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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Jul 1963, p. 8

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The Canadian Statestnan, Igowrianville, July 17, 1088 SPORTropcs B> IFrank Mohun 9123-72341 MEN'S SOFTBALL PLAYOFFS The Men's Town League playoffs got underway this week with Stephen Fuels meeting Nichois' Motors Tuesday nlght in the first of a best of five senti-final serles. To- night (Wednesday), Ken's Men's Wear embark on defence ci the champianship against Bill's Billiards and the followIng night Stephen's and Nichols' go at It again. Someane was asking this reporter who we would pick to take the titie, but lt's a mighty tough chore. Nichols wound up onl top, Ken's are the current champs, Stephen'a, have a good club, with a fine bench and Bill's have reallyi corne on strong in the last two weeks. While we're tempted riot to go out on the 11mb, that's just what we are supposed ta do - so Stephen Fuels will upset the Motors, Ken's will edge Bill's, bath in close series and the crystal bahl says Fuela in six to capture the championship. Don Bagneil went one for three and two for four last week, a pair of doubles and a home run to wln the battlng charnpionship with a lofty .425 average. Don's heavy hltting also gave hlm the R.B.I. crown with 13. Ted Dadson was the home run king, swatting four circuit clouts. t t t BUSY STATISTICIAN Gerry Mari errison was a pretty busy fellow lest week, compiling a complete resume of league statistie for the Statesman. Another of aur top assistants, Ted Fairey, is back from bolldays and ready ta report the playoff action. Ted willl also look after the publicity for the newly formed juniors. Atip o h hat to these guys who are making the men's softball reports more interesting for aur readers. t i. t t t N.H.L. ALL-STARS HERE SATURDAY Saturday nlght will be hockey nlgbt ln - no that's flot IL But we are going to have some pretty fair hockey play- ers in town, that evenIng, only, insteed of skates, they'Ul be wearing spikes- and they are pretty good at thet too. Tt will be the N.H.L. Ail-Stars -vs. Bowmanville Junior "B's", six o'clock Saturday, in what promises ta be a top softball attraction et the Memorial Park. Lest year a huge crawd ettended when the Town League AUl-Stars took on the N.H.L.'ers and It is expected an even larger audience will be there, Saturday night. The N.H.L. raster includes Eddie Shack, Billy "Hlnky' Harris, Bob Pulford, Bob Baun, Timp Horton, Bob Nevin, Charlie Burns, Cal Gardner and Rod Seiling. We have been assured that Sheck, who showed up after the game was over, last summer, will definitely be on hand for this one. Harris, Pulford and Horton will be mak- Ing their first softbaîl appearance here. as will Seiing. Rod , althougb not an N.H.L. star, is the former Elmira juvenîle, who performed ln three or four games with the Leafs and stili bas at least two years of Junor "A" left. We namned most of the newly-formed junior rosIer, a couple of weeks beck, but ns a reminder, some of the players are: Bill Osborne, John Twist, Don Bagneil, John James, Terry Black, Alex Wiseman and Ray Crombie. Don't forget ta support the Bawmanvllle Kinsmen, sponsors of the game, by attending the carnival, after the' softball exhibition is over. î t t t i. JEFF SHINES, TOO Lest week, in Bits and Pieces, Jeff Gilbooley's niame was Inadvertently omitted fram the golf news. Jeff, pleyinir at Peterborough in the B3antam qîîalifying round for the provinciaI title, shot a good 94 round, winning himself four ballsaendi third place for his efforts. We were surprised that Bob James didn't make HIt n the Junior division. A tip of the bat ta Deve Kerr who pleced second ta qualîfy, and btter golfing next time, Bob. + t t + MIXED ? TWO-BAL.L FOURSOME Saturday evening, this Scribe enjoyed playing lna snixed two-ball foursame end afterwards, another fine mem- bers' dance out at the Bowmanville Golf Club. A report by Ted Fairey appears elsewhere in the sports section. Our foursome was slightly different, includlng Bob Watt, Wes Toman and Doug Grant. Seems as though, due to a scarcity of ladies, a couple of guys had to don dresses, Actually, we