onto, spent e tew days withi JMm. and Mns. Lloyd Asitton. JMiss Dale Blackburn visit- cd at Mr. and Mms. Farewell Bleckburn's, Salem, Tuesday and Wednesday. Mrs. Cowling and Miss Lily Tabb and Deboreit Colbary spent Wcdnesday with Mrs. J, Cowling, Salem. Miss Linda PolIs, having enjoycd e holiday, retumncd la Whitby Hospital on Mandey M JA Tta complceitem ertraining. jMr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashtton and Ronald, Mrs. W. Murray, I Mm. and Mrs. Ross Asitton Scott, Mrs. Miller, Mrs. Me- ater Towem' Coa nd Mrs. Murphy spent ýWedncsday witit Mr. and Mms. ýWelter Rahm aI their collage et Four Mile Lake. Mr. and Mms. W. Blackburn, Dale and Neil, Mrs. K. Cowh- ing and Debomait Colbery at- Stcndcd bbc Cowling picnice t Cmeam o! Banley on Sundey, 1 and lthe Fahcy picnice t Cmeem *2 5 1 o! Bemley on Satumday. 1- ~Mr Mass Shrsittonsisshalo- andllrook, for. anfwdays. Ms. Fand Mns. esiejGe- a hPare njaing e oliday in. R Mteissuhrton Astrnit. l- 40 King St. W. - Bowmanirilhe moving la Blackstock 28 years Telepitone 623-5791 ega. He bas warkcd et ver- LAWRNCEC. ASON UA. bus jobs, lte hast few yeers LAWrNCE C.MSoNitor being an thte Township raads. Barte, boieio He xvas a member of lte NKinrySPublicUnited Citurcit and in younger Kin St W.- Bowmenville ycams a member a!flte Loyal Phones: Office 623-5688 Orange Lodge and te Royal Residence 623-5553 Black Preceptory. HODGINS & BONNYCASTLE Mr. Henry is survivcd by Berristers, SoliciIors, bis wifc, anc son, Mermil, Notamies Public Bowm.anvillc; anc daughter, 14 Frank St. Bowmenville Lorraine (Mrs. Jack Webb), E. RICHARD LOVEKIN Oakvihle; eleven grandcitild- B.A., LL.B. ren, five sistens, Rassie (Mrs. Barrister, Solicitor Wilberl Reynolds), Oshtawa; King St. E. Newcastle Fay (Mns. Frank Wilson), Osht- Pitone 2246 awe; Fern (Mrs. John Wil- Hours: 9-5:30 - Wed., Set., 9-1 son), Tyrone; Mary (Mrs. Lance McKee) Nestîlon; E!- SADIE HAMILTON - ORONO Nevcastle, and Melville, Osit- Pitone 1 r 16 ewa. One brother Gardon pre- First Martgage Funds deceased itim. Resience - Frs Tite funeral service was bcld' Bsines - erma s inMcDermott-Panabeker Cita- Busiess ropeties pel, Tuesday, July 30th, and Morbgage Loans was conducîed by Rev. David Prompt, caurteous service Romemil. Inlerment was in HAROLD C. PEDWELL Cadmus Union Cemctery. IReal Estate and JPlbaeswr-Msn. 1 ew atlegeBokr John Carnagitan, Frank Bail-J Nccste Pitone 3856 ey, WilU Farder, Artitur Bail-, 0 p 0 e j ---ey, Wesley Peerce end Harold U iO ervy Martyn.1 Fl Showing evidence o! estecm1 KEITH A. BILLETT, O.D. in whicit deccased wes bhd Optometrist was tite harge attendance et 141 King St. E. - Bawmanville lte funerel and hovchy floral Office Hours: By appainîment 1Imibutes !rom- The Town- Telephone 623-3252 sitip ai Cartwrightt; neigitbors mon. - Tues. - Titurs. - Fr1. and relatives, and e beaulifulJ 9 e.m. ta 5 p.m. cngraved whiite family Bible Thursdey eveningi tram Tite United Steel Work- Wed. and Bat. - 9 - là1 ers. Oshawa. SliIed BREAD 21cI ICE CREAM27 FrznFood Feature!- Birds Eye Save 9c! IORANGE JUICE 6 oz tins 2lfor 6 3c FehBaked!- Weston-Sunbeam reg. 49c ea. .iîtellI mom LEMON LIME GUEST CAKE 45c f~4*4O about the Fancy Assorted- Save 4c 8Oz. Pkt. I N GRAY DUNN BISCUITS.... 