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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Jul 1963, p. 1

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CAR FLAT AS APANCAKE ~1fl4t~rnm____ SDurhamn County's Great Family Journal VOLUME 109 16 Pages BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JULY l7th, 1963 Nec Per Copy NUMBER 2-9 Four' Car- onim The remains of a car that collided with a 14-ton trapsport on Monday afternoon on Highway 401 were pi4ji up in a small truck. Only the frame and part of *1.body at the rear remained more or less together. The three passengers were killed and their bodies pinned under the big trailer for over an hour before equipment arrived to lift the vehicle so they could HeId in Port Hope Lodges fi Take Pan Car Hits Deer Near Pontypool A full - grown dcer was struck and killed by a car on Fighway 35, Saturday evening, about Il o'clock. The v'ehicle was driven by Don Allen, of 2190 Lawrenc2 ,Avenue East. Toronto. Danmage to Allen's car xvas U eprted aq "considerable", Police statcd. On Their W -z'¶Mrange representatives O efore boarding a bus for th îlninutes to provide music in ,thýugh the main street byt '*P'ýWn here, with Brenda li Otiier majorettes joined the A large turnout of lodge me mm J;à be removed. This scene shows police officers,- area ambulance staff and funeral directors preparing to remove the victims. The truck driver also was killed. One witness said that the car headed across the centre median and the huge transport coming in the opposite direction seemed to "swailow it up like a whaie." First Carnival rtiricO '63 Season o' Dead Il Truck 'Ci Iighway, Mighway 401, considered by n an exceptionally safe double lane way, was again the scene of a muli accid*nt on Monday afternoon, wI crossed the centre median and crash oncoming truck. Four people were killed, to mal dent one of the worst in district trafi On the same highway, near Newcastl six were killed in a similar head or but on Monday, the damage to vel frightening. Dead are car driver Lester Va Avenue Rd., Toronto, an insurance wliose' wife and 12-year-old twin survive him; his passengers, Mrs. Sus 24, and her daughter Brenda, 7. N a Dominion Glass Co. employee, live ilton. The third victim was the driver, Gerald Melonson, 36, of Ville Que. He is survived by lus wife children. There was only one survivor, Pi 38, of Montreal, who was sleeping in the rear of the truck cab when tho occurred. He was taker. to Memoria here along with Melonson by Bowmai Area Ambulance, but was released1 no apparent iniury nfher fhiin .krue. n "Who Said This Would Be Fun ?" rash 401.4 nany as an superhigh. Itiple death hen a car hed into an ce tlhe acci- rfic history. le last fail,i ýn collision, hicles was amvas, 371f salesman, daughters ;an Fudge, Mr. Fudge, es in Ham- transport ýe d'Anjou, ilk and eight aul Pepin, a bunk at e collision il Hospital mnille and later with E EV~ ""sone e Satudav on arrivaI. Hee S tra (TURN TO PAGE TWO) e The Bowmanville Kins- r in O ran eMPémdrial at rk. LbertyginQ3ts c 1 £Pt)eces Donna Jones, left, and Ricky Stacey were pretty weil tuckered out Orange lodges from f ive Fine sunny weather attract- Street Souith, promises out- stage in the Playground Circus Parade, Monday evening, and didnt seei o counties marched in a three- ed a crowd of marchers and standing fun and entertain- mile procession in Port Hope spectators that some estimates ment for people of ail ages. EARLY WINTER - Manager Roy Neads advises impressed with the whole affair. They were two of the dozens of younstr Saturday to commemorate put at over 10,000. The route The program will start at that there will be public skating at the Arena who took various parts in the show that included representatives froniai pey "the pious, glorious and im- took the parade up Waiton six o'clock with a softball this Friday evening, the earliest the place has grounds in town. mortal memory of King Wil- along Fine to Bedford, thence game between the N.H.L. been open since its erection in 1949. The new liam III", victor at the Battie to Cavan, over Barrett St. Ail-Stars