1 e Reeve Little, seconded byiMiss Esther Drury of Tor- wass in ail his 0untaknai h omnt al h Takes O ver ait Rotary Club Cuelo uMe o iiss Bo etty ked ueteofss the resuit of a nut ayivi iteecn Counillo Huges mv e ont wer weeend uest of ous and purposefuieHitaed nawshg that the overflow conditions Mr. and Mrs. E. Eley. help was always inwahwsfildt v and the state of the catch bas-i Mr .and Mrs Bob Wood -The new presicdent of thr %,as fet hl-v ail. ecorso10 hom I cannot gx.? mns in the vicinity be investi-!b community activitiesadfrigqalvr itnl x Bowmanville Rotar'. Club f i)r Dr. Bi1 eit spoke of t vc too much credit for anvsurC gated by the Road and Streetsiand family of Goodwood many years he serveda rs rse e icr hnsL 1963-64, Dr.G. Edwi n Mann, calibre of the new ineairs cesses, which w~e mav have Cmite and a report be'clda isAn ebt tees for the local chchndvron frteigitad pflesented a Past President's who have joined the clu b.Hé achice d. It has bee ' a Comad e oncl hi a Saturday an their way home as a member of theeeeyetne n niaint îî l'tn ta Dr. Keîth B ilett, the said that the tacit that men of sure to work %vith hem, ad md ocuicl hsw from Malton Airport, where bad e nterhm nCuc retipassed.idetheyt met histhimtyther, whoen i bTheo huneralh eservrice taeymSt hs Bowmanvwo ilTe Renrae - heîrng pes etnt afthe clubths ome É ad ch sea to btuonh. sc mnIA letter from tire Bowman-,has corne out from Ireland I cheon eetin of th duo orne Rtarias s a r b u UPO!ville Public Sehool Badi-t ii hm held at two o'clockanFdy met wresr nte held at the Flv ng Dutchmi-î to the club as a xvholc He îe- Dr. B ilett ls a îd hgli fod ed-!unci thatan eti- S h aenFia ftron i h exadlwrhl Mý%tor Hotel on Fridav Dr. ferred ta the conoletionofut t hte to Don ormte $0000 wllbened-thecs Mann extoiled the excellent the amending of thr' org-ariia- eretarand Bernard Hl ae 1000iilb ed for the summer rnonths and.mtChplPotHead workdon b' DrB leu dr toîV bvlaw an br g , dc thetîcsu ed for capital expenditures'as both teachers are îeavîîîg 1 inermheft was inWec e ins his vear in officc. them uo)-to-date 11He ai o he was gîad that achi e between 1963 and 1967. here they were presented wr e Mu ry. aînbarrH Accepting the gavrl. D.- mentioned the initiation of taining flie same office for -According ta aur presentiwith gifts by the pu pis. a* weAr utin, arvy n Mann spoke of his realizationi verbal committce reports at. another vear, and predicted projected school populationiElliott is going ta Kn Al aroAustin, lla odav ef' the responsihilîties inher- mid ycar. that they will be of great as-, figures, we will need ta cx-!and Mrs. Woodiand ta New- Caminnrl Nihas nd rue OU ent in the presidency of th-' Wewerc succc'ssfiil in bt'-sinstance ta President Mann. 'pand scion, and wi-, ikey cast!e. Our new teachers inine.Fo rbeesGe club. He asked for the full cnming a 200 per cent, sup- Hie extendced his best wishe. ne aot 6000 nthe next SetmerNi b:Pinia clough, Harold Reeve oad %~T M co-operation of a.1l the merm- porting club of flhe Rotarv to Dr. Mann for a most suîc- two000 dr, ng the remaindernle of ad uno techedr, Mrs anid Aubrey AustinGrto bels. He pointed out that thev Foundation, and have made a cessful Rotary y\'ar. e1aDaeRweNwovl Peters and Ken Dine can assure the ultimate suc- substantiai start towards bc- The birthda 'vs of Fi-ed Van - r M.Astni i ceas of the club's year. coming a 300 per cent club. stone, Ross Striku', D r. H. B. The etter pa 100.00 i onl and aMily spent Saturda three sons, Arnoldathm br. Mann predicted thaê A nayya, ehv udead r et imnfor capital expenditures for evening at Mr. Fred Hen-lHarold and Trumana a- there wiil be a strong empha faced numerous problems and wcre clebrated by their fe.