29cO IDISCOUNT PRICES!i Regular 57c! BAYER ASPIRIN ,68 te btl. ........................................................................................................ c Regular 39!- Bayer 36ou CHILDREN'S ASPIRIN.... 29c1 Regular 75c!- Z.B.T. BABY POWDER Hospital Size 59C Prices effective at the listed Red & Whlte Food Stores only MAPLE GROVE MARKET & a Maple Grove1 (ORNISH'S MARKET.... . Oronq PORTER'S RED & WHITE « « a. Newtonvil'l 'S Ibe Canadian Statesman, Bowmanviile, Aug. 7, 1908 supevisera that t ! le M A M- 1M few da"u with Mr'.adMr.unhw evdflo. tial to choose one leader and - ' WýM i Glenn Larnier and os acigt ulcs xe remcave ail others. A good crowd gatee nMs hte n ~.B AMlinCrsmsTesHow To Trlm BAKTC the Recreation CenteFrdyhm A Million Christmas TreesTrimming of the trees is Grade 13 Resuits 1om livered a very fine sermnncottage et Coe Hill, where night in honour ofte wy- Ms Anale Ke donc by working from the bot- Larry Hoskin- Eng.C. fromn the Revelations an d d- Carol Werry le been for a reen. Mr. Lawrec c ihte odnSrns rumiers Pick U p Extra Change ~ ~~tom upwards, trimming:ilong 13; Eng. Lit. 3; AIg. 1 Trig. ministered the Sacrament o! week. rltvsLuhl a h aal oadWih the edge of the tree as a tan- 1; Bot. C; Zool. C. Chem. Ci [Holy Communion. Ai are ube o ..an lnvited the rd e aswt h r P r n rs P ak p E tr h ng et sdaw oa ice.I:Fr .C: Fr. C. 3. Mrs. Neil McCrea, Blythe and friends attended te fun- and groom to the pafr egsnsa hi otg thswayth entire sîdeofiJa Bradburn- ng. 1C.' and Miss Laura Bowen, Kings- eral of Mr. Norman Hoinies while Mrs. Gordon Srn a aeCads the tree is silhouetted and it 1 Eng. Lit. 2; Alg. 1; Tig 2; ton, visited Mr. and Mrs. WiU in Oshawa, Tuesday. playing the weddigmad. MsLaaWgt is easy ta achieve straight 'Bot. 1; Zool. C; Chem. C;Fr. Forder, Sunday. Mrs. McCrea ThMupyamyhedaNny oreipye wdyswhMrad Im provin on M oth r N aturesides. A. 2; Fr. C. 3. remained for a visit wîth other 1gttgte n Crwih oo h otnf Gang supervisor A IbertIEaieMonjy- Eg.C. eltivs.J Park, Sunday two songs; Mrs. GeoreWePotPry Quie alare umbr o Swatng orkrsan otingisan rt esine tostii-Knapp o! Pontypool said if 1; Eng. Lit. 2; Hist. C; Alg. Mrs. Wilbert Archer visit- 28th. gave a reading aidSao h atrgtBySa Qouge leage ramthisodis- sandtain thrersPon typoo u natethesducto ! budstrimming îs flot done this 1 C; Trig. 3: Bot. C; Fr. A. 2; ed Mrs. Herb Galbraith, Bow- MradMs.oy cauhLrerpydapinsl.aecmigatCeHi o trict picked up some extra area are helping a million by cutting back certain shoots way. there is a tendency to, imFr- n. C. C. n:M.anend r.Ca. L Mr lin and family and David At this point the M.C fee ek troney, as wvell as a quick coat North American families pre- of the current year's grwyte drove ndlav hmp. of sunburn or tan during thec pare for Christmas. They are By so doing, a well-shaped He said length o! the lead- itC; olg. ; ri. 3;o. low acolpanieby, Mm and Christmas tree pruning sea-,trimming their Christmas i bushy tree will resuit which jer wil vary îrom tree ta tree CIoslCar . .Ms Hrl ery er n dston a boa to the Thsand tehal!alassembouledpeet lrn r.Sa a son which ended recently.. trees.1 can commIfand a good