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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Jul 1963, p. 1

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P r -ncess %% Little Rahbit " ea abir ONANVILT .1 ONMTARIO. WFEflwRqfAY. JTLY 24th. 1963 VOLUME 109P 16 rages 1 VI'-IuuiNV IJU .---i---r -- im - Fire Destroys Clarke Township Barn A dîsastrous barn f ire last Wednesday, July l7tb, about 5 p.m. dealt Kris- tian Sorensen, R.R. 2, Newcastle, a cruel and costly blow. He bas been working tAat General Motors and operating tbe 128 acre farm. As he expressed it "I was .'just getting on my feet af ter taking over the farm 41/ years ago. Now, we're rigbt back where we started." How the fire started, nobody knows, but in minutes it burned tbrough the dry 80x40 barn and adjoining sheds, destroying two mows of loose hay, il sows, one Landrace hog, tbree cows, 12 calves, 400 bus. of grain, 15 or 20 hens, a wagon spreader and a bammermili, geese and ducks. His 16-year-old sons Jens xvas almost trapped when he tried unsuccessfully to f ree some of the cows. Mr. Sorensen bad j ust returned f rom work and was chang- ing bis clothes when the blaze started. He donned trousers, rubber boots and bat and is shown here looking over the debris. Tbere is some insurance. No f ire department would answer their calîs for belp because Clarke Township stili bas not completcd an agreement for fire protection. ____ 1igh School Expansion Problems Second Vocational Schoà'l May Be Needed in Durham By Stan Gauthier in the Durham County expect enrol- vocational school will be need- Peterborough Examiner ment to go up about 200 this ed in the western portion of The five high schools Jn ear with almost haif of the the county. rncrease going into Port Hope Clear evidence of the dis- READYFORh Sehool. tance barrier was shown in Jump in enromnatPt this year's enrolment figures. Bowmanville Lions Club met! Hope was more than twice this1 Almost haîf the students en- on ý9nday evening at thelamount in 1962, the year theltering Grade 9 xere forced Ce~- 'ithot anyplannedý$900,000 vocational wing open-ito settiefocureaviae prýgii except a discussion ed. at their nearest school. of the forthcoming carnival., The sprawling D urh a m Best Facilities Mvain part of the business dealt County District high schools with preparing the booths for are stili far from settledd Port Hope and Hope Town- that event. ýindications are that another (TURN TO PAGE TWOý Draws Winning Ticket for Blue Pig Little Janet Lawrence, 1450 Lakefield Ave., Oshawa, wvas chosen froni the crowd at the Kinsmen Carnival on Saturday as the girl to draw the winning ticket on the main draw. She is shown here clutching the ticket w bile President Bert Snowden attempts to find out who wvon the grunting ~200 lb. "~Blue Pig" and the Deepfreeze. The winner was S. Melchior, 319 Wood- ebine, Toronto, who held ticket number 3884. Several local residents were re- '*Wved when the winner was f rom out of town because they could visualize 1*ose fun-loving Kinsmen delivering the porker at their front doar about mid- hight. "Pig " Goes to Toronto Steady Ram (Cuts Into Kin Carnival Profits Here Saturday Night Steady rain cut into Kins- men Carnival net proceeds on Saturday night at Memoriai Park, but they hope to recoup their losses during a possible second carnivai in September when their big car draw takes place. On Saturday, the late ar- rivai of the N.H.L. Ail-Stars didn't help eîther, because many of the huge crowd that had gathered for a six ociock bail game between the pros and the newly formed Junior softbafl team, ieft as soon as the first drops of rain Ml about 7 o'ciock. When the game finally got underway, it was raining quite heavily and more of the crowd ÇJ3ts andi had headed eisewhere. The umpires tried to, cal the game in the second innings but players wouid have none of that and asked to be allowed to continue. Fortunately, the weather improved, but the game didn't produce the best bail playing. Pitchers were handicapped and players found themselves sliding ail over the place in the mud. The young fry did have a good time, sobtaining autographs from their favorite stars, Bob Baun, Ed- sdie Shack and others. Incident- 1ally, the visitors won .7-2 after four innings. tAt one time, carnivai offic- 1 (TURN TO PAGE TWO) 9)eces FACE LIFTING - Bowmanville's Town Hall bas been receiving considerable attention the past couple of weeks as new metal flashing bas been installed around the upper regions of the masonry work. For a wbile the pigeons that inhabit the area will have to watch their footing. Tbey will have trouble digging their toes into the new metal. t t. t t. i INTERNATIONAL - The Rotary Club certainly sounded like a real international organization re- cently. In reporting wbere members had made up their attendance, the bulletin stated that Ian Smith of Brookdale-Kingsway Nursery bad at- tended a Rotary meeting at Copenhagen, Den- mark, and