- wih ebnurswil ene dran9 farms; one istr r."I i~ sig on international relations mînor crises. T believe th-qt low Rotarians, Guests present lquired, and does flot include Mr. Ken Stapletan of To- 1 Ethel Boughen ofWecm' d«rng he omig yar.He.these have been resolved as at the luncheon meeting werean epeitrsadouof otowshm avchegncidrnMs.RsCr- dtÙingthecomng car H-saissatisfacstossblrilyre Aastt posevlibleck! bn eFredtursAdseoutotonBellehoe ilrtherad*Jadrnk rs also stated that the Rotarians. cren funds, which are weekend. nechus, Port Hope;Mr.ou INTERIO R ofhi isrit70 il lcth'the application of the Four McWhirtr, Torornto, Ken Des- ' i.~ cassed scpia xeniue Sunday being the occasio Jarvis, Cobourg; Pano- d ho~s a th Rtar înemn'~Way Test, and largelv be- McWhirter, Toronto. Ken Des- frpoica rn upss farSndySho ni iMre aPu n tiona Conentin to e hed case ofsoun andconscen- s, Kn Macle ad C.Shep-~ . Theecmmuniatioicatioverarythe ervic wasintVherieorvWsceyille Torontoduringthe seond tius on he pariof nui diî~-hord, il ut shawa.the Public Schoal Board was charge of Rev E. C. Cto h ag ubro red week of June in 1964. This' received and filed an a ma- of Camborne. while Rev. R. ivho paid thieir respcs n will be the first time sincco inb onilrGehleC htecnutdtesr'h euitlfo ~~en~n ~Sbe~~HughesfamoddM A y Coun- vices at Camborne, Btea tribute ta the respec etfrrP IT ada. ~Maple Grove 'teachers antd Congratulations to MisshsPsîg eeain Th eiigpeiet r'officers of the Maple Grox e Janice Beech on gctting hecl A____ ENAMpnatonJnirELSrmebs12i Bciti i drs iwdHorne and Sehool Associationteachers' certificate from Pet-i etaecmn oth ok ..d1aîrie"h hrhi 1ilti i drs iwdmet at the east school on Mon ýerbarough Teachers Coilege. inb Cuclo lehleiC White oduce h o'-tebatfu eswr ciýentameodmpentsa thenWort-ad aoittThCerhi SOLINA A NS E hisyea ofoffce n rtrr- day afternoon, June 2.th Ai She has been engaged ta teach mn opnain AtteWlwo. spect. He expressed lis~ ap- atn itwspeetdt rmr rd tlapo which increases the maximum Mc. and Mis.Saules o vr'eciation to the committec Miss Bîakcîy who is going to' ' jl rate per yeac at which cav- Toronto were guests atiVMr. The U.C.W. met on0 dns chairmen for' their co-opera-,teach atWsmutSho n ~v.,,~ rage for volunteer firemen Jack Elliott's an Sunday. dyngtiitecuc ae tion, and attrîbuted th'oroshawa. A wedding gift was:Toronlo , were '..ll os ls. cao be obtained was referred1 Mr. and Mrs. Carmani Cor-i ment. President MN.E . R.SHS-P'TEC sttength and efficiency of the.gvnt n ocadact.T rdyo iL .So-ta the Finance Committee on!nish and family with Mrs. Taylor opened th( etn club as being largely ter-Ms icarwo~~le c a motion by Deputy-Reeve i w.Joncs. itapomadryr. u- suit of this. 