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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Jul 1963, p. 10

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10 heCd1 an Statesman, Bowmanvllle, July 24, 198 HAMPT3ON Edi'cor's Note: It is with, Many former residents of i conducted bus tour, sponsored Ilincere regret that we advise j Hampton were in the village1 by the Rowe Travel Agency, Hfampton readers that Mrs. A.] or te happy event.i Por't Hope. The tour goes by W. Prescott has notified The1 Miss Winnie Cole, Toronto,1 way of the Western United St&tesman of her decision to! called on Mrs. A. W. Prescottl States to Seattle, Washington, Rtive ut) writing +he village ý recently. arnd returns via Canada. correspondence, effective the, Mrs. M. Heard visîted Mrs.! Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Ad- eanfcn ofjobly.rShe as dne a A. W. Prescott last Tuesday'1 cock visited Mr. and Mrs. Bill maniicnjo or threyas fepat afternoon, and a pleasant timne Harrison, Coiborne, on Thurs- tngwe orntreyeaspaioftenri was spent reniiniscing about 1 day of last week. @hll wen in ryte pain. We school days at S.S. No. 10,1 Mr. and Mrs. Sid Cornish 'Dshaff aneeorressnlosebr omBethesda. and family, Tyrone, visited on our af and o epresson our On Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. thehah! an of bHamponailKenneth Caverly attended the Geo. Armour and Miss Bertha the esient of amponWoodburn-Fennell wedding in Armour. igreat a~preciation o! ber e!- j St. Margaret's Çhurch, New Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Sim, Ajax, the VillagetwhreISno e w i Toronto. The bride is a niece Mr. and Mrs. Ed Blake and Ing to carry o lderwio! Mr. Caveriy. Ble Lyn, Maple Grove, visited Mr. plese ontct he ditr. ville, attended the W. I. 60th Sundày. Mrs. Fred Honey, Port Crý-' Birthday party, and was an Sunday visitors with Mr. dit, spent several days with overnight guest with Mr. and and Mrs. John Carrigan were Mrs. T. S. Mountjoy, and at- Mrs. Kenneth Caverly. Mr. and Mrs. J. Kessler, Tor- tended the Womnen's Institute' Mr. Aylmer L. Prescott lft ýonto, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar 60th Birthday Party. on Monday on a three-week 1r'~~+~ ~Afr 4 HERE'S A WONDERFUL VACATION IDEA Take a five-day Great Lakes Cruise from $90 Return. Enjoy summer 3ports and telaxation by day ... dancing or promenading by night un board the S.S. "Keewatin" or S.S. "Assiniboja." GREAT LAKES CRUISE Sailing Wednesday and Saturday from Port McNicoll ta Fort William June8th ta September 4th. Boat train ieaves Toronto 12:01 P.M. E. S.T. the day of sailing. Fuit information from any Canadian Pacific Ticket Office or your travel agent. bert Prescott, Roger and Erin, ail from Enfield, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Prescott and Mr. A. L. Prescott. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bal- son, Ginger, Tony and Greg spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Geza Jankovich at their cottage on Georgian Bay. Mr. and Mrs. Burrows visit-I ed on Sunday evening withl Mr. and Mrs. Eric Phillips, North Oshawa. Miss Agnes Broadfoot, New York, spent two days with her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Carrick. On Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. Tom McLaren and Mr. and Mrs. Urquhart and son Bob, Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. Carrick. On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Chcatbam, Oshawa, took Mr. and Mrs. Carrick out ta din- ner at Port Perry. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ballard and daughters visited Mr. and Mrs. Harry Appleton, WhItby, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Chant a- tended the Chant-Clark wcd- ding at Lakefield on Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. John Malette, C'resswell, visitcd Mr. andj Mrs. Hugh Coutts on Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Smith, Ajax, also visitcd Mr. andý FINE QUALITY MONUMENTS AND MARKERS (~4 Look for thts m»W. t,,ym *k *uant.. of perma"Mue. aF TAFFORD ~V BROS. LTD. eA #L .duthorized Dealr Stafford Brothers LIMITED I , Monuments - Box 133 318 Dundas St. E. Whltby Phone Wbitby .....Mohawik 8-3552 TREWHAVEN CONSIGNMENT SALE Thursday, AugustI1sf 1963 - 7:00 p.m. To be TZIUVI AMIf hedatTE&IIV E AML mrhich is on the Scugog Road 15 miles north of Bowmanville and %/ mile south of Blackstock or 7 miles egst of Port Perry via Highway 7A. 150 WE OFFER PURE BRED .50 HEAD HOLSTEIN CATTLE HEAD We are offering a useful group of Fresh and Springlng Young Cows and 2-year- *lds, as well as a number of Yearlings and Calves for Cal! Club prospects i both senior and Junior classes. Don't Miss This Opportunity to Purchase Your Cal! Club Calf. ACCREDITED - VACCINATED - BLOOD TESTED The majority are rcady for immediate export. Ail cattie tested or eligible to enter Iisted or certlfied area herds. NEXT SALE WILL BE HELD AUGUST 29th Auctioneer: HOWARD TREWIN, Blackstock. vu - I ýmon brand new NEW HOLLAND haying equipment- '~5"BALER __ $45O §Mg. $1730.00 - NOW MID-SUMMER CLEARANCE PRICES ON OTHER HAYING EQUIPMENT Nover a better time to buy than NOW-so drop in today 1 nd see these bargains!1 MORTON'S FARM SUPPLY LTD. Phone 623-2279 Shorthorn Field Day at 0.A. C. These young ladies were chosen as the nine semi-finalists for the On- Shorthorn Lassie Competition for 1963 at the Ontario Shorthorn Field Day at the Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph. The girls were chosen on basis of personality, showmanship and 4-H achievements. The Ontario SI horn Lassie for 1963 will be selected from these nine girls at the Royal Wi Fair in Toronto in November. Shown above, from left to right are: Car Martin, Phelpston; Charlotte Smith, R.R. No. 6, Guelph; Janet Aitken, No. 3, Acton; Doreen Crawford, R.R. No. 4, Glencoe; Joan Pegelo, Cai Mrs. Cyril Munford, Hampton, Preside nt; Lîla Black, R. R. No. 1, Belgrave; W. H. Merry, Milton, Secretary; Linda Sturgis, R. R. No. 4, Wallaceburg;1 Trimble, foreground, Orangeville, Present Ontario Shorthorn Lassie; La] MacPherson, Argyle, and Barbara Mauzhan, Cold Springs.1 itario held ithe ýhart- 'inter o1yn R.R. ,rgill; Mrs. Anne raine Coutts is holidaying wih r 25 Mile Race and Mrs. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Harry AsTopton, Judy, who had been visitingi Roberta Coutts. Miss Roberta1 Coutts is now spending someI n Action on Saturday, JuIy 27' holidays with Miss Judy As1i- MOr. and Mrs. Sam Dewell Ait Oshawa Shopping Centre 1 and Mr. and Mrs. John Mac-I nab were guests at the Mas-1 It was announced today that Their efforts backcd by those ters-McCullou.gh wedding heàd the 6th Annual 25 Mile Bi- of Di Luca - the Junior Cham-ý at Hillsdale Manor, Oshawa, cycle Race will be held at the pion of Italy will certainly on Saturday afternoon. Oshawa Shopping Centre on provide many of the thrills Mr. and Mrs. Allun Park-r Saturday, July 27th. of this event. and Mrs. Bradley, Toronto, The event is cheduled ta A Meeting o! Champions visited Miss Louise Goodman. start at 6:30 p.m. and will fea- with most of the competitars Miss Louise Goodman spent turc an attempt to ride the being champions in various anc day last week in Toronto. distance in lcss than anc hour. distances, a prime example Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lowery, An international field of bei ng Zeiko Pocupec. Bowmanville, visited Mr. and riders bas been assembled for NatonCup hmp i o!Ytgo Mrs. Wm. Holroyd. this, Oshawa's only interna- sNatoaChmin f u- Master Johnny Lyon visited tional sports event. Riders savia, who in 1957 neyer lost hiscouin and Pol, sh-from countries such as Ire- a event in that country and his. cousin Randy Pool, Osi Ge--who also in 1957 rode 10 kilo- awa. anlr.J vn and n, Sctlyand a ngandtGe meters in 13 minutes and 3.7 Mr. adMr. J. von nitedytatyesCanada and the.seconds only .3 o! a second off !amily visited on Saturday nitedatinabe ilcete. the world record! with bis