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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Jul 1963, p. 6

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BThe anadian Statesmnan, Bownmvifle, July 31, 1 DaringonCouncil Darllngtn Township Coa-, ..»-~eyance of an adjac, ti me nte Municipal Build- ' road allowance, be investi, Ing on July 18th, ail mem- ted 1,y the Township's sol bers present, Reeve Blanch-itor. ard presiding.! Moved by Councillors Do Mcved by Deputy Reeve i'and Gibbs that the Blackst( M4uir and Councillor Gibbs 'Fair Board be paid a grani that the titie to the north $25.00 for the year 1963,a haif of the road allowance that the Board be infornr bezween lots 8 and 9, Cri,~ that if a larger grant isg cSession 8. as.well as a reported, sired in 1964, a request shoi ZM be made early in that yf so that the expenditurec be included in the annual bt . Moved by Councillor Bui and Deputy Reeve Muir tl .the Clerk o! the United Coi ties be informed that t] i:Council feels that an Inspeci under the Construction S ety Act should be the respc w- -. sibility o! the United Cou an od by Cauncillor Do' you landDeputy Reeve Muir t yourJas. A. Hoskin, Dog Conti -corner Officer, be requested t ,WHEN THE COING cil in Committee~ on Augt Is,1963, at 1:00 pm ICETSÎOUCHMoved by Deputy Ree Muir and Counillor Gil: When you sufer a serlous loss that this Council endorse a.when the going gets rough resolution forwarded by Chi .it's then that ourse guacousy Township, requeý rvcsing an amendment te legis. te you, as our client, become tion which would give Pis *a, really rneazningfu1 part of ning Boards control of la: ôur insurance protettion. separations up to 25 acres. You ~n ~ ~ tebe ~ Moved by Deputy Ree, cancout n u t bcinMuir and Counillor Gibl * your corner...* te help with that Mr. A. Schmidt be i : daimns problemns and other dif- formed that, as his lot h f icultics connected with7 your frontage on a paved roa loss*.. to look lc r yu Council will not improve tl afteyourunopened road allowance bE Iflterest. ween lots 30 and 31 in Coi * cession 4, as requested. * Moved by Councillor Dom~ and Deputy Reeve Muir th Council now adjourn to tl ~TUARTcail o! the chair. 9TUART B.Council was called tei ordi at 10:25 p.m. * JA ES ~Moved by Councillors Bi JAMESdai and Down that accoun for the month of June, 196 INSURANCE REAL ESTATE as Iisted herewith, be paici * Salaries lo-15 - $1,854.61 Îing St. E. Bowmanvllle 16-30 - $1,206.02; Welfar a S900.01; General, $10,490.51 .Office Residence Roads. $10.778.45; Roads pa; d23-5681 623-5493 list 1-15- $1,716.80; 16-30- * $1,698.10; Special Account Ni 4, $9,297.30; Special Accour R OYA L 623-5589 THURS. AT 7:30, FRI. and SAT. at 7 and 9:30 MATINEE - SATURDAY 2 p.m. WALT DISNEY'S "Miracle of the White Stallions"r i oo Aiso Disney's "PECOS BTLL" (color) Children 25 cents anytime SUN., AUG. 4, MID NITE ONLY "Attack of the Puppet People" and ""Little House of Horrors" SUN. to WED., AUG. 4 - 7 at 7:30 p.m. "Samar" Adventure in Color - Geo. Montgomery aise TrolyDona7hue -Angle Dickinson Roàano BRzzi .e ?uaiNî I:et 1083 No. 3, 80.00. Total $38,02 1.84. jEITA - Moved by Councillors Bu-' ]A.L AL.J dai and Gibbs that i view1 1of the opposition expressed (Intended for last week) to the proposai for street light-1 Mr. and Mrs. Hatcher Fos- igin Enniskillen, the Coun- ter, Wayne and Tommy left clwill. not praceed with the. Satusday to spend a week at mattes at this time. 1 