'igmrid îh Soivt catîep' bb Stevens, scconded by Cacin-i Mc. and Mrs. Ait Graham ing the business dsuso "This year wfŽ wcre againýMr. Bacrabaîl and Mrs h b y o iarteSy a l cillor Oke. %vith Mc. and Mrs. M. Kim- period it was decided ahv hiea oeta maddened by the loss Of twvO Holmes also received gifts in'Cuclo uhs eod al inemeigo uy2t rnembers by death. Mre apeito of their fine c-pîtal. cd by 'Cauncillar KeithSac- Mc and Mrs. Bromley wihat Cactwright Cammunity Vanstone was anc of aur mostiopecation during the ycar. T.aý Congratulations lu Mr. Jimý elton maved that a etrfo Mrs. A. Boughen. Park at 2 o'clock.A th 'highiy regardcd past presi-lwas scrvcd by the Home and Crydermani on getting his two! the Northumberland-Durham Mr. Raymond Bruce xVas 1mnembers desired idvda dents, and lis loss will can-'School officers. subjects, and also lis ftcachcr's Work is continuing this weok an the huge watccHatentb eevdaaa incgcto udyC '5of"h odadte V LLAE tinue tolie felt for a Ion,,' ad rs certificate. Ire bas been ce- towcr in the' contre of Bowmanvillo vhorc skilled' iiod. The motion was cacried. with Mr. and Mrs. H. Gibsoli W ay - thc group wilorra* * fîùie. The recent death of Ju'n attcnded a wcdding inKnox'eggdta teach al Bakei",- specialists are cleaning, painting and genocalîy reno-iThc letter rccommendcd the and famii 'v, Bowmanvilie. number. Mrs. Bruce 'kl' I~,arhaihogh xPctdprsbyeranChrc 'Schnol foc another yoar. "tî l tutîo A ot pcaa'cmeîdinstallation of municipal scw- The annual Stapieon tam- the worship service adt ITI ,or atra, ue29th. Misses Janice and Bannie 'tsatuhta.lix iknnt aealvn, u age for Rehder and Frcdcrick ily picnic was held at Orono1 topic was presented dscAU K lu u TesuetcfMaple Gcox'c Bccch visiterd with McI. an sa ogix fr\,-kncii oraealvn, u Avenues. Park on Sunday afternoon.so om b r.Hre West published their fiî'st Mrs. Bruce Travcll, Oshawa, a mosi ncccssary Job to ha'.e completed bocause the A lettor fromn the Emcrgcncy jMr. and Mrs. R. Bowen Ofi Yellowlees. The subje a - ~newspaper last wcek. Its cd- 'on Monday. ;: ownt is dependent on the v ater stoccd in that towec. Measuces Act Co-Ordinator iBronte and Mcs. Birch of "Toward a ChristianUdr PIT&W LPP itar is Olga Nowasad and in- Mr. and Mrs. (lordoni Mart. foi- the United Counties dis- Orona were visitors at Mr. standing of Marrig ad roeufAAIrtercsting articles were sub- in', Miss Lindia Martin, wr5 owudlk uhv h 'a cussed the Disaster Institute C. Brown's, Sunday'. Sex." The rol ailluwsasPo 6353 * C~EflIJMDLEmitted fram al grades. Over Su.ndaŽ' xisitocs with th(e forr-n 5flaVO lr d i iii aveth e ow ailerceently held in Kingston. It. The Reid familY pîcnic wered with thenasof KgStWBwmnle -180 copies were sold and the.01' s sîster, Mr. and Mrs. Al M a y runrclian t hrIoficBomR. M. Ho contained a copy of the dis- xvas held at the hoime ot Mi, biblical couples. Adccis proceed used o awardFieldhristi and Mis DarIn( i .ngshcaster Cexercisesiz)undstetakenisandndMrs. Wilfcedrs.WaodreOWoo lunch, was w enjojoed. * ~ ~ ~ ~ ,a proes s d t war îedChristic, andomisal nsca opn Wi)and ofteced all assistance iSunday with about 45 in at- Congratulations t i highest academic standing. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Mil h Exp r s e surfaccd. Couincillor HI-ughes jshould the haspital here in-1Itendanice. and tamily, Mc. and Mrs. mocd battis wrkj dn tend lu try out this execcise.1 Mc. and Mca. Frank 0v- _______________________________ : USED CARS Hymo ~ Chester Mils, wcet'Sundav 'rrom CAGE ONE ýu'ictti osbetahv Il xas nmoved by Cauncllor riens and Barbara aret c 'USE CAR Mrs H. rook opned .li* vistorsvit Mr andMrs.Ed twn i e('oss plrSshod, xvithinlshcdw hehn th uohsl Plm uh United Church Women hcld at Jonings and family at Camp' wish filai thr, oper-ation ort e Nichols seconded fice motion, 'ilc -oaper that the letter 'ta the West vhecc they plant 1962 tIchome afMrs. S. orton. llia awe svsi.evplcan ," lMa'rc obh ni Àw arid.le referced t the Bowrnani- taattend the Calgary Stam- Mrs.Allii Sowde isSLI(ccss" Myor obb vile E..O.Commtee Thiýped an vipedeeirandg cd byWrshp sriceRaM erit-n ing with lier dlaugliter and sai-1 deciaî-'d. Dcputy-Rreve Stevens mav-!was carried. 'ter Margaret. in E.dmonton. 4-Dr. Wo rs. sRic ea prese n-laM. n. oad Ii dIbat a dctailcd accourit of --. -IMc. and Mis. Phil Gilmer140 New slant 6 cvl. vrngine, Mrs. Howard Cryderman. The nlav M.an ca owr -li rshîp )rclerred ta flie garbage cxpendituiî's for' the 'a nd Biaine xvere onut tao %thite wail tires, mirrors, 2- chapter an "Privilege and Re-, 07arîîadfaiy itc naco yors and Reeves rnonths of Januai'y, February NEWMcns on Saturda.. tène white and brown. 'spansibulity" from the boolý Mr. and Mrs. -John Aitchson' Conbrvention hhel as ae npi adsMayndcsuire Cam-. ed LLEin atpo nSna iP~ us Lclon we ca in"Jaurney It Undenstanding ,,PmrkwihMnsaftball tram pli;%- BTime!ss ,and famiiy, Stuffville: Mc.reT ide l iheRoci adSunes om, di Pcpol n un. itew car condition. Oniy 'was given by Mrs. H. Cry'd Aitehaun,, Si'.nLckow wLi , tile attend- mittce for' the next meeting Mc. Ceciil'Burlev returned jvnig dcin telae -8,000 original miles. :man. After'business and dis- Atho rLcnw I cd. H-letold counicil that the 'oeTon ounilgThs as om trm Ohaahesptaatemte-1 cussions, Mrs S. Morton was Menday calions with heî' sistey i*nîster of lligliways lad dis osecon yConcilloruhis last ue fo sd a wasitl.e 21 199Plymouth prcscnîed with bier Lîfe Mcm- adhubn, c1ndMs cussedi stocmi sewci's in an ad- o1nicrid c. rea Hnesn 199 ership Pin. Next meeting is'Rau Rogers and family. edrenas. We wei'e particulariyrson 4D.ta bc an Sept. 23rd ai ihe home Mc. and a.hGcnHappa inteccstcd iin ibis bocauso of! Regarding the repor't or h c. dHnerson, Mrs. ODT 4-Dr. RoyMtiaf.ad ay Michael,' Sacra-; h'sbiy and lie pointecl od rd of Works meeting leld Ross Brown and Mcs. Ray-, two to ehoose froni. Both a c o .e __monta, Cal., ecild on theix Besusiýoard 2ththe woding of weeam n toe oT ARE are trery dlean cars. aunt, Mcs. S. Tyler, on Mon' ouitulaithie only orl0 ta appi vs astoe who accampanied thc b us I oad GOSSE SIRMA H ar y dy. nd is.Mocev urgs~a oicinin sbsdforMar Hobbs dcclared tiat of children fromthe Separate Afre n ot cn 'il58 uîc 4-r. r. nd rs.Morev urgspeotne ingli sae a im gr1 ass lrimmings should be i-Shoso hi rp I amrI ot rn cottac aI in Lkos. a fterwrsadli ofîm cluded in the garbage pick- Qucenstan and Niagara Falls foc the lasi six years, G OsseP 4utoînatlc, rustom radio, ctaeaTi ae. i -ad an ecnin-esolbcds atTedy im de Surv Jie wiheel discs, 2-tone brown. D y m n i Mc. and Mca. Eilerv Mc. dtia"Mvo lbs statcd. cu ut po pl should le ds- Mst.uesaye.Sikmbaau- 2,193,in eeuardy, Juue r r l, Otw,' ' Fida' sliospssda lcc n garbage as these could dergone an