Teamn versus the of the Boyne 273 years ago. bridge on to Ontario, up Tw uirAlSa em compressor is working well and the ice should be Grand SIam HomerThe s Ro Accompanied by 25 bands. Bloomsgrove to Hope. down Tow uno AlStrTem ________________ andhaf dzendrm na Ward to Mili and thence on The Carnival wilI begin in good condition. Dick Gamble's hockey school antte f corps, the heao - Queen and back to the lmmediately after the game. opens Monday, when there will be an invasion pat radeswtng aofWaton bandshell. Wet tar on Hope There wiII be special rides by 50 youngsters f rom the United States. a e Ld Sl p' Gr Strett strng ro intWalt St. and Port Hope's his were for chiidren, a Fish Pond, t t t Steph en Stee t is tatig oit tthe onl mpdments on the ,rnany Games of Chance, th adhl uta h ai igNvlyBohand HIT BY TREE - His many friends will be sorry D II Tobacco c 5 fore was wending its way around Refreshment Stands. to learn that Arthur Brunt of Enniskillen is in (T r(1Ilittie protp Uon atSie' John Street onto Waiton to Dave Trotter, dressed as 1IIf Softreceived oit store earI%.Tuesdaymong bei h or ogmrh(T1URN TO PAGE TWO> The Special Draws wil hospital suffering fo injuries rcivdwîen hceIr y f when a pers on or eon begn te ourlon mrch ____also bc featured. There wilI was hit by a tree they were felling. unknown stole appl - be a Kinsmen Draw for a I L.i Woos 1 Cule eetDee- 1 f 1 1 D w n3 ately $50 from tobacocn fay to Big Orange Parade Frezean ab egstre IN THE NEWS- Bowmanville has received front q N îchois - 3 sed as containers. YorkhîreFig TheKintte ubliityin te mtroplita paers hisThe break-in wam lcv Clborare izTe wiliee pg ulcyinhemrolta pages hi Stephen Fuels took a one Nichols counted in the third, ered by Bowmanvilelic alubst attries large week. On Monday, the feature picture on the game lead over Nichols' Motor when Larry Piper drove at 6:30 Tuesday mrlg de m b trective table and front of the Globe & Mail showed parish priest Sales on Tuesday when a çîint Ferguson in with a tim- The screen door a h chaise longue. Rev. F. K. Malane admînistering last rites to an grad la u m or ayJîeiey hit. They also tallied in rear of Sleep's GrocerLb Coyl pu the ino a eadthe fourth and fifth, Pearson erty St. N., hiaitbenct Prizes In both these Draws accident victim on Sunday. On Tuesday, the they held throughout. This and Wiseman crossing the and the inside dooroce will be drawn towards the Teiegram featured the dreadful accident that was the opening gaine in the plate. open. clos of he Bwmanille killed four people, less than a mile away from the Town Softbali Leaguepl- Kinsmen Carnival this Sat- ofadi ne - o h nrdy eenig. ickts uîî scene of the Sunday crash. Most citizens will fs n tede - o h Fuelers. The semi-fnlsre also be avallabie on Che agree that this is the type of publicity we can wirl e a best-of-five games Mobile "Arabîan Nîghts Gr Two-Door Car to be drawn t 1- t jt t Ken's Men's Wear and Bill's at insenFunNiht fl FLAG THIEF - Citizens of the Long Sauit area Billiards open their series to- September. night at the high school -are up in arms over an incident that happened on grotinds. the weekend. Somebody stole the Canadian Bill Osborne hurled for ~J nari Go t. nsign from the public schooi. Maybe he or she Nichcls and George Stephen O ntari Govt. is planning on leading a parade somewhere. It for the Fuelers. e The Stephen team piled up had better be ýomewhere else than Long Sault. I four in the first, one in the~ O kays $50 t t t fourth when Dadson scored '"" FRAMED SCROLL- One of the prized items on a three base error and one For ~~tonabee received by James Arthur Werry on his 90th i h it nn Wih ForOtnaeebîrthday recently wvas a framed scroll from John soe Alex Carruthers, M.P.P. for 1 Robarts, Prime Minister of Ontario. This will ~. Durham, announces the ap- certainiy make a most vaiued memento of the proval of a Provincial grant Award (ontract of$0 othe Otonabee Re- event.