r) The Canacdian Statesman, flowmanvllle, .uly 17. 1993 I"Unlty ln Dlversity"l and a H i'. Miss Linda tee Killens NI Mr. CossaboomwobsCokym f1,rnc path ta this objective is steepi lot a.Pie a ooe aNv ibr o ,cousins weeksrth ithyheriee.vi otin i hwM.vstdM.adEne and difficuit. In his travels Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hawes Scotia to visitatrfred. M.nd rsHrldWX throughout the globe Pr es!_-ikins and fMr.andnil' M.wanre s det ahrr sidtht e aduH oul hiby wthMr ad rs C.lndMrssegTas nMa -Ed. Storie Gives Report dnoLharMaidththoha Rn- uk nClassesee MssDroh 'found a world wide respertl o ueadfmlwr isDrtyTpMn-eeîgspe us } amnong Rotarians for the faith' T he Advisory Vocation aIýlater. Personal contacts with Sunday tea guests of Mr. andlreal, visited Mr. adMs a.'r n r.Js mls r In te n ati n alGt a t and culture of other nations. Commttee will seek approvai ýindustry and posters will b-?! Mrs. Earl Luke. Master Rob- Smales on Satura. oy In tern a t o n a l C o n en tio n t, "PresdentLahreturned- home on'BoaMr.oBudh TomlinsonukeardtrnMessrs.onGlen. SmdtT "Preidet Lhary h d u lio-IfNight School v -j _________Sundav afternoon atter spend- jTracy, R.C.A.F. SainTe-Mra e co ne r ened "Unity in Diversity atoa lasse otHo e ing sometime in a Toronto ton, spent the weedwt ebr rsot nikUn lamps of many shapes and High School this October. <T'Hospital. 'Mr. and Mrs. WirdFoeronauncesfltpath R o tar L un heon IV le ting k~e~g diferet ail yet n i~planed tht th cl~i Mises Ssan ndiNnsesIX an DonLaednd foncan extemenry wath. ssaddfeetol e s wil rnneotwo ighe s Mr. loglifScrbr-Macklin and Master Jimmie'Keith, Enfilwr udye asdabubryco all bering te sameflameses wil run ne or wo nigtsMacklinloenelofed some hall-klinsupperd oguests w1ithpeMr.esand and giving the sanie amnount a week from about October oughi, is spending holidays days with their grandparents!Mrs. Fwlr T h e th e m of th e rece nt 'o F rid a v i n th e Fl i ng D utc - f a m ed or iM arist o rieth.nIf a sufgh t w ith th errcd a u g h terfaM rs. wG o r.er ruanderM s.. G o rlh eadr atd M rs.W oE th eld aB u rges shT y - Rotary International Conven-, man Motor Hotel. Mr. Storie,, ion with jazz music as well "The newly electedud ns P-do Tim A inout.r tion held in St. Louis, Miss., the guest speaker, gave an in- as for its operatîc culture. and~ dent of Rotary International PIy for a Course, courses wil! r n r.Le al- M.ad Ms oled ekwt r n r.Br was "Unity in Diversity," Ed.ý formative and interesting ac-I thriving economy.r for 1963-64 is Carl Millerbeoerdi the following wellspnSudy ih Mr. anrvtd Mrs . o and1 Stevens. Storie, immediate Past Gover- count of the great convention.' A total Of more than 11,000) Los Angeles. He spoke in St subjects: For 01Haol,1tle CmpAppliancesnSauda. r.an Ms iior of Rotary District 707, Bernard Holden received a, Rotarians tramn 59 countries Louis of the challenge of the Technical Subjects: A ut o belîford. Mr. and Mrs. Merwin Mount- attended Open Hos«tth hog told the lunchean meeting at, Two Years Perfect Attendance, attended the convention 0or