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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Jul 1963, p. 8

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*i.I........... JBAt Tied for Cellar BIG WEEK IN MEN'S LOOP Last week was a big one in the Men's Softball League, as the players presented the sports editor with sometbing «really big" ta write about, in aur first effort of the year. 1r-. Ted Fairey who has been coveriag this sports beat for us, as everyone knows by aow, won two hundred bucks at lzM 4 the Southview stag and figured this was a good time ta take-____ a holiday.1 Tuesday aigbt Ted Dadson swatted a tremendous' Grand Prix This SaturdayJr La is S fb ll ch d e home run aver the centre field fence, for the longest drive J. Li is o tal S h d l we can remember. Even wbea basebal eld forth at the high school, flot too maay balîs were bit that far.Osa a nd D trc The followiag night John Mason belted a toweriag' smash higb over the left-centre barrier and then Tbursday,t Bill Osborne said "enougb of this", pitchiag a niftyo(ne- Standing Won Lost F bitter and ciouting a bomer bimself. Just ta keep the Don Fleming Sheil & Martin Auto Electric, Whitby 4 0 pitchers in the news George Stephen was the guy who Brooklin Ladies ------------------- -- -------------2 1 ruined Bill's no-bitter. A deed like that could resuît in Industrial Tools, Oshawa -----. ----- --- ---_ 2 1 George being barred fram the pitchers' union. Oshawa Ladies --------- ----------- ------------- ---------- 2 2 Gerry Mari errison, hard-workîng league statisticiaa, Kilpatrick Plumbing, Bowmanville i 3 gave us a lot of help on short notice ta help compile the ,Cut oos htyO 4 report on men's softball. Unfortunately, Gerry had spent Next Schedule of Gamnes a couple of hours making out a complete statistical record Jut4Boki aisa onyMtrWib,8pm for the Statesman, but as reported last week, the short- July 4 - Industrial Tools at Kilpatrick Piumb.,Bow., 6:30a handled staff was unable ta get all items ready by press time. uy63 ( Wit ony fur ams rmaing Nihos Mtor hae Jly9 -- Brookln Ladies at Oshawa Ladies, Alex. Pk., 63 Withonl for gaes emaning Nihol Motrs aveJuly 9 --- Cty. Mtrs., Wbitby at Kilpatrick Piumb., Bow., 6:301F iirst place wrapped up but defending champion Ken's Men's Juyf iptikPub tCy tsWib,8pm Wear and Stephen Fuels are tied for second. Deadlocked for1 July 16 -- Oshawa Ladies at Kilpatrick Plumb., Cent., 6:30 the fourth and final playoff bertb are Kramp's Furniture and Bills Billiards. Stepben's aad Bill's play tonight (Wednes- Balance of Schedule Tovin Park.3 day) while Kramp's meet Ken's on Thursday. uy'1Bomnil vsOhw c Bill Osborne repeated as the league's top piteber witbl Here, Ivor Lloyd, 1962 Grand Prix winner, is about ta overtake Fred s Bwanindustat Osa1) Ow (west side) tBwavse an 8-1 record thus far witb John James next witb four wias Gailey in an exciting race at Mosport Park. This Saturday, July 6th is the Bathe Park. Bowmanville at Bathe Park, and a pair of lasses. Osborne also bas the strike-out honaurs, date for the International Canadian Grand Prix which will feature many af 4 Bowmanville vs Oshawa n.e. diamond.b Iocked up, claiming aa amazing total of 110, flot cauntingF the top motarcycle riders on the continent. (industrial tools) at Bowman- Games are ta start at 6:30a Tusdyn- tscote__Gore_____ha fned7 ville. sharp except at Wbitby wbicb Tuedaynigt' cotes. eore Sepen as aaed 2 . .9 Bowmaaviiîe vs Wbitby wiîî start at 8 p.m. under the~ batters. RivalI Pitcner Gets Hit (couinty motors) at Bowman- ligbts. Grant Wright and Ron Pollard are currently tied for vle h omnil emwl the attng itl, httig a eve .40. oweera cupl ofIl Wbitby (couaty motors) again be spoasored by Kil- the attig tile, ittig aneve .40. Hoever a cupleof Bowmaaville at Wbitby patrick Plumbiag._____ hits could move any of the fallowing into the lead: Don Bag- I 1 ~ ____ nell (.393), Ray Crombie (.385), "Archie" Crossey (.375) aad, i Ob r e s 1 H tr Bill Osborne and Tom Pearson bath at .361. o c r H -Li e In te RB.I rac WrghtandFred"Buk" owl Nin gaes ereplayed la Bowmanvilie Hooper's Jewel- each have 10ta thi rio followed cîoseîy y thee thes P u ce s N jch o ls' M o t o rs W/ /i a full slate of soccer action lers 1-0, wbileMaple Graveý withnin an anthertri ateigt. ast week, Hampton Seniors J. J an Saem fugh toa 1-1 -ÀFOOTBALL IN JUNE YET glittering one-bitter, claimed attack on Stephen, wbo put ýCurt Vanstone along with Bob' of victaries. Te Jwlesls hi Unacustmedas we are ta watching football i ue 13 strikeout victirns and walk- lan bis raughest night of theï Williams' single ran theoe Tyrane bowed ta the ram- TeJwlesls hi eoalv four ta lead pace-set-, sesnbiefotntbenta50ltethradNchreagiag Hampton club 4-0 la second of the week, Saturday, seasn, hs efooneno ofi three0in teid-weeandNien- awhen they were swamped 5-0F this scribe really enjoyed the Ail-American game, played ting NichaIs' Motors ta a îop-1 helped by six Stephen's er- ols o)ut it away with six la the on fters a d -rptneed n ySln Saturday night la Buffalo. Usually we don't care much for sided 11-0 win over Stepheri rossxt.cuesan Hmpnedd ail-star affairs, but this one was a dandy. We forget the Fuels, Ti.ursday nigbt. os t. Maple Grave 3-2 Saturday In a Junior thriller Salina' final score but the west won by a single point. Rival pitcher George Ste- The beague-leaders raared Osborne swatted a home night. Ia other Wednesday and Maple Grave weat ta the phen delivered a one-out fifth into a 3-0 second inning leadl; rua, Terry Masters belted a tilts Zion nipped last place end of regulation time, withi The fans almost got credit for a wia la this one wbýrea inning single ta spoiî Os- on singles by Larry Piper.i triple, Ted Fairey and Pear- rieîther side beiag able tal * the coaches finally gave la ta their demands and put Darryl borne's no-bit bid as no atht-r Tom Pearson and "Joe" Me-j o ,be n snlswnlsore. Bawmanvilie B a y s' Lamonica, former Notre Dame quarterback, into the gaine. balîs were bit out of the la- Donald, Don Bîshap's double ta Bishop, Paul Muttan and *unT*î raiedg School and Tyrone Lamnia mdeit oo eay s h ptchd goahad ouh- ied.and a__pair -of errars. Two Seth "Sa ff" -Hunt.,- ___IIm oLJ Julalsa iebattling ta a 2-2 L aoia m d t l o a y a e p t h d a g - h a t u h i î . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _u s t a n d - o f f . Z i o n s h u t o u t C o u r - k dowa pass for the east. The Buffalo fans should have a Is~ U ta tice 2-0 and Hampton defeat- ëhance ta root for him la the future, as he bas sîgaed with Ffp i'>r self:' t ?.efIer LU I- d Enniskillea 4-1. thef -ih -n Bilîs. pn c&s RM .L t t i. t. GLORIOUS WEEKEND I'm glad the Fathers of Coafederation had en foresight ta get this country going ia the good aid sua time. The past weckead was a dandy - a trifle % maybe - but we liked it. Fouad time ta cut a lawn, wasb a car and paint ',door (bath sides) play 72 hales of golf, spend a day swirr and evea managed ta get aur sports aews written ul tîme. -7- For the swimmiag we decided ta visit a coupl #ples d often heard about, but neyer seen. With al gies ta many we kaow wbo really go for Prequ'ile Palr we did't like it. The drive arouad was nice, the /eajoyed the mtaeum - particularly the fish; it was cool 1 the water was dirty and the beach rather unimpressive. Now the Saadbanks, near Picton - that was woaderful spot that several people bave said it was. swipe a word from Alex Lambe of Goodyear - Bee-ye fui. There sure is plenty of sand, excellent swimming If ou'le ambitiaus eaough ta scale the sand dunes, thei Is-wcàl Bee-yoo-ti-ful. MEN'S TOWN SOFTBALL LEAGUE g Standings (Not including Tuesday'ý4 ,,.me) w L Nichol's Motors - 8 2 Kea's Men's Wear -------------- 5 4 Stephen Fuels ----- 5 5 Iramp's Furaiture ----------------3 6 B ill's Billiards ------------------- 3 7 Leadlng Hitters A.. its S'Grant Wright (SF) ---.-- 35 14 Ron Pollard (K) ------ 25 10 Don Bagnell (KMW) ---- 28 il '-Ray Crombie (BB3W . 26 10 'Archie" Crossey (BB) - - 32 12 Bill Osborne (N) -----........ 36 13 Tom Pearson (N) -- 36 13 Larry Piper (N) _-------------------- 28 10 Jim Coyle (SF) -------- 23 8 R. B. I's ,' Fred Cowle (BB) ----------------- ---- Grant W right (SF)----- ------------- Dave Werry (KMW) ------ ------ ..... Tom Pearson (N ) -_-- - ------------- -------- Ted Dadson (SF) ----_-------- -------------- John James (KMW)----- ]Ray Crombie (1B)___ Larry Piper (N)---------- -------------- t t t t t JR. "B" SOFTBALL Bawmanvilles newly formed Junior "B" softballi t will see their first action, Saturday afteraoon, at Alexan Park in Oshawa. A big junior taurnament gets underi at 1 o'clock, including several top "A" entries, The lacals appear ta have a pretty strong club, we understand they bave received a bye into playoffs, st Ing In August. Members of the team include: Bill Osbci John Twist, Don Bagnell, Ray Crombie, Larry Piper, F Mutton, John James, Alex Wiseman, Grant Wright, D Werry. t . .. - SOUTHVIEIV PLAYERS SHOW WELL Saturday, the Soutbview Golf Club was invitec send a team ta Peterborough for Midland League con tition. As Bowmaaville isn't in the league, they werg eligible for prizes. and it's prcbablv, a goad thing t] Weren't. A couffle of big guys, namelv Bob Watt and à Ford shot rounds la the 70's ta set the pace. John tells us that on July l3th a 12-man Southvi team has been asked ta play at Port Hope, and If you Interested in going he would like ta bear fronw you. It looks quite ikely that a new golf laap will be fai ed next year, iacluding Southview, Markham, Ashbu Whitevale and Pickering. t .i.t t ~t EDITOR'S NOTE: Judging by the people we have talked ta siace ip around Presqu'ile, we n:-.,st have seen the wrong bea iýue ýieyhave informed us where they wer, was f, %i %W R 8%8 E9 a U4%d blp si %pVwE 9 E UWE EI i uesay rignt - ouheA two run rally, high-ligh-1'Jiggs" Cowling worked a singled and John Twist wack- BwmnieMdgt wentI nog dby Ted Dadson's prodigious base on bails and pinch-hitter ed a double. downige in g n tirs t nmer- h~ome run, gave Stephen Fuels Curt Vanstane came through The Men's Wear went in loss of the season on Tuesday, %varm a thrilling 4-3 win over de-u feningchapio Kes Mnswith a triple to win the gamne. front for the first time in the June 25th, in Bowmanviile. Wear Tusda niht t te Tirdsacer err Blcksixth on a walk, Ted Bird's Whitby won by a score of 9-8. toeHigh Schooi park., Fuel's lead-off man,, homere two-bagger and a sacrifice fly Gary Akey started for Bow- Iming Stephen's were trailing 3-2 to stake the winners ta an by Dave Werry. manville and was relieved