Clarke's Former Deputy Reeve Dies in Traff i' Accident k ;l f .-' E r S P O R o ~ rhe Ceanadlan !tatemna"nB,, twmnvlll, Aug. y, 1903 9 o f the growerF have startecd Miss Carrol Elsev stayed with, 0o top. the Mercers wvhile Mass Irene. FUELS TWO Ur IN MEN'S SOFTBALL, Miss C. W. Stewart ha% been Mercer went to Oshawa for Depending on the-outcome of Tuesday's garne Bil, with Mrs, Dobson after her holiday with the Elseys. Billard coid e rghtbac inthechapioshi setes orecent retkirn front Memoriial Mr. and Mrs. George Mac* Biliars culdbe igt bck n te camionhipseresorHospital. Miss Stewart gave Donald, Ro 'v and Treasa wero. the Fuels might have a strangle-hold on the best of seven up îeaching the last of mup guests of her mother, Mi-w.- affair. and as she liad iaught for- so Selleck, at Omemee, Sunday. Howcver. nt time of wî îtrng, Stephen's are lcading 2-0, manY vears al Sîarkville. a The first of the Kendal- on last es efforts. The opener wvas a real thr1iller as presentation was lield at the1 Courtie plavofts vas played home of Mr. and Mrs. West- on thie Park here Fridav e%;.: Bill's grabbed the earl ' lead. tel] behind and staged a greai heUser wlhon the communit ening with a final sc.ore at rally to tie it, before the h2ýaIing specialists pulied out a 10-9 gave her an uphiolstered chair the end of the seven innings decision in the final frame. zmd lier piîpils presented her of 7-3 for Kendal. Rav Cour- Jolin Mason continued to beit the bal] a muilebut ithî a HiYmnal. aux pitched the gaine for Mis. Fred Falls of Pe1e: - Kendal while Brian Down.4 Grentr ightd f e in a couple of drives up figai!ist Ilile borou-lh has been visiting Mr. pitched niost of it for Cour. icenre iel fece.Along with Fred *BLick' Cowle's futile and Mrs. Len PFalls and allier lice. The score stoor.1 -3 iii. attmptto eac thrdand the tlîree-run boner and triple relatives. We are pleas.ed ta the 6th innings until WVayne by "Jigs" Cow ing hese \&ere the big moments in 1ue se her looking so well again' Hogg brought in the tie-break- crowd-teaser Mc. peration. îng ruinwhich was followed crow-plaser ',Ir.Allen Cathcart had lheibv three more rung in qtîick Thursday's tilt \vas in the bag frorn the first inninig,, misfortune ta trip and fa!iX. succession. It was a most ini- wlien consecutive errors on the firsi thie batters gave the breaking elue of his ribs al teresting game. Games are Fuels a4-0 edge. The game ended 5-0. as Mel Burgess was the back. Mr. Cathcart is 97 ta be playcd Monday evening thevctimof Il ueared rns.Bath Mcland eore nd is extra sîuîart for his age. iii Courtice and Wednesdav' ,th vitimof ll neane rus. othMelandGeogeHe was taken to Memorialtevening in Kendal. It is for Stephen pitched back to their semi-final form, after the Hlospital on Thursdav. , the best four games out of sluggers had dominateri in 'ruesday's Iid-lifter. Mi-. and Mrs. George Clark. ,seven. Cowle, "Archie" rse and George "Genieral" Jories. roronto, spent last week at Crossev heir sumîner home here. Mr. thrce of Bill's best, were missing front the line-up and whenan r.N mnThteJÀ Ray Preston was tossed ont in the second, it left the pool- xvent back to Toronto for th-IAI shîarks tremnendously wcakenied. week ho keep the farni1iesl CALL 1VS lI AND More batting power could have brnught, Buis a Win, while their daughters went, oniY l e)L ÇE tytingup the series, and *t'~ , "Ai-ch" and "Gen aile cap, holia dl* ,, /LLSEE ýaleofmkig hedffrecr narriedsvoiniîhav*e beenflC f/A Areport an iast night~s (Tuesday gaine apprars else-,talking al] seasori of geîi KN à ED fl S ;wheîe irn the Statesman. The fourth contest goes Thuisday. u.p a saftball team iso firnaîl-,ý A *TO- jouneydto Oîonn or :6:30 p.m. at the High