sPace age. He referred ta Mechanics; Drafting, Archi- Mr. and Mrs. Jim Stark and-jywr nPr oeo a-"lmreRs adn"a theBowmanville Rotary Club. Pin. The presentation wasS Rotary International, P a S t Lamb's biography of Alexan- tectural and Mechanical; Blue Ted spent the weekend with r urdav anor t Hoe oendt- BsrookinRCose ______________________made by Bill Coggins. Thel District-Governor Storie saîdl. der the Great in which he Print Reading; Electrical Col,- her brother, Mr. Elwood theay ejd cmig e r and Mrs. Fred ilroy, Phoe 623-330 birhda ofEri Whte asHe added that there were 260 wrote of the conqueror's struction; Machine Shop Prac- Mor thsctaea otBewdley' on Rice Lake. Brighton; Mr. andMsBrc _____________ celebrated by his fellow Ro- Rotarians fromn Canada and1 alarm in discovering that in tice; Sheet Metal Work; Weld- Severn.________________________________ tarians. even 111 tram Japan present advancing fromn one battie ta ing (Arc and Acetylene); Mr. M. Shutka has return-- ______________________ Ross Strike was the winnerj aI the sessions, and remarked the next victory, he and his Bricklaying; Carpentry a ndc ed from the hospital and Mrs. ntof the Football Draw. Guestsr that there were 50 Rotarians men had marched off the then Woodworking; Painting and A. Rogers and famîly spent present a lisunhenoff ter ftheDstic 77.a.pig atth un he n met- hee r m isrct 70. known maps. The space age Decorating; Sewîn; Coing lst week with her mother, II L1~~ Io ing were Colin Sutherland and "The plenary sessions were 'softh a. There are no Personal Development. Ms hta i W. Smith, bath of Whitby, held in Keele Auditorium in sign posts, the future is un-è Cmeca ujcs ye r le a and daugh-1 Ken Demateu, obur, he 'iicCetre awodef1 explored, and astronauts are Cm rcaSujtsTy- ter Helen, Fort Frances. spent 3-iBob MeLellan, Miami, Fla., building in the heart of st. the pioneers of tamorrow." writing, Bshorstaha n esB . Ok the weekend et Mr. Sid Hallo- and Tom Dobbie, Oshawa. Louis. Erie Johnson, ptesident "President Miller urged thekepnBsesMahe. well's. 8 r ~~A. H. Strike introduced the of the Motion Picture Asso- world's Rotarians ta be in- eea ube-:EglsMs A. Dobson Is a patient, guest speaker. He said that ciation of America, and meny spired by the objectives or Mathematics, Mýath e m a tic in Mmra optl .7 5 r.Soi-aspeiet of other famous personages were Rotery International to help (Technical), Mat h emi a t i cS Friends from Cleveland,, the Oshawa Rotary Club i in attendance. ta shape the world's future by (Commercial), I n d ustri a U.S.A., are visiting Mr. andý 195-55 en wa Gveror f "ill Band, Myorofbuilding bridges of friend- Chemnistry (Photography). Mrs .Orme Falls. 195-5, ndwa Gveno of"Wll BantMaorofship from on.onr o n detsn hog ai A presentatian and dance District 707 during the last West Berlin, gave an excel-.te n cut3 aan detsnr hog adi held in Newtonville, Set- No Quiting T...