parents, Mr. onshePeriodico Este tcarn Other entrants will be an- Mrs. J. Lyon, Scarborough. of Mexico City, anc o! the, nounced as they are received Mr. and Mrs. J. Lyon and strongest cycîing teams in and the promoters confident- family and Mr. and Mrs. Sid Latin America. ly expect that the event wili Kersey wcrc Sunday evening The Shopping Centre Race, be the hîghlight of the Osà- supper gucsts with Mr. and as the event is cammonly awa Sports Scason. Mrs. Harold Ashton, Ennis- knaw.n ta the cycling fraterni- killen. ty, after starting with oniy Y L~~~ Mr. and Mrs. Ray Campbell seéven competitors in 1958 has Y L fl1U11 and three childre.n, Toronto, now become anc o! the more ,cccntly visited Mr. and Mrs. important events in the Can- (neddfrls ek Rogers. adian Cycle Racing Calendar. M Mr. and Mrs. Nick Synanyk;, The event has yet ta be won an dl «. Wawa, spent a few days with by a Canadian rider. Last bol i Mr. and Mrs. Rogers Sr. year's winner Bob Tctzlaff of duel Mrs. Tompkins and Mrs. Las Gatos in California and vis u] Gertrude Worsman have re- bis Californian team mates and turncd from visiting at St. will be facing tough campeti- M Catharines. M r s. Gertrude tian !rom Jacomo Segat o! joyc Worsman is now visiting 're- Italy, Tarscbisio Lion, and cam latives at Rodncy. Louis Di Luca also cf Italy. Dari Mr. and Mrs. Earl Luke, This triao!fiders will forn wec Ralpb, Allin and Grant, Mr. the nucleus cf the C. S. Ab- coin and Mrs. Hon Luke and boYs ruzzi team, which figures ta Cin( attended thc Bradley familY be anc o! the taughest teams cou, picnic hcld at Orono Park. ta beat. Jud: Mr. and Mrs. Merwin Mount- Segat, the winner af the jay attended Mr. Harry Rich- 1961 Tour o! Sicily and the ardson's funeral in Pontypool 1961 Gran Prix Pirilli, and on Saturday afternoon. Lion the winner o! the 1963 Mr. and Mrs. Milton Gray, Battlecreek Road Race in Fi Cadmus, visited Mr. and Mrs. Michigan, blend ta produce M. Mountjoy on Saturday ev-1 anc o! thc smoothest pair of ening. cyclists ta be seen in Ontario On Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. in many years. The tactics Merwin Mountjay attended used by these two riders will the 40th wedding anniversary showwh Ity is the toc of Mn. and Mrs. Milton Gray, cycling nation in the wonld' held at the home o! their son, today. The constant manou.l Mr. Kenneth Gray, Cadmus. vering of this pair will be ancl Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Challis, of the bighligbts o! the event. Masters Dale and Danreli Bar- rett, Bowmanville, were Sun- OBTU Y day supper guests wt Mrs. O IU R T. S. Mount.joy. Mrs. Sam MeReelis atteiic' MRS. CHARLES V. COOPER ~ cd Decoration Services at, Cnesswell Cemtcry on Sunday A life long resident ')f afternoon, in memory of her Orono district, Leta Annie mother. Cooper pased away quietly at Mr. and Mr .TJas. Smales her home, Orono. on Julv 6,. Jr. and family, Harmony, and1 1963, in ber 73rd year. - Miss Helen Baker were Sun-j Although in pon healtb for day visit'-rq witb Mr. and Mr.z. a number o! years, she always Jas. Smales. took a keen interest in ber Miss Laura Lee Smalcs is churcb, ber family and ber spending some bolidays wiLlmany friends. 1 ber grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Cooper was born in Mrs. Jas. Smales. Kendal, daugbtcr o! Mr. and On Friday, Mr. and Mrs. Mns. Wm. Bryson. She was Haskin Smith. Mn. and Mrs. united in marriage with Char- Glen Smith and cbildren at- les V. Cooper, who survives, tendcd the Warden's Picnic at on October 22, 1913. Follow- Newcastle. jin g her marriage she lived on On Sunday, Mr. and Mrs.i a farm near Orono and Ken- Hoskin Smith visiteri ýq dal for 35 years, maving ta Maggic Wright at the Rest Orono in 1948. Home in Little Britaîiî ,.