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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Aug 1963, p. 10

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. I - t. - . v « . - * -.1.1 - 10 The Canadian Statesman, ]Bowmanv!Ue, Aug. 21, 1963 B LAC KSTOC K «Glorifyin~g Go&' was the îng service of Congress ln tiieme of the service in thQ1 Map1e Leaf Gardens, Tuesday, United Church on !Sunday,1 and another load attended the which was conducted by Rev. Sunday evening service. S. R. Cooper of Uxbridge, wflo Miss Catherine Bailey was delivered a fine sermon from bridesmaid for Miss Barbar-a the text, "My Soul shall make Brown at her wedding with # ler boast in the Lord." Mr. Barry Bleeks in Maple Mr. J. G. Denton, Tangan- Grove Churcb, Saturday. W yika, Africa, who was guest Sorry to hear Mr-. Harold 'peaker in St. John's Church Lai-mer is ill in Bowmanville Sunday morning, gave a vei-y Hospital. Glad to report fav- interestlng verbal picture fac- orable progress from those re- Ing the Life of the Christian poited in hospitals last week.11 Church. Canon Ashmnore con- Congratulations to our High ducted the rest of the service. School Principal, Mr. Gordon Saturday and Sunday guests Paisley, and Mi-s. Paisley (nee of Canon and Mi-si. Asbmore Joan Root) who were married were Mr. Denton, Rt Rev. and in Dunnville; to Mi-. and Mrs. Mrs. H. D. Marin of Victoria, Lai-iy Ashton, Oshawa, (nee >. J3.C., and Miss Joan Butcher, Evelyn Moore), who were Burlington, a niece of the married in Blackstock United Canon's is now visiting for a Chui-ch; and to Mi-. and Mrs. lew days. Eric Bai-r who were mariled '. Guests of Mrs. David Hill in Trinity Church, Bowman- were: on Wednesday, Mi-. and ville. Ail these weddîngs took M4rs. Roy Plewman and sonl place Saturday. David; and on Thursday, Mi-. On Friday evening a large and Mrs. Kenneth Blanchard, crowd gathered in Blackstock ail of Richmond Hill. Recreation Centre in bonor of Mi-. and Mrs. Ernest Lai-- newlyweds, Mi-. and Mrs. Roy mer, Mi-. and Mrs. Ralph Lai-- Ashton of Burketon. imer and family attended the Mi-. Melville Griffin Is 'Gilbank picnic in Midland on spending bis holidays in Wes- .âatui-day. The Ralph Lai-mers tern Canada. *-remained for the weekend Miss Gertrude Henr-y, Toi-- 'With relatives. . onto, is home on holidays, and A car load of Anglicans Miss Doris Griffin, Toronto, grom bei-e attended the open- spent the weekend at borne. Miss Betty McArthur, Tor-- onto, bas returned from a pleasant Caribbean cruise and is visiting ber parents. Mr-. ing finished their sumrmer J1~11c<x ~ *courses, ai-e also vislting Dr. > and Mrs. McArthui-, and bis .parents, Mi-. and Mrs. A. Dy- sart, Caesarea. Mrs. Velva Bailey and Miss Catherine, Mr-. and Mi-s. Neil Bailey are going to Monti-eal today (Monday) to spend the (,/ * week with Mr-. Merlin Baileyth t who is to be married next left THE Saturday. PrnMmiM DuMen* Man Way Sympathy is extended Ms IGJIIIL iai 10)Chas. Fee and the other mem- bers of the family on the L ]Pay your insurance Premiums death o! ber mother, Mrs. J. ln regular monthly instal- Van Dam, in Bowmanvilles inents, just as you pay rent or Thursday. rltvso h inortgage, utilities and other Flett clan gathei-ed at the Re- household bis. It helps you creation Centre, Blackstock, fit your insurance payments Sunday afternoon, and had qi ineatly into your