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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Aug 1963, p. 2

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4 2 The canadian stateunian, iowmanville, Aug. 21, 1969 A car belonglng te liar1ey'31m g *EouhadRnýDwel cygo lgtlhuhh UsdCrKing Streét Eat, 0 0ia tFltSrét, BMiss Jed an Wie a lo eln ei f h Speaks at Regina Conference and div n by Joseph Brown. I oOsmo lotVnd:int s enteis aktICotrVi~ o driveh by Miss Mabel Francesi 0Jeandtte Marade n isigpthratog hw Street, Toronto, crashed. ParkMis outorran ogo;~ mniî iAa lex Caruthers Oppose ~< E]ride rolled o'.er niq e Costum es Kiwanis Park, MissRoyYotodsres nthirt A e a r t e s Op s s adlanded on its roof in the and Miss Gwen Faro.TeteeingsbuBomngd liih n h rn lte4memnbers of the DyCm1il ae no h orl TV -Radi Bro dcass ~smashed by the impact of thef ure P n y F i and Miss Ileane 1am lowt iehtigb TV meRa d ole o a das badflcllisioSaffistas dN arc oie oeto us oigfo assstei, s.ddEaldridgPake.hostatedit8ffi: rs.to, .e r d a ge 8 The annual Penny Fair came the li ttle Tartane tes aIso for the parade. She de.' The Director of R ceto ae ht ik L cs te P cjrlici,, ent's Prc. eeclirigsM.F. Eldridge ugand ,Mis:sponsored by the Bowan- high stepping in perfec pre 'serve: great creitColrthfon He avle unfIin ofrs. Aa colce thr , n Ms ileReraio eprmnl Lso.was of tremendous ep 0PtrWrycm troh ville RerrwntioniDepartmen dron Dana Severn wai the win- those engaged in the rpr-wt iget rv nht ver of the other car, were day evening in the grounds of tbIes werethseeprt fs.peii the Spca istmefotsggsin, nyrnintebttmo h Alex Carruthers, M.P.P. forlixhich parliaments hold in the!fn ri rn e rs of HIe ta en to Me oral Ifspta the Lions C mmunîtv Centre Princesses. Each one had Draw, and many other attrac- deas, and advice.fo rh ilbuathe BServie Ae stemstscesful event been chosen by a playground tive prizes were won by de- __________Fo thnnthretf Duramspakig bfoe te ife of our people. ition to attempt by heckling r oac erie f its kind ever held here. as its entrv in the Miss Penny lighted recipients. Coriference of the Common-ý A v'ery large part of the and interruptions to embar-i Mrs. Eldridge Sr. had three There wvas a gala parade Fair Contest. The Princessesi Teatatoso h entegm a i dtc weaith Parliamentary Asso-ieffective work of Parliamenit, rass the speaking member be-lcracked ribs and was suffer- through the onberha, TeJi Dohu Mmia Fatrainsd edPen-.frbt easwt omn ciation In Regina on August' Mr. Carruthers pointed out, L.i fore his people. ing back strain as a resuit Of and the original as welI as Park; Alison Welsh, Kiwani 'H FiricldeesPen 18th, took a firm stand against1carried out in the variou-,p Th policy oft broadcastin.c te accient. er daughter colorful floats entered by ail Park; Carolyn Rigg, Lions Toss, Chocolate Bar Toss, Bl-M id îe on unled general broadcasting and tele-istanding committees ot the wssrnîvspce sustained scalp lacecatioxis. of Bowmanville's Sumnmer Centre; Nancy Cowle, Vin~cent o Cots, oe-nO vising of Parliamentary ses-ý legisiature where ail legisia- l egates of the Saskatchewan Bath received treatment inl Playgrounds were enjoyed by Massey; Pain Mason, Franklin Sotn Gallecv, Auto Rac-Tegm a cle fe sin.tion s given close scrutinv! GovhrnmuttPabietheDepartment o f lng Prkn otunel.ig sngMj*ax 2 to cih nig fpa eas value hd issuesvare metbut was opposed OtPtin rwds ofspectators aogthe Pr-Sherry Sellers, Ontain o rtn lnaKisno akes Mr. Carruthers acknoldg nd cot. Psaliamuestarv i, the majority by delegates of Memorial Hospital, and a!- route. The event had been Street; and Cindy Thom oHco, SBe aShewman, Dar Jv-sfThOswsBwavl dth roactin S alu skchn racss e ttd on; !the other jurisdlictions. terwards were conveyed to scheduled for Tuesday but wasi Fîett Street. The drivers of TIn , anicst wîn this ye1rnon Ajaic brodcst i Sakachwa!