- . Surviving, besides hem bus- called on Mr. and Mrs. Will band, arc four ebjîdren, Vance Ashton, Caesarea. of Oshawa, Grant, Newcastle, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Dcwell Leonara (Mrs. Jack Stacle- and Mrs. Clarence Tink visit- t on)1, Kendal, and Audrev cd on Sunday with Mn. Clar- (Mrs. C. V. Walker), Camp encec Tink who for a few days Borden. She was also pre- was a patient in the Dr. deceased by a son, William,1 S bouldice Hospital, Bayview, lu 1944. l Toronto. Surviving also anc two bro- Mrs. Fred Taniblvn, Oranu, thers. Ernest Bryson o! Kirby Mr. and Mrs. Harold Pasce, and Lamne Bryson o! Willow-ý Solina, visited Mr. and Mns., dale; 14 grandcbildren, andj *Wni. Wilbur on Sunday. nine great-grandchildre n., *Mr. and Mns. Harold Wil-, Mrs. Cooper was a lifc-long' kins, Danny, Trudie, Randv member o! the Unitcd Church, and Jill, spent the weekcnd!the Women's Missiona ry Sa-,I with Mr. and Mrs. Lewis! ciety, United Church Womn'ý * TrulI on Lake Cbemong. and the Kendal Womnen's In- Mrs. Ruttan, Gravenhurst, isl stitute. spending a few daYs with Mr.! The funeral service was, and Mrs. Cecil Siemon. Mr.,; held f rom Orono United and Mrs. Slemon ententained, Church, with Rev. Basil E.- two of the Nvaung ladies whoý Long in attendance, on Tues- *wcre in charge o! the Vaca- 1 day, July 9th Interment taok' tion Bible Scbool, Miss Vickiý place in the family plot iii! Shetlcr and Miss Betty Lau' Orono Cemeterv.j Loucks, Napance. The child- The many floral tributes, ren enjoyed the school and, sbowcd the high csteem ilu profitcd from it. ,1which the deceased was held.I Mr. and Mns. Brooks aiid'The palîbearers werc Harald1 son, wbo also helped with the: Hoocy, F'rccman Eddy, Wm.' Vacation Bible School, lived Hoar, Richard Logan,' Ervan' in a trailer at the home a! Rainey and Lawrence Green-j Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Page. i wood. NESTLETON Congratulations to Mr. and PerlKer)wh wrema-f ll Fair Dates ridrcety Peterborough .......Aug. 7-10 Belated sympathy ta thel Belle vil.le ..........Aug. 12-15 Bert Gibsons on the passingi, Blackstock .........Aug. 23-24 of Bernicc'z- father recently. Kinmount ..........Aug. 30-31 Master David Gray, son Of Port Perry ...Aug. 31, Sept. 2 Mr. and Mrs. Ken Gray, is en-: Marmora ...............Sept. 2 joying a vacation ta the Bnî- Napaneec.............Sept. 2-4 tish Isles via plane with his1 Orono ...............Sept. 5-7 grandparcnts, Mr. and Mrs.1 Apsi ey ...............Sept. 6-7 Reg Sutton of Orono. Lucky Stirling ..............Sept. 6-7 duckling. 1 Sunderland......... Sept. 10- 11 Our community was deeply Kingston ..........Sept. 10-14 saddcned at the sudden pas- Lakefield ..........Sept. 12-13 sing o! one o! its pioneer Beaverton .......... Sept. 12-14 residents, Mr. Jas. MeiMullen. Port Hope .........Sept. 13-14 Mr. McMullen would have Shannonville ....Sept. 13-1 4 celebrated his 96th birthday Oakwood............ Sept. 16-17 on the 20th of July. He and!Lindsay ............Sept. 17-21 his late wife, the formerlOshawa ...........Sept. 19-21 Sarah Graham, were one Of Picton ............Sept. 19-21 the rare couples who lived ta Warkworth......... Sept. 20-21 celebrate their 70th wedding Campbellford ....Sept. 24-25 anniversary. Sympathy is ex- Bobeaygeon....... Sept. 27-28 tended to his famIlY - sons Roseneath........... Sept. 27-28 Vertul and Howard, 10 grand- Madoc..................-Oct. 1-2 children, 20 great-grandchild- Tweed..........---..... Oct. 4-5 ren and three great-great- Norwood....... Oct. 11, 12,14 grandchildren, bis sister Mrs. _________ Jim Richardson ("Aunt Lii"), son. Rundie Clan Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Bitw Garry and Kathy lcft on ýSu-1- i Js 28t day with a cabin trailer forH m 5 2 h a three-week jaunt to the At- lantic seaboard and back. f Happy motoring! Annual ricnic Miss Judy Robinson spent the weekend with the Ted On July 171th, about 20 fam- Buxtons at their cottage at ilies gathered together for the; Farquar Lake near Wilber- 28th annual Rundie picnic. force. After everyon ha d filec The Ray Robinsons called themnselves w.ith aIl kinds of on the Gardon Robinsons on delicicus goodies, the minutes Sunday. Ail are pleased that of last year's