budget-- vei-y pleasant visit and boun- tiful meal together. Friends MI eliminates the inconvenience attended from Norwood, Pet- Cher of budget-juggling ta nicet an erborough, Fenelon. F a 11 s, Fi-ai annual or semi-annual pi-e- Bo>bcaygeon, Little Long Rap: Thur ids, Raeboi-o, Lindsay, Can- Mr znium. Cali for information nington, Oakwood, Toronto, and today. Bowmanville, Port Pei-iy, and week local points. Mrs. Miss Rhea Forder, Reston, îly, Man., visited Mr. and Mrs. ui-da Will Forder and Mr'.an r.Ms ST U A 1 a 1 a Osmond Wright and other i-e- Hn latives in this area, last week. Carlf uuheSunday, Mrs. Albert McNeil, Hn JAMESL Napanee, and Miss Laura Mr Bowen. Kingston, visited the Miss INSURANCE REAL, ESTATE Will Forders and took Mi-s. Mi-. McCrea, who bas been their Mi-. .gtng St. E. Bowmanville guest for two weeks, to Nap- low, -anee. -ell, Office Realdence Rev. Merrill Thompson, John Mi-. 62 3-5681 623-5493 and Ruth, Melfort, Sask., vis- Daye ited the Thompson and Dever Laug relatives last week. Male man guesl wedd BLACKSTOCK FAIR day. Saturday, August 24th rl i-eh. -HORSE SHOW - Lake 4-H CLUB CALF CLUB EXHIBITS mo DANCING AT EVENING ed in Recreation Centre fora nie ADMISSION - 75e f rienr 1 Mr PORT PERRY FAIR LABOUR DAY SEPTEMBER 2nd, 1963 HORSE RACES - LIVESTOCK MIDWAY LADIES' WORK BALL GAME DR. D. C. CHRISTIE, President BAND F. LAMB, Secretary rconsJ dayli Ever Mi cock John onto. Mi wooI Mrs. ed c Mi frier Mid] Mi Miss Mr-. Briai Cana in F mi Sami last iparei Sami with TREWHAVEN CONSIGNM SALE Thursday, August 1963 - 7:00 p.m. To be mu held at iEW HAVEN FRNlL' wthich is on the Scugog Road 15 miles north cf Bowmai south of Blackstock or 7 miles east of Port Perry vi .50 W OFFER PURE BRED HEAD HOLSTEIN CATTI We are offerint a useful group of Fresh and Sprlnging Touni elds, as weil as a nuniber of Yearlings and Calves for Cal] both senior and Junior classes. Den't Miss This Opportunity to Purchase Your Caif ACCREDITED - VACCINATED - BD The maJorit7 are ready for Immediate export. elitible to enter listed or certified ai NEXT SALE WILL- BE HELD SE] »ale Manaaed by: TREW13AVEN FA"M LTD., REL 1. flurketon, Ont. PhonoeBlackstock 988-485 Auctiel HOWA Ail C& ,rea her PTEM mier : LIUDTi Interesting Parade Costumes Costumes for the Penny Fair Parade were fascinating and unique. These ree lassies portrayed a bride, a bride smaid and a gypsy fortune teller. From It to right, Diane McFarlane, Beverly McFarlane and Linda Reed. ýest Tobacco Crop Ever >ays Marketing Director A $1,000,000 tobacco crop r. and Mrs. Wilbei-t Ar- soon to go into the kilns in ývisited Mi-. and Mrs. the United Counties may be ýk Cook, Beaverton, on the best crop grown bei-e in .rsday. over a decade, says P. G. New- Ir. and Mrs. Jack Webb ell, recently elected director o! ken guess, Oand i-. and the Ontario Flue-Cui-ed To- fail, akihe bacco Growers' Marketing 3. Mer-il Henr-y and fam- "If favorable weatber con- Bowmanville, were Sat- ditions continue untîl late îy evening visitors witb September, thîs would be one 3Lewis Henry. Miss Isabel of the highest quality and most .i-y and Miss Marguerite saheable crops we have ever ter are stili witb Mi-s. had," Mr-. Newell said in an i-y, interview, Wednesday. Irs. W. W. VanCamp and He described the bright or- ;Helen, Mrs. Ida Taylor, ange leaves as "good, heavy- and Mrs. Blake Gunter, bodied and particularly