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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Jul 1963, p. 7

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peienced a few weeks ago. NT IBoth Marion and Alex wishied, C lto be remembered to ail re- ,e IIl latives and fiends in ndCartwright High School c (Social & Personal am-und town.C Phne62-303Mrs. Joe Childs, Mrs. Ted; Examination ResuitsR Phone 623-3303Bird, Mrn. Ross Stevens and i s Mrs. W. J. Bagneil returnedis ______________________________________ ast Sunday evening from a Grade 9 Kee (science). er <Geometry), Mai-Ian Brad- and Mrs. E. V. HaUnited Church Jack & Jl four-week motor trip ta Alas- Sbet bracketed indicate Grade 10 burn, Reg. Renouf (Physics). ce kl gSt. East, were holiday;Club attended a summer out_ ka CraEdmoon he - Honourses Subjects bracketed - failuresi Credit <50-59%) - Donna C; weekend guests with friend lng at Southway Lodge neari ada Highway. On terT urni ~Ç Fl fa C lamaHnor (5 lst Ciass Honours (75% and Dohney (Geometry), Margilet Bi at Port Severn. ýMinden on the weekend Of journev they teeturont and over)-Lorna Wright 81.4, over)-Nancy Staniland 79I,'Brinkman, Floyd Kyte (Geoni- gi Mr. nd n. . L Halon Jue 2-23d. lghten ou-theAlakantraelld dV~nElizabeth Thompson, Marlene Ray Mountjay, David Wotten,;etry), Linda Vennmng (Hlstory, Mr.Hamin ere guests Halaut pie enjyed. th teeasntcu teAnd ited coast by boat, Tomchishin, Nancy Dorrell, Dianne Mai-s. 1Physics), Carol Blyth (His- of amitonwer gustslas pls ejoyd te peasnttwo- ndvisitd nPrince Rupert, uy ohan,-iaMon-2dCs H ou (675 week wlth Mi-. and Mns. A. H.day holiday. B.C. The homeward route wa' JuyCohaeB~nMun- ndCssH ous<-7% tory, Physics), Alice Taylor 1 Sy Lynda Kyte, Lenh McKee_,,(History, Geometry, Physics). Davis, Kinig St. East. Mr. and Mrs. David Park' bv way of Banff, Montana,l econd Clas Honours (66- Shirley DeJong. Grde1 Mi-. L. B. Nichols bas re-~ spent Monday In Klngston.ý Wyoming, South Dakota, Mi- 74%,')-Jim Carnaghan, Denisj 3rd Class Honours (60-65%)1Gae2 turned home after spending a, Their daughter-in-law Ruthj nesota and Sault Ste. Marie. Mcï,aughlin, Sheila Tomchish- -David Ballingaîl (Mathemat- Subjects bracketed - failures week with bis son and daugh- returned with them to berý They travelled over 10,000 in, Lloyd Trewin, Roy Brad-ics) Glenna McLeod, Christine 2nd Class Hanours (66-74%) ter-in-1aw, Mr. and Mns. home in Oshawa. Mr. Tom'l miles, stapping at many fam- burn, Dorothy Downey, DavidýSIoane, Ken Robrer, Eleanor -Mary Frey 72.9, Brian Stani- t' DoiWas Nichais, Kingston. Park, thei- son, is attending' ed sites, such as the Bad Mackie, (Ron Martyn, Joan!Finlit. land, Joe Reitsma, Donna Me- ag Congratulations and best Queen's University for the. Lands and Yellowstone Park. Lansing), Helen Swain. 1 Credit (50-59%) - Loi-ne Laugblin, Janice Sadler. dî wlsbes to Mrs. R. E. Osborne, summer months. Thev report the scenery mag- Third Class Honours (60-; Lansing, Brenda Malcolm (His- 3rd Class Honoui-s (60-65%) ia Cburch Street, wbo will cele- Mr. and Mrs. Roy Neads and nificent. 