School. Future garnes, if necessary. ýae '1c11the Oro uno will be played Tuesday and TIhursdav, ne\î week. girls and were beateîî by al If BilIFs win Tuesday, thev il ltie up the series, if not - it. large score. They are ta ga, in Stephen's infour, back for another game this ____ - week as it, takes practice loi gel started. Church was hrid in tIlic!l Kenal K E N D A LI Sunday schooi hall a gainî oný (Intended for lasî week) historical data about tiuem and Sunday and R.ev. Mr. Whitei showed a set of coloured pic-' Kedlladies had a most werc interested ini seeing th,' ttures. Next Sunday the ser- enjoyable lime recently when shortest Inter-national bridge vice will be at. 11:15 as usual two cr lods ofthemwenîbelween Canada and the U.S. butwih uda hol i This car lwe xvefthe east, o-big. Aw tp "~geithspeakcr. 1 Fi l E T CL J' on the annual W. i. picnlic. as well as the big lvy Lea 1():15. Mr. R. Goheen will be ping at Kingston for a shorlmade ai Ba)ldt Castle on Ille Mr. and Mrs. Grar-don Lanug-4 shopping spree. Afier a pic- American side. The boat ride staff speîiî lasi week ai a rot-; NTACTING REPAIRS±~ nic lunch ai roadside table', tiself tvas quiite snîooth allai tage ai Harw'ood and Mr. alîd; we went on ta Gananoque and pleasant. Mrs. John Thompso n and ERGERATION-ELECTRIC boarded the boat foi, a lhree- This past week wiih Ilis amilyý spent the weekendi MOTOR -SALES -SERVICE hour cruise aniong the Thous- lemperatures in ihe 90's uaswith them.V T.V- RADIO -APPLIANCES and Islands. We saw manv been a littie tao hot for ouri Mr. and Mis. Cv Elsey and] loey homes built on the is-' coinfort bUt is appai-entîx' daughters speni udywii lands and -vere given much wlîat the tobacco needs. Sain«e Mr. and Mrs. GeorgeMecr Prices Effective Aug. 7, 8, 9, 10 A fatal coýncidence brought four district cars together on car is onrthde highway in the left lane and bad]y damaged, the! busy Highway tl5 last Thursday morning, causing an accident that Andrews vehicle is at right. Close up photos of both damagedi killed former C~Iarke Township. Deputy Reeve W. John Patton, 78, vehicles are shown in lower photos. No one except Mr. Patton wasi cf Orono. Othet' cars involved were driven by Bill Hoy af Kendal, injured. Oddly enaugh, the Weekly Times of Orono appearedi Norman Andrewvs, Cowanvitle and Fred Graham of Orono.Upe shortly aftet the accident with a story of the crash on page twol photo shows the. scene af the crash. with the Patton car at lef t,1 and on page ane, a photo showed Mr. Patton taking part in a corner- nearest to camnera. Directly behind it is the Graham car. The Hoy! stone laying ceremaony at Orono United Church, a few days before. cnjoyed the wonderfully cool: ter bis long stay in Port Hope1 atmasphere of the roorn on Hospital, and little baby Peter Hoskin of Port Hope, who is Fueli G o Thre U p uch a bot day. They were; in Sick Children's Hospital, Stephen Fuels scored tlîree Stephen's evened the score mîght pull it out in the sev- Ruth Nuchols, alsa Valerie'bv his grandmother, Mrs. A.1 turnes in the thÈrd inning ta in the second on Dadson's enth wvben Stephen weakeîîed Austin wbo was unable to be;Thorndyke, after seeing him defeat BiIl's BiUi.ards 5-3 at broken bat single, Cowling's ta walk twa after ancetvas present but made several:ofl Sunday. the High SchooL park, Tues- bunt. a ground ont b John out. But George bore dowr identification cards for- the Mrs.Lod Bchl day night. Victoiy gave Ste- Stainton and Jack Bn' to get dangerous hittersMS.LJonc'hhlzo phen's a commauding 3-0 lead squeeze bunt. and John Mason ta end thpe. ' n iply fro lr il amesidn iii the best af seven Men's Singles by Dan Girardi and game. China, Japan, Korea. India,ý of eseyvile, .