picnic were read Gordon is enjoying improved by the secretary and the trea- health. surer gave his report. Mr. and Mrs. Camnpbcl It was decided that nextý Humphries, Beverley and Lar-, year's picnic would be held as! ry of Castieford called thisý usual in Hampton Park. on %veek at the Ray Robinsons! the third Wednesday in July. enroute ta Stratford. The new executive for 1964 Word has been reccived are as follows: President, Rau from the Murray Malcolms in Osborne; Vice-President, Nel- Calif,rnia, U.S.A. son Osborne; Secretary, Don- A speedy recovery ta Mrs. na Yellowlees; Treasurer, Glen Fred Staccy in Port Perry Pickell; S po r ts Committee, Hospital with a throat candi- Waltcr Rundie, Si Trewin. tion. The Sports Committce took I ttention Fart over supervlsIng rame for the children, and contests for the older ones. The winners af these were: Girls a.nd Boys, 3 and under, Allen Hartley Douglas Pickell; Girls and Boys, 3-6 years, Debbie Os->., borne, David Down; Girls, 6-8 years, Gail Muir, Kathy Mar. tin; Girls and Boys, 8-10 years, David Coty, Debbie Coty, Gail Rundie: Girls end Boys, 10-12 years, Judy Coty. Youngest baby present, Di- ane Osborne; Nylon contest, Jim Rowan, Betty Lou Run- dle: Balloon contest, Albert Rundie, Rae Osborne, Si Tre- win and Marilyn Coty; Step contest, Rae Osborne and Ray Osborne, Grace Rundle and Jim Rowan, Paper plate con- test, Rae Osborne's team. Sorry to have ta leave, but happy about the lovely time they spent together, each family gathered up their be- longings and said goodbye le many whom they probably would flot sec until next year at the annual Rundie picnic. b. ~k. j'. "'f.. Many Dignitaries Take Part in Impressive Ceremony Mns. John Watson spent a few days with Mns. Les Lau- sing, Caesarea. * Mr. and Mrs. James Rabert- *bon of Unity, Saskatchewan, Dare visiting bier sistens, Mrs. "..Farder and Mrs. J. Watson ud families befome leaving for Kingston ta visit a daugh- Iter. Mn, and Mrs. George Bowers " ieft for North Bay wherc they . . will be jained by Mns. Launie H Chapman and three sons, Paul, IJimmnie aud Jeffney. Tbey ý4 will spend a two-we ain trailer vacation at Kenona " wîth their son Jerry Bwr ~ ~~~ - " of! the O.P.P. Ralph Bowers isi fli driving R.R. Nao. 1 i n h is fa-I ~ thcr's absence. Mr. Arthuîr Huibert is ;ný 445$ ac Peter.borough Hospital fo '4 tests and observation and sfniends wish him improved Sti Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Me-j Ewan, Mr. and Mms. Lionel moriEwan, Bruce and Allen o! MooRoad and Mm. and Mrs. Gardon Strong werc callers U *Uciuring the week, andi an Sun-eé day Mn. and Mrs. John Me- Ewan, Robent and Anne o! Mono Road called on Mn. andi ' ., M ns. Bruce Heaslip. Fi Fiend.% will bc sorny to - tnorning (Monday) of Mr. Lorenzo Mountjoy in Portý --emry Community Hospital' rgde yl Cr nel1eotp ______ tnd extend uincere sympathy _Brigadier____ ______________ ______________ o Mns. Mountjay and othen, -- ________ relatives and friendâ. !tentained Mr. and Mns. Jamesj Several memberiq of lb V Mn. and Mrs. Philip 14 -:We wish a speedy necoveryl Robertson of Unity, Sask., Nohrrma livs er andin helasdamyad . ta Mns. Ernest Freer wha un~-1Mr. and Mrs. Gardon EatonRonraiisweeith Mrs. Bill Abbott, ail ot~Sa± cierwent surgery in St. Mien- and Mrs. Annat o! St. Mitchell and Strat!ord anea boaghaee ee t lt6rT Ael's Hospital iast week. Mr. There was a !amlly gatherin e t te eah !thelru- with Mrs. 'T. G. Langfrlcl~ YFreer is ncmainlng iu Toronto at the park whicb Mr&. J.de ven the weekcnd. Miss Evelyn Seagrove, R.X. 1an a few days. Farder, Mns. J. Watson and Mnr.and Mm. Doug Davîison o! Woodstock, is apending a Mr. and Mrs. Hi-ary Mec- Mn. and Mms. Roy Taylor and o! Glencoe visited the Davi- holiday with her sister, Mns. iLaughlin and Lawrence en-I family attended. ison and Gist families. Langfeld. Sale Managed by: TREWHAVEN FARM LTD, :2ILR. 1, Burketon, Ont. - Phone Blackstoek 986-4957 Bowmanville

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