65% )-Betty Bradburn, Judy, tory). -Paul Rahm, Sylvia Lawrence. brate ber 9tb birthday to- son David left on Saturday by Swain, Doug Metcalf, Naidia! Grade il Credit (50-59%) - Bannie sj morrow, Thursday, July 4th. motor for White River near ZO Schwartz, Patricia Wotten, Subjects bracketed- fallures Mountjoy, Lorraine Dayes CE Mn. Don Marris attended an Lak Nipigon. David will re-MO Margaret Cannaghan.j First Class Honaurs < 75% <Chemistry), Doan S wa inM exeutvemetin o te aymain at White River for the Credit (50-59%) - Donald and over)-Janice Byers 81.1, (Chemistry), Brian Gray (Eng- H o! ueeinte Fl Drectoay summer months and will be Saunders, Barbara Sharpe Pat Adams. lish Composition, Cbemlstry), to Association held on Wednes- emplayed there by the On- (neddfrls ek (Home Economics), RonallScn ls oon 8-Jn yr Agba hn- day Jne 6,In etrboouh.tario Department o! Landsl Mr. and Mrs. G. Frank. Minshall (History), Sharon î74 %)-Mary Bradburn, Grace isti-y) , Do nalid Bnadburn day Jue 2, i Peerbrauri.andForstsWinnipeg, Manitoba, Mr. and Larmer (Histony, Science), 1Feddema, Bruce BeacockI(nlibCmosto, hm Mrs. Grace Jennings, Mrs. Mrs. Wilfred Frank and sons, Harold Guennsey (Eng. Lit.), Cheryl Metcalf. isr), Carl Gilbank (Engllsh Chai-les Morris and Mn. Mel Miss Pat Gi, daughter Of! Toronto, visited at Robert Joan Suggitt (History, Mathe-1 Thi-d Class Honounrs (60- Ciomposition, History, Chem- Prîe s n svrl aaMn. and Mns. Robert Gill, Is Klîn.ci lait week at the cottage of' spending two weeks at Bluel Mr. and Mrs. William PIres- mteFec),Mxnsct5)-ao am aePou sr Mr. and Mns. Rager Meadows, I Mountain Crippled ChiIdren's' ton, Courtice Mr. and Mrs * chishin, Bnian; Walken, Mîch-t Penelon Falls. ICamp, Collingwood, as a vol- Wes Cameron visited at Jack' I ael; Welts, Barbara; William- re Mn.Jon Gahmiixe beurnefor a rseer1 Camera n's, Maple, on Sunday. son, Han-y; Wygerde, Henry. C Mr. and M untnGahmDxeehrouneoHr asst Master Scott Stainton iju e rston ooa5lrs hrlyTr and family of London, On- ond summer at Bolton Campaient atOsho m otGnenasI o eachers. radet ra tai-la, were holiday weekend' aeta saaGnrl ertahr rd oGaeL gust ! i mter rs'where she is a member af the'Hosoital. - Archibald, Susan; Bea- Gues orgeGrhasmoSi-., Secndprogram staff.; Little Joanne Gordon, Osh- S.S. No. 14 MANVERS ald Robinson (H-on.), Law- cock, Robent; Bradburn, Ron- Getre Gahmtr, cni Congratulations ta Mi ssawa. spent a few davs at H rennce Smith (Hon.), William1 I;Eas ihr;Fer Mi- ad ns Alen Ga-Mary Betties, Miss Bei-ta Hig- Keith Stainton's. Mrs. George Grd 7t DvdvanDorp, Maurice Wood. Jeffrey; Gardon June; Hlop- Mr. nd rs.Albrt ri-gon, Mns. Don Henning and Gardon and John visited at Grade 6 ta 7- Canal Har-! ham and famlly, Prescatt, Mi- riaug Oke on their sui Koitb Stainton's on Fnîday ner (Hon)i Grade 2 ta 3 - Roy Drinkle kins, Seward; Horton, Wayne; were with bis brother and'csflgauto rmPtr n one eu.e oe Gae5t -WyeHd (Hon.), S an di-a Patterson,', Jackson, Kathryn; Johnston, sister-in-law, Mn. and