Pugnish Camp at Martan Ri- ent Moved by Deputy Reeve1 ver, north o! North Bay, for Muir adCouncillor Gibbs i a !ishing holiday. iga that the Reeve and Clerk be, M ici- and are heseby authorized ta r Warren has returned execute all documents neces- after a visit with his daugh- wn sary to the purchase of lands ter, Mss. Paul Mercer and heri ýock for the completion o! the Ring husband at Guelph and with to! Bridge. Mss. Warren at Galt. Ms. and and Moved by Deputy Reeve Mrs. P. Mercer stayed for a ried Muir and Councillor Gibbs few days on his seturn. de- that the Clerk be instructed Miss Diane Turansky was euld to write Elmer Pollard advis- home from Whitby for the ,ear ing him that before any con- weekend. Diane is taking a can struction is done on West- secretarial course there. ýud- more Street. he shouid consuit Ms. and Mss. Grant Camp- the Township as ta whether a bell and son Ross of London Ldai road may be constructed, and are visiting her sister, Mme ;hat if approval for construction Roy Fastes, Roy and family. un- is given, he should then sub- Ms. and Mss. Stan Gray this mit specifications for the pro- called ta sec Mss. M. Luxon ,tor posed road to the TownshipSudy ad tend th ;a!- for approval. udy ad tend th on- Moved by Deputy Reeve game at the park. un- Muir, Councillor Budai that Mr. and Mss. Pete Miller the matter o! applying an ex- anid son Todd o! Pontypool wnterior sealer finish ta the spent Sunday with her par- hat Municipal Building be refer- ents, Mr. and Mss. Ned Fastes.1 roi sed ta the Public Praperty Miss Shirley Mercer holi-~ at- Committee with power ta act. dayed with Mss. Ted Coathani an- and famiiy. Misses Chryrrel ust and Kathy Coathani spent thef BETHÀNY weekend ith teMre ve girls.t bs (Intended for last week) Visiting on Sunday with,. a Mss. Harold White is home George Mescers wese Ms. and n- from Civic Hospital, Peter- Mrs. Cy. Elsey, Carol andt st- borough.1 Marilyn, Oshawa, and Ms. la- Ms. and Mss. Rupest Woo d Martin and Miss Aileen Mar- in- and Miss Maureen Wood, St.ý tin o! Toronto. nd George's, Newfoundland, areý Mr. and Mss. Roy Vernon visiting with Ms. and Mrs. and Cheryl, and Ms. and Mss. me Gordon Wood. Gardon Langstaff, Danny an )bs Ms. and Mss. Charles Rey- Donna left Monday on a trip in inolds spent the past week's ta Uppes Canada Village and as holiday at a summer cottage! points east. Cheryl is stayîng aon Chemong Lake.j here for the summer with her he Ms. and Mss. Hope Rayson, sistes, Mss. G. Langstaf!. et- Fart Erie, were guests with Ms. and Mss. Eddie Cous- )n- Ms. and Mss. Ernest Lamb for oux, »Marie and Lynn, left the weekend. . Monday for a holiday at S ff Miss Joanne Edmunds is Cache Bay with bis folks. at visiting this week with Ms. M ;he arnd Mss. Reg. McKnight in anr. and* Mrs. Jack Fonk Orilla andDonald are on a holiday er Ms. and Mss. Lewis Sander- FonBks Flst ii h son, Toronto, were weekend AnRsra.o tsHarold Sanderson. . Committee meeting was held 3, Ms. and Mss. Lionel Monk, Friday evening on Hatcher- 1.Peterborough, spent the week: Foster's lawn ta make final ý0; End with Ms. and Mss. Tho- arrangements for the Street remas Jennings. Fais. Y,; Ronald Jackson, Ray Part- The three hall teams were L cous and Bob. Edmuncis are busy as usual this past week. 6, on holidays tthis week matas- Wednesday evening the Caus- 0- ing through Eastern Ontario tice Juveniles wese defeated - nt and going on a boat trip on' by Kendal 7-3, with Ralph the St. Lawrence