heard the "ladies" were suppased ta be Bol and yours truly. As we always wear shorts, and Watt always razzes us, it was a natural, so, of course the ladies were Grant and Tomari, and they did look nice, toa. W. encountered another cute twosome on the fairways, none other than (Miss) Ken Sumersford and Club Champ Jack Jarvis. Bab and Wes shot a 413, inciuding parring the eighth, which is pretty fair golf. t~ t t t t IN THE MILLAR Former Bowmanvil golf pro Tan Turner, now of Peterborough, la ta be congratulated on his showing in the~ Pillar trophy tournament in Toronto. He shot a 75 to qualif.v and then was nosed out, one up. Better luck flexi tine, Ian. NEW LOW PRICED "OYSTER" ROLEX GENE VA TUE WORLB"S FINEST WATE9PI900F WRISTWATCU at a new low price. Rolex presentb ail exclusive berîes o! TUDO.B 'OYSTER" models. Not just waterproof, the patented Tudor "QYSTER" is guarantced SWIMPRUF! Sec this new serica and other Rolex or Tudor "QYSTER" models nowv. Se for yourself that there is a difference . . that the worid's fineat waterproof watch is stili fthe "OYSTER" b,ýp Rolex of Genevi. HOOPER'eS JEWELLERY & GIFT SHQP 29 KING ST. E BOWMANVILLE In the final game of the schedule between Ken's Men's Wear and Nichols' Motor Sales last week, this incident provoked considerable controversy. Ken's hurler Pat Corneil came in to cut off runner Paul Mutton and they collided, with the lighter Mutton flying through the air. However, he made it home because the bail was retrieved from the ground too late to tag him out. Photo shows that Corneli was not blocking the base line as several players ciaimed. Ken's won the ganie. New Golf ing Attire Takes Over ýy tt !S e -Mik e Harrison Hurt in Gamne At Port Hope Mike Harrison, star right- handed pitcher and aIl round player of the Part Hope On. tarios basebail team, is restlng comfortably in hospital et Peterborough efter havlng been opereled an for a bad intestinal lijury suffered In Saturdey's exhibition game with Toronto Fermac Printers et the Town Park. In the fou.rth irning. Mike laid down a nice sacrifice bunt which was bobbled mo- mentarily by thec visiting first baseman. The latter recover- ed and tbrew ta the second baseman covering and bath bail and runner arrived et the same lime xvhere there was a collision. Neither oliyer went down and Hiarrison camie out In the fifth to strike out the sie In rotation. In th)e sixth, pain forced hinri froni the mound andi en- route home with his father,j a furtier attack camne on and! he was laken ta the dactnr' and rushed to Peterborough. The operation was pe-r1ormedý Sunda ' vafternoon. It was thri fou rth se n ou s i niury suffered hv the O-ntarios tbis scason toi. Lose to Port Hope Bowman v 111 e McQueen's failod in a bld ta catch league- leading Port Hope, dropplng a 12-6 Durham Ladies Softball tilt, Mondey night in Part ,Soccer Hi - Lites With league-heading Cour- tice Idle, Saline was tripped up lni a bld ta, close the gep, when Ham-pton won 3-0 Wed- nesday nlght, handing the runners-up only their second setback. ZMon moved Into a second place deadlock, on the strength of a 3-0 shutout vie- tory over Salem. Both clubs won Saturday, Zion whipping Meple Grove 3-0 end Solina earning a 2.0 decision over Tyrone. In other earlier mid-week. action, Bowmanville Hooper's Jewellers went dorwn to their ninth consecutive defeat, bow- lng 1-0 to Meple Grove. Maple Gro*ve extended their junior lead ta two points, Thursday night, defeetlng En- aiskillen 3-1. Zion downed Bowmanville 5-1 ta cllmb in- ta the runner-up position. Courtice and Tyrone battled ta a 1-1 tie ta round out the action. Senior Standings G.P. W. L. T. Courtice ...... 9 9 0 O 18 Zion........... 9 6 1 2 14, Saline ........ 10 6 2 2 14! Hampton .... 1 5 4 1 jjf Little did Ken Sumnersford realize that when he date. -Gutidle. Maple .Grave. ý10 4 5 k agreed to enter the mixed golf tournament at South- Syale.....1-----932 view on Saturday evening, he would be required to Sowalem l 9 20f9 don this outfit. It seemns there was a shortage of Juniors Sta rt Bomnie O9 ladies so Ken, along with several other men, f illed in Junior Standings for the females. Somne of the girls provided instruc- Semi - Finals G.P. W. L.1 lion on the method of donning the dress and Ken went Maple Grave 8 6 1 ealong with the gag by rolling up his trousers to com- On Monday, July 151h, the Zion .......... 