Mrs. borough Teachors' Coliege. with them. dinott. Jh uei(o.,DulsSer;Kuig ere m Robent Graham, Elgin Street, Miss Betties will teach at Mi-. and Mrs. Don Prout and Grade 4 ta 5- Gertie Hor- Wood. inunen, Esa; Lai-mer, David; over the holiday weekend. Bowmanville Central Scbaol sons, Bowmanville, were at non. Grade 3 ta 4 - Linda Bnock M acDonald, Donothy;, Mac- Mrs. E. Clapp, Liberty St and Miss Higgon at Bowman- Ray Cameron's on Sunday Grade 3 ta 4- Cathy Hon- (Hon.), Rager Burley (Rec.),î Non1, Mai-y Ann; Mappin, South, ,vas winner af the ville Ontario Street Scho. evenling. nen (Han.), Rodgen Porter, Walter F rie dri ch (Hon.), Dogas rssr icad C.O.F. 10-50 dnaw for thel Mn. Oke will bo teacbing n Mn. and Mrs. Keith Stain- Angela Rassi (Han.). James Harper, Stanley Lane, Rooke, Brenda; Tennyson, inonth of June In the sum of Osbawa. ton, Clarke and Susan, attend- Grade 2 ta 3- Tommy Hon- Canal Lavokin (Hon.), Gladys Tonîmy; Trewin, Ross; Van $30.00,o wlc5h wa pnstd .Mr-. Tom Martin and daugh- cd the Moore family picnic at non, Marilyn Young mi a n Smith. Cap, DaloGradke2-SCer- t.aenbr.7Stb birthday. ter Gall of Nonanda, Que., arel Gil Thorbunn's cottage at: (Hon.) 'Grade 4 ta 5 - Roy Anger,jnaGradie annrade2-Car-, Mi- an Mr. S Gln Hppsvacationing with his sisten and! Poffenlaw on Sunday. Keithl Grade 1 ta 2- Johnny Hon- Cindy Lau Ayne, Barbara, ahn lc An ahat ~ndsonMicaelof Sacra- brother-in-law, Mn. and Mrs I staved avennight arnd retunn- non, Mns. G. Wood, teace.Bney Rihr Bun1ey John; Doroîl, Janis; Gunter, anIsn ihalr oc.)tle, chartte rie» Kathenine; Swain, Barbai- niento, Calif., are vlsiting Mrs.1 Howard Pickard and familvi ced with a couple of lake trout Kron halteaxeîî Jamles wiDbahrpsan flapps' parents, Mn. and Mrs. West Beach. Weekend gu3qbeauties on Monday aft]-LONG SAULT SCHOOL Robinsan (Hon) Wayne Ta Susan; Van Camp, Marie Jae Cooper, King St. East, and wlth Mr. and Mrs. Pcardnnoon. RonsoWerry, LawenceynWrTayt her grandmother, Mns. W. E. wero the fonme's brother and Mon ai-e busy widening the Ist Class Honours: Baker, Miss Muniel Milreigan Creght, Booth. sisten-in-iaw, Mn. and Mns.I rond going south at Mitchell's Arnne; Cameron, Raymond; BisMre ilgn oom 3: Mrs. Ivan Mount- Mr-. and Mrs. Sam Black, Jim Piekard, Steven, Paul, Corners. McLaggan, Hoathen; McLag-(tahr joy toachen. Grade 2 ta Grade &rice and Toi-ny, bave ne- and Julia, Toronto. Miss JUI12 Zion S. S. Pienie gan, Victor; Murphy, Mai-go; Senior Rooni: 3- Collins, Pamela; Crawford, tiMrn ed ta Bowmanville fi-arn nemained for holidays.Zo SndySooPincMhTeo. Grade 5 ta 6 - Cathy Anger,1 Kenneth; Duf!, Marilyn; Ed- Sudbury and are residing in The Sunshine Gnoup held was beld at Lakeview Park 2nd Class Hanours: CollinSao nni Rc) e- etn eio utntn the former home o! the late thein final meeting o! thelwitb about 50 pi-sent. As Debra; McLaggan, Janot. ana Harpon, Canal Hante-Max- Lai-ny; Malcolm, Danl e n e; MVis. N. S. B. James on Centre season on Juno 26tb at the usual the ladies supplied a 3rcc Class Honours: Barrett. well (Roc.), Kathy