2 The Canadian Statesmiar. Bawnunville, JuIy Xl, 1983 ductlon research.Rortwa GO d C p B kR ce SOLINA I th uet e aker on the istevnn ýA De9pité the extreme heat.a Ferg s n F m iles oIdt heldoesthseae fr at ee g tetheba- rd Teprgrmm i bait the l a of the convention. lHe spokei' t osDort, aturday thatednetteco i- Fe g s n F mfl s H l f the importance of the work . P cd chburch and Sunday schoolr cc plshed Il the C.S.G.A. OnviSaturdav August Sun',) P r I Dr. Hl. A. Steppler of Mac- he annual Gold Cup Racescomposed of heats for alitaik to the children on Sunl-a ri n c a .O I f g O lK donad College also. spoke. wi' lla be held ait Mosport Park.: classes of machines inciuding!dav, Reverend Page took aý of Corneil University, was the on b FedGaîe\Of So for a thrilling day of a sermon." Four things a pinE Approximately âixty o! thf, a bountifuilisupper undêr the son and Stan Rahm: Girls' ýýpecia1 speaker on the closing vear Ivor Lloy~d, thmotocycle oad-r cs ont!would bsay e to ai hid2.re ? Ferguson clan gathered aticanopy, while a light shower bunny hop, Leanne Dorrel;dýaV of the gatherîng Hflyîn. miss the August Gold 9u~ol e .B tagt .B Concession 7 of Darlington:cooled the air outside, a pro-,Couples' balloon blowing andltopic vas "My Sabbatic Hs\ear mn h!asbendm races at Mosport Park. August hinling: 3. Use your head: and ]Provincial Park on Saturdaygram of sports was carried bursting, Miriam Fergusoni in South America." Inating miost of the races ait îrd. 4. Have a purpose. The ser~- afternoon. A gond number out, with the folowing win- and Paul Rahm: Ladies' shoe The'l culture and econorn'. Mosport for the past few years mon topic was "Christ. th-- enjoyed swimming and pla 'y-!ners: Girls' race, 4 and under, kick. Mrs. Lloyd Wright;,of Latin America has remain-i hefoudrdr.Rcsbgnai i. Centre of the Universe." Ing in Lake Ontario whichi!Annje Dorrell: Boys' race, 4,Men's shoe kick, Paul Rahmn:;ed essentially Southern Euro-l The service net Sunda"., Was warmn that day, while:and under. Harold Wright: Girls' shoe scramble, Janic- pean of the l9th Centuryl August 4, will be at the regu- ethers thoroughly enjoyed the'Girls. 8 and under, Leslie Byers: Boys' shoe sc.ramb e-, type. Tax collection shmiDlowing thofs,2 there wi l- ~ fc re had ong rc jsinr'trightnde r l eso n.dCnso- annah; Ysou:Jlyba dlndgest child pre-' îem.a m p schon ol ntil trem *e iSe- shd.LnaMuto;Boys 12 and'.guessing contest, Mrs. Jim ýmuch of the economic PrOOEnP ar nt church service or Sunday, - lation prizes were given aIl .-ent, Elaine Ferguson: Largest; Chilean agriculture enter-E t r at a e t ember B. E]dad Su nd avy Suicde hîdrcn.,Girls 16 and uinder,ifamily,, Dalton Doî'rell's. ced a new era in November,! School. however, will have Stretch Judith Mountjoy; Boys 16 and A h hdso vnn 1962, wvith the publication of This week at Day Camp 40 was Marlene Crawtord, thei their Promotion Day service! uinder, Ian Ferguson; Girls 20 weedrwng1~the country's new Agrariani girls wvere in atteiîdance. medicine mani was Joy Wri- on Sunday, September 1. LIL t ndudeJai. yrs oylaid and friends left for their* Refo rm Law. For the tirs-, On Monday, we started the ght and their runner wps Several from here attended