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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Aug 1963, p. 1

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Çounciml Votes 0 on Favo.' of Legcalized Sweeps' Choose Area Beauty Queen br rn4n Durham County's Great Family Journal 12 Pages BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 7th, 1963- 10c Per Copy Mayor Receives Chain of Office Authorize Sewage Debentures Council Planning to Tear Down Condemnned E. Beach Dance Hall First. and second readings! a By-Law authorizing theby a set date, and will carry were given to two By-Laws tearing down of the East $141,345 at 5.8 per cent. The at the meeting of Bowman- Beach Dance Hall, and 2. a balance will be financed by Ville Town Council held in the By-Law to authorize the is- debentures. The By-Law wil Council Chamber on Monday sue of debentures in the be referred to the Ontario evening. Ail members of the amount of $351,215.54 for the Municipal Board for approval council were present with the construction of the Sewage before the third reading. exception of Councillor Roy Treatment Plant. Deputy-Reeve Stevens sta- W. Nichols and Councillor The total cost of the Sew- ted that council should con- Keîth Shackelton, who were age Plant was $419,892.04. gratulate itself on the price absent because of illness. Central Mortgage and Hous- of this. The first tenders for The By-Laws given first ing will remit $68,676.50 as the sewage plant were approx- and second readings were: 1. construction was completed (TURN TO PAGE TWO) .......... -Laying Tule on Hardwood Councillor Hooper Charges ..... Schools SqMander Funds Councillor Ken Hooper at the counicil had saved the tax- wood on good hardwood floors the meeting of Bowmanville payers a consîderable expen-1 and is going to lay tile on Town Council in the Council diture on the construction ofithemn at Central School," Chamber on Monday evenîng the sewage treatment plant, Councillor Hooper stated. charged that the Bowmanville but deplored what he termied "At the meeting of the Public School Board is squan- unnecessary spending by the Board of Works last week a dering money. School Board. motion by Deputy-Reeve Ste- He agreed with a statenîpnt "I have been informed that yens, which I seconded, was that had been made bý L' "tji e Bowmanville P ublIiec carried that a letter be sent ty,-Reeve Ross 'Stevens that S d %."I Board is putting p1l - to the Public School Board asking that it outline the rea- sons for covering what !S An Oshawa girl, Gloria Romanuk, 17 yasod o h euycneta thought to be reasonably good the Summer Spectacular held at Cream of Bre Bw avleZo nMn V ote on 'Sw eehpstakes' ardwcodifl~orwith vinyl:L dCay when thousands of district spectators wr nhn. Ms th etrlShol enrisaGad 3student at McLaughli ighShoOhwadejy uigthe seven days singing and social work. Bowmanville entrIen Ra ergt1,wa glacewhoisth ChefMagstat ofth cmmuit. O Mndy eenng D raw s 5 to 2 Suppor ÉM ' ator *o Works second and Louise Buechier, 16, Oshawa, pae hr. Sily Cobs metn-ehdtre u-Liberty St. N. was the only other Bowmanil nr nte ots ocos In future, visitors to Town Councii's officiai function will be able to tell atA OII tral S hoo _ _*je, toen- Ms L.Tewne eeie ayvlal rzs ~Councillor Annie Oke who promoted the idea of obtaining a chain of office for 'withou tsuoss. the Mayor, madle the officiai presentation at -the August counicil meeting. A "Howeer, oMayP P (aircrod o spctatrs as n hnd fr te ocason.Bowmanville Town Council sweepstakes was discussed 'Of the Public Schoo *Councîl Chamber on Monday firmed surveys taken by Our wood and vinyl tile had been. evnîg y vteoffie to group, Operation Canadian put on good hardwood 'Coun- two declared itseif to be in Sweepstake; up to 98 per cent cillor Hooper informed court0'-Gv r i-i. ~. '..~ra e 13 I< esults favor of egalized anadian of the people polled locally cil.Ianopsdt hssed counicil were present except stakes," the letter asserted. ing, which 15 not needed. T'he followîng results of -Latin Authors, L.C.- Latin Councillor Roy W. Nichols Mr. Higgins wrote that 11Op- Council makes a dollar stretch, ra 1 eaiatosh mo si toF.A.