Seaway. ýKennedy pitching thec whoie Ms. and Mss. Harry Ryleylgame. On Friday evening o! and family spent the pastithis week the fisst game of wcck with Ms. andi Mss. Frank lthe piay-offs will be played White at Trenton.1 here in Kendal with Courtice Ms. and Mss. Creighton Carr gi being the bpposing and family, Picton, were with) team. The play-offs are for 2 Ms. and Mss. Ross Cars for the best four out o! seven the weekend.1 gamnes with the winncrs going Mss. Ina Palmes bas rcturn- on ta meet the next group as cd froni twa weeks holidays Kendal and Coustice are the- with relatives in Peterborough oniy two juvenile tcams in and Anax. this league group. Ms. and Mss. Allan Kerno- Thursday eveni.ng the Ken- Il han and family are visiting dal Peewecs went ta, Cobourg P- with relatives in Minden for andi were defeated by them the next wcek. 10-3. Th same evening, Bow- Ms. and Mss. Vern. Mulli- manville came ta Kendal and gan and their daughter Lori- defeated aur team 5-4. anne spent the weekend with Sunday a!ternoon these was Ms. and Mss. Ralph Muhigan a good game hese between the at Wasaga Beach. Juveniles and a pick up team- Ms. andi Mss. Clarence Row- from Orono andi Newcastle an are on holidays motosing wîth John Quantrill doing the 01 ta Finnie, Sask., where they pitching for Kendal. At the will visit with their daughter end o! the 9th innings the and son-in-law, Ms. and Mrs.Iscore stoaci 3-3. In the last o Harvey Slater. jhaîf o! the llth innings Ken Gifta to Mrs. Edmunds dal manageci to score one sun On Thussday of this week to Win the game. Mss. Marjory Edmuncis anit!Mrss A. Jackson, Mss. Wnm. hes childsen, Bob, Joanne and Honey and Miss Mary Honey1 Mursy, are moving to Osh- visited Bill Jackson and other 75 awa whese Mss. Edmruncis will ,elatives asounci. Bill Jack- 01 be teaching at the Gertrudeson is home froni Memoriai Colpus Sehool beginning the Hospital and seenis pretty CI September tcsm. weli again. Following the regular ses- Church was held in the H vice i the United Church on Sunday School Hall Sunday Sunday morning, Mss. 'Eci- evening when Rev. R. C. muncis was prescnted with. White showed coloreci pictures the gi!t o! an electric Wall lof the work being done by the 101 clock froni the congregation church in other countries. The with Ms. Hensy Jakemaii, service is being held next Of clerk o! the Session, express- Sunday in the evening when ing theis good will for the more pictures wiil be shown. CI' future and their appreciation Afler that the service will se- Fl of her work in the chusch. 1 sume at 11:15 a.m. Sunday On behai! o! the chois, Mss.1 School was held in Ihe morn- 75 Mmuo R. K.le Sets eu M O R ISusua at 11:15 a.m. hee was present. This picnic was to 1 uualat11:5 .m.Thre ashave been held at Darke's (Intended for last week> Ject for clubs and women's an average attendance. Beach, unfortunately the wea- The segular monthly meet-1 organizations at the Fais, as Mrs. D. Haines visited her ther did nat ca-opesate, se the ing o! the U.C.W. was held on usual. More about this later. son, Mr. Roy Haines and fam- hall was the scene of this Tuesday, July 16th, at 8:15 l The August meeting wil be ily at Markbam on Monday, happy gathering.