- -- Z ý gion Conservation Authority tl'r " '" f . S for capital development worlc STAMPEDER Don Milligan, who operates the For Pa inUI 7 A ~"~in the Cavan Swamp Conserv. IGA Foodliner here has apparently taken off on ation Area.da Alex Carruthers, M.P.P. for j The Cavan Swamp Conserv - ahu H ie rmteClaySapd Durham, announces that K. '\ation Area comprises .two and says the chuck wagon races would make Ben J. Beamish Construction Com- 7-M parcels of land totalling 220 Hur look like an amateur. They are now head- pany Limited has been award- acres in Concession XIV of ing for Vancouver and he says he may be back ed Contract No. 63-26 for: Cavan Township. The area to work in a week or so. This is the f irst holida Hot Mix Paving including, - was acquired in 1962 by the oa Grading, Drainage, Granular Authority. In 1963 the Auth- of any length he and hîs wife have had since they Base, High. No. 7A, "A" fro ority will carry out some came here several years ago. 0.5 miles east of Caesarea side fencing on these propertiesIL J.t road E'ly to the north june- plant trees on som'e of the ON TV - Sam Manetta and bis crew of Christ- to fHgwyN.3-81 areas and, in additiontohi miles. "B" West C'way (patch- plant suitable species for wild: mas tree pruners were supposed to appear on ing) and E'Cway (resurfac- life food and cover. Peterborough TV on Tuesday evening. A camera ing)- 9.35 miles, Port Hope Ail member municipalities crew from CI-EX visited the plantation and District. ~ .~ y.*~will bear the Authority's share caught the pruners in action. Sort of a Christmas of development costs. in July story.Ty o e an Allan Down Legion Men s Choir Wins lst Prize . " Pays Top Price WiI Perform at In Parade At Hays Sale S Fraserville LOI-, 46 wnte Onrdoftarecu froh The Laykinview Holstein O t ro C on vent ion testalr ud of de p orthe herd of Paul McKinley, Co- udysOag aaei bourg, was sold June 28th at Confirmation was received this week that the Port Hope. the Hays Sales Arena, Oak. local Legion Branch's Men's Choir will be one Of Other awards were as fol- ville, with 63 head bringing the features of tbe Ontario Legion Convention in lost rs ý4a total of $25,245 for a gen-î Peterborough, starting August 4th. The Legion's Kinsmen. badLnsy eral average of $400 each. The Pp adwl lotk at Best f ife and drum band, top price of $950 was paid PipyRad 'illalsLta76prt twice in both cases by Allan, The Men's Choir ufider Director Murdoch L yoeLL74 Down, Bowmanville. He paid Batn iîpesnarntatacveaerne Best flute band, Unity, Wcst this amount for the four-year Trno -old Laykinview Texal Lady with new uniforns which have arrived. The Best Ladies' ]odge, Cobourg and also for another four- blazer type jackets are gold colored, the trousers Maple Leaf LOBA 351, I i yar-ldLayinvew iflc: arkblu. Dcisonshav ye tobecone - Best LTB lodge, Carnpbell- yea-ol, ayknviw iflc drkblu. eciion hve ctcooenmdeord LTB 35. The Sumnmer Playground s Circus Parad f fro Bomanîll no ony pradd trouh twn Karen. Bath were daughters' cerning suitable shirts, ties and shoes. Bs men's lodge, ReaboroMoayenng ad aywer adwo efu he big walk in Port Hope, they also took a few The top price for a bred Mr. Beaton did flot say what numbers would Betby820g.n 1r. otmsad nmlbt n ftebetwsti iNewcastle. The Fife and Drum Band wvas led lieifer was $900 paid by Da. be sung by the choir. Best miodyus'il lodge, oaad osumes rghtndtofAriaba neofhtsh eis om ay three~~~~~~~ aciemjrteicuig Lna Fril vid R. Stevens, St. Mary's, Ti aurate hi il lotaepr saw Juie Juvn OL 17. 1omplte igotofvei i ndr ThasEwe rt h a tenci v ne macgroes, nddianLne Thertil.Ontario, for Laykinview Lifloc inThisdediation of the owcsllsceo taphpandtI Osaw guir'lodgeL .indsay awthvil s nre wetw Marilyn, sehbckgoundaansoinaeTdaughterailyWrcatho dauftePromthissicaLOJAf Nw ccompaniedah, nd bstgirLaurlyn Lidsaelshcco pn a bsimilarnWelhcostume.ar group in Port Hope, to swell their numbers to 11. of Lifloc Eyebright Sam and on JuIy 28tb, they wilI sing at the St. Paulis unit- iraho rms OA3 ohwr nbecet eoepoal ~mbers oo~ par in theparade.TURN TO PAGE TWO) ed Church morning service. Best country lodge, Bailie- ohwr nbccet eoepoal h is emer to' ar i hepaad.boro LOL 853. imobile harem girls in history.

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