~year. Hsoe of his fine lent speech. He said that Ber- Iner the speaker said. and newspapers is planned foruraevnn fo Mrad NoQ itn ieý eodi sip rtatO- lin is a show place of in-prsdhi appreciation uins Mrs. Ralph Bamsey. During fie r trei o aR-hmntweethe blaod rse hiitôB in s Directory the evening, pictrswr CASH SAVERI You Save 14c! - 4c OfPc on Sevice tary Information and Exten- stained w'all dividing it has the Bowmn le Rtary Club shon of thre wen i RES sin ouseloMr Srie on aml Be prlinutde adgiven him during hsyear ID A (IE ot oe.Teyon cu1 We think of lte job of servies. told the club.. ncldtom ailiestaparin s aas Distrîct-Governo: t . woianI ncPrnte. wTh a oung - VI AA Ing aur clients as a round-the- The guest speaker explain- bustli.ng modern city, no long- George Vice, e past presi- RAY J. 1DILLING part, coffee table and end M I AL H ed that he has been appointed er a desert of ru'bble as il wes dent, moved a vote of thanks Cha rtered Accountant tables. Lunch was served and clock proposition. After ail, one of the 25 Rotary Informe- immediately atter World War t h aIGvmo fDs 93 Church Street ail enjoyed the pleasant even- CASH SAVER! You Save 32c! - 20cOfPak-nsntC fe losses don't limit themselves tion and Extension Counsel- II. toth t or sfne ofDiss.- 623-3861 ing. Mr. and Mrs. Bamsey re- ~m toa -orwoka.I o lors who will serve in Canada Mr. Storie discussed the In- The President, Dr. G. Edwin LEONARD JAMES BROOKS side at the farm formerly E ~ l1 z suifr a worday Ifiouand the United States during tenational Friendship Meet- Mann, also extended his per- Chartered Accountant owned by Mr. Perey Farrow. ~ l~Jr~ . sufraloss...fire inl your 1963-64. Each will have five ings held during the conven- sonal thanks ta Mr. Storie for Accountants - Auditors Shîloh U.C.W. meeting was CHSSA 7home, auto accident, business districts. tion, eech of which was also the splendid accounit he had Trustee ln Bankruptcy held et the church, Wednes- etastraphe. . . you want hlp1H pointed out that vr attended b Rotary ona given cd the Roary Interna- Suite 205W 725-9953 day evening, lest week. Mrs. CASH SAVER! You Save 25c! - 2c OfPc 5o.Tn counellor wiil hold an insti- lion Fellows.. The past Dis- tional Convention. Oshaa_ SoppngenteJhntaran_____Grdo right away. You'il get just thati tute, or sem.inar, in each of trict-Governor said that he ________chrgefthe___o Q~i you place your protection his five districts, which will bas much pride in the fact MJ.HCOGN tional portion with the presi- program in our bands. be attended by the presidenîs, that ail Rotary Clubs in Dis- II7P1T Cherteredf Accountant dent, Mrs. Carl Todd in charge (H U M D O G FO O O $ bulletin editors, and cbairsnen .rc 77wre10 e enTn YlRONE Second Floor o h business. Il wes decid- CS A E'YuSv 71-Coc ult 0o.Tn of the Rotary Information surit of7he Rot0pry Fon- iri ew Library Building ed ta serve a bot turkey din- CAHSVR oSae1c-Ch commttee, frm asRuppordtioftduRing ary62-63 CCor. King & Temperance Sts. ner eryi o.Ms .Ti ~ Clubsin eeach rema Rtrdto urn 92-3 ongratulations to the Ty-i Phone 623-3612 gaeta readingv.s nd.e Bibl rlusMn Soe saeda t n "This means that eech mem-1 rone Fife and Drum Band ongaetordisanaBbl be av tles $0t t if n Du Bn n a. & COMPANY Jh h aies jiiLMER CREAM O N 6 $ .STUARBT RL route ta the Rotary Interna- brgv tlat$1 atewnigth u o h el A RELNE ohneStak. cenduceys. tionai Convention in St. Louis, Foundeation for ils scholarship !ifehandeDrurBand onnPar he ndbi wfeha vsiedwork. Your club is nearîy a ede et Port Hope on Salur- Charterecl Accauntantou cargAsevedlunh. Ril You Save 2c! - New! nr ucg .