14 The Canadian Statesman. Eowinanv-Ille, Aug. 21, 1983 Legio n Choir During the provincial Leg1it. convention in Peterborough recently. one of the outstanding enter- tainment features was provided by the Men's Choir £rom Bowmanville Branch 178, led by Murdoch L. Beaton. Photo shows thern in action during one of their numbers, dressed in their new gold and blue u.niforms. Their performance brought the hundreds cf delegates to their feet for a voluntary standing ovation, most unusual at any Legion convention. Choir members, front row, lef t to right: Dave Kil- patrick, Ab Mavin, Jack Bentley, Bob Davies, Derek SPEGIAL SALE WALLPAPERS 100 PATTERNS TO CHOOSE FROM REDUCED UP TO5O/ PAINT (LEARANCE We are clearing several fines of paint to niake room for new material. Ail are top grades of paint PAINT and 33 King St. W. Bowmanville Standing Ovation Severn, Len Jones, Jim Fair and Cliff Trewin; middleý row, Don Marsden, Jim Barclay, Tom Phillîps, Peteri Bathgate, Bill Bates, Rae Abernethy; back row, Ray Therteli, Sid Murdoch, Glenn Virtue, Jack Knight, Jim Firth, Bill Orme, Harold Bennett, Ray Swan and Ewert Bragg; absent, Don Wright. Not in the photo is their highly regarded director, Murdoch Beaton, who puts them through their paces every Sunday morning at 9 o'clock at the Legion Hall. -Photo by Nick Yunge-Bateman 'Swear in Deyman As County Judge Peterborough - H. R. Dey- The invocation was givenl man, former crown attorney by the Rev. Alexander Calder, for the United Counties of president o! the Peterbonoughi Northumberland and Durham, Ministerial Association. was sworn-in Thursday as Oaths of Office Peterborough County judge Sheriff Stanley McBrideý for tbe Supreme Court o! On- read the certificate o! appoint- tario.. m ent and administered the The ceremony at the county oaths o! office and allegiance. courtbouse was witnessed bVy The aaths were then present- nine county court judges, a: ed ta Judge Willmott for sign- distinguished gat h e r i n g of ing. memnbers of the legal profes- Judge Deyman was escorted sion from out of town, about to the bench by Harry Hartie,, 20 robed members of Peter- deputy shenif!, and sworn in borough County Bar Associa- by Judge W. S. Lane of Prince tion, and public spectators. Edward County. The judges entened the Judge Deyman was then, courtrooma about 2:30 p.m., formally introduced as judge! followed by Judge Deyman. fi theotcounty court by Judgel The proceedings were of-Wlot cially declared open by An- Judge Willmott introduced drew Jackson, court crier. Robert Carley, president ofi Presiding judge was A. R. Peterborough Bar Association, Willmott, of Cabourg, chief who in turn Intnoduced War- judge o! Ontario county and den Walter VanSteenburgb district courts, who introduc- and Mayor Clarence Boorman. ed tbe attending judges and All three gave welcoming ad- magistrates. dresses. REPATOFFR a EPATOFFER 1!M REPEAT OFFER1 Closed Ceremony qJudge Deyman addressed FREP AT OFER MREPAT *the gathering to close the Immediately afte rw ar d ,-*EXHIBITION SPECIAL tinfra < M": W. Strange, Frontenac Coun- W nilty, G. F. Smith, Lennox and MýAddington, J. C. Anderson, pgHastings; A. C. Hall, Ontario; berland and Durham; H. E.