price on and is an expression ofte Roet a i-E g asp 1e ay e ti sulat ew had a very pleasant five hour tables, floor lamp, mgzn n nactaea a Sanie o! the well known Bow-; There are only 160 days the market. growver's personal trimming! C; Eng. Lit. C.; Bot. 2; Zool. g a i d St. eous glits. Bath bride. rac and AnnbeleKely ttnddd C;eFr.i.qC.sBrns ýv c k, Mine.gNelcruis. mack and t oadmselntr.RlhSrnhn nianville growers include the left until that special raid- First pruning or trimmingtehqus Laurel Mackie- Eng. Lit. HampMasDheplese aedid o!Mm.Geogeti. Rotary Club, Samn Black, Ken winter occasion,.en is usually carried out during Mr. Knapp pointed out.thatIC; Trig. 3; Fr. A. C. aMsh ile nStewmort. Mary's; Dni Knott, Car- groom made g fis araa ilim Nicks and Bill Rudeli. Dra ony h e-tethird gowing season ai-dniycnbf Mrmta i etm-Eg c r.Mlil twr t Pet- oDenBb n i iss tem they had amletet an -Ddnrham Countyfr rom Bis Rithe-Enthe.C;erborough, is guest of M. and nfrdBoadJi RsA The !ollowing article by tre of the Scotch pine indus- ter planting, or earlier if the top ta bottom, but trees are Eng. Lit. C. Mrs. Carl Wright and visit- I cience Hill, are spendîng a 1 viewv ther gifts abonesBeevleStrdy Bill Smith in the Peterbor- tmy In Canada in tact on the trees grow more than 10 inch- more pleasing ta the eye if 1A*splendid attendance greet- ýing the Wright and Werry ough Examiner, tells some of whole North Amerîcan contin- es ti the iirst or second year. they are more dense at the' ed Rev. David Romemil in the relatives. the egional experiences con- ent says Wilfred Riclhardson!Annual trimmings are neces- bottom than at the top. lUnited Cliurch Sunday moira- Miss Beatrice Dempsey of Iiected annually with tree anc ai tour fuil-time Christ- sary theeater until market-, Many defects can be over- ing when lie delivered another Bishop Strachan School, Tom- pruning. It also provides con- mas tree producers in Can- able size is reached- usuallyi come in the trimming opera- excellent sermon fom- "The onto, spent the weekend with fiderable information on why ada. in three to f ive years. tion. said Mr. Johnston. He Love of God, aur Greatest Dr. and Mms. McArthum. such activities are necessary Each year since 1956, dur-; Seasonal Workers !said the grower has ta decide Gift." Mm. Glenn Larmer Nancy Dorrell, Elizabeth ta meet today'smarket. i.ng the ast week o! June and Mm ihmsn siae whether or not the tmee should sang as a baritone solo Topo n hiaTm ___________________the largst tr weks o!and that between 500 and 600 sea- be culled. He noted that if "Steal Away ta Jesus". chishin are attending music the large scraetimngsand sonal workers are employed high standards are ta be ach- There also was a real good camp at Doe Lake this week. shapng peraionhas ake by amius gowes intheieved every effort must bei attendance in St. John's Ang- MrEle Ach place. ditito h rm ingo made ta prune the defects lican Chumch. Rev. Canon Gilh Marilyn and Mastem Jim, The prosperity ai the indu s- strpict on theriming res out. bert Williams, D.D., o! Eng- Whitby; Mr. and Mrs. Vin- __ J 4 try depends ta a great extentsaiga hita res h uevsrepa idIland, who is Chief ChaplaincetAhrBwail. ' jI on haw wehl ther o trees are Pu Jhnton said avemgethat a well-trained and well a!te ihScsanisn visited Mm. and Mrs. Wilbert trimmed each yeam, says Mm. Wnumbeofico! dtrees plathnted rchtaSaan Iy Richardson. On his Pontypool acre is 1,200. 