7 5 1 cplete quite a "fetching" outfit. He is shoxvn here first garne of the semi-finals B.T.S.......... 7 4 1 tdriving off the firsî tee. No report was submitted on between Ellis Shoe Store and Saline ........ 6 4 1 Sarn's Finer Foods eaded witb Courtice. ..... 7 2 4 whether his gaine improved or flot. Ellis decating Sam's 7-4. Enniskillen .. 7 1 3 Sam's scored the first runs la Hampton ...6 2 41 - I the bottom of the first, but Tyrone ....... 7 O 4 In A tio atKins en arnvalEllis came back in the third Bowmenville 7 0 5 ta lie the score 2-2 on singles In Action ai runsmen earnivaiLON G SAULI 4 I again, 'coring ane in the 4th on a home run by Ted Bates. Mr. and Mrs. John Va . ~ Ellis added two more in the and family altended the .5th on a single by Brown and ange parade in Part Hop a borne run by Crossey. Their Saturday and vlsited f: final two ruas were in the and relatives ln theV 7th on a single by Brown, bi,; worth district. second of the aight, and a MradMs.ASt home run by Osborne. and family, Bowman Webster struck out five and were Sunday dînner gues allowed three bits to become Mr. and Mrs. David CrE the winniag pitcher. Forsey, the losing pitcher, allowcd 10 Mrs. Clair Blows, West bits and struck ouI 2. visited Mrs. A. J. MeLa The big hitters for 'Ellis from Tuesdey to, Frida: were Ted Brown with 2 sing- lest week. les, AI Heffman with a single Heather McLaggan lefi and a double. Credit also goes urday morning ta spe. to AI Osborne, Ted Bates and week et Camp Pretoria Bill Crossey who eech bit 8 Tyrizne Explorer girls. home rua. Footaoles: This Is the start- Club 50 ladies were on Ing of the semi-finels, with a Tuesday evening, July 9t double header gaing on Sun- make the guided tour thr day, July 201h; gamne times the Bowmanville Museum I P.m. and 3 p.m. Wetch for the beautiful gardens. C the advertisemeat of the through the museum brc games nt the four corners. back many memories of1 Sec yop et the bail park. ta graridma and grandpa alden deys. We then car, Tyrone end were entertE Oshawva and District et the home of Mrs. Gus1 Ladies' Jr. Softbail League vear for the business and ciel part of our meeting. Team Standings aident Mrs. Devey condt the business which wes r Don. Feming n W. L y plans for caterlng In Marin lec. . ....... 0near future. Bible reedirl Merln Elc......* OMn. Pertrier and devoti Kihpatrick Plumbing yMsJakohtn (Bawm.) 5 3 vby Mrs. Jack JohAton Oshawa West Side ..... 4 2 metingaly .Giv en A Brooklyn Ladies .....3 mein4tMr.G Industriel Tools 2 5 phy's, witb Mrs. Sophie County Matons vecs and Mrs. Doris B When the N.H.L. Al Stars mreet Bowmanville's (Wbitby)............. 1 as program convenons. IV Junir Al-Sars bisSatrda aI p utMemrialFutre ame ing closed ln usuel ma Junir Al-Sarsthi Saurdy a 6 .m.at emoial FuureGam s d a social time was enj Park, well known, rugged Bobby Baun of the Toronto July 16 - Oshawa West Sd byail. Those with "F'lowe Mape Laiswill be one of the visitors' players. The, et Bowm. Kîlpatrick Plum., 1 the Month" quiht blocký balgme wvil1 1be the feature attraction of the local! Central School. 1 you have them flnisbed, July 17 - Kilpatrick Plurn. quilt committee wouhd ap Kinsnien Clubs annual carnival. Bring the kiddies1 (Bowm.) et Oshawa West claIe it if you cen bringt to see their hockey stars in action! i Side, Bethe Park. Ito, the August meeting. 2 W0 0 6i i 5' O 01 T. Pts. 1 13 i Ill 2 101 1 5 0 4 f 3 3 2 2 raneykl ie Or- ipe on trends Wark-1 Hope. The win sent the front runners four points up on the: Llocals, virtually locking Up the' pennant.i McQueen's, who have been playing excellent baIl lately, came up with their worst ef- fort of the seasan, mnakingý seven errors ta make Port Hope's victory easy. Shirley Brock beld the leaders ta seven safeties, while Judy Wall allowed il hits, but Port Hope had only seven jmiscues. Evelyn Conneil with three and Judy Wall and Ruth Fen- ton, a pair of base-knocks, ac- counted for aU the homnesters hits. Hazel Donaghue paced Me- Queen's with three, Gwen