* the home of Mss. Dawson held in the Sunday School July l5th. A very unusual and embas- Beebe; 12 memnbers and 6 visi- August 2th at 8:15 P.m.j Mss. Brooks Cawan and Mss. sassing situation happened ln tors were present. The presi- "Thank you" letters were Francis Cowan o! Orono visit- a home recently at Morsish dent, Mss. Harry Bckctt, con- read and collection received, cd with Mss. M. J. Osbosne when the occupants were en- ducteci the meeting which op- a!tes which the meeting was (mather andi grand-daughtes) tertaîning guests. Iî seenis a ened with the caîl ta worship, turned oves ta the convenors on Monday, Juiy lsth. bat made its way into the top hymn 16 'Tram ail that dwell of program, Mss. M. MeHoîni Mss. M. E. MeHoini and Miss o! a twilight standard lamp below the skies," and prayes. and Miss Beckett. Beckett were weekend guests and whien tbis was lit Ms. Bat The scriptuse, Psalm 96: 9. A special program, had been o! Ms. and Mss. C. Warncs, started ta frize. One car 13, andi Psaim 27: 4, was read arranged and thanks are ex-Trno t he sm riagetersuigod. by Ms. eneta sbone.tened o M. ad Ms. aw-home, Gorc's Landing, Rice Cooksave and furnace wcre Meditation with prayer by son Beebe for theis co-opera- Lake, July 13-14th. investigated, windows a n d Mss. Minnie McHolm, bynin lion in making it passible faor A picnic supper of the clan doors closed - tbinking fumes 18 "My Goci how wondcr!ul the Rcv. A. W. and Mss. Hard-MHlnwshdonSdaer trigfm utie. Thou art," and the Lord's ing to show on projector ancd Mclnm waheld on iSundaywerently sering fronosde Prayes in unison concludeci seseen a large numbes o! untHllin Miho o M-%ina]ly, moke wasersen Iiogghh-, this part o! the program. beautiful films laken hast win-Muelylle i hono br o! Ms. ig rom thisce rn ligoff Meeirl Mcoims brlbay. wichwasquikiysured ! The business session was tswe vitngMsBu- This event was conveneci by and the ados almost vanisheci. short. Rail eaUl and minutes ner at Santa Barbara, Califor- Ms. and Mss. Norbert Mc- Spraying with "Spicy Good' a! thme June meeting werc nia. Miss Bunnes la a sister omitted. The question o! hav- o! Mss. Harding and bas many ing a re!reshment booth at friends in this localiîy. the Part Hope Agricullural To open the program, Miss Fais was talked oves - no de- Joan Marvin sang as a solo in cision was made, sa il was de- her usual sweet mannes, "In cided ta eaul a meeting o the Garden," accompahied on memibers a!ter church seric piano byMs enMcom on Sunday. This was donc Aur guests froni Bownman- and il as nanmau'yville wese then inlroduccd b agseed that there be no booth Mss. M. McHolm. This wasa for us Ibis time; it entaileci a matter o! fosmality, as thb great deal o! hard wosk forRe.adMsHadnned the very !ew members of aur no introduction. It was a very groupof UC.W.great pleasure to have them gsop o U..W.join us for a short lime. Other Il was maveci andi secondeci guesîs wese the Rev. M and that we take part in the pro- Mss. Freeman, baby Anne and y Kathryn. M ss. Carlus Dicken _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ______________________ son was an invite i guest. la q!etigs ereextnde to HOLIDAY SPECIAL! - VaitSave f6c! Accouniancy RAY J. DELLING Chartered Accountant 93 Church Street 623-3861 LEONARD JAMES BROOKS Chartered Accountant Accountants - Auditors Trustee in Bankruptcy Suite 205W 725-9953 Oshawa Shopping Centre WM. J. H. COGGINS Chartered Accountant Second Floor New Library Building Cor. King & Temperance Sts. Phone 623-3612 YALE, FRIEDLANDER & COMPANY Chartered Accountant.e Licensed Trustee in Bankruplcy 4 King St. E. 728-7371 Oshawa, Ontario MONTEITH - MONTEITI! RIEHL & CO. 135 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa Chartered Accountants 728-7527 Partners: Hon. J. W. Monteith, F.C.A. A. B. Monteith, B. Com., C.A. G. W. Riehi, C.A., R.I.A. (Licensed Trustee) G. E. Trethewey, C.A. R. F. Lightfoot, C.A. WILSON &BURROWS Chartered Accountants 14 Ring St. East, Oshawa, Ont. ?artners: Ronald F. D. Wilson, C.A. G. Edmond Burrows, C.A. Phone 728-7554 C h irop r a cic G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. ifc:Chiropractor 5EgnSt., cor. of Horsey St. Phone 623-5509 )ffice Hours: By Appointment D en fal DR. WV. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. 5Ring St. E. Bowmanville )ffice Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 p.rn. daily losed Saturday and Sunday Office Phone - 623-5790 luse Phone - Newcastle 3551 DR. E. W. SISSON è L.D.S., D.D.S.a Office in his home t 00 Liberty St. N., Bowmanville t Phone 623-5604c ffice Hours:e 9 a.m. to 6 p.ni. daily 1osed Wednesday - Suiday 1 ~C. F. CATTRAN, D.D.S. t Office 1t 5 ing St. E. Bowmanviller fice Hours:c 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily v tosed Saturday and Sunday il relephane: Office 623-5459 0 u Land SurVeylng n MERRILL D. BROWN 1 P.ENG., O.L.S. c UQueen St. Box 165k - Bus. and Res Telephone 623-7251 For an hour or mare Ms, Harding manlpulated the pro- jector with running coni- ments as one by anc we watch the many beautiful scenes presented. Time and pictures passed ail tao quick- !y; soon the lights came on and the pragram was oves. Mss. McHoîni thanked Ms. and Ms. Harding for coming andi giving such a picasant ev- ening, also Mss. Helen Mc- Holm and Joan for the musi- cal part o! the psogsam, then psoposed a show o! apprecia- lion froni ail present, casried unanimously by hearty hanci- clapping. A social half hour was next enjoyed, during whieh. a dainty lunch was ses- ved by Ms. Beebe, assistei by M. Beebe. The president thanked eus hostcss for her gencrous has- pitality, aur guesîs and con- venors o! psogram for the en- jayable psogram. The Rcv. Ms. Freeman gave the closing prayer. The Rev. A. W. and Mss. Harding were dinner gucsts o! Ms. and Mss. Dawson Beebe prias to the meeting. Regular worship sesvice was held at 10 a.m. on July 2lst This was Sacsament Sunday and a larges congregalion than usual was present, thc Rev. M. Freeman o!ficiating. During the early part o! service Ms. Milton Brimaconibe was ne- ceived by Iransfes !nom the parish o! Elizabethville ta Morrisb by Mr. Freeman and welcomed by Mss. D. Beebe andi M. A. Peters. Assistingi in the servig o! the Lord' Supper were Ms. Allen Peters and Ms. Fred MoConnell. The clements were prepared by Mss. Dawson Beebe and Mss. Milton Brimacornbe, niembers o! the Session. The choir gave their usual sacred seleclion, "My Faithi looks up la Thee." Flowers were arrangcd by Miss Dianne McConnell, Mss. Allen Petersý andi Mss. M. McHolm. The subi ecî and theme o! Ms. Freeman's sermon was - ro enjoy whateves kind o! work we edcl b do, la put our whole heart into aur job, do Il ta the best o! aur ability as a part a! God's great plan, to be an cvery day Christian, ta the bonour o! God, scrving ous feliowmen and be inter- ested in aur wosk day by day. The Rev. M. Freeman and family arc leaving on vaca- tion Tbussday, July 25tb, se- turning August 22nd. Ar- rangements are made for a continuation o! Sunday ses- vices once evcry Su.nday dus- ing absence, The Rev. White of Newtonviile may be calleci ipon to act in Rev. M. Free- man's place if necessary os ;hauld an