ý Richardson, Victoria;and 1 wbo is a judge-at-large. FREEpu JJ u g eDeyman replaces J ohn de N. Kennedy who re- "tired at 75 at the end of June D RA W Mafter being in office sinceý 0 Yuhvachneto win a beautifuli attorney for Northumberlandý s- n 0: and Durham 25 years until hisi P H ILI P S PORTABLE T V -n new appointrent, announeed a. M; Lionel Chevrier. W IDEAL FOR RECREATION ROOM OR BEDROOM -WHEN YOU PURCHASE -1 BETHANY 1Mrs. Walter Rowland, whoi T V SET as been ill at her home for some time, is now a patient W MI in Civic 'Hospital, Peterbor- RL Dr. S. L. Speller, Mrs. Spel- 0L O R.1er and their children, Don- ~ald, Katherine, David and oLynda, left on vacation Sun- LU MC-E ENova Scotia. IL M, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jen- lu , Oshawa with Mrs. Marjory. - Edmunds and family. i FOR EXA31PLE m Word has been received here' l of the sudden illness of!rsý THE MODEL C62 * Laura Rowan. Mrs. Rowani :was on holidays visiting wiLhý *2 -car ictre Tbe arratv er sons Cameron and Wil-ý m lîam when aeWarant M wiLýimwe she suffereda LL 1Year Warranty on ail Simall Parts and M' heart attack and was taken t) *1 Prince Edwarcl Countv Hosoi- 0 Servicetai at Summerside, Prince Ed-! ward Island. It is reportedý *23" Easy to Cican Sealed Picture Tube O that she will have to remainj -n there for at least six weeks.1 W *Solid Wood Cabinet with Controlled Voltage -n' Mr. and Mrs. Creightoni M Carr and their children Da-! Chassis. M vid and Lynda of Picton spenti ._:* * the weckcnd wlth Mr . and, 2Full Range Dual Cone 6i" Speakcrs f Mrs. Ross Carr.1 R A Remembrance Day ser-ý (LE.4 Coes)ice was beld at Fallis' Cerne-' 'terv on Suinday afternoon, MFG.SUGGSTE LIS $37.95when relatives and friends' M FG 'GSEDLS 3995 $ uplaced floral tributes on th&, thiravs ofd hiso rceetery, WLU Trade-in Allowance up to $00-00 T gravs of thse o r esetein IL > which is connected with Man-! .. vers United Church. The ser-! ~P ay ~ rtI ...vice was in charge of Rev. < M'embes ofLindsay Salvation, III 'Army Band provided music m'throughout the service. ~t~ r~ FROMM S As Low As M Fallis' Cemetery is one of, EM ~ * ~ ~ 199 1ER $2.50 Weekly shp hr r o records ta! FMu,. ER E V 199T9R :lship.-theleaireMnvest in state exactly when the cerne-, teywas first established.! Older residents believe the[ BUY NOW AND SAVE - PLUS A CHANCE TO WIN ;0 first Manvers Church was' M built about 1873 on the site o A PORTABLE TV SET *U the cemetery. This land wasi M given ta the community byi IlI :~the late Robert Fallis. Is1 M. K If r ~-4brother, James Fallis, also u'u R0Yi gave the land for a school taý Il W II I Obe built on the opposite sid2, DU NULO K E TV nof the road and tesho' Mnstili serves the communîty.1 Phon 623231 Antlilan Congresa Week Phoe 63-212 At the special "Congress"ý 28 K-nc S. W.Bow mnanville service in St. Paul's Anglican! ~26 ng SleW Church n Sunday, the Rev. Peter G. Cole, Chaplain of St. RIPIAT OFFER IBM REPEAT OFFER I.REPEAT OFFER I Stephen'a College in Balla- d Balla, South Rhodesla, was be officialinh 1965. - the guest speaker. Rev. Cole, Next Sunday, August 25th, who is especially interested in the Rev. D. H. Burkinshaw of Christian unity, told of his Grahamstown, South Africa, work in his home country wil conduct services in the where he has served in vani- three churches of the Manvers ous capacities on cammittees Anglican Parish. Holy Com- where he is presently secrc- munion at St. Paul's, Bethany, tary of the local Counicil mef at 9 a.m.; service at St. Mary'ý, Churches. He is a graduate Lifford, at 10 a.m.; and at of Pembroke College, Cam- Trinity, The Marsh, at 11:15. bridge University and Cudde- Rev. Burkinshaw, who is sec- stone College, Oxford Univer- retary-treasurer of the Dio- sity, England. Following the cese of Grahamstown, South service, which was also at- Africa, will be spending four tended by members of Trinity days in the area, the guest of Church and St. Mary's Church, Rev. Reginald Rose and Mrs. a luncheon was held in the Rose, is making a study of Parish Hall. Rev. Cole was rural churches and their man- the guest of