____________tte, o ct their home in Toronto to re- postponed due to heavy rains. the two cars were Ed Dunn s, an aRfrsmi where great distances separ-,!thecefore give the people 2! c- rte bvhe BowaveBoh aecmuiis hr hAu itroftewrofAeAmuacSevc. CacaoGreenham and heci and Jim Coîîacutt. souo-rwith theis CnextI theame goa ate cmmuniieswherethe~true îctuc ot he wok o!. Are AmbuanceServie. iMajorettes led the parade, The Vincent Massey floathec-ordsinator, Miss Chor l the fs an o h ngiBcavle nSt population is chiefly engaged pa rlia ment. Squ re IJnc Ethel Bcown was treat. followed by the OntariD Diver Dan, was judged ta e n a sitdwthteOA lyfsBwavleudy tVnetMs inaultr uread orhreated nu jmbechas he priiege of reportOnDanc ed for minor injuries as an Training School for Boys the best one. Prizes for the boh by the Playground McGregor's Midgetçssuee colgoni t :0 h cf radio and eeteiinmsta- tathe peopilegeof his riding L LJ Ilout-patient, and then releasedBadwihpaedxclntoeswrearednth Supervisors, who also ably Out a tight 2 to eiinsre stebs u f3 tfraioradughviio t h-e faci iies ! IL> I U from hospital. Constable Pet- music for marching., Then following order: 2, Ontarioî~~dwt h lasa o-oe jxMdeso o- Bwavleilb n tions are limited. He pointed torth'ptp'fclte ftheýC u Fod er Dcn Hoed, OPP, investigal-- Street, The Flintstones; 3,l: Memorial Park, Gary da.y.fo awithr wî out, however, that whereas local press, the local radio, .ciedthe accident. îty," MayorCrombbs and Miss Judy SctrtttGary Akey went ail theStaeetroind. Let'sogeL aut anci j the present cost of such daily station, and the local. televis- i I At 6:15 p.m. on StrMaasueyor îît robnac- ial arkTop Cets; M5 na, tet isJd o omavle aiga upr hs os broadcasts is some $800 perl ion station, On addition t rst mîPi..Stryasr outa ado a-nora ak TeJts; _ ton in ý there was a tw o car collision Neill had much to do with the Franklin Park, King Leonar- day in Saskatchewan, the cost various opportunities of meet- The Swingin' Bows Square On a Concession Road, north locating of the new Reclama- do-, 6, Lions Centre, Pop-Eye in Ontario with ts great rnul- ing the people personally. i'Dance Club of Bowmanvilie of Haydon. The drivers in- tien Plant in Bowmanville. He and 7, Kiwanis Park, Super~. ~ ~; i~' ailct ofre at iordns on l etog the a-wr arngo!cai held their first annual picnic volved were Thomas Black- put forward the idea, and ucg- Car. a grat urdn o th ta- menay rodeeingsof ar jus.at Darlington Park on Sun- burn, R.R. 1, Bowmanville, ed that this town be selected. Alison Welsh, K iw anisi payer. ..tr rcednsaejs day, when club members and and Bruce Mackey, Part Per- "I thank Goodyear foc mak- Park, was selected to be Mis-ý In suggesting that such a tifiable, such as at the open- their childcen, 100 ini ail, en-I ry. Each car received apprax- ngthiscocadhp htPnyFi.CnyTopo, policy wouid make parliament ing of parliament and on the joyed games, prizes and eats. îmately $600 damage On the ing s choî, a hoe that Penhn FSream cindhopsandDA/ ber ouicld re h mpewitcdrssonfthe r buceo!genea- A wonderful day was had bv accident. Constable J. K. short while it will have an- Pamr Mason, Franklin Park,' bacs woth e fo pptnit ess toadcasti cof enadta . Forbes, OPP, was the investi- ather sod tucning here," His was third. The judges were ; tac deotrfrprate their rany abse.ing oladtoit'Fî lse o egating officer. Worshîp stated On extending nimeroftesafoBo- t eosrt hi peakîng mayaue.I diin' alcassfrbgnnersl Mervin MacDonald, Downs- best wishes foc the future. manville Recreation Dcpart. E S N LCR D TN E S abit, r.Caruhes rgued emebstedn tob-wlsarsontth _'~ view, was driving on HOgh- Mayor Hobbs then officially ment. that such a policy oud corne actors or actresses to Centre sponsored by Bowman- way No. 35, near the Royal turned the first sod with a The Penny Fair provid ed weaken the dignified position mpssterpolteevleRcainDptWthService Station, on Thursday golden spade. The second sod the youngstecs, their parents.ý would also be the apportunitvl papers for exact date. at1:5an hnte frontwatrndbM.McNilndcensiha oerl' ' right wheel of his car loked. whn also tucned onme for Coun- evening. Miss Margaret Cor- (hh%10iMtflMA*' Recre tion ~ * an m.e.M . icloswevt around cilrir Hughes, who was on'den, Director of the Summer. À KON R A Recreationas Mr. MaDonald lot controlcrutches. Sod wsas tur-c- to Porm wst, HardbalI it, and it went into the ed by Counicillor Hooper, Lea co-ordinator for the event and ', . . ~ , . Ha d alditcli. There was about $1,500 Huta, manager of the new - W i L N i ho s ro ny damage e the car, and Mrz.Iplant; Don Kemp, President of, GET CASH TODAY W i eN c o s T o h MacDonald was lucky te es-I Local 189, Jack Taylor, and FOR OLD APPLIANCES Playoffs ~Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Brock and Ms. W. Joyce of Oshawa, cape injury. Constable K. J.! others. hog Iayoffs o! Bowmanville are the new three game winners with a Barber, OPËP, investigated. __________Thrug m t1 Fi an e la ReretonDpi hrbalholders of t.he Luther Nichols score of 51, Mr. and Mrs W. A car owned by David'STATESMAN t Rerarn Dp. adbl Trick, East Beach, ivas stol, CLASSIFIEDS............ plyofawil trtonTusdyBowling Trophy, following aý Morrison, Oshawa, two kingthe oodyar pi 0 Telephone 623-3303 L O STLF.ISRD ON evening at 6:30 when team î1 tournamerit at the Lawn Bowl-j winners with a score of 48 flom etheGday earpa e________________ (Tigers). On Thursday, teamn Aug. 14th. They piled up al and Alice Drew were o Ie 0 cock in the afternoon andý 2 (Lions> will play teamn 4 score of 52. game winners wîth a score o!Il o'clock in the evenîng. Mr.1coc e (Braves). The games will be Donor Luther c'ichols wýas T r kb.din f the ketr y', The eh P(ROM PAGE ONE) ~~-~ played at Memorial Park. present ta make the award tIn_______le<r itas 53 D he savenýh i h colBad For further information caljMc. and Mcs. Brock. wagon, dark blue in color letter dealing wîth the Mayor's Lloyd Focsey, phone 3-3977. Other winners Onc'luded -Mr.' and the licence number ,IChain-of-Office. A ccidenM~k t J.11082. Bowmamx illePlie I an shocked thaï; a group aie investigating. of such self purpocted educat- ed men cauld even think ofi R ound U p criticizing the pi.rchase o! our -q-1 SAVE Round Up ~Mayor Myas Chain-of- Office," she .. . SAYEMro "The members o! the board ing ofce - have only to look at picturesý Neisi. o Ona r îdaurne~ o! public functions in the pasti ~' Aut Labilu isuan e ardriven hy Mrs. Liliand te realize that the Mayors of Auto Lia iliy IsurnceMcRoberts, 631 Bcoadvte w P R E IU M as L O W as 25 er ear forAve ue, Tor nto On puling(FROM PAGE ONE) B ow m anvile, unlike the C hie !' AuTorontorien hy Nr- n y usiosti s.OnShngtuisîgis hirh PREMIMS asLOW a $25 er yer forvilforadin wspoie m- ofite. fohr n SEE KEN MORRIS man Grant, R.R. North, Oronio. fomdio a spoie mofc. forAuo, welin, usies, FrmIisurnc Threwasrumordana e a tely and ail as sistance 'The price rot the (halo was HfgriAt, ow an vBuiness PlrmIo rn 3506 bth c as. Cnonsamge Louis given. openly stated at the lastl HighSt. Bowanvile hon 623540 boh cas. onsableLous, This is an opportunity ta council meeting, but since nionel Repesetig Pilipsinvstgatd.thank you, Mayor Hobbs, for O! the members of the Bow-' RepresntingThree people, including an'your tremendous co-oiperation. manville Public School Board' SCHOFIELD -AKER LIMITED 83-year-old woman, were n- YouI gave unstintingly o! your chose te attend, they cao check~ % 360Klg t. . SHWA 23225 ured in a two car accident time. We are aiso grateful te On the town's books. They are 360 ing t. W OSAWA 23-2155 on the Taunton Road, (County the chairman o! the Industrial open ta any taxpayer in the _____________Road 57) at the Seugog Road. Commnission, Councillor Hughes town by law," Councillor Oke joint effort an behal! o! Good-I ý'I yardoTw. onclfrterPit _u.Annual Summer Clearance of yuaît untr 1 "The marriage ot Goodyear; TYRONE Lex l.1 H a v m r o f ..place many years ago, bas been' MrsAnneHthclv vîsited success!ul, and I cao think of! IS.ne unie ae.tSpe nothing which could disturb with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hath- S m n f a K n t S e tc lr S vn s m uthe harmony o! thîs relation- erly. Newtonville, an Sunday, ship in the future," Mr. Mac- on the occasion of celebratin C . Ivi < . Neill assected. Mrs. Jack Hatherly's birthday. 4- P eI e tin lb Koel -P e M "Success cornies through the Ail sat down and enjoyed ayJi~ urlr.0l ~~~. ~~efforts o! ail On the Plant, it Os very de]icious meal. Later With heav ytcxtured cover, solîd foamn cushions. 72" Triple Dresser adcp irî,5dae STRSMONDAYAUG. 19 THRU 31 effective through August 31. R ght reserved ta ager. The united work o! Hatherly went wit h her SAVE $100.00(1 esplain d 7 Vle aoa hs detsdbranar utlimit quantities and prices.subject to change everyone in ail departments, Ir granddaughter and husband, 4-PIECE 550linbd a e ftemn o nsl.Seilpie without notice. Errors and omissions excepted. sincerely believe, contributes a Mr .and Mrs. W. Teed arnd For <nlI- $3 4 9 3-Piece - ONLY 11imost important share tri Good- great-grandidaughter, calling' o ny___________________ i i ' e i ~~~~ 60Y - - e --OUPON year's progress. on Mr. and Mrs. Hacry Hath -__________________ 60EROOETUII2, y,-1,s la .ýrF-i0, ,1,. Mr. MacNeill pcedicted that ecly, Toronto, on their way toi premnlumn quality hi-fidelity long- ru- ------ as a resuit o! new processes, Hamilton. Miss Fax' and'3__e plîyîg records in one magnîficent 1 Lon_~ ~ J i D Hh' tdWt~; i~g cL 3 Pc .Mo e "îmond JubiléeeShowcase" W methods, adproducts, iiere n e riefa~~ l .UdDuledesr hs racsadbkar Albumof Coumbia 60 yore Goodyear ex-, them ta Hamilton. Mrs. An-'.,. Bennett AndrKoeetz, Percy, Faith, Mformar, Luhoff and ,many other 8ll.time greats. WHITE MOE ENVELOPES 20 ail.purpose enveloê ~¼N¶ Cywapd. Reg. Veau livings ecal. gpkg. 1 REX ALARM CLOCK Modern design wth unique -. SECIL ase, 1 key wlnd for à arrn SPECAL Ind cock.Bold. cisar à ~OFFERSI ofSi~ngs'a cs$25 ~.REXAIL SUPER PLENAMINS Nowl 25%' more tablets with every jj battie of SUJPER PLENAM INS, Rexal's premium quality mult-vitamin and minaeas tablot. 721s wth 18 extra Juniors 144's with 36 extra tabi ..... 98 tabl a... S sciai 4s4-'sw h8extra 8 Nwlwpieo ue av* 2. )Pemîn S Jr. Liquid tablais -1 1c-acie TRU FOR TRLEANTION PRZR Vey oth tspig. medlcatkiltan lotion «rme Ho110 tationwhle hcongto, aough. srted 1' (,)rd o ads.i lmaa.8 r glr .. Sav.25. ASpeiItoductory 011cra.. 11 NE ~ KWI TIFFAN Y PCALOFR FNIM O I, DEGRANLTIONAN R Fieat imot talc 50 te han Sion t onica whipate ulIohse t rubh ed IFN 4 Pue ndsmand sin CREAmitis .Rewih815Jr FFN whteplstic case 4 REAMDEDANT R UNDSale Us or.es IRe talc.00. a r EffeTe .. t IFForY He Id.îaîn In- g5OaMRTV iF Yh5JarNIFAN a $.41)C M, 4 oz. For amoott i, ot du:tloey 011r hands ............ ... Boh f or $1.50J approved styles. NylIon or nat- 1%urai bristles. Aduit R egula r 690 An d 79é Mrvest of i ..SavîngaSspectliany 2 for 97Ç1 I EXPIRES SEPT. 15, 1M6 DA 10 1OOFF 1 REXALL SILQUE ooo LOTION DETERGENT Fordishesand light lingerie.eaeat32unesej IEasy on your hands yet cuts R eg'gsàérHavest0,..7f I EXPIRES SEPT 15, 1%3 40Ç OFF I TIFFANY H AIR (ARE PRODUCTS S8 ounce Controlled Action S hampoo, Shoen 'n ShieIdI H air Rnse, Mosture Guard Cndtioner or 7 ounce Crystal Cear Ifair Spray. Each Re.. Hrveît of Savlngît~ Spaiai ..... . I EXPIRES SEPT. M1*193 20 0<OFF; iFIRST OUALITY SEAMLESS NESH NYLON STOCKINGS IDesigner! te resist inagi .400 J ne¶ à@ nidensr: Srs9to 11. R.g. J5r'Ir. NarvestI .519s,. lipl .8 2 O HAND LOTION. Adrlên ne. 12 oz. Regular $2.00..ý........2 for $2.00 Il SPRAY MAIR N ET. Adrionne. 14 or. Regular 82.50. .. 2 for 82.50 OBDUDBLINQ BATH LIQUIiD. Adrienne. 12 oz. Regular $2.25 ý... 2 for $2.25 CI LIQU OCREAM SHAMPOO. Adrienne. 12oir ular $2.00.... 2 for $2.00 Politicians Prepeire ' ROM PAGE ONE valua hie assistance ini charge of their ptiblicity, and Vice-President W. J. Austin has indicated, according to a news report, that lie will be unable to take on the presidency, as lias former president Michael Wladyka. However, these are merely reports and there is every reason to believe that Mr. Carruthers ivho has taught scbool in Port Hope for many years, wili be able to rally the forces to find good replace- mnents for these men. The Liberal organization appears to he intact and should be stronger tlîan it was due to liaving experienced a victory during the April carnpaign 'when Russell Honey was eIected to the federal bouse. Mr. Honey is expected to provide valuable assistance to Mr. Beer during the election. But, help must also be expected for Mr. Carruthers from Garnet B. Rickard, the PC federal candidate wbo mas no( far bchind Mr. Honey in the federal race. The NDP organization should be - about the same as in April. They have neyer been a big group here, but what they lack ini numbers, they Usually niake up in enthusiasmn and voluntary liard workc. In past elections, their candidates have neyer been able to corne close to defeating either a Liberal or Conservative, but this fact bas neyer kept themn from trying again. More coninents wil l e publisbcd as the cani- paign continues. Don't be surprised if someone knocks at your door in the near future to Iearn your namne for enumerating purposes. In town, the enum- erators, one frorn eacli of the PC and Liberal Parties, wiII start their rounds next Monday. In the rural areas, for some reason, the enumerating by one appointee of the party in power, wilI start to work the first week of Septeniber. You may also have one of the three candidates standing on your doorstep when you open the door. AUl of this prep- aration and effort wvil1 corne to a climax on Wed. nesday, September 25th, when the poils wiII be open to register your decision. In the meantinie. The Statesman bias a problem. With an election on Wednesday, the. reault wvon't be complete Until sometinie during the night. Nornially, this paper is printed hy six o'clock Wednesday evening. The' management is attempting to bold the presses until early Thursday mnorning, so that your edition will contain details of wlio was elected. On Iy 1 only - 2 -Pce. French Provincial Solid foarn cushions in hea\w metelasse, walnut show wood. SAVE $60.00 Now OnIy, -$23 9-50 1 only - 2 Pce. Early American By Kroehler. Jleavy wool cover with pleated valance, spririg edge seat piatform with perma- formed seat. Outstanding Value! SAVE $60.00$ 2 9 5 Now Only. 2~ Several Suites by Kroehler Called the Kray-Line, 3 and 4 seaters, coil spring construction, back and seat. Some in nylon and covr...$ 199 -50 For 2pce.and U NOWONLY for$995 LARGE SELECTION 0F LAMPS 0F ALL DESCRIPTION 1/2 PR1 E 2 for the PRICE of ONE! 3 - Pce. Modern by Gibbard Pla te mirror, d usi proof construction, handi-rubbed satin walnut finish. Double dresser, chest and plain bed. 3-Piece$3 95 ONLY. Triple dresser, chest and 3- Piece ONLY ~149-~~ bookcase bed. OCCASIONAL TABLES UP TO 50 % OFF 1 Set Walnut French Provincial 2od" setps nd Cofe Rog. in19sets ?oW y. Z 1 SET WALNUT with Genuine Leather Topo 2 End Tables and 1 Coffee Sold in sets only. Reg. $149.501 IMITE!) QUANTITY! DESK & CHAIR F.A. KRAMP FURNITURE LTD. $29-95FURNITURE aind HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS 37 Kinig St. E. Bowmanville r niE PURCUASI 0F Amy EIXALLPRODUCTI JURY& LOVELL 2 King St. E. Phone 623-361 Bowmianville %M 17 7 .%0 %.e for $ 79.95 ^ f- 3for$99.50

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