r PlttMarI d 4nda~en j he Canadian statemman, Pownanville, July 1'7, lm8 Il Mr. and Mrs. Harry Knox A v n and sons visited Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Tink at Ebenezer on Sunday. Jean Hockaday visited Lin- Wednesday with Mrs. L. B. Williams, Bowmanville. 11 Miss Helen Baker, Toronto,I A . spent the weekend at home. Action Cnt hHampton, vstdonStra paw D natio s atMr. and Mrs. Tom Baker u t J~f D natonsatMr and Mrs. Tom Baker s Newcastle- The following and children enjoyed afa-. go u O ttis the list of donations receiv- ily picnic at Mrs. I. Bragg's, cd by the Cenotaph Comnmittee Providence. .uinine titpasi weecA. i i ni iirs. J.MJU. mlVAirU[ Newcastle>- Members of the A comrnittee was also ap- 1847). Previously and children, Barbara Miller, Chamber of Commerce a' pointed to meet and enter- B e fo0 r e adjourrnent the acknowledged . $2215.36 Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Miller and ' their meeting in the Queen's tain Mr. Hickey of the Public Chamber set the third Mon- 'Mr. Edgar Milison, sons, Brougham, visited Mr. 5 Hotel on Tuesday evening dis-,'Relations Division of the day in each month as the Newcastle ------ . 5.00! and Mrs. John Knox and fam- cussed at some length the cut-' Massey-Ferguson Co. w h e n 'regular meeting night for thefý Mrs. Doreen Brooks, ily. off from Highway 115 enter- he cornes to see the villag~e Chamber, commencing the' Bowmanville 15.00 Mr. and Mrs. Stan Milîson Jng the village from the north. with a view to erccting some third Monday in September.1 2nd donation in memory and boys motored to Quin-Mo- ... 't It was stated that, even driv- thing to commemorate the There will be no regular: of a brother. 5 00. Lac on Saturday. Grant re- ers familiar with the inter-: birthplace of the company (in meeting during August. 'Total to date ------- $2240.36 turned home after spendin9 a , section, find it next to im-' --- pleasant week et camip. ........ possible to make the turn, Mrs. C. Smith, Anita Trul' ~ ' when traffic is heavy, atter and Danny Smith, Mrs. Geo. ~ During the discussion il wasl 3 "îrrîrrlime rs ner, Kuroki, Sask., visited Mr. Y suggested that a caution light and Mrs. E. Cryderman. orlihin o heinesetinMr.A. J. ___________________ would alleviate much of the 1 11 ;r n several days et E. Cryder- trouble. T he Department, ' e u r o r L o n a r i a man's and Sam Carr's.......... when requested, placed a lar-! The Cryderman familles et- ger sign at the intersection. Newcastle-. Carnival Chair-! and purchase material up to, Ail members were urged to! tended their family pîcnic at some years ago which makes man Lion Harry Jose announ- an amount of $50 for one new be on hand et Waltona Park Wellsprings Park, north of ......... it much better for daytime, ced to members of the Lionsi booth for the Carnival and to, on Wednesday evening, July Manchester, on Saturday .~...........< driving but, drivers followjnd, Club at their meeting in the notify the members to help 24th, to set up the booths for 1 The E. Crydermans, B. ina neat60m..b ateSlmhurst Hotel on Wednes-ihim to construct the booth. Ithe carnival.