operalion in Osh- land, He was in his fitI year.. 1r OM PAGE ONE, 'isîtars xxth hec sîster ad îaIOl pse l hcn-cuecs amg 0teaaH stl.Mc. Sikma camne ho Canada; 1958Plym utha s lscara iiîhsanM.adMa .Mrvnion, and i aci' as atl aaet i awa Hs astl. k vîtn ivrs. tram uruesen, Hfllad.Hea , tschi'andn.riir[ut.bnd M. ndMr. . .ie 2-Dr. 1961. Heis cucrentl.y chair-!Doyle and twa daughters. ' gardiiig 0on on wclface xviich ain. îop',coid Phi[ Gilmcc includied Mrs. tended the Christian Reforro-! Puli r.ad r. .M.Dyl sked tuai administration costs Councillar loescnd 6 cyl., automatir Library Board and has a.-'and daughters spent Saturday ho included in tue 80 pecr!d by Cohe clrk e, movrctd Bih no ck s.HoaddaMooteand tChu r tin iolsaBvile: ebistom radio. Gleaming cupicd Ibis position since tqYg rýinc Sunday wîth île farmner's' cent subsidy ThlicMayor bld'tîttccekleisrce rnMs oadMoeadto ati t il blak inih.wbc îe owntok aecth brthr ad .vfeMc an cnil obrsta l îdtaplace an adverîisement in and Manlene, Garden Hill. study peciod. wi, eicr foIh fre i-:Mcs. Erviîîe Doyle, at their ,capicas of ail the speeches and the local press outlining th.> Newtanvilie Girls lad a He is sucvived b 'v hi fe 1956 Pymouth brary tus. r cvostaI; ctaeatLktheîa. eollosaviaffrtommer aut ilat garbage collection i; good close game with Part tle former Ytje Reitsma. Or- ' 1956 Plymoule atst.m eberof îlebard iss Bag a akear a w s ent outins iloc Abe fore, 'îai foi' domestic refuse. This was i-lape Wcdncsday night, with ana; chidren - Nellie (Mrs.' li ws mmbr f h bar' is Brbr Bow sený ouiclorAnieOk, harcarried. ithe latter team emerging thc Peter Feddemna), Hamptoni; V-8, customi radio wiîh back rof tle trust for six ycars. Be-'the xvcckeîîd ai Lake Cala- n'a"î ofthte Civic Commitîee, IlasaiocdtalP-wnesonhirwnildyPtrCuie; ieOno seat speaker. Good dean sides these txvo offices, Mcbge iakdexoyn h okce Chiot Ber'nar'd R. Kitney thbb score of 3-2. ye(r.KasRim), car. Deyman was also a member MUn. and Mrs. Ro 'y Toppiîîg slih an intrcost in the Dccora- la netg ted te yield Mcs. Carlisle af Sterlinîg iý Syke (,Mrs. Klaas, Rita3 ot the Cabourg General Hos- and sans John, Glen and Ted lion Dayv observances. She lad inve aysiutin a R.R. 1, oueorMr Bllý ow an; E Ta. R :1953 VanguM. Dyma nîrid oprensMc.ade, Ms.ed laion ' scit ho tBe apper-ptlBadfrfu ias Sti-cet A motion by Counoil- Sîacey and Evelyn untit Mrs. 1 Sjerp Vandermeer), Oroîo; à4r-r.r S..,atvts, M.adMs rdito c sn teBavecl,1- tho Jetrn 'hmef olhn and Beotty, Orno. couticil aritIthe acvice' iv'u'i F ROM PAGE ONE-r Ilospitai, Bowmarivilie, ,,tsh t'ip the cest or nus lite. I lis W EIE blh l 'lo\is Solcttor, A. il. Thii c was about S'250 daniage week wite wlîa pî'cdeccased biuîi in Si ik. 'li 'il u'tuî av x' a lii t'unt utlii' nîck' Cu Ciiî' at11 nicie ast, 1924, was Martha Moise of2 "t, 'x as tua flic fuiidiig 13v Lw >tal' Keti arberOPP, ili- wc'ek inuluded Rey. anîd Mî's. Prt ope. Tbey made theii' Kn t .Pin 2-31Bwnnil reqaîirusa la a'tesau)c hîîi!tl- tctgtd S. J. Little ot Whitevale, Rey, home aI Dale until in 1914 le _________________________________________ nîgsie itauculi lt A car d cix oui b> Burcgess 1anîd Mca. N. Cale of Windsor;! per ut lt of thei arca of il(,iclot. i. %l. C , 51 Colbocuie Street,,Mu'. Sam Lancaster, Toconto;1 'l'î~;ara o f icn i qiies- Osiioxa, coliidcd witb a car Mc. A. Thampsouî, Kendai linvould lcu' 711> fet, (ir i vei li)vYMi'. Eva lboyce Mîs. C. Farrow, Mca. F. Hen- xvbile flcîiroposed1 garage la Whitchead, 14 Liberty Street derson and Mrs. Gea. Elliat.. t \~'~'~~'t""'ho -10 foct? iv 36 fret or 1,8001 Nor:,Ii, on Friday atternoaniMo n d Mrs.MarMayPou'N T q liire trot, ai, 3:10 o'clock. 