by ipon when Dadson, leading off the early first inning iead. Cawl-l Winning pitcher G eorge Brian Forsey. Whitby went seventh, smashed a John ing's single and three inficldIStephen tossed a six-hitter, ahead witb a big 7 iead in the le of James' pitch over the centre miscues made it 2-0 in te while fanning haîf a dozen, 2nd inaings, making the score field fence to tie the score. fourth, but Ken's knotted the. and James gave up fîve safe- .2 Polo- James settlcd down to retirc count in the next frame, after tics and claimed five strike- Both teams remained score- int - the next two batters, but two were out, as Joe Keanetti out victims, less in the 3rd. Whitby came, kids on again ta score one rua in 1 but the 4th. Bowmanville had' their big inning in the 5th1 3?h Peeà Wees Win Three Games ri(Tne)Cll ath To Subdue Port Hope 11-7 i errors. Blackstock on Friday, June for a grand siammer out in oo.-tl- The Bowmanville Legionl Squeeze Out Cobourg 3-1 28th, the Legion Ail-Stars the left field in the 5th. Be- gand Pee Wee Al-Stars launchcd, Wednesday, June 26th, at rompcd to an easy 18-2 vic- sides Irwin's home run he al- sight a determined bid for first Memnorial Park, the Legion- tory. s0 collected 2 triples, (Quitel plac intheLakshoe Legueairs tok fir hod o fistia night). Bowmanville scoredý plac intheLakshoe Lagu aies ooka frm oidan ir1 The Legionaires tallied moera an te standings as they tripped the place in the Lakeshore Lea-1 52moersan l game! powerful Port Hope crew vgue standings by droppin!.- runs in the first and 6 more ended in 9-8 score. No runsi right in their own backyardî th visiting Cobourg Royals 3iin the second and coasted the were scored in the last inn-F ta the tune of il runs ta 7 onî runs ta i in a hotly contested!rest of the way adding 2 ruas xngs.1 Tuesday, June 25th. pitchers' duel. ' in the 3rd, 4th and 5th, and Next game Tuesday, July Pt. Bowmanville started out la Tbornpson went ail the way the final run in the fth frame. 2nd, in Bowmanviile against' Pt.typical fashion with 2 runs in1 on the visitors' hill strikin .g. BlAckstock scored a singie Courtice Juveniles. Hope ta 16 the first inning but Port Hope out 7, whîle Robson and Bath- run in the first, and their see you ail there. 101 came back with 3 runs in thc! well shared the local mound final run in the third inning. Defeat Cobourg 10 bottom of the first. The Leg-' claiming il strikeouts. M. Malcolm and M. Quack- On Thuv-d&y, June 20, the 6 ionaires couatered with 3 Bowmanville pushed across enbush garaered Blackstock's Bowman%,«ýle Midget Hard- more in the second and were'3 big ruas in the second ian- cnly hits off the Bowmanville bail team etth obur l 6neyer headed as they added'ing while holding Cobourg ta pitcher's parade of Gary Pres- Midgets in Cobourg and came 3 ia the third, 2 in the faurth 'onri a single tally ia the ton, Mike Dilling, Randvypwt igwawt a nd1 oe n h sxt. sixth. Bath pitchiag staffs Rogers, Randy Donoghue and score of 10 ta 4. Av. Kelly was the big gua for were sharp with mea on base, Paul Forsey. The teamn was in good form .400 part Hope witb a triple and as Cobourg left 9 runners onl Dougr Crough and Mitc«Jafter two weeks lay-off due .400 a single from the dlean up base and Bowmanville left 8. Danoghue led Bowmanvillci ta exams. Brian Forsey pitcti- .9!spot. Larry Devitt led Bow- Briscoe, Ciarey, Brocci and with 2 hits each and Steveied the campîcte game for .35manville with 3 singles; Mike(- Braccanier led the Cobourg Forsey, Raady Rogers, Mur-iBowmanville. Cawker, Dan Nowlan and Jim hitters, while Calver with a ray O'Brien, Murray Cawker,ý The first two innin-s wer-3 .375 , Robsan ccllected 2 singlks double and R. Donoghue, Larry Devitt and Mike Caw.F scoreless. In the third inning, .361!apiece, and Kim Rogers and Bothwell and Robson with ker ail had single bits. 