nlgnway 401 2n a nd uer, Paul Rah .joes oiI ee gI'time since Pedro de Valdivia week bv touring the campsite KBthY McMurter. The chier h er aiypci ' arrcdbord awng0~ iclat S aturday in July,f fonedSnig f151th and cxplainîng the rules. O iU ac op Hampton at ek.ul2. Mrs Jack Fcrguson, Gorri- 94i a atrih omui we rship or a gricultural land!Afler wve completed Ibis thei er, the medicine ma* oadteTyo aiypci Kilst i 96Park.a imdwiha has been made contingent up-igirls wcre divided int three Anme Marsden and the run-!on Saturday, July 27.* Thee aveben l~ eope ho awd abord n bc ffccis or ex ver:Prel- provement. indian nlame and a chief,ý The rest of Monday was Dianne, Nei] and Herbie, and killèd on No- 401 H-igbway shortest ime. 'idient, Stuart Dorrell: Vice- "Providing land for nie"i ,medicine mani and runner. spent making forts and swim-iMrs. Il. E. Tink were Sundayî between Bowmanville and Men's buttoi sewing con- President, Bill Ferguson: Sec-, farmers is not a new pro- The (,biefrtof the Mohawk tribe ming. In the afternoon we did! visilors with Mr. and Mrs.1 Oshawa since 1950. Is thistest, Bill Ferguson: Bean car-,!-etarv, Earl Dorreil; Treasur*- grain in Chule. The Minlisti., was Louise Manti, the mcdi- sK.patter painting which the Percy Dewell. %trip of roadway an accident- rv ing rclav, Stuart and Da!- er, Mrs. Stan Rahm: Sportslotf Lands setlled 4,800 famiIies cine mati was Mary Parkerichildren look home. Lorne Tink, with thrcc' prone thoroughlare, or a saleiton Dorrcll's team tied: Boys" Commitîe. Mr. and Ms ewr 98ad16.o n i unrwsEle c Tuesday morning we woik-'other boys, left on Friday oni &uperhgh w ay? Magistrate wheç'barrow race, Bill Fergiî- Lloyd Wright. over 2,500,000 acres ofif anci. Quiarrýie. The Iroquois chiefrdo'ot!n sa nteambo n h ct Crawford Guest andOnaî - The current prtigram lias widolniori;ing. Tin the afternoon each 'Coast. Highv7ays- Minister Charles A scope. Plans are bcing madecrbefudaplewihws r n ?4acNaughton disagvorrian tIsettie 7,0001 farmers this M P E G O EMs reCii-- The termn "suicide" was no- year atonie, and almost $60,- in the afternoon, as something 1 Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Tink 0it1 lied fin the stretch o! 401 £*00,000 lias been budgeted foi Guardsrnan Roger Leetoozealtl pcawefudsm ud ýighway from Bowmanville!D e from *In juries in tiprosfroîn Petawvawa Camp, spent dcay in the creek and bad claY1 Mr. and Mrs, E. R. Taylor to Liverpool Road b aî-' * r upy vie b the weekend with his mother, mou]Iding. The children alsa:spent last Tuesday with Mr.! traite Guest. who said that A I pnioo that one tif the greal- Mî's. Olive Leetooze. to hs oe n r.E.TonoMt rnotorists can expect anythîng IH giiw ay 4 0 1 A ccide nt'E est nceds ifSolmrcn Mr. and Mrs. Mcl Edwai'ds The ribes tiok part in a, brook. Ioann his epar oti to!41arclue gen eandy isark ad family, Oshawa, wcrei scavenger hunit on Wednes- Teddy and Philip Broomc"r Inîefist evn rtinbs veyung resident o! Camp- in tbe Oshawa Geiieral Hoq- saleeonm admakbSunday visibors at ber sis-dy Fv ont ec 'r-spent several days aI Mr. and of!93 et a come tr 12,. . svstem whereby f a r mn e r s fers, Mir. and Mrs. Arîhur ed la the winners who werc Mrs. Andy Krumenacher's, 