0f this aboutj organized trimming crewi ofialeegttaheAg-AreSardy UIL o uceso h en ogesi Trnoc, Mr. and Mrs. George Dun- UU ~~plantation, Mr. Richardson 900 will be harvested. He said lessentiel frsceso h a ogesi oot ~ ihs bot40,00 ctc pai.insects ad dises acut operation. Bad trimming cen Bsns ie Ior bar and famnily weme Sunday be Many 400,00 Sothe dptite.rths ean seas aco result in loss o! thousands of USRessupper guests o! Mm. and Mrs., Seily eetdVau hcd1 Maysfamer nutherdstri ct oth emine srstbrodollars ta growers. Lloyd- Wright. .pcaI .OK rne hae s m al er u m b rs S o t h p roin eao uirsut r _ __ _ __ _ __ _ 4M . an d M rs. E r n est S w ain h ait-trees.Lar9e0,rves.ught n sto n c ou l± n - Y and family, and Mm. and Mms. Lre aret"Scotch pine eally came HÀYDON RAY J. DILLING Bob Wheeler and famîly, en- About 1,000,000 trees will into its own about 15 years Chertered Accountant joyed a two wveeks camping* j. f o tj. J7 9b proteced e avsdi the district ago. . n proved popular be- (ieddfrls ek 93 Church Street trip at Manitoulin Islend and' TÀ I o O latr tis ear caseit does not hase its (______for________62-381_____pont_______hme "WZe are still encountering needles. It has replaced the Vacation School wiil be M2-81ohr.pint Ms.enrolte he.l pcal eete au hc' grawing pains in this youngspceadbsmastet- held et Tyrone Chumch start- LEONARD JAMES BROOKS r. Omad Ms. HrolSdaelypcal elce au hc industry," M.r. Richardson ditionel Christmas tree." said inrody u.Sh aFi- Ched Accountant t ',Ohea wr Sna I orisrneporm commented. Since the post- the supervisor. day, Aug. 9th. Time, 1:15 ta Accute ns udtors Swain and tamiiy. Boneless RU M P ROS1l 5 wfyu nuac rg a boom wvien meny people Mr. Johnston seid time o! 4 o'clock. Age 4 ta 14 years. Suite 205W 725-9953 M.adMs ilCrig doesn't adequately caver you bought land and gew Christ- trimming has a tamr reeching Haydon, Salem and '3rone Oshewa Shopping Centre_ ly and family, Toronto, are Maple Leaf - Well Streaked against major possibilities or mas trees with the idea o!feffect on hequait o the Mm. and M~rs. Alfred Gar- - spending a few days with lier boyumywk poemeking a test buck, ties tinished tmee. Early trimming tm l rnd, Mn. and Mrs. Maurice IM .H OGN parents, Mm. and Mms. Lewis R ~syo ia ak P fChave changed.prdcsafntetelcyPhrdM.adMs.oh Chartercd Accountant Sweîn. I D E S BC 'ay to find yourself itri fous He cited the trimming op- tpe o! ee. Laetetrimming J oncsadM. and Mrs. Rossn Second Floor Graham Duf!, Brien and alLafPrPok- fianciai trouble. It's wiser to cretian as anc o! the major tpe rdce a oetreihA shtg onatnde.ad Mthe ColsI New Library Building John Wolfe are attending On- MapIe Leaf - 4 Varieties Ma lus chc your insurance chvans hundred acres o! sperse foliage and weak Club meeting Seturday even- C o prn ce623Sts2teia PioncerCap ouLae hSMLL I0 needs now-for your home, Scotch pine plantations i rnhn.Fomto n wihwtahnd nh Anc 6233612 Clear.ater. GLdounchg eC S6oz. 85pSASAE S SR car, family o uins.We'Il P tyolarea now hv u Frainwiener roast, which was -held VLFIDADK .and M rs. Gardon Straong Me4s6co. kg Sieyuapopfrank ap.. "for sale" notices posted. Favorable bud formation Is et the home a! Mr. and Mrs.