Rev. Regînald agement in Canada. Rose and Mrs. Rose for the Ften mmes o t weeknd.Paul's Church attended ser- Rev. T. J. Ross, Principal vice in the Maple Leaf Gar- of Trinity College, Nigeria, dens, Toronto, on Sunday held a service at Trinitv igt Church, The Marsh, on Sun- ngt day. Rev. Ross, who bas been The Misses Nancy Morton, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Noel Patsy Bigelow, Judy Sisson, Wood for several days, told Heather Sisson and Kathleen o! bis work in Nigeria wherc Morton, aIl members of St. bis College is supported by Paul's A.Y.P.A. accompanied Anglican, Presbyterian and Rev. Reginald Rose to Tor- Methodist missions. Th e se onto last week, attending spe- three churches are co-operat- cial services for young peo- ing in a scheme of union and ple, also held at the Maple he hopes that this union will Leaf Gardens. Il - - Now 50 A Il Electric Homesi In Boman vlle Di*strict Bowmanville Area now bas homes. This represents a load In the sector o! the p 50 mi e d a il i o n all-electri;c o! aven 60,000 kilowatts. vince which Ontario Hydro homes. There are sixteen Popularity o! all-electric clsCnrlRgo hn r others under construction. heating bas been soaring ln clsCnrlRgo hr r Twenty-five o! these homes the past three years as anchi- some 810 medallion all-elec- are within the town limits. tects and builders discoven the trically heated dwellings with Besides these total-electric advantages not only for home a total load of nearly 11,000 dwellings there are two heatîng but also for scbools, kilowatts. This Region whîch schools, three churches, three churches, apartments, corm- is triangular, extends from office buildings, one witb an mercial buildings, and fac- Bronte on Lake Ontario ai- apartment above, a drug store tories. Home-owners and oth- Mast ta Port Hope. The apex and apartment, also two ap- ers are reported enthusiastic is at Sutton on Lake Simcoe ple packing plants and an about the comforts and clean- and included in that sector auction sales arena that are liness of all-electric beat. are such widely separated all-electrically heated. places as Part Penny on the In nearby Newcastle there No Air Pollution east and Georgetown on the are six all-electric homes. In Electric heating also is re- west. The trend is growing the village of Orono there are ceiving favourable attention toward all-electric heating in four homes completely beated at this time when there is this region where a number by electricity and tbree more growing concern for bealth o! subdivisions, many o! themn under construction. A Chris- because of increasing air poî- consisting of modest incarne tian Education building in lution. This type o! heating homes, are being built tc Orono also is heated electri- does not add ta air pollution medallion total electnic stand- cally. problems since there is no ards. The num<ber o! all-elec- 5,000 Homes ln Ontario combustion and therefore no tric bouses now under con- Ontario now bas more than smoke or fumes sent out into structian in tbe region totals 5,000 medallion all-electric the atmosphere. nearly 500 homes. _____ YES! A COFFEE SOR STEP TABLE Given Away ABSOLUTELY FREE YOU MUST BE IN ATTENDANCE TO WIN!I BOWMANVILLE LIBERTYl STREET, *MEMORIAL Il LiONS PARK * AMPLE PARKIIe (IN CASE OF RAIN - WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 28TH) 1Te Big Attraction 1963 CHE VROLET 4-DR. SEDAN, J~. SPECIAL DRAW FOR 19" G E PORTABLE TELEVISION TICKETS 2.5c each-5 for $1.00 Many Different and Novel* Booths'for your Entertainment R Refreshments e Merry - Go-« Round e Rides for the kiddies -Proceeds for Lions Community Work Receives "l!'llýi