Hol- mes, Peggy Heynes and Anna- belle Stephens, eech picking G-OODWILýL Bantams Split Pair Bowmanville Bantam Leg- ;8-' la 1h. voun'ty townld lonnaires split a pair of game nesday night and bounctnk lest week, bowing ta Cobourg, back ta defeat Port Hope -' in Bowmanville, Thursdy. Pf W ÉRé flrOnid Way Rendel clouted a ed a strong gs Cob urg 4 W striking out i hitter here, cc The Bowmanvllle Legion double and sii Pee Wee Ail Stars enterteined Cobourg Rayais at Vincent Massey field, Wednesday, July ~ lOth , in an excîting and hard fought contest. Bowmanville emerged the victor 4 ruas ta 2. The RoyaIs earned a single run in the flrst i.nning and one more ln the sixth while the Legionnaires in typical fashion garnered 3 runs in the, = initial framne and added a final'- run ln the sixth. Thompson went the distanceý for the Rayais ta strike out' j13 batters but pitched a steadv' gamne after he survived a 4 bit first inning outburst. Rob- son on the mound for the locals, after a very shaky, start, settled awAy to creat& a splendid pitchers' duel strik-1 5T ing out 10 Rayais. ac Ifle Thompson with a doublel and Livingston with a single, If you werc t, collected Cobourg's anly hits.' children were si Larry Devitt with 2 singles, you flot want1 and Alan Calver with a home'!on in their oi run led the locals' attack.1 thcv have este] Kim Rogers, Randy Donoghue,j rots? Let mc Mike Bothwell and Peuh Par-SuLies o ry ail with singles in the ini- SnLf'Mo tial stanza completed the Policy will sale Bawmanville offensive punch, for those you la, The line scores show Bow- mnanville with 4 runs, 7 hits» BANNER 2 walks an-d 3 errars; Cobourg! Phone 2 runs, 2 bits, 5 walks and 3114 Rehder Avi errors. The final league game is scheduled for Monday, Julyl 15th. at Cobourg. Playof f dates xiii be published whený available. te On Saturdav, July 20th. hý Bowmanville Lýegion PeeWees journey to Uxbridge ta parti-~ cipate in the Legion Zone' Playoffs. We ail wish the es of luck ta the boys. i __________ Aduits - 50c mme for the win. 4 batters. vart was the top llecting a triple, dngle. (Owner? to die while eo stili Young, wogld them ta continue own home where ablished so, many le tell you ho* nutage Protectioan eguard yaur home ove. PASSANT 623-3258 7e.,Bomnil SUN LIP? ASSURANCO' COMPMyI OP CýANADA. MEMORIAL ARENA BOWMANVILLE Telephone 623-5728 PUBLIC SKATING FRIDAY, JULY 19 8 p.m. ADMISSION - Childrn - 36e 1961 PONTIAC PARISIENNE 2-DR. HARDTOP Spotless ermine white finish with beautiful red trini. Accessories include: automatic transmission, custom radio, white wall tires and a host of other complementary equiprnent. 1961 PONTIAC PARISIENNE CONVERTIBLE V-8, automatic, power steerlng, custom radio. Gleamlng blacK, finish, spotless condition. 1961 CHEV. IMPALA 4-DR. HARDTOP V-8, automnatie with power steering and brakes, padded dash, customi radio, white wall tires, wheel discs, windshield washers. Ebony black with red and white trim. Real sharp! 1961 PONTIAC LAURENTIAN 4-DR. V-8, automnatie, power steering and brakes. Exceptionally good condition. 1960 PONTIAC PARISIENNE CONVERTIBLE Finished in beautiful sapphire blue with matching trini, aut- matic transmission, customi radio. Fully inspccted by our service department and ready for your simer fun! 1960 CHEV. IMPALA 2-DR. HARDTOP Autornatic, customn radio, padded dash. Erniine white wlth custoni red trim. New white wall tires. 1959 CHEVROLET IMPALA 4-DR. HARDTOP V-8 engine, autoinatie transmission, custom radio, power brakes and power steering. A sharp, locally owned good automobile. See this car! 1959 PONTIAC PARISIENNE CONVERTIBLE Autornatic, custom radio, wlndshield washers, Real sharp, dlean car! 1955 CHEVROLETS AND PONTIACS Several te choose fromn at varioug prices. AS 1S SPECIALS 1959 PONTIAC 2-DR. Stratochief, V-8, with radio, good body, needs some adjustment $899 1955 BUICK 4-DR. Equipped with white walls, radio $9 1956 STUDEBAKERS Two to choose froma. Each ______ 1952 PONTIAC $149 Complete with floor sb4ft. Bargain ~$9 ri the, ig by~ tional, were g u I Mur- Ko-: 3akeri Mveet. anner1 Ioyedýl rer of1 sif 166 KING : o pIpre.ý S.K6339 themi 1 -i 0 a 0

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