- Montgomerys and B. Hooeys Although the official inak, ind i al60mipossibiter day evening, that the Peter- __________________________ spent the weekend at Lake new cenotaph will not be to judge where the intersec- borough Ornamental Swimm- Scugog, near Nestieton. these two yugter, ho tion is located in time to s1l n Club has been engaged to i î Mr. and Mrs. L. Staintonyonsrw down for the left turn. feature the club's Annual Car-J 1 i and Doris, En.niskillen, visited and Jack Hughes, had ani A eouin oe yR. ni val in Waltona Park o n Sat- J lewcastie on Friday with Mr. and Mrs. pressive monument this we reoltinmoedby urday evening, July 27th. Fol-,i Keith Cryderman and dau*gh- - B. Rickard and H. J. Falk;,Ilowing the swimming exbîb- S I ters. tT 1T was passed authorizing a let-lition, there will be the re- ) *II Mr. and Mrs. Wes Werry, LIL JTJ.AINJ ter be sent to the Dept. of gular bingo and other games -,-. 1 .->,,jJ Anne, Glenn, Ewart and John î Highways requesting that this of chance, the Lionet tes k 9 JL1.(UtlE a L reis rid attended the Metcalfe failyl Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth intersection be ligbted for thejBooth and the Horticulturali picnic at Orono on Sunday. Spiers and Miss Donna Spiers safety and convenience Of! Society Booth. A new modern, Anne and Glenn Werry are of Buffalo, N.Y., visited with drivers wishing to make thisi musical Merry-Go-Round hasl Miss H. A. Mason has clos-:and children of Plattsburg. ,pnigti ekwt r r n r.Wle el turn. Another letter was or-! also been engaged for the kid- ed her home and is now resid- N.*Y.,' Mr. and Mrs. Harold and Mrs. N. Metcalf at Rice during the part week. dered sent to the dep artment dies enjoyment. ing at the Southbaven Nurs- Mott, Judith and Alan Of Lake. ruting confirmation that i eein cndct Home where she will be Belleville and Mrs. N. E. Bell- M n r.FakW Donald Scott, Newburgh, W eartment hasas ti Drig heegsed to havea visit from you of Trenton spent the lake Jr., Gordon and Shirl~sey tteweedwt i pav Kub ingte frm curbd G the n eeton plnsthem red. afweekend with Mr. and Mms. and Mrs. Frank Westlakes. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Addison to ur drig he reen; arldGibon oe ! he Mr. and Mrs. Clarence J. H. C. Bonathan and family at visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank Scott. fume.most complete financial e- Allin have returned home their cottage et Coboconk. ports heard by the club in fe pnig2wesa e-fM.adMs ai ip Moore, Bowmanvîlle. Ti elvin Smelt bas gone toý years was given byLion Har- mSwasinnsikatewheref on he rswP.lltceben ND old Falk giving the financial Paul 'BuMnnsotae theyet-d oronfndtMrs. rouh. M iteadDur employed with the Depart-1 PLAYGROUN success or filue o tub ayedd the 6th International wih her ayceMr. Gordon h m - ment of Lands and Forests fori activities ofte cu uring WlyBan Crva lbAAwo una.D r a the remainder of the summer.i rondamrtedof goohe ay h er Rally comprising over 2,000 John, Elizabeth and Brian I P riends ae wishing a Ap ple' stlUb speody recvery toyMrs with 28 cbildren. Activities i Lion Chas. Gilkes, chairman Airstream Trailer families, children of Mr. and Mrs: p l lbsed eoeyt r.M' during the week included the Of committee collecting used nine fmom Canada with three Donald Jose of Brampton are, ton Weatherilt who ils a Pa- playîng of games, sngîng:eye glasses asked the mem- from Ontario. Following the visiting with a their grand-' by Bill Kent tient in Civic Hospital, Pet- songs etc. by the children. bers to turn in any glasses rally, more than 450 trailers parents, Mr. ad Mrs. J. H.! The second meeting of the erborough. Friday was backwards day they lied collected so that they are now caravaning throgh JserolurdmP4-yAppeClbowa at the playground and the could be packed and shipped Eastern Canada. Mrs. Reginald Woodhams of held on Tuesday, July, 9, s amold th aye, o rt chidme wee aI dessd wîÏto headquartems and on to the, Mr. Gerald Bonsteel of