Bernard Holden, Hospital Adminis- trator, bad visited clubs in Paris, France, and others in England. t. i.t t . t BEAUTIES - Radio Station CKLB is joining forces witb Keith Connell's Cream of Barley Camp (Bowmanville Zoo) on August 5tb, for what is called a Summer Spectacular. Prominent among the events will be a beauty contest to select "Miss KL." Girls entering must be between 16 and 25 years of age and single. Anyone interest- ed should write CKLB now f or an entry form. The prizes are wonderful. i T t t BACK IN ACTION- The many friends they made here during the Santa Claus parade two years ago will be happy to learn that the smart Lindsay Kavalier drum corps bas been reorgan- ized and is back in action again. Tbey appeared for the f irst time this year at the Orange parade in Port Hope. A number of Lindsay business- men have renewed their interest in the group after it came close to folding last year. î I T î î I HAPPY BIRTHDAY - This weekend, Klaas and Robert Dykstra will oelebrate their fourth birtb- day in the Variety Food business across the street f rom The Statesman office. Our sincere congrat- ulations to this hard working pair, their brothers, wives and staff wbo have put a great deal of time and effort into buildling up an excellent trade at Bowmanville's west end. They are offering many bargains. Better check their advertisement on page 16. DO OR DIE - First and second place men's sof t- baîl teams during the regular schedule are on the verge of being ousted from the playoff s by the third and fourth placers. Tonigbt, Nichols' Motor Sales meet Stepben's to try and stop the victory march that bas Stephen's two games ahead of tbem. Tomorrow night Ken's Men's Wear face the same task against Bill's Billiards at the High School grounds. . GREECE BOUND- 16-year-old Queen's Scout Stephen Jeffery, son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Jeffery, Wellington St., bas a big month abead of bîm. He leaves Friday by train for Montreal and on Tuesday, tbree plane loads of Scouts leave for the World Scout Jamboree at Marathon, Greece. He will return August 2lst, after what undoubtedly will be the most interesting exper- ience of his life. RETIRING- Word was received this week that E. J. Umpbrey, 61, Vice-P .,si9 int and Director of Sales for General Motor ,- -a GM employee for 43 years, will retire from the company on July 3lst. Lawrence A. Hastings, who bas been Assistant Director of Sales, will advance to the Director's position. He bas been with GM since 1947. Jeff Umpbrey's many friends will wish him a long and enjoyable retirement. t t t * i l t t SHORT SUPPLY - From all reports, rentai housing in Bowmanville is really in short supply, especially homes with three or four bedrooms. J. Botbwell, who recently arrived from Ingersol to replace Bill Hutcbison as manager of Walker Stores bere, bas been baving a difficult time trying to locate a place for bis family. If you know of a multi-bedroom bouse for rent, please contact bim at tbe store. In the meantime, former manager Hutcbison is baving a similar problem in Dunnville. He basn't been able to find a home for bis family. Always problems! t t t i. t PICTORIAL - Readers will notice that tbis week's Statesman bas many more photos than usual. Wbile there bas been a great deal going on around the area, the real reason for the pictures is that our ace reporter, one linotype operator and one mnember of the front office staff are on holidays. There are only a few of us left. So, to relieve 10e Per Copy NUMBER 30, Wins Scholarship Wendy Beaton It was announced thîs week that Miss Wendy Beaton, seven-year-old daugbter of Mr. and Mrs. Mur- doch Beaton, Centre St., bad been awarded a special Stringed Instrument Scholarsbip for violin. She will receive two haif-bour lessons weekly for the current season with Joyce Gundy of Toronto, a member of the Royal Conservatory of Music faculty. Miss Gundy, a member of an exceptionally talented family of music- ians, is also an active performer throughout the Metro area in a chamber mnusic group. Miss iBeaton recently passed her Grade 2 violin with first class honors. New Signs Lure Tourists To Museum A number of otît-of-towr visitors to Bownianville Mu- seum have told Mrs. Aubrey Smith, who is tuie Museum hostess this year, thiat the- have corne because tlhey saw the Museum's attractive blue and gold direction signs. These signs are placed at the Waverley Road and Liberty Street entrances to the tow] from Highway 401, at the foo' of Silver Street on Kin.c Street, and other strategic points to direct the district visitor or tourist to the Mu- Bobby Riznek of Courtice ran into a bit of iuck at Bow- manville Golf Club recently. As he was walking up the fourth fairway, he spotted a patch of clover and found flots only a four leaf one, but otherst with five, six, seven and eightt leaves. No information was available on what the unusual Y find did for his golf game. YInsufficient Evidence e