'fhe accidcîît tî' and famiiy of Oshawlae________________________________ i i i oroligli discussionî Iappenced aI, the t'orner of AI- movcd back ta 11cmr formerI lhait olloxx'cd ilvas dîsclos- lert and Browni Streels, Con-Iresidence here. cd that a lot ot compiaints stable Louis Pbillips investi- Our local Girls' Teamn played lad bocn recceived in regard gated. Tliere was somne dam- in Courlice an Fridayngt y YOU KNOW YOURE A P ST V to t(ý ropoed uildng.Sym-ageto bth chices.-3. o-A n gam palîy was expcessed in ce- At 11:31) p.nî. an Tuesday a, eran's speciacalar bases-laad-, gard Io r.Pctlîîck's prai- tcai' drivouî l' Mca. Marjarie c d home cao and triple with iE C E O T E T I11 Ula nvas agreCOui lIati nBowîuî.16 Division Street,;Iwa an, were the highlightsR aioud cal le passible for' struck a packed pick-up truck.of the game. ta îîcil Ia go agaîîîst the ce- ah îlhe corner of King aîdý Rex'. R. C. White cariduct- O SH U D A T N camuiendationc)t ils solîciiox'. Division Streets. Tlhe pick-up ed Induction ser'vices in T U S O L T E D T E C I I O CauicillarhIloopeî' niavcd tr'uck w'as awned by Gardonr Southminster and Westmnin- t! at touîcil t'oîîctîî'iin tle Manorcratt, 117 Liberty Streetister churches ini Oshawa lasti Planîning Boaad's iecininii- Northi. Dau'nage tathie car and week. latos adic uthe îownsomliter ck aniourietakemore t a Mem.HuliSacileo sa H E T X RYOL daorsad he T onuci- m traaiuîde>mre ,10.tan Mc. Hagb Saletopital sS U Couîcillor Shackletonî second- Last Weduiesdax' ah .:51 :lasi Satucday.i______________________________________ ed the nmotinî and it uvas car- p.m. a car driveuîhy Hlarold i Mrs. Wm. Conaghan and ricd. Therteli, 6 Ana Street, wasl Miss Mîdrey Monk of Toc- DcpuIty-Roe\veRasa Stevens, dciving north on Liberty1onto were weekend visitor3j acconded Ix' Couuîcillou' Hugli- Street, tx'en it was stcack byirwith Mc. and Mrs. Jim Cas- 1 C NSULT YOUR LOCAL A EIO H os. nîoved' that the Mayor a car drîvcn by Robert Cale, wcll and family. Saturday i c2p>ý ~~~~namo a commîttce with tle Boxvmanville lHotel. Mc Cale; Master Phil Caswcll enter-ý H S - À Y I O Town solicitor la approach sustained mincir chosi injuries 'tained a number of lis young C S A N O R C M M N T MrPtikregacding astl-i h accident. Ho was treat- friends on the occasion of lis r ment. Ths was passed. His cd n thc Out-Paient Dopant-lighth hithday. r O T U B RL N -U H Worship, Mayor Hoblis, ap- ment of Memnorial Hospital by Mr'. and Mrs. E. Rowe ac-NO H MB R A DU AM U E C L SS paintcd tIe Deputy.Rcee, Dr. Allan B. Sylvester. companied Mr. and Mns. Ray- A D H ALA SO I TO ,Councillor Hughes and Coucn- Damage ta thc twa caus mond Tnim ta their cot'tagi e Aat rH AS rillor liaopctai this spccial amounîecd ho more than $100.'Dalcymple Lake foc tIc wcek- commitîe. * Constable Louis Phillips in- end. Councilior 1Nichois aaid thai vestigatcd.i A ita& party ini honor cdt

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