& COMPANY the Sundey supper guests o! if iteshots utJim Coombes, Salem. The Chartercl Aceountanlt Ms Pyls icai n praisal of your situation with- Christmas Jungles obetwienifthelieshoosaenxti plesatua eeningMs hli Snli n ouf ost r obigaton.They are vemiteble Christ- netwee te are the-ut-ex Coples lub myeveing Licensed Trustee in Bankruptcy Beverley, Bowmanville. Save 22c!- Maple Leaf 1V% Lb. Tin Savec- 6 f ek1 s nias treerjunglesisa.d nE cr easlnes atre needar- August 24th, et Mr. and Mms. 64 King St. E. 728-7371 Mn. and Mms. George Dow'n- ~MPELA "Pud" Johnston, lands and 'les and lte time when ncw Jim Coombes', wicner and Oshewa, Onterio aey, O she, caheond. CNE U Av forests timber supervisor. He gyowth herdens.conrat1 MONTEITH - MONTEITH Mms. G. Crawvford, Sundey. H A*4 said main eason for th e Workcrs first assess the Ucmn roe ust meeting will RIEHL & CO and Mrs. eMerce nda- M S cI 4 f ~ ~ ~ ' ' t I7 "jungles" is the growers did aven-ail condition o! cach be held et the home ai Mrs. 135 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa ham and Mr. Russel Coats Save 12c!- Maple Leaf 1 V Lb. Tin Sae4!8O.Mi - v ly detninthe q ult Laokng litroug It he mcai oyd sevrhtram Hyon usay- Pater Cantns ee dm I kiof Mr S TUART B. trimming, and the trees quick- distance and et close range. cvening, Aug 8th. 728-7527 and Mrs. Charles Graham, Cm C -m AMES vlyderot atadin theaul t rce by exemininugh tetraee L eloy Asitton on ate arterdAtnserre Sad undygesso n. CN P ot oal rea ison hev he direction o! the sun hclps tended the chumch service on Hon. J. W. Monteith, F.C.A. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Ednic, P I *N *LI (hedd taMEface o tpobl ea isor eieo silhouette the internie struc- Sundey morning et Tyrone A. B. Monteiti, B. Com., C.A. Rabt. and Alex. Churchill, _________________________________________ Stfaetepolmo eli-1 turc. whcn Mr. Harding gave a fine G. W. Riehl, C.A., R.I.A. also Rev. and Mrs. Jack Hill INSURANCE REAL ESTATE iiig same o! the thousands of' Next cames sellection o! a message. (Licensed Trustee) and family and Mrs. Flomence BONUS BUY!- You Save 10c0- Coloured ib ks KiagSt. . Bomani1acres o! abandoned land. lIeader- the strongest shoot Chch eriswilb G. E. Trethewcy, C.A. Hill and Miss Ruby Beere, "Relamig nd ehbii-which is a projection o! the wititdrawn until Sept. 1. The R. F. Ligittfoot, C.A. tram their cottage et Scugog Ofe e Iceteting this land lis a mai or Ihandle titrough tite central sevc . b edi yoe WLON&BROS wr eei usso r O Ofc e i ndstrwl l anboe forcte acex isen oulde be e o o teChurch. Heydon and Salem Chartcred Accaunitants and Mrs. Harold McLaughliin RSE M A R G A R IN48 5 p2-616359 nobtr le and an fce ch e xis o tite ree. Tensot sriewhb edi yoe WLO URW eereceL usso 823-581 62-5493*d Mr. Johinj;onra t congregations anc invitcd ta 114 King St. East, Oshawa, Ont. and tamily. Mr. Rchrsent . rim and slopnn awey fom te Trn frt' sric.'rte Sharon, John, David and BONUS BUY!