'Bowmanviîle scored 3 runs ,361 Paul Parry chipped in witb singles paced the locals' at- The line scores show Bow-i with Cobourg collecting two. .35 singles. tack. manville 18 runs on 10 bits, In the fourtb innin, Bow-F .38 Hîlîs and Behma sharcd the The Uine scores show Bow- 5 walks and i error; Black- manville spurted aheadxv" Port 1-Tpe pitching. yvieldirv' manville 3 runs on 4 bits, i stock 2 runs on 2 bits, 7 walks six ruas ta anc for Cobourg.I 9 strikeouts. Nowlan and xvalk and 2 errars; Cobourg 1 and 9 errors. Bowmanville scored their loth - oBothwell split 10 strikeouts run, 4 hits, 6 walks and 6 Bowmanville plays again oný run in the 7th inning, with 10lo for Bowmanville. errors. ,Wednesday, July 3rd, at Me- Cobourg scaring their fourth 9FThe line scores show Bow- Defeat Blackstock 18-2 imarial Park, whea tbey en- rua in the 5tb inning, for a * manville Il runs, Il bits, 9 At the Fair Crounds n f ertain Port Hope. final score of 10 ta 4 for Bow- * ,walks an 3 errnrs; Port He)p" .. _ manville. 9 7 runis,,5 bits, 3 walks and 2 Th-omnileta a * 8 showa a great effort bath in 8"Midgets Edge INTERNATIONAL Itefedada FWhitby 8 -5 'Hodt Fammily adrai Bowmanville Midgets camo M O T OR C YCL E cnca rwayup wth teirf:ftb straight wia of the season wben the', ;tart- by a score of 8-5. RACESCrmofB le aad.e Detd Whitbfinehitbg The annual Prout family >rn, De t soe inebitîng ~ *-__picnic was heid at the Cream Paul 1and pitcbing by Gerald Har- - - - ~ - AT - of Bariey Park, with abouti 120 members present. )ave aess the boys carne out on ; 1---Ro a ootyRcad intp. Witbv collected 4 rns- - CTwere the capable sports dir-, scoreR 1 ectors for tbe races and con- runsin he 3d. erad Ha- tstsfor childrea and a dults. 1taousiib rd cadHr After supper, President Wîl- ne ness and Pete Werry bath 1 1 V A k la Norton welcomed ahl pre- rpe scored doubles in the 3rd t-) 1 J UY 6th sent, and election of officers ea 't'aid in the 5 run spiurge. lwas held. The new officersý they Whitby scored 1 more run ' " 1963 will be Presideat Wilma! John but just couldn't bold the 23 a Sie Coombes; First Vice-Presîient, ! Bowmaaville lads d o w a.1:0R ino hn Ross Prout; Second Vice-Pre-. vie Again the local team latched sident, Elsie Richards; Secre areon and brougbt in 2 ruas in CE:FA L C A S Stary-Treasurer, Alvin Yeo; ar hand1 mre the 6t nSorsCommittee, Bert and the_______and__1__more__in__6_h__RACES__OF__ ForènceProuS *rm- l3srd Harness chalked up FlrnePot r1 tkeouts. Don McMurter ADMISSION - - - - $2.00 picaic ia the same place next ur,~a reie vtbadueyear, on Sunday, June 28th. 1 and the rest of aur boys had The rest of the evening was F an excellent nigbt swivnging- FREE PARKING - 1pa ngtigaqaae tbe timber. Tbis team is play-spn ingtn aqite ing good bail and anyone la- OUTFIELD AND INFIELD SPECTATING with the aew members of the clan and talking over old times' ocb. teee airea egening o ter Children under 12 years and accompanied with the older members. ýachhae a ealevenng f ener.The reunion ended with f aineta hepr c us by aduit adniitted FREE! eeyn looking forward to fieday nights at Vincent Massey aflotiier successful picnic next, School. ya.9 BiII's Biliards Upset Kramp's Last place Bill's Billiards Burgess. grabbed a 6-0 lead Wednesday K<ramip's broke inta the night and went on ta defeat, scaring column la the top of Kramp's Furniture la an im-I the fifth as Bill Ellis and partant Mea's Town League'Ron Pallard poked doubles. contest. Victary enabled Biil's Ia the sixth, the lasers raflied ta move into a tie witb for tbree ruas on singles by Kramp's for the fourth and "Red" Davey, "Mae" Richards final playoff position. The' and Kilpatrick, and a throw- Furniture crew still bas a'iag error by catcher Harvey game in band as the scbedule' "Slip" Rowe. cames down ta the wire. I Pitchers Davey and BurgL'ss John Mason provided the eacb allowed sevea base- margia of victory witb two kaocks with Mel fanning a men an base and two out la pair and "Red" four. Crom- the fourth, and the Billiards bie, Pollard and Richards had la front 3-0. John blasted altwo safeties apiece. ____ toweriag drive bigh over the left-centre field barrier, the < second lengtby baIl in succes- % '. z , sive nights. Ted Dadson bom-,'-- cred over the centre field, wall, Tuesday nigbt.F Five Kramp's errars made - the big differeace, providing V- tbe victors witb five unearn-f ed ruas. Singles by Mason' and George Jones along with Cbuck Kilpatrick's bobble sent Bili's la front 1-0 lan th c' opening frame. A pair of in-1 field errors, after Ray Cromn-, bie bad led off with a double made it 3-0 la the second. Masaa's borner carne after ail- other miscue aad Mel Bur- gess' single. The Billiard's final marker' came in the fiftb on singlesI by Fred Cawle and Crombie,' and a sacrifice hoist ta left by .F' anùgt M qlI il,:Ma rry? Whiat finer compliment can you pyyour bride than ta give her *I, IdU71,1 nlinstartesccurity and protection INFO OdIRthro ugh life insurance? Why flot aace program tailoreci bath ta your means and ta your needs. Let me show vou how ibis can bc dont. BANNER PASSANTy Plhone 623-3258 1 Rehder Ave., BowmanviIle SUN LIFE SSURANCE COMPANY~ 0F CANADA. /IIVWLCUUC, tIl'VP) PRACICAL £XPiRIENCE fVOTFRM COZ£Ïdi/ GOODWILL 1962 PONTIAC PARISIENNE CONVERTIBLE Loaded with extras, "327" motor, automatie, power braki steering. Locally owned since new. 1961 PONTIAC PARISIENNE CONVERTIBLE V-8, automatic, power steering, custom radio. Gleaming finish, spotless condition. 1960 PONTIAC PARISIENNE 4-DR. HARDTOP 6 cyl., automatic, custom radio. A spotless local, one owný A s 'i0S...0 1959 1 USED CAR -S pecic PONTIAC 2-DR. 1956 STUDEBAKERS Stratochief, V-8, with radio, gaod bady, needs some adjustments. SPECIAL s 9 THIS WEEK 1959 CHEV. 2-DR. Biscayne, 6 cyl., radio. THIS WEEK---------$ 4 1957 FORD 4-DR. D-2luxe, above average car. SPECIAL $ 9 mIis WEEK 1956 FORD Dapple grey in with radio. 1LL THIS FOR ONLY- color, automatic,1 -$299 1955 BUICI< 4-DR.* Equipped with 4 white feet, juke toox and furnace. PACKAGE 1960 RAMBLER AMBASSADOR V-8, automatic, power brakes and steering, custom radio. Ex( condition, attractively priced. 1959 PONTIAC PARISIENNE CONVERTIBLE Automatic, custom radio, windshield washers. Real sharp, clean car! 166 KING jj PHOI STE. W623-3: rwo ta choose f rom. TAKE YOUR PICK - Each 1955 CHEV. Looks good and SPECIAL mHis WEEK- 1954 CHEV. No headlights but YOURS FOR ONLY --- 1955 BUICK fake what's left! YOURS FOR ONLY $1d ruas good. $1--- l good mot, -sl 1952 PONTIAC HOT1 ,,et tomorrow's styling toda: :omplete with ;es and black ter car. 49s 49 Lor. 59' $9 ROD 99 ýcellent 1396 -'N The Canadian Statesmn, Bownianville, 3uly 3, 1063 SPORTropucsý ýBy Frank Mohun OOR [TEACHER Fàý-

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