196, dathbasbeilford, Miss Doris Dunham, ipitl where he is reccîvng oudbv areriing pro B Osoawaseon bc4B1.manle- age '20, died late on Monday: treatment for an injured hlpý iltiovpr the years. Antither s adfaiy the S'onx, the Iroquois came iNewcastle. of these accidents took four cv~ening as bhe result o! injur- land a skull cul. Mrs. CepC requirmn nLtnAr . and Mrs. Ted Vii'giiî, second and the Mohawks camne" Mr. and Mis. Lloyd Bîroome live an anoherbhre wh~î arlier in R two car crash on iAnfossi in the OuI-Patient De- cati couintries is for a continu-Osa, crars sed the nin am No. 401 Highway ticar New prIment tif Mernorial Hos- 1 (us supply tif pure sced of îm- Wm rg n aiv r- O hrdyw okd~ ai Mr. and Mrs. Ron McDon- ew- pa . vidence, ~weie Stida ii-Iec cl ig ebitaald's, at Belleville. Teddv.ý crsc edo b aP- tonvillc. She was a passen- 'pital for a hip laceratioti The Iproved varieties," lie explain- Y.ii'tecucl ig ebita proaching vebîcles. j .- d. ors 1wîtlî Mr. aud Mrs. Gordon 'railing o enc ff 1he c f IPbilip and Denis rcmiaînd Thsefiurs iv f f. er ini a car drîven by David îijurt'd were transporled by g a tie oefoldas Ths iue gv lç rim Clegg, age 25, RCAF Station,! tht' Bowmaîivihle Ares Amn-:'llbic sccretary af the C.S. ceh il aies. Thursday evenitig wc o bdas facbs, but Higbways Mînîster C.nrla uaneSrie A. reported that during the Mr. C. P. Swaluxv visited :had a wieneîr and marsb-1 Miss Donna McLacblin. Tor- MaNubbn isisst Il a tCI,éla uac evc.vsdMs a ai Mauperhtbways aea'uly Tedierbdls o- Ms eptaaî e hî past year. 5,849 grotwers lie-bis cousini, Mr. and Mirs. Basil 'mallowvroast. That night we nmb, vsbdMs a ai v ýceîved service on 13,î93 crop lMcMastei, Br'ighton, on Sun- stept out, in tbc woods. nSudv the safest roads in thie pro- trot tof bis rar. Tb left the rein werc enroule 10 Montreal irprs n ,1 ebr fdy nFiaw aecs Mr. and Mrs. Frank We.;î- vince. On thesc grounds tbhexvst-bound tant', roled overwhen the accident bappened.1 bbc organization received cran NhMrs. Olive L lele t a o z le, turnes and rehiearscd bbc De-,lake Jr., Gardon and Sirle%' Te-si ac irt n Oti- thiddl wesrindthe ast- civeda r acd koe intecertificates covcring 12.783 Guardsmni Rager Leetooze parbure tif Hiawatha fori- -enjoyed a notor trip last Theacidntrae riOn Onit wees n heeat-ieieda crpe kee i h crop reporbs and Miss Cheiil Brantoti, ents' îîight. At 6:30 tbc par-i week bo Upper Canîada Villag(l tarios three controlled acecs, i.bound tane. The car was then i collision, but Otto, 10, Susan, , Cutcwr uda ii-et rivdadwr hw irid al, Ottawa wbcre tbcy h-igbways, Quccn Elizabeth sruck by anoîher automobilei 6, and Robert 4, wc'e unburt. tist M.adMs.Rs i'1 hiotsb b rnes~ vîsîted Mr. and Mrs. Howard 401an divc' y rs AdleCe- -'~ Pan Gimblett and family. leach bribe. Afler Ibis Jus 400, was less than one Ihird 'tlla, 8i Challister Court Wil-1 Kirs.E. . AstPnlanawa'Mann receive'd a besî camp- r.Fi Wslk S. cf the' rate on alI other higb- 1'iOwdalt'. Constable K. C. La- is vstn tbrdube',cs ag.'iorncsu~.vsted Mr. and Mrs. N. Ficr. wvays. roads and stî-cets in tbb, ton, OPP, invesigated. S e" Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Beech.lKattiy McMurber and Nancv