Toronto spent last week visit- 7:30 p.m. in the board roorn Hope, wstegeto r for the occasion and the lead-lunderdeveloped areas of the Belleville spent the weekend ing with ber mother Mrs. Nor-1 of the extension branch of the sean d rsinet Jackso. o ers cailed in Miss C. B. Butler world for regrinding and fit- with bis cousin Mrs. Carl man Samis and Mrs. Fred Ontario Dept. o! Agriculture,seeadyslswe, to act as judge for the occa-1ted t, those needing them. Selby. Couch Sr. and Mr. Leslie Al- 14 Frank St., ?owmanville. Members of the Bethany sio. ar Jhnonwasjuge Tir Vce-reidnt Lon Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Nich 1 lin. Mr. John Ingratta, a local Ladies' and Men's Orange winer f te cntst.BihStoks onuctd t elt-olîs of Toronto visited nFi Mr. and Mrs. Ray McNevin fruit and vegetable specialist Lodges attended the celebra- Thnr te lygonde Leader t rkrt o d the eetng - day with Mr. and Mrs. Douglas and daughtem Sandra of Osh- gave the members an oral lion at Port Hope on Satur- Th lyron edestrpato hemeigwhen Rowe. awa were Sunday guests witb quiz on the care and manage- day. wisb ta express their apprec- plans for the carnival were Capti adMrs. G. O Kirk ber mother Mrs. Carl__Selby. ment o! apple orchards re- lation to Miss Butler for ber discussed and after consider- plain andg pcigi- name' sfbllgm assistance in judging this con- able discussion Lion Frank grdngsrain, ikigi n a mensdsoftball game ___________________________________________________ ýsects, fungicides, etc. Mm. In-heeo Turdyngtte tet or a uh2ie A-pa gratta also informed the nîem- Bethany team took thewi ~ Ebers o! a future trip ta the over the Janetville istors, NEWVCASTLE LIONS CLUB Sincere sympathy ils ex- Yellowlees and Miss Gladys'Tomonto Fruit Terminal. with the score 10-9.ç tended to Ms id Mutton, Yellowlees wemre Mm. and Mrs. . The exceedingly interest- Mr. and Mrs. Ceighton Carr ý now in Strathaven Rest Home, Reg Woodham, Toronto, Mrs. îng and well-planned meeting and family have moved to1 Bowmanville, and Mrs. L.1 Ida Couch, Mrs. Ada Semis, vas closed with a beautiful Picton where they have pur-1 Collacutt, Maple Grove, on' Mr. L. AllUn, Newcastle, Mrs. vocl endition sung by Mm. chased a new home and The A nnual Carnival i th e assi.o! their brother,I Linton Herron and Kim, and grt. Picton Livestock Sales Barn. th-lt-W R. (Bill) West-i Mrs. A. Price, Oshawa. On Friday night the Belli- PA KHospital. Bill spent Most O o aie by M. and Mrs.4 M* Sheep Club n cmuit pres se d but l-is ld ttereyearstwerea4H W ALTONA bAKis lîfe in Sln community, a.couiple of daysin§ewn spent ily altagoda gathering inSt i bis sister Hilda in Oshawa. State, last week. Y kPals aisHlpeeting Sat rd y, u y 2 7t ~ a~ frendy iisosiion~~Holds Met Mr .and Mrs. Carr witha Sa u d y u y 2 th Hvn redy ipsto r.Rla'ph Davis and Miss o! money and the cbildren,t Sepeillylngbte rsick e, an D avis attended the trous- The third meeting o! the David and Lynda, with gold ý eshut-inforbi hsiany asd! e ie yMs a Dumham 4-H Sheep Club was signet rings. Featrin kidnes. he unea srviceMcKenzie o! Columbus for beld on Thursday, July Ilth, Peterborough Ornamental Swinîmning Club was held on Saturday after- hem daughter, Kaye, who Is toa leoh ar !G e Rofand cttrea ati n frad- in a inoon at the Northcutt and!f be married on July 20. GlaspelI, Taunton.drsofapeiinfral Wes yllo i The members assembled at their community efforts, with Smith Funeral Home. Inter-1 Mr. and Mrs. 7'0Wes n hl av YeUow-mnio f rigtn' 1 ýlee, Haold nd Mrray Mrs muscaltalents o! wbicb