-rench and Councillor Keith Shackel- eration Canadiani Sweepstake" but the Sehool Board does not rC of r ne à Bowanvile Hih Schol Athors F.C- Frech CM- to whowere bsen due oina Novembertedseemovmtormeed.twastingati money.y Cls o rie were released for publication postion,G.A.- Gerrnan Auth. illnss...1962. byn three, Toot busi- We are critcized if the mili Alex Carruthers. M.PP. e chc$bib os Of ceTop students were Chris- ition, S.A.-. Spanish Authors, Toronto, informed coundcil that volunteers are workîng forlcrs should' tour the inside Of îeft on Sunday for a or os O fietopher Robinson with six S.C.- Spanish Composition. at a recent meeting o Mayors (TURN TO PAGE TWO) (TURN TO PAGE TWO) trip to Regina where Mr. B a firsts, two seconds and one Individual Resuits and Reeves of Metropolitan Carruthers in association with hi aturday wreit five firts, onscond, Bain, June- F.A, F.C; B; Toronto the question of legal the Hon. William Murdock, one third and two credits. Z. Ic ISpeakrpof the Legisiature, Postmiaster Frank Walters Legend: E.C.- English Com- Blackburn, Robert - E.C; PRICE CHANGE w ian Aereaerente On thei of Courtice is retlring tis position, E.L.- Engîish Lit- E.L. In the Dominion Store ad- (aittS C7j/'dtg eces Government at the fifth Can- week and the Post Office erature, H- History, A- Ai- Boe, Jeanette- E.C; E.L; vertisement, the price ofadinAe ofr eo h whlch bas been operated by gebra. Gg-Geography, Gmn- IH A; Gmn; T; P; C. chickens shouîd have been35 Commonwealth Parliamentary the Walters famlly for mnany Geometry, T- Trigonometry, Burnham, Gordon- A; Gmn; înstead of 37c and for chicken PENNY FAIR - Next Tuesday evening at 6:30, Association. A representative year& will be closedl permn- B- Botany, Z- Zooiogy, p- T. F.A;F.C;P; C. un a basket it should have read the youngsters from the several playgrounds in of each of the opposition par- .,. anently on Saturday, August Physics, C- Chemistry, L.A.. TURN TO PAGE TWO) 38e instead of 42c. town will stage their ninth annual Penny Fair, ties in the Legisiature wili . 1Oth. . . starting with a huge parade. Already, they have epri hecnfr Bownianville Postmnaster I George ViJé advlses that P ete p f r P r d started work on the costumes which this year, The aim of the Association, Courtice customners will beprms ob vnmr oofladgoeqe M.Cruhsifrn ss uervled hifutue by ural.~ ~-~"r~ than formerly. Dont miss it, and the show follow- o Route 3' ing at the Lions Centre. the interchange of views bet- ween parliane'ntarians on t StAT probiems of mutual interest THZFLIFS PNTSCLOSED UP- Quite a f ew of the town's one- and importance. Not only does h a nett of Pontypool man business establishments have taken the Civic this interchange of ideas take hus ant takn of th . . .*. .place during the formai ses- bedpost on Saturday niWit.! Holiday weekend seriously and closed their places sions, but what Mr. Carruth- The thuef stole severai hundredi of operation for a week, and more, in some ers considers equaliy reward- dollars and also took his wal- instancoes. In contrast, we heard of one shop- ing, through the informai let contaîning ail his papers.1kee' i h a e is oia nStr contacts the members have da e ver al Sewh hdher had t olatten a tdig ith each other during the 0 a nsvrlyears. Sh a oatn edn conference and the tours. The and really enjoyed the occasion. conference thus provides the Legion Holds t t 1 t mWhile othinshis ouinion, a BUY hleoheswere holidaying over the (TURN TO PAGE TWO> weekndthere was considerable activity in the Super (arnival fre ignEeti trwihwl onb m iI l~ rome *oego ElcrU.tr, i. wl oo e r J triaay migni People of the town and sur-î roundîng district are looking iorward to the Super-Carnival to be held by Branch 178 of the Royal Canadian Legion in Memorial Park, Liberty Street! South on Friday evening start- ing at seven o'clock. In case of rain h will be held on Sat- urday evening. There wili be a wide var-! iety of wonderful attractions! for ail ages, and those attend- ing are guaranteed a memor- able evening. There wili be a colossal Bingo Booth, refresh-ý ments, fruit, blankets, novel- ties, rides for the youngsters, and many games of chance. The Legion Car Draw for a 1963 Oldsmobile "88" Holida.v Sceni Two-Door Hardtop will be held. There will also be