-o Ts headhi iehdvstdThe services et Shiloh CAS SVE! t- JAMES ix i Districl-Governor Tom Dun- 300 per cent ane for the Ro-dy Licensed Trustee in Bankruptcy be et Il: 15 for the next two' cen Reid in Kentucky, and tary Foundation. I want ta In lest week's Issue of The Cnda INURNC R A ETAE ingtersa hr e~pytiuet ereVc o Statesman an errer in the Ty- 64 King St. E. 728-7371l Sundays. f y 5 l ~ Cnda tak<en ta see several horse bis outsîanding work as chair- I'one news read: "Robert Rus-___saOnri___ I ELI Style B :Xing St. E. Bwmanville am tevingto. ioyCmmife. chol ou trogh hebi-.- MH -IT inih cinity of Lex- m h itrit Fauda-sehltuded he Bte hsa MON ETHL MO.T HAMPTON CASH SAVER! You Save 12c! - Buy 1 Gt1Fe!Tî ak2 z office Residencet The speaker bold of bis ar- The speaker tld of the toric Barnum House." In facl,t 135 SRIceHSt. N.COhw :à2-581 23549 rvalin St Luis te tad- wndrfu pogrm.of ntr-the young man who accom- Ch artered Accountants Mrs. Harry Appleton, Wbit- ioa gateway to the wesl," tainmenl for~ the delegates.penied the party and pleyed 728-7527* by, spent e week with Mr. and __ __ __ __ __ __ fthe adadCladpaoPrnes r.RlhBlad is MR LIQ U ID D ETE GN 9 whic isnowa hge ctyAmwer e faured swares l o fth group was Robin Rus- Hon. J. W. Monteith, F.C.A.j Sleeman, Whilby, also vîsited Treatuewrd rnws n sep- of Cobourg, who was "onl A. B. Monteith, B. Com., C.A. et the Ballard home. era dive, and many others.fomheCbugSn G. W. Rielil, C.A., R.I.A. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Chant -, * tinel-Star as a guide. , (Licensed Trustee) visited bis father Mr. Stanley ~eiuy~ice N e F IG DAIE as erSouthern hospitality was Lest week the TB Chonie,, G. E. Trethewey, C.A. i Chant, Toronto, and wereVau Chc' Brde New F IGID IRE ashe typfiedby th man Peole sonsoed b the urha and R. F LiC.A.o, C.Andayayeveningsupesupper t who enterlained the visiting Northumberland Health Unit,! LO BROS with Mm. and Mrs. Jack Car- soaks, was es automatcally! 'iRotariens in their homes, Mr. was completed in Tyrane' WLO &ChO itro Trno Store bold the meeting. "Betty .Mrs. L. Annis, Area Surveyi Cartemed Accountants rVer neChononlo. B L ADe and I were guesîs at a 1,000 Chairman, wishes 10 thank ail 114 King St. East, Oshawa, Ont,'. er nebeCanttent the acre fruit farm, and were giv- those warkers who assisted in Partners: some boat races. en a memorable time." en wyfrtirnees Ronald P. D. Wilson, C.A. M.Ro Chnsente He spoke of the Rotary In- and enthusiastic co-operalion. G. Edmond Burrows, C.A.weenwihM.ad rs tenational Pesident's ReceP- These include ail the visitors Phone 728-7554 Gordon Chant et their cottage. tion and BaIl, the ouldoor in Long Sauit, Tyrone, Bethes-- Mrs. Rultan, Gravenhurst, opera in Forest Park, fashion de, Salem and Providence !hw o h ais n a;te CiîcAsitnt; h r o p r a c IiC Is spending some hoiidays with4 9 show fo thelades, nd ares; he Cini Assstats; 14. and Mrs. Percy Dewell. trip Up the vast Mississippîj and speciel chairmen of com- G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. 