suit- and Mrs. Wallace Mai-- able for export." Mi-. and Mrs. Dalton Dor- The Newcastle area lumber Mi-. and Mrs. Neil Bailey, dealer and tobacco farmer in- and Mrs. Harold Kyte, Mi-. dîcated there was a clear possi- e Kyte, Miss Donna Mc- bility that this could reduce iglin, Mr. and Mrs. Neil the 30,000,lJ00-pound tobacco Icolm, Mi- and Mrs. Nor- surplus accumulated by the r Dysart were among the board during the past two sts at the Paisley-Root yeai-s. ding in Dunnville, Satur- "In the past, only 25 per 1Also 20 students went up cent o! the Ontario flue-cured 3ee their Pi-inciDal married. tobacco bas been exported and any increase in this figure r. and Mrs. Jim Marlow could reduce the surplus ac- 1Anne, and Leanne Dor- cordingly," be said. returned borne Friday Mi-. Newellhbehd this out as n a week's holiday by a possible means of salvation ,l Huron. for the now bard-pressed to- r. and Mrs. Kennetfi Duns-1bacco industry. r, Beth and Bryan, and "We must rely on a broad- *McKechnie visited fr1- ened export mar-ket if tobacco- ,in Barrie and Durham growing is lever to resurne its a few days. Mrs. McKecb- normal pace," be said. "Do- rernained wltb Durham mestic consumption is not îds for a week's visit. sufficient to absorb oui-pi-o- r. and Mrs. John Keeven, duction."~ nmy and Elizabeth, Bea- Mr-. Newell said bis keenest field, Quebec. ai-e holi- interest bas been to develop a Ing wîth ber father, Mr-. broadened foreîgn mai-ket and ýett Trew!n. hast year he initiated a request r. and Mrs. Austin Bea- to have the board hure al kare visiting Mi-. and Mrs. $50,O00-a-yeai- sales executive n Mew and family, Toi-- particularly for this purpose. He said that following some r. Will Gibson, Colling- discussion the board can now ), was guest o! Mi-. and ;J. A. Johnston and visit-MO RS other relatives last week. O RS r. Earl Don-eh is visiting eofe-cngauatost nds in Collingwood and'Miss Irene Leerahueatianghte [and. o!Mi-. arnd Me ers. a-yLee, i-s. Har-y McLaughlinwo r.a nid ims ai-nageeto s Florence McLaughlin,whwaK L eio! Por Hoeo and Ms. GorgeWolf,b aiuraay, August l7th at St. an and John, enjoyed thelJohn's Chui-ch. idian Keswick Conference, Mrs. Straker of Toronto i-e- Ferndale, Muskoka. Iturned home on Sunday, Aug.î isses Joan and Kath.ylh8th, after spending a week ehîs, Bowmanville, spent1with' ber sister Mrs. D. Haines.' 1week with their grand-j Mr. E. Holdaway o! She- nts, Mi-. and Mrs. Kenneth maQakes, Calif., and sister, ells. Mrs. Vera Anderson, were 'ul Rahm is bolidaying, visiting friends in this hocahity hfriends in Oshawa. on Monday, August 12th. Mi-. and Mrs. John Egas and John, Junior, returned from vacaition spent with friends at, I Chathamo, Ont. Mis. C. I-win, Mi-s. H. Cas- well and Mrs. M. McHolm attended Sunday morning serv- whee te gestpreacher was theRt.Rev M.L. Wîggans, Bishop of Nyanza. East Africa, delegate to the Anglican Con- gress. After the service the -opportunity to meet the Bishop Iland enjoy a cup o! coffee and L.J social bal! hour was extended 2 7 Tfl by the Rector, the Rev. W. Nainby, on the church iawn. This thought!ul gestu-e was mucb appreciated. Mrs. M. E. McHolm is re- ,TD. ceiving many letters express- nvill and mile ing ,?ppreciation o! ber "Mem- anvile ad % ile oirs" now currently appearing ia Highway 7A. in ber old town newspaper, The Somer'set Standard, Fi-orne, .50 Somei-set, Enghand, fromn formn- er resident now living in the LE HEADU.S.A., Canada and many parts LE HEAD o! En gland. The first issue iappeai-ed on June l4th. Mi-s. ng Cows and 2-year- 'McHolm came to Canada in If Club prospects in 1913. 