Lovekin' Manderson, Ruth; Miller, Rich- Street. homeofo Miss Joan Rundie. lovvIY and bountiful super. Allan; McLag gan, Bruce;ý (Hon.), Chnis Newoli (Hon.),'ý ard; Rohi-er, Barbara; Wheel- Membens of the local Busi- The meeting was in the foi-m The winnens of the races Youngman, Boy.1 Eleanor Smith. onr, Barbara; Wright, Leslie. ness & Prafessianal Womnen's of a social evening wben thLe which were held after supper Pi-omoted: Barnett, Carl; Gi-ado 6 ta 7 - Wayne Cob-1 Grade 3 ta Grade 4- Ad- Club thoraughly enjoyed a gnaup ententained the ladies wei-O as fallows: Callins, Billy; Collins, Linda; bledick (Roc.), Mary Gallelio ams, David; Argue, Nancy tour of the heautiful gai-dons who sew cancer bandages on Boys uinder 4, Dennis Sobit; ' Cornish, Gorry; Moore, Jewel; Ho),Dn n y Hante-Max-1 Ann; Bumna, Albent; Campbell, at the home o! Col. R. S. Mc- Tuesday afternoons. T heo Irls under 4, Maria Stainton; Penwanden, Wade; Sawdon, well, Karen Jones, John Lane Richard; Evans, Alvin; Evans, Laughlin, Oshawa, last Wed- guests included Mns. W. Ber- boys, 4-6, Paul Sobil, girls, 4- Heathen; Sow doan, Janice; (Han.), Eric Pattenson, Lewis'Bai-b ai- a; Hodge, Johnny; riesday. i-y, Mrs. W. A. Edgen, Mrs. P. 6, Louise Haass: boys, 79, Sawdon, Judy; Sawdon, Ken-! Patterson (Roc.), Patnicia Ru-1 Jackson, Lai-iy; Jamieson, Winner af the Memorlal Greenfie]d, Mrs. W. Kitson, Steven Poloz; girls, 7-9, Lau-i neth; Sawdon, Russell. dell. lLloyd; Kinnunen, Koijo; Map- ]Park 50-50 draw for the month Mns. S. Brooks and Mns. B. rie Stainton; boys, 10-12, Stu- Teacher: Vaida D. Kocins. Grade 7 ta 8 - M a-r l e ne, pin, Richard; MccLaughlin, ofJn a arneL er.ai-t Ayro; girls, 10-12, Ruth Dawney, Bronda Dni n kle,! Neil; Mauntjay, Paul; Phayre, nin,10Ane tre, mont Ms.Faione . eny o!' ;gils 3-16, Judy Promotions for Kendal Pub- Muriel Lane, Margaret Wer- Phiilip; Redmand, Michael; mr,1AneSreaon MsFlrneM er fCamnenon. lic Sehool, Senior room Prin- rY. Shortridge, Bil; Taylor, June; ing ta $2925. There will bc Detroit, Mich., is visiting her il'3lae ae ne ia yeMMhn Grade 8 ta 9 - Eari Cohble- Thompson, Debonah; Trewin, nio dnaws held during the nîcce, Mns. John Maguire, Mr Grs.-egdrcune ia yeMMhn inonhs f Juy ad Auust Magireand arnly, irow 10, Launie Stainton, Donna Grade 8 ta Grade 9- Bur- dick, M i c h a e 1 Crydeninan, Eni-lo; Warren, Lai-ny; White, Mrs A Baerlef lst at Stee. M. nd rs Mauie'sIHenry; girls' 3-legg-ed race, loy Sharon, Foster Reid, Fos- Anne Marie Downey (Bec.), Robent; Williams, Janîce; Wil- r.A. orBer hoe In tSan Sonet .andghtn-in-awnire n 0'ersn'Ja os o om, McMackin Lynne, Chai-les Friedrich, nian .Jones liamson, Sharon; Wiliianîson, kin, boys' 3-leeged i-ace, un' o i-týecen Bruce, Moi-cen Dora- (Hon.), Bav Ripley, David Jaey; Wilson, Douglas. Diego, Calif., after a two and Mrs. Arthur Magulre and, der- 10, Steven Poloz and Ban-Ithy, Moi-cen Shirley, Mai-ton Robinson (Hon.. oom 2: Mrs. J. Venning Mn indSnbadbrweekend uest with te ahr ail fSabru h em. i-y Glaspeil; boys' 3-iegged Gardon, Planche Bill. Mrs. Thelma