't Mrs. H. Tink, Lamne, Hembie galeres an d erw e eoard W. Par, Mrs. . Gile, Mrs.Ofie Chiropractor rland Neil Tink, Saline, were Specially Selected - Value Checked -FrRatn ýgats ad teir ive abaýd'Sunday supper guesîs wilh a six decked steamer. Th s AW. HarveanMrs. . G bbsr. 1OfEfince: or f ore SMr. and Mrs. Percy Dewell shi hd 38-fotdece Mm. and Mrs. W. Park visit- Phone 623-5509 and family. floor, he said. edM.adMs .WliOfieHus yApitet r.T .SeoEns "Tehglgt fteR- Canninglon. killen, wilh ber niece, Ms. H O R T .R IB5 "Thehîghightofte TRed ToMr. Cubnd M rs.G.Wiis, Offi e o ns:Byappitet Ms .1.SeoEns tary Internatioal Convention TeTp lbeîrandf Benson, Saskatoon. visited RED OR BLUTE BRAND - BONELESS ROILE was the address given by1lthe Oshawa Tops Club at a .ei i wilh Mrs. T. S. Mountjoy one S O L E r B E Natish Laharry, BombayIn- euchre perty Tuesday night a', DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.,S. attemnoon recently. dia, the retiring InternaionalBethesda col 5Kn t.E omni'Mm. and Mrs. Femnandez andSH U ER oB EFT Wlb 57 Prsdni hc esiiKalhy, Heather and Eliza-Offie Hors: Toronto, visited Mms. FRB BEUSO ATL VS 'Rotary will be Rotary so long beth Perry, Toronto, are hall- 9 ar.. b 6 p.m. daily 'Niddery and Miss Mary Nid-, FRBREUSO ETLAE as il remains a homogeneous' daying with Mr. and Mrs. A.1 Ciosed Saturday and Sunday1 dery. Ms onCr-IA Mod.I international organiz a Il1 o n.'Anderson and children. 1 fiePoe 2-70 Mr. aî~nd Mrs JBEFhHUn res M ncd b.55 W)c.63 r Without this Il would lose its iMr. Roy Harness and Mm.ý House Phone - Newcastle 35511 gan, Mr. and' LLA.M.IIes world vinHamness left Monda.v, ---[ot n m .L.Pecî,NILD SEASONED Only when 1, a citizen of In- 1for their home aI Glen Ewen. ... .. called on Mr. and Mrs. J. S.E dia, can understend the prob-i Saskatchewan, afler visiting Ofc nhshm Eddyvean, Orono, on Sunday! lems~ of people elsewhere, e-i relatives here.Ofien shoevnngTR NPU E O K spect their beliefs and way 0f: Mrs. V. E. Milison isvst 100 Liberty St. N., Bowmanviiie M,.ending.Sm ewl life, do I attain full stature as, ing Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Webbj Office hone23-60 visiîed Mr. and Mms. Edgar a Rotarian,' the head Of Ho-1 Leeside. HoursnHoaet their cottage et Wil- Intrnaionl or 962 Ms. Pidly, borhil, 9 asdem. ta 6 p.m. daily 'liam's Point. Save 4c! - (ondensed 15-oz. Tins S.v 0 Bn1s hLe ~i e New 12.1b. capacityl 13, said. Bw- Mrs. Birch, Mrs. J. Bel, rs1 D.1 F CTMrND.a nd onald,.CB.r, isited Mr.Strietod te ow-H.Merer Orno weeWR. dnesdCTTA -SuD. m.and nlM org, . ilcox Bnli- rand MILK 29ceO P R K I é Cleans clothes inside- and out! manville Rotariens that Pre -,lin cm Or naq wcme even-fice ,rq irn14oruf ~ adchlàma Ms En hiip' Phones: Office