1Thera was no Sunday Scbool Club CaliiIon Sunday, l8th. Next Sun- day, Au g. 25 a joint service AOOD TESTED ifor Welcome charge will bel attleteste or held at Wesleyville United .ttletestd orChurcb. rds. - Mi-. and Mrs. Ethan Jones o! Port Hope were supper [BER 26th guests o! Mi-s. M. E. McHolm onu Tuesday, August 13. 'Miss Betty Remsik is on twol weeks vacation frorn Mary 7REWInq. lackstoel. Ritchie Hospital, Belleville. 1This is . Bettys thi-d year lI Jtraining. sec the need foi- such an ex- ecutive.1 The board bas made no pro- vision for the purchase and storage o! 1963 surplus, said Mi-. Newell. It is hoped there wilh be no surplus. Over-production could be brought about by the succcss o! eigbt freelance farmers now appeaxing before Ontario Su- preme Court or by licensed farmers who refuse to reduce their crops to the size pi-e- scribed by the board in ac- cordance with cuts in acreage allotments. In eitber case, the over-production w oul1d be sligbt but couhd lcad to furtber dissension. Further means for disposing o! the 1961-62 surplus are be- ing explored by the committee including Herbert Arbuckle, assistant commissioner of marketing foi- Ontario; Bruce Tisdale, director o! the co-op- eratives bi-anch o! the Ontario Government; Chai-les Heath, secretai'y o! Ontario Flue-Cur- ed Tobacco Gi-owers' Mai-ket- ing Board, and George De- meyer, chairman o! the board. The surplus now costs the board $80,000 a month foi- stor- age and inteiest.-Examiner. A. O. F. Ladies Enjoy Picnic Members o! Maple Leaf Cii-cie, Companions of the For- est, A.O.F., enjoyed a picnic on Thursday afternoon in the gai-den o! Chie! Companion Rose Dickinson's residence, 46 Concession Street East. Com- panion Audrey Bate was the, entertainment convenor. The winner o! the Lucky Number Draw was Companion Helen Park, wbo also won the Word Contest. Companion Minnie Wiseman received the prize for the ohdest member present. Prize winners at cards and Bingo werc Companions An- nie Wright, Aima Perfect, Nina Clar-ke, Jean Wood, Aud- rey Bate, Minnie Wiseman, Helen Park and Chief Com- panion Rose Dickinson. OBITUARY ,James Alexander Seymour 1James Alexander Seymour was instantly killed in a mo- toi- accident in Oshawa at Wilson and Taunton Road on Friday, August 9th, just two days before bis 3Otb bi-thday. He is sui-vived by bis wife, who is expecting their second chlld in the near future, and one daughter, Debbic, age two ycars. The victim o! the tragic ac- cident is also sui-vived by his mother, Mrs. Kate Seymour, Bowmanvihle; n i n e sisters, Mrs. 0. Kehsh, Ajax, Mrs. R. Gibson, Newcastle, Mrs. Helen McEwen, Mrs. Dorothy Mai-s, Mrs. Jean Jones, Mrs. Mai- joric Lewis, Mrs. Alice Sel- lers, Mrs. Ethel Robinson, aIl o! Bowmanville, and Miss Jo- Ann Seymour, at borne; also by fou- brothers, William Seymour, Ajax, Fred Sey- mour, Sam Seymour- and Frank Seymour, ail o! this ai-ca. The late Mi-. Seymour was a son o! Mrs. Kate Seymour, Bowmanville, and o! the late Joseph Seymou-, Salem. He lvas employed as a truck driv- er by Earl Bottrell, Hampton. The funeral service was behd in the Morris Funeral Chapel, Division Street, on Monday, August 