cmesgency arise vlrs. Harvey Osborne, Wel- come, will contact Ms. Free- YELVERTON L e g a i Inte<nded for last wrtek) STRIKE and STRIKE Jack Wilsons wese Mr. and Barristerà, Solicitors Mrs. Jim Taylor and girls of Nataries Public London; Mss. Taylor and girls W. R. Strike, Q.,C. staying for a few days' hall- A. A. H. Strike, B.A. day. Edward C. Wildman, Welcome home ta the Mur- B.A., LL.B. ray Malcolms fromn their 40 King St. W. - Bowmanville cross country tour of U.S.A. Telephone 623-5791 Mr. and Mrs. Orval Quack- LAWENC C.MASN, .A. enbush and boys enjoyed a Barsister, Solicitor few days' relaxation this past Notary Publie week while motorlng along King St. W.- Bowmanvllle St. Lawrence Seaway thru Phones: Office 623-5688 Brockvile, Ottawa, etc. and Residence 623-5553 home. Mr. and Mrs. Frank HODGINS & BONNYCASTLE Glasbesgen accompanied by BaristrsSolcitrs, Mr .and Mss. Wm. Van Fleet ariesPuolieos enjayed a similar trip this 14 Frank St. Bowmanvllle week. Last Sunday, Ms. Harold E. RICHARD LOVEKiN Stinson, Ms. and Mss. Rae B.A., LL.B. Malcolnm accompanied t he Barrister, Solicitor Bert Gibsons to visit an aid ing st. E. Newcastle neighbour, Mrs. Ray MeG ill Phone 2246 of Fenelon Falls, enjoying a Hours: 9-5:30 - Wed., Sat., 9-1 pleasant day together. gge day, were curtailed somewhat~ SADIE HAMILTON - ORONO hy welcome showers. An en-,i Phone 1 r 18 joyable pienie supper in the Flrst Mostgage Funds Odd Fellows' Hall concluded Residences - Farnis a rathes dsippy aftesnoon. An Business Properties - opportune time for the cattlel Mortgage Loans ta break inta the oat field ton, Prompt, courteous service and one they took advantage HAROLD C. PEDWELL of.i Real Estate and Ms. and Mss. Hanlc Boon! Mortgage Broker and girls of Cooksville were Newcastle Phone 3856 Sunday visitors at Malconia. Msr. ana Mrs. Aido Nasato and 0p fo m e r y Louis o! Port Credit were! mid-week callers. KEITH A. BILLETT, 6W. Mr. Gavin Gordon (ourma Optometrlst Friday) enjoyed a week's wel-1 141 King St. E. -Bowmanville come change from "1baie- Office Hours: By appointmnent swinging" with his famlly at Telephone 623-3252 their cottage at Long Point. Mon. - Tues. - Thurs. - Fit Sympathy la extended .o 9 a.m. to 5 p.rn. the fami]y and friends o! the' Thursday evenings Ilate Harry Richardson of Pon- Wed.amd Sat. - 9 - là'typool in their bereavement. il eAire" and remnlm«.1debr Dcleared the air. SMr. and Mrs. Fred Raddllff of Rochester, N.Y., attegded our recent strawberry 5and were enthused b3f'e profusion of good things to eat, and promised to return next year if it is held o Saturday or near same dateil Mr. Radcliff's father operateel the blacksmith shop top of Roseberry Hill, before Mr. Harness. Old timers may re. member this famlly. Get Cash Today For OId Appliancos thrOUg'h1 ST AT ES8rdA N ýC L A SSIFI1EDS8 i Phone 623-3303 REGULAR $1.39! - Il oz. Size .elm n yt., AEROSOL Q99, about'the FuIOX BOMBC TAT ANT TRAPS *--3 for 69c Holiday Speclal!- Save Se FRESH DAILY! - Weston or Sunbeam Reg. 39c - 12 t. pkg. CINNAMON BUNS . .. pkg. 35c HOLIDAY BISCUIT FEATURE - Supreme 5 Varleties Celle Pack FANCY BISCUITS . .* 3 pkcgs. $1 I HOLIDAY FROZEN F00I SUNKIST LEMONADE YORK STRAWBERRIES D FEATURESI1 4 o&Tn 4 for 57c 15V os3:gs 2 for 75c Prices effective at the Iisted Red & White Food Stores only MAPLE GROVE MARKET 6.Maple Crove I ORNISH'S MARKET ..**..Prouo PORTER'FS RED & WHITE .. Newtouville

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