ma2u13-e5ey6v8id Mrs. R. numa, and Miss Jean Philp enjoyed a Residrne 623-555.3 Miss il Pole rOshna wa SV l S T AB R I S 4 holiday near Seult Ste. MareHoDGîNS & BONNYCASTLE spent a few days with be ihîe adc 4oz. pk. STRAW BERRIES 4and6 Jenelille, on Sunay. Islands and isied Mnituhinlslnds Barristers, Solicitors. aunl Mns. John Lyons. S VN S O j lest week. Pbpatcdd4 Notaries Public Mm. and Mrs. George Tomp- Mr.En Pipatedd1 rakS.BomniJeknad oTrot.M ISH & CHIPS 59c(A thr: Veimeulan -Tukkeîrwd------- - kn n oTrno mîHAT n EUYmD ANigoDStra t hty E. RICHARD LOVEKIN Îand Mrs. Ait Nicholson, St. Frozen-Freh - I nSaMrs. Jean A ibnawj B.A., LL.B. 'Catharines; Mns. Art Tomp- Supreme 2-lb. Economy Bat ! teacbing Chid Evangelism 1 Bemister. Solicitor kins and son, Toronto; Ma-s u e.7e JhmnT KigS.E. Newcestle, Ige Hoiroyd and son, Toronto, c ~I( BAB ODR 9 4 near Bobcaygeon lest week. in Phone 2246 iwere here for the surpriseý FANCY PEASR 49e -Jhno' Bti Mm. and Mrs. W. Roy et- H Re0WdSt itde at orMsOg Glen Rae W HIPPED (REAM l'tended a surprseparty aithe HWus: -5:30- et., -1 rthypkins, ford att:homeSuflspufl CREAMB27c Rg9!Jbsn' e.P Trhe entire famnily wi'iiireally go for this obetrday cagr evei ng s rMsTmkisH]ry seasonai treat . . . Strawberries and P hffr arpe(r 40dh we- Phone 1 r U.Mr. and Mms. George Hol Fresh Bakd ORkgcf 6Eeg 5e e. 9! eta cim Le.Tb Whipped Cream. GLEN RAE WHIPPING oz-, ding anniversamy. iFinst Mortgae Fn iie d oy .and MilSceuhd ONO 1NEMCOLATRe-* 9 __ ~. . Horod r ndelo ndMrs. Percy MaCoy spent a Residences - Ferma iieMmanMm rd41 CREAM m nakes ail desserts teste better. w3 5 day hat week with Mr. and' Business Properties r Mrs .Fred Hl Mm S.Dn uIIEKflIIIIJ HAMPOO- Botte - Re Mns. N. Cox et Burieigh Feils.1- Momîgage Loans !r iday, Holigeroy m nA un e s4a of a.7e_ akd 9 arDean 4 A dIspeedv nccovery la Mm.1 Prompt, courteous service lion. fioigtervc BAt 1. VAM-TbirBti 9 Gadn White. He suffered a HAROLD C. PEDWELL The Explorer Girls ere SLIIEUD BREAD A21 j heart atîack and l in Bow-' Real Estale and spending e week eit Camp Pre- Orersoe rm yurmik aesantoaAo manvîlle Memorial Hosp ital. Motgage Broker tarie, near Columbus. - ~~ Marge Murphy holidaycdNecsl Phone 3858 Miss Canal Sopka, Bowman-Prcsfetietth itdRd&WteodSte ny w'th hemr grandmoîher, Mrs. vilie, and Mn. Ross Farrow.' rcsefcieattelse e PuHONE 623m,.5444 , .wurhy Op o m e r y1r tamkville, visited Mr. andMA E 1U ARE ** Grv !.Mmr. end Mms. E. A. Virtue _______ _r s. Deve Lapham an Sun-' LE N RA E DA~~ I RY viited Mrs. C. Shaw and IKEITH A. BILLETT7OY îday. Le:ieColacotonCOROIS'S MART** *.*uon Ralph. Oshawa. lI tometrist i Deepest sympathy is ex-ý G LEN RÀ&E D À& IRY weekend with ~~~Mrn. Office Hours: By appointmentan r.LsiColctn CO NS M RE W.Rahm, Telephone 623-3252 thé déath of their brother, Mn. 98 King st. W. Bowmanville Mrs. WaltedRabm ras' Mon. - Tues. - Thurs. - FrL Wm. Westake, whose fun PR ' Et9W UE*-*-M1 S. Rodman. Mrs. E. C. Ashtoni' Thursday evnns hghyeseedaabuissI~ L IV1M ue ovue [ 1d&&I -and Mrs., Ira Travail, Oshawa. Wed. and St.- 9 - là 'zm and as a friend.