Tatinton. province. Dnnorald Clegg is a patientiÇa rnival H"ere Mçr. ad Ms.C. P.Swallow 'Hooper, were a150 chosen. Thle Mr. and Mrs. Frank West- FINEQIJLITYCONUSIN SIHT S pt.and Mrs. Fred Ashtoni wt'r best bribe Ibis week was bbc j lake Jr., Gardon and Shirlcy I Sunday evetiing visibors wibb 'lroquois. We then presented altended bbc Cook - Jordoiý MONUMENTS AND Ant implement known a s For*th Mr îse ekisad Miss I bc DepartLure oif Iiawatba.fml inca udva MARKERS ~ uhHg caused cosd- FnOM PAGE ONE, Margaret Perkins. lAfter this, the bribes raideci bbc Crcam of Barles, Camp. able consternation on Friday Mi-. Rickard explined that Beirt Stiwdtn.tbb preqi- Symnpatby oftifIis communi-'Ibeir forts and went in for a Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Werr',' 0 4 1 .& 0- 'sl 1 i ,le Yeu aftern o on w h n i l b ro k e loos'e ! th e. o rga nriza io n w ou ld eith ei cdnrt-elect, p r sid ed ai tlie i y i-xe î e o M . an w m 1 a b o f t îir m a r an dvis il M J n et Si psot. /09 k f\tffurom bbe car pulling ib andllbave 10 curtail epns morreeting ofthe bcBawmanvihîe Mrsg. T. Dicksori sud famiIy paint. Mand ml IMs.îktoîî. Ont. STAFFORD irolled back dnwn bbe King lincrease; revenue. lie dca-Xnmr Club beîd in thil n tbo passing tif ber mother, BwM.and isvillevQuid heWrk BRFOS. LTD. St. West bill. lb came 10 rest icd thal 'services provided by'grounds orftbbc Cream ti Mrs. PolIs, Marmora. Bwavlc iic b e~ opposite thei entranice tri Van- the ocgaiiizatioo in ordçr '.r Barl.cy on Tuesday eveniog in We extend a welcomne t ysa10slnda Millrigh in hemintONTthPOOLetarpt's'taI stonc's Mirih in he aiai Ib vaialpiy conluniction wibh a barbecue. Mr. Lt ovd Dale wbo is taking r centre tif the road. !of crops so that the efforts of 'rbre xvas a more than go: over tbe Maple Grave gar Oî lg loe ipl Moborisbs, most of wbom lour plant breeders willbepcentOuattellaaece of thlikage. tafford Brothers i, with puzzled looks on heir1 met's girat sould be 11 -Kinsmen Carnival 10 be beld d ta eurn ta is pupits next ing, wen wel over 1000 LIMI¶'ED faces. ýcreascd. on September 7bh. The club's Sundav, afler bolidays. ipeople were present for tbc Monuments by a McQueen tow truck. possible uise oif the expandcd form bbc Carnival Commiltet'. M isses Jaîîice a ri d Bol-- Go - Round, Panies. Bingo,. Box ~ The "Bush - Hog" is used ,crop research and new de- There will be a number of nie Beech. atleîîded the Sil\,er ,Crowîî and Anchor, Games oif Box 33for cuttirîg grass arounid app.e %felopinents in processigg and' attractive novelly booîhs and 'Wcdding aniversary tif M. Chance, Lunch Boollîs anid 31t Dandas St. E. lVhHlby. Itree. Jack O'Neill, gn emptoyee 'iharketiný 'techniques, b h ýgames tif chance as \veîî as'and Mrs. Harry Larmer ()fDancing wcre pabronized by Phone Whflhy tif NMarti Machinery hadl been CG uîpoielacl~ ig.Biibr.yaung and otd. Mrs. Eva Hal- MOhawk 9-31552 pulling it with bis car wben shlp in keeping the seed prac-1 The' possibilily tif holding Mr. and Mrs. Ram Rogers ba I f bsvlag.a b i bbc bibch broke. Lices up 10 date, Mr Rickaîd'a Square Dance Contest aI xvcre Sunday visitors with witiec of bbc $100 draw, witbi urgcd. the Kinsmen Carîîival Was Mc. and Mis Robet Wors- Mr. tetrbamheft5ng bbc "The adoption ortifebc imiî-lalso discussed, and this wil;ley. Lomdon.witigice.Te$0da cri gentecation prîîîcîple for' be deccded at a subsequent: Mrs. F. WilubY. Mrs. Ted was woni by Mcs. George Page I 5 5 I..I ereal crop varielies whicb meeting. If. Ibis contest is 1,lowe and girls, Toronto, were oif Betbany witb Mc. Floyd was implemremted iin 1960 hehd, there will be cash prizes: last Tbursday visitors with, Stitîson of Janebville selling F R E E!