îs ust corne Town League fiuxal. Cawle produced the final Bul- Stephen gave up six bits, Burnia, Afrîca and Trinidad, across Canada by the trans- In hebigthrd.Grntliard's rarker in the sixth. while Burgess allowed but -as well as from our own Con- Canada bighway with berJ Ingh c iguted. wGrn t apae ta il' tl tv..adian Arctic. Eacb off four, husband and tells us she visit- Wrigt coutd, tw-ru Itapperedtha Bil'sstil fve.tea tables represented one of. ed Mrs. Lottie Cruickshank homer to break up a 2-2 tie. - the mission fields off the! in Golden, B.C., and found l'V c Dadson's base bit went cIV I U hurclh and the offering re._lier hale and hearty. Mrs. for a triple when rîght-fielder W E LEVhL ceived is in aid of the Sunday Cruikshank was the former George Jones fN11, scoring on fSho' rjc o r oteDyotwotuh '.jigs' Cowlingl's tough boun- (Intended foc last week) ather short strîp of road cols je or i IDr. TMalc- otin Da yfowh o ut cer. that Fred Cowle couldn't Raspberry ikn it sbokapn which will taký Clures workinni.ThescolnWsevieabu hold. George '9tephen singled here and several off the young the bard surface past the' girls wvere delighted with the 1903. $29 received. Friends wei-e: Mr. arud Ms odAsi to open the fveme. people, boys and girls, are church and school. present fromn Welcome, ZioI. and fanuily r aod pe Aul ilill's grabbod a 2-0 first hclping Mr. Ouchterlony ge' On Wednesday afternoon afMorrishi, and Port Hope., vere away for a short holiday in g lead w.ith Joncs' two- his crop harvested iin Clarke. the past week thie girls' claýs bagger the big blowv. "Archie" township. Last week's bot of the Sundav school, Peari There wvere .52 at Sundav last week. going as far as Crossey drew ïa base on balîs:weather made the ability ta Austin. Sharon and Linda Schooi on Sunday mrorning, Buffalo and called on Eddie end raced aruuund the basesstay with it, quite a test off Thorndykc, W an da For-liwitiî Lewis Thorndyke reaci- Howard at Welcome. Thte,, as the Fuelera' stood watch- endurance, Gloria Nichols and Barba ra, ng the seripture. Wanda Ford noticed the difference in har- Ing Mel Burgxýss' drag bunt, The township road mainten- Dinner served tea in the base- gave a report of the visit ai. vest lime wîth this localit-.' that went for a double. ance nmen are preparing an.- ment ta some 60 people whao ler borne off the Princeton for il; seerned 10 be cornpleted choir merober, and Ruth Nich- in te Niagara peninsula. ols and Robyn Clarke gave MVrs. Ida Plum of Toronto an excellent accounit off Ibeur visited witb ber sister, Mrs. PLAN' TO ATTEND Te annuiSunday School Hrdarn r.andough on picnic was held at Austin*s Karvonen and Melody of beach on Saturday afenoScroog spent the week- tvith a good crowd presieu,,ý,Ind with E. Barrowclough's. R oya C a adia L e ionmothers to make the chore Cf ispending hohidays with ber iluing a enoghfthe lr ad andra ne bMr.asd been pleasure. A bail garne, swi-ni-,A. Peters, Morrish. ntîng,* games for every age Cathy Langdon of Port group. a wonderful tug-ot- Hope *has been visiting berý wa.iecream, and o bountil-, aunt, Mrs. Howard Payne. ful supper mnade this oîne off: _________ the best picîtics for a longi Aurn1VA ie. No one was hurt, tii VTý'Tl1 featringhie pleasuî-e. Mr. and MrF. Mr-. and Mrs. Robert Mic-!. two hlrn visiting at Mur- Mrs, Howard Lee. G IG AT ICray Payne*s, were welcome . John Arseolt and Earl B3ow-1 -CHILDREN'S PARADE 6.30 p.m. FRIDAY, AUG. 91H - TO - MEMORIAL PARK AMUSEMENT BOOTHS REFRESHMENTS GET VOUR TICKETS ON SPECIAL DRAW 1963 OLDSMOBILE 2-DR. HARDTOP -GLEE CLUB DRAW The church service on Sur cabin cruiser trip ,o Lake day rnornîutg vas ronducled Sim1cùe and ta Rire Lake, by the ladies off the U.C.W. 