three other splendid draws. The prizes in the Legion Ladies Auxiliary Draw will be a bridge set, table and chair., chaise longue, quilt, and a thermno ice cooler. The Ladies Auxiiiary is aiso hold- ing rod and tackle. The Legion and wardrobe, and for a fish- uzîg rod andtackle. The Legion GIee Club Draw prize wiil be a man's made-to-measure tallored suit. Everyone will enjoy view- Ing the Children's Costumé Parade which wili be led by %wmanville Legion Pipe, It will start f rom uLi of the High School at1 Mand proceed viaý Qu sand Ontario Street to Argyle Street, then to Duke Street and south to Memorial Park. -- AU girls and boys 13 years ~.Ç Sand under are eligible for " Costume Parade. There Sharon Carman was the sweet Queen of Hearts be five classes: 1. Comic, b Oigia, 3. Western, 4 was lvely little Debbie Corson during the parade at >oI Canle, 5. Decorated They won prizes for their outf its too but, at thîs point, nocie.weary and eager to returu to normal beach attire. and The Little Rainbowv West Beach on Sunday. were getting just a bit reaciy for th1e opening of a new business. MVore details later. It was also noticed that the interior of the Osborne Sports & Cycle store is receiving a complete paint job. t t t t. t DEDICATED - Fred "Buck"~ Cowle and George "General" Jones could be classed as dedicated softball players after last week. To play in Tues- day's playoff opener between Bill's Billiards and Stephen Fuels, they drove over 300 miles return, from Bon Echo where they were holidaying. Then, their team was beaten by one measly run. That's fate. They didn't make the trip on Thursday. Enough's enough! t t t t t STANDING OVATION - Murdoch Beaton and his Legion Men's Choir mnay have to buy new uniforms after their reception at the Provincial Legion convention in Peterborough on the week- end. Their chests rnay be out so far, the new ones won't fit. Performing for the first tîme in their gold and blue outfits, they must have really turned it on, because when they were finished the 800-odd delegates rose to their feet and gave them a stand- ing ovation. Old sweaty sweats don't do that very often, unless they are really impressed. Congrat- ulations! Incidentally, the Pipe Band joined forces with Port Hope to lead the parade on Sun- day and also did a g ood job. 1t t t t i NEW CENTRE - Recently, church and other officiais in Orono took part in a cornerstone lay- ing ceremony at the United Church where a new Christian Education Centre is under construction. The new structure will be large enough to house ail the weekday activities of the church. t- t t t ERROR - We received a cail this week from Ed. Ruthven, north of Port Hope, taking excep- tion to an error in a report of the $15,000 judgment received recentlv by Ulrich Ruegger for damaging spray on his tornato crop. The report stated that the Fruit and Ve.getable Marketing Board had guided the case. Ed., who is or was President of the Ontario Vegetable Marketing Board says the fruit mien had nothing to do with it. Our apologies. ,tire unreatens Farm Machines At Providence What could have been a imost extensive and expensive fîre wvas brought under conr trol easily by Bowmanvilie fîrenuen on Tuesday evenîng. Doug "Tîm Wight of Pro- vidence had a consîderabie amount of equîpment in a field, when some straw caught ifire underneath one of the tractors and the flames spread rapidly, threatening a second tractor, a combine, a grain wagon and a brush cutter. All efforts to stem the fast burning straw proved of no Brian Pugsley, complete with corncob pipe, attract- aval utilfiernn apeaeded a great deal of attention during the Beach Associ- on the scene. Fortunately, the new grain! ation's annual Civic Holiday parade on Sunday even- wagon, loaded with wheat, ing. Brian was quite casual about the entire affair was made o! steel and did:and wvasn't quite certain if he was a beachcombing not catch fire, so the main J Z ulu, a grass-skirted Indian or just what. But, he ' damage was to the crop and to several belta on the brush was mighty cute and our photographer couldn't rcsist cutter. the temptation to give hixu a big front page spread. VOLUME 109 NUMBER NUMBER

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