Gilbank, teachen. Grade 3 ta Grade 4- Mr AfedShubad erwekndgesswih hm.irace, aven 10, Norman an, Grade 7 ta Gi-ado 8- Brown (Principal) Carnaglian, Murray; Don-dll, sister and brothen-in-law As iiln hi rnpn-Kh H - î 'Toi-iy, Bunley Barbai-a, Cour- Heather; Gray, Sharon; Gun- adMrs. H. Loi-ne Allinan ents, Mi-. and Mrs. Maguire ,oî,gn e. oRcar;KuBty Juiand atweknd weê "barw race, under 10, Donna aux Marie, Fosten Ann, Geach SALEM PUBLIC SCHOOL terochsaed el, n ey; Mac Sevra mebes o Tiniy ises arai- ad Snda'Henry~, Laurie Stainton; girls' Bobby, Little Diane, Maan- fllwngaieth ro Jîmmy; Salo;lMa-y Seveal embes o TrnityMises Brbaa adbSadra barlbarow arace, e 10avene JanetenseMak Jeanetteowig Mecteacr- Lodn iTm;eMlcoLoBrdy _________________Scott a! Oshawa. 'Scott, Wayne; Tomehishin, Mn eradHodnA-Lillian Page, Jean Hoskin; Alan, Scanlett Debra. motions and recommendations Stephen; Turner, J a n e t; Mr. ernad Hlden Adi boys' wheelbarrow race, un- Grade 6 ta Grade 7- Brown a! the pupils af Salem Public Wheelen, Michael. mnistrator o! Memanial Hos- den 10, Lloyd Hosk:in, WesleyI Lai-ny, Faster Bobby, Hoy Schoal: S ST. PAU L'S Pi.tldaîd rsd ei- GIaspell; boys' wheeibarrow Brenda, Mercer Bil,Swerd-i o~om 1- radel.nWeb ster.iodBu aTrx fiITE! our-week holiday in England and l«hHcskin; girls' s uasyWilma, Turner RYBoy. rade - Mn. H. ebstr., Gade Ctaurcil Jae5- li ns, U1 ri ndFac.InEgadthv aeuder 10, Luanne Ayrc; Grade 5 ta Grade 6- Hoy ienka, Elizabeth Johnson, Ro- Cahat:ike o- visited bis parents, Mn. and1 girls' sack race, 10 and over' Lai-iy, Moi-cor Douglas. lbei-ta Craig. Pass- Kathenine' st, Wayne; Foi-est, Wendy; Ir.Fe odno lc-JdvýGae4t -Genod Hart, Judy; Kinnunen, Mauri; C H URCH bun. Lancahirde and ilcyJd Cameron; b'w's' sack 1rad; er4 trSj-Iree oron,:Foster, David Hai-mer, Linda MacNeal, David; McLaugh- Minister: Rev. H. A. relatives. Mn. and Mns. Hol-ibysrac k race 10, an'd Paven' Marilyn; Thompsan, Jerry. GMnrd eSven Kta Gradein, Grant; McLaughlin, Lin- Turner, B.A., B.D. deilosetsxdy n Stuart Ayre; ladies' shoe kick Gi-ado 3 ta 4- Foster, Peg- Eiglit; Honours- Brian Black.- da; Pasntjoy, ary trsitta; IParis, France, durîng which, Mns. Jim Stainton. gy; Geach, Bannie; Patton, hurn, George Leaver. Pas-T-vi; Pscoe anca Oranst M. . eaton time hoe attended the Interna-1 A game of basebaîl was en-Goi; Sedie, Bty i ugsDvdSacki- Sharpe, Chi-istophon; Sloane, tionl Hspitl Cngres. werdige, Wada;Th Marc; Stinson, Nancy; Vine, L.R.A.M., A.R.C.M., L.T.C..toa Hsia Cnns joyed until duqk. Swrfgr ad;Tonp- I tan, David Maynand, George'Herbent; White, Toi-osa; Wil- Messrs. foi-b Richards, Begl The annual bazaar, airang- son, Susan. I Allini, Lai-iy Kimmerly, Bac liam s o n, Tommy. (Bec.) 11:00 arn. - iHar-ding and Donald GuI havel ed bv Zion United Chunch lDGade o3 HnesniMPa ole on just retunned firn a visit ta' U.C.W. tan June th, again Daid nsley, Ken; Martinoîl,ý Grade Six ta Gi-ado Seven: Woeohn: is. igno Tnlltymd t. aul. Frt illam nd ortAnturproved ta ho a gi-ont success. Alan; MacDonald, Boy; Fat- Honous- Susan Craig, Ruthi