Y c t Last week when one of the neighboring young. sters had a "Cowboys and Indians" birthday party,, this young lady was the hit of the show with ber cos- tume designed by mother and grandmother. She is Rosemary Spry, 2/z years old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Spry, Church St. Judge Currelly Dismisses Charge of Arson at Black (at he 1in r aei c Judge J. C. N. Currelly dis- cordance with Departnient ofi nissed a charge of arson against Highways specifications and Harold R. Taylor of Oshawa the colours used denote bis- Wednesday in Cobourg because toric sites or m u s e u m s5 of insuf ficient evidence. Tay- (TURN TO PAGE TWO) Ilor had been charged with Ont. Liberal Leader John J. Wintermeyer WiI Attend Picnic Liberais from ail over the games, one a challenge match county are expected to con- between men from the north gregate at Waltona Park, New- end of the constituency and castie, on Saturday af ternoon those f rom the south. The nor- for one of the most ambitious thern players won last year, picnics heid by any political but a packed aggregation is party in this area. being lined up from the south One of the main features to make it a closer contest. of the affair wiil be appear- The second game wili fea- ance of Ontario Liberal Lead- ture the two top teams in the er John J. Wintermeyer, who ladies' softbail league, Port will probably address the Hope and Bowmanville. There group briefly and meet as is considerable rivalry bet- many friends as possible. Rus- ween these teams whicht sell C. Honey, M.P., for Dur- should produce good basebaîl. ham and bis family and Pro- Those attending are urged vincial Liberal candidate AI- to bring their own picnic sup- ian Beer and his family will per and make a day of it. Hot also be present. water will be provided for The program of sports is'tea and coffee and the young- quite extensive, including 25 sters will receive two tickets events for young and old, with each for Lise at the refresh- prizcs for the winners. Child- m-ent booth. ren will also enjoy free swirn-i Later, there wili be a draw ming in the large poo1 and'for Iive fine prizes, with pro- free pony rides. ceed-, being used to defray There w;II be to bI xess __________ Black Cat Inn, property of rNorah Vetzal, two miles west of Bowmanville, on Highway 2, on Aug. 14, 1961. While admitting that oil- cloth, blankets, magazines and a petroleumn product found in the building after the Lire "ýpointed to the greatest suspic- ion," Judge Currelly said that there was a reasonable doubt which must always favor the accused. He added that the property at the time of the fîre belonged not to Norah Vetzal, 'but to Port Hope law- yer Wilfred E. Bonneville. At the beginning of Wednesday's hearing. crown attorney John (TURN TO PAGE TWO) PLAYS IN FINALS Dave Kerr, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kerr, Elgin St., will tee off at 7:30 arn. Friday in the Ontario Junior Golf Finals at Aurora Golf Club. NEW POOL OPEN Ken Nicks, proprietor ofý Erinli Golf Course, advises that his new swirnming pool, opened less than a week ago, was being well patronized on Wednesdlay during the 90 de- gree heat. TIIIEF TAKES $:,' A person or persons un- known broke ino the home of Mrs. L. T. MeLaughlin, 86 Concession St., on Sunday and stole approximately $30. Cpi. K. Freethy is investigating. Eclipse Causes Litte Furore In this Regiori Nature's rare phenomenofl the total eclipse of the sua by the moon, carne and went on Saturday afternoon with casual interest here, but ne cases of burned eyeballs or other casualties. Ail over the area, people w e re staring upwards through varions types of fil- ters sucli as protective weld- ing hoods, photographie neg- atives, etc., while a few took a quick look 'without any- thing over their eyes. anyone trying successfuiiy te photograph the event. In the main, the eclipse came off pretty weii on sehedule without raislng a ripple of excitement. No- body fainted that we know of, expecting the worid te corne to an end and there ivere no heart attacks, ne <alis for the ambulance. The sun %vas partially and then almost compieteiy blotted out hy the moon. That's al there -w'as to it. No biare of trumpets, no great excite- ment! Everything went on normal Iy. _______ Car Sideswipes Pole, Driver Stili in Hospital Twenty-one-year-old Duncan Martin, son of car received extensive damnage and Martin was takeit Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Martin, Oshawa, is stili in to Memorial Hospital by Bowanville & Area Am- hospital following an accident on Scugog St. last bulance staff shown here carrying bim to the strete Thursday morning. He lost contro] of bis soutbbound cher. Cpi. K. Freethy was the -investigating officer. car, left the road and struck a telephone pole. The e~' k~ Durham County's Great Family Journal icDÈ 1 Ra lia 1D- m E lý 0 2 C a ti ti v a p f t Il- e7ýýp gýbt m

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