he I 11at r la to rire ment was inci adCemeterv iJ. ellHaowld andMiss ray sho:3 r busnds esondurig te W aYelant m wiekses, Carol Hl ,KnxanYlweeM.an r. Har- bs Assistant Ag. Rep. Bob lhed given freely tbroughte 7:00 p.m Janet ilison reMattennsuggesed thatmem- years. Mmi. Carr bad been at lowleey CaellKnxwanesobBrendaste Jan ,ing ic oweennis a nd aaynM beshsould start thinking active in the United Churchi at 7:00 p.m. icamp wMith on re e iorers.1 atr BN O A D TH R G P ES camp Prtotria. orr a c.nd rRap ais and an atM. about a demonstration ta puti Women's Ass o c i a t i o n and BIN O A D O HER GAM S l Cmp retria Mr ad Ms. rnet Hckaayon for Achievement Dey. taught a ciass in the Sunday The W. I. ohartered a -bus. c n r.EretHcaa The members then went to School. Creighton was one o!, and Jean attended the Yeiiow- teCuc twrs rau- 50 - 50 DIRAWAT'for their annuel summer out-! telees freter wr 1 ing on Thursday and had al e amily picnic at Oronio tebrr rtheret lse fwue ftheCh urc nSeards t .reaur W EW M ERRY-GO-ROUND very pleasant trip tbHamil- o Sndolankatr t be 5eeAtclers o! Su!-Imier of theudy cooa tnwhere t.hcv visited sev- home o! Frank and Grace fui poi ter soth e b- member ng o! te oal Loyalnt Wright in Bowmanviiie, when ones, te mmer rne og n1Peiet f or the Kiddies eral places of speciai initccest, Ibhe ramn came. .iudged the classes and gave of The Atbletic Association. Dunducn castie, the new city ceasons on the first two. Mci. Frank Martichenko hall, Sunken Gardens. etc. Mr. and Mci. Glenn Larmer At about 9:00 p.m. the meet- presented a corsage of i'eiiowl Recent visitors with Mci. .1 and sons. Biackstock. visitedý ing was adjourned witb rnmm and white 'mums to Mmi. Carr.' Sunday evening with Mc. and bers rush ing for their various Mariene Smith and Wayneý 1 1 .... .... .... .... .... ... !Mci. Harvey Yeilowiees and. destinations. Martichenko presented thp 1SPECIAL LOW PRICES ili- * ON NATIONAL BRANDS * At Your Local Druggist's - Thurs. - Fri. - Sot. rNOXZEMA Skin (ream 4 oz -93c 69i ~BROMO SELTZER.--. -- --- 1.09 Value 99C 1FLY TOX INSECT BOMB ,LISTERINE ANTISEPTIC.- -1.39 Value 1.23 ----- 8CValue 8 7c ýORNAL Cold Cpue- . 1.39 Value 1.2.3 Miss Pat Knox was organist at the church service on Sun-, da.y. The loveiy floral offer-, ings weme in ioving Memocy of the late Bill Westlake and: were plaoed at the aitar by bis relatives. Mr. and Mci. Bruce Tink with Mr. and Mns. Bruce Or- imiston, Columbus, spent the weekend north of Kingston. Mrs. H. E. Tink, Neil and Herbie Tink visited at Mi. and Mci. Percy Dewell's.' Hampton. Mc. and Mcs. Lloyd Preston and chiidcen, Bowmanviiie, visited at Mc. and Mcs. Ro.y Langmaid's. Mr. and Mrs. George Coch-, cane and Timmy, Taunton, Mr.ý and Mmi. Bill Magee, Mc, and Mci, Lloyd Parker, Verna- Mae and David, Oshawa, Mc.' and Mci, Percy Viallancoucî and Jean. Lindsav, visited Mr, and Mrs Frank Westlake Jr, and famiriv and Mci Frank Westiake Sr Appoint Don Jose Assistant Editor 0f 'THE GROWER' Newcastle: -Mr. Paul A,.1ed the staff o! Facmec's Maga- Kile, President o! the Ontarioi zine as assistant editor and Fruit and Vegetabie Growers'1 during the time he was con-, Association, bas announced the! nected with the Farmec's appointrnent of Mc. Don W.; Magazine covered ail phases, Jase ta the administrative! of Ontario agriculture.* staff of the Association asý Moce recently Mc. Jose bas Assistant Editoc o! 