teacher. Gi-ado 4 to Gi-ado 5- where they spent a !ew davs At 7:30 p.m. President Mns tonransy. S-heni K- rutklJoh n. ass - Sa Congregations worship with Mn. and Mrs. Alox John- Bradley asked for everyone's tGr ae 1 taf2- Dnnis, a-PAvout, JohndaWoln,NoMa r reao, anic e; Mew al- 'son,' the foi-mer Marion Won- attention, and atten a bow in: thy; LaCngstaff, L inda aLouA ur essind aAld lnaiycrie; Malclmh, ai-dBi; l In St. Paul'a. dn.Whiist at Pont Arthur troductory iemarks,ciledup- tinol, ZCone JohLau Burgess, Ronald Cowl- El te Johnsons took them ta on Mrs. (Boy.) Meilow ta o ra;ZaanJh. ing, Glen Burgess, JambeMc MeCoine Ssan; e ele, anEl Kaabeka Fills bhib ,attIi soeak ta ts. In a brie! seec Teacher- M. Kent, PhailWilsn uane; ndgheu ,DanE- AHeaty Welcmeti mome nt i1a wcit seen om 2- Miss R. Braggs: WloSzne ngt l momntisrunning veny high1 the U.C.W. units were comn- en ______________________ attr th torrntia nain ex-piininteduponsuch vaii.ty'LjCKART N. 9 CHradGi-ao 5 a 6: onous- Mu- Mnai- ____ o! booths, rnnq Plme t Douhe pirnning a i-y Twst, avidColwun. aqsq Gr-ýad ta i; Grrde 6- An- j d-cookîie nci3p bo-klèts17i-n- - VVUUU LR, flUiiodnayne; King, Christ- ___________________________________JunorRoniSteven Maynard, Elizabeth OP s ______________________________________ -side the laced cavons, many To Grade 5- Debbie Car- Seymnour, Keith Kelly, Mar--- ina; MacDonald, Roseann; I cookie rocipes - ail tiied an d--eMaclar;Rhr B- A P A~I~LI 'true - wene found. Anothe vth, Patsy Dunn, Guy Gib- gai-et Knapp.Maom, aikRo-ear DU 5 11 aeatr actiwee oud n i h uedson, Doreen Hazelden (Han.), Gi-ado 2 ta 3ý Pass- Jenni- Iriy; Rohi-en, Douglas; Shemilt, ,MU M Chris Jorgenson <Hon.), Geai-- fer Craig, Debbie Tonnant,Har. ranWbtehadpel ac. V A CquA Tm IO N m uch id ere- ad wi tuck gia Lowery (Hon.), Peton Willie Bons, Sylvia Shaba-,'Gi-ade 7 ta Grade 8. lst class Ivboo t-th!A e d alltes-e OrstMri Ws Hon.> tuna, Sandra Shabatuna, Jerry honours- Fallis, Linda; Hon- "',oth Asn s.al talewitý o 'rad 4- DanCox, Woolnik, Brenda BurgessMciVigna bunced ilyof-he-ally !i-Diana Hazelden (Han.), Joan Joe Sellers, Valenie Page, Letn on ake îgna lae. This vas donated byaSrno Hn)Jns Taylor, Dianne. BIBLE SC H O O L ~ ~~toi-mer Zir'n girl, and evOi-y- To Grade 3 - Irono Allin Grade 3 ta 4: Pass- Ci-aig 2n cishoon-B- ;oewsgiven the enjoyment (Hon.), Wye Hzldo Roods RayCo s, netta, Gail; Eni-le, Gwon; iovlypotue wii (an), irinaW a n(Hon.), PatyM ald , Rady ollPhilisEarle, EUlen; Edgenton, Don-i FOR BOYS AND GIRLS îo hi oeypruewie(o.,Vrii an Hn) at chiDlyPilpn;GbeUo innn' Ae5-12thev iasted. Kathleen Martin (Hon.), Keith fiai-aid Drake. Gary Wood- nav; Gobke,oKnuen; Ages 5- 12 ll inaIl, this ovoning rv Milbench (Hon.), Michael cock, John ColweU, Ernie ToiwartzcLeonad, BnPn e gaqie uces ve t$300 To i-ad(o2- Li-ne Alli n _____j cwat, ona lu te -I ws iOaiedwh $00 Ohnit (on) fii-mn, ______standing - Archer, Shann U.C.W.'s spirits, as well as Il<Hon.), Mary Allin (Han.),Bon, eery; Hck, financial stalus, a boost. A, Jim Barchard, Susanne Gens- CARTWVRIGHT