'n Mr. and Mrs. Neil Lee andi Rex-.NM. Freemnans absence an Debbie spent several daysý holiday Mrr. Arnold Austinlolidaying at Rosedale. gave the calho worship, In- Mr.' Scott Hutchison and ;vocation and led tbe respan- sons Tomi and Ranald of Pet- sive psalm. Mrs. Carroll Nich- 1erborougît and Mrs. Herman ols read tce scrîpture. led the Sarnelîs were Wednesday ev- pastoral prayer and dedicatcd ening dinner guests off Mr., and 'the offering which was re- Ms CclWisn ceived by Mrs. George Tu,-'MsCeiWlon fard and Berniece Best. Mris: Mr. and Mrs. Douglas F'alÈs Allan Clarke told the child- and famnil.v of Bowmnanville ren*s storx- and Mu-s. E. B,, - visited hec parents. Mr. and rawclough gave a shortre'Ms Clarke Williams. ,iew off the historv and peo-' Mrs. Normnan Warmungton, pIe of Okinawa which follow- Scarborough, spent the week- cd the rissionary themne ot. end with her brother Grant the service - knowing each and Mrs. Thonipgson. other better. The chair undeî Mr. and Mrs. Arthur. Hvý- i the direction of Mrs. Haro.d land %verk- Sundav dînnerl Reeve sang an anthen, *'Love guests of Mr. and Mus . Ross 'One Another'X a quartette, Dowson. Pari Perr ' . iMesdamnes John Walter. John Rev. W. Midglev and NLus. Groeneveld, Ken Dinner, anti Midgley, Grace and Glen of ýMrs. Snell sang "Softly and'Trumnan, Minnesota, are visi- TcndrlyJess IsCa Fng ng her parents. Mr. and Mr.l and MIrsý. Carroll Nîchols sang Arthur Hanna. Janetville. and j.ust As 1 Arn." Mrs. Harold calîed on several folk in thel Barrowclough and Mrs. Ricb-, village. arcl Best grected thc congre-. Mr. and Mrç. Per-ce Hulber+I galion ai the door. Titere and Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Ror.- will be no regular 5ervire ic-r v s'ted Arthuir Rohrer n ncte n Au 4~hPetnr-borough H as pilaior We are glad ho sa *y Roý Sunday His condition remaîns Lazier has retuu-ned home al- about the saine. TABLERITE - SLICED Cooked MEATS MWacaroni & Cheese - Pick le Chicken Loaf - Bologna VACUUM SEALED 6-or. Pkg. &Pimento - Dutch Loaf1 Swift Premium - Pienic Style - Reg. or Ready-to-Serve SMOKED PORK SHOULDER 39ý Royal Gueat - Sliced - Rindiess Side BACON 1 lb pkg 69clb Schneiders' - Country Style - 1 lb. pkg. PURE PORK SAUSAGE 49lb We reserve the ri GOLD SEAL Sockeye Salmon IGA Sunny Morn (OFFEE right to limit quantities % sizr Tin JJ 1 lb. Bag KRAFT MIRACLE WHIP - 4c Sa lad 32oz D ressing IGA WAXED PAPER 55c Off 1For! i Royal Guest - White or Brown 24 o.~f IGA BREAD £ Loaves 39C Kraft Canadian - 16 oz. Pkg- (HEESE SLICES 49c 5w].. Steak - Ham e Chopped Sirloin . Turker Chlcken - Beef or Loin of Pork - Il oz. Pkt. Frozen T.V. DINNERS 59c IIOSPITALITY APPLE PIE each 39c SUNBEAM - Lemon - Limm GUESI CAKE each45c Lemntn- Precooled i CORN on the(COB Summer Corn Roasts - Ontario No. 1 Grade IO for 29C Produce of U.S.A. - No. 1 Grade - Sire 45's CANTALOUPES ea 19c Ontario - No. 1 Grade STAKE TOMATOES qt box 25c Bradford Grol3n - No. 1 (,rade CRISP LETTUCE 2 for 2.5c1 i Vaun Camp - 3c Off BEANS & PORK 2T2n.4 5 c c arietter. 59 IGA MEAT SPREAD 4T no:49 Brunswick SARDINES 3 tins 25C 100ovt. WHITE VINEGAR 25c Roll c rrouse & Blackwell Date & Nut or Fruit & Nut 25 NUT BREAD 2Tis.39ci Recelve $10.00 in Bonus Tapes with Recelve 56.00 In Bonus Tapes wlth NESTLEIE DRINK 2.1h. BICKS DILLS 32e.btl Simoniz Reddi'Starchle ",c,. Wiute Swan Serviettes 2 Pk*s E X T RSuy n* GetOn@ retlohnsen & Johnson E X T R A rentLiui Band Aid Plastic Strips - Pg 52eves.00 i BonuiN Tapes With Toa $56on00 2 olud French Style Totf Bopes Solo Margarine 2 I'.Pkq. McCain's Frozen Beans loPo.g TableRite Wieners c.îoP"i. New Potatoes 1 l. u Bowmanvelle IGA Fodliner - BOWMAN VILLE -I *1 r4 w I FULL LINE 0F IPISf FOR THE KIDOIES LALMES' AUXILIARY DRAW in t