_________ marked bbe greabesb (han ge in 1for bbc bcsb dancer, tbc most tht'ic armer's sister. Mrs. Cecil Ibis ticket. Mc. Ted Grahanm secd relations in '20 years.1appropriabe costumes and tht' Jcffc'ry snd niece, Mrs. Steve ýwas also aad. 1 o Some adjîsments may have!best set. In addition there ,Do.Nie and famnil.y sehling bbc mosb tickets. If, ig 10 bhe made in the bransibion ' will be nioderti da.îiîî--g. Mrs. Margaret 'i ,villpedtheoiathos r ou$00 lperiod, but Ibis program must Tutn pn e aswl ebcpoi o u MI be mainlaincd for the produn'- davs wibb Mrs. H-. R. Foley. efforts. MU lýion or quality seed oif higo,___Mr. and Mcs. Stuart Morton genebic pucily in adequateý and gî'anddaugbters, Nancy cuantitics for erop improve-! and Lorna Morton. spent th bcIL SheIl O P rr Hatio of the Mr.ad r. Mre Bur- Mrf aud Mrq. Les Johnison bad been designed Io give, gess arc cn.iaying their hol- visibed Mrs. T. Taylor oni greaber attention 10 bbe de-cii cottage, Twvit velopmenb and use of super-L Mr. and Mrs. C. Sargent.' ior, adapbed varieties of crops, t ad Titi, Ida; Mr. and Mr. * rnnde bbcdelgabs1Lht bc IOsbawa, visibed bbe H. Pascoe, nidthe dgi cuta es a e Join the fuin! Ha'e the limne of >your life! wtichd, he laimcd. ýWalieri rigbî at Abbott. howmdas. o nstaigso The tbree main activibies ..f ai Slpbtn's got that one backhi M.day s 1 . o Sho0P. . . then hop to the hocdown-ingest trop rcsearch arc: . The t' UDU mucb casier in the bottornman Mc. and Erie 1 W Bw- squac dt-te nusi nithci ~derslandîng tif ccop plants; e ,. al! on Black's sinigle and anunati. Lura mdf Er.ienwecr sur.dnentseo hr l!2. Developmeml of mew lypeý - 7. - nfield out.I. udayGreseno Dand MesV. of plants, anid 3. The fittîng' Tben Irailing 9-6, Bill's raI - R. Bs. ro ian d amib'dth tif certain plants mbi a salis- lied bn êven the score inti bc -Kinsoadalne factory agricultural systeni N4ew final frame. George Joncs led morring service in bbe beau- for a specific regioni.g ~, off bY beatig ouI an infieid, bflnwClisByUi and hi orhetr ' htpsuersae mepest cnrembuu Wsrigbl ýDMc. and Mes. Wilt Hemphill, Ipart f int r e searchnpains Moîreac r . nalk: Mc. and. Mrs. L. anch s r h eea r u'ch. tEa o! thSOceS hanag a hiup g ainmake a lrea e înd Rabm, Ricbmond Hil: Mc. a gnd cultural engineering harhg omk r n ad dMers. W. Smith. Oshawa-, rescrch.Eaci ofthee faetsstab, 1obbiiig Mason of a home Mr. and Mrs. A. Prescoît, Me. Eveyb dy elome * f ecaJch have a great un- cuti. and Mrsç . Carnigan, Hamnp- ed. teyhr, d-1 f et. Doubles by Cowle and v'cai. Orono: Mr. and Mrs. J. I3rîn the hole amuly! teaed blfereîîareas ifn~tr-, ~u Cnombie made il 9-8. Ray I-farcis, Linda, Marlene artd Brngte hoefail elte odifret rasof luM* .5took ttîird on a wild pitcb anîd Jimmy, South Monag