12th. Captain Donald Ritson o! the Salva- tion Army o!ficlatcd. The pahîbearers were A rthbu r Mai-s, Loi-ne Burgess, Rus Carter, Melbourne S elle rs, Fred Ferguson and Ken Mc- Ewen. Interment was lI the Orono Cemaetery. Consumption of Beef Increases Ottawa:- Since May t h e fi-st the Canadian hivestock lndustry has lncreased its av- erage weekly production o! top-grade beef from 18,000 a week to 21,600 a week said Agriculture Minister Han-y Hays opening tbe aiew Live- stock Building at the Pacific Natonal Exhibition ln Van- couver today (August 17). "For the first Urne in bis- tory desp,,te this beavy pro- duction, we bave not bad to go beyond ou- borders to seil zthis increase," Mi-. Hays point- .ed out. Neyer before bas the Edomestic mar-ket consumed kmore than the average o! 1about 18,000 head and, until the last few months, produc- ers had been foi-ced to go to the export mai-ket to selI any- Ontario Grown, Yeliow, No. 1Grd COOKING3-lb r ONIONS InL25 Ontario Grown, Burbank, Sweet, Delicicus Eating P LUMS NO. 1 GRADE 6-quart basket 79< Native Green, No. 1 Grade, Fi-euh Firm Heads CABBAGE Ifr5' A&P Handies OnIy Meats P.irchad Fr.. Federdly I.spected Packing Nous.. CANADA'S FINEST QUALITY RED BRAND STEER BEEF BEEF MEATY SHORT or i CROSS RIB l ROASTOS SHORT CUT i PRIME Rio l SHOULDER,.tOAST EXCELLENT FOR BARBECUINO CHOICE SHOULDER MEAT BLADE STEAKS or GROUND (HU(K SUPER-RIGHT VAC PAC CHOICE QUALITY SLICED, SKINLESS SX BRAND BEEF 1ï49c b43C 1lbb 695 1-lb pkgl 79C BEEF LIVER BOLOGNA CHUBS SWIFT PREMIUM SMOKED PINEAPPLE-GRAPEFRUIT DRINK 43-fl-Pie 2 xt69 tin 37e ,VARIETIES ANNPAGE BEANS 7@z tins 99 Reg. Prie 2 tins Slo-SAVE 10o CASE 0F 24 TINS $3.39 - SAVE 33ee Fancy QuaIity Reg. Price 2 tins Ilo--SAVE 17. A&P APPLESAUCE 7 1-foz is 9 9 CASE 0F 24 TINS 1329 - SAVE 57a JANE PARKER RAISIN PIE '0 li large 24-oz pie 359c Reg. Price mah 490 - SAVE 10o Jane Parker Reg. Prie OLD FASHIONED BREAD loaf 25.-GAVE Se 2"-z loaf 22< Ann Page Reg. Price Jar 39o--SAVE 4* Tomato, Vegotabie or Celery Reg. Price 4 tine 4go-SAVE 4o MAYONNAISE 16floz jar 3 5« (LARK'S SOUPS 4o.ivoztins45 c MoLuren'a Nut Cruel, Reg. Price Jar 45o-.-SAVE Os Luncheon Meat Reg. Price tUn 51o-SAVEf PEANUT BUTTER 1.b ice box jar3 9c PREM 1-ztn Peplodent (Speciai Pack) Reg. Price tube $1.09-SAVE Mie iHIS1AmumIcaPlIcui!AoAu»Mi. 1001H PASTE. super size tube 89 ~i 1 i1* Giade Miat Reg. Price can 79o--SAVE 10* à. . . i .11 AIR FRESHENER 6-oz aeroso can 6 9 ALL PRICES IN THIS AD GUARANTEED THROUGH SATURDAY, AUCUST 24th. 1ion thing above that figure, he said. "The obvious e!!ect of hav- Ing to export," Hays explain- ed, "is that the price ta the cattlemen in Western Canada becomes tbat at Spokane or Seattle, less the cost o! get- ting the cattle there." Mr-. Hays stated that the fact o! Canadians consuming an increase o! some 3,600 ad- ditional bead o! top-grade cattle per week was testimony te the efflclency of the satti Industry, but "more Important still, . - . proof of Oui- boom-. ing economy."1 Cet Tour Price For Tour Liveslock STATESMA N Phoane 623-3303 Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Ontario. Marah Grown, No. 1 Grade, Crisp and Tender CELERY STALKS EXCELLENT POT ROASI ROUND BONE MAC.& CHEESE LOAF SIDE BACON Jane Parker Large ANGEL CAKE each 39C <* Reg. Price each 59c - SAVE 20c t, r7

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