- You Save 19c! Mm. Ricitrdsticsadtnimt-il would stilî roe fortitiLserice. Pamîers: lest week12o.tn best chosen as a leader be- Our pastar Rev. Dugan ls Ronald F. D. Wilson, C.A. itolidaying with titeir grand- I ceuse il pravides a straight out of hospitel and we hope G. Edmond Bunrows, C.A. parents Mr. and Mrs. Eber axis tam the teec. ite vill be able ta enjay bis Phone 7428-7354 Snowden et Williams Paint. KML n h o Trees with multiple lead- holidays for the month ai Mr. and Mrs. Will Fonder A S m m e C h ngersappar nkpttopheay ugut. aldCcrsp acappearnt cunleoept, wihtopU Bheevyu avAuc-gusOf P 1.1 S urririer C han e and are contrary lte tredi- Congratulations to Donadî-hi pr i i sen aincoupl o!d ayswth BNU UY-Yoaavnd! c f tional image ai a Chistmas Milîsan and Brende Ellis on G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. thoroughly cnjayed a conduct- i te.Womkers are bold by gang their marriege on Seturday Chimopractor cd tour o! the H.M.C.S. Sioux - Oshtawa., 15 Elgin St., cor, of 1-orsey St. escont squadran naw based et fo Y ur C h ld en 1 OBT AR Ms.Clytn.Red Rbet hoe 23559Halifax, N.S., and titis pest BONUS BUY!-You Save 27c!-2c Off Pack ] ot npce 5o.tn for Your Chilren!pOBITUPeYterborough, Office our: ByAppontaent wek vas sitting in Georgan U O D*O~$ HARRY M. RICHIARDSON spent a couple o! deys with D- nBa Ry a ws cidfa m lite . C H Mr. and Mrs. Arthtur Read De ta Sioux aacurdfo th Hemry Marshaell Richardson and femily. 'Royal_____n_1944_ ____________FO H OO LT Efii opitl, Paeterboougiiney Tbb, tte ndedirw- DR.I. M. RUDELL, D.D.S, -the wam she participeted in Cii osia, eeboog, e ab tene heCw-75 King st. &. lowmanvih]e1several engagements againstý BONUS BUY- You Save 15c!- Tomato i z ote L Atater a short illness. Deceased ing picnice t Crcam o! Berley Office 1-ours: the enemy off the Norwegan wes in bis 74tit yeer and lied Canip on Sunday. 9 a.m. ta 6 .ida1 coast and in te nlii 1900. He wes a îifeîong resi- Sue and Keitit, Hamilton, were Office Phione -623-5790 lcscorts Cayuga and Athabas- A V LM ER CA TSU P j5 dent of Duritem County, and Saturday visitons et Mn. and House Phonie - Newcastle 3551 kan, lte Sioux sailled for the Swes lte husband of Zelnie Mns. D. Caecnn's. Suc and Korean Wam zone in July, 1950, BONUS BUY!- You Save 15c!- Solid WhieMa uaFih7o.tn Blanche Richarmdson who sur- Keitit rcmaincd for a holiday., DR. E. IV. SISSON entokprii eeabm- 1 vives hlm. He is also surviv- Mr. and Mrs. Tom SetithitLDS, ...ardments and mine destnuc- W W rein, wito elso reside in Ponty- were Sunidey visitons et Mn. Office Hone23-60thie U. N. forces tram Citin- pool. Dcceased bas been liv- and Mrs. J. PolIs'. 9am o . dally campa. Save 16!- Cholce Bartiett 15 Oz. Tins Save6!PeSetee eig' He was ahweys keenly iner ttend lte funeral ai Mrs.IDR. C. F. CATTRAN, D.D.S.. witit Mr. and Mms. Roy Tur- Sv c-Gl elFnySceeW i REFRESHING estcd in communiîy effairs. Smith's sisler-in-law, Mrs. 7 ingSt1. own nvle and____ _________ uga Stke8½os. SuarPop 8 s. *1 HeTa-1-meme# o!Ponty Lelie Eber ! Pikenig Offce cn-en tamfytetUic attR1117 SPECAL!I - AT THE WASH-O-0 SELF-SERVE COIN LAUNDRY CHURCH ST. - Under the Wc 20 IL DOUBLE LOAD WASHER For Only - SINGLE LOAD MAYTAG For Only - by =0 i abs a n, e-N ibeL nd lisa