George; Larmer, John;, Mal-1, sincene "thank you" ta evoi-y-, packon (flan.), Grant Kent. PUBLIC SCHOOL colm, Gail; Malcolm, Vernon;' ane who helped make it 5C 1Kathy Lempen, Tommy Law- McLaughlin, B ob; Porinl, Rehoboth CIristiain worthwhile, and a special, eny (Hon.), fleather Maal- Boom 1: Miss L. Clements, Danny; Redmnond, Gai-iy; Bah- "thnk ou"to ll on-emý1 Dnal (Hn.) Elen ore. iteacher. Promoted tram Grade i-en, Linda; Ross, William; bers for their help. We, the j sen.i 1 ta Gi-ado 2- Archer, Elaine; Suggitt, Raymond. Reforrned C hu rch iU.C.W. mernbers.nreally ap- isRosemai-y McMuri-ayýArscott, Donald; Beacock, Gi-ado 6 ta Gi-ado 7- lst - teachetlaie! 1 len;Bi-own, L a unclasa honouns - Hart, Gail; Teewil ho no mare _______. o Thea; Campbell, Boderick; Hopkins, Bannie; Mains, Rab- ,I .L ~meetings tilI Sept. On Sept. 'Cathcai-t, Blle; Dean Glenn; ont; Thompson, Bill; Wolfe, JUL I O ,.uroug h 1. 4th the aitennoon unit will SHAW'S SCHOOL. S.S. NO 1, Fall;îs, Gail; Frew, Alan; Ham- Brian; Wotten, Canal. 2ndi hold their first flu meeti. DARLINGTON ilton, Diane; Jamieson, Don- class honous-Bannetta. Guy' 9 a.uý to 12 Noon !, The pi-agi-arn cmmittee wl nie; Keuning, Catherine; Lec, Pass standing - Carnaghan, i be: Mi-s. Tom Sohil, Literai-y Hon. - Honours (75% and Wendy; MacLeod, Randy; Russell; Ramneril, Donnas. ! qand Publication con von or, aven); Roc. - Recommended. Malcolmi, David; Malcolnm, Mi-. Neil Bailey teacher. Thlnqs to Make Bible Stories ,Mrs. Carl Bradley, Mrs. Bui-!Names airanged ln alphabeti- Mai-y Lau; Mantyn, Todd; Me- Grade 8 ta Grade 9- Adamns, 4' P-ture G =e - sel Stainton; the luncheon'i cal ai-don. Quade, Dale; Neshitt, Sharon:. Marilyn; Arscott, Michaei; rAIA~ anecSn e cmmittee. Mrs. H e nr m a n' Junior Room: Peck, Toi-iy; Pi-ossen, Cather- Beacock, Lucille; Bonnetta, fiaass, Mns. August Geiýsben-1 Gi-ado 1 ta 2 - Wendy Ayre ine; Prossor, Rady; Sloan, Gleîî; Dunsmoor, Brian; Diuv- 1 ________________________________________ger Si-., Mi-s. fiainy Fisher'. (.Hon.), Frank Galohllo, Ger-; Kathleen; Snyden, Jacob; Tom- 1 estoyn, Foi-est Cheryl; Frew, Nancy; Gibson. Kenneth; 1The Canadian Statestman, Eownmanvfle, Tuly8,legs 7 Gray, Donald; Hicks, Betty; Kinnunen, Aina; Kyte. Rob- er;McLoJon;Mal- Re rs oe colm, Denise; Mappen, Ber- .îce; Quackenbush, Murray;ReC r s on Rohrer, War r e n; Sharp e,'u. Sheila; Taylor, Fred: Tenny-L L E. sonSuzanne; oten JESend Shipmenflito HrQ_ cott, Nancy, Butt, Linda' Campbell, Karen, Malcolm:! Bowmanville and District Mrs. E. Rundie, which. includ- Bonnie; Mountjoy, Judy; Wri- Red Cross Branch are still ed: 15 pririt panty dresses, f. ght, Lois. ibusy in the Women'a Work yrs.: 4 rose Danty dresses, 2- Dept. Anoter hipnentwas ak-yrs., 6 Pi-. rose overalis, 2 yrs.-: flPTTT A1 en to Tore.nto__recently by h.