h a n., agricultural research. A sig-! Rowe walked. ,Slip" broke were Sunday bea guests at the niticant achievemeot in 0110 for second, sud in a gambý,e Prescoft home on the occa- aramyaffect the future Ia stop bthet'ving cuti Cowlin sion tif Mr. Edgar Prescott' patterns of research in others.; brew ta second, but Abbot's" birîhday. The acceplance o! new andi!celay was wihd. Score 9-9.1 Mr. Édgar Presrotf also lc-. improvcd variebias of crops' Pinch-bitter Ray P r e t o nceived a teiegrarn from bi,9 yavhtpge on the develop- , walked, but Burgess bounced son Glen !ramn New Zealand. ment of new livcstock teeding into an inning-ending double Mr. and Mrs. A. Taylor and s y A M AWA EKMEsysbem s. J U R Y plav. Mn'. atid Mrs. Elmer Lee at- CrEREDr. Hutntlcv said that newx The wiuuer came ini the last bendcd flic fumerai of Mirs. variettes must be developed ýuw * * thIe sevemîh whcm CO%&lilugc Henrv Hartman, Enlerprise, coninuously a ni d accepte-1 l5 * M tted a texas'-leaguer be rigbt. on Sundav. ouicklv. Hie said that planl I V L L Joncs camne roaring ini but Miss Judy Auîn Fowler. breeders, tbe secd growersE cotldn't reach the bail and i. Hamptoni, is bolidayiniZ withLq the sced tradp, and the t ORRXL TR ook a bad bounce past him Mc. and Mrs. Don Lee and ]ING STREET W. AT STEVENSON RD. gional advisory groups that Ii EAL TR or a triple. Cox houticedf0o Keif h. rnake varic.ty cecomnmenda-'2 Kfnt t. F.- nwm n%îile recoud, but Prcstom's fbrow bI Master Gary' v MCKeown%.. Cancellations at 5 p.m. in case of rain lions have lost. tbe time far- the plate was just laIe and Whibby, us hnlidaying witff toand camnof afford tI Phone 623-3361 Stephen's won the opemerMr. and Mrs. Elmer Lee endi naeMislakes in crop pro-' 10-9. It was quite a slruggle - tamuîl'. Mr. and Mrs. fo lo' ope mnd, !amilv attended the XalcolM family. Prince Albert, Miss; family pienice t th* Gréen. Judy Browvn, Newcastle, Me. ýwood Conservation Park oit and Ms. L. Stainton. Doris Sunday. and Gail. M. R. C. Milîs, En-I rnaAdrot niskillen. Mr. and Mes. C. Bed nesn -A Milîs and boys. Maple Grove, is hoiidaying aI Mr. and Mrs.' were Sunday visitors at Mc. john Knox's. andMrs KeithCrvermn .s. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Pott-* auîd ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ n Mr.K hCyemn.sdgranddaughterstinda e, Mn. sud Mrs. Murray Vice .Joance visted with Mrs. Citý-R aud faiîuilv xere Sunday ev- Lngs at Sunset Beach, Lake euîimg visitors xvibb Mr. ani Scugog. Mes. R~oss CrYderman and' uh ildnen. Mc. sud Mrs. Johnî Knox. Mc. and Mrs. George Knox, imd Mr. and Mrs. Harry Knox were guesîs at the Miller- Marceh wedding on Saturday ini Woodgceen United Church, Toronto. Miss Pal Knox waq a bridesmaid and Ken was an u sbe r. Mi-. and Mes. J. Knox aud Gel Cash Toiay For OId Appliances througb STATESUAN C LAS SI F ICI) Phone 623-3308 ) ULL HIS BLACI< LABEL.., ILL 16'OW WHY IT'S ; BEST-SELLING BEER 1, TAIEL, IL4CK IREL' 4l '3 PROCLAMATION HOLIDAY It iq hereby proclaimed by the Town of Bowmanv'iIIe, that Monday, Aug. 5th will be 'observed as Clivic Holiîday Citizecn% are reqîe'tcd go govern themselves according1y Ivan M. Hobbs Mayor Town of Bowmanville (;OD SAVE THE QUEEN iý 7 1 ,E EE