'iThel been Agricultural Representa-1 Growec." Mr. Joie assumedi tive with the Canadian Na-' bis duties on June 3rd. tional Railways. In this ca-1 Don Jose is a native of thel pacity bie was brough t intoý village of Newcastle, being' very' close contact witb thc. pracfically raised ini an apple fruit and vegetable industry.: orchard He bas been close ta Because of bis expemience andi agriculture and the fruit irn-'kno-wied.-e of the industmy du3tcxv in narticular albisý probiern. Mm Jose should. life Aftr gradua ting frorn prove a welcome addition ta! the Ontario Agriculture Co!- the Ontario Fruit and Vege-I ~~COLGATE Dental Cream----- PEPSODENT Dental Cream "'KLEENEX- ---- WATCH FOR THIS AD 1.09 Valuie 94c 69C N'allie 59c -400's2I for .59C EACH WEEC BOWMANVILLE NEWCASTLE COWLJNG'S DEUG STORE JOHNSONS DEUG STORE ALEX NcGREGOR, DRUOS ORONO JURY & LOVELL STUTT'S PHARNACY P inic at Serpent Mounds Newcastle, - Several from Priz.es were awarded to per- Ail persons wore an fden- Newcastle attended the an- sons in the !ollowing cate-i tification paper giving Name, f fluai picnic for members and, gocies: Youngest Girl, Young- Address and pen name if tbey f Ja"est Boy. Youngest Bride and had one. Ail sauntered through readers o! the "Janet Ja" Groom. Mother o! the Largest the crowd making themselves page o! the Canadian Coun- family (the mother wbo ce- 'acquainted with Janet Jean tryman beld at the Serpent ceived Ibis prize had 13 child-" and ber Canadian Country- 'Mounds Park near Keene onrcen), person living nearesti man Correspondents and alsoý Wednesday, July loth. to the park, person travelling greeting old friends tbey had1 Each famîly bcought a pic- facthest to the pîcnie, persoi- not seen since the hast picnic *. nir basket and at noon some whose home was greatest dis-, It was decided the 1964 pic-ý 150 men, women and child-,lance away (a woman whoýnic should be beld in the ren gatheced in the covered lived in the Netberlands who same park and ail were cor-: piinic hall to enjoy theîir was visiting in the 'district), diaihy invited ta be present. lunch. Following the lunch The one who thought she was Those attending from New- many prizes were awamded 'a singer. The one who baked: caille were Mrs. Florence Fer- i witb each person receiving a ber own bread, One who bad guson, Mrs. Edna Seiby, Mrs.! prize being asked to give his a special hobby, One who Maris2 I. Gartshore, Miss Rena name, addmess and make a liked ta stmetcb a dollar, OId- Bragg and Mrs. Orville Os-: short speech. est Lady, Oldot Gentleman, borne et Bowmanvlflê ; 7IvePW"c4 Gardon Agnew, Edifor Chamber Requesis On Highway 115 C Led by the Bowmanville Legion Pipe Band, ex-service- men fmom tbe district will parade from. the Community rings ta the childmen. On be- haîf o! the Athletic Associa- tion, Mr. Vincent Jackson gave their gift o! a Sheaffer pen and pencil set to Mm. Carr in appreciation of his thmee years as president. The evening was pleasantly spent In dancing with music supplied by Robert Sisson, WalIy Reid and Clarence Page with Ernest Yaungman "eall- ing" the square dance. Lunch was served. Mm. Carr expressed the sin- ceme thanks for himnself and his family for the gifts and the warmi feelings of friendship they would carry ta their new home, with special apprecia- tion ta the connttee in charge of arrangements, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jen-nings, Mr. and Mrs. Murray Logan, Mc. and Mrs. Frank Marti- chenko, Mm. and Mrs. Gardon Smith, Mr. and Mmi. Roland Scott and Mr. and Mms. Char- les Smith. the~ Royaîl Canaial iLegion,1 Bmanch 178 Bowmanvllle and the Pipe Band will supply the music. The service will be conducted by Douglas Walton chaimman o! the Cenotaph- Committee and Brigadier L. N. Carr o! Port Hope will The Public is cordially invited to attend the DEDICATION of the Memorial Cenotapilt Saturday, JuIy 2Oth. at 2 Pa. EX-SERVICEMEN are asked to fali in at the: Community Park at 1:45 p.m. to parade to the Cenotaph. -.- --------------- Foliowing the DedicatLbn Service at the Cenotaph Vie parade will be formed and ppo- ceed ta the Community Pftk for dismissal with BrigaéZer L. N. Carr taking the Mauch Past Salute at the intersec- Durham County Co-operative MEDICAL SERVICES Offers A Complets Medical (are Plan Doctor's Services - by the Doctor of Your Own Choice SURGICAL BENEFITS INCLUDE... *Any doctors' services needed in hospital. *Out-patient diagnostic X-Rays. *Cystoscopie and Bronchoscopie examinations. EXTENDED MEDICAL BENEFITS INCLUDE... * Home and office calis. * Injections. * Hcalth Examinations. * Eye Examinations. * Plus Surgical Benefits. Over 65 years of age: $135.00 for a Family and $67.50J MAJOR MEDICAL BENEFITS INCLUDE ... *Ambulance Charges. Special Drugs. *Laboratory Services. *Appliances and Therapy. for a Single Member. SEND TIRIS COUPON TOI DURHAM COUNTY CO-OPERATIVE MEDICAL SERVICES Orono, Ontario Nanie ___ Address __ 'Fou will be under no oblfgation T1his is the only cority-based organization serv'ing the United Countien of Durham and Northumberland. GERALD SHACKLETON - Hampton 263-2744 BARRY WADE MRS. DALTON DOIRRELL, fllacketock 786-4995 Clarke 2d-r-t* M&S. ROBERT CHATER - Orono 38-r-1 DAVID WILSON - fllackttock 98-4393 .e Inspection of Newcastle Cenotaph aunveiling of Newcastle's structed on the lawn west of the Community liaou held until this Saturday, and lists the names of those Newcastle and atea gave their namnes as Wayne veterans who paid the supreme sacrifice in the first ad1vance look at the im- and second world wars and the Korean conflict. ,ek. The cenotaph is con- Dedication and Unveiling 0f New Memorial Cenotaph At Newcastle this Saturday 1!Newcastle- A Cenotaph to Park, commencing at 1:45 p.m Others taking part In Die honour the men of this com- along King St. to Mill, north service wili be the Rev. D.eR. munity who gave their lives on Mill and Manvers Streets Dewdney of St. Geor&'.s in the service of their coun- to North Street, south onIChurch and the Rev. Basil try during the first and sec- North Street to King and eastj Long of Orono representirig ond great wars and the Kor- on King to the Cenotaph. the United Church in the &b - an dedicat e n eiwest During the Unveiling and sence of the Rev. E. C. Woe,.- lano dctedcomnthalles Dedication Service at the land; Reeve D. J. Cunningham, law ofthecomuniy hllCenotaph the Glee Club of Fred Adair, Fred Couch âid on Saturday afternoon. Frank R. Hills of Port Hobe. IlI Mvr -and :v.ts jor- nowden lege in 1949, Mir. Jose returci- tablf- Growers' Association and Bruce, Mc. and Mci. D. ed ta thfa famn. Later ie joi,- staff. 1rRESDAN Dandruff Lot*o-- .s au 1.29 *" tf SLYSOL Spray Disinfectant --1.25 Value 1 .17 Canadian Countryman St f Be a Part Owner of Your Own Insurance Carrier Members of Durharn Courty Co-operative Medical Services are receiving V0' Refund on Premiums paid in the year 1961-1962. THE RATES ARE VERY LOW The Surgical and Major Medical Package is .$60.00 for a Family and $30.00 for a Single Member. The Extended Medical Plan and Major Medical is $115.00 for a Family and $57.50 for a Single Member up to age 65. i. IL . - -4 L pdL -BI AL - àý.L -6- -:=- ý e-= A - - - - - ý ý Plett. Marie and tinda gpent 1 Sunciav with Mr. anci Mrç ROI 1 i