-pce; lbaby layette; 2 casha- (IPTTTÀ«R bia 1 Ir&'eauilM 0h and-~OIM UJLJ. . ' £IL L ofa L.O.B.A. 849 Blackmtock. DAVID ARCHER Surviving besides bis wile, Following a brief illness,,s one son, John. Also sur- te death of David Archer, viving are three sisters, Mrs. aged 74, accurred on Wednes- E.cleoe (Anne), and Miss day, June 12, 1963, at Memor- Ecetn Aneadýs iai Hospital, Bowmanville. Josephine Archer. Among the lovely -floral Born in Cartwright Town-i tokens, evidence of the es- hip near Burketon, the de- teem ln which. the deceased 'eased was the son of the late was heid, were tihose fromn Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Archer. L.O.B.A. 849 and L.O.L. 43. He attended school in Burke- The funeral service was ton. On June 10, 1939, he, held froni the chapel, of the narried the former Mabel Northcutt & Smith Funeral )orothy Whittaker who sur- Home, Bownianville, on Sat- vives. I urday, June 15, and was con- A farmer, the late Mr. Ar- ducted by Canon H. E. Ash- cber had resided on the home- more of Blackstock. Inter- stead, in the Burketon area, ment was In Union Cemetery, he whole of bis lifetime. He! Cadmus. retired about five years ago.1 Palibearers w e re Messrs. A member of the Anglicanj Oscar McQuade, H. Hfewitt, Church, Blackstock, he waslLoi-ne McKee, Eldon Thomp- ilso a member of the Orange1 son, Eldon Fee and Charlie Lodge, Devitt's, L.O.L. 43 and Fee. ages; 4572 w1pes; 883 swabs:- 10 hoy's shirts, 2 yrs.; 10 3-pce baby sots; 2 Pi-. nen's sockg- 10i; 5 pi-. boy's sand socks. 12 yrs.; 7 pr. bay's grey socks, 12 yrs.; 1 pi-. boy's navy socks. 12 yrs.; 1 pi-. boy's wlne socks, 2 yrs.; 1 pi-. glrl's rose socks, 2 yna.; 1 Pi-. girl'î white socks,' 2 yrs.; 1 boy's wlne sweater,', 12 yrs.; 5 womoen's shawls;. 2 sand sweaters (donated). This shlpment bas 133 knlt-,. ted or sown complote gai-- ments plus 5455 sungical di-es- sings done by volunteer worka ors. This wonk is ungently need- ed and sincore thanks ta the volunteer workens wha have helped to make It possible. If you need wonk for- the- sumnier manths please con- ' tact Mns. E. Rundle, MA3., 5430, this week befone holiday 1ý tlme. rCompetitive Prices Plus Personal Service SPECIAL SAVINGS COPPERTONE Aerosol Bomb - 6 ozs. . 2.25 MODESS- 1,098 12's - Sic 39c BAYER ASPIRIN Bottle of 100 83c J. & J. BA ND AI1D - Plastic Strips - 49e 44c GILLETTE -____Super Biue BLADES - 1.00 8 9c S CHOLL'S-~Corn andCalous Pasters - oc 41c 6-12 Insect Repellent - Liquid or Stick.- 79e 69C PALMOLIVE Rapid Shave - Aerosoi - soc 79c AQUA SEAL Baby Pants ne33c- EXPORT "A' Buy by the Carton end SAVE Bronztan Cream Lotion Protecis For Hours .. Tans Perfectly * CLEAR LIQUID. . Doesn't Show * NO GREASY OILS .. Sand won't stick *NON DRYING. * Prevents peeling A .0 43/4-oz., 1.25 ------------ - to Above SPECIAL PRICES effective to July 6 SOLO BOB PINS Safety-Tip .. Black or Blonde i Oc,15 C SLIM MINI GUM New rcducing plan lets you eat three meals a day, every day. 10 day supply 1,98 30 day supply 3,98 FRUIT-mA-mTIVES 39c, 75c Say Goodbye to CONSTIPATION REPOZ29 Calms Upset NERVES BA&RBASOL BRUSHLESS SHAVE CREAM. Aerosol Cans too. ~~Prescriptions m I.D.A. Remedios